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PD: TD: *Period: 20th. Unit: 4 Lesson: 1 LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ. A. OBJECTIVES : - Knowledge: Helps Ss to read a dialogue about the questions in a exam. - Skills: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to produce the questions for an oral examination. - Teaching aids: Lesson plan; picture on page 33; poster for part b) on page 33. B. PROCEDURE : I. SETTLEMENTS (1 M). II. CHECKING (5M): Exercise: - Asks Ss to do exercise 3 on page 30 (language focus lesson 3). - Corrects & comments. III. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S WORKS STUDENT’S WORKS GETTING STARTED - Gives the statements & Asks Ss the questions: “How do you learn English ?” then check the things Ss do from the list on page 32 & add some more things they do or want to do. - Corrects & comments the answers. Time: 5 M . 1. Taking note: - Answering the questions & checking the things Ss do from the list & adding some more things they do or want to do. - Correcting & commenting the answers. PRE-READING - Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation. - Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps SS to repeat ( 2 times ). - Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes. - Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation. - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words. Time: 5 M. 2. Vocabulary: W&W. Aspect (n) : khía cạnh. Coming (n) : đang đến. College (n) : trường đại học, CĐ Candidate (n): thí sinh. Examiner (n) : giám khảo. Written examination : cuộc thi viết Oral examination : cuộc thi vấn đáp - Repeating in chorus & in individual. - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation. -Correcting the mistakes & Copying. WHILE-READING - Set the scene: “Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign student, about the oral examination that she has just taken” & asks Ss to work in pairs & predict the answer for the questions: ?- Were the questions in the oral exam difficult or easy ? ?- How many questions did the examiner asked Lan ? - Comments the prediction. - Asks Ss to read the dialogue between Lan & Paola on page 32 – 33 & check their answers. - Asks Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue. - Corrects S’s mistakes & comments. - Asks Ss to work in individual to read the list of questions for the oral examination of Royal English College & read the dialogue again to decide what questions that the examiner asked Lan. - Asks Ss to compare & give the answer. - Corrects & comments. * Answer keys: 1.What is your name ? 2.Where do you come from ? 3. Where do you live ? 4. Do you live with your parents ? 5. When did you begin studying EL ? 6.Why are you learning EL ? 7.Do you speak any other language ? 8. How did you learn EL in your country? Time: 15 M. 3. Open prediction: - Working in pairs to predict the answer for the questions. + They were difficult / easy. + The examiner asked Lan …. questions. - Commenting the answers. 4. Presentation dialogue: - Reading the dialogue between Lan & Paola on page 32 – 33 & checking their prediction. * Answers: + They were difficult. + The examiner asked Lan over 7 questions. - Working in pairs to practice the dialogue. - Correcting mistakes. 5. Take note to the statements: - Working in individual to read the list of questions for the oral examination of Royal English College & the dialogue again to decide what questions that the examiner asked Lan. - Comparing & giving the answer & correcting. 9. How will you use EL in the future ? 10.What aspects of learning EL do you find most difficult ? 11. What are you going to learn ? 10. 12. What are your hobbies ? 13. Look at this picture. Describe it ? 14. Read this passage. POST-READING - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to practice asking & answering. One will play the role of the examiner & the other plays the role of Lan. - Corrects S’s mistakes & comments. Time: 10 M. 4. Role play: - Working in pairs to practice asking & answering. One will play the role of the examiner & the other plays the role of Lan. - Correcting the mistakes. IV. CONSOLIDATION ( Time: 4M ): - Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of text. V. HOMEWORK: -Study the vocabularies & prepare the expressions for giving discussions.

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2013, 01:26

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