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Interpret dreams to your benefit

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Interpret dreams to your benefit tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...

Increasing Response to your B2B Email Marketing ProgramsA Marketo Best Practices eBook The Problem with Lead GenerationAs B2B marketers, we spend a lot of time and money generating leads to create a pipeline for sales. But as you know, sales isn’t always enamored of the leads passed to them. Why?Only 25% of new leads are sales-ready.25% are immediately disqualified.The remaining 50% needs to be nurtured.Source: “What’s Working in Lead Generation,” RainTodayTypical Lead Quality, Among All Leads Generated By Respondent Companies% Leads Considered Sales-Ready (N = 390)% Leads Requiring Further Nurturing (N = 390)% Leads Disqualified (N = 405)% Respondents© 2008 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. Lead NurturingThe most common – and most effective – way to nurture these leads is through email marketing. Most companies, if they nurture at all, do it by sending newsletters to their entire database. Newsletters have a place in your marketing program, but they’re not sufficient by themselves. To effectively nurture leads, marketers need to follow email marketing best practices and take advantage of other types of email campaigns that may be more relevant.© 2008 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Tips for B2B Email Marketing SuccessFor a nurturing program to be effective, you need your email marketing skills to be top-notch. Some need a refresher, while others need basic information. To that end, here are 8 Tips for B2B Email Marketing Success:1. Content is King2. Consider Email Clients3. Best Content to Use4. Subject Lines and Titles5. The Right Target6. The Right Time7. Start a Dialog8. Automate© 2008 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Content is KingContent is king, but only if you know what works. Studies by MarketingSherpa have shown that having fewer calls to action works better than multiple options. Other content tips:Focus on your top call to action to increase click through. Bullets are heavily read. Use them. Source: MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Benchmark 2008 & NextStage Evolution, February 2008. Decrease of 32% clickthroughfrom 1 to 2 calls to action; 90% decrease with 3.© 2008 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 2. Consider Email ClientsEmail clients render HTML differently, so keep that in mind. Test in Outlook, Google, and others. And make your email top-heavy, content-wise. Many readers use the viewers in their email clients, and they use the top portion of the email to decide whether to read further. And 64% of decision makers view email on mobile devices, so optimize for Blackberry, Treo, iPhone, etc.Source: MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008 © 2008 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 3. Best Content to UseContent that helps your targets do their jobs or shows them how your customers are using your product tend to be popular. These include:Tactical “how to” articlesCustomer case studiesBest practice lists, such as “Top 10 Ways…”Strategic articles and interviews with analysts and business leadersSource: MarketingSherpa Business Technology Marketing Benchmark Guide 2007-08 © 2008 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 4. Subject Lines & TitlesThe subject line of your email, along with the title inside the email, determines whether your email will be opened. Some tips:Use four to six words in your subject. Absolute max: nine wordsThe “from” line tells them who it’s from, so don’t waste space saying it againYou only have two seconds to get their attention, so use action words such as “Download” or “Watch”Test to learn what types of subject Interpret dreams to your benefit Interpret dreams to your benefit Bởi: Joe Tye “We have all said, ‘I had an extraordinary dream,’ when perhaps we should have said, ‘an extraordinary dram visited me.’ Extraordinary because of the comfort and wisdom dreams can bring us.” Nancy Willard: Telling Time: Angels, Ancestors and Stories – Essays on Writing I believe that there are certain very special dreams that are messages from your soul, and perhaps from beyond, that you should pay very special attention to because they are intended to shape your thinking and guide your actions I think of these as keystone dreams When you have such a dream, it’s really up to you to decide whether the dream has a deeper meaning and what that meaning is – and what you are going to about it As with lucid dreaming you should take great liberties with interpreting keystone dreams to your benefit After I’d left the field of hospital administration and was struggling to find a new path I had a dream where I showed up at the ticket booth of a theater Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a ticket to get into the show but to my horror the ticket was blank – it had no printing on it whatsoever Shaking her head, the woman at the ticket booth told me that my ticket was not valid for that show “Well, what show is it good for?” I asked She shrugged and replied “I don’t know, sweetie You have to write your own ticket.” The next morning I found a picture of a blank ticket and posted it on my wall as a reminder that I could indeed write my own ticket Assuming, of course, that I was willing to the necessary work and pay the necessary price If you can dream it you can itHearing that the ambitious young manWent to bed with a smile on his face One big sleep away from success - McZen ( www.McZenpoems.com ) 1/1 TAKE ME TO YOUR HEART (Michael