Organizations and Behaviour Assignment 3 BTEC Nguyen Huu Phong 2017 tại University of Greenwich Viet Nam, đây là một trong những môn rất quan trọng và cần thiết cho những người muốn theo nghành businness cụ thể là human resource management như mình. Bài assignment này được mình làm tại trường. Các bạn có thể xem và tham khảo nhưng lư
Table of content I/ Introduction II/ Analysis LO1 Understand the relationship between organizational structure and culture Task 1.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structures and cultures Task 1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organization’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business Task 1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviors at work LO4 Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organizations Task 4.1 Explain the nature of group and group behavior within organizations Task 4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations Task 4.3 Explain and evaluate the technology impact on team performance 3 11 15 20 20 23 27 III/ Conclusion 30 References 31 I/ Introduction Organizational structure and organizational culture are highly correlated performance factors by analyzing the case of THACO It basically defines the appropriate structure of an organization in order to get more than average performance THACO is wisely using the technology in developing the productivity as well as insuring the safety for employees Understanding of organizational structure and organizational culture help 1 managers to run company effectively by individual behavior and teamwork In this report, we will discuss about the elements which can affect direct or indirect to the survival and development of company We will understand more clearly the important of teamwork and how thing operate From that point, we apply the suitable strategies to develop our business This report is going to discuss and analyze all the factors that may impact the company development, even the company’s culture and employees’ working behavior Abstract: organizational structure, organizational culture, teamwork, technology II/ Analysis LO1 Understand the relationship between organizational structure and culture Task 1.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structures and cultures Culture 2 According to McLaughlin (2017) organizational culture is stated that: "Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations These shared values have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture, which provides guidelines and boundaries for the behavior of the members of the organization " Dimensions of organizational culture (Source: Management by Robbins and Coulter, 7/e, Pearson Education) Organizational culture consists of characteristics and these characteristics define the culture, values separately for each organization Combined these characteristics together make up the unique to each business These factors include: Innovation and Risk Taking, Attention to Detail, Outcome Orientation, People Orientation, Team Orientation, Aggressiveness, and Stability This specification applies to an organization formed a certain culture and be expressed by each individual in the organization 3 To be more precise, Innovation and Risk Taking are the acceptance of risk to promote employee development and creativity, Attention to Detail is the attention to the small details, Outcome Orientation is a factor of productivity when business thesis that only interested in results that employees without the need for the process to have the result that However, this creates the adverse business environment People Orientation is a positive factor when all employees are respected the personal comments, comfortable environment and be treated fairly Team Orientation is primarily held focused on teamwork rather than individual work to be effective Aggressiveness, competitiveness and overcome opponents create the rivalry and strong competition in the organization Stability is the key factor that keeps a certain stability and strong growth This factor helps maintaining businesses in a certain level There are main types of enterprise culture model including Power culture, Role culture, Task culture, and Person culture Depending on the business, each company will follow a different cultural models to achieve the best results To be clearer, Power culture is the culture of focusing power in person and the only person in power will make decisions for all situations in all areas Role of culture is the culture that power will focus on each position and each department, and each department will decide specific situations Task culture is the culture in which the members of the company will support and coordinate with each other to complete assigned tasks The last one is Person culture According to this culture, people freely work and are not be led by anyone Structure According to Friend (2017) organizational structure is stated that: "Organizational structure is a system used to define a hierarchy within an organization It identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within the organization This structure is developed to establish how an organization operates and assists an organization in obtaining its goals to allow for future growth The structure is illustrated using an organizational chart." 