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Work in the United States

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Work in the United States tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực ki...

STAGFLATION IN U.S.INTRODUCTIONAn article from “The New York Times” published on Febuary 13th, 2011 mentioned that:“In the USA, CONGRESS has made a terrible mistake. Amid a rhetorical debate centered on words like “crisis,” “emergency” and “catastrophe,” it acted too fast. While arguments were made about the stimulus bill’s specific components — taxpayer money for condoms, new green cars and golf carts for federal bureaucrats, another round of rebate checks — its more dangerous consequences were overlooked. And now the package threatens a return to the kind of stagflation last seen in the 1970s.From a global perspective, the picture only looks worse. As we have debated how much money to borrow and spend in hopes of jump-starting our economy, we’ve ignored the worldwide stimulus binge. China, Europe and Japan are all spending hundreds of billions of dollars they don’t have in hopes of speeding up their economies, too. That means the very countries we have relied on to buy our bonds, notably China and Japan, are now putting their own bonds on the global credit markets.It seems that no one in Washington is discussing what happens when the world begins this gargantuan borrowing spree. How high will interest rates rise? And more fundamentally, who will have the money to buy our bonds? It is possible that the Federal Reserve will succumb to pressure to “monetize” our debt — that is, print new money to buy our bonds. In fact, the Fed is already suggesting that it will buy long-term Treasury securities in order to lower borrowing costs. If it does, then our money supply, which has already increased substantially over the past year, will grow even faster.To American families, inflation is a destroyer of savings, a killer of wealth, a crusher of confidence. It calls into question the value of our money. And while we all share in the pain, the people whom inflation hits hardest are elderly people who live on fixed incomes, those in the middle class who are struggling to save for retirement and college and lower-income people who live paycheck to paycheck.Combine high inflation and high unemployment and you have stagflation. Hindsight shows how the pain of the late 1970s and early 1980s could have been avoided, yet we’re now again planning to borrow and spend — and raise taxes — as President Jimmy Carter did. Soon we may again find ourselves watching a rising “misery index” of inflation and unemployment together. If that happens, individual earning power will evaporate, and our standard of living will decline….”[Type text] Page 1 STAGFLATION IN U.S.Obviously, we are entering an era of high inflation, to judge by the massive growth of the money supply in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the stubbornness of central bankers who insist that high unemployment demands the creation of even more money. The last time the world went through a similar period was the 1970s. The term that defined the era was "stagflation."Thus because the 1970s stagflation did do great harm to the U.S. economy and global economy as a whole, followed by a period of recesssion and there are evidences that we are on our way to the replay of stagflation nowadays, a thorough understanding of stagflation is crucially important for individuals as well as policy-makers to make reasonable Work in the United States Work in the United States Bởi: OpenStaxCollege Many people attend job fairs looking for their first job or for a better one (Photo courtesy of Daniel Ramirez/flickr) The American Dream has always been based on opportunity There is a great deal of mythologizing about the energetic upstart who can climb to success based on hard work alone Common wisdom states that if you study hard, develop good work habits, and graduate high school or, even better, college, then you'll have the opportunity to land a good job That has long been seen as the key to a successful life And although the reality has always been more complex than suggested by the myth, the worldwide recession that began in 2008 has made it harder than ever to play by the rules and win the game The data are grim: From December 2007 through March 2010, 8.2 million workers in the United States lost their jobs, and the unemployment rate grew to almost 10 percent nationally, with some states showing much higher rates (Autor 2010) Times are very challenging for those in the workforce For those looking to finish their schooling, often with enormous student-debt burdens, it is not just challenging—it is terrifying So where did all the jobs go? Will any of them be coming back, and if not, what new ones will there be? How you find and keep a good job now? These are the kinds of questions people are currently asking about the job market in the United States Real Money, Virtual Worlds 1/14 Work in the United States In a virtual world, living the good life still costs real money (Photo courtesy of Juan Pablo Amo/ flickr) If you are not one of the tens of millions gamers who enjoy World of Warcraft or other online virtual world games, you might not even know what MMORPG stands for But if you made a living playing MMORPGs, as a growing number of enterprising gamers do, then massive multiplayer online role-playing games might matter a bit more According to an article in Forbes magazine, the online world of gaming has been yielding very real profits for entrepreneurs