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Unit 4Cb K10

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Date of preparation: October 5 th , 2008 Date of teaching: Distributive period: 20 Date of signing: October 6 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 1 Reading A. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Ss should appreciate and write a letter of complaint. 2. Knowledge: Ss learn about various activities of disabled children. - New words: Words related to disabled children. 3. Skills: - Reading for gist and for specific information. - Summarize the passage. B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: The Braille Alphabet, textbook. E. Procedure: Time/Stages Activities Interactions 1. Warm-up 6 minutes * Brainstorming ”disabled” -T asks Ss to work in groups and make a list of the people that are related to disabled. - T walks round and encourages to give a lot of words that are related to the topic. Disabled + Keys: - Mentally retarded, deaf, lisp, dumb, blind,… - T leads Ss in the lesson. T <--> Ss Group work 2. Pre- reading 9 minutes * Activity 1: - Ask Ss to answer question: What do you often do every day? - Prompts: Do you go to school? Do you watch TV? - Make a list of work on board. - Ask Ss to answer question: Which of these activities would be difficult for blind and deaf people? * Activity 2: Make questions What is it? Who often uses the Braille Alphabet? -> It is the Braille Alphabet -> Dumb and deaf people. * Activity 3: Vocabulary + dumb (adj) not being able to speak + proper schooling(n):enough and good study T <--> Ss Ss <--> Ss 1 + opposition(n) – oppose (v)to +to try one’s best =to make effort(v) +to be proud of (adj) = take pride on - Help Ss read the new words. T <--> Ss 3. While- reading 19 minutes * Task 1: Matching - Ask Ss to read for gist then do task 1: Match the words in A with their definitions in B. - Ask Ss to read the words or phrases and understand the meanings. - T encourages Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context. - Tell Ss to compare their answers with a friend. - Call some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class. - Feedback and give correct answers: + Answers: 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d * Task 2: Multiple choice - Ask Ss to read the passage for specific information, then complete the following sentences by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. - Ask Ss to explain for their choice. - Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud in front of the class. - Prompt and correct Ss’ mistakes. + Answers: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D T <--> Ss Pair work Group work 3. Post- reading 10 minutes a. Summary the text -T asks Ss to work in pair and read the summary of the passage carefully. -Encourage Ss to guess the missing words. -Have Ss complete the summary in pairs. - Walk round and help them. - Conduct the correction. + Ss’ answers: 1. disable 2. read 3. write 4. determination 5. opposition 6. time-consuming 7. maths 8. arms 9. fingers 10. proud 2. Answer the question * What would happen to the disabled children if a special class was not organized for them? - Walk round and help Ss with the new words. - Collect Ss’ answers. T <--> Ss Pair work Group work 4. Homework 1 minute - Ask Ss to complete the exercise in post-reading. - Do exercises in student book. T <--> Ss F. Self study: H. To instruct Ss to do the homework. 2 Date of preparation: October 12 th , 2008 Date of teaching: Distributive period: 21 Date of signing: October 13 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 2 Speaking A. Objectives: - PS should know how to make questions and answer the questions about their information at school. - New words: Words related to subjects at school. 3. Skills: - Fluency in speaking about daily activities. B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: Textbook. E. Procedure: Time/Stages Activities Interactions 1. Warm-up 6 minutes * Matching -Work in group and match the words in A with their expressions in B A B 1. Maths 2. Physics 3. History 4. Geography 5. Physical education 6. English 7. Chemistry 8. Biology 9. Information Technology a. Plants and animals b. gymnastics c. 25x 2 +3x+10=0 d. E=mc 2 e. H20 f. the countries of the words. g. the 2 nd World War h. computers and their applications i. reading, writing and spelling -T asks Ss to give feedback and answer T’s questions. 1. What are your favourite subjects? 