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Unit 3. People''''s background

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  • Task 1: Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false information.

  • Task 2: Answer the questions

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Nội dung

Unit 3. People''''''''s background tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực...

CE31a CE 31 Date : ngaøy thaùng Time : giôø phuùt ~ giôø phuùt Name: _____________________ UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND A. Pronunciation Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 1. a. said b. bed c. bad 2. a. sand b. hate c. man 3. a. worked b. wanted c. liked 4. a. chemist b. change c. choice Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others 1. a. opinion b. interesting c. semester 2. a. determine b. mature c. harbour 3. a. condition b. general c. common 4. a. process b. release c. chemist TLBT10 BTCB 1 CE31b B. The past perfect tense (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành) Form  Positive: S + had + past participle (Past participle (pp): là V 3 hoặc V ed ) _ He had finished the work by 5 o’clock.  Negative: S + had not + past participle _ He had not left home by 5 o’clock last night.  Interrogative Had + S + past participle…? _ Had Lan come home when you arrived?  Use a. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm xác đònh trong quá khứ. _ Mary had gone to bed before 10 o’clock last night. b. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ. Trong câu thường có các từ: after, before, by (ngay trước khi), already (rồi), just (vừa mới)… _ She had become a famous singer by 1998. TLBT10 BTCB 2 CE32a CE 32 Change the following sentences into the negative and interrogative form _ She had lived in that city by 1975. → She had not lived in that city by 1975. → Had she lived in that city by 1975? 1. The train had left when he got there. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2. She had already done her homework. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3. The boy had slept before his mother arrived home. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4. I bought this new software to learn Chinese. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ TLBT10 BTCB 3 CE32b C. The simple past vs the past perfect The Simple Past The Past Perfect Positive: S + V 2/ed + O S + had + V 3/ed Negative: S + did not +V S + had not + V 3/ed Interrogative: Did S + V…? Had + S + V 3/ed …? Use: Thì quá khứ đơn được dùng để nói về một hành động đã bắt đầu và kết thúc trong quá khứ. _ I went to bed early last night. _ She didn’t see John last week. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng để diễn tả một hoạt động đã kết thúc trước một điểm thời gian hoặc trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ. _ I had gone to bed before 10 o’clock last night. _ She hadn’t seen John before she left for Paris last week. TLBT10 BTCB 4 CE33a CE 33 Chú ý: khi gặp các trạng từ thời gian như after, (by the time) / before ta có thể áp dụng hình thức sau để phân biệt quá khứ đơn và quá khứ hoàn thành. After S + had V 3 , S + V 2 _ After I had finished my work, I went home. Before S +V 2 , S + had + V 3 By the time _ Before Mary came to my home, I had gone out last night. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form _ After he (become) had become a doctor, he built a house. 1. After she (fill) _________ the basket, she went to the check out. 2. Before he (get) ________ married, he had prepared everything. 3. After John had met me, he (phone) ________ Mary last night. 4. ________ Lan (come) ________ home when you arrived? TLBT10 BTCB 5 CE33b Choose the best answer _ My parents (had already eaten / ate) dinner by the time I got home. 1. When I came to the party, everyone (had left / left) already. 2. Mary (had lived / lived) in Paris in 2005. 3. She (lived / had lived) in London before 2005. 4. Did Lan (meet / met) John last night? 5. Had Lan (meet / met) John before 7 o’clock last night? 6. They didn’t (receive / received) the letter from him yesterday. 7. They hadn’t (receive / received) the letter from him before he arrived there. 8. After I had Welcome to class 10A13! Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences Marie Curie was born _ A In 1867 in France B B In 1877 in Warsaw C In 1867 in Warsaw She received some scientific training A in local schools B from her father C both in local schools and from her father She had to work as to save money for a study tour abroad A a student B a scientist C a private tutor In 1891, Marie went to the Sorbonne to harbour the dream of becoming a A a student B a scientist C a private tutor She earned two degrees at the Sorbonne with flying colours, one in and one in A Maths/ Chemistry B Physics/ Chemistry C Physics/ Maths She married Pierre Curie _, only a year after they met A in 1894 B in 1895 C in 1906 In 1903, she became the first woman to receive a _ from the Sorbonne A PhD B scholarship C degree Task 1: Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) T F the false 1.Correct Marie’s husband diedinformation in 1906  She didn’t tooktake up the position which her husband  had obtained at the Sorbonne after his death She was the first woman professor at the Sorbonne  Chemistry She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics Her real joy was “easing human suffering”   Task 2: Answer the questions What did she after her husband’s death? For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry? Was the prize her real joy? Why /Why not? When was the Radium Institute founded? What was made to come true by the founding of the Radium Institute? Lucky star