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Brief History of Forest Vegetation management Before 1858: Shifting cultivation 19858 – 1945: Colony/ forest mining 1945 – 1954: Forest exploitation 1954 – 1975: Forest exploitation Democratic Republic of Vietnam Republic of Vietnam After 1975: Government forestry/ forest enterprise Social forestry/Modern forest management Ecosystem A functional unit consisting of all the living organisms (plants, animals, and microbes) in a given area, and all the non-living physical and chemical factors of their environment, linked together through nutrient cycling and energy flow An ecosystem can be of any size-a log, pond, field, forest, or the earth's biosphere-but it always functions as a whole unit Forest Ecosystem Ecosystems are commonly described according to the major type of vegetation, for example, forest ecosystem, old-growth ecosystem, or range ecosystem Forest is an Ecosystem Ecosystem management “Management guided by explicit goals, executed by policies, protocols, and practices, and made adaptable by monitoring and research based on the best understanding of ecological interactions and processes necessary to sustain ecosystem composition, structure, and function over the long term” (USDA Forest Service) Ecosystem management Ecosystem management occurs at the convergence of these components Ecosystem management Ecological values AND commodities Forests managed as complex ecosystems Ecosystem resilience is key to long-term ecosystem productivity How to ecosystem management? How to ecosystem management With ecosystem management we change from emphasizing uses to maintaining healthy and stable ecosystems and serving human needs as an outcome of that management (Nyland, 2010) Manage forests for healthy ecosystems Ecological: A healthy forest maintains its unique species and processes, while maintaining its basic structure, composition and function Social: A healthy forest has the ability to accommodate current and future needs of people for values, products and services (USDA Forest Service) Manage forests for healthy ecosystems A forest condition that is naturally resilient to damage; characterized by biodiversity, it contains sustained habitat for timber, fish, wildlife, and humans, and meets present and future resource management objectives 10 Manage forests as complex ecosystems 11 Complex systems Consisting of many diverse and autonomous but interrelated and interdependent components or parts linked through many (dense) interconnections Complex systems cannot be described by a single rule and their characteristics are not reducible to one level of description They exhibit properties that emerge from the interaction of their parts and which cannot be predicted from the properties of the parts 12 Complex systems 13 Strictly controlling the forest through intense management is likely to result in unpredictable and undesirable results… Better to gently guide the forest towards our desired goal and maintain forest resilience Accept and embrace diversity complexity and unpredictability 14 Adaptive management Collecting/evaluating information Monitoring Assessment Identifying problems Planning to achieve objective Decisions Implementation Changing conditions 15 Active Adaptive management A B C D 16 17 Ecosystem management aspects It deals with ecosystem functions and balances at a landscape scale It focus on changes and development on an ecological time scale It tempers current uses and treatments to maintain an array of options for future time (Nyland, 2010) 18 Landscape scale planning The processes at one scale influence the processes at other scales 19 Ecosystem management… Diverse objectives Accept and embrace complexities of ecosystem management Stand-scale silvicultural techniques may appear to be similar to traditional systems Adaptive management Landscape-scale planning 20 ... ecosystem management? How to ecosystem management With ecosystem management we change from emphasizing uses to maintaining healthy and stable ecosystems and serving human needs as an outcome of that management. .. over the long term” (USDA Forest Service) Ecosystem management Ecosystem management occurs at the convergence of these components Ecosystem management Ecological values AND commodities Forests... complexities of ecosystem management Stand-scale silvicultural techniques may appear to be similar to traditional systems Adaptive management Landscape-scale planning 20