TOURISM & SERVICES Phri Tho, midn d6t c6 nhidu di tich lich sir vh danh lam thf,ng cPhoto : Khu Ph0 Tho, a land of historical relics and beautiful sights such as Hung Kings di tich lich sil Di:n Hing, chi6n khu VAn - Hiirn Lucrng, Van Thdng, Tugng Temple (Ddn Hung) Khu Vdn-Hidn dii Monument Chi6n Thing S6ng LO, khu luu niOm Chi tich H6 Chi Minh & Cti riOt, Chu H6a, DOn Mdu Au Co (Ha Hda) cr)ng v6i c6c rlidm du lich: dim Ao Chdu, Ao Rdi suili Ti0n, bOn G6t, nga ba.Hac, rlng nguyOn sinh Xudn Son, su6i nu6c n6ng (Thanh Thrly) dl lhm cho PhuTho c6 sric cu6n hrit du kh6ch thAp phucrng trcy vE mii:n ddr coi ngu6n nno cm tlen 10 Luong, Van Thdng military bases, of Song Lo victory, the House in memory of President Hd Chi Minh in Cd fidr, Chu Hoa, Au Co tempte (Ha Hod) and tourism sites, such as Ao Roi rammers, Fairy Spring, Got ferry, Hac turning point, XuAn Son ChAu, Ao primitive forest, hot mineral spring (Thanh Thuy), etc atiracts tourists to the original land and pay homage to our ancestors Tam quan chia Xudn Luy - Ldm Thao Three-door temple gate, XuAn Lui pagoda, LAm Thao Photo: VAN TRANG Thudng trvc UBND tinh duy€t quy hoqch tdng thtidu tich Phi Tho 2001 - 2010 Standing Committee of the provinciat peopte's Committee approving the master plan of phi Tho tourism 2oo1-2010 photo: TRAN KHA 95 Dinh Hing LO Hing L6 Common House' Photo: VAN TRANG Hang Chi€ng, hang Tr6ng La Phi Gongs and Drums Caves in La Phu Thdm dQng Xuin Son Visiting XuAn Son cave - Photo: VAN TRANG Tusn7 dhi chi€n thdng SOng LO Statue of Lo River victory HO Bach Thiy Bach Thui lake - Photo: VAN TRANG 99 HQi chq Hing Hing Vvutg Am thuc ngiy hQi Festivalfood - photo: VAN TRANG 100 ndm 2000 Vuong Fair 2000 - Photo: TRQNG BANG H)i chq vi€c lAm Employment Fair - photo: V0 Oit'tU KHUYEN MOt g6c chq trung tdm ViQt Tri A market corner in the centre of Vi6t Tri Photo: TRONG BANG Hoa mdm Mushroom flowers - Photo: HUNG SON Ngitnh thvong mai du lich chp phit hitnh chinh sdch cho d6ng bio miin nrti Trade & Tourism: goods supply to the peopte in the disadvantaged areas Photo:TRAN KHAI 101