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2016.11.01.Resolution TAEL sign

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c6ng ty c6 phan gtnfoods cong hOa xa hoi chu nghIa vit nam D^c lap - Ty - Hanh phiic Ngay 01 th^ng 11 nam 2016 CONG BO THONG TIN TREN CONG THONG TIN BEEN TU" CUA UY BAN CHUNG KHOAN NHA NlTdC VA SGDCKTPHCM (co thi sic dung di cong bd thong tin dong thai din UBCKNN vd SGDCK) Kinh gin:- Uy ban Chung khoan Nha mnrc - So- Giao djch Chung khoan TP HCM C6ng ty: C6NG TY C6 PHAN GTNFOODS Ma chiing khoan: GTN Dia chi try so chfah: S6 92, V5 Thi Sau, Phurdmg Thanh Nhan, Quyn Hai Ba Tnmg, Ha Npi Dienthoai: 04.62766366 Fax: 04.62766466 Nguoi thyc hien cong bo thong tin: 6ng Ty V5n Quyen Dia chi: Di^n thoyi (di dong, co quan, nha rieng): 04.62766366 Fax: Loyi thong tin cong b6 24 gioD 72 gio D bdt thu&ngD theo yeu ciu ? djnh ky: Ngi dung thong tin cong bo: Cong b^ thong tin Nghi quyet Hoi dong quan tri thong qua hop dong phdt hanh co phln rieng le ky ket vdi nha ddu tu chiSn luge TAEL TWO PARTNERS LTD dgt phat hanh hanh rieng le tang von dieu 1^ dgt nam 2016 Chung toi xin cam ket cac thong tut cong b6 tren day \& dung sy thyt va hoan toan chiu trach nhiem truoc phap luyt ve ngi dung cac thdng tin da cong bo T&i lieu dinh kem:Nguoi dai dien theo phap luyt/ - Npi dung thong tin cdn cong bd vd Nguoi duyc uy quyen c6ng bf> thong tin cac tdi lieu cd lien quan(Ky ten.d^^ehet^en, chicc vy, donddu signed by CÔNG TY Digitally CÔNG TY C PHN GTNFOODS C PHN Date: 2016.11.02 GTNFOO 18:18:44 +07:00 DS CONG TY C6 PHAN GTNFOODS CQNG HOA XA HQI CHC NGHIA Vl^T NAM GTNFOODS JOINT STOCK COMPANYBpc lSp - Ty - Hanh phuc THE SOCIALIST REPUPLIC OF VIETNAM S6:26/2016/NQ/HBQT Independence - Freedom - Happiness No 26/2016/NQ/HDQT Ha N^i, ngdy 01 thdng 11 ndm 2016 NGHIQUYET H0IB0NG QUAN TRI BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION V/v: Thong qua hop ddng ky kit vdi nhd ddu tu chiin luge TAEL TWO PARTNERS LTD Can cu: Luqt Doanh nghidp sd 68/2014/QH13 duqc thong qua ngdy 26/11/2014 vd cdc van ban hucmg dan thi hanh; Can cii Diiu I? tS chuc vd hoqt dong cua Cong ty Cdphdn GTNFoods ("Cong Ty "); Nghj quyit DHDCD thudng nien sS 01/2016/NQ/DHDCDTN ngdy 26/04/2016 Nghi quyit HDQTsS 18/2016/NQ/HDQT vd 19/2016/NQ/HDQT ngdy 22/08/2016 Can cu y kiin cita cdc thdnh vien HDQT theo Bien ban hpp HDQT sd 26/2016/BBH/HDQT ngdy 01 thdng 11 ndm 2016 Persuant to: Law on Enterprise No 68/2014/QH13 passed by the National Assembly dated 26 November 2014 and other documents guiding the implementation; Charter of organization and operation of GTNFoods JSC (the "Company "); The Resolution No.01/2016/NQ/DHDCDTN of 2016 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting dated 26 April 2016 The Resolution No 18/2016/NQ/HDQT and 19/2016/NQ/HDQT of BOD According to the Meeting minutes of the BOD no 26/2016/BBH/HDQT dated 01/11/2016 QUYET NGHI / RESOL VED: Bieu 1: Phe BuySt Vifc Chao Ban Co Phan cho TAEL Article 1: To approve the private placement offer to TAEL Phe duy?t d^t chao ban c6 ph&i rieng le ciia C6ng Ty nam 2016 cho TAEL TWO PARTNERS LTD (vdi tu each la General Partner cua The Asian Entrepreneur Legacy Two, L.P.) ("TAEL"), theo cac npi dung co ban nhu sau: To approve the private placement offer of the Company to TAEL TWO PARTNERS LTD(as a role of General Partner of The Asian Entrepreneur Legacy Two, L.P Co phdn ch^o ban: C6 ph^n ph6 thong; Type of shares: Common shares T6ng s6 c6 phan chao tan: 25.000.000 c6 ph^n, nim tong so 100.000.000 c6 phln dupe quyen chao ban theo Nghi Quy^t so 01/2016/NQ/DHDCDTN cua Cong Ty ng^y 26ttang4nam2016; Total number of shares: 25,000,000 shares, out of 100,000,000 shares in respect of Resolution No.01/2016/NQ/DHDCDTNofthe Company dated on 26 April 2016 Menh gia c6 ph^^: 10.000 VND/c6 