HEALTH CARE Thfi tuong VA VAN XtgT tham b€nh vi€n da khoa Prime Minister Vo Vdn Kiefs visit to BO truong Phi Phi Thq Tho's General Hospitat - : Photo : HAI BANG nA y rc p0 NGUYEN PHUONG tim vi€c vdi b'nh vi€n tinh Minister of Heatth Dd Nguydn Phudng working with the provincial hospital 13s Ldnh dao tinh thdm b€nh vi€n huy€n Doan Hing nhin ngity thiy thu6c Vi€t Nam (27-2-2001) Provincial Leaders'visit to Doan Hing hospital on the occasion of Vietnam Physician Day (12 February 2001) Mii cip cuu 136 First-aid operation * '?- -t, fD q#t t I i Bpnh viQn huyQn Lim Thao sau ngiy tdi lQp 1999 Hospital of LAm Thao district after its re-establishment in 1999 - Photo: TRONG BANG Phdu thudt mi6n phi cho tr| em c6 hoin cinh kh6 khdn Free-of-charge operations for disadvantaged children HOi chdn tai - mii - hong An ear-nose-throat consultation - Photo: TRONG BANG Thw hi€n chuvng tinh vi chit dinh dadng cho tr| em & Bio Y€n (Thanh Thrty) The programme of multi nutrients for childre:n in Bdo YOn (Thanh Thly) t3'l