4 The organizational structure has many forms and depends on many factors which directly influence organization These factors often influence the organizational structure such as: the purpose of the organization, the size, the complexity of the tasks that the organization carries out, the external environment and organizational culture To be more specific about the effects of these factors, the purpose of the organization is organized and what it was created to what task, the size of the organization that is small and medium size business or large, the complexity and difficulty of the work that the organization works to achieve the purpose of the original issue external factors, and organizational culture will decide which organizations are affected and effective activity or not In addition, the products, services and distribution market also affect the structure of an organization Each organization will choose the most suitable structure and application, the selected structure will govern the way the organization works and bring the affected positively or negatively depending on the circumstances Identify your company’s culture The culture of THACO always focused on two key elements are: the discipline and the humanity Discipline is considered foundational and core issue elements that THACO towards The company focuses on improving the sense of discipline, disciplinary action, and the discipline in every man, in every personnel of THACO, this helps to build the digital culture of THACO In THACO, cultural construction company under the principle known as the 8T: DEDICATION-HONESTYINTELLIGENCE-SELF-CONFIDENCE-RESPECT-FAITHFUL-COMMITMENTCONVENIENCE factors that would coordinate with each other to create a culture within the company from people to these activities The meaning of 8T is described as below: • DEDICATION: work with the best of his ability, dedication to development of the company-has a responsibility to themselves, their families and society • HONESTY: brave accept responsibility when there are errors 5 • INTELLIGENCE: always learn advanced knowledge, always be creative in work • SELF-CONFIDENCE: believe in yourself, have a field of work and life • RESPECT: in compliance with the principles of the organization, the respect and affection of colleagues-customers • FAITHFUL: loyal to the company, kept his promise with colleagues-customers • COMMITMENT: the patience to listen to the opinions of colleagues-clientdedicated to the work for the development of the company • CONVENIENCE: Create favorable environment in partnership with colleaguescustomers On humanistic elements, there is a slogan of THACO which is: "The mighty that loves, the business that is kind" THACO always aspires to devote themselves and contribute to these products, the best service for the society The company always creates the best conditions, encourages as well as supports employee in the company, encourages creativity and innovation, and improves productivity These factors create the best products and services to customers, create a productive working environment and development Through the principle of 8T, we can see that THACO’s culture are Task Culture and Role Culture, when the employee is assigned to be facilitated the operation together, work together and must comply with discipline according to the head of a certain location In recent years from 2013 to 2016, THACO has achieved many success and was the province's leadership, the city recorded as well as awarding merit about trying and benefits that THACO brings Gain more noble titles awarded by the State as "Golden Star of Vietnam", "Vietnam's strong brand", "Top 10 business in years", The success has been thanks to the continuous development and the effectiveness of 6 company culture, from the culture of 8T THACO until his hard effort has helped the THACO headed and overtake Toyota in automotive sector Identify your company’s structure (functional, product based, geographically based, multi functional, etc.) THACO's organizational structure includes the Board will manage and has the power of the highest in the group Then depending on the function, product, geography, that will be the senior executive management of each Department to achieve the highest efficiency The head of the Board is Mr Tran - Chairman of the Board of THACO, besides five other Board members and a Vice Chairman of the Board This group will run the company's operations and below will be more senior management for each function Leadership structure of THACO consists: Chairman of the Managing Board Board member Board member Board member Board member Board member Deputy Chairman the Board Depending on the geographic location, the Board will operate and allocate resources in a reasonable manner: 7 The organizational structure is divided into several regions making THACO can easily manage large in scope that still achieve certain efficiencies When the subgenus organization according to each region, each region will be managed separately and all will be administered by the Corporation Because of this division, THACO currently has expanded nationwide, and it is planning to reach out to the world With a distribution system consisting of 89 and 56 showroom dealers spread across the country Up to mid-2016, the number of employees of the company were up to more than 16,000 people show the distribution by region of activities to help expand THACO developed quickly Depending on the product that THACO will have the appropriate management for each Department to improves efficiency and bring the product to the customer 8 The main activity of THACO currently is assembling-producing-distributing, the provision of repair and maintenance service auto parts: manufacturing and sales of commercial vehicles (trucks and busses); Manufacture and sales of passenger car brand: Kia (Korea), Toyota (Japan), Peugeot (Europe) The Division of organizational structure based on each separate product will help more convenient to THACO for each brand to achieve high efficiency Compare and contrast the identified culture and structure of your company to other companies (companies in the same industry) Until the present moment, we can say THACO has pushed Toyota to reached the number one position in Vietnam's car market It can be said that the great opponent of THACO lost and THACO are dominating this market We make the comparison over the structure and culture of Toyota and THACO to see these company works to understand how they are developing Compare about the culture of THACO and Toyota About cultural, the first for THACO, THACO always upholds humanism and discipline in the culture of the company They want the staff must always respect the discipline in the work, in communication to