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Fear can make you stupid

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Fear can make you stupid tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kin...

How This Book Can Help You Develop a Powerful Business Plan That Works T his book gives you a proven method to help ensure your com- pany’s success. Organizations fail to accomplish their goals for one simple reason: The management story being told is incomplete, inaccurate, and incongruent. This book cuts past the traditional problems of planning and provides management with a document- ed method of building a simplified business plan that works. You’ll learn how to tell a story that is inclusive of employees and empow- ers them to participate in the company success. xxvii INTRODUCTION T HE F IVE C RITICAL I NGREDIENTS OF A S UCCESSFUL B USINESS P LAN There are five conditions critical to successfully building a power- ful, executable business plan. You must: 1. Simplify definitions and use words in plain business language. 2. Clearly demonstrate the relationships among planning elements. 3. Successfully link the connections between your strategic, operational, organizational, resources, and contingency plans. 4. Incorporate all functions into a single planning model. 5. Achieve total employee involvement by taking the busi- ness plan to all levels. I wrote this book for you as a manager, someone who is the steward of any organization, be it large or small. The concepts of business apply no matter whether you are an entrepreneur or a manager for a well-established, publicly traded company. Companies are organizations, no matter what their size, type, or product. This means you must have an integrated business plan no matter who you are or what you do. Business planning is important whether you are a start-up company in e-business or working on a multinational planning team. This book gives you a place to start, a system to make sense of the confusion around planning, and a model to build a complete package. W HY THE T RADITIONAL P LANNING M ODELS FOR B UILDING A B USINESS P LAN D ON ’ T W ORK I can contribute to your success by sharing a method of business planning based on an approach that’s different from the dry, tradi- Introduction xxviii tional numbers method. My experience is that you are currently using one of three approaches to business planning: traditional, piecemeal, or one with a deflected focus. The Traditional Approach: Good Intentions, Dismal Results A large number of published works and many management con- sultants simply say the same thing. They are replays of the same themes of setting the vision, establishing goals, and getting employee buy-in. Had the traditional approach of forming a plan- ning team and producing a document been successful, there would be no need for this book. The traditional planning approach fails because the required parts are not integrated, the results are boring, and the process is not completed throughout the company. These three faults create a deadly waste of company time, money, and talent. While the inten- tions are good, the results are dismal. That is why traditional plan- ning appears to have management teams simply going through the motions over and over again with each yearly plan. The Piecemeal Approach: No Way to Fit the Pieces Together This book gives you all the elements of the business plan and shows you how to fit them together. Most businesses think they are plan- ning when in fact they are going about it in a piecemeal fashion. Company presidents need to see a simple but complete picture Fear can make you stupid Fear can make you stupid Bởi: Joe Tye “When we find ourselves in trouble, when we find ourselves on the cusp of failing, our survival instinct - and our fear - can evoke lurching, reactive behavior absolutely contrary to survival The very moment when we need to take calm, deliberate action, we run the risk of doing the exact opposite and bringing about the very outcomes we fear.” Jim Collins: How the Mighty Fall One of the biggest problems of having your world turned upside down is that it can provoke emotional reactions that actually make things worse At the top of the list is fear, and the fight or flight reflex it invokes The fight or flight reflex is ancient neuroprogramming that, with rare exceptions, is outmoded today (when is the last time you had to run away from a saber tooth tiger?) The problems we face today cannot be physically fought and they cannot be run away from If you get a note from your bank stating that your mortgage is overdue, challenging the bank president to a duel will just get you into a lot more trouble, and running away from the problem (i.e denial) will not make it go away When your world turns upside down, you need to remember what you were told in kindergarten before crossing a street: stop, look, listen Before you say or anything, think twice and seek advice Don’t let fear make you stupid 1/1 6 Powerful Tips That Will Make You A Success! Success Tip 1 - Read 1 Hour Each Day The average person reads less than 1 book per year, and 80% of all books sold are bought by 20% of the population. This means that only a small percentage of people read books, and those who do read, make up the highly educated and successful top 20%. If you are able to spend 1 hour reading each day, that will translate to 1 book per week, 4 books per month or 52 books per year. In a society where the average person reads less than 1 book per year, what sort of an advantage do you think that will give you? Benefits - Improved concentration and focus. Wide range of knowledge. Become expert in a subject relatively quickly. Success Tip 2 - Cut Out The Crap If you want to be successful, you must discipline yourself to focus on doing things that add value to your life. Many people spend hours each day watching TV, listening to music, playing video games or reading magazines. Whilst these may be enjoyable things to do, they will not make you successful or an expert in your field. Benefits- More time to spend on valuable activities that enhance your life and career. Success Tip 3 - Listen To Audio Cassettes The average car owner drives 10-20 thousand miles per year. This can be as many as 500-1000 hours per year in the car, which translates to 10-20 40 hour weeks! Most people spend this time listening to the radio, what a waste! Imagine how much extra information you could learn by listening to educational audio cassettes instead! Any form of transportation that is used daily such as a bike, bus, train, walking or car is an ideal time for learning, so use it wisely! Benefits- Become an expert in your field. Increase your knowledge on a wide range of subjects while other people hum along to their favorite tunes. Improve brain function and listening skills. Success Tip 4 - Get Up Early The optimum sleeping time is 6-8 hours, and there have been studies showing that if you sleep less or more than this you will shorten your lifespan. So get up early and instead of watching TV or reading newspapers, spend the first 30-60 minutes of your day reading something educational and related to your field of interest. Afterwards spend a few minutes rewriting your goals for the day, so you can give yourself a sense of purpose and focus for the hours ahead. Remember, you have the most influence on your subconscious mind in the morning or at night, so make sure you feed your mind with beneficial and positive information during this period. Benefits- Starts the day in a positive way. Unlikely to be disturbed or distracted in morning. Success Tip 5 - Invest In Yourself If you own a business you know that it’s always a good idea to invest a portion of your profits back into your business, as this helps it grow and get stronger. People are no different. Since your biggest asset is your mind, spend money on educating yourself by buying books, audio cassettes or attending lectures given by experts. The more you spend on improving yourself, the bigger your rewards will be. Benefits - Expand your knowledge and skills, thereby increasing your personal value and worth. Success Tip 6 - Become A Learning Machine Make it your goal to learn as much as you can about your field of interest, and never assume you know everything. Have an open mind and study people who have already achieved success at the thing you are trying to do. Never be afraid to ask people for help, you will find that successful people more often than not will be more than willing to help or Y o u c a n m a k e Puppet Costumes! by Christy Graunke [...]