For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry ? - She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium Was the prize her real joy? Why /Why not? - No, it wasn’t Because her real joy was “easing human suffering” 1.What did she after her husband’s death? - After her husband’s death, she took up the position which her husband had obtained at the Sorbonne When was the Radium Institute founded ? - It was founded in 1914 What was made to come true by the founding of the Radium Institute? - Marie’s humanitarian wish was made come true (by the founding of the Radium Institute) After you read: Work in groups Below are five adjectives we may use to describe Marie Curie Find the evidence from the passage to prove each of them - strong-willed - ambitious - hard-working - Intelligent - humane After you read: Work in groups Below are five adjectives we may use to describe Marie Curie Find the evidence from the passage to prove each of them Adjectives strongwilled ambitious hardworking Evidence She harboured the dream of a scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that time Finally in 1891,Marie, with very little money to live on, went to Paris to realize her dream at the Sorbonne She harboured the dream of a scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that time She earned a degree in Physics with flying colors, and went on to take another degree in Mathematics In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard After you read: Work in groups Below are five adjectives we may use to describe Marie Curie Find the evidence from the passage to prove each of them intelligent humane She earned a degree in Physics with flying colors, and went on to take another degree in Mathematics Soon after, she was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium Her real joy was “easing human sufferring” AFTER YOU READ: Use the suggested information to talk about Marie Curie’s background - born / Warsaw / Nov 7, 1867 - receive general education / local school - go / Sorbonne School / 1891/ harbour the dream of a scientific career - get degrees (in Physics and Maths) with flying colours - marry / Pierre Curie / 1895 work together on the research - become / first woman / receive / PhD / Sorbonne / 1903 - awarded / Nobel Prize / Chemistry / determining / atomic weight of radium Homework + Learn new words by heart + Practice reading the passage and translate it into Vietnamese + Prepare Unit – Speaking lesson Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACK GROUND Unit 3: READING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives:1 Educational aim: Students can read and know about Marie Curie and make questions and answer them well Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Language: - New words: Words to describe people’s back ground: name, age, place/date of birth, education, job, interest Skills: Reading for general or specific information II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Some photos of famous people and some information about them IV Procedures: 1.Organization 2.Check old lesson 3.New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: (4 minutes) - Give some famous persons’ names in the - Do themselves and column A and their job in the column B then working pairs - Let students match the people with - Some of them on their jobs the board and speak out A B A B To Hoai singers To Hoai writer Marie Curie teacher Marie Curie scientists Hong Nhung writer Hong Nhung singer Mr Ha scientist Mr Ha teacher - Recheck and introduce the new lesson: - Listen to the teacher Marie Curie Pre-reading: (7 minutes) - Ask some questions about some famous people and Marie Curie - Write down in their papers and then discuss Can you name and tell some scientists in their groups and their specializations? What are their job? - Some students stand up and answer in roles Notes Where are they? A: Can you name…? Have you ever heard of Marie Curie? B: They are NewTon, What you know about her? Darwin, Marie Curie - Let students write some information about Marie Curie with model given What you already know about her What you want to know about her - Work in pairs to discuss to fill some necessary inform about Marie Curie - Speak out their - Let each student stand and speak their knowledge about Marie Curie opinions - Go around and help them if necessary A: Marie Curie is a scientist B: I want to know when and where she was born While-reading: (20 minutes) Class organization: - Let students open the book and read students it in pairs silently while teacher reads aloud and - Read silently correctly - Ask students to read themselves and Remember information some about write down some information Marie Curie - Let students work in pairs to the task Task - Read words in A and ask: With flying colors, what does it mean? - Let students translate them into Vietnamese - Ask students to reread and answer - Read quickly and give some sentences in the text which are in A - Predict the meaning of words - Match words A with B some questions to practise with some 1-C: very well, with a words above very high mark/grade 2-E: find out exactly by making calculations 3-A: having a fully developed mind 4-D: make less severe 5-B: keep in the mind - Work in pairs and answer some questions To whom these words refer to? - What about her? Who passed the exam with flying colors? Task - Let students read all sentences and explain some new words if necessary - Read quickly and find information to compare to the sentence given: True of False? - Work in pairs, then one reads the sentence and the other corrects it - Listen and correct if needed - Work in pairs to find information to answer the questions Task A: Where and when - Let