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Mark turner, david hulme (auth ) governance, adm(b ok org)

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Governance, Adlllinistration and Developznenr Also by Mark Turner and David Hulme SOCIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT: Theory, Policy and Practice (D Hulme and M M Turner) PAPUA NEW GUINEA: The Challenge of Independence (M Turner) PROFILES OF GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRAnON IN ASIA (M Turner and ] Halligan) MINDANAO: Land of Unfulfilled Promise (M Turner with R ] May and L.R Turner) REGIME CHANGE IN THE PHILIPPINES (M Turner) MAKING A DIFFERENCE: NGOs and Development (D Hulme and M Edwards) NGO PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY: Beyond the Magic Bullet (D Hulme and M Edwards) NGOs, STATES AND DONORS: Too Close for Comfort? (D Hulme and M Edwards) FINANCE AGAINST POVERTY: Volumes I and (D Hulme and P Mosley) Governance, Adm.inistration and Developm.ent Making the State Work Mark Turner Uniuersity of Canberra and David Hubne Unioersity of Manchester palgrave * iC MarkTurnerand David Hulme 1997 All rights reserved No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publicationmay be made without written permission No paragraphof this publicationmay be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordancewith the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T4LP Anyperson who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liableto criminalprosecution and civil claims for damages The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordancewith the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Published by PALGRAVE Houndmills, Baslngstoke, Hampshire RGZ1 6XS and 175 FifthAvenue, NewYork, N Y 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world PALGRAVE is the new global academic Imprint of St Martin's PressLLC Scholarly and Reference Division and Palgrave Publishers Ltd (formerly Macmillan Press Ltd) ISBN 978-0-333-56753-1 DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-25675-4 ISBN 978-1-349-25675-4 (eBook) Thisbook is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fullymanaged and sustained forest sources A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Contents List of Boxes and Tables IX Preface Xll Acknowledgements XIV Developll1ent and its AdD1inistration Development Development administration I 12 Organizational Environll1ents: COll1parisons, Contrasts and Significance Making sense of the environment Elements of the environment Economic factors Cultural fa ctors Demographic factors Politicalfactors The public sector and its envi ronment Distinctiveness Diversity Turbulence Opportunies and constraints Competing perceptions Cause and effect Foreign models and Third World realities 22 23 25 25 34 39 44 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 The Policy Process: Politics and Technics What is policy? The contribution of policy Explanations of the Third World policy process Society-centred models State-centred models v 57 58 59 64 64 67 VI Contents Particip ation in th e policy-m aking process Policy, politi cs a nd implementa tion Co ncl usion 70 75 79 Bureaucracy: Obstructing or Facilitating Developtnent? Wh at is bureaucr acy? The origin of Third W orld bu reaucracies Bureacracy and d evelopment Size Capacity Culture Power, politics and authority Bureaucratic bias Gender and bureaucracy Corruption Co nclusion 97 100 104 Adtninistrative ReforJn: The Continuing Search for PerforU1ance IU1proveU1ent De fining ad mi nist tive reform Ad m inistrative reform stra tegies Restructuring Participation Human resource issues Accountability Public-private mixes Co ncl usio n 105 106 107 107 113 116 122 126 129 Planning for Developtnent: The Solution or the Probletn? Planning in d evelop ing co un tries: a sho rt histo ry Natio na l d evelopment planning Promise and performance T he end of development planning? Project planning Alt ern ati ve approach es to proj ect planning Ad apti ve administrati on Pa rticip a tor y rural ap praisal Co ncl usion: planning in th e real world 132 133 134 135 137 139 144 145 146 149 82 83 85 86 86 88 91 93 96 Contents VB Decentralization within the State: Good Theory but Poor Practice? The meaning of decentralization Why decentralize? Devolution and deconcentration Devolution Deconcentration Decentralization in practice Afrua Asia Latin America The South Pacific The performance of decentralization policies Prospects and prescriptions Conclusion Public Enterprise Refozrm Private Sector Solutions The origins of public enterprises Public enterprise performance Rethinking the state Strategies for public enterprise reform The policy framework Management reforms Privatization Politics and feasibility Conclusion Beyond the Market, Beyond the State: The Rise of Non-GovernIDental Organizations Types of NGO The rise and rise of NGOs The comparative advantage of NGOs: competing concepts NGOs and the state NGOs, empowerment and politics Strategic choices for NGOs Conclusion 151 152 156 159 159 160 162 162 165 166 167 167 172 174 175 177 179 183 185 186 188 190 194198 200 201 202 207 210 215 217 218 Vlll 10 11 Contents The International EnviroDDlent: External Influences and Governance T he colonial era an d its legacy The cold wa r era The contem po rary in terna tio nal environme nt: text The tem pora ry intern ati on al environme n t: key concep ts Pro blems a nd prospects of the new p ublic manageme n t Concl usion 229 235 23 Conclusion: What Future for the Public Sector? 