achieve high productivity They create a 9 productive work environment and meet the needs of that superior The coordination between the personnel will help complete the work assigned The authority has to focus on one position and depending on the location of different decisions For Toyota, Toyota always respect the staff and always believe that the success of the business is due to the creativity of each individual capability group Toyota created the best growing conditions for its employees Toyota has always supported the equal opportunities at work, always respect and honor anyone in active trading Always attach importance to and support staff promotes the ability and it is the culture that Toyota headed instead to impose the work onto employees This we can see the contrast in comparison with THACO Compare the structure between THACO and Toyota THACO TOYOTA (Source: Author) 10 10 to meet new colleagues, can improves the creation and building relationship of employees with others Otherwise help employees have more overview on how company works as well as the situation of the company Individual differences In my opinion, this is the most effectiveness affect to the individual behaviors The evidence is people work in the same department at the company not really react the same It’s based on the personality, traits and types, perception, attitude, ability,… Personality: Everyone not the same, so there will be the diversity individual The introvert and extrovert will react in different way with other in the same situation For example: There is the party between branches to build the relationship between branches, extroverts seem to be excited and introverts seem to be bored People in Vietnam also have the hard-working spirit, so that is one of the elements for THACO’s employees to create the great product Traits and types: The thing I want to mention here is gender Women will more observant and man will more assertive, but also depending on the person's personality Because of the nature of business and Asian conception, THACO have not many workers are ladies, so it seem to be don’t balance in traits of workers Perception: Everyone has the different perception Someone can easily catch the trend, someone cannot It leads to the different promotion between people People in Vietnam are still quite old-fashioned, it maybe the obstacle for THACO’s employees to catch the trend of world 19 19 Attitude: Someone wants to get the passion, lesson in work And someone wants the stability Because of the inquisitive about the new things, THACO’s members bring the new breath of fresh air to the Vietnam’s car industry The evidence is THACO’s is leading in the field of production, assembly and distribution of automobiles in Vietnam Ability: Someone has the gift, and someone has to hard working every day THACO’s workers have both talents and hard-working, so they always get the labor award from the government The best evidence in THACO’s company is Mr Tran Ba Duong In 1983, He’s just a technician at the Dong Nai car factory Because of the talent, patient, hard-working and the great attitude, perception in work, he is now the Chairman of the Board and brings the THACO’s company become one of the affective company in the car industry in Vietnam when his former colleagues now are his staff LO4 Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organizations 4.1 Explain the nature of group and group behavior within organizations Define group and group behavior Group: is the form of two or more members to work together to perform operations and increase organizational efficiency through effective teamwork The team members have a common goal, and are interdependent on each other The members approved a general work, become interdependent on their performance, and interact with each other to promote their achievements People working in group will be better than working in individual Therefore, tasks for group are more difficult than personal tasks but they will achieve higher and bigger reward Group dynamics require many interactions among the members of a group Groups in organization are the most significant representation social identity of employees in that organization Therefore, 20 20 working performance and relationships inside and outside the organization are influenced by the nature of groups in the organization Group behavior: it clearly defined roles and status hierarchy, leadership ability, good development indicators and strong cohesion a team When the group activities and interaction with other groups, they develop their own unique set of characteristics including structural, cohesion, roles, norms and processes Results will cause many different problems such as: cooperation or competition, and that will lead to conflict and unnecessary conflict Identify and describe the nature of groups at your chosen company (informal, formal, etc.) (Source: University of Education) Nature of Groups 21 21 Different kinds of groups are created to get donations or specific job within the company Members of the group have some tasks defined, and there are some presets rules aim to work with The members became naturally depends together (Ditomaso et al., 2007) The members approved a general work, become interdependent in their activities, and interact with each other to promote their achievements There are three factors on the nature of communication between members of a group The first factor is the norm, which describes how to perform the operation and management of a group The second element, the dynamic of the group includes a set of techniques including role, sensitivity training, teamwork, and group management These factors show that the third group dynamics from the perspective of the internal nature of the group The structure of the team and the performance will be discussed at this point, along with the impact of groups on individuals, other groups, and organizations complete Formal Groups: by the organization, group focus on task rather than member’s satisfaction Formal group gives