... 6 Remove the pin and you re done! Nifty, huh? NOTE: For the best results, make sure to iron the fabric flat after you turn it! 29 Zippers, buttons, & more What kind of fastener works best? Unless you have a separate puppet for every costume, you probably want your puppets to be able to change their clothes (Enter fasteners.) The kind of fastener you choose depends on the costume you re making, the performances... stitches again, then stitch forward off the end of the fabric You did it! Look at that lovely seam! Turn your scrap right side out to admire it fully If you can do that (plus a few more tricks explained shortly), you can sew the costumes in this book! If your seams don’t come out right (and this happens to everyone, beginner or expert), you can always use a seam ripper to tear them out and try again... tacking, the whip stitch, and the backstitch But before you can stitch, you need to start off Start off The key to hand sewing is to make small stitches that are as even as possible (and that takes practice!) To make things easier, try to find a medium sewing needle with a good sized eye When you cut your thread, make sure it’s long enough to finish what you need to do but not so long that it becomes tangled... seen from a distance (You can even take your puppets to the fabric store to help you pick out!) The colors you use should also complement your puppet s personality and character Soft pastels work well for milder characters (like the Bo Peep and Dutch girl outfits on the front cover), while flashy or vivid colors work better for others You can also decide whether you want fabric with a preprinted pattern... Once you have your gathers just the way you want them, you can stitch over them with a normal length stitch to help hold them in place (Go slowly and hold onto the fabric firmly to keep the machine from pushing all your gathers out!) Basic sewing steps Special techniques for stretchy fabrics Stretchy fabrics can be great for costumes since they usually ravel less than other fabrics and may even let you. .. fire fighter, and Scarecrow clothes on the covers of this book You can use ready-made appliqué patches (like the flowers on the accordion player’s lederhosen), or you can cut shapes from fabric: 1 Cut the shape you want from a piece of fabric that contrasts with the rest of the costume 2 Place the shape on the costume (If you want, you can use an iron-on product called fusible web—available in most... instructions (You probably want to avoid the “dry clean only” ones.) For tips on using your fabric, see the “Cutting out fabric” section on page 45 13 Basic sewing steps You can sew (and still have fingers left!) Words to know You don’t need to sew perfectly to create great costumes, but it sure helps to know the basics If you haven’t done much sewing before, don’t worry! This chapter can help you get started... in-depth information on more advanced styles and specialties Once you have your Make a Difference at Your School! CDC Resources Can Help You Implement Strategies to Prevent Obesity Among Children and Adolescents U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Impact of Obesity Obesity is increasing rapidly in the United States, affecting children, adolescents, and adults of all races, ethnicities, and income levels. Since 1980, the percentage of obese children aged 6 to 11 has doubled, and the percentage of obese adolescents aged 12 to 19 has tripled. Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term serious health impacts. • In some communities, almost half of pediatric diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes, which was once believed to affect only adults. • In one large study, 61% of obese 5- to 10-year-olds already had risk factors for heart disease, and 26% had two or more risk factors for the disease. • Obese children have a greater risk of social and psychological problems, such as discrimination and poor self- esteem. • Obese children have a 70% chance of being overweight or obese as adults—facing higher risks for many diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and several types of cancers. The costs of treating obesity-related diseases are staggering and rising rapidly. In 2004, direct and indirect health costs associated with obesity were $98 billion. Good eating habits and regular physical activity are critical for maintaining a healthy weight. Unfortunately, less than 25% of adolescents eat enough fruits and vegetables each day . Sixty-four percent of high school students don't meet currently recommended levels of physical activity . The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity Reversing the obesity epidemic requires a long-term, well-coordinated approach to reach young people where they live, learn, and play, and schools have an important role. Working with other public, voluntary, and private sector organizations, schools can play a critical role in reshaping social and physical environments and providing information, tools, and practical strategies to help students adopt healthy lifestyles. • More than 95% of young people are enrolled in schools. • Students have the opportunity to eat a large portion of their daily food intake and to be physically active at school. • Schools are an ideal setting for teaching young people how to adopt and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. • Research shows that well-designed, well-implemented school programs can effectively promote physical activity and healthy eating . • Emerging research documents the connections between physical activity, good nutrition, physical education and nutrition programs, and academic performance. Ten Strategies for Schools to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Eating The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reviews scientific evidence to determine which school-based policies and practices are most likely to improve key health behaviors among young people, including physical activity and healthy eating. Based on these reviews, CDC has identified 10 strategies to help schools prevent obesity by promoting physical activity and healthy eating. CDC and its partners have developed user-friendly tools that help schools effectively implement each of the strategies. Building the Foundation (Strategies 1–4) Schools [...]... If you don’t, you might as well have not gotten the email address

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2017, 06:55

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