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Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 20: Reading Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK *** A. OBJECTIVES: I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know volunteer work of American teenagers. II. Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B. PROCEDURE: I. Settlement: Checking attendance II. Checking: No- checking III. New lesson: Reading TEACHER’S ACTIVITIIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 1. Pre-reading: Warm- up: - Show the picture of volunteer work and ask questions What is the old woman doing?  What does she do this work for? - Check the answers - Give Ss the following saying : “If you give me a fish, I will eat today If you teach me to fish I will eat my whole life long.” - Ask Ss what the saying implies. - Check the answer. - Supply Ss music and some more pictures of Volunteer Work. 2. While- reading: a. Pronunciation: - Ask Ss to match new words with explanation. 1. Volunteer (n) 2. Orphanage (n) 3. Handicapped people 4. Disadvantaged people - Work in groups. - Answer the questions - Read and guess the meaning of the saying in their text book - Answer the question. - Take notes. - Identify the pictures. - Do in group-work. - Match the words with sentences Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 - Check their answers : 1 - c 2 - d 3 - a 4 - b b. TASK 1 - Ask for filling the blanks. - Give the explanation of related words. 1. Voluntary (adj) 2. Voluntarily (adv) 3. Volunteers (n) 4. Volunteers (v) - Correct their mistakes. c. TASK 2: - Ask sts to read the text again silently. - Ask sts to choose the best answer - Check their answers 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-C - Give feedback post reading: d. TASK 3: - Ask Ss to discuss then answer the questions in task 3. - Check their answers. 1. They usually visit hospitals, orphanages or homes for the ages. They read books to the people or listen to their problems 2. They help them to overcome the difficulties and give care and comfort to them. 3. During summer vacations, they volunteer to work in remote or mountainous area to provide education for children or medical services for local people. 3. Post – reading: - Ask Ss to discuss then answer the following questions. 1. Why do people do volunteer work? 2. Have you ever joined any volunteer work before? - Ask sts to make a report in front of class. - Correct their mistakes. - Take notes - Individual work - Read all of the sentences in task 1 and fill in each blank . - Take notes. - Pair-work - Read the text again silently. - Choose the best answer. - Take notes. - Group- work - Read all of the questions in task 3 and then answer them. - Group- work - Discuss the questions - Answer the questions - Report in front of class. IV. Consolidation: Review the text V. Homework: - Prepare the new section of unit4 - Part B- Speaking. Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 21: Speaking Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK *** A. OBJECTIVES: I. Knowledge: Talking about types of volunteer work. Asking and answering questions about volunteer work II. Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B. PROCEDURE: I. Settlement: Checking attendance II. Checking: Answer the questions III. New lesson: Speaking Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm – up: - Ask students to look at the picture in their books and answer two questions:  What are these students doing?  Are they volunteers? 2. Pre – speaking: TASK 1 - Have students do Task 1 in pairs - Ask students to give their answers - Explain some activities of volunteer work * Helping people in the remote or mountainous areas * Giving care and comfort to the poor and sick * Providing education for disadvantaged children * Joining in the Green Saturday Movement Correct the mistakes 3. While – speaking: TASK 2 - Have students do Task 2 in pairs - Give some suggestions: * Providing minority children with literacy (teach them how to read and write) * Working in difficult or flooded areas (help them rebuilt houses, provide medical services, etc) * Raising money to help the handicapped or starving children (put money in a piggy bank) * Taking part in directing the traffic (stand at the crossroads during rush hour to help direct Answer the questions: They are helping an old man with the housework. Yes, they are. - Do Task 1 in pairs Give the answers Take notes Do Task 2 in pairs Take notes Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 the traffic) * Volunteering in homes for the elderly (clean up/ repair their houses, do the washing up, do some shopping, mow their lawns, take care of them, read books, etc) - Have students perform the dialogue in front of class 4. Post – speaking: TASK 3 - Have students do Task 3 in groups - Give some suggestions: * What kind of volunteer work do you usually take part in? * What do you think about it? - Correct common mistakes - Perform in front of class - Work in groups - Take notes - Each group gives a short presentation. IV. Consolidation: Review Part B carefully V. Homework: Prepare Part C – Listening Date of planning: Period 22: Listening Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK *** A. OBJECTIVES: I. Knowledge: At the end of the Ss will be able to: + Listen and answer questions relating to volunteer work of one high school in Vietnam. + Improve listening skill by using pictures and exercises + Summarize the story through some cues II. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Listening B. PROCEDURE: I. Settlement: Checking attendance II. Checking: Talk about some volunteer work III. New lesson: Listening Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities 1. Warm up: T shows any pieces of song and asks Sts to guess the name and the composer of the songs FUNNY NOTE - Sts work in groups - The leader of each group will listen to and give the most exactly and quickly answer Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 (1) (2) (3)  Tinh ca - Hoang Viet composer  Ha Noi mua thu – Vu Thanh composer  Mua He Xanh – Vu Hoang composer “Mua He Xanh” song  volunteer work - T shows some pictures related to Mua He Xanh activities 2. Before you listen: - The teacher asks students some questions  How often do you support charities?  What’s the best way of raising money to support charities?  Which of these kinds of volunteer work do you prefer? ** New words : - The teacher presents the new words on the board. - Ask Sts to listen & repeat the new words (pay attention to the pronunciation of these words) 1. Organization for Education Development 2. Spring School 3. co-operate (v) : to work together with sb else in order to achieve sth 4. disadvantaged children (n) = poor children 5. fund-raising 6. co-ordinate (v) 7. regularly attend classes 8. to be held annually 3. While you listen: a. Task 1: Listen and fill in the missing information - T asks Sts to read Task 1 silently in order to understand the sentence meaning and guess the missing information - T plays the tape several times if necessary - Pairs work - Whole class - Whole class - Sts listen to the tape twice to do the task. Then, listen again to check information - Individual work - Whole class Sts listen to the tape again to answer the questions - Individual work ( give the answer on BB) - Pair work Sts fill information in diagram - Model the discussion in front of the class Answers: 1. informal Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Call some Ss to read aloud their answers. - Correct mistakes b. Task 2 : Answer the questions - Ask Sts to read silently in order to understand the questions and find the answers. - Play the tape once again. check their own answers - Correct mistakes. 4. After you listen: Summarize the story about Spring School, using the following suggestions : Some cues : The aim of Spring School The number of children who live and study at the school or attend classes The activities the children at the school tale part in The kinds of volunteers that Spring School requires Diagram : 2. 30 street children 3. 250 children (with special difficulties) 4. 1998 5. volunteers, June Answers: 1. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in HCMC 2. Dance, theatre, singing and circus classes were set up in 1999 3. Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes 4. Because they need help to organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June - Whole class IV. Consolidation: Revise the text V. Homework: - In not more than 100 words write about Mua He Xanh activities held in Ho Chi Minh City - Prepare Writing Date of planning: Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Aim Providing classes to disadvantaged children in HCMC Number 30 street children Activities Performing circus or theatre, dancing and singing Require Volunteers Helping organize fundraising dinner held annually in June SPRING SCHOOL Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Period 23: Writing Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK *** A. OBJECTIVES: I. Knowledge: Writing sentences. Writing a letter to express gratitude II. Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B. PROCEDURE: I. Settlement: Checking attendance II. Checking: Talk about “Mua he xanh” activities III. New lesson: Writing Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Pre – writing: - Ask Ss some questions about their situations: 1/ Have you ever received a donation? When? From whom? 2/ What did you do then? Did you write a letter for thanks? - Some key words: Donor(n) Donate(v) Donation(n) Handicapped(picture)(a) Fund(n) 2. While – writing: a. Task 1: - Ask Sts to read the letter and underline the sentences that express the points: * The opening of the letter * The donated amount * The way the money is used * The way the receipt is issued * The gratitude to the donor * The closing of the letter Notice: Some structures: - S + be + adjective +to +infinitive - To receive sth from sb / sth - Would like + to infinitive - To hope + to infinitive + for sth b. Task 2: - Three parts of a letter (picture) - Ask Sts to do task 2; Give outline: * (the points in task 1) c. Correcting (2 or 3 letters of sts) Suggested letter: Answer the questions Notice the words Do the task 1: Read and take notes: - “Dear Sir /Madam” - “I am very … some days ago” - “The money will… students” - “We will certainly…possible” - “I would like………company” - “ I look … faithfully” First : the opening Second: the body of the letter Third: Conclusion/ The closing Writing in pairs. Some sts write their letters on the blackboard. Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Number 9 Street, Quang Tri October 15 th , 2008 Dear Sir or Madam, I am very happy to receive a donation of one million dong from your organization some days ago. I think that the money will help us build a school library for our students. We will certainly issue a receipt as soon as possible. I would like to express our thanks for the donation from your organization and hope to get more assistance and cooperation from your organization in the future. Yours faithfully, Le Thi Hang Nga Secretary of School Building Fund Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 3. Post – writing: Report writing ( task 1) Sts rewrite the letter ( task 1) IV. Consolidation: Revise the main points of the lesson V. Homework: - Write the letter by themselves - Prepare Part E: Language focus Date of planning: Period 24: Language Focus Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK *** A. OBJECTIVES: I. Knowledge: - Pronunciation: /w/ and /j/ - Grammar: Gerund and present participle Perfect gerund and perfect participle II. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading B. PROCEDURE: I. Settlement: Checking attendance II. Checking: III. New lesson: Language Focus Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Pronunciation: Warm-up: Have students listen and repeat the sounds /w/ and /j/ Practice reading the sentences provided We went for a walk in the woods near the railway. We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm. Excuse me. Did you use to live in New York? Did you use to be a tutor at the university? Grammar: Gerund and present participle: - Give some examples: Gerund: * A gerund is the Verb – ing form. E.g. There’s no point in waiting. I don’t mind cooking the meals. Reading French is easier than speaking it. * The gerund can be used in the following ways:  as subject of a sentence: Skiing can be dangerous.  as complement of a verb: Her hobby is painting.  after prepositions: He was accused of smuggling.  After certain verbs, (e.g. admit, avoid, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse + object, forgive + object, fancy/imagine, finish, keep, mind, etc.)  In noun compounds: My school has a swimming pool. Present participle: * Form: Verb – ing E.g. Can you smell something burning? Listen and repeat Practice in chorus Listen and take notes Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 We had to leave the tree lying there. He spent a fortune rebuilding that old house. * Use: We can use the present participle  to form the continuous tenses: I’m working right now.  as an adjective: The play was boring.  After some certain verbs: After the basic verbs of sensation (see, hear, feel and smell) and after listen to, notice and watch, we can use object + participle: I heard the car stopping and saw him getting out. e.g. We watched the children playing. I saw him crossing the road.  find, catch, leave + object (person or thing) I found them picking apples. (They were picking apples when I arrived.) I caught them stealing my apples. (They were stealing my apples when I arrived.) I left them talking. (They were talking when I left.)  go and come With these verbs, we can use the participles of verbs of physical activity: dancing, riding, sailing, skiing, etc., also shopping. Ex: Come dancing with me on Saturday. I’m going shopping.  spend and waste + object I wasted a lot of time standing in queues.  be busy She’s always busy cooking or cleaning. - Have students do exercises1, and 2 - Correct and give feedback Exercise 1: hearing bending behaving meeting spending waiting starting Exercise 2: burning/rising reading lying shopping preparing trying modernising Do exercise 1, 2 Listen and take notes Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên

Ngày đăng: 20/07/2013, 01:27

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