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KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG HỌC KỲ II. MÔN : SINH HỌC 9 – Năm học 2009 – 2010 Thời gian : 45 phút( không kể thời gian chép đề ) ……………………… GV:§oµn ThÞ Th¬m Câu 1 (2 ®) :Tài nguyên tái sinh và không tái sinh khác nhau như thề nào? (1điểm ) Câu 2(2 ®) : Nêu hậu quả của việc chặt phá rừng ? Con người cần bảo vệ và cải tạo môi trường tự nhiên như thế nào? ( 3 điểm ) Câu 3(2 ®) : Trong các quan hệ sau quan hệ nào là cộng sinh, hội sinh, cạnh tranh, kí sinh, sinh vật ăn sinh vật khác. ( 2,5 điểm ) - Lúa và cỏ dại - Rận và bét sống bám trên da trâu. bo. - Địa y sống bám trên cành cây. - và bò cùng ăn cỏ trên một cánh đồng. - Giun đũa sống trong ruột người. - Trâu ăn cỏ. - Vi khuẩn sống trong nốt sần rễ cây họ đậu. Câu 4 (2®) : Khi ăn rau hoặc hoa quả mua từ chợ về, mặc dù đã rữa sạch , ngâm nước muối và nấu chín nhưng vẫn bị ngộ độc.Hãy giải thích nguyên nhân vì sao? (1,5 diểm) Câu 5(2 ®) : Cho các chuổi thức ăn sau đây: (2đ) a/ Cỏ thỏ ? vi sinh vật. b/ Cây lúa sâu đục thân ? vi sinh vật. c/ Cỏ ? hổ vi sinh vật. d/ Cây gỗ gà ? vi sinh vật. Hãy viết các mắc xích phù hợp với dấu (?) trong các chuỗi thức ăn trên. ĐÁP ÁN Câu 1( 2®) : Tài nguyên không tái sinh là nguồn tài nguyên sau khi khai thác và sử dung bị cạn kiệt dần, không khả năng phục hồi. Tài nguyên không tái sinh gồm khí đốt thiên nhiên , than đá, dầu lửa. Tài nguyên tái sinh là nguồn tài nguyên sau khi khai thác và sử dụng hợp lý thể phục hồi, đó là nguồn tài nguyên nước, tài nguyên đất, tài nguyên biển, tài nguyên sinh vật. Câu 2 : Hậu quả của việc chặt phá rừng(mỗi ý đúng 0.25đ) - Xói mòn đất, rửa trôi đất - Không ngăn cản được nước chảy bề mặt nên dễ gây lũ lụt, lũ quét. - Mất nơi ở của nhiều lòai sinh vật, mất cân bằng sinh thái, giảm đa dạng sinh học của các loài sinh vật - Lượng nước ngầm giảm - Khí hậu thay đổi, lượng mưa giảm - Cỏ và cây bụi phát triển là nơi ở của các động vật gây hại. * Con người cần bảo vệ và cải tạo môi trường tự nhiên.(mỗi ý đúng 0.25đ) - Hạn chế phát triển dân số quá nhanh. - Sử dụng hiệu quả nguồn tài nguyên. - Bảo vệ loài sinh vật . - Phục hồi và trồng rừng mới. - Xử lí các chất thải gây ô nhiễm. - Cải tạo nhiều giống vật nuôi vá cây trồng cho năng suất cao. Câu 3 : (mỗi ý đúng 0.5đ) - Cộng sinh : Vi khuẩn sống trong nốt sần rễ cây họ đậu. - Hội sinh : Địa y sống bám trên cành cây. - Cạnh tranh: Lúa và cỏ dại, và bò cùng ăn cỏ trên một cánh đồng. - Kí sinh : Rận và bét sống bám trên da trâu. bo. Giun đũa sống trong ruột người. - Sinh vật ăn sinh vật khác : trâu ăn cỏ. Câu 4:Nguyên nhân : Do người trồng rau, quả sử dụng thuốc bảo vệ thực vật không đúng cách.(0,5 đ ) - Dùng sai thuốc. (0.25đ) - Thuốc không đảm bảo chất lượng. (0.25đ) - Dùng quá liều lượng. (0.25đ) - Không tuân thủ qui định về thời gian thu hoạch, thu hoạch quá sớm sau khi phun thuốc(0.25đ) Câu 5 :Viết chuỗi thức ăn : a/ Cỏ thỏ cáo vi sinh vật.(0,5 đ ) b/ Cây lúa sâu đục th an chim vi sinh vật.(0,5 đ ) c/ Cỏ hươu hổ vi sinh vật .(0,5 đ ) d/ Cây cỏ gà diều hâu vi sinh vật.(0,5 đ ) UBND MỸ HẠNH TRUNG TRƯỜNG THCS CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc ĐỀ KỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG HỌC KỲ I MÔN : LỊCH SỬ THỜI GIAN : 45 PHÚT Câu : Trình bày phát triển cách mạng công nghiệp Pháp, Đức ( 2đ ) Câu : Nêu diễn biến kết chiến tranh giành độc lập thuộc địa Anh Bắc Mĩ ( 3đ ) Câu : Hoàn cảnh đời quốc tế thứ hai ( 2đ ) Câu : Em nêu nét chung quốc gia Đong Nam Á từ 1918 – 1939 ( 3đ ) ĐÁP ÁN MÔN SỬ Câu : - Pháp : Bắt đầu từ năm 1830 nhờ đẩy mạnh sản xuất gang thép, sử dụng nhiều máy nước ( 1đ ) - Đức : Từ 1840 kinh tế phát triển Từ 1850 – 1860 nhanh tốc độ suất ứng dụng thành tựu KHKT ( 1đ ) Câu : - Tháng 4.1775 chiến tranh bùng nổ Ngày 4.7.1776 tuyên ngôn độc lập công bố ( 1đ ) - Ngày 17.10.1777 quân khởi nghĩa thắng trận Xa-ra-tô-ga sau Anh ký hiệp ước Vexcai ( 1đ ) - Một quốc gia đời Năm 1787 hiến pháp ban hành ( 0,5đ ) - Là cách mạng tư sản, ảnh