students work in pairs was Marie born? B: She was born… - Work in pairs and some of them stand and say about Marie Curie Post-reading: (10 minutes) -Ask students to close their books and - Work in groups and discuss which sentences practise telling something about Marie go with the word given Curie - Let students reread the passage quickly to find evidence from the passage to prove each of them - Speak out: a strong willed: harboured the dream of a scientific career, impossible for a a strong willed woman at that time b ambitious b c hard-working d intelligent e humane Ambitious: kept moving up in her career c hard-working: difficult living conditions- work hard - Listen and explain some use of the d Intelligent: Nobel Prize words: work as; in spite of; Week Period Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Date of teaching: 24/8/2015 INTRODUCTION THE WAY TO LEARN WELL I Objectives: Knowledge - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know How to prepare a new lesson, How to learn & check the previous lesson, How to learn English well and use the allocation in their study (at school + at home) and basic classroom language Skills Know the way of using other language Language focus: + Structure: - Asking the students what they learnt last year or how they know English now + Vocabulary: Education - Educate ss love their lesson II Teaching aids: Teacher: textbook, cassette, tape Students: Books, pens III Procedure - Introduce the content of the programme: PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH DẠY VÀ HỌC TIẾNG ANH LỚP (THEO CHƯƠNG TRÌNH VÀ SÁCH GIÁO KHOA MỚI CỦA BỘ GIÁO DỤC) Phân phối chương trình cho kế hoạch tiết/tuần Số tiết thực dạy: Số tiết ôn tập: Số tiết kiểm tra: Số tiết giới thiệu CT & SGK Số tiết dự phòng Tổng số tiết năm học: tiết/bài học x 20 = 80 tiết tiết/bài x ôn = 12 tiết tiết/bài x kiểm tra = tiết tiết 4tiết 105 tiết “English 4” has books ( Two student books and one work book) • Each student book has 10 units After units has a review • Each unit has lessons • Each lesson has 4- parts • Prepare for the academic year Teacher remarks Ss to remember some commands + Look, listen and repeat Nhìn nghe nhắc lại + Point and say Chỉ nói + Listen and tick + Look and write Nhìn viết + Let’s sing + Let’s talk Chúng ta nói + Let’s play + Listen and number Nghe đánh số + Let’s chant + Listen and circle Nghe khoanh tròn + Write about you + Read and answer Đọc trả lời + Project + Listen and repeat Nghe nhắc lại + Read and tick + Read and complete Đọc hoàn thành câu + Read and write Đọc viết * Ss read in chorus, in group and individual * Teacher corrects the mistakes of pronunciation * Play the game: Slap on the board Week Period Nghe đánh dấu Chúng ta hát Chúng ta chơi Chúng ta đếm Viết bạn Kế hoạch Đọc đánh dấu Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Date of teaching: 24-25/8/2015 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson 1: part 1-2-3 I Objectives: - After the lesson, students will be able to greet someone formally Develop: Listening – Speaking skills - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves - Studious and obedient students and love their friends II Language contents: - Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening, night - Grammar : Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening III Teaching aids: - Teaching aids: puppets , recording - Resources: student’s book ( p.6), workbook ( p 4) IV/ Procedures Class organization: - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance Oral test: - Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone, intro-duce someone New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Have Ss play the game: - Play the game passing ball to introduce Class: What’s your name? themselves S1: My name’s Nam / I’m Nam Look, listen and repeat - Look at the pictures and identify the characters - Listen and repeat twice - Play roles to read One group repeats Miss Hien’s part and the other the pupils’ part - Read in pairs - Greet in chorus: Good morning, Miss Ha - Check Ss’ understanding: T: Good morning, class + Encourage Ss to say: Good morning, Miss Ha 2.Point and say: - Identify the people in each picture: Picture a: Mss Hien and Mai - Do as an example with Picture b: Mr Loc and Phong picture a Picture c: Mr Loc and Mss Hien T: Good morning, Nga - Point to the pictures and practise S1: Good morning, Mr - Play role and speak out - Work in pair Loc - Do the same with other - 6-7 pairs The others observe and give comments greetings and parts of the - Open their books Identify the people and the parts day of the day - Look at the pictures Then Ss identify parts of the Listen and tick day - Listen ( twice) and tick - Listen and check Conclusion and - Give the answers: a c b homework - Ask Ss to Ex A,B at home Week Period Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Date of teaching: 26-27/8/2015 UNIT 1: NICE TO Week Period Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Date of teaching: 24/8/2015 INTRODUCTION THE WAY TO LEARN WELL I Objectives: Knowledge - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know How to prepare a new lesson, How to learn & check the previous lesson, How to learn English well and use the allocation in their study (at school + at home) and basic classroom language Skills Know the way of using other language Language focus: + Structure: - Asking the students what they learnt last year or how they know English now + Vocabulary: Education - Educate ss love their lesson II Teaching aids: Teacher: textbook, cassette, tape Students: Books, pens III Procedure - Introduce the content of the programme: PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH DẠY VÀ HỌC TIẾNG ANH