who are able to buy, sell, and manage online real estate, currency, and more for cash (Holland and Ewalt 2006) If it seems strange that people would pay real money for imaginary goods, consider that for serious gamers the online world is of equal importance to the real one These entrepreneurs can sell items because the gaming sites have introduced scarcity into the virtual worlds The game makers have realized that MMORPGs lack tension without a level of scarcity for needed resources or highly desired items In other words, if anyone can have a palace or a vault full of wealth, then what’s the fun? So how does it work? One of the easiest ways to make such a living is called gold farming, which involves hours of repetitive and boring play, hunting and shooting animals like dragons that carry a lot of wealth This virtual wealth can be sold on eBay for real money: a timesaver for players who don’t want to waste their playing time on boring pursuits Players in parts of Asia engage in gold farming, playing eight hours a day or more, to sell their gold to players in Western Europe or North America From virtual prostitutes to power levelers (people who play the game logged in as you so your characters get the wealth and power), to architects, merchants, and even beggars, online players can offer to sell any service or product that others want to buy Whether buying a magic carpet in World of Warcraft or a stainless-steel kitchen appliance in Second Life, gamers have the same desire to acquire as the rest of us—never mind that their items are virtual Once a gamer creates the code for an item, she can sell it again and again, for real money And finally, you can sell yourself According to Forbes, a University of Virginia computer science student sold his World of Warcraft character on eBay for $1,200, due to the high levels of powers and skills it had gained (Holland and Ewalt 2006) 2/14 Work in the United States So should you quit your day job to make a killing in online games? Probably not Those who work hard might eke out a decent living, but for most people, grabbing up land that doesn’t really exist or selling your body in animated action scenes is probably not the best opportunity Still, for some, it offers the ultimate in work-from-home flexibility, even if that home is a mountain cave in a virtual world Polarization in the Workforce The mix of jobs available in the United States began changing many years before the recession struck, and, as mentioned above, the American dream has not always been easy to follow Geography, race, gender, and other factors have always played a role in the reality of success More recently, the increased outsourcing (or contracting a job or set of jobs to an outside source) of manufacturing jobs to developing nations has greatly diminished the number of high-paying, often unionized, blue-collar positions available A similar problem has arisen in the ... BY Leonard Lovshin Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures Auburn University, AL 36849 CHANNEL CATFISH CULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES Channel Catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) Native Range of Channel Catfish in the United States Food Habits Preferred Habitat Rivers Reservoirs and lakes MaximumWeight The world angling record is 26.4 kg caught in Santee Cooper reservoir, South Carolina Reproductive Live History 1. Sexual maturity is reached in 2 to 3 years in the southeastern U. S. 2. Spawning takes place in a cavity formed by rocks, logs or a hole in a lake or river bank. 3. Preferred spawning water temperatures: 21-29 C, with optimal temperature 24 to 26 C. Sexual behavior 1. Males defend a territory/cavity. 2. Female enters the cavity and spawns. 3. Males incubate eggs and defend fry. 4. Males can spawn with more than one female a season. Spawning cavity Catfish are grown in 4 to 10 ha earthen ponds with flat bottoms. Filtered surface water or rainfall Well water Catfish ponds are filled with either: [...]... Ponds are drained every 5 to 8 years Catfish are retained in a holding net overnight to eliminate small catfish Fish are crowded for loading onto the transport truck A crew of 5 can load 15,000 kg of fish in 1 hour Catfish are weighed onto trucks taking the fish to the processing factory Each basket holds 900 kg of fish scale Fish are checked for off-flavor 2 weeks, 1 day and upon arrival at the processor... stocked in fattening ponds during January to March Stocking density is 15,000 to 20,000/ha Catfish feed is purchased by the bag or delivered in bulk and stored in silos Floating pellets are distributed by a feed blower mounted on a truck Floating pellets corn wheat soybean Feed amount is controlled by an electronic scale located in the truck cab Catfish are fed what they will eat up to a maximum...Spawning in captivity: 1 Stock adults 3 to 8 years old 2 Stock 1 male to 2 females 3 Stock 800 kg of brooders/ha female male Spawning Containers Ammo cans Milk cans float Boxes in spawning pond Wooden box Spawning occurs during May and June in the Southeastern U S Spawning cans are checked every 2 to 3 days for spawns Hatching Shed Eggs are transported to a hatching shed Eggs are placed in 5-mm... hydraulic reel powered by a tractor Management systems used: 1 Monoharvest • All catfish are removed from the pond when they reach 0.5 to 1.0 kg, 6 to 12 months from stocking • Ponds are drained yearly 2 Multi-harvest • Only catfish larger than 0.5 kg are removed by partial seine harvest • Ponds are restocked yearly with small catfish Large and small catfish are in the pond Copyright © University of Michigan, 2006. All rights reserved. Chapter 3 What Does a Conversation Class Look Like? Questions to consider before reading this chapter: 1. Have you ever taught speaking? What was the context? (When? Where? To whom? Why?) 2. If you have taught speaking, was your teaching experience in #1 positive? Why or why not? Were you successful at teaching speaking? Can you think of specific examples of students whose speaking skills were better after taking your course? 