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Guiding students to solve exercises about making sentences

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PART ONE: INTRODUCTION THE REASONS FOR CHOOSING TOPIC Nowadays, English has become an international language because it is widely used in many parts of the world In the tendency of integration of the global economy, English is one of the effective communicative tools for everybody The role of English is considered to be very important in the fields of economics, politics, science, culture and education Especially, Vietnam’s official membership of WTO on 7th November 2006 opened a new door for integrating into the world economy, and more and more people want to learn English for communicating with foreign partners, tourism, study tours, etc In recent years, English has become a compulsory subject in secondary education programme and it is one of three main subjects in GCSE examinations In upper secondary school English programme, each unit is divided into five lessons with language focus and four skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing Writing is an impotant skill that is always used in General Certificate of Secondary Education, and competitions for gifted students Writing exercises usually account for 20% of the total score of the tests However, many students have difficulties in doing the exercises that require writing skill in English, and some even ignore doing them so that their results are always low Writing is always thougth to be a difficult skill, so teachers and students only pay their attention to other exercises, not writing ones Therefore; I choose the topic " Guiding students to solve exercises about making sentences" in my experience initiative to help them reinforce and practice grammar effectively and achieve good results in the exams PART TWO: CONTENT I Theoretical basis Writing is one of four important skills that are used in almost important examinations, especially in the English test of GCSE examination, it accounts for 20% of the total score However, writing seems to be the most difficult skill When learning it, they find it very hard and they tend to ignore writing exercises In examinations, when scoring their papers, we realize that, most of students avoid doing writing part or if they it, the answers are not correct In my topic, I only focus on some theoretical problems, some basic exercises about writing and some simple ways to make sentences so that the students can the exercises related to writing skill in English When they can make different types of sentences, they will be able to write a paragraph or an essay, which will help them all the writing exercises in examinations and it is certain that their scores will be higher II Scope of research I applied this experience initiative for teaching 10 and 11 grade at Trieu Son upper school They are students of classes 10A8,11C1 and 11C7 III Factual basis I researched this topic based on the following aspects: - Based on actual teaching - Based on some references about writing - Based on the opinions of the colleagues Before making the topic, I had a test to examine the quality of the students of the classes 10A8,11C1 and 11C7 at Trieu Son I high school I obtained the following results: Class 10A8 11C1 11C7 Number Excelent of Number % students of 50 42 41 Good Average Number % Number of of students students students 10% 16 32% 15 7% 13 31 % 14 10% 12 29.2 11 % Weak % Number of students 30 % 14 33.4% 12 26.8% 14 % 2% 28.6% 34% IV Solutions Parts of a sentence To make a sentence, students have to understand what forms a sentence In general, a sentence includes following basic parts of speech: subject, verb, complement, modifier However, not all senentences have all these parts Some sentences have three parts, some have two and the others have only one verb 1.1 Subject Subject is the agent in a sentence, it can be a pronoun, a proper name, a noun or a noun phrase Subject is usually at the beginning of the sentence and it decides the form of the verb following it Examples: Flowers are beautiful ( “flowers” is a noun ) That new red car is mine ( “That new red car” is a noun phrase) In some situations, when there is no real subject in the sentence, “It” or “ there” will be the subject Examples: It is a nice day today There is someone at the door In English, every sentence has a subject, even imperative sentence In this kind of sentences, subject is understood the listener, even if it doesn’t appear 1.2 Verb Verb is an integral part of a sentence.There are two types of verbs: action verbs and state verbs It can be a verb or a verb phrase A verb phrase includes a verb and particles ( maybe one or two ) Examples: I usually play badminton ( action verb) He feels happy ( state verb) This food tastes delicious ( state verb) I tasted the food carefully ( action verb) I have seen Mr Brown ( action verb) They are looking for their car key ( verb phrase) My mother takes care of us ( verb phrase) 1.3 Complement Complement is a word or a phrase that refers to the object influenced by subject Like a subject, a complement is always a noun or a noun phrase without a preposition at the beginning However, a complement usually follows a verb or a verb phrase Not all sentences have a complement It is used for the answers to “ What” or “ Whom” questions Examples: John bought a car yesterday ( What did John buy yesterday?) Jill wants to drink some water ( What does Jill want to drink?) I met her at the party last night ( Whom you meet at the party last night?) 