2. Which one don’t you like? 3. How much time do you prepare for your lesson everyday? + Expected answers: 1. c 2. d 3. g 4. f 5. b 6. i 7. e 8. a 9. h - T leads Ss in the lesson. T <--> Ss Pair work 2. Pre- speaking 9 minutes * Task 1: Study the conversation - Set the scene. - Have Ss study the questions in the interview carefully. - Ask Ss to work individually and fill in the blanks with the right questions. - Give Ss tips by asking them to read the answers before deciding the best question in the blanks. - Give correct answer + Ss’ answers: A: 4 B: 1 C: 2 D: 6 E: 3 F: 5 G: 7 T <--> Ss Ss <--> Ss 3. While- speaking * Task 2: Make an interview -T asks Ss to work in pairs and complete the interview, using the questions in task 1. + Note: Ss are suggested to use his/ her own information to answer the T <--> Ss 3 19 minutes questions. However , they may use the answer in the book as samples: Hanh went to Long Bien Lower-secondary school.She had 10 subjects to learn at scholl. She went to school in the morning and often had 5 classes each morning. - Go around the class and provide help when necessary. - T asks some pairs to present their conversation. - T collects Ss’ mistakes. - Feedback. Pair work 3. Post- speaking 10 minutes * Task 3: Report the interview -Tell your class about what you know about your partner. - Call on some Ss to use the information in the interview to make a mini- presentation about his/ her partner. - Tell the whole class to comment on presenter’s performance. - Make necessary corrections. - Feedback. T <--> Ss Individually 4. Homework 1 minute - Do exercises in student book. - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss F. Self study: H. To instruct Ss to do the homework. Date of preparation: October 12 th , 2008 Date of teaching: Distributive period: 22 Date of signing: October 13 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 3 Listening A. Objectives: - Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information about a special class for disabled children. B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: Picture, cassette, tape recorder. E. Procedure: Time/Stages Activities Interactions 1. Warm-up 6 minutes * Word form -T asks Ss to work in groups of three to four and find the different words that derive from the word photo and say the grammatical functions. - Check and lead Ss to the lesson. T <--> Ss Group work 4 + Expected answers: Photographer (n) photography (n) Photographic (a) photogenic (a) 2. Pre- reading 9 minutes * Activity 1: - Ask Ss to fill each of the blanks with one word from the box. - Conduct the correction. + Ss’ answers: 1. Photographic 2. photography 3. Photographer 4. Photograph 5. photogenic * Activity 2: - Read the given words, explain and transcribe them. - Help Ss read them aloud. - Ask Ss to predict the topic. * Activity 2:Vocabulary -T explains the following words that will appear in the recording. +surroundings(n) conditions, objects that make the living environment + sorrow( n) pain or distress caused by loss or disability + passion (n) great love for something + exhibition(n): a display, a public showing - Listen and repeat them. T <--> Ss T <--> Ss 3. While- reading 19 minutes * Task 1: True or false - Ask Ps to read the sentences carefully. - Explain if there are any new words. -Encourage Ss to guess whether the statements are true or false. -Play the tape two times and then tell Ss to compare their answers with a friend. - Check the answers as the whole class, stop when the is an answer. - Conduct the correction. + Answers: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T * Task 2: Gap-filling - T asks Ss to read a part of the talk carefully and have a guess of the missing words. - Have Ss listen to the tape twice and write in each blank with a suitable word. - Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud in front of the class. - Feedback and give correct answers: Answers: 1. Photographic 2. 19 3. exhibition 4. 50 5. beauty 6. simple 7. peaceful 8. chickens 9. stimulate 10. escape T <--> Ss Pair work Group work 3. Post- reading 10 minutes * Questions and answer: -T asks Ss to answer the following questions: 1. Who are the members of the club 2. What are they doing in HaNoi? 3. How many photographs are on display? 4. What are their photos about 5. What does their passion of taking photographs help them? T <--> Ss Group work 4. Homework 1 minute - Ask Ps to prepare their lesson at home. - Retell the story about Vang Trang Khuyet Photographic Club. T <--> Ss F. Self study: 5 Date of preparation: October 12 th , 2008 Date of teaching: Distributive period: 23 Date of signing: October 13 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 4 Writing A. Objectives: - Ps learn about the organization of the content on a letter of complaint. - Write a letter of complaint. B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: A letter of complaint. E. Procedure: Time/Stages Activities Interactions 1. Warm-up 6 minutes * Categorising - T asks Ss to work in groups of four. Give ten or more adjectives and ask Ss to put them under two headings: compliments and complaints Bad, helpful, expensive, lazy, hard-working, good, careful, poor, unhappy, beautiful, clever, clear. - Feedback and give correct answers: - T gives definition and format of a letter of complaint: Complaint is a kind of formal letter used when you are not happy with a service, a contract, a course, . A letter of complaint usually includes three main parts: + Opening + Explaining the problem + Suggesting a resolution - T leads Ss in the lesson. T <--> Ss Whole class 2. Pre- writing 9 minutes * Task 1: - Ask Ss to read the advertisement, find out the new words. - Explain the new words if there are any and transcribe them. - Help Ss read the new words. - Ask Ss to do the task: Complete the dialogue. - Walk round and help Ss. - Conduct the correction. Answers: 1. I’m not satisfied with it at all. 2. Not all of them are native teachers, and even some are not professional teachers. 