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HSG MOCK TESTS tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, kinh...

SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN ĐỀ 018 PRACTICE TESTS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS – ENGLISH PAPER N018 KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 12 - THPT NĂM HỌC 2017 - 2018 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Week 09 (Date ………/……… /2017) I Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5 pts) A mathematics B biology C experiment D philosophy A evolution B development C discovery D philosopher A another B energy C centigrade D gravity A evaporate B temperature C impossible D experiment A gravity B professor C pyramid D remedy II Choose the best option to complete each of the sentences Is an inexperienced civil servant _ to the task of running the company A capable B skilled C eligible D suited We _ have been happier in those days A can’t B couldn’t C might not D must not You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so _ you’re used to the noise A apparently B presumably C allegedly D predictably The storm ripped our tent to _ A slices B shreds C strips D specks 10 He _ so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully recovered A indicted B inferred C induced D inflicted 11 Hotel rooms must be _ by 10 a m, but luggage may be left with porters A vacated B evacuated C abandoned D left 12 I not think there is so much as a _ of truth in that rumor A crumb B speck C grain D pebble 13 He’s not exactly rich but he certainly earns enough money to _ A get through B get by C get on D get up 14 I have very _ feelings about the plan – it might possibly work or it could be a disaster A certain B mixed C doubtful D troubled 15 The noise of the typewriter really _ me off I just couldn’t concentrate A put B pulled C set D took 16 The sixth time he called me at night was the _ A last cause B last straw C touch and go D hot air 17 All three TV channels provide extensive _ of sporting events A broadcast B network C coverage D vision 18 They seemed to be _ to the criticism and just carried on as before A disinterested B sensitive C uncaring D indifferent 19 “Shall we go out tonight?” - “ ” A Yes, I can B Yes, we are C Yes, we go D Yes, let’s 20 It's no use _ over _ milk A crying/ spilt B to cry/ spilling C crying/ spilling D crying/ to spill 21 The strike was _ owing to a last minute agreement with the management A called off B broken up C set back D put down 22 Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to _ rather thin A get B turn C wear D go 23 _ the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties A By and large B Altogether C To a degree D Virtually 24 My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the _ wonderfully A event B performance C incident D occasion 25 The train service has been a _ since they introduced the new schedules A shambles B rumpus C chaos D Fracas By DOBINH – Lien Son High School, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 p PRACTICE TESTS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS – ENGLISH PAPER N018 III Read the passage below Use the word given in bold to form a word that fits in the numbered gap BLACK WIDOW SPIDER The black widow spider’s notoriety is not without foundation However, an element of exaggeration has led to certain (26 CONCEPT) _ regarding its evil nature Firstly, this spider is not as dangerous as is often thought While it is indeed one of the most (27 VENOM) _ species of spider, its venom being fifteen times stronger than that of the prairie rattlesnake, its bite injects such as amount of venom by (28 COMPARE) _ that it is unlikely to kill humans In fact, (29 FATAL) _ are rare Black widows bite only if they are touched or their web is threatened Furthermore, only the adult female is poisonous Those most at risk from the female are the spider’s natural prayinsects-and male black widow spiders The latter are vulnerable as the female is (30 SOLITUDE) _ by nature, and has been known to kill and eat the male after mating Such (31 OCCUR) _ are rare, but they explain how the spider got its name – and its reputation