1.4 Modifier Modifier is a word or a phrase that refers to time, place or manner of an action Not all sentences have a modifier It can be an adverb, an adverbial phrase or a prepositional phrase A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition an ends with a noun A modifier can be used for the answers to “ When”, “ Why”, and “ How” questions One sentence may have more than one modifier Then, adverb of time will be at the end of the sentence He went to Da Lat last summer ( adverbial phrase – when did he go to Da Lat?) My mother is in the kitchen ( prepositional phrase – Where is your mother?) He can play the piano well ( adver of manner- How can he play the piano?) They sang beautifully at the competition last Sunday Manner place time Types of sentences: Basing on their functions, sentences are devided into four types: statement, interrogative sentences, exclamative sentence and imperative sentence 2.1 Statement: S + V + (complement) + (modifier) This is the most popular kind of sentences It is used to convey information It can be affirmative or negative Examples: David plays the piano The boy doesn't learn English 2.2 Interrogative sentences 2.2.1 Yes/No question: the answer to this kind of question is always “ yes” or “ no” To make this kind of question, we need to invert the auxiliary verb or modal verb to the beginning of sentence Aux./ modal verb + S + V + ( complement) + ( modifier)? Examples: Is he a doctor? Yes, he is./No, he isn't Does he like coffee? Yes, he does./No, he doesn't Can you speak English? Yes, I can./No, I cannot 2.2.2 Negative questions: This kind of question begins with a negative form of an auxiliary or a modal verb And the answer is usually “ No” Aux./ modal verb + not + S + V + ( complement) + ( modifier)? Examples: Isn't she a student at this university? – No, she isn’t Doesn't he like black coffee? - No, he doesn’t Can’t they speak english? - No, they can’t 2.2.3 WH- questions: this question starts with one of the following words: what, why, where, when, how, who, whom, which, whose + Wh- word is the subject : Wh + V+ ( complement) + ( modifier)? Examples: 1.What is this? 2.Who is in the room? + Wh- word is not the subject: Wh+ aux./ modal verb+ S + V Examples: 1.What did you last night? Why you learn English? How does she learn English? 2.2.4 Alternative question Examples: 1.Are you Vietnamese or English? I'm Vietnamese 2.Do you learn English or Russian at school? I learn English 2.3 Exclamative sentence: This kind of sentences is used to express feeling or emotion And it is used with "what, how" 2.3.1 What +(a/an) + adj + noun! Examples: 1.What a clever boy he is! What beautiful flowers! What tight shoes! 4.What beautiful weather! What delicious food they served! What a lovely house they have! 2.3.2 How + adj/adv + S + V! 1.How cold it is! 2.How quickly he ran! 2.4 Imperative sentence: 2.4.1 V- inf.+ ( complement) + ( modifier)? Examples: 1.Go out! Open your book, please! Hurry up! Have a piece of this cake It's delicious 2.4.2 Don’t + v-inf + ( complement) + ( modifier)? Examples: Don’t make too much noise in the room Don’t it again Exercises of making a sentence 3.1 Answer the questions: Giving questions for students to answer is a basic activity that any teachers apply in their teaching This kind of exercise can be used in oral test, or during a lesson Not only does it improve the ability of making sentence, but it is also very good for them to practise listening and speaking skills When they answer the questions in writing or speaking,it means that they are making sentences The teacher should start with simple questions and then give more and more difficult ones Examples: When starting Unit 1, English 10 with the topic “ A day in the life of……………”, a familiar topic for student, I usually ask some students to answer the questions about their daily routines and they are eager to answer What time you usually get up in the morning? What you after that? How many lessons you often have a day? What you in the afternoon? Can you tell me what you in the evening? ……………………………………………… Examples: In Language focus part of unit , English 10, students have to revise how to make “ Wh- questions” At the beginning of the lesson, I often ask them some questions with “wh”: What time is it now? How often you play sports? When were you born? What subjects you like? Who are you learning English with? What does your father/ mother do? How many brothers/ sisters you have? Why you like English? How far is it from your house to your school? 