238 220 22 222 226 Bibliography 242 Index 260 List of Boxes and Tables Boxes 1.1 Competing Meanings of Development 1.2 Defining Development Today 1.3 A Brief Chronology of Management Thought 1.4 Some Contemporary Themes in Development Administration 2.1 Environmental Factors for Public Sector Managers 3.1 How Do People Use the Term 'Policy'? 3.2 How Much Does a Miracle Cost? 3.3 The World Bank's Functional Policy Approach to Growth 3.4 The Notorious Nine Implementation Problems 3.5 The Linear Model of Policy Reform 3.6 The Interactive Model of Policy Implementation 4.1 The Challenge of Big Bureaucracy 4.2 Project Implementation and Capacity 4.3 Cultural Values and Administration 4.4 Regime-Bureaucracy Interactions 4.5 Rural Poverty Unobserved: The Six Biases 4.6 Barriers and Opportunities for Women's Advancement in the Public Service 4.7 Evading the Rules in Pakistan 5.1 The Training and Visit System 5.2 Suggestions for Desirable Training Outcomes 5.3 The World Bank's 'Rationalist' Reform Program 5.4 Latin America's Social Funds: Innovative PublicPrivate Cooperation 6.1 India's Five-Year Plans 6.2 Sri Lanka's Rolling Public Investment Programme 6.3 The Conventional Project Cycle IX 11 14 20 26 59 61 62 76 78 80 88 89 93 95 97 99 101 110 119 123 128 136 139 141 258 B ibl iography Van Ufford, P Q (1988) 'T he Hidden Crisis in Devel opment: Development Bur eau cr acies in between Intentions and Outcom es' , in P Q va n Ufford , D Krujit and T Downing (eds), Th e Hidden Crisis in D evelopment Bureaucracies (T okyo and Amsterdam: The UN University and Free University Press), pp 9- 38 Wallerstein, I (1979) Th e Capitalist W orld-Economy (Cam bridge: Cambridge Uni versity Press) Wallis, M (1990a) Bureaucracy: Its Role in Third W orld Development (London: Macmill an ) Walli s, M (1990b) ' District Planning and Local Government in K eny a' , Public Administration and Development, vol 10(4), pp 437- 54 Wat erston, A (1965) Development Planning : Lessons if E xperience (Baltimore: J ohns H op kins Uni versity Press) Weick, K E (1977) 'Enactm ent Pro cesses in O rganizations', in B M Staw a nd G Sa lancik (eds), N ew D irections in Organizational B ehavior (Chicago : St Cl air Press), pp 267- 300 Wilson , E (1986) 'The Publi c-Private Deb ate ' , Africa R eport,July-August Wongtrang an , K (1988) 'Thai Bureaucratic Behaviour: The Impact of Dual Valu es on Publi c Policies' , in T G Lim (ed ) , Reflections on Development in Southeast Asia (Singa pore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studi es), pp 49- 79 Wo on , T K (199 1) 'The R ole of the Stat e in Southeast Asia', in N C Yuen and N Wagn er (eds), Marketim tion in ASEAN (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian St udi es), pp 11-24 World Bank ( 1983) W orld D evelopment R eport 1983 (New York : O xford Uni versity Press) World Bank (1987) Th e ] engka Triangle Proj ects in Malaysia: Impact E valuation R eport (Washington D.C : World Bank) World Bank (1988) Ru ral D evelopment: World Bank Exp erience 1965-86 (Washi ng ton D.C : World Bank ) World Bank (1989) Sub-Saharan Africa : From Crisis to Sustainable Growth (Washington D.C : World Bank) World Ban k (1990 ) W orld Development R eport 1990 (New York : Oxford Uni versity Press) World Bank (199 1) Wo rld D evelopment R eport 1991 (New York : Oxford U niversity Press) World Bank (1992a) Wor ld D evelopment Report 1992 (New York : Oxford U niversity Press) World Bank (1992b) Governance and D evelopment (Washington D.C : World Bank ) World Bank (1993) The Ea st Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy (New York: Oxford University Press) World Bank ( 1994) World Development Report 1994 (Ne w York: Oxford Uni versity Press) World Bank (1995a) W orld Development R eport 1995 (New York : Oxford Un iversity Press) World Bank ( 1995b) Bureaucrats in Business: Th e Economics and Politics of Government Ownership (New York : World Bank) B ibl iography 259 World Bank ( 1996) World Development Report 1996 (New York : Ox for d University Press) Wraith, R (1972 ) Local Administration in West Africa (Ne w York : African a Publishing Corporation ) Wynia, G W (1990) The Politics ~ Latin American Development, 3rd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr ess) Zifcak, S (1994) Ne w Managerialism: Administrative Reform in Wh itehall and Canberra (Buckingham: Open Uni versit y Press) Zinkin, M ( 1953) Asia and the W est (Londo n: Cha tto & Windus) Index Abed, Fazle 205 accountability administrative reform 122-6 decentralization 154, 156, 157; deconcentration 161 financial 123 government 231 new public management 231-5 non-governmental organizations 202, 216 performance 123 public enterprises 182-3, 189 adaptive administration 145 6, 147 administration development 12-21 professional 83 public 83 -4 administrative reform 105 6, 129-31 defining 106-7 strategies: accountability 122 6; human resource issues 116 22; participation 113-16; publicprivate mixes 126 9; restructuring 107-13 advocacy groups and networks (AGNs) 203 affection, economy of 92 Afghanistan 225 age structure 41 agricultural sector high-performing Asian economies 60 as percentage of GDP 27,28 policy process 73-4 Aguas Argen tinas 192 AIDS 44 air-conditioner political system 51-2 Air Niugini 177 Alavi , H Alderfer, H F 154 Algeria 176 Allison, G T 69 Amin,Idi 71 Aquino, Corazon 74 