đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh 11 tham khảo
I GLOSSARY (Bảng từ vựng)
1 acquaintance (n) a person that you know but
who is not a close friend người quen
→ acquaintanceship (n) sự quen biết; sự hiểu
2 affair (n) a thing that sb is responsible for (and
that other people should not be concerned
with) việc; chuyện SYN business
Ex: How I spend my money is my affair (Chỉ
tiêu ra sao là chuyện riêng của tôi.)
3 aim (n) the purpose of doing sth; what sb is
trying to achieve mục đích; mục tiêu; ý định
→ aim (v) (- at doing sth; - at/ for sth) nhằm
mục đích; có ý định
→ aimless (adj) không mục đích; vu vơ; bâng
→ aimlessly (adv) (một cách) vu vơ; bâng quơ
→ aimlessness (n) tính vu vơ; tính bâng quơ
4 brighten (v) to feel or look happier; to make sb
look happier sáng lên; làm tươi sáng; làm
rạng rỡ; làm tươi vui
Ex: He brightened up when he heard the good
news (Anh ta rạng rỡ hẳn khi nghe tin vui ấy.)
5 caring (adj) chu đáo; ân cần; thân ái
6 constancy (n) the quality of staying the same
and not changing tính kiên định; sự không
thay đổi SYN fidelity
Ex: He admired her courage and constancy
(Anh ta ngưỡng mộ lòng can đảm và tính kiên
định của cô ta.)
→ constant (adj) không thay đổi
→ constantly (adv) luôn luôn; liên tục; liên
7 crooked (adj) khoằm (mũi); cong; vặn vẹo;
8 customs (n) hải quan
→ customs officer (n) nhân viên hải quan
9 down (adj) [not before noun] (infmiy sad or
depressed buồn chán; nản lòng; thất vọng
10 enthusiasm (n) (- for sth/ for doing sth): the
feeling of being very interested in sth or
excited by it sự hăng hái; sự nhiệt tình
→ enthusiast (n) (- for/ of sth) người say mê;
người có nhiệt tình
→ enthusiastic (adj) (- about sb/ sth; - about
doing sth) hăng hái; nhiệt tình; say mê
11 extra (adj) thêm SYN additional
12 feature (n) nét; đặc điểm; điểm đặc trưng
Ex: An interesting feature of the city is the old
market (Nét thú vị của thành phố này là khu
chợ cổ.)
→ feature (v) (- in sth) là nét đặc biệt của
13 give and take (idm): willingness to make
compromises in a relationship sự nhân nhượng
lẫn nhau; sự qua lại
Ex: It is a give-and-take affair (Đó là mối
quan hệ tình cảm có qua có lại.)
14 good-natured (adj) tốt bụng; hiền hậu; đôn
→ good-naturedly (adv) (một cách) tốt bụng;
hiền hậu; đôn hậu
→ good nature (n) sự tốt bụng; tính đôn hậu
15 gossip (n) (disapproving): informal talk or
stories about other people’s private lives, that
may be unkind or not true chuyện ngồi lê đôi
Ex: Don’t believe all the gossip you hear
(Đừng tin vào tất cả những chuyện ngồi lê đôi mách mà bạn nghe được.) gossip (v) ngồi lê đôi mách; nói chuyện tầm phào
16 incapable (adj) (- of sth/ of doing sth): not
able to do sth không thể; không có khả năng
OPP capable
Ex: She is incapable of working hard (Cô ấy
không thể làm việc vất vả.)
→ incapacitate (v) làm mất hết năng lực; vô
hiệu hóa
→ incapacity (n) (- of sb/ sth; - to do sth) sự
không đủ khả năng; sự không đủ năng lực; sự bất lực SYN inability
17 interview (v) phỏng vấn
→ interview (n) cuộc phỏng vấn
→ interviewee (n)người được phỏng vấn
→ interviewer (n) người phỏng vấn
18 lifelong (adj) [only before noun]: continuing
all through your life suốt đời Ex: It’s a lifelong friendship (Đó là một tình
bạn bền chặt.)
19 live (v) to continue to exist or be
remembered tồn tại SYN remain
Ex: This moment will live in our memory for
many years to come (Khoảnh khắc này sẽ
sống mãi trong ký ức chúng ta nhiều năm sau.)