Nevertheless, the (32 PLEASE) _ effects of this spider’s bite should not be (33 ESTIMATE) _, and if you live in a temperate climate and have a fireplace in your home, it is advisable to take (34 CAUTION) _ Black widow spiders often inhabit wood piles, so you should wear gloves when handling firewood Furthermore, since black widow spiders are (35 RESIST) _ to many insecticides, you should regularly clean out likely hiding places IV Complete each sentence with the correct form of ONE of the two-word verbs bring out up slow down save up hang over mix up grow up go with dress up run for 36 Silence _ the theatre as the audience awaited the opening curtain with expectation and excitement 37 Having seen a sharp bend ahead, Tim pressed hard on the brake pedal to _ 38 Charles Dickens was born near Portsmouth, Hampshire on February 1812, but relocated to and _ in Camden Town in London 39 Barrack Obama has decided to _ the American presidency ...Kinh nghiệm làm bài khi đi thiNguyễn Tuấn DũngLà các đối tượng học sinh và sinh viên, hai chữ thi cử xưa nay đã khá gẫn gũi với chúng ta. Bắt đầu năm học, thi. Kết thúc năm học, thi. Vào trường, thi. Ra trường lại cũng thi. Thi để trả bài cho thầy cô, thi để lấy học bổng, thi để đi nước ngoài, thi để lấy chứng chỉ nọ, bằng kia, hay đơn giản, thi vui để đem lại nụ cười trong đời sống tinh thần cho mọi người như Chiếc nón kỳ diệu, ở nhà chủ nhật Thi gắn liền với sự thành đạt công danh một con người, thi có ý nghĩa hết sức quan trọng trong sự nghiệp của mỗi người. Nhưng, thi lại chỉ được thực hiện trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn ngủi hơn rất nhiều so với quá trình học tập và nghiên cứu của chúng ta. Chính vì thế, kinh nghiệm là một nhân tố đóng vai trò không nhỏ, cần được biết đến trước khi bước vào phòng thi. Trải qua các kỳ thi học sinh giỏi PTTH cũng như Olympic sinh viên môn Tin học, có cơ hội tiếp xúc với các sĩ tử, từ chuyên nghiệp trong giới gà trọi (chủ yếu là những học sinh đã từng tham gia thi học sinh giỏi Tin học PTTH) cho đến nghiệp dư như hầu hết các sinh viên mới tham gia trong những hội thi Olympic Tin học sinh viên, tôi nhận thấy hầu hết các bạn học sinh đều có phương pháp và nhiều thủ thuật làm bài trong khi thi nhưng một bộ phận đông đảo tập trung chủ yếu là các sinh viên tham gia trong các Olympic Tin học toàn quốc lại còn quá ít kinh nghiệm. Sự non nớt đó trong trường thi khiến không ít chiến sỹ phải hy sinh một cách oan uổng. Không đâu xa, trong kỳ thi Olympic 2002 năm nay tại Nha Trang, ở bài 2 bảng chuyên tin, đội của tôi có một anh vì quá say mê với cách giải riêng của mình, không nhận ra đó là một bài hết sức đơn giản mà mọi người hầu như đều đi theo một hướng giải chung nên đã để tốn mất tới 3/ 4 thời gian thi mà vẫn cho ra kết quả sai. Thế đấy, sự cay cú và bảo thủ làm cho con người ta trì trệ và lú lẫn như vậy đó. Mong rằng các bạn trong lúc làm bài thi luôn luôn tỉnh táo phân biệt khó dễ mà chia thời gian làm từng bài cho phù hợp.Tất nhiên sai lầm trên chỉ là một trong vô số những sai lầm mà bất cứ ai khi đi thi đều phải có. Nhưng đó là những trục trặc thuộc mặt tâm lý, tính cách của từng người phải tự sửa lấy. Ta không bàn lĩnh vực đó mà chủ yếu xem xét những kinh nghiệm về phương pháp làm bài thi sao cho hiệu quả. Tôi hy vọng nó sẽ giúp bạn đạt thành công tốt hơn, không chỉ khi thi mà ngay cả trong công việc lập trình của mình.Phân tích Khi gặp một bài toán A nào đó, chúng ta thông thường hay chú ý đến chi tiết cụ thể bên trong mà không có cái nhìn tổng quan hơn một chút về nó : bản chất của bài toán là gì? xuất phát từ đâu?. Sau đó rồi mới xem xét có thể đưa về bài toán B khác đã có thuật toán chuẩn không? Hoặc tương tự với một bài toán C có lời giải tốt? Tôi lấy ví dụ bài Đoán số (đề thi học sinh giỏi quốc gia bảng A 1993-1994), tưởng rằng đó là một bài toán chỉ có thể giải bằng số học nhưng thực ra lại chính là bài toán tìm đường đi trên đồ thị trong đó ta chưa biết trước cạnh nối giữa các đỉnh mà phải sau mỗi câu trả lời thì ta mới biết thêm được dần dần. Này nhé, đầu tiên lấy 1 số bất kỳ ra hỏi(thường lấy số có số chữ số khác nhau : 1234). Nhận được câu trả lời => tập S1 các LÊ KIM TƯỜNG - Trường THPT Cẩm thủy 1, Thanh hoá TỔNG HỢP 