1 Chapter 1 The Copernican Revolution: The Birth of Modern Science .... 18 Chapter 2 Light and Matter: The Inner Workings of the Cosmos .... 47 Chapter 4 The Solar System: Interplanetary
Trang 1Test Bank to Accompany
Astronomy: A Beginner’s Guide to the Universe
Seventh Edition
by Eric Chaisson and Steve McMillan
Pearson Education, Inc
© 2013 9/11/12
Trang 2Chapter 0 Charting the Heavens: The Foundations of Astronomy 1
Chapter 1 The Copernican Revolution: The Birth of Modern Science 18
Chapter 2 Light and Matter: The Inner Workings of the Cosmos 29
Chapter 3 Telescopes: The Tools of Astronomy 47
Chapter 4 The Solar System: Interplanetary Matter and the Birth of the Planets 62
Chapter 5 Earth and Its Moon: Our Cosmic Backyard 85
Chapter 6 The Terrestrial Planets: A Study in Contrasts 107
Chapter 7 The Jovian Planets: Giants of the Solar System 127
Chapter 8 Moons, Rings, and Plutoids: Small Worlds Among Giants 146
Chapter 9 The Sun: Our Parent Star 170
Chapter 10 Measuring the Stars: Giants, Dwarfs, and the Main Sequence 189
Chapter 11 The Interstellar Medium: Star Formation in the Milky Way 212
Chapter 12 Stellar Evolution: The Lives and Deaths of Stars 233
Chapter 13 Neutron Stars and Black Holes: Strange States of Matter 259
Chapter 14 The Milky Way Galaxy: A Grand Design 279
Chapter 15 Normal and Active Galaxies: Building Blocks of the Universe 304
Chapter 16 Galaxies and Dark Matter: The Large‐Scale Structure of the Cosmos 331
Chapter 17 Cosmology: The Big Bang and the Fate of the Universe 348
Chapter 18 Life in the Universe: Are We Alone? 371
Trang 410) A star with a right ascension of 2.6 hrs will rise 2.6 hours after the vernal equinox.Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Section Ref.: 0.2
13) The vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere.Answer: TRUE
Trang 12C) Groups of stars gravitationally bound and appearing close together in the sky.D) Ancient story boards, useless to modern astronomers.
Trang 14Answer: 5.2 (or just 5)
Diff: 2
Section Ref.: 0.3
70) The apparent angular shift of any object across a distant background, when viewed from twodifferent places, is called shift
Answer: baseline
Diff: 2
Section Ref.: 0.4
Trang 1898) Compare and contrast latitude and declination. How does each relate to your position on
Answer: Both are measured in degrees north or south of the equator, and are used to find
positions on the Earth or in the sky. If you are at latitude 30 degrees north, then the starsthat pass through your zenith (directly overhead) will have a corresponding declination
Diff: 2
Section Ref.: 0.3
Trang 19104) What conditions are necessary for a total solar eclipse?
Answer: The Moon must be at new phase (directly between Earth and the Sun), it must also be
both at the closer distance in its orbit and on the ecliptic (crossing a node). Only people
on those parts of the Earth where the Moonʹs umbral shadow passes will see a totalsolar eclipse
circumference than the 800 kilometer separation between Alexandria and Syene, orabout 40,000 kilometers around
Diff: 3
Section Ref.: 0.3
Trang 20Answer: TRUE
Diff: 3
Section Ref.: 1.4
3) According to Newtonʹs second law, if you double the force acting on a body, the accelerationwill double
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Section Ref.: 1.4
4) According to Newtonʹs first law, an object traveling in a circle does not have a force acting onit
Trang 2216) In Ptolemyʹs geocentric model, retrograde motion occurs when the planet is closest to us, onthe inside portion of the
Trang 2320) According to Copernicus, the retrograde motion for Mars must occur
A) at inferior conjunction, when Mars laps the Earth and passes between us and the Sun.B) at superior conjunction, when Mars lies on the far side of the Sun
Trang 25Answer: parallax
Diff: 1
Section Ref.: 1.1
Trang 26Section Ref.: 1.1
40) Galileoʹs discovery of four moons orbiting provided new support for the ideas ofCopernicus
Answer: Jupiter
Diff: 2
Section Ref.: 1.2
41) For Galileo, the observation of the phases of proved that Ptolemyʹs geocentric modelwith epicycles was wrong
Answer: Venus
Diff: 2
Section Ref.: 1.2
42) The hypothesis is that the Earth does not occupy any special place in the universe.Answer: Copernican
Diff: 3
Section Ref.: 1.2
Trang 27Answer: smaller
Diff: 1
Section Ref.: 1.4
50) Newton found that gravity varied with the of the distance between the two bodiespulling on each other