20 proven strategies to sponsor motivated prospects to your network marketing business

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20 proven strategies to sponsor motivated prospects to your network marketing business

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By Alan Rogers © 2009 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Contents Introduction Talking to Family, Friends and Acquaintances Party Presentations CD Presentations Talks to Groups and Organisations Press Releases Networking Events Flyers Local Ads Opportunity Cards on Windscreens 10 Local and Regional Newspaper Ads 11 National Newspapers and Magazines 12 Classified Ads 13 Direct Mailing 14 Start a Blog 15 Article Writing 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… 16 Social Networking Sites 17 Forums and Discussion Groups 18 Video Marketing 19 E – Mail Marketing 20 Paid Online Advertising Summary Appendix – Extra Resources and Links © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… About This Report It is my sincere hope and intention you will receive one of the following benefits from this report;– i) It may give you new ideas or inspiration for strategies you have tried before and you can now revisit them, fresh and recharged ii) It could introduce you to some completely new ideas about how you can attract customers and prospects to your business iii) It should identify some new business building activities which struggling members of your downline will be much more comfortable to work with and therefore increase their chance of success iv) It may just generally revitalise and re-energise you into believing how great an opportunity our business genuinely is for so many people, in these fast moving economic times Some chapters have ‘links’ to external resources within them – mainly to provide examples of the strategies I am explaining I have also included a section with all these links PLUS many extra resources in an Appendix at the end - allowing you to find out more information about business building methods, which may be of interest Although the links and examples are mainly UK based - the strategies themselves are still relevant all around the world © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Introduction If you have just started, or are thinking of starting your own Home Based Business, within the Network Marketing Industry… I applaud you It is very rare for someone just starting in our business, to be dynamic enough to be looking for ways to build their business - outside of those methods taught by their sponsor and up-line You undoubtedly can see the incredible potential of this booming business model, and are probably looking for ways you can make the opportunity work best for you If on the other hand, you have been with your Network Marketing company for a while, have not seen any real success yet, but are still determined to make it work… …I applaud you even more Statistics show the vast majority of network marketers will give up or quit, within just months of starting their business That really is a tragedy, because there are now so many ways of achieving success in our industry that almost anybody can find a way in which they can be confident and comfortable enough to succeed All the trends and latest indications are suggesting that our business could be about to experience exponential growth Not just for now, but for the foreseeable future 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Economically the world is changing – the days of a “job for life” and the “security” from working for a large corporation which was once taken for granted, is disappearing fast As a society our values are changing – we aspire to spend less time commuting and at work, and more time with our family and friends Most people would love the opportunity to work from home and ‘earn an income’ for themselves - rather than have ‘job’ and work for someone else If we accept this is the case for many people, what are the options? Well, establishing and making a success of your own traditional, small business is not that easy and can be risky - with as many as 80% failing within the first years Starting your own franchise business does offer greater support and a much higher possibility of success But with minimum start up fees around the £10k mark and the average probably around £20k+ - this option is beyond reach for most people As you are already aware, a Network Marketing business can really be considered as a “Low Cost Franchise business” You have very similar levels of brand awareness, product development and training and support - but with a minimal entry fee So why so many Network Marketers not go on to make a success of their business? Well, one reason could be because it is so inexpensive to get involved 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Probably in the past, most people did not appreciate that it was a proper business they were getting involved with, or did not treat it seriously enough if they did Also in the past, our industry may have not had the level of credibility it is now developing In recent years, many influential businessmen and entrepreneurs have spoken out about how “genuine and viable” the Network Marketing business model is today Some, such as Warren Buffett, Donald Trump and Richard Branson have gone much further than that and invested in their own Network Marketing companies For these, and many other reasons, it looks likely that the Network Marketing Industry is on the brink of a massive boom all around the world But hey, you probably already know this – don’t you? You have already done your due diligence and understand this business presents an incredible opportunity – but you want to know how you are going to be able to grow and succeed in your business The fantastic news is that there are now so many ways – many more than the 20 that I talk about here – that anyone should be able find at least one they are confident to work with, and build their business 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… It wasn’t intentional when I set out, but I found that these “20 Proven Strategies…” can roughly be split into three groups The first six are all methods to build your business locally and mainly at no, or very low cost They are not necessarily all about finding prospects from people you already know, but mostly involve face to face contact with people The next seven strategies are more “remote” methods of prospecting, in that you are attracting ‘pre-qualified’ people to you, through both local and even national advertising There are some costs involved in all of these methods, but for most they shouldn’t be too