10.Where is your house? These questions are simple and related to their life, so they can answer correctly and frequently, which makes them feel confident Then I give them more difficult sentences and guide them to make questions for underlined parts Examples: English 10, Unit 9- Undersea world Before reading, I ask the students to answer some questions: How many oceans are there in the world? Can you name some sea animals that you know? How many percentage of the Earth’s surface is covered by the water? Giving questions is also very effective when teaching reading or listening skills After students have finished the lesson, I usually ask them to close their books and answer my questions associated with what they have learnt Examples: In Listening part of Unit 11: National Park, English 10, I ask the students some questions at the end of the lesson: Where is Cuc Phuong national Park? When was cuc Phuong National park officially opened? Which ethnic minority live in Cuc Phuong? Whose army was stationed there before it made its surprise attack on Thang Long? Translation From my point of view, it is sometimes neccessary to use Vietnamese to teach English, especially for the first level students or weak students This may make them feel more confident in learning a foreign language We can use Vietnamese in explaination to convey the meaning of the language that they are learning And then we can ask them to translate English into Vietnamese and vice versa While teaching, I usually ask my students to translate some sentences to practice the grammatical structures or new words/ phrares that they have learnt This is a good way to enrich vocabulary and remember structures To distinguish the different uses of “ used to/ be used to/ get used to” , I give them the following exercises: ( Unit 4, English 10) Examples: Translate into English: Tôi thường dậy sớm để học học sinh ->I used to get up early to revise my lesson when I was a student Tôi quen với việc dậy sớm để học -> I am used to getting up early to revise my lesson Tôi bắt đầu quen với với việc dậy sớm để học -> I get used to getting up early to revise my lesson Con dao dùng để cắt bánh mì -> This knife is used to cut bread./ This knife is used for cutting bread These phrases are very familiar but the students may be confused when using them When they the exercise, they can easily distinguish the differences between them To help them remember a group of words or phrases that have the similar meaning, I also use this kind of exercise: Examples: Translate the following sentences into English, use the phrases: + be in danger of extinction + become extinct + at risk + be threatened Cá heo gặp nguy hiểm săn bắt mức ( Unit 9, English 10) -> Dolphins are at risk due to overhunting Nhiều loài động vật có nguy bị tuyệt chủng ( Unit 10, English 11) ->Many species of animals are in danger of extinction Thiên nhiên bị đe dọa ( unit 10, English 10) -> Nature is being threatened Khủng long tuyệt chủng hàng ngàn năm trước -> Dinorsaurs became extinct thousands years ago This kind of exercise can be used in oral test, homework or during the lesson And the content should be based on the knowledge that the students have known, or they can infer, sometimes Or you can fix some information about the fact or history into the sentences Examples: Có nhiều nguồn lượng thay thế, ví dụ như: lượng mặt trời, địa nhiệt, lượng hạt nhân…… ( Unit 11, English 11) -> There are a lot of alternative sources of energy, such as solar energy, geothemal heat, nuclear power………………… Thành Cổ Loa xây dựng theo hình xoắn ốc ( Unit 16, English 11) -> Co Loa citadel was built in spiral form Quốc Tử Giám xem trường đại học Việt Nam -> Quoc Tu Giam is considered to be the first university in Viet Nam Phạm Tuân người Việt Nam bay vào vũ trụ -> Pham Tuan was the first Vietnamese person to fly into space Neil Amstrong người đặt chân lên mặt trăng -> Neil Amstrong was the first person to st foot on the moon Asking students to translate some sentences in Vietname songs or poems into English is also an interesting exercise Teacher should choose some popular songs or poems for them to translate It will give comfortable atmostphere to the whole class Examples: When teaching “Conditonal sentences type 2”, I ask them to make English sentences for the following Vietnamese ones in the song “ Tu Nguyen”, composed by musician Truong Quoc Khanh Nếu chim loài bồ câu trắng -> if I were a bird, I would be a white dove Nếu hoa đóa hướng dương -> If I were a flower, I would be a sunflower Nếu mây vầng mây ấm ->If I were cloud, I would be a warm cloud Most of the students have listened to this song, and they are eager to the task When doing it, they can rememer the use of conditional sentence type 3.3 Reordering the words/ phrases to make meaningful sentences This kind of exercises is widely used in many tests All the given words and phrases are jumbled Students have to reorder them into the correct positions without adding or changing words To this exercise well, students must understand the structure of the sentences and the uses of parts of speech clearly This will help them identify the words and their functions and they can reorder them correctly 3.3.1 For weak students, teachers should give them simple sentences that they can Don’t give them too complicated ones, which will make them feel depressed Examples: up/ early/ in/ I/ always/ the/ get/ morning -> I always get up early in the morning subjects/ you/ How many/ studying/ school/ at/ are? ->How many subjects are you studying at school? learning/ you/ do/ Why/ English/ like? -> Why you like learning English? practises/ every day/ Lan/ speaking/ English -> Lan practises speaking English every day going/ How about/ for/ out/ dinner? -> How about going out for dinner All the sentences above are very simple Students can apply what they have learnt to this task, such as: like + v-ing, practise + v-ing, how about + v-ing …………… 3.3.2 For intermediate and advanced learners, the exercises, of course, must be more difficult Sometimes, they need to think much when doing them Examples: to be / are /many / understanding/ that There /seem /beyond / our / mysteries ->There are many mysteries that seem to be beyond our understanding lecture /attending / regretted/ the /last / Peter/ week/ not ->Peter regretted not attending the lecture last week so / got on /time /for /the / passengers / to /leave / It / all /the / was / train /board ->It was time for the train to leave so all the passengers got on board of /We / because/ our/ upset/ failure/ were ->We were upset because of our failure badly /policeman / damaged/ accident/ to /the /whose /The/ car /had/ talking/ was /been /in/ the / man ->The policeman was talking to the man whose car had been badly damaged in the accident 3.4 Building sentences by using the given words or phrases Because of its difficulties, not many teachers are not interested in using this exercise in the tests From the words or phrases given, students have to make a meaning sentences Firstly, they must understand the meaning of the words and phrases that are given and their uses Then they need to identify the grammatical structure that will be used When making the sentence, they may have to add some more words and change some given words It is not an easy task for students However, it is an effective way to improve their use of language if the teachers design suitable exercises for them This is a very important step to help them this kind of exercise correctly We should use this kind of exercise in oral test, in writing test or homework The level of difficulties must depend on the knowledge of the students 3.4.1 For weak students, the exercise must be on what they have known/ have learnt and the signals must be very clear for them to infer Examples: They/ build/ new/ hospital/ city/ at the moment ->They are building a new hospital at the moment In this sentences, the adverbial phrase “ at the moment” helps students identify the tense easily If/ it/ rain/ I/ not/ go/ out/ tomorrow ->If it rains, we will not go out tomorrow The words “ if” and “ tomorrow” are clear signals for conditional type Mai/ be/ beautiful/ than/ her/ sister ->Mai is more beautiful than her sister The word “ than” in this example refers to comparative He/ enjoy/ play/ football/ afternoon ->He enjoys playing football in the afternoon Students remember the structure : enjoy+ v-ing My father/ come/ home/ late/ last night ->My father came home late last night The adverb “ last night” refers to past simple tense In all the above sentences, the symbols are very clear: 3.4.2 For better students, the exercises must be more complicated for them to infer The sentences should include difficult words or phrases because good students usually like challenges if/ you/ listen/ my/ advice/ first/ place, you/ be/ successful/ now ->If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you would be successful now In this sentence, there are two adverbs: in the first place and now so that students can understand that it is a mixed onditional sentence motion pictures / broaden /viewers/ awareness / different/ lifestyles -> Motion pictures have broadened the viewers’ awareness of different lifestyles This sentence is a bit more difficult than the last one However, students can base on the meaning of the word to infer that they need to use present perfect tense because it focuses on the result of the action not / mistakes / again! -> Don’t these mistakes again! Students can easily realize that this is an imperative form Gagarin / astronaut / travel / space ->Gagarin was the first astronaut to travel into space Basing on the meaning of the given words, good students can make a correct sentence