20 loyalty (n) support that you always give sb or sth because of your feelings of duty and love
toward them lòng trung thành
Ex: She inspires great loyalty among her staff
(Bà ta thu phục được lòng trung thành của các nhân viên.)
→ loyal (adj) (- to sb/ sth) trung thành; trung
Trang 2→ loyally (adv) trung thành; trung kiên
→ loyalist (n) người trung thành
21 modest (adj) (approving) khiêm tốn; nhún
nhường SYN immodest
→ modestly (adv) một cách khiêm tốn
→ modesty (n) sự khiêm tốn; tính khiêm tốn
22 mutual (adj) felt or done in the same way by
each of two or more people lẫn nhau; như
Ex: Our relationship is based on mutual trust
(Mối quan hệ của chúng tôi dựa trên sự tin
cậy lẫn nhau.)
→ mutuality (n) tính qua lại; sự phụ thuộc lẫn
→ mutually (adv) lẫn nhau; qua lại
23 not think much of sb/ sth (Idm): to have a
very poor opinion of sb/ sth; to not like sb or
sth very much không đánh giá cao ai / cái gì;
không thích ai / cái gì
Ex: I don’t think much of her idea (Tôi không
đánh giá cao ý kiến của cô ta.)
24 patient (adj) (- with sb/ sth) kiên nhẫn; nhẫn
nại; bền chí
→ patience (n) tính kiên nhẫn; sự nhẫn nại;
lòng kiên trì
→ patiently (adv) kiên nhẫn; bền chí
25 pursuit (n) an activity that you enjoy sở
thích; trò giải trí SYN hobby; pastime
Ex: She has time now to follow her various
artistic pursuits (Giờ đây cô ta đã có thời gian
để theo đuổi những sở thích nghệ thuật của
26 quick-witted (adj) nhanh trí; ứng đối nhanh
SYN slow-witted
27 residential (adj) [usu before noun] dân cư
Ex: It’s a quiet residential area (Đó là khu dân
cư yên tĩnh.)
28 rumour (n) (- of/ about sth; - that) a piece of
information, or a story, that people talk about,
but that may not be true tin đồn; lời đồn; tiếng
đồn SYN whisper
→ rumour (v) (be rumoured) có tin đồn;
người ta đồn rằng
→ rumoured (adj) [only before noun] theo lời
đồn; đồn đại
29 secret (n) sth that is known about by only a
few people and not told to others điều bí mật Ex: He made no secret of his ambition (Anh
ta chẳng hề che giấu tham vọng của mình.)
→ secret (adj) bí mật; thầm kín; không công
→ secretly (adv) (một cách) bí mật; không
công khai
30 sincere (adj) (- in sth) (of people) chân thật;
thẳng thắn SYN honest OPP insincere
→ sincerity (n) sự thật thà; tính chân thật
→ sincerely (adv) một cách chân thành
31 sorrow (n) an event or problem that makes sb
feel very sad nỗi buồn phiền; sự đau khổ
→ sorrow (v) (literary) cảm thấy đau khổ;
biểu lộ sự buồn bã
→ sorrowful (adj) (literary) buồn phiền; âu lo
→ sorrowfully (adv) (một cách) lo lắng; đau
32 suspicion (n) a feeling that sb has done sth wrong, illegal or dishonest, even though you
have no proof sự nghi ngờ; sự ngờ vực
Ex: Their offer was greeted with some
suspicion (Đề nghị của họ được đón nhận với
ít nhiều nghỉ ngờ.)
→ suspicious (adj) (- of/ about sb/ sth) cảm
thấy nghi ngờ
→ suspiciously (adv) đáng nghi ngờ; khả nghi
33 sympathy (n) friendship and understanding between people who have similar opinions or
interests sự thông cảm; sự đồng cảm; sự đồng
→ sympathetic (adj) (- to/ towards) thông
cảm; đồng cảm
→ sympathize (v) (- with sb/ sth) thông cảm;
đồng cảm
34 take up (phr v) to learn or start to do sth,
especially for pleasure học hoặc bắt đầu làm
gì, nhất là để giải trí
Ex: They’ve taken up golf (Họ mới tập chơi
35 two-sided (adj) hai bên; hai cạnh; hai mặt
36 unselfishness (n) tính không ích kỷ; lòng vị
tha SYN selflessness OPP selfishness
→ unselfish (adj): giving more time or importance to other people's needs, wishes
than to your own không ích kỷ; vị tha
→ unselfishly (adv) một cách vị tha
II GRAMMAR (ngữ pháp)
The infinitive (Hình thức nguyền mẫu)
Hình thức nguyên mẫu có thể được chia làm 2 loại: nguyên mẫu có to (to- infinitive or full infinitive) và nguyên mẫu không to /infinitive without to or bare infinitive).