expensive or beyond reach The final seven strategies are all free, bar one, and centre on one of my favourite mediums for attracting prospects and customers to your Network Marketing business – the World Wide Web In many ways, prospecting on the internet is still in its infancy, but it means that it is now just as possible to sponsor someone into your business from America or Australia, as it is from Aldershot! Isn’t that just so exciting? What’s more… if you it right, you have the opportunity to build even stronger business relationships online than you can offline This is because you will attract people that are more similar to you - in their goals, mindset, values and aspirations 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Whichever of these proven strategies you use to attract customers and prospects to your Network Marketing business, you should already know that you are in the numbers business It is not your job to sell, persuade or convince…… but simply to PRESENT your opportunity Once you truly understand this and have confidence in this wonderful opportunity that you have to offer people – you will then start to relax and have fun with it Isn’t that really what life should be about? www.quittheratraceforlife.com Knowledge, Confidence and Inspiration - to start living the life you WANT to live © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Talking to Friends, Family and Acquaintances This is almost certainly where your sponsor and up-line will encourage you to begin, when you start prospecting for your new business “Write your list”… “Who you want to join you in your new business?”… “Select your board of directors”… They will be able to help by working through your contact list with you and suggesting the best ways to approach people The majority of leaders will take part in Way Calls and most of the presentation for you when you are first getting started Your only job is to ‘INVITE’ Many people will be very confident using this approach straight off They will follow their upline’s directions to the letter, and probably get off to a fantastic start But equally as many people will not feel confident in talking to their friends and family so early in the development of their new business – or they genuinely may not have many close people they can talk to In another e-book that I have written, “How to Make It BIG in Network Marketing Without Losing Your Friends” – which you can grab from the link - I talk about this whole topic in much more detail 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… 19 E-Mail Marketing E- Mail marketing is a strategy you can, and should use, with the leads you gather from any of the above methods of attracting customers and prospects to your business If you have your own blog, a website, or a company replicated website, you will have some way to “capture” name’s and email addresses This is how you can culture and nurture a relationship, with the people who show an interest in knowing more about your business As we already know, a person very rarely “buys” at their first point of contact or interaction It usually takes at least or “messages” before they will have earned enough trust in you, to take the required action Usually it’s just a case of catching someone in the right place at the right time I am on a lot of email lists, but I like to keep my inbox fairly clear At the end of the each day I like to leave only what is effectively my “to later” file I often delete emails with “offers” I might be interested in at a later date, because I know they will email me again in a few days time When they catch me next time, I may have more time and may be more responsive I’m sure many people are the same – we expect to be approached more than once, and that affects our responsiveness 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… If you use an email marketing strategy in your business building, you will need at some stage, to include a call to action and to instil a sense of urgency Not too often though and certainly not every time, or it will totally lose its effect As you use this strategy, you will have people with whom you don’t connect, and who feel you don’t have anything to offer them They will ask you not to contact them again or “opt-out” of your list - this is normal and totally fine One very ethical internet marketer I know “culled” his list from 20,000 subscribers to 12,000 with the click of a button He could see 8,000 people on his list had not opened an email from him in months – so after a final email asking them to confirm if they wanted him to stay in contact, he deleted their details He was happy, because he had cleaned up his list and he now knows he has 12,000 people who look forward to, and are responsive to, his communication If you had a list just 5% of that size, you not think you may find – 10 good people to set your business alight? And by the way, he built that list in just a little over 18 months! Getting started… in Email Marketing If you have a company provided replicated site, there is a good chance you will have an inbuilt series of automated messages, which go out to your prospects When they finish, you can continue on with your own messages 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… If you don’t have a company site to capture people’s details, you will have to it yourself with one or more of the other online methods listed in the last few chapters Subscribe to other business opportunity lists and see how they interact with their list Take notice of what they well - and also not so well and learn lessons for your own campaign By including an informative and educational email series into your prospecting strategy, you can start to develop relationships, which in some cases will lead people to join your business You may wish to lead with either;- what your company has to offer, what network marketing as a home based business opportunity has to offer, or what you have to offer personally – to anyone who joins your team If you are looking to attract customers to your product rather than your opportunity – you could prepare a series of emails which inform the reader about the problem to which your product could be the solution Yes, either way it is all about building a relationship by providing good quality, relevant information - rather than trying to sell Are we starting to see a recurring theme here……? © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… 20 Paid Online Advertising I felt I should include a chapter about Paid Online Advertising, but it is certainly NOT something I would recommend as a starting point for any beginner It can take a while to learn and put