3. Before you read the chapter, make a list of the top ten obstacles to teaching speaking “perfectly”. 4. With regarding to teaching speaking, can you think of problems related to the students’ ages? To their students’ countries or cultures of origin? Write down your thoughts before you read the chapter. 5. How would you deal with student errors in your speaking class? Can you imagine how different groups of students (older versus younger, male versus female, one culture versus another) might react to error correction? 7 Copyright © University of Michigan, 2006. All rights reserved. Web Cases Here are additional cases of teachers’ stories as they taught speaking or conversation in ESL/EFL classes around the world. Web Case #1 Teaching Public Speaking in the United States Graduate Students; University Agnieszka Sypniewska I currently teach advanced business English courses in the Master of Science in International Business program at Florida Atlantic University. The majority of our students are either immigrants or international students. For this reason, some of the courses are designed specifically for second language speakers to adapt their language proficiency to the business environment. I teach English for Academic Purposes (EAP), English for Business Purposes, and Business Communications Applications. The average class size is about 16. The students range in age between 25 and 40. Since Florida is near Latin America, approximately 90 percent of the students are Hispanic. The remaining 10 percent come mostly from Ukraine, Russia, Japan, China, and Nigeria. The Business Communications Applications course refines students’ written and spoken communications skills for both academic and business purposes. One of the major skills that this class concentrates on is giving presentations. Most of the international students are new to public speaking and, therefore, experience significant difficulties in this area. To help my students convey their ideas, I teach them how to organize their thoughts; how to support their arguments with detailed information; how to develop their message with appropriate choice of words; and how to enhance communication with appropriate use of body language, voice inflections, gestures, and facial expressions. A large part of the class consists of cultural training. In order for students to master public speaking skills, they need to understand American culture better, especially the corporate business environment and its basic requirements. For example, many of my students find the American business notion of being very direct and straightforward to be shocking. Two other problems have surfaced in teaching speaking to these students. One is teaching the students to be concise, to-the-point, and bottom-line oriented. The other problem is that many of my students have only a very vague idea of how to be persuasive and convincing. For the majority, the biggest challenge here is to use appropriate body language, facial expressions, and vocal variations to AH ISTORY OF M ONEY AND B ANKING IN THE U NITED S TATES : THE COLONIAL ERA TO WORLD WAR II The Ludwig von Mises Institute dedicates this volume to all of its generous donors and wishes to thank these Patrons, in particular: George W. Connell James L. Bailey, James Bailey Foundation; Robert Blumen; Christopher P. Condon; John William Galbraith; Hugh E. Ledbetter; Frederick L. Maier; Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Nash Richard Bleiberg; John Hamilton Bolstad; Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Bost; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fischer; Douglas E. French; Albert L. Hillman, Jr.; L. Charles Hilton, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Truman Johnson; Neil Kaethler; Robert Kealiher; Dr. Preston W. Keith; David Kramer; Mr. and Mrs. William W. Massey, Jr.; Hall McAdams; Dr. Dorothy Donnelley Moller; Francis Powers, M.D.; Donald Mosby Rembert; James M. Rodney; Joseph P. Schirrick; James Whitaker, M.D. J. Terry Anderson, Anderson Chemical Company; Mr. and Mrs. Ross K. Anderson; Toby O. Baxendale; Robert Bero; Dr. V.S. Boddicker; Dr. John Brätland; John Cooke; Carl Creager; Capt. and Mrs. Maino des Granges; Clyde Evans, Evans Cabinet Corporation; Elton B. Fox, The Fox Foundation; James W. Frevert; Larry R. Gies; Frank W. Heemstra; Donald L. Ifland; Dr. and Mrs. John W. Johnson; Richard J. Kossmann, M.D.; Alfonso Landa; John Leger; Arthur L. Loeb; Ronald Mandle; Ellice McDonald, Jr., CBE, and Rosa Hayward McDonald, CBE; Norbert McLuckie; In honor of Mikaelah S. Medrano; Joseph Edward Paul Melville; Dr. and Mrs. Donald Miller; Reed W. Mower; Terence Murphree, United Steel Structures; James O’Neill; Victor Pankey; Catherine Dixon Roland; John Salvador; Conrad Schneiker; Mark M. Scott; Robert W. Smiley, Jr., Benefit Capital Companies; Jack DeBar Smith; Val L. Tennent; David W. Tice; Lawrence Van Someren, Sr.; Dr. Jim Walker; Mr. and Mrs. Quinten E. Ward; Dr. Thomas L. Wenck; Keith S. Wood; Steven Lee Yamshon; Jeannette Zummo [ [ [ AH ISTORY OF M ONEY AND B ANKING IN THE U NITED S