3. That’s not true. There are some classes with more than 30 students, especially in classes for beginners. 4. I had to pay for them, and most of the books are photocopied, not printed. 5. Only some of them, less than half. 6. Almost every class finishes early. - Ask Ss play the role. T <--> Ss Ss <--> Ss 3. While- writing * Task 2: Complete the letter of complaint - Have Ss read the letter of complaint in the book and complete it basing on the dialogue in task 1. - Ask Ss to use appropriate connectors to make the writing smoother. T <--> Ss 6 19 minutes - Tell Ss to exchange their writing with a friend. - A few pupils are selected to read their letter of complaint. - Introduce peer correction. - Pick up some writing to check the mistakes as the whole class. Ss <--> Ss 3. Post- writing 10 minutes * Further practice -T gives a short passage and asks Ss to set out and punctuate the following formal complaint letter. Divide it into paragraphs if you think it is necessary. - T corrects if there is enough time. T <--> Ss 4. Homework 1 minute - Ask Ps to write a complete letter of complaint. - Do exercises in student book. T <--> Ss F. Self study: H. To instruct Ss to do the homework. Date of preparation: October 19 th , 2008 Date of teaching: Distributive period: 24 Date of signing: October 20 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 5 Language focus A. Objectives: - Ss should distinguish between /ɔ:/and /ɔ / - Ss revise: The + adjective; Used to + infinitive; Which as connector. B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Time: 45 minutes D. Teaching aids: Handouts, cassette, textbook. E. Procedure: Time/Stages Activities Interactions 1. Homework 6 minutes - Ask Ss to do the given exercises. (Student book) - Correct Ss’ exercises. - Give marks. T <--> Ss 2. Presentation 1 9 minutes 1. Vowels: /ɔ:/and /ɔ / * Ask Ss the differences between /ɔ:/and /ɔ / - Help Ss read them. - Focus on differences. - Conduct the correction. * Ask Ss to open the book then read after the teacher. - Ask Ss to find the vowels: /ɔ:/and /ɔ / in the following sentences, then practise reading in the sentences. + / ɔ:/: + / ɔ / T <--> Ss Ss <--> Ss T <--> Ss 7 - Correct Ss pronunciation. 3. Presentation 2 19 minutes 1. The + adjective: - Ask Ss to read the words and sentences, then find out the new words. - Explain the new words and help them to read the new words. - Introduce the + adj: dùng để chỉ nhóm ngời. - Ask Ss to give examples. 2. Used to: - Ask Ps to revise the usage and form of used to. - Focus on usage, form. + Usage: Chỉ thói quen trong quá khứ + Form: Used to + Vo - Ask Ss to give examples. 3. Which as connector. - Ask Ps to revise the relative clause with which. + Which: nối 2 mệnh đề, which thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật. + Note: Đặt dấu phẩy trớc which. - Ask Ss to give examples. -Walk round and help them with the new words. T <--> Ss Pair work 3. Practice 10 minutes * Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to complete the sentences using the + one of the adjectives: - Conduct the correction. * Answers: 1. The young 2. The injured 3. The unemployed 4. The sick 5. The rich the poor. - A few pupils are selected to give the answers. * Exercise 2: - Explain the new words. - Help Ss to read the new words. - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb. - Walk round and help them with the new words. - Check correction. * Answers: 1. used to smoke 2. used to have 3. used to live 4. used to eat 5. used to be 6. used to take 7. used to be 8. did you use to go * Exercise 3: - Ask Ps to join a sentence from A with one from B to make a new sentence using which. - Walk round and help them with the new words. - Ask Ps to write their sentences on the board. - Conduct the correction. * Answers: 1. Sheila couldnt come to the party, which was a pity. 2. Jill isnt on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her. 3. Neil has passed his examinations, which is good news. 4. Our flight was delayed, which meant we had to wait for hours at the airport. 5. Ann offered to let me stay in her house, which was very nice of her. 6. The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes it difficult to sleep. 7. Our car has broken down, which means we cant go away tomorrow. T <--> Ss Individually Pair work 4. Homework 1 minute - Do exercises in student book. - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss 8 9 . Date of teaching: Distributive period: 20 Date of signing: October 6 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 1 Reading A. Objectives: 1. Educational aim:. of teaching: Distributive period: 21 Date of signing: October 13 th , 2008 Unit 4 Special education Lesson 2 Speaking A. Objectives: - PS should know how

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2013, 01:27

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