wit the structure : the first +noun+ to v-inf virus / bacteria / so small /we/ not/ see/ microscope -> Virus and bacteria are so small that we can’t see them without a microscope The struture “ so adj … that… ” and the meaning of the sentence helps the students find out the word “without” 3.5 Rewrite the sentences as directed without changing the original meaning This kind is considered to be one of the most difficult exercises However, it tends to be used widely in many examinations: 15 minutes, 45 minutes test, semester test……Especially, it is currently an essential part of English tests in GCSE examination and in examination for gifted students It can be said that it is very important to teach students to this kind of exercise in order to get better result Teacher should classify the sentences into different levels of difficulty That means all students can this kind of exercise but not all sentences 3.5.1 For weak students, teacher should choose the popular and simple structures for them to rewrite, such as : + Comparisions: three types + Basic passive sentences 10 + Structures with although, in spite of and despite + Structures with because and because of + S+ spend+ time + v-ing and It + takes +(O) + time + to v + Structures with “ too” and “ enough” + So ………….that and such…………… that + reported speech : basic sentences + some sentences relating to tenses + modal verbs: present + Relative clauses: who, whom, which, whose, that Examples: Complete each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it Although she has a lot of homework to do, she spends time playing with the children ->In spite of having a lot of homework to do, she spends time playing with the children He said, “ Mary, when is the next train?” ->He asked Mary when the next train was I have never seen a more interesting film than that one -> This is the most interesting film I have ever seen He was late for school because his bike was broken ->Because of his broken bike, he was late for school The last time I met my sister was years ago -> It is years since I last met my sister 3.5.2 With the above structures and some more difficult ones, good and excellent students have to more complicated exercises which they must refer the meaning sometimes + Comparisions: all types + Conditional sentences: all types + Passive sentences: all types + Phrases and clauses : all types +Reported speech : all types + Some sentences relating to tenses + Inversion + Modal verbs: all types + Subjunctive mood Examples: Complete each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it If she had a watch, she wouldn’t always be late ->Were she to have a watch, she wouldn’t always be late Please don’t say things like that -> I wish you didn’t say things like that People say that he is a good doctor ->He is said to be a good doctor 11 It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year ->Sad as it is, unemployment is unlikely to go down this year 5.They spent all their money building the house so they are in debt now ->If they hadn’t spent all their money building the house, they wouldn’t be in debt now 2.6 Use the given word/ phrase to rewrite a sentence without changing the original meaning This is the most difficult exercise in making sentences It is mostly used in examination for gifted students When doing this kind of exercises, students must have firm knowledge and understanding Because of this, teachers often avoid giving this kind of exercises to their students They only use it when teaching gifted students However, if teachers design the exercises suitably, it is completely used for all students.And when they can this kind of exercise, they will improve their writing skill oi That means weak students will the simple exercises while the better have to take more difficult ones 2.6.1 For weak students to be able to this exercise, teacher should give them simple sentences that they understand easily Morever, the signals must be clear Examples: Can you take care of my parrot when I am away? LOOK AFTER ->Can you look after my parrot when I am away? He is ill so he can’t go to school IF ->If he weren’t ill, he could go to school She is planting some new flower trees in the garden PLANTED -> Some new flower trees are being planted in the garden The shoes are so small that she can’t put her feet into them TOO ->The shoes are too small for her to put into She can’t knit as well as her mother does BETTER ->Her mother knits better than she does The signs in the sentences are very clear, such as take care of = look after, so adj….that = too adj + to v- inf., passive or comparision… 2.6.2 When designing this kind of exercises for good and excellent students, teachers should focus on phrasal verbs, advanced grammatical structures, idioms… When you think this bridge was built? OLD ->How old is this bridge? You can avoid tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly PREVENT ->Brushing your teeth regularly can prevent tooth