29 TESTS ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI ( LỚP 9-12 ) + KEY Test 1 Question 1:Read the passage then do the exercises below. Jean O’Hara was born in Ireland on August 14 th ,1964.She went to primary school in Dublin, but her father died in April 1975, when Jean was nearly eleven. So in May 1977, her mother decided to return to London, where she had lived before she got married. Jean left school in 1982,and studied Spanish at university for three years. In 1985, she worked as a waitress while she did a secretarial course in English and Spanish. She got her diploma a year later and started working as a tourist guide in London. In March 1987, she saw an advertisement in a paper for travel representatives in Barcelona, and she applied for a job. Two months later, the travel company offered her a job starting in June. She has worked there ever since. A, Write complete questions and answer them. 1,When / where / born ? 2,When / father / die ? 3,why / mother / decide / come back / London / after / death ? 4,What / do / after / leave / school ? 5,When / start / work / travel / company ? B, Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).Correct the false information. 1,Jean is English. 2,Between 1982 and 1985 Jean studied at university. 3,In 1986 Jean worked as a tourist guide. 4,She put an advertisement in a newspaper to look for a job. 5,In May 1987 she was given the job she is doing now. Question 2: Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. Last week I 1 (walk) home after playing tennis when it 2 (start) raining very heavily. “Oh no.I 3 (get) soaked before I 4 (reach) home.”, I thought ”I wish I 5 (remember) to bring my raincoat.” But unfortunately I 6 (leave) it at home. “How stupid of me! I 7 (always forget) to bring it with me.” Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift.”You 8 (go) home? ”she asked, ”or you 9 (want) to go for a drink?” “I think I’d rather you 10 (take) me home.” I said. ”If I 11 (not change) my clothes, I know I 12 (fall) ill, and then I 13 (not be) able to play in a tennis tournament next week. And I 14 (practise) hard for the last month.” ”I 15 (wait) for you to change if you 16 (like).” She told me, ”I think it’s time you 17 (relax) for a change.You 18 (worry) too much about things lately. And people who 19 (worry) too much 20 (fall) ill more easily. It’s got nothing to do with rain!”. Question 3:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,John only understood very little of what the teacher said. / John could hardly . 2,The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries. Only when . 3,As I get older, I want to travel less. / The older . 4,A house in that district will cost you at least $ 100,000. / You won’t be able 5,I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door. Here’s the key. / You can’t . 6,”I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number.”, said Paul to Susan. Paul apologized 7,Mr Dryden mended the washing machine for me. / I had . 8,Everyone started complaining about the moment the announcement was made. No sooner . 9,Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test. / As long as . 10,You really should be able to dress yourself by now. / It’ high . 1 LÊ KIM TƯỜNG - Trường THPT Cẩm thủy 1, Thanh hoá Question 4:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to finish each sentence below. 1,The blue curtains began to after they had been hanging in the sun for two months. a-fade b-die c-dissolve d-melt 2,It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to a story. a-invent b-combine c-manage d-lie 3,The car had a .tyre, so we had to change the wheel. a-broken b-cracked c-bent d-flat 4,She applied for training as a pilot, but LÊ KIM TƯỜNG - Trường THPT Cẩm thủy 1, Thanh hoá TỔNG HỢP 29 TESTS ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI ( LỚP 9-12 ) + KEY Test 1 Question 1:Read the passage then do the exercises below. Jean O’Hara was born in Ireland on August 14 th ,1964.She went to primary school in Dublin, but her father died in April 1975, when Jean was nearly eleven. So in May 1977, her mother decided to return to London, where she had lived before she got married. Jean left school in 1982,and studied Spanish at university for three years. In 1985, she worked as a waitress while she did a secretarial course in English and Spanish. She got her diploma a year later and started working as a tourist guide in London. In March 1987, she saw an advertisement in a paper for travel representatives in Barcelona, and she applied for a job. Two months later, the travel company offered her a job starting in June. She has worked there ever since. A, Write complete questions and answer them. 1,When / where / born ? 