Các khối của Simulink + Sum: y = x1 + x2 + integrator: dq dt =x, y =q 1s Multiplier: y =x1 x2 c Gain: y =c x c Constant: y =c f(x) Function: y =f(x) Sinusgenerator: y = sin (t) Subsystem: Placeholder for a subnetwork model 1 Inport: Input from an external model 1 Outport: Output to an external model
Matlab and Simulink Các khối Simulink 1/s + + integrator: dq / dt = x, y = q f(x) Sum: y = x1 + x2 * Multiplier: y = x1 * x2 c Gain: y = c * x Function: y = f(x) Sinusgenerator: y = sin (t) Subsystem: Placeholder for a subnetwork model Inport: Input froman external model Constant: y = c c Outport: Output to an external model 1 Sơ đồ giao động k * + * + v 1/s x 1/s 1 Hệ bậc – exponential growth/decay c c>0 q dq = f (q) dt f (q ) = cq c