A The to-infinitive (Dạng nguyên mẫu có to)
To-infinitive có thể được dùng
Trang 31 Làm chủ ngữ của câu (subject of a sentence)
Ex: To save money now seems impossible (Để dành tiền lúc này có vẻ không khả thi.)
2 Làm bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ (subject complement)
Ex: The main thing is to stay calm (Điều quan trọng là phải giữ bình tĩnh.)
3 Làm tân ngữ của động từ (object of a verb)
- To-infinitive có thể được dùng làm tân ngữ trực tiếp của các động từ: afford, agree, appear, arrange,
ask, attempt, (can’t) bear, beg, begin, care, choose, consent, continue, dare, decide, expect, fail, forget, happen, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, neglect, offer, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, regret, remember, seem, start, swear, trouble, try, want, wish
Ex: I don’t want to see you again (Tôi không muốn gặp lại anh.)
- Một số động từ có thể được theo sau bởi object + to-infinitive: advise, allow, ask, (can’t) bear, beg,
cause, command, compel, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, invite, leave, like, love, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, want, warn, wish
Ex: They don’t allow people to smoke (NOT They don’t- allow that-people smoke.) (Họ không cho
phép người ta hút thuốc.)
4 Làm tân ngữ của tính từ (object of an adjective)
To-infinitive có thể được dùng làm tân ngữ của
- Một số tính từ chỉ phản ứng, cảm xúc, tính cách, nhận thức, và một số các tính từ thông dụng khác:
agreeable, awful, delightful, disagreeable, dreadful, good/ nice (= pleasant), horrible, lovely, marvelous, splendid, strange, terrible, wonderful, brave, careless, cowardly, cruel, generous, good! nice (= kind), mean, rude, selfish, wicked, wrong (morally), clever, foolish, idiotic, intelligent, sensible, silly, stupid, able, careful, certain, due, fit, likely, lucky, sure, welcome
Ex: I’m pleased to see you (Tôi rất vui được gặp bạn.)
They were brave to tell him (Họ thật can đảm khi nói với ông ta điều đó.)
Be careful not to wake the children (Cẩn thận kẻo đánh thức bọn trẻ.)
- Tính từ so sánh nhất và the first, the last, the next, the only, the second
Ex: He’s the oldest athlete ever to win an Olympic gold medal (= He’s the oldest athlete who has ever
won an Olympic gold medal.) (Anh ta là vận động viên lớn tuổi nhất từng giành được huy chương vàng
Olympic.) Who was the first person to climb Everest without oxygen? (Ai là người đầu tiên leo lên đỉnh Everest không cần bình dưỡng khí?)
* Cấu trúc này chỉ có thể được dùng khi danh từ đi liền với tính từ so sánh nhất là chủ ngữ của động từ theo sau
Ex: Is this the first time that you have stayed here? (NOT the first time for you to stay here.) (Có phải
đây là lần đầu tiên bạn ở đây?)
- Các tính từ easy, difficult, impossible, good, ready trong một cấu trúc đặc biệt (trong đó chủ từ của mệnh
đề cũng là tân ngữ của động từ) và tính từ sau enough và too.
Ex: He’s easy to amuse (= To amuse him is easy, or It is easy to amuse him.) (Làm anh ta vui là chuyện
rất dễ.)
* Không thể dùng easy, difficult và impossible + to-infinitive khi chủ ngữ của mệnh đề là chủ ngữ của động
từ nguyên mẫu
Ex: Iron rusts easily (NOT Iron is easy to rust.) (Sắt rất dễ bị rỉ sét.)