into practice, and can cost a lot of money if you don’t get it right I have used Paid Online Advertising, but just the once as research for this report – and then only because Google sent me a cheque for £75, to effectively try it for free! More on my experiences - in a moment The reason why I felt I must include Paid Advertising was it can be a very fast way to attract people to your website – you can have people coming to your website within minutes of placing an ad However, if the message at your site does not convince them to take the action you want – usually to leave you their contact details – your money has been wasted A brief explanation… of Paid Online Advertising It is also known as Google Adwords or Pay per Click (PPC) – this is because you not pay to place the advert, but only when someone “clicks” on your ad and are forwarded through to your website 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… These adverts are the “sponsored link” ads you see on the right handside of the Google search engine results page There are often or ads at the top of the page as well Keeping it very simple, you open an Adwords account with Google and – based on a number of parameters and settings - submit your ads to be displayed There are no fixed cost prices for ads - they vary constantly depending on the competition to place ads in your marketplace A few years ago, the cost per click used to be just pennies, but now you could pay £5+ to advertise in the Home Business market and even up to £10 per click if you were advertising Car Insurance! Some less competitive sectors still may only cost a few pennies, but you can see how it can be very expensive if you don’t understand how best to use the system You can however, set daily limits and budgets, so you are comfortably protected from the possibility of receiving a bill for £100’s My experience with Pay per Click I took a day to read through a lengthy e-book taking me step by step through the process of setting up a Google Adwords “campaign” It would probably take a week to understand and set everything up properly – but as it wasn’t my money… I started off too conservatively and hardly got any exposure in the sponsored links columns at all Once I increased my maximum “per click” price from 50p to £1 and my daily limit from £15 to £20 - I got better results - but my £75 was gone in a few days 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… By the time I closed my campaign, my ad had been shown just over 4500 times, clicked on 100 times and resulted in about people leaving their details for my free e-book and free weekly newsletter If I had been selling a product for £30 - £50, this would have been a sound investment – but seeing as I was only looking to attract newsletter subscribers who may in time become prospects – the return on investment is harder to predict If you have come to Network Marketing on the back of some internet marketing experience, you may very well consider this as a route you would want to go down – otherwise I would stay well away As you grow your team and get more experienced, this is a method you could consider “pooling” your finances towards – but only when you have a website you are sure will appeal to visitors when they land on it Excited by the potential of taking your business online? Grab Your FREE 125 Page Report… Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon – Click Here © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Summary Whether you are just getting started, or are looking for a fresh new start in your Network Marketing business, I hope you can see we have at least one method whereby anyone can be successful in our business Yes, I truly believe anyone can be successful in our business - but I don’t believe everyone will be successful in our business 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… • Anyone can put flyers through doors – inviting people to watch your companies Weekly Opportunity Presentation online • Anyone can put Opportunity Cards on car windscreens, in stations, on buses, etc – directing people to listen to a low-cost, 24 hour recorded message about your opportunity • Anyone can go around local shops and put up posters or flyers – inviting people to either of the above • Anyone can give out a CD and say – "I’ve got something that I want to show you It will only take 20 minutes It might be for you and it might not" • Anyone can arrange for you or your upline to answer any questions that arise from one of these initial presentations of the business Of course most people you attract to your business will be confident, competent and motivated enough to use many of the 20 Proven Strategies detailed in this report Or rather, a handful of the methods laid out in this report I don’t believe anyone should be using anymore than or of these different activities – certainly not at the same time Some people will be most effective by only using or However, I hope that one of the biggest “take-aways” you get from this report, is how huge the potential our business model really is! • The Corporation as we knew it and the comfort of the “job security” that came with it – is disappearing fast 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… • A recent report suggests that in less than 10 years 40% of the working population will be “independent business owners/contractors” • Many people are already looking for an extra income or an alternative lifestyle solution • One of the Top 10 Predicted Trends for 2010, and beyond, is a desire for people to want to shop local and spend more of their money with local businesses People still like doing business with people • Network Marketing is only now coming of age and is predicted by many to be entering the accelerated growth stage of its “Industry Lifestyle” Your initial assessment and excitement of Network Marketing, was not misplaced - you have stumbled across a great opportunity People entering our industry today can equal, or exceed, many of the tens of thousands of people who have already achieved great success with Network Marketing Of course it is not as easy as just joining up and letting the money roll in Nobody should say it is It is a business… it will need work for a few years… but the pay off for the time and effort you put in, can be tremendous 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… But the best thing about Network Marketing… in my opinion… You cannot be successful unless you help other people to be successful That is such a huge double whammy!! You get everything you want for yourself in your life and so dozens, hundreds, even thousands of other people too Isn’t that just so fantastic? I