decay It is raining cats and dogs TORRENT -> The rain is coming down in torrent The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car GETAWAY -> The bank robbers made a getaway in a stolen car She is not upset; she is only pretending ACTS ->She acts as if she were upset When doing these sentences, students have to infer the meaning of the words and sentences Morever, they have to know phrasal verbs, idioms….such as : It rains 12 cats and dogs = the rain comes down in torrent, make a getaway = escape, the use of as if……… Some selected exercises: Exercise 1: Reordering the words/ phrases to make meaningful senence the mountains / never / we / go to ->………………………………………………………………… often / she / writes to me ->………………………………………………………………… on Saturday afternoons / the boys / play / always ->………………………………………………………………… usually / arrives late / the bus ->………………………………………………………………… go to bed / often / before 11 / we ->………………………………………………………………… never / in the evening / drinks coffee / she ->………………………………………………………………… it / in the summer / doesn’t / often / rain ->………………………………………………………………… read book / I / always / slowly ->………………………………………………………………… usually / my father / by bus / goes to work ->………………………………………………………………… 10.at the weekend / always / go to the beach / we ->………………………………………………………………… Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given You / mind / if I / borrow / car / ? ->………………………………………………………………… Tom / always / going / home / late / so / mother / be/ angry / ->…………………………………………………………………… It / be/ necessary / you/ practice English / every day / ->…………………………………………………………………… She / interested / making / own / dress / ->…………………………………………………………………… Flight 710 / Chicago / take off / ten / minutes / ->…………………………………………………………………… If/ it/ not rain/ tomorrow/ I/ go/ camping/ my friends ->………………………………………………………………… If/ I/ meet/ alien/ outer space/ I/ invite/ home/ talk ->………………………………………………………………… I/ never/ travelled/ by/ air 13 ->………………………………………………………………… The students/ study/ for exam/ now ->………………………………………………………………… 10 It/ be/ such/ cold day/ we/ decide/ not/ go out ->………………………………………………………………… Exercise 3: Complete each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it The little boy crossed the street although the traffic was heavy ->In spite of We couldn’t answer the question because it was very hard -> The question He could not sell his car He could not even give it away -> He could neither He has never seen such an interesting film before -> Never I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday -> I apologize Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car -> In spite Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice -> It She liked Paris a little and Rome less -> She thought Rome After fighting the fire for 12 hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out -> The firemen managed 10.Peter is a careless driver If he doesn’t take more care, he will have an accident -> Unless Exercise 4: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it Do not change the form of the given word I am telling you this for you not to make a mistake FEAR -> I'd rather you didn't stay long at the party BETTER -> I now think differently about this matter MIND -> I am going to write and complain to the council COMPLAINT -> She was just as good as they had thought CAME -> While I was driving, I realized that the car wasn’t working properly WRONG 14 -> Sandra said that she was willing to work late MIND -> They pretended to be enjoying themselves, but they weren’t really AS -> I can't lift this table on my own UNLESS -> 10 We couldn't find the cat anywhere NOWHER -> IV Experimental results: 15 In my teaching process in the shool year 2015- 2016, I applied this topic in my teaching for 10th grade and 11th grade students And it has been proved to be effective It has made students more confident to writing exercises They don’t avoid doing them any more Especially, I have two students who attended the examination for gifted students organized by Thanh Hoa Department of education and training They did three exercises of writing skill very well, although there were some very difficult sentences At the end of the school year, I had a test about making sentences for students of the three classes : 10A8,11C1 and 11C7 And the result was much better in comparision with that at the beginning of the school year Class Number of students 50 10A8 11C1 11C7 Rank Making sentences Before applying After applying Excellent 10% 12 24% Good Average 16 15 32% 30% 24 11 48% 22% Weak Excellent 14 14% 7% 6% 16.6% Good 13 31% 22 52.4% Average 14 33.4% 11 26.2% Weak Excellent 12 28.6% 9.8% 4.8% 19.5% Good 12 29.2% 16 39 % Average 11 26.8% 12 29.3% Weak 14 34.2% 12.2% 42 41 16 PART THREE: CONCLUSION I Conclusion In the process of teaching English at Grade 10 and 11 in the school year 2015-2016, I got the initatively good result I introduced to the students the types of sentences and how to make them