ptan; Par value of shares: 10,000 VND/shares; S6 lupng c6 ph3n Cong Ty ma TAEL sd hftu sau dot chao ban: 55.000.000 co phan The total number ofshares owned by TAEL after this Round: 55,000,000 shares Ty le c6 phan ma TAEL sd huu sau dpt chao tan: 22.00% The percentage of ownership of TAEL after this Round: 22.00% U Cdc npi dung khdc: Cdc nQi dung khdc ciia viec bdn co phan trgn dfiy sg theo cdc Tdi Lipu Giao Djch neu dudi day Others: The other content of the private placement above will follow the Transaction Documents below: Dieu 2: Phe Duypt Vd Chu^n Y Cac TM Lieu Giao Djch Article 2: To approve the Transaction Documents 1.Phe duypt va chu^n y todn bp npi dung cua cac hpp dfing, th6a thudn vd tdi ligu dudi ddy (mSi tai lipu nhu vay dupe gpi I^ "TM Lipu Giao Djch"): To approve the contents of contracts, agreements and documents below (each document as known as "Transaction Documents") (i) (ii) Hpp D6ng D$t Mua C6 Phdn giiia C6ng Ty vd TAEL theo ky ngdy 26 thdng 10 nam2016; The SPA between the Company and TAEL per attached signed on 26/10/2016; cac hpp ddng, thoa thuan vd tdi lipu khac sg dupe C6ng Ty ky kgt hodc ban hdnh lien quan dgn cac tdi lieu neu tren (kg cd cac tdi lipu sira doi bo sung cac tdi lieu neu tren) Other contracts, agreements and other document will be signed or established by the Company regarding the documents above (including the amended and additional document of the documents above) 2.Phe duypt vd chuln y vipc C6ng Ty ky kgt vd thuc hipn ede Tdi Li^u Giao Dich ma Cong Ty id bgn vd thuc hipn ede cam kgt, nghia vp, trach nhipm cua Cong Ty theo ede Tdi Lipu Giao Dich To approve the Company to sign and fulfill the Transaction Documents in which the Company is a party and fulfill the Company's commitment, obligation, and responsibility in accordance with the Transaction Documents Dieu 3: Giao Vd Uy Quyen Cho Chu Tich Hpi Dong Quan Trj Article 3: To authorize Chairman Giao vd uy quygn cho Chd tich Hpi dgng Qudn trj C6ng Ty quygt dinh vd thuc hign cac cong vipc sau: 7b authorize Chairman of the BOD to decide and perform procedures as follows: (i) ky ket vd thuc hipn cac Tdi Lipu Giao Dich hodc uy quyen cho ngubi khac ky vd thuc hipn ede Tdi Lipu Giao Dich; 7b sign and fulfill the Transaction Documents or authorize other people to sign andfulfill the Transaction Documents; (ii) quyt djnh vd thpc hipn tit cd cac hdnh dpng cdn thiet khac nhdm hoan thdnh vipc chdo bdn c6 phdn ngu trgn 7b decide and fulfill any necessary actions to finish the Private Placement above Dieu 4: Hieu Luc Va Thi Hdnh Article Validity And Enforcement Nghi quygt ndy co hieu lpc kg ttr ngdy ky Chu Tich Hpi dong Qudn tri, Ban Tong gidrn d6c, Ban kigm sodt vd ede phong ban, cd nhan, lign quan chiu trach nhipm thi hdnh nghi quygt ndy ^ This Resolution shall be effective from the signing date Chairman of the BOD, the Board of Management, Supervisory Board and other relevant departments and individuals shall be responsible for implementation of this resolution Noi nhan/ To: -HDQT/ BOD; -Ban T6ng Giam doc/ CEO; -Ban Kiem so&t/ Supervisory board; -LuuVT/ Filed T/M HQl D6NG QUAN TRJ ON BEHALF OF THE BOD CHU TICH HQI DONG QUAN TRI ... BuySt Vifc Chao Ban Co Phan cho TAEL Article 1: To approve the private placement offer to TAEL Phe duy?t d^t chao ban c6 ph&i rieng le ciia C6ng Ty nam 2016 cho TAEL TWO PARTNERS LTD (vdi tu each... lupng c6 ph3n Cong Ty ma TAEL sd hftu sau dot chao ban: 55.000.000 co phan The total number ofshares owned by TAEL after this Round: 55,000,000 shares Ty le c6 phan ma TAEL sd huu sau dpt chao... (i) (ii) Hpp D6ng D$t Mua C6 Phdn giiia C6ng Ty vd TAEL theo ky ngdy 26 thdng 10 nam2016; The SPA between the Company and TAEL per attached signed on 26/10/2016; cac hpp ddng, thoa thuan vd tdi

Ngày đăng: 09/12/2017, 20:19