literally have a smile on my face as I’m typing this out - just at the thought of it To the uninitiated it must appear trite and cliché, but if you have got this far… I’m sure you feel the same way I sincerely hope that my report has given you a little bit of Knowledge, Confidence and Motivation to go out and start to live the life you want to live - through helping other people to the same All the very best, Alan I consider myself to be a ‘student’ and a ‘reporter’ rather than an ‘expert’, but if you have any questions or want more information about anything in this report, please feel free to Email Me and I will reply to every message © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Appendix – Extra Resources and Links Introduction – first a couple of videos you may well have seen before, but always worth another look in my opinion – also to share with your prospects and team - We know the world is changing fast… but “Did You Know? ” - A timeless classic video about our industry… “Brilliant Compensation” (Scroll down and watch either or both of the links in the ‘yellow box’) Chapter – Talking to Friends, Family and Acquaintances - Grab a copy of my list prompting Memory Jogger - Also a copy of an earlier ebook of mine, which tackles a dreaded myth… How to Make It BIG in Network Marketing Without Losing Your Friends” Chapter – CD Presentations - "10 Compelling Reasons and a Simple Strategy to build a HUGE organisation with a CD" – Step by step audio guide sets it out Chapter – Press Releases - To see a copy of the Press Release I sent out to Local Newspapers – Click Here - To see a copy of the resulting article – Click Here Chapter – Networking Events - There are networking “chapters” of the BNI all over the UK Chapter – Flyers - Free 0844 Phone Numbers for 24 Hour Recorded Message Service, make it easier for your prospects to find out about your opportunity # 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… Chapter – Opportunity Cards - Supplier of inexpensive Opportunity Cards and Flyers, like the card shown in this chapter – Multi Level Devil Chapter 12 – Classified Ads - Offline sources – Daltons Weekly , Loot , Friday Ad - Online sites - www.craigslist.com , www.vivastreet.co.uk , www.gumtree.com , www.freeads.net , www.ukclassifieds.co.uk and www.itsmymarket.com (Please let me know if you’ve found any good ones) Intro to Internet Network Marketing Grab Your FREE 125 Page Report… Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon – Click Here Chapter 14 – Start a blog - Get free e-books to help you set up a blog – and info on many other subjects which may be of interest - www.free-ebooks.net and www.getfreeebooks.com (I cannot personally verify any e-books at this site, but they are free!) - Wordpress is one blogging site and Google’s Blogger is another - Youtube is a great place to learn about any new skill - How to Become a Blogger and How to Blog for Free are two short videos about Getting Started with Blogging Chapter 15 – Article Writing - Some of the more popular Article Marketing sites are www.ezinearticles.com , www.articlebiz.com , www.articlecity.com , www.goarticles.com , www.easyarticles.com - A couple of examples of my articles at Ezinearticles are - “Starting a Network Marketing Business? The Most Important Things to Consider About Your Product” and, 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… - “Ultimate Goal Setting – The Midas Method by Stuart Goldsmith” Chapter 16 – Social Networking Sites - Some of the most popular sites to start with are, www.facebook.com , www.linkedin.com , www.twitter.com www.friendsreunited.co.uk - Wikipedia has a comprehensive list of Social Networking Websites Chapter 18 – Video Marketing - Video yourself on your own webcam - Viddler - How to uploading a video online at YouTube Chapter 19 – Email Marketing - A good introduction to Email Marketing which I found on YouTube after I wrote my chapter Excited by the potential of taking your business online? Grab Your FREE 125 Page Report… Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon – Click Here © 2010 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects… And Finally… LEGAL NOTICES- The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions The report is for informational purposes only While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state This publication may be shared with others as long as the original content remains unchanged No part of this publication may be reproduced or translated into any form by any means without the written permission of the author DISCLAIMER: Although there are no direct affiliate links in this report, extra valuable resources I have provided as an option, may eventually lead to me being paid a commission if you were to like, and purchase a product Basically if you buy something from some one else that I recommend – I may get a cut The vast majority of information and content I put out – even recommendations from other people - are 100% free of charge and without any obligation © 2010 BetterLife Solutions This book was distributed courtesy of: For your own Unlimited Reading and FREE eBooks today, visit: http://www.Free-eBooks.net To show your appreciation to the author and help others have wonderful reading experiences and find helpful information too, we'd be very grateful if you'd kindly post your comments of this book here COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Free-eBooks.net respects the intellectual property of others When a book's copyright owner submits their work to Free-eBooks.net, they are granting us permission to distribute such material Unless otherwise stated in this book, this permission is not passed onto others As such, redistributing this book without the copyright owner's permission can constitute copyright infringement If you believe that your work has been used in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement as seen in our Terms of Service here: http://www.free-ebooks.net/tos.html ... aspirations 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects Whichever of these proven strategies you use to attract customers and prospects to your Network Marketing business, you should already... exactly the same reason To talk about their own small business! 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects It is the best way to develop and practice how to present your business in just a... Here © 201 0 BetterLife Solutions 20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects Networking Events Networking events are one of the marketing activities that strike the fear of dread into many

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