tasks and responsibilities to every member and let them make it done There are two types of formal group, command groups and task groups A command group is long term in nature and has fixed position in the organization structure However, task groups are formed for a specific task and motive which are temporary in nature Informal Groups: are formed by employees whom groups focus on the satisfaction of member rather than task The reasons for the formation of informal groups can be for relationship, motivation, growth or support There are two types of informal groups: friendship groups and interest groups Members of friendship groups have a friendly relationship with each other, common interests and are similar in age and view, but interest groups are formed to manage an activity and are in short term There are many types of groups to affecting to THACO business but THACO always applies informal groups with employees They always appreciate the ability and the dedication and creativity of the individual THACO has significant successful by apply working in group in company’s work Regarding its organization culture, company applies task culture so almost tasks of company will give to relative and specialize group THACO applies the informal group in group identity so it relates to purpose of company and leadership style of managers are to motivate employees by 22 22 creating good relationship and job satisfaction Managers of THACO identity group with significant group norm Employees will have good reward when they complete task perfectly, such as increase salary, promote position, give appreciation In addition, they have code of conduct in group and clearly responsibilities and discipline Therefore, many work groups of THACO run very smooth to achieve vision and mission from company In the group, each member has their own role through the formation of group so they will work by their best The significant example of successful in group of THACO is the effective working in marketing department We see the reputation of THACO is high in Vietnam automotive industry because marketing department has many groups which hold particular task We see the reputation of THACO is high in Vietnam because marketing department have many group which hold particular task, such as Advertising, PR and social media Moreover, leaders of each group empower to members to make them freely to give ideas and leaders just observe the process and ensure job done effectively With clearly group identification, work group of THACO achieve all nature of group It leads to make employees interested in work and loyal to company and jobs 4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations Teamwork at workplace is believed that pretty important and it may bring many benefits and opportunities to for professional development of an organization Teamwork increases efficiency, helps members to generate ideas, enhances communication, shares the workload, and supports network (Hutton, 2016) According to the above-mentioned belief, teamwork is considered as necessary and cannot be avoided while people is working together Teamwork in organizations is affected by many external and internal factors, and it can be said that internal factors are the root to effectively control good teamwork However, every factor can promote the effectiveness of teamwork, or in contrast, inhibit the teamwork The matter here is each organization should find out which factors take the vital role in promoting and enhancing teamwork performance, while trying to decrease bad factors that may inhibit and slow down the development 23 23 Let’s start with the possible factors which may impact the development of effective teamwork This report is going to analyze the main factors, which are: leadership, organizational culture, organizational structure, knowledge, and motivation To begin with, take leadership as the first factor to discuss It can be clearly seen that the leadership, or else, the leader himself if an organization or a company is the most important factor to decide whether the business can be success or not The leader is who creates the core value, purpose, vision and mission with his own leadership style The great leadership will lead the whole organization to the right way to victory In the case study of THACO company, the leader tends to use the transactional leadership style According to THACO (2013) there was a statement that: “THACO always directs all of its employees to a working and lifestyle of selfdiscipline Living and working with the self-discipline and the continuous progress will benefit the company and yourselves.” Using and applying discipline in leadership and management somehow shows that THACO does care about how every employee can dedicate their abilities in order to 24 24 enhance themselves beside getting deserved rewards The clear discipline and rewards policies of THACO lead to the same belief of every employees that once they achieve the set goals, it means they are successful in bringing benefits not just for company but for themselves In short, sharing the same belief boosts team members to try hard to work together in order to complete missions and tasks, so the entire team can earn rewards in glory According to Watkins (2013) organizational culture is believed that: “Organizational culture is the sum of values and rituals which serve as ‘glue’ to integrate the members of the organization.” Since organizational culture works as “glue” in a team, it is necessary to understand what it is in real case study of THACO and what it can actually The organizational culture of THACO is called 8T, which clearly shows how much THACO cares about company’s core value, company image, and customer’s benefits Besides, Mr Tran – CEO of THACO, believes that while doing business in the automobile industry in Vietnam, the simple theory “Do small things first, big things later” always takes the spot (VNEconomy, 2015) This vision and culture of THACO is also represented through the way THACO takes employees as the root