Learns To Rock) Hiding from The Rain and Snow * Trying to forget but I won't let go Looking at a crowded street Listening to my own heart beat So many people all around the world Tell me where do I find someone like you girl [Chorus:] Take me to your heart, take me to your soul Give me your hand before I'm old Show me what love is - haven't got a clue Show me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We're only here today Love is now or never Bring me far away Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is - be my guiding star It's easy take me to your heart Standing on a mountain high Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky I should go and see some friends But they don't really comprehend Don't need too much talking without saying anything All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing [Chorus:] Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand before I'm old Show me what love is - haven't got a clue Show me that wonders can be true Chapter 2. Preparing to Add FreeNAS to Your Network Like all system deployments, a NAS needs to be correctly planned to maximize success. In this chapter, we will look at the basic planning points including: Capacity planning Hardware requirements Planning for backup Redundancy needs Network infrastructure This chapter may seem to be less "hands on", but there are important decisions to be made and actions to be taken to successfully plan, and deploy your NAS. Planning Your NAS In my experience, there are two types of people in computing, those which plan meticulously before adding any new hardware or service to their networks and those who just add what they have and hope for the best. You can get busy and proper planning seems like an extra unnecessary step. But it is also equally true that fixing problems after your have deployed the system costs a lot more than resolving them before you "go live". For example let us imagine that you didn't plan your hard disk requirements correctly and that, in fact, the server you have can't hold any more hard disks? What do you do now? Buy another server? It would have been better to get the right server to start with. Capacity Planning Your plans to deploy FreeNAS are constrained by two major factors, the first is the resources you have available (meaning PC or servers you already have or money to buy new ones) and how much capacity you want in your NAS. Never underestimate your need for disk space. Video files, audio files, emails, software downloads; the list of types of data we store is forever growing. I remember when I bought my first 170MB hard drive for a 386 PC that I had. I wondered how I could ever fill 170MB. Today, a short video clip is 170MB! The more resources you have, the more capacity you can have, it is a simple relationship. FreeNAS, of course, helps this situation in a number of ways, first it is free. There are no licensing costs to pay. If you want 2 users or 20 users, the cost is the same . $0. Also, FreeNAS is on the lighter side of system requirements, you aren't going to need 4GB of memory to run this server. So the big first question is how many users are going to use this server? If you are a home user, then the answer is probably less then 5 people. Maybe, you want the FreeNAS to act as a simple repository for multimedia files that can be accessed from any PC in your home. If you work in a small office environment then the answer is probably less than 15, and large offices less than 25. For any kind of corporate deployment, the number could be 25 and upwards. Having established this number, you need to consider how many of these users will be writing to the NAS or in other words, will be adding files to the NAS, and how many will be just read as what is already there. We will refer to these as write users and read users. Again, in the home environment, maybe only 1 person will be actually copying files over to the NAS while 2 or 3 others maybe using them. In the office environment, it is more difficult to say, it all depends on your planned use for the FreeNAS. Now, there is one final question for this section. How much space will each write user need on the server? Now you just need to multiply: number of write users X gigabytes needed So, if we have 2 write users who need 5GB, each, then you need to start with 10GB of disk space. If you have 25 write users who each need 10GB of disk space, then you need 250BG of disk space and so on. For the home user, maybe it is only 1 write user but you want 500GB, so 1 X 500GB is 500GB!!! Now double it Whatever figure you have now, double it. Somewhere you have underestimated, you About Nolo Have a legal question? Chances are Nolo can help you answer it, both in print and online. For three decades, Nolo's mission has been to help people solve their legal problems with confidence, a minimum of fuss and expense, and—whenever possible—without a lawyer. Over the years, we’ve offered every tool available to help you get the job done. In the 70s, we began publishing practical, plain-English books containing all the forms and step-by-step instructions necessary to tackle day-to-day legal tasks. In the 80s, when personal computers took the world by storm, we got to work and developed programs such as WillMaker and Living Trust Maker, which took advantage of the speed and convenience of all those bits and bytes. We also added form-packed disks and CDs to many of our books. Then the Internet exploded in the 90s. Recognizing that it's best to get legal information while sitting in your own comfy chair, Nolo started making useful, up-to-date legal information available to anyone with a computer and a modem. 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