Argentina policy process 74 privatization 192 urbanization 42 260 arms trade 227 attitudinal change 134 Aung San Suu Kyi 74 Austin, J E 25, 26, 30, 31 Australia 18, 39 Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AI DAB) 142 authentic development authoritarianism and accountability 123 bureaucracy 91-5; corruption 102 policy process : participation 71, 72, 73; and pluralism 66 weak state 50 authority 93 Aztecs 85 Banda, Hastings 66, 70-1,95 Bangladesh bureaucracy 100 colonial legacy 222 decentralization 166, 170-2 future 239 new public management 236 non-governmental organizations: rise 204; and state 212, 215 policy process 71-2 politically prominent women 74 project planning 141 public enterprises: origin 178; pollution 181; reform 195 purdah culture 100 urbanization 42 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) 204, 205 banking policies 60 Barnwell, N 108 Basic Democracies 165 basic needs approach Bates, R H 74 Bauer, P T 5, 10, 30 Bayart, J.- F Bebbington, A 211,212, 213 Beetham, D 83-4 Behavioural School, management theory 14 Bello, Walden 61 In dex Beneria, L 37 Benin 87 Benor , D 110 Berg, E 223 BhuIIO, Benaz ir 74bias, bureaucra tic 96-7 Bird , R M 156, 158 Bj ur , W E 92, 93 blindness 43 Bolivia ad ministrative reform: educ ati on 127; human resou rce issues 122; social fund s 128 policy pro cess 72 Boston , J 232 Botswana 138 Boug ainville 168 bourgeoisie 64-5, 72 ' brai n drain' 43 Bratton, M 210-11 Brazil dec ent liza tion 166 inequ ality 33 non-governmental organiza tions 20 4publi c ent erprises 181 Brown , D 84 budget , public expenditure 138-9 build-oper at e-transfer (BOT ) 192, 193 bureau, rule by the 83 bureau cra cy 824, 104 and developm ent 86 -103 development ad ministra tion 12-13 , 15, 19- 20 non-government al orga niza tions 208 origin in T hird Worl d 85~ policy process 71-2 reform see administr ative reform bureau crati c bias 96-7 bureau cra tic bo urgeoisie 65, 72 bureau crati c- politics model, policy process 69 Burk ina Faso 4-3, 120 Burm a see M yanmar business or ganiz at ions 4-5, 72 Caid en , G E 107, 132 , 136, 138 Ca mbo dia 226, 22 Ca mero un 120 Ca nada 228 Cancun Summit ( 198 1) 224 ca pac ity bureau cr acy 88 -91 plann ing 137 policy 46-8 ca pita l night 29 cap ita lism intern a tional environm ent 226 policy process 72 26 Cardoso, F H Car ino, Led ivina V 94- , 95, 96, 118 Ca ritas 201 Ca rro ll, T 20 Cassen , R 228 ca use and effect , organizationa l enviro nme nt 55 cent l plann ing 133 national planning 134 pu blic enter prises 177-8, 179, 184, 195 cent lization 151-2, 173 bureau cra cy, a nd corru ptio n 103 or ganiz at ional str uct ure 108 Cernea, M 144Ch amb ers, Robert 5, 33, 34, 47 , 96 , 7, 115, 146 Chazan , N 46, 85 Ch eema, G S 90 chef de commune 163 Child ,] 16 Chil e ed ucational reforms 127 finan cial regulation a nd privatizat ion in 187 policy process 75 C hina ad ministra tive reform 130 age str ucture 4- arms trad e 227 bureau cra cy 85 : gender factors 98 ; size 88 and Indonesian pr ivati zat ion 194 liberal ization 226 pu blic enterprise refor m 195 , 196- sanctions 228 township a nd village enterprises 196-7 C hite re, P 173 Ch owdhury, A 138 C howd h ury, T E 178 C itizen Now , Not Lat er campaig n, Ph ilipp ines 125-6 C ivil Service Co mmi ssion (CSC) , Ph ilippi nes 125- civil society orga nizati ons (CSO s) 207 Set ab o non- gov ernm ent al organizat ions Cla pham, C 50 Clar k, J 202, 203, 18 C lar k, W C 114, I ·n C lassical man ag ement theor y 13, 14, 15 decentralization 160 Client 's C rt er, Mal aysia 126 Coh en, M D 68 Col, J.- M 97 , 99 Cold War 12, 222-5 Co llector 165 Coloni al Office, Brit ish 163 colonia lism an d bureau cra cy 85~ a nd dece nt ralization 162- 262 Index co lonia lism (coni ) histor y 38-9 international enviro nment 221-2 public en terp rises 177 co m m uni ty development pr ogrammes 223 ad minist tive reform 114 b ur eau cr at izat ion 13 India 165 Companhia d e Technologia de Saneamento Ambiental (C ET SEB) 181 co m pe tence of government 231 competency exams 121 com petition administrative reform 129, 130 d er egul ation 191 non -governmental organizations a nd govern me ntal org anizations 11 tow nship a nd village enterprises 197 co m plexity, organi zati onal structure 108 computers 1··2 confl icts 227 co nstrai nts, organi zation al enviro nme nts 54 co nsume r gro ups 45-6, 188 contingency th eori es 14, 15, 16 17 de centralizati on 174 tra cting-o ut 191 Con yers, D 155 Cook, P 195 coo pera tives ad minis tra tive reform 114 dec entra liza tion 163-4 public en terprise reform 191 corporat e plan s 189 corr u pt ion an d bureaucr acy 100-3 non-government al org an izat ions 212 public ent er prises 183 COSIPA 181 cost- be nefit an alysis 140 Cot e d 'Ivoire 120,164,1 70-2 cred it syste ms 176 Crook , R 170-2 Crouch, H 51 Cr ozi er, M 84 c ult ura l factor s b ureau cracy 91-3; co rr up tion 103 d evelop ment II d evelopment administra tion 13 orga nizat ional envi ro nme n t 34-9 d e G uzman , R P 106 De Sow, H 34 d eb t service 1, 228 as percentage or expo rts 28 d ebureau cr at izati on I 1I de centralization 151- 2, 174 admin istrative reform 116 of bureau cr acy 88 devolution a nd d econ centration 159-62 meaning 152 policy performan ce 167- 72 in practice 162- prospects an d pr escriptions 172-4 reasons for 156-9 d ecoloni zation 38 deconcentration 153, 154, 155, 160-2 performance 170 d emo cracy 46 and accountability 123 bureaucracy 94, 95 d