correctly I constantly gave them exercises about writing and asked them to practice For weak students , I only introduced the basic sentences and simple exercises And for gifted students, or the students who study English to attend university entrance examination, I taught them advanced sentences and more difficult exercises I find that most of the students understand the basic knowledge and they can exercises relating to writing skill at low or average level However, weak students still have some difficulties and they need to practise more and I continue applying this experience in teaching them I have shown this experience initiative in the meeting of the foreign language group at Trieu Son High school and got the support and contributive opinions from my fellow teachers As a young teacher, I haven’t obtained much experience in teaching so that my topic is still limited Therefore; I look forward to receiving the comments and contribution of the other experienced teachers and colleagues so that my topic will be more complete and more effective in the teaching process II Proposal: I would like to propose that all the good and effective experience initatives should be widely applied in teaching at schools The schools ought to organize meetings and conferences at which teachers are able to exchange their teaching experiences and knowledge to enhance the quality of education Young teachers should be constantly fostered their professional abilities and given more interest to help them develop their best proficiency Sincerely thank you! The confirmation of the Head –Master Thanh Hoa, May 10th , 2016 I assure this is my experience initiative, not copying the contents of other people The writer Nguyen Thi Cuong 17 III KEYS: Exercise 1: We never go to the mountains She often writes to me The boys always play on Saturday afternoons The bus usually arrives late We often go to bed before 11 She never drinks coffee in the evening It doesn’t often rain in the summer I always read book slowly My father usually goes to work by bus 10.We always go to the beach at the weekend Exercise 2: Would you mind if I borrowed your car ? Tom is always going home late so that his mother is angry It is necessary for you to practice English every day She is interested in making her own dresses The Flight 710 to Chicago takes off in ten minutes If it does not rain tomorrow I will go camping my friends If I met an alien from outer space I would invite him home to talk I have never travelled by air The students are studying for exam now 10 It was such a cold day that we decided not to go out Exercise 3: In spite of the heavy traffic, the little boy crossed the street The question was too hard for us to answer He could neither sell his car nor give it away Never before has seen such an interesting film I apologize for having been/ being rude to you yesterday In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car It can’t be denied that she has a beautiful voice She thought Rome was worse than paris The firemen managed in putting the fire out after fighting it for 12 hours 10 Unless Peter takes more care, he will have an accident Exercise 4: I am telling you this for fear that you might make a mistake It would be better if you didn't stay long at the party I've changed my mind about this matter I intend to make a written complaint to the council She came up to their expectations While I was driving, I realized that there was something wrong with the car Sandra said that she didn’t mind working late They acted as if they had been enjoying themselves, but they weren’t really I can't lift this table unless someone helps me 10 The cat was nowhere to be found 18 IV References English 10 and English 11 - Viet Nam education publisher Exercises English grammar test First certificate language practice Intermediate languge practice The Advanced Language Practice - Đỗ Tuấn Minh – Hoàng Tuấn - Michael Vince - Michael Vince - Michael Vince English Grammar In Use Destination B1 – Grammar and Vocabulary Destination B2 – Grammar and Vocabulary Destination C1& C2 – Grammar and Vocabulary 10 English Tests for gifted students of Thanh Hoa province - Raymond Murphy - Malcolm Mann & Steve TayloreKnowles - Malcolm Mann & Steve TayloreKnowles - Malcolm Mann & Steve TayloreKnowles 19 ... result I introduced to the students the types of sentences and how to make them correctly I constantly gave them exercises about writing and asked them to practice For weak students , I only introduced... examination for gifted students It can be said that it is very important to teach students to this kind of exercise in order to get better result Teacher should classify the sentences into different levels... used to/ be used to/ get used to , I give them the following exercises: ( Unit 4, English 10) Examples: Translate into English: Tôi thường dậy sớm để học học sinh ->I used to get up early to revise

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