Khi tính từ được đặt trước danh từ, to-infinitive thường đi sau danh từ
Ex: That was a wicked thing to say (NOT That was a wicked to say thing.) (Nói thế thì thật độc mồm.)
5 Làm bổ ngữ của danh từ hoặc đại từ (complement of a noun/ pronoun)
Ex: They advised John not to call her (Họ khuyên John không nên gọi điện cho cô ấy.)
She doesn’t want anybody to know (Cô ấy không muốn bất cứ ai biết.)
6 Sau các nghi vấn từ what, who, which, when, where, how (nhưng thường không dùng sau why)
trong lời nói gián tiếp
Ex: This book tells you how to train race horses (Quyển sách này hướng dẫn bạn cách huấn luyện ngựa
7 Sau danh từ hoặc đại từ bất định (something, anything, somewhere ) để chỉ mục đích
Ex: I need the money to pay the phone bill (Tôi cần khoản tiền này đề thanh toán hóa đơn điện thoại.) I’d like something to stop my toothache, (Tôi cần thứ gì đó để trị đau răng.)
Trang 48 Sau danh từ có các lượng từ như enough, too much /many /little /few, plenty đứng trước.
Ex: We’ve got plenty of time to see the British Museum (Chúng ta có thừa thời gian để tham quan Viện
bảo tàng Anh quốc.)
9 Thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ.
Ex: We’ve got a few jobs to do (= jobs that we must do) (Chúng tôi có một số việc phải làm.)
B The infinitive without to (Dạng nguyên mẫu không to)
Infinitive without to có thể được dùng
1 Sau các khiếm khuyết động từ (modal verbs): will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might và
must (ngoại trừ ought)
Ex: I must speak to the manager (Tôi cần nói chuyện với giám đốc.)
Infinitive without to cũng có thể được dùng sau need, dare (khi need, dare được dùng như khiếm khuyết động từ) và sau had better; would rather.
Ex: How dare you call me a liar? (Sao anh dám gọi tôi là đồ nói dối?)
It’s cold You had better wear a coat (Trời lạnh đấy Bạn nên mặc áo khoác.)
2 Sau một số động từ như let, make, feel, hear, see, watch + object.
Ex: I watched him drive off (Tôi nhìn anh ta lái xe đi.)
Alice’s mom won’t let her come with us (Mẹ của Alice không cho phép cô ấy đi với chúng tôi đâu.)
* Những động từ feel, hear, see, watch, smell, listen (to), notice + object có thể được theo sau bởi infinitive without to hoặc ing-form, ing-form hàm ý rằng hành động đang diễn tiến hoặc chúng ta nghe, thấy, một phần của hành động (không nghe, thấy, từ đầu đến cuối) Infinitive without to chỉ hành động đã hoàn tất hoặc chúng ta nghe, thấy, toàn bộ hành động từ đầu đến cuối
Ex: I saw her crossing the street (Tôi thấy cô ấy đang băng qua đường) → Khi tôi nhìn, cô ấy đang
băng qua dường - cô ấy đang ở giữa đường
I saw her cross the street (Tôi thấy cô ấy băng qua đường.) → Tôi nhìn thấy cô ấy đi từ bên này
đường sang bên kia đường
I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and put it back (Tôi
nhìn thấy anh ta vào phòng, mở khóa ngăn kéo, lấy ra một tài liệu, chụp ảnh nó, rồi đặt nó trở lại.)
Ở thể bị động, make, see, hear, help, know được dùng với to-infinitive.
Ex: He was seen to enter the office (Người ta nhìn thấy anh ta đi vào phòng.)
3 Sau why (not).
Ex: Why argue with him? He’ll never change his mind (Cãi với anh ta làm gì? Anh ta chẳng bao giờ
đổi ý đâu.)
4 Sau and, or, except, but, than, as, like.
Khi hai động từ nguyên mẫu được nối với nhau bởi and, or, except, but, than, as, like thì động từ nguyên mẫu thứ hai thường không có to.
Ex: Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later? (Bạn muốn dùng bữa trưa bây giờ hay đợi lát
* Động từ nguyên mẫu sau help có thể có hoặc không có to
Ex: Vicky helped me (to) choose a present (Vicky giúp tôi chọn một món quà.)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
4 a uncertain b tell c pursuit ' d picture
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has
a close meaning to the original one.