of success, since THACO lets the employees to be able to learn new technology, adapt new innovation, and improve their skills at work All of the evidences about culture above eventually create norms in THACO working environment For instance, all the employees respect the vision and 8T culture of leaders, they believe that they must work hard as a worker in order to satisfy customers and accomplish goals, so they naturally try to blend in to be a part of THACO team The theory of CEO inspired the employees to perfectly focus on what is the majority of company Finally, since THACO creates chances for employees to study more and improve their professional skills, they will keep their loyalty to the company and try to prove their individual abilities Hence, when each employee has that mindset of willing to dedicate their abilities to company, the teamwork process is going to be easiest than ever Every member of the team, whichever team it is in the company, will put effort to effectively work together The next factor is organizational structure As this report discussed above in Task 1.1, the clear structure of THACO which is flexibly divided into two different types: 25 25 geographically structure (to be easily maintained, helps local decision making, and low cost required) and product structure (to fully achieve goals for different segments and purposes of product lines), creates the simple process of decision making without many problems Those important decision will be made by the leaders and managers who have top power in company’s board director Other decisions related to products such as: developing new features, designing models, financial work, and marketing strategies,… will be discussed by team of product structure before being examined by the top management and leaders All the members have chances to speak up their ideas and join in the decision making process depending on their positions in company The following factors are knowledge and motivation in an organization First, THACO encourages employees to adapt new technology and study new knowledge by opening study courses in Vietnam, letting employees trade experiences, and take potential employees to go to Japan and Korea to learn new technology (Le, 2015) Therefore, the knowledge among employees is quite the same and even, which obviously helps them while working in group When the education background and knowledge in common ground are no longer the barrier of teamwork, members surely corporate well in discussing, solving problems, and completing tasks Second, the motivation that THACO gives employees during their work life is fair enough to keep them being loyal With the transactional leadership style, THACO tries to give the best rewards and compensation policies in order to boost up employees’ performance For instance, in 2014, the wage of employees was increased twice At the end of each year, each individual with excellent performance earned a reward which is about 6.3 months of wage, and each excellent individual in excellent team earned more month of wage This compensation policies is highest in Quang Nam Province – where THACO head quarter officially bases in That policies encourage each team or group in THACO try their best to accomplish goals and tasks since the rewards are attractive In sum, THACO knows how to help employees enhance their knowledge to bring more profits to company after all Even more, THACO uses the pretty good policies to motivate each individual, let them have a desire to work harder not only for company development but also for themselves to achieve more for their lives 26 26 4.3 Explain and evaluate the technology impact on team performance Explain the technology impact on team performance Since technology develops, the working environment has changed everything With modern machinery and more advanced today, communication, teamwork, work is also easier and more convenient than ever All the difficulties of geography, distance, communication, tasks are solved by modern technologies From there, the process and the result of teamwork has also improved markedly Evaluate the impact of technology on teams at your company in terms of these aspects: Communication, Change, Virtual teams, Cross cultural teams With THACO, company tech support we communicate is the modern equipment such as projectors, electronic whiteboards, websites or email, as we have, with modern life and today, the organization of the sessions will spend a lot of time because of the capacitor in a location fiend meeting time, not so long today companies often create virtual team easy can easily notice the needed information without the proper organization of time-consuming Virtual teams are divided into types: Networked teams, Parallel teams, Project or product development teams, Work or production teams, Service teams, Action teams, Management teams Components of virtual teams is different geography or locations of team members, team members from different organisations or parts of the organisation, different duration or lengths of time members work together as a team Technological advances have the ability to impact how individuals go about their daily lives This includes how they complete tasks around the home and at work For small businesses, the introduction and use of new technology can help streamline processes and increase worker productivity if managed properly Through the virtual group, the company will announce THACO information using Gmail or social networking groups like Facebook, Zalo, Skype, internal network, from which the 27 27 contacts would become easier than ever And teams become virtual when you add the following components: Different geography or locations of team members, team members from different organisations or parts of organisations and different lengths of time members work together as a team However, the people meeting together is still the most effective, then everything will be resolved is clear, accurate and fast The tools such as electronic whiteboards, projectors will