2,When / father / die ? 3,why / mother / decide / come back / London / after / death ? 4,What / do / after / leave / school ? 5,When / start / work / travel / company ? B, Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).Correct the false information. 1,Jean is English. 2,Between 1982 and 1985 Jean studied at university. 3,In 1986 Jean worked as a tourist guide. 4,She put an advertisement in a newspaper to look for a job. 5,In May 1987 she was given the job she is doing now. Question 2: Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. Last week I 1 (walk) home after playing tennis when it 2 (start) raining very heavily. “Oh no.I 3 (get) soaked before I 4 (reach) home.”, I thought ”I wish I 5 (remember) to bring my raincoat.” But unfortunately I 6 (leave) it at home. “How stupid of me! I 7 (always forget) to bring it with me.” Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift.”You 8 (go) home? ”she asked, ”or you 9 (want) to go for a drink?” “I think I’d rather you 10 (take) me home.” I said. ”If I 11 (not change) my clothes, I know I 12 (fall) ill, and then I 13 (not be) able to play in a tennis tournament next week. And I 14 (practise) hard for the last month.” ”I 15 (wait) for you to change if you 16 (like).” She told me, ”I think it’s time you 17 (relax) for a change.You 18 (worry) too much about things lately. And people who 19 (worry) too much 20 (fall) ill more easily. It’s got nothing to do with rain!”. Question 3:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,John only understood very little of what the teacher said. / John could hardly . 2,The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries. Only when . 3,As I get older, I want to travel less. / The older . 4,A house in that district will cost you at least $ 100,000. / You won’t be able 5,I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door. Here’s the key. / You can’t . 6,”I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number.”, said Paul to Susan. Paul apologized 7,Mr Dryden mended the washing machine for me. / I had . 8,Everyone started complaining about the moment the announcement was made. No sooner . 9,Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test. / As long as . 10,You really should be able to dress yourself by now. / It’ high . 1 LÊ KIM TƯỜNG - Trường THPT Cẩm thủy 1, Thanh hoá Question 4:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to finish each sentence below. 1,The blue curtains began to after they had been hanging in the sun for two months. a-fade b-die c-dissolve d-melt 2,It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to a story. a-invent b-combine c-manage d-lie 3,The car had a .tyre, so we had to change the wheel. a-broken b-cracked c-bent d-flat 4,She applied for training as a pilot, but they ... Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 p PRACTICE TESTS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS – ENGLISH PAPER N018 SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN ĐỀ 018 KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 12 - THPT NĂM HỌC 2017 - 2018 HDC MÔN:... be By DOBINH – Lien Son High School, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 p PRACTICE TESTS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS – ENGLISH PAPER N018 rediscovered is conscious relaxation With (54) ... burglar By DOBINH – Lien Son High School, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 p PRACTICE TESTS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS – ENGLISH PAPER N018 D will not stop an intruder if he has decided to

Ngày đăng: 16/10/2017, 13:06

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