LỚP (THEO CHƯƠNG TRÌNH VÀ SÁCH GIÁO KHOA MỚI CỦA BỘ GIÁO DỤC) Phân phối chương trình cho kế hoạch tiết/tuần Số tiết thực dạy: Số tiết ôn tập: Số tiết kiểm tra: Số tiết giới thiệu CT & SGK Số tiết dự phòng Tổng số tiết năm học: tiết/bài học x 20 = 80 tiết tiết/bài x ôn = 12 tiết tiết/bài x kiểm tra = tiết tiết 4tiết 105 tiết “English 4” has books ( Two student books and one work book) • Each student book has 10 units After units has a review • Each unit has lessons • Each lesson has 4- parts • Prepare for the academic year Teacher remarks Ss to remember some commands + Look, listen and repeat Nhìn nghe nhắc lại + Point and say Chỉ nói + Listen and tick + Look and write Nhìn viết + Let’s sing + Let’s talk Chúng ta nói + Let’s play + Listen and number Nghe đánh số + Let’s chant + Listen and circle Nghe khoanh tròn + Write about you + Read and answer Đọc trả lời + Project + Listen and repeat Nghe nhắc lại + Read and tick + Read and complete Đọc hoàn thành câu + Read and write Đọc viết * Ss read in chorus, in group and individual * Teacher corrects the mistakes of pronunciation * Play the game: Slap on the board Week Period Nghe đánh dấu Chúng ta hát Chúng ta chơi Chúng ta đếm Viết bạn Kế hoạch Đọc đánh dấu Date of planning: 16/8/2015 Date of teaching: 24-25/8/2015 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson 1: part 1-2-3 I Objectives: - After the lesson, students will be able to greet someone formally Develop: Listening – Speaking skills - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves - Studious and obedient students and love their friends II Language contents: - Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening, night - Grammar : Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening III Teaching aids: - Teaching aids: puppets , recording - Resources: student’s book ( p.6), workbook ( p 4) IV/ Procedures Class organization: - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance Oral test: - Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone, intro-duce someone New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Have Ss play the game: - Play the game passing ball to introduce Class: What’s your name? themselves S1: My name’s Nam / I’m Nam Look, listen and repeat - Look at the pictures and identify the characters - Listen and repeat twice - Play roles to read One group repeats Miss Hien’s part and the other the pupils’ part - Read in pairs - Greet in chorus: Good morning, Miss Ha - Check Ss’ understanding: T: Good morning, class + Encourage Ss to say: Good morning, Miss Ha 2.Point and say: - Identify the people in each picture: Picture a: Mss Hien and Mai - Do as an example with Picture b: Mr Loc and Phong picture a Picture c: Mr Loc and Mss Hien T: Good morning, Nga - Point to the pictures and practise S1: Good morning, Mr - Play role and speak out - Work in pair Loc - Do the same with other - 6-7 pairs The others observe and give comments greetings and parts of the - Open their books Identify the people and the parts day of the day - Look at the pictures Then Ss identify parts of the Listen and tick day - Listen ( twice) and tick - Listen and check WARM UP Who is he ????? A He was a well known scientist of the 20th century B He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1921 C He was a German-born American scientist D He is famous for the formula : E = mc2 E He is best known for his theories of special relative and general relative TRƯỜNG THPT TRẠI CAU UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Lesson 2: Speaking GIÁO VIÊN: LÊ THỊ THU HƯỜNG TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN: XÃ HỘI “ Add your company slogan ” UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Lesson 2: Speaking How to ask about someone ’ s backgroun Task Which of the following items can tell you about somebody’s background? Someone’s background family hobbies education dislikes appearance experience Work in group of to discuss To know about someone’s background what questions can you ask with these words? A Family family education experience • • • • When and where was you born? How many people in your family? What is your parents’ job? Do you have any brother or sister? B Education • Which grade are you in? • What the name of your primary/ secondary/ high school? • How long have you studied there? • What is/ are your favorite subject (s)? • How you study at school? C Experience • Have you ever taken part in any club? • Do you have any special abilities? • Do you have any part time job? Task 2: Role play Imagine you are a journalist Use the questions to interview a classmate about his or her background Change the roles when you have finished A Family • When and where was you born? • How many people in your family? • What is your parents’ job? • Do you have any brother or sister? B Education • Which grade are you in? • What the name of your primary/ secondary/ high school? • How long have you studied there? • What is/ are your favorite subject (s)? • How you study at school? C Experience • Have you ever taken part in any club? • Do you have any special abilities? • Do you have any part time job? Task 3: Report Talk about the person that you have just interviewed Game: Who is who? Make Wh - questions to find out who is your partner’s favorite person Who is who??? “ Add your company slogan ” ... “easing human sufferring” AFTER YOU READ: Use the suggested information to talk about Marie Curie’s background - born / Warsaw / Nov 7, 1867 - receive general education / local school - go / Sorbonne... Learn new words by heart + Practice reading the passage and translate it into Vietnamese + Prepare Unit – Speaking lesson

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2017, 01:01