support very effective in this case Technology related to communications can help employees perform their jobs to the best of their ability For employees with the ability to grasp new technology, it can speed up their productivity New technologies, such as instant messaging, can help employees communicate in a more efficient manner and get answers and help immediately This allows them to solve problems and address issues in the workplace instantaneously Communications technology can also have a positive impact on the relationships between employees and suppliers or customers by improving response times to questions, comments and concerns Change of technology will affect the company about the job as: Fast growing knowledge based economy, complex business environment, new set of values and different set of technologies, push towards networks, virtual workers and virtual teams and new values based on trust Because habits, gestures and communication of every culture is different, the technology developed will also be developed to support these difficulties In a world where so much of communication happens through technological media such as email, texting or even phone calls, nonverbal cues can be very important and can drastically change the effectiveness of an individual’s attempts at communicating Different cultures, therefore, may tend to rely more on communication methods that allow them to relay nonverbal messages as well as verbal ones These cultural differences can lead to more difficult, erroneous information transmissions between multiple cultures When considering that some businesses are composed of employees based all over the globe, it is easy to see how small cultural differences can present opportunities for errors to add up and be potentially very harmful to a 28 28 company’s success In an era where face-to-face interaction is becoming less possible or necessary, providers are coming up with ways to mimic all of the face-to-face mannerisms that we are used to For example, in an e-mail it can be easy to misinterpret someone’s “tone” This provides an easy way to cut out the possibility of someone misinterpreting a tone, because the facial expression implies the tone There are many ways that technology can impact communication Cultures are impacted when using technology to interact within their own groups, and are also impacted when interacting with other cultures Individuals have to find ways around the lack of nonverbal communication opportunities when using technology as a medium for communication But technology is adapting and is quickly providing more and more ways to enrich the communication-through-technology experience In my opinion, technology developers have good side and bad side effects to the work of the group of employees in THACO On the good side, technology support the work of the group is faster, more convenient The modern machinery of great assistance in the installation, transport and operation of the company But besides that, the technology also has an adverse effect on the working process of the company, employees will abuse the machine too much, not brainstorm and work more actively And also some human work will efficiently and accurately than machinery 29 29 III/ Conclusion In conclusion, by wisely applying the organizational culture and structure, THACO become one of the most important businesses in the manufacturing and assembly automobile industry Understanding the demands as well as the important of employees with the surviving and developing of company, managers divide employee motivation methods to support and motivate worker to the effective productivity, created the healthy and affective environment The evidence is in many years, THACO receives a lot certificated about labor from government, distribute to the developing of Vietnam economy THACO is the great model company for the younger generation to learning and following 30 30 References Businesscasestudies (2017) Organizational structure in an innovative environment Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) Evan, K (2013) How Technology Affects Communication in Different Cultures Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) Friend, L (2017) What Is the Meaning of Organizational Structure? Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) Hutton, L (2016) Why Teamwork is Important in the Workplace Available at: (Accessed: 25 February 2017) Laodong (2017) THACO’s employee remuneration policy Available at: (Accessed: 26 February 2017) Le, D (2015) THACO – The victory in the important year Available at: (Accessed: 25 February 2017) Long, N (2017) How Technology Affects Job Performance Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) 31 31 Markumgroup (2016) What is Organizational Culture & Why Does It Matter? Available at: why- does-it-matter.html (Accessed: 24 February 2017) McLaughlin, J (2017) What is Organizational Culture? - Definition & Characteristics Available at: organizational-culture-definition-characteristics.html (Accessed: 24 February 2017) Quantri (2017) Organizational culture definition Available at: (Accessed: 26 February 2017) SmallBusiness (2017) Effects organizational structure behavior Available at: (Accessed: 26 February 2017) THACO (2013) THACO Culture Available at: (Accessed: 25 February 2017) THACO (2017) Achievements Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) Thang, Q (2017) THACO becomes the biggest corporation in Vietnam Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) Toyotavn (2017) Introducing Toyota Available (Accessed: at: 24 February 2017) Viet, C and Duc, H (2016) THACO overtake Toyota in Vietnam Available at: (Accessed: 24 February 2017) 32 32 VNEconomy (2015) The way THACO makes automobile business Available at: (Accessed: 25 February 2017) VNEconomy (2017) How THACO’s company different from another company Available at: 2014081011035738.htm (Accessed: 26 February 2017) Watkins, M (2013) What is organizational culture? And why should we care? Available at: (Accessed: 25 February 2017) 33 33