TATES : THE COLONIAL ERA TO WORLD WAR II MURRAY N. ROTHBARD Cover art: Wall Street, 1886. Permission for use of this print is granted to the Ludwig von Mises Institute by Old World Prints, Ltd. Copyright © 2002 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in crit- ical reviews or articles. For information, write the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 518 West Magnolia Avenue, Auburn, Alabama 36849-5301; www.mises.org. ISBN: 0-945466-33-1 CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Joseph T. Salerno P ART 1 The History of Money and Banking Before the Twentieth Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 P ART 2 The Origins of the Federal Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 P ART 3 From Hoover to Roosevelt: The Federal Reserve and the Financial Elites . . . . . . . . . . 259 P ART 4 The Gold-Exchange Standard in the Interwar Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 P ART 5 The New Deal and the International Money System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 5 INTRODUCTION I n this volume, Murray Rothbard has given us a comprehen- sive history of money and banking in the United States, from colonial times to World War II, the first to explicitly use the interpretive framework of Austrian monetary theory. But even aside from the explicitly Austrian theoretical framework under- girding the March of Dimes Foundation Data Book for Policy Makers Maternal, Infant, and Child Health in the United States 2 0 1 0 ©2009 by the March of Dimes. Permission to copy, disseminate or otherwise use information from the Data Book for Policy Makers is granted as long as appropriate acknowledgment is given. Prepared by: Office of Government Affairs March of Dimes 1146 19th Street, NW, Sixth Floor Washington, DC 20036 Telephone (202) 659-1800 Fax (202) 296-2964 For additional copies: March of Dimes P.O. Box 932852 Atlanta, GA 31193-2852 Phone (800) 367-6630 marchofdimes.com Item number 50-2461-10 For additional copies: March of Dimes P.O. Box 932852 Atlanta, GA 31193-2852 Phone (800) 367-6630 marchofdimes.com Item number 50-2461-10 The March of Dimes Data Book for Policy Makers: Maternal, Infant, and Child Health in the United States 2010 provides national and state data highlighting infant mortality, birth defects, preterm and low birthweight births, health insurance coverage for women and children, and prevention strategies. This easy-to-use resource guide is aimed at public policy makers and others seeking quick facts at their fingertips. Readers interested in more detail and regular updates of many of the data presented in this book should visit PeriStats, the March of Dimes interactive data resource at marchofdimes.com/peristats. Except where noted, information in this Data Book is for the United States. Where possible, data for Puerto Rico are included. The March of Dimes Data Book for Policy Makers was produced by Colleen Sonosky, Kate Morrand, and Marina L. Weiss of the Office of Government Affairs. Rebecca Russell, Todd Dias, Hui Zheng, and Vani Bettegowda of the March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center prepared much of the data. Don Komai of Watermark Design and Chintan Parikh from Publishing Resources provided services to assist the March of Dimes with the production of the publication. The March of Dimes is a national voluntary health agency founded in 1938 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to support research and services related to polio. Today, the Foundation works to improve the health of women, infants and children by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality through research, community services, education and advocacy. The March of Dimes is a unique partnership of scientists, clinicians, parents, members of the business community and other volunteers affiliated with chapters in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. We trust this Data Book and other March of Dimes resources that can be found at www.marchofdimes. com (Spanish language site www. nacersano.org) will be helpful as we work together toward the day when every baby is born healthy. Dr. Bruce C. Vladeck, Chair National Public Affairs Committee March of Dimes Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, President March of Dimes About PeriStats PeriStats, the March of Dimes interactive web resource (marchofdimes. com/peristats) offers the latest data on maternal, infant, and child health at national, state, and local levels. Users – from the general public to policy makers, researchers, providers, and students – will find the site comprehen- sive and easy to use. Look for the PeriStats logo on pages throughout the Data Book for Policy Makers. It’s a signal that more detailed – and perhaps more current information is available on the website. Updated at least annually, PeriStats covers data for multiple years for topics like birth rates, ... employment, the Bureau of Labor Statistics defines the working poor as those who have spent at least 9/14 Work in the United States 27 weeks working or looking for work, and yet remain below the poverty... being outsourced or eliminated by automation, what kind of jobs are there a demand for in the United States? While fishing and forestry jobs are in decline, in several markets jobs are increasing... offers the ultimate in work- from-home flexibility, even if that home is a mountain cave in a virtual world Polarization in the Workforce The mix of jobs available in the United States began changing

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