6 She found it difficult to get with new friends
7 My friend often shows her whenever I have troubles
Trang 5a sympathy b sympathize c sympathetic d sympathetically
8 He does not know much about the project but he is very
a enthusiastic b enthusiast c enthusiasm d enthusiastically
9 Daisy is so She only cares about herself, not about other people
10.She is not determined and often changes her ideas What a/an girl she is!
11.Although we are classmates, I do not have an relationship with him
12.John left a impression on me I will never forget him
13 is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief
14.He is not good maths He is incapable calculating
15.Two friends should be loyal each other
16.My close friend is often concerned all problems that I mention
17 friend in need is friend indeed
18.The exam is coming so the teachers make their students a lot
19.Her parents want her a doctor
20.It is the directions
a you too kind to give me b you very kind to give me
c very kind of you to give me d very kind of you give me
21.I consider it my affair the newcomers in my class
22.These employees are made overtime
23.The teacher never lets us out when
a to go / explains b go / explaining c going / to explain d gone / explained 24.Whenever I see an action film, I feel my heart strongly
25.He bought a computer because he wanted to store all the information that he had collected
a Buying a computer because he wanted to store all the information that he had collected
b Although he wanted to store all the information that he had collected, he bought a computer
c He bought a computer for him that he stored all the information that he had collected
d He bought a computer to store all the information that he had collected
26.He was the first the fire
27.The manager had some letters to sign
a that he had to sign b for signing c so that he signed d which are for signing 28.I think he is our business
a not reliable enough to be informed b not enough reliable to be informed
c not reliable enough for being informed d not reliable enough being informed
29.He is everybody in my class likes him
a very kind that b kind enough that c so kind that d as kind as
30.John was we all want to make friends with him
a so a good student that b so a student that
c such a good student that d a student such good that
Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31.Peter / my close friends
Trang 6a Peter is my close friends b Peter is one of my close friends,
c Peter is one my close friends d Peter is the one of my close friends
a He is good-looking, but blond hair b He is good-looking and blond hair,
c He is a good-looking with blond hair d He is good-looking with blond hair
33.square face / look / intelligent
a His square face looks intelligently b It is a square face looking intelligent
c He has a square face looks intelligent d He has a square face which looks intelligent 34.we / be / friends / last school year
a We have been friends since last school year b We were friends since last school year
c We have been friends last school year d We are friends since last school year
35.Peter / good / Maths
a Peter is very good at Maths b Peter is too good at Maths,
c Peter is very good for Maths d Peter is too good for Maths
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
There are many proverbs about friends and friendship, such as “True friendship is like sound health; the
value of its seldom known until it is lost”, and “A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out” When you read these quotes, stop and think about your friendship Do you and your friends
act in a caring way towards one another, do you respect them and do they respect you, but most of all do you value the relationship and love spending time together? Friendship is more than just hanging out together at lunch and gossiping about other people True friendship is when two people have mutual respect for one another, and really care about the each other’s feelings and dreams You need to be able to be honest with your friends If there is ever a time where you feel that you cannot tell them the truth, for fear that they will be mad
or will not understand, then they are not true friends Friends share with each other important things that they would not share with others Friends also care about each other, stick up for one another and enjoy spending time together
36.The passage is about
c proverbs about friends and friendship d caring for friends
37.The author advised us
a not to tell a secret to a friend b to respect our friends
c not to tell a friend about important things d to make friends to gossip
a should not spend time together b should be honest
c should gossip about others d should not care much
39.Which sentence is NOT true?
a Friends should respect each other b We should be honest with our friends
c We can share important things with a friend d Dishonesty is needed for true friendship
40.Which of these can be used to describe true friendship?
a be honest and be mad b hang out and gossip
c have lunch and gossip d trust, respect and share
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
(41) you grow and mature your friends may change, but that does not mean that you have to (42) away with your old friends, your relationships may change though (43) close attention to the different types of friends you have had, the (44) your friends treat you, what sort of things you can talk about, and the things you like (45); Soon you will see what (46)
in a friend are most important to you Not everyone values openness or honesty, when others look (47) an extraordinarily caring individual as a friend Whatever it is that you value most, (48) sure that your needs as well as your friends’ are being met If you are feeling neglected or mistreated by a “friend” then you need to look more closely at this relationship Friendship should bring you joy, (49) misery Find out what you want out of a friendship, and try not to be overtaken by those around you who are not yet mature enough (50) to a true friendship
Trang 744.a way b fact c road d route
46.a possibilities b certainties c qualities d quantities
- -TEST 2
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has
a close meaning to the original one.