hưởng đến phong trào giành độc lập nhiều nước ( 0,5đ ) Câu : - Nhiều tổ chức công nhân nước đời ( 0,5đ ) - Ngày 14.7.1889 gần 400 Đại biểu 22 nước Pari tuyên bố thành lập Quốc tế thứ hai ( 1đ ) - Khi Ăng ghen Quốc tế thứ hai bị phân hoá ( 0,5đ ) Câu : - Hầu thuộc địa chủ nghĩa thực dân ( trừ Thái Lan ) ( 0,5đ ) - Phong trào đấu tranh chống đế quốc dâng cao ( 0,5đ ) - Giai cấp vô sản trưởng thành tham gia lãnh đạo cách mạng Cá Đảng cộng sản đời lãnh đạo cách mạng In-đô-nê-xi-a, Việt Nam ( 1,5đ ) - Phong trào dân chủ tư sản bước tiến xuất chí nh Đảng ( 0,5đ ) -Hết Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn - T8 1-5. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. 1. A. tournament B. consider C. popular D. passionate 2. A. football B. interest C. compete D. champion 3. A. general B. continent C. together D. organize 4. A. elimination B. circulation C. contamination D. magnificent 5. A. honour B. contain C. replace D. provide 6- 30. Choose the best answer. 6. The president has a team of bodyguards ____________ him. A. protecting B. having protected C. to protect D. will be protecting 7. To get a good seat, ______________ to arrive early. A. you need B. you should C. you must D. you will 8. – Jack: “ Why don’t we go out? You look tired.’ - Tom: “ _____________.” A. Let’s do it B. Not my problem C. Thanks D. Not at all 9. As I was walking along the street, I saw _________ $ 10 note on _______ pavement. A. a/ a B. the/ the C. a/ the D. the/ a 10. Fiction books tells stories from the author’s _________. A. imagine B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imagination 11. Water polo is a game where two _________ teams play against each other, attempting to score points by throwing a ball into the opponent’s goal. A. opposite B. oppose C. opposing D. opposable 12. The spectators had great ____________ for his amazing result. A. admire B. admirer C. admiring D. admiration 13. – Lora: “ I like her new dress.” - Jane: “ ___________”. A. Do I B. So do I C. I don’t either D. I like not 14. The game really became a festival that impressed sports ____________. A. enthusiasts B. enthusiasm C. enthuse D. enthusiastic 15. Books are still a cheap way to get information and ___________. A. entertainment B. entertain C. entertaining D. entertainer 16. The journey was the most difficult for the old dog, but ___________ he found the strength to make it. A. amazingly B. amaze C. amazing D. amazement 17. – Mom: “ He’s too young to understand it” - Dad: “ ___________” A. I think that B. I think so C. I think too D. I think not 18. Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining but the ground was very wet. It ___________. A. has been raining B. rained C. had rained D. had been raining 19. He had to act immediately; _________, it would have been too late. A. nevertheless B. still C. consequently D. otherwise 20. – Jim: “ This dictionary is for you. I hope you will find it useful.” - Mai: “ __________.” A. No problem! B. Thanks. It’s very kind of you C. Thanks. I’ll do it D. Yes, please. 21. A plan has been __________ fro Vietnam to host the Asian Sports Games at some point in the future. A. decided B. remained C. proposed D. carried 22. The book tells about a young boy who is trained _________ a witch in a wizard school. A. will be B. to be C. being D. to have been 23. John won $ 20,000, half of _________ he gave to his parents. A. it B. which C. whom D. that 24. You won’t pass the examination __________ you study more. A. unless B. as long as C. if D. whether 25. “ Our business is ________” “ Really? Now we have to make a report on it” A. doing B. done C. made D making 26. We were made _________ hard when we were at school. A. to study B. study C. studying D. studied 27. – Bill: “ Don’t forget to take your raincoat in case it rains.” – Bob: “ ___________.” A. No problem B. Why not C. Thanks D. Of course 28. Which was the first country __________ the World Cup at rugby? A. have won B. to win C. won D. had won 29. The last person __________ will have to turn off the lights. A. have left B. left C. leaving D. to leave 30. Is there anything __________ at the stadium? A. to drinking B. can drink C. for a drink D. to drink Questions 31- 35: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. The planet Earth is 4,600 million years old. It is difficult Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – T1 1-3. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. picked B. considered C. stayed D. received 2. A. hatched B. learned C. dedicated D. stopped 3. A. autumn B. sunny C. summer D. much 4-5. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 4. A. secure B. confide C. determine D. sacrifice 5. A. argument B. attract C. install D. reject 6-30. Choose the best option A,B,C, or D to complete the sentence. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 6. I am interested in natural science subjects like mathematics, physics and __________ . A. literature C. chemistry D. geography 7. I am tired________ having to wash the dishes every night. A. of B. by C. with D. at 8. I often go to the school _______ to borrow books in my free time. A. library B. room C. yard D. class 9. You can borrow_________ books as you want. A. as many B. as much C. so much D. too many 10. It rained heavily________ I couldn’t come to see you yesterday. A. because B. but C. and D. so 11. I wish you_______ harder for your examination. A. will work B. worked C. have worked D. work 12. Mary________ with her friend in a apartment in Hanoi since last Sunday A. is living B. have lived C. lived D. lives 13. I could ________ recognized her when she put on her suit and changed her hairstyle. A. hard B. not hardly C. hardly not D. hardly 14. Yesterday I was ill so they took me to the hospital, ________ is only a mile away. A. which B. where C. that D. in which 15. To our_______, Gheoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. eyes C. relief D. judgment 16. I’ve never seen _________. A. such a tall man B. so tall man C. such tall man D. as tall than 17. They wanted to know what foreign language______ besides English. A. did they teach B. they taught C. they teach D. do they teach 18. The doctor________ that he should slow down a bit. A. told to Jim B. said Jim C. asked Jim D. told Jim 19. You________ see the doctor if that back ache persists. A. better B. better have C. have better D. had better 20. ________ is the natural environment in which plants or animals live. A. Habitat B. Habitant C. Extinction D. Biodiversity 21. Many plants and animals _______ are now in danger of extinction. A. pieces B. species C. amount D. numbers 22. The disappearance of one or several species may result in the loss of ________. A. university B. biology C. biodiversity D. diversity 23.________ is considered one of the most complete forms of exercise, it is the basic part of many other aquatic sports. A. Snorkeling B. Water polo C. Scuba diving D. Swimming 24. The Asian Games is an occasion when friendship and _______are built and deepened. A. solidarity B. determination C. admiration D. rival 25. Our company didn’t pay_________ for that banner advertisement. A. much funds B. many funds C. many money D. much money 26. All the iron doors_______ by wooden doors. A. must be replaced B. must replaced C. must replace D. must to be replaced 27. The bigger the supermarket is, ___________. A. the choice is wide B. the wider the choice will be C. the more the choice is D. the wider the choice it is 28. When he is driving to work, he stopped_________. A. to get some petrol B. so to get some petrol D. getting some petrol C. for getting some petrol 29. My problems are getting__________ A. more and more bad B. bader and bader C. worse and worse D. the worse and worse 30. It would have been a much more serious accident if_________ fast at that time. A. had she have driving B. was she driving C. she had driven D. she drove 31- 35. Read the passage ad choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. Environment, housing, employment and nutrition are all factor that affect our quality of life. Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – T2 1-5. choose the word whose main stressed syllables is different from the rest. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. accomplishment B. fertilizers C. competition D. pronunciation 2. A. register B. devotee C. catalogue D. maximum 3. A. traditional B. alternative C. unique D. modernize 4. A. psychology B. entertainment C. mathematics D. economics 5. A. alternative B. energy C. process D. temperature 6- 30. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Mark your choice on the answer sheet 6. The teacher ask him why he ________ the test. A. doesn’t finish B. hasn’t finished C. won’t finish D. didn’t finish 7. Happiness is something _____ money can not buy. A. what B. whose C. which D. that 8. the famous product is named after the person______ invented it. A. whom B. which C. when D. who 9. I would rather_______ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy café. A. have B. to have C. prefer D. prefer to have 10. After________ his homework, Tom went out to play with his friends. A. finished B. fo finished C. finishing D. the finish of 11. I was very surprised________ that she didn’t pass the exam. A. hear B. to hearing C. at hearing D. to hear 12. We have an exam next week. It is very necessary_______. A. study hard B. to study hard C. hard study D. to study hard 13. “ I just won the lottery.” “ Stop kidding. I _____ you!” A. am not believing B. didn’t believe C. don’t believe D. wasn’t believing 14. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware_______ she had gone A. where that B. of where C. of the place where D. the place 15. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but she wishes she could contribute____________. A. one other fifty dollars B. another fifty C. the same amount also D. more fifty dollars 16. My brother told me he was soon going to visit__________. A. the United State B. the United States C. United State D. United States 17. The children are all__________ beautiful clothes on New Year’s Day. A. in B. on C. of D. by 18. Arthur Conan Doyle is the ________ who write many exciting stories about Sherlock Holmes. A. tellers B. author C. editor D. publisher 19. What are the________ between women in old times and women in modern times? A. differs B. different C. difference D. differences 20. In the past people believed that women’s________ roles were as mothers and wives. A. nature B. natural C. naturism D. naturalist 21. In time of peace, the _________ gives medical aid and other help to victims of disasters. A. Red Cross B. Red and Cross C. Cross Red D. Cross and Red 22. If you take a good book on your hand, you will find it hard__________. A. to pick it up B. to put it down C. to read it D. to enjoy it 23. She didn’t get_______ well with her boss, so she left the company. A. up B. at C. through D. on 24. It is against the law to _______ on the basis of sex, age, marital status, or race. A. suit B. discriminate C. believe D. gain 25. The acronym of WHO stands for__________. A. World Healthy Organization B.World Health Organization C. World Health Organizing D. World Healthful Organization 26. We’ll have to _______ down the options before coming to a decision. A. slow B. narrow C. bring D. wind 27. Your TOEFL score ______ to the admissions office A. must submit B. can be submitted C. must be submitted D. can submit 28. Nowadays women_______ the same wages as men. A. should pay B. will be paid C. will pay D. should be paid 29. The number of Vietnamese sport officials and referees of international standard_______ regional tournaments has increased rapidly. A. hosting B. achieving C. succeeding D. participating 30. At the station, we often see the sign “_________ for pickpockets.” A. Watch on B. Watch out C. Watch up D. Watch at 31- 35. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. Dining Etiquette Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – T3 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. psychology B. happen C. project D. stopped 2. A. hitchhike B. how C. hour D. hairstyle 3. A. foul B. enough C. come D. touch 4-5. Choose the word whose main stress syllable is different from the rest. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 4. A. apply B. persuade C. reduce D. offer 5. A. difference B. important C. impressive D. attractive 6-30. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 6. ………………. aspects of learning English do you find the most difficult? 7. We are very …………………… family. All of us have very close relationship with one another 8. I remember ………………. The letter a few days before going on holiday. A. To receive B. to have received C. received D. receiving 9. Her suggestions were ……………………… .We could not approve of them. A reason B. reasonable C. reasonably D. unreasonable 10. Do you agree that a happy marriage should be based …………… love. A. for B. on C. at D. with 11. Mary ……………… in London for 15 years. A. is living B. was living C. lives D. has lived 12. She said she …………………. Collect the stamps for me after work. A. would B. did C. must D. had 13. To enter that school, you will have to fill in the ……………. form. A. apply B. application C> applied D. applying 14. Today we can find many ………………… farms in our country. A. mechanic B. mechanize C. mechanized D. mechanization 15. I cannot understand my neighbor’s accent. I wish she would ………… . A. speak clearer B. clearer speak C. more clearly speak D> speak more clearly 16. The sink in the locker room tends to ……………… . A. flow B. overflow C. flow over D. over flowing 17. He went to the cinema ……………. He had done his home work. A. Before B. until C. by the time D> after 18. The people next door are furious ……… us …… making so much noise last night. A. at/with B. with/ for C. for/ to D. about /in 19. The Vietnamese participants always take part ……… sports events with great enthusiasm. A. in B. on C. at D. to 20. The average TV ……………. Time of the British is about 25 hours a week. A. seeing B. viewing C. looking D. observing 21. She doesn’t want anything alcoholic now. She would rather …………… a soft drink. A. have B. to have C. prefer D. prefer to have 22. That news came very fast. They’ll be surprised …………… it. A. hearing B. to hearing C. at hearing D. to hear 23. “It was very cold yesterday. The winter is just around the corner. “I think today will be ………………… yesterday.” A. as cold as B. so cold as C> as cold like D> so cold like 24. On Saturday evening I …………… go to the cinema ………………. Stay home watch TV. A. both /and B. neither /and C. either / or D. either / nor 25. “If I were you, I would advise her ……………. The new teaching method.” A. to try B. try C. tries D. trying 26. Tom went to see the optician. He wanted to have his glasses ……………… . A. fit B. fitted C. fit on D. fitted on 27. Her grades have improved, but only …………………. . A. in a small amount B. very slightly C. minimum D. some 28. Working for 12 hours a day ……………… her very tired. A. makes B. made C. make D. making 29. He went back to work in his country after he ………………. His course on Advanced Engineering in London. A. finishes B. had finished C. has finished D. was finishing 30. I’d prefer to stay at home tonight ………………… to the cinema. A. rather than go B. rather than would go C> rather than will go D. rather than went 31-35. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the question. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. Saving energy means saving money. Homeowners and renters know this basic fact, but they often don’t know what kinds of adjustments they can make in their homes and apartments that will result in savings. For those willing to spend some time and money to reap long- term energy savings, an energy

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2017, 20:22