ecentralization 156, 157 interna tional enviro nme n t 226 non-government al organizations 207 policy pro cess 72, 73 public en terp rise reform 188 d emographic factors , org anizational envi ro nm ent 39-44 demonstration projects 146, 147 d enationalizat ion 191 dependency school 7, 64 d eregulation 155, 191-2 development 4-11 administration 12-21 and orga nizat ional improvement developmentalisrn d evolution 153, 154, 159-60 Papua New Gu inea 168, 169 performance 169, 170-2 prospects and pr escriptions 173 di ab etes 44 d iplomatic biases, rural povert y 97 d istin cti venes s, organiz at ional environments 52-3 district commissioner (D C) 163 District Coordinating Committee, Kenya 211 District Development Adv isory Committees (D DAC s), Kenya 164 District Development Committe es (DDCs), K eny a 164 Distr ict Focus for Rural Development (D FR D ), Kenya 164,211 diversity, organizat ion al environments 21, 53 d om estic capita l 29 d ominant classes 64-5 Dom ingo-Tap ales, P 98 Dominica 120, 121 Dreze, J 21 Dror, Y 58 dry season bia s, rural povert y 97 Duffield, M 227 Duncan, E 101 Dunleavy, P 231-2,233, 236 Durkheim, Emile Dwivedi, O P 12,16,17 Index early retirement 120 ecodevelopers economic factors development II organizational environment 25-34 economic growth econ omic liberalization 155, 226 public ent erprises 184 Ecu ador 72 edu cation economic factors 29 gender factors 37 high-performing Asian economies 60 political 156, 157 public-private mixes 126-7 Edwards, M 212, 218, 227 efficiency and effectiveness and accountability 124 decentralization 156 7, 161 non-governmental organizations 206 egalitarian critique, new publi c management 234-5 Egypt bure aucracy 85 military 71 public ente rprises 176 Ekins, P EI Salvador 120, 227 Electr icity Commiss ion, Papua New Guinea 177 elites 73 elitist bias, development administra tion 12-1 Ellis, J 122, 123 Emergency Social Fund (ESF), Bolivia 128 employment, public ent erprises 176 empowerment, non-g overnment organizations 215-17 en ergy consumption 28 environmental degradation 61 environment al imp act assessment 145 environments, organizational 3, 22-3 development administration 17 elements of 25; cult ural factors 34-9; demographic factors 39-44; economic factors 25-34; political factors 44-52 making sense of 23-5 publi c sector 52; cause and effect 55; competing perceptions 54-5; distinctiveness 52-3; diversity 53; foreign models and Third World realitie s 55-6; opportunities and constrain ts 54; turbulence 53- equality, polit ical 157 Ershad regime 166 Esman, M J 12, 19, 20, 208 Etawah project 165 263 Ethi opi a 210 ethnicity 34-5 and 'colonial rul e 38 exchange rat es 30, 60 experimental proj ects 145, 147 exploitation of labour 61 exports, debt service as percen tage of extension worker s (EW s) 110 Eyadema, Gen eral 49 28 family 35-6 Farrington,J 211, 212,213 fatalist critiq ue, new public management 233 Fayol , H 13 Fey y Alegria 127 financial accountability 123 financial institu tions 29 financi al policy 186, 187 Finsterbusch , K 108, 109, 110 flexibilit y, policy 63 foreign aid development administrat ion 13 economic enviro nment 30 int ernational enviro nment : Cold W ar era 222; levels of aid 228 planning 134, 140 foreign ca pital 72 foreign debt economic en vironment 30 -1 publi c enterprises 176 see also debt service foreign excha nge 3D, 60 foreign govern ments 103 formalization , organization al str uctur e 108 Fowler , A 207-8 Fran ce 162- 3, 227 Frank, A G free riders 74 Freire, Pau lo 216-17 Friedman, H.J 165, 166 Friedmann,.J 215 Fukuyama , F 226 full-life paradigm II functional systems 161 Gaebler, T 230 Gambia 121 Gandhi , Indira 74 gender factors bureaucracy 97- 100 cultural en viro nmen t 36- 8: colonial ism 39 life expecta ncy 43 seealso women gender planning 145 Gen eral Agreem ent on Tariffs and Trad e (GAT T) 226 264 Index Germany 227,228 Gerth , H H 13,83 Ghana administrative reform 120, 121 decentralization 164-, 170-2 'ghosts' 120 Giddens, A 4-4Giuinger, J P 140 Glaeser, B globalization 226-7 Goetz, A M 98, 100 'golden handshakes' 120, 225 good government 229-30, 231, 236 Gorbachev, Mikhail 225 Gould, D.] 100-1, 102 Goulet, D 10-11 Gow, D D 77 grassroots development organizations (GDOs) 203 grassroots organizations (GRas) 201-2 comparative advantage 208, 209 rise 202, 206, 207 Griffin, K 172 Grindle, M S 52,64,65, 70, 77-9,80,81 gross domestic product (GDP) 26, 29 agriculture as percentage of 27,28 military share of 224public enterprise share of 175 gross national product (GNP) 26-7,28 growth triangles 55 Guatemala 87 Guinea administrative reform 121 bureaucracy 89 decentralization 164 Gulhati, R 73 Gunn , L A 58 Guyana III, 124-5 Hage, J 108, 109, 110 Hanlon, ] 204Harbours Board, Papua New Guinea Harris, R L 166, 167 Harrison, D Harrison, J Q 110 Harrison, P 100 Hasina, Sheikh 74Hayllar, M R 124Heady, F 85 health 39, 41, 4-3-4foreign aid 223 insurance 129 public-private mixes 126-7 hierarchist critique, new public management 234high-performing Asian economies (HPAEs) 59-60 Hirschman, A O 4-4-, 209 Hirschmann, David 16 177 history, cultural environment 38-9 Hofstede, Gert 36 Hogwood, B W 58 Honadle, G H 92 Hong Kong 197 Hood, C 231-2,233,236 Horowitz, D 4-7 Hulme, D 103, 110, 112, 114-, 14-4-, 208, 212,217,218,227 human capital 60 human development index (HDI) 27,28 human relations management theory 13, 14, 17 human resource development (HRD) 116,117 human resource issues, administrative reform 116-22 human resource management (HRM) 116,117,119 human resources see labour profile human rights 231 Huntington, S 48 Huque, A S 173 Hyden , G 92, 153, 163, 164-, 173-4 identity, loss of 61 illiteracy and literacy 28, 29 gender factors 37 Incas 85 incrementalism and decentralization 173 policy process 68 India administrative reform 110 AIDSjHIV 44 bureaucracy: corruption 100; selfdeceiving state 96; size 87 decentralization 165, 170-2 economic liberalization 226 Gandhi, Indira 74non-governmental organizations: rise 204-; and state 211 planning 133; national 135, 136; project 148 public enterprises: origins 177; performance 180, 181; reform strategies 188, 190, 195 individualist critique, new public management 234Indonesia administrative reform : accountability 126; restructuring III bureaucracy: corruption 100; gender factors 98 decentralization 166 and good governance 236 non-governmental organizations 212, 213 Index planning 138 public enterprises: origins 179; pollut ion 181; privatization 194 sanctions 228 inequality administrative reform 121-2 and corruption 102 economi c environment 33 gender 37 infant mortality 43 inflation 29 high-performing Asian econom ies 60 informal sector 34 information good government 231 infrastructure 31- planning: nati onal 136-7; project 143 policy concerns 47 policy process 76 infrastructure and deregulation 191-2 , 193 econom ic environment 31-2 Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education and Information (LP3ES) 213,214 institutional analysis 145 Institutional Revolutionary Party (PR I), Mexico 226 integrated prefectoral systems 161-2 integrated rural development projects (IRDPs) liberal perspective on development planning 141 interactive model of policy implementation 79, 80 interest groups organization problems 74 pluralism 65-6, 67 representation 153, 154 interest rates 31 internal organizational environment 23 international environment 220, 237 Cold War era 222-5 colonial era and legacy 221- cont ext 226-9 key concepts 229-35 problems and prospects of new public management 235-6 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 192 International Institute for the Environment and Development (lI ED) 145, 146-8 International Monetary Fund (IMF) administrative reform 121 good government 229 neo-c1assical perpe ctive on development administration 18 non-governmental organizations 207 265 planning 138 stabil izat ion loans 224, 225, 228 international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) 201-2 rise 202, 204, 205, 206 and state 210 inter-organizational links 91 investment by public ent erprises 176 planning 189 'i nvisible hand' 184 Iran administrative reform 126 bur eau cra cy 98 Iraq 71,227 irreleva nce, decentraliza tion 173 Islam , N 190 Israel , A 119, 130 Italy 228 Ivor y Coast see Cote d'Ivoire Jacques, E 84 Jamaica 116 Japan bureaucracy: culture 92; size 87 foreign aid 222, 228 and good governance 236 policy process 75 popul at ion growth 39 Jayawardena, Julius 235-6 Johnson, R W 158 Johnston, B F 114, 143 Joint Fund ing Scheme, UK 206 Jones, Merrick 118, 119 Jreisat, J E 106 Kasfir , N 163, 169 Kaunda, Kenneth 70, 95 Kenya bureaucracy 98 decentralizat ion 163, 164, 173 ed uca tional reform s 127-9 liberalization 226 Magarini proj ect 141 non-governmental organizations: rise 204, 205-6; and state 211 participatory rural appraisal 148 sanctions 228 Khan, Ayub 165 Khan, M M 72, 106 Khandwalla, P N 183, 190 Kiggundu, M 56 Kikeri, S 176 Killick, T ony 135, 137 Kim , B.W 50 kinship 35-6 Kirkpatrick, C 138 Kit ching , G Korten, David 114,206,208,216, 218 Kumaratunga, Chandrika 74 266 Index labour policies 187 labour profile bureaucracy 90-1 economic factors 29 labour unions policy process 72 public enterprise reform 195 and social class 45 Lan e, jan-Erik 75, 83 Laos administrative reform 130 liberalization 226 public enterprise reform 195 Larmour, P 66 latifundistas law , rule of 45 231 learning process approach , administrative reform 114 Lebanon 49 legal frameworks for development 231 public enterprises 187-8 legitimacy and decentralization 159 of decision-makers 124 of government 231 political environment 46 Leonard , D K 174 Lesotho 163, 164 Lewis, P G 46 Li Peng 88 liberal democratic theory 156, 173 liberal perspective on development planning 134 liberalization economie 155, 226; pu blie enterprises 184 political 226 Liberia 89 Libya 71 life expectancy 40 gender factors 37, 43 high-performing Asian economies 60 Lindblom, C E 68 Lindenberg, M 63 Lipton, Michael literacy see illiteracy and literacy lobbying 74 local government 154, 159-60, 169 Local Government Code, Philippines 166 Local Government Engineering Board, Bangladesh 239 logical framework analysis (LFA) 145 LP3ES 213,214 Mackintosh, M 21 Maddick, H 160 M aendeleoya Wanawake 211 Maheshwari, S 87 malaria 43 Malawi administrative reform 118-19 bureaucracy 95 decentralization 163 liberalization 226 policy process: participation 70-1; pluralism 66 project planning 141 sanctions 228 urbanization 42 Malaysia administrative reform 125, 126 ethnicity 35 and good governance 236 health 43 planning: national 138; project 141 public enterprises: deregulation 191-2; origins 179 Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) 126 management and planning, separation of 143 public enterprises 182, 188-90 management by objectives (MBO) 129-30 management improvement teams (M IT s) 111 managerial bourgeoisie 65 managerialism decentralization 167 development administration 14, 18 Manila Light Rail Transit 193 Manor,j 170-2 March, j G 68 Marcos, Ferdinand 46, 71, 95 market failure 134 market-friendly policy strategy 60, 63 Markowitz, I 65 Marshall Plan 134, 178 Martin, j 232 Marx, Karl Marxist development theory 35, 64 Mascharenhas, j 148 Mauritania 120 Mawhood, P 154 McCullogh, J.S 158 mechanical-bureaucratic structure 108, 109, 110-11 med ia 226 Meier, G M 67 merit reforms 90 Mexico decentralization 166 liberalization 226 Mexico City 42 Micro and Small Enterprise Training Fund, Kenya 127-9 Index m iddle class policy pr ocess 65; participa tion 73 poli tica l fac tors 45-6 M igdal, J S 48, 92 m igration 42- to non-governmental or gan izati ons 215 Mil es, R o bert 23 mil ita ry assista nce 223-4 burea ucracy 95-6 co ups 224 policy process 71 U K , role 227-8 Mill, Joh n S tuart 156 M ills, C W 13,83 Minogue, M 195 M int zberg, H 107 m ixed mechanical-organic struct ure 109 M obutu , Pr esident 50 mod erniz a tion perspective d evelopment 4- 6, 7-8 developmen t ad minist tio n 12, 13, 15 et hnici ty 35 mo nopolies 102 M ontgomer y, J D 170, 171 M on ya , J 173 M oore, M 229 Moore, W mo l co nduct 124 Moris, J I 74 M or occo 170 M or ss, E R 77, 223 Mozam bique 122, 204 multin ation al co rpora tions 103 Munene, J C 54 Myanmar 66, 74 M yrd al , G 48, 92, 100 Na rok obi, Bern a rd Nat ion al Co uncil of C h urc hes, K en ya 211 nat ion al d evelopme nt pla nn ing 133, 134- 9, 149-50 N a tion al Irriga tion Ad mi nist rat ion (N IA ) 114- 15 Nationa l Power Co rpo tion, Ph ilip pin es 193 Na ya , S 184- Nef,] 12,1 6,17 neg at ive cha cteristics, bureau cr a cy 84 Nehru, Pa ndit Jawah arlal 134 Nellis, J ohn R 153,1 55,1 69,1 73,185, 189, 192- Nellis, M 176 neo-classical perspective bureaucracy 86 d evelop ment 9- 10 d evelo pm ent ad mi nis tra tion pol icy process 67 public en ter prises 184 nco-li beralism internationa l env iro nm ent 224, 225 nat ion al planni ng 138 no n-gove rnme ntal organizations 16; co mpara tive ad va ntage 209; rise 206, 207 nee-Mar xism d evel opment 6-8 d evelo pment ad mi nist tion po licy process 70 neo-patrimonialism 15-1 50- nco-populism d evel opmen t 8-9 de velo pment ad mi nistr a tion 20 Nepal 13, 14 Nertin, M 200 Net herl ands 227 New Policy Age nda 207 Ne w Polit ical Eco nomy 67 new public man agemen t (N I' M) 229, 230 -6, 239- 40 d evelopm ent ad mini stra tion 18, 19 New R ight 67 new wo rd orde r 227 New Zeal and 87, 232, 236 Niger ia bu reaucracy: capaci ty 89; co rr up tion 100 decent lization 163, 6'~ democracy 46 public en ter p rises 177 Niger ian Ports Au tho rity 177 Nigeri a n R a ilwa y Co rp o ratio n 177 non- d ecision-mak ing 94 non -governmental o rgan iza tions (NGOs) 200- 1,2 18- 19 co mpa tive adva nt age of 207 10 em powe rme nt a nd poli tics 215- 17 rise of 202-7 a nd state 10- 15 st tegic choi ces 217- 18 typ es 20 1- 2, 203 Nord linge r, E A 70 nor ms 36 37 N unbe rg , B 122, 123 Nyerere, J ulius K 5,8,95 O ' Brien, D B C 49 Obras Sa na ta rias d e la Nacion 192 Offi ce of th e Audi tor Ge ne l (O AG), G uya na 124- oil sho cks 137 O ld enburg, P 103 o penness 124 ope n syste ms ma nagemen t th eor y 14, 15, 16- 17 18, 20 26 o pportunities, organizational environment s 54 op tima l reso urce ut iliza tion 124 268 Index Organic Law (1995), Papua New Guinea 168 organic-professional structure 108, 109 organizational aspects of development 2-3 organizational bourgeoisie 65 Osborne, D 230 Ouma, S O A 103 Overseas Development Administration (ODA) , UK 206, 230, 231 new publi c management 235, 240 overstaffing , publi c enterprises 182 OXFAM 204 pair-wise ranking, participatory rural appraisal 148 Pakistan administrative reform 119 Bhutto, Benazir 74 bureaucracy: corruption 10I; power, polit ics and a uthority 96 dec entralization 165-6, 170 new public management 235 publi c enterprises 190, 194-5 Pallot, J 232 Pamudji, S J II panchayati raj J65 panchayats 165 Papua New Guinea administrative reform: participation 115; restru cturing 111-12 bureaucracy 90 decentralization 167, 168, 169, 170 kinship 35 public enterprises 177 Paraguay 66 parastatals 153, 154, 155, 166-7 Park Chung-H ee 61,95 parliament, seats occupied by women 37, 74 participation administrative reform 113-16 decentralization 156, 157, 161 non-governmental organizations 208 policy-making process 70-5 project planning 144 public enterprise reform 188 participatory rural appraisal (PRA) 145, 146-9 patrimonialism 85, 102 patron-client tics 51 pa tronage 113, 123 Paul , S 122 peasants 45, 73-4 People 's Liberation Army (PLA) 196 perc eptions, organizational environments 51- ·5 Pereira , L C B 199 performance accountability 123 performance contracts, public enterprises 189-90 person biases, rural poverty 97 personnel bank 121 Peru 34, 227 PETROBRAS 181 Philippines administrative reform : accountability 125-6; National Irrigation Administration (NIA) 114-15 Aquino, Corazon 71bureaucracy: corruption 100; gender factors 98; power, politics and authority 94, 95 decentralization 166 kinship 36 legitimacy, regime 46 non-governmental organizations 205 progressive legislation for females 75 public ent erprises : deregulation 191-2, 193; performance 180 physically weak/disabled people 34 pilot projects 145-6 planning for d evelopment 132, 149-50 and decentralization 163 history 133-4 moderni zation perspective nat ional 134-9 projects 139-49 and public ent erpri ses 183 189 pluralism decentralization 158 non-governmental organizations 216, 217 policy process 65-6, 67 policy 57-9, 79-81 concerns and capacity 46-8 contribution of 59-63 politics and implementation 75-9 process 64-70: participation 70-5 policy framework, public enterprise reform 186-8 political factors bureaucracy 93-6 decentralization 156, 157, 161 development II non-governmental organizations 215-17 organizational environment 3, 44-52 planning: national 137; project 144 public enterprises 179, 182, 194-7 political parties 46 pollution 181 popular development agencies (PDAs) 203 popul at ion growth 39-41 poverty economic envi ronment 33-4 feminization of 38 Index high-performing Asian economies 60 rural 96, 97 and urbanizati on 42 power a nd bureau cra cy 93-6 colonial era 221 a nd decentralization 159, 172 and non-govern ment al orga niza tions 15- 17 and policy 58 power-politics man agement theories 14, 16, 17 powerl essness 33 4, 74 Pr axy, F 177 pr efectoral systems 161-2 pri cing policies 186 priv at e voluntary orga niza tions see nongovernment al orga nizations privatizati on 183, 190-3 Ch ile 187 and decentralization 153, 155 new publi c management 235 politi cs and feasibility 194 pr odu ction mode of str ucture 27 pr odu ctivit y 102 professional ad ministr ati on 83 profession al biases, rural povert y 97 professionalism 115 project bias, rur al povert y 97 proje ct cycle 140, 141, 142, 145 Proj ect M an agement U nit (PM U) 112 pr oject plann ing 133 4, 139 49, 150 project spira l 140, 145 Publi c Accounts Committ ee, G uya na 125 publ ic action public admi nistra tion, bu reau cracy as 83 public choice th eory decen traliz ati on 158 developm ent ad ministra tion 18 policy process 66-7 publ ic enter prises 1- future 238 41 man agement 23 onglns 177- perform anc e 179-83 reform 175-7 , 198-9; int ernational environment 222-3; politi cs and feasibility 194-7 ; strategies 185-93 reth inking the state 183-5 publ ic goods argument 126-7 Pu blic Investment Programme (P I P), Sri Lank a 139 publ ic-privat e mixes, administr a tive reform 126-9 public serva nts 71- pu blic service contrac tors (PSCs) 203 Qu ah , J S T 106 Qu alit y Schoo l, ma nagement theo ry 18 quangos 153, 154 Qu antitative School, management theor y 14 269 14, R amirez, N 63 rati on al acto r model 67- rat ion al-legal au thori ty 50, rati on alist reform progr amme 122, 123 Reagan, Ronald 224 recruitment, civil service 120 redundan cy 120 reform ad ministra tive see ad ministra tive reform public enterprise see public en ter prises, reform Reforrn a, M A 106 refugees 227 regional development a utho rities 155 regularity and accountability 122- relief and welfare agencies (R WAs) 203 remuneration see wages and salaries rent- seeking I, 66 resear ch and developmen t (R &D) 32 resistance to ad ministra tive restru ct uri ng 112-1 3, 130 to public ent erprise reform 191 resource alloca tion 134 Resource Management System 115 responsiveness an d accountabi lity 12·) and decent raliza tion 156,1 57,171 ,172 restructuring strateg ies 107 13, 130 ret irement 120 retr enchm ent schemes 120- revolut ions 45 Richt er, L 74, 75 Riggs, Fred 16, 92, 95 R ipon M and ate ( 1882) 165 Rob bins, S_ P 108 Rob inson , J oan 184 Robison, R 100 Roman Catholic Church 72 Rond inelli, Dennis A 17, 18, 89, 139, 143, 145-6, 147, 153, 155, 156, 158, 169, 173 Rosenfeld, Stephanie 6\ Rosengard ,.J K 92 Row at , Donald 87 Ruffing-H illiard , K 90 rul e of law 231 rural developm ent planning 1')6 rur al develop men t projects 170 rural de velopm ent tourists 96 rur al environmental d egr ad at ion rur al povert y 96, Rw and a 227 270 Index Saasa, O S 68 Sachs, Wolfgang 5, Sagasti, F R 54 Salamon, L 206 salaries see wages and salaries Samonte, A G 106 sanctions 228 Sandbrook, Richard 49 Sanderatne, N 103 Santiago, Miriam 100 Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement Saudi Arabia 74 savings rates 29, 60 scanning, environmental 24, 63 Schaffer, Bernard 4, 12, 15, 117 scholarship schemes 129 school enterprises 196 Schumacher, E F scientific management 13, 92 security, internal 213-14 Seers, D self-deceiving state 96 self-management 191 Sen, A 21 Sen, G 37 Senegal 155, 161, 190 separatism 159 Shirley, Mary 185, 189, 192-3 Shivji, G 65 shocks 137 Shor, 217 Sicherl, P 177 Sierra Leone 119 Siffin, W.j 13, 15 Simon, H A 68 Singapore 61 size 204 bureaucracy 86 non-governmental organizations 208 skilled labour bureaucracy 90-1 economic factors 29 migration 42-3 Sklar, R L 65 Slater, D 155, 173 Smith, B C 152, 154-5, 156, 157, 158, 159,161 ,169,172,173,174 social aspects of development II social class analysis· 64-5 cultural factors 37 neo-Marxism: development 7; development administration 15-16 political factors 44-6 social contribution, public enterprises 180-1 social development appraisal 145 social funds 128 Social Investment Fund (SIF), Bolivia 128 Social Service National Coordination Council (SSNCC), Nepal 214 socialist development theory 134 society-centred models, policy change 64-7 soft state 48, 92, 102 Somalia conflicts 227 non-governmental organizations 204, 206 weak state 49 Somare, Michael 167, 168 Somoza 71 South Korea bureaucracy 95 decision-making, loss of participation 61 economic growth 49-50 and good governance 236 policy process 75 urban environmental degradation 61 Southern non-governmental organizations (SNGOs) 201 rise 202, 204, 206 sovereignty and privatization 194 Spain 227 spatial biases, rural poverty 97 Special Rural Development Programme (SRDP) , Kenya 164 Sri Lanka conflicts 227 corruption 103 decentralization 166, 168 economic liberalization 226 Kumaratunga, Chandrika 74 new public management 235-6 non-governmental organizations: rise 204; and state 215 planning : national 137, 139; project 148 pluralism 66 policy concerns 47 stability, political 156, 157 stabilization loans 224, 225, 228 state bourgeoisie 65 state-centred models, policy change 64, 67-70 state interests model, policy process 69-70 Sto Tomas, P.A 125 Stone, Donald 12, 13 Streeten, P 184 Stroessner, Alfredo 66 structural adjustment loans (SALs) 224, 225, 228 structure of production 27 subordinate clauses 64-5 Index 271 subsid ies 129 Sudan 164, 204 sustainable development Sweden 228 Swerdlow, 19 Syria 71 transitional employment 121 transparency, good government 231 turbulence, organizational environments 53-4 Turner, M 46, 90, 112, 114, 117, 208 II Taiwan exploitation of labour 61 and good governance 236 rural environmental degradation 61 Tanzania administrative reform 120 decentralization 164,226 Nyerere 8, 95 task environment 23 task forces III task-oriented approach, non-gov ernmental organizations 208 Taylor, F W 13 technical innovation organizations (TIOs) 203 technological gains 10 technology economic environment 32 high-performing Asian economies 60 public enterprises 182 telecommunications 31-2 Terray, E 51 Thailand bureaucracy 86; capacity 89, 90; power, politics and authority 95-6 decentralization 166, 170 and good governance 236 public enterprises: deregulation 191-2; origins 179; pollution 181 Thatcher, Margaret 224 Thomas,] W 64, 65, 70, 78, 79, 80, 81 Thompson, J D 16 Thrift and Credit Cooperative Mo vement (SANASA) , Sri Lanka 204 Tinker, 37, 38 Todaro, M P 134 Togo 49 Toulabor, C M 49 township and village enterprises (T V Es), China 196 Toy e, John 9, 38 trade policy 186 trade unions see labour unions traditional-craft structure 109 training administrative reform 117-19, 121, 125; publi c-private mixes 127-9 political 156, 157 training and visit system (T & V) 110-11, 237 'trainingism' 117 Uganda administrative reforms 120 decentralization 164 non-governmental organizations 204 policy pro cess 71 Um eh,O.] 90,91 unintegrated prefectoral systems 162 Union of Soviet Sociali st Repu blics central planning 133, 136, 178 Cold War 222, 225 collaps e 226 United Kingdom arms trade 227 coloniali sm: decentralization 162-3 ; legacy 222 development administration 12, 18 foreign aid 228 military role 227-8 Overseas Development Admini stration (O DA) 206,230,231; new public management 235, 240 public enterprises 183 United Nati ons Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) 89 Conference on th e Environment and Development (1992) 204 credib ility, fall in 228-9 Decade for Women (1976-85) 37 Development Programme (U ND P): administrative reform 125; bureaucracy 89; domesti c capital 29; hum an de velopment inde x 27; technology 32 good government 229 Unit ed States of Am erica administrative reform 118 arms trad e 227 Cold War 222 d evelopment adm inistration 12, 13; nco-classical a pproach 18 foreign aid 228 Peace Corps 214 publi c enterprises 183 reinventing government 230 unofficial economy 34 Upazila system (Bangladesh) 166 UphotT, N 202, 208, 209 urban environmental degr adation 61 urbanizat ion 42 Uruguay 42 272 Index US Agency for International Development (U SAID) decentralization 173 new publi c management 235, 240 non-governmental organizations 209 policy impl ementation problems 75-7 valu e added by public ent erprises 176 values 36, 37 van der Gaag, J 127, 128 Van d er Heijden 204 Van Ulford , P Q 91 verand ah political system 51- Vietnam administrative reform 130 liberalization 226 publi c enterprise reform 195, 196 voluntarism , non-governmental organizations 207, 208, 209 voluntary redundancy 120 voucbe r systems 127-9 vulnerability 33 Vyasulu, V wages and salaries administrative reform 119-22 publi c service 103 Walli s, M 164 Walsb, P 232 wat er, access to safe 40, 43 Waterson, Albert 132, 133, 135 weak sta te 48-50 , 92, 102 wealth ranking, participatory rural appraisal 148 Weber, Max 4, 50, 83, 85, 88 well-being 10 Wildavsky, A 132, 136, 138 Wilson , E 180 Wilson, Woodrow 118 women bureau cra cy 97-100 cultural environment 36-8 policy process 74 powerlessness 34 Won gtrangan, K 95 World Bank administrative reform 105; buman resour ce issues 121, 122; publi cprivat e mixes 129; 'rationalist ' reform programme 122, 123; training and visit system 110 bureaucracy size 86 decentralization 173 development adm inistration 18, 19 'East Asian Miracle' 60 functional policy approacb to growth 62 good government 229, 230, 231 gross national product 27 liberal perspe ctive on development market-friendly strategy 60 new public management 235, 240 non-governmental organizations: comparative advantage 209-10; rise 207 planning: national 138; proje ct 140 poverty 33 public enterprises: politics and feasibility 194; pollution 181; reform strategies 187, 188, 190; rethinking the state 183 role 229 stru ctural adjustment loans 224, 225, 228 World Rainforest Network 201 Wraith, R 163 Zafrullah, H M 72 Zaire 50, 164 Zambia administrative reform 122 bur eau cracy 95 decentralization 164, 169 democracy 46 liberalization 226 participation in policy-making process 70 public enterprises 176 Zhang Zhijian 88 Zia, Begum Khalida 74 Zink in, Maurice 49 Zomorrodian, A 92, 93

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2017, 10:43

