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ARTICLES (MẠO TỪ) 1) Mạo từ bất định (indefinite aricles): A, AN A, AN đứng trước danh từ đếm số - A, AN sử dụng lời nói chung chung, để giới thiệu điều chưa đề cập đến trước Ex: A ball is round (nói chung bóng hình tròn) I saw a boy in the street (chúng ta “boy” nào) + AN đứng trước từ bắt đầu nguyên âm + A đứng trước từ bắt đầu phụ âm Ex: A book, a pen,… An apple, an ink-pot,… Lưu ý: Một số trường hợp hợp ngoại lệ: An hour, an heir, an honor,… A uiversity, a European, a uniform, a union,… 2) - Mạo từ xác định (definite articale): THE THE dùng việc chung mà ta biết (đã đề cập trước đó), kiến thức chung, phổ biến, Ex: The boy in the corner is my friend (cả người nói lẫn người nghe biết “boy” rồi) The earth is round (chỉ có “earth”) - Với danh từ khơng đếm được, “THE” sử dụng để nói riêng biệt, khơng dùng “the” muốn nói chung chung Ex: Sugar is sweet (Đường ngot)  nói chung chung The sugar on the table is from Cuba (Đường bàn đường Cuba)  riêng biệt - Thông thường, với dang từ đếm số nhiều nói đến loại khơng có “THE” Ex: Oranges are green until the ripen (All oranges) Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet (all athletes) - Những từ breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church, home, college, work không dùng mạo từ Tổng quát cách dùng “THE” Dùng THE Không dùng THE Oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural lakes Sigular lakes Ex: The Red Sea, The Atlantic Ocean, The Ex: Lake geneva, Lake Erie,… Persian gulf, the great Lakes Mountain ranges Ex: The rocky mountains, the Andes Mountains Ex: (Mount) Vesuvius, (Mount) McKinley, (Mount) Everest,… Earth, moon Planets Ex: The earth, the moon,… Ex: Venus, Mars,… Schools, collages, universities when the Schools, collages, universities when phrase begin with school,… the phrase begin with a proper noun Ex: The University of Florida Ex: Hong Bang college The college of Art and Sciences Hung Vuong University Ordinal numbers before nouns Cardinal numbers after nouns Ex: the First world war, the third chapter,… Ex: World War I, chapter three,… Wars (except World Wars) Ex: the Korean war,… Countries proceded by “NEW” or an adjective such as a direction Certain countries or groups of Ex: New Zealand, South Africa countries with more than one word (except Great Bratain) Ex: the United States, the United Kingdom Contries with only one word Ex: France, Sweden, Vietnam,… Historical documents Continents Ex: the constitution Ex: Europe, Africa,… Ethnic groups States Ex: the Indians Ex: Florida, Ohio, California,… 10 Sports Ex: Baseball, baseketball,… 11 Abstract nouns Ex: Freedom, happiness,… 12 General areas of subject matter Ex: Mathematics, sociology, 13 Holidays Ex: Christmas, Easter,… EXERCISE Exercise 1: Điền a/an/the vào chỗ trống cần thiết Jason’s father bought hime …………bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday ………….Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from……….France to……………… United States Rita is studying …………… English and ……………math this semester …………….judge asked………….witness to the ………….truth Please give me ………….cup of……….coffee with…………cream and …………… sugar ……………….big books on …………….table are for my history class No one in ………… Spanish class knew………… correct answer to ………… Mrs Brown’s question My……………….car is four years old, and it still runs well 9 When you go to ………… Store, please buy ……… bottle of ………… Chocolate milk and ………………… dozen oranges 10 There are only …………………few seats left for …………tonight’s musical show at ………………university 11 John and Mary went to ………… school yesterday and then studied in ………… Library before returning home 12 ………………… Lake Erie is one of ………………….five great Lakes in ………… North America 13 On our trip to ………….Spain, we crossed ……………….Atlantic Ocean 14 …………… Mount Rushmore is the site of……………….magnificent tribute to …………… four great American presidents 15 What did you eat for …………….breakfast this morning? 16 David played ………………… basketball and ……………baseball at ……………….Boy’s club this year 17 Rita plays …………… Violin and her sister plays …………… guitar 18 While we were in ……………… Alaska, we saw …………… Eskom village 19 Tom can’t go to …………… movies tonight because he has to write ………… essay 20 David attended ……………… Princeton University 21 Harry has been admitted to ……………… School of Medicine at ……………… midwestern University 22 Mel’s grandmother is in …………… hospital, so we went to visit her …………… last night 23 ……………… political science class is taking ……… trip to ………… France in …………… spring 24 Scientists sent ……………… expedition to …………… Mars during ………… 1990s 25 Last night there was …………… bird singing outside my house 26 ……………… chair that you are sitting in is broken 27 …………… Civil War was fought in …………… United States between 1861 and 1865 28 …………… Florida State University is smaller than ……………… University of Florida 29 There was …………… Knock on ………… door I opened it and found ……… small dark man in …………… blue overcoat and ………… woolen cap 30 …………… Queen Elizabeth II is …………… monarch of ………… Great Britain 31 Do you know ……… time? Yes, ……… Clock in ………… Hall has just struck nine 32 ………… listening to ……… teacher is useful for all of us 33 Most of …………… students working in ………… garden are tired 34 He works as …………… assistant in ………… same shop as I 35 Do you think I should go to …………… police? 36 To prevent …………… possible repetition of this accident, I lent him ……… Torch 37 Most …………… farmers working hard on their land almost get nothing for their lifetime 38 Do you see ……………… man standing near …………… door? 39 I told you about ……………… burglary that we had at ……………… shop, didn’t I? 40 …………………… practicing English everyday of all the students in our class is very necessary Exercise 2: Điền vào chỗ trông a, an, the some cần thiết ………… milk come from …… cow ………… window is made of ……… glass ………… table is made of ………….wood We can write …… Litter on ……… paper We eat ……… soup with ……… spoon I can write ……… letter in …… ink or with …… Pencil There is ………… dirt on this plate and ………… dirty mark on the tablecloth I want ………… glass of lemonade with ……… Sugar in it I like ………… music very much 10 ……………… doors of our room are broken 11 ……………… man standing at the door is my brother 12 I received …………… letter this morning, ……… Letter was from my brother 13 ………… meat that we bought yesterday has spoiled 14 ………… birds can fly very high in ……… sky ...Tổng quát cách dùng “THE” Dùng THE Không dùng THE Oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural lakes Sigular lakes Ex: The Red Sea,... Mathematics, sociology, 13 Holidays Ex: Christmas, Easter,… EXERCISE Exercise 1: Điền a/an/the vào chỗ trống cần thiết Jason’s father bought hime …………bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday... practicing English everyday of all the students in our class is very necessary Exercise 2: Điền vào chỗ trông a, an, the some cần thiết ………… milk come from …… cow ………… window is made of ……… glass

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2017, 17:04