6 He was so that he distrusted all his friends
7 Friendship offers us great in life
8 He is always in word and deed
9 My father took an interest in collecting stamps He had a valuable stamp collection
10.True friendship should be based understanding each other and faithfulness,
11.1 do not want to listen to you I am tired your criticisms
12.1 seem to remember that Sam has ever told me number of lies
13.True friendship will as long as our lives
14.The father is the one that I can share both joys and sorrows,
a feelings of great happiness b great eagerness
15.She felt an to him when they first met each other
16.He has only one in life - to become rich
17.Contrary to , no one was hurt in the accident
18 He advised me the facts before I made a decision the job
a considering / to accept b consider / accepting
19.It is a nice surprise you here
20.They have they cannot find time
a such many things to do that / for going out
b such many things for doing that / going out
c so many things for doing that / go out
d so many things to do that / to go out
Trang 821.Loyalty one of the important qualities for true friendship.
a is considered be b considers being c considers to be d is considered to be 22.It is impossible such a difficult thing without any help
23.Look! Do you see an insect on your foot
24 She wore a mask so that nobody recognized her
a so that not to be recognize b so as not to recognize
c so as not to be recognized d in order to not recognized
25.Those tourists were their journey
a enough tired to continue b too tired to continue
c very tired that they could not continue d too tired for continuing
26.After a nightmare she sleeping so she looked for a book
a found it difficult to go on / to read b found to go on was difficult / for reading
c found difficult to go on / in order to read d found it is difficult to go on / to read
27.Did you notice someone the room last night?
28.There mutual understanding between friends
29.The police let him after they had asked him some questions,
30.The accident is thought caused by human error
Error Identification
31.If you have a friend you will realize that there is another human being which you can
trust completely
32.True friendship can offer a gentle haven where you can be relaxed and feeling safe
33.A friend can help you solve problems and to share the grief times along with the great times
34.Two close friends can spend time to be together without needing to pretend
35.It took her a long time getting accustomed to the new environment and make friends with other
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Friendship is a big statement Lots of people are lovers but are not friends Lots of people are relatives and are not friends Lots of people who work together are not friends You can appreciate or admire someone, but that does not mean that you make him or her a friend
When I had my near-death illness last year and the following long recuperation, I had a lot of time to think about what makes someone a friend If they are scared of you when you need help, sorry, that is not friendship
If their attitude is “for better or worse,” if they stick to you through troubles and difficulties, it is the time when you can tell it is true friendship I do have some friends, but not as many as I thought And there was a time, in the late 80s when my friend, Ken, really needed me but I did hot come through for him I remember hanging out in my happy suburban house in Menlo Park, and not coming to help him through the loss of his wife Luckily, I got to apologize for that but Ken said he did not mind
I do not have a tidy answer about Ken and me and friendship Sometimes we were friends, and other times, clearly, not But I guess there is something remarkable in two people overcoming the barriers to friendship to find some real communication at some point
36.According to the writer
a all lovers are friends b all your relatives are also your friends
c whoever you admire is your friends d not all workmates are friends
Trang 937.In true friendship
a your friends are always scared of you
b friends stick to each other through troubles and difficulties
c we should have as many friends as possible
d friends are scared of helping each other
38.What happened to the writer last year?
a His wife passed away b He was seriously ill
c He had an interesting experience, d He had got some new friends
39 We can learn from the text that
a the writer had a house in suburb in Menlo Park
b the writer came to help his friend, Ken, when his wife died
c whenever his friend, Ken, had problems the writer immediately came to help
d the writer and Ken are true friends at all time
40.The writer did not come to help Ken
a so Ken was very angry b and he did not apologize
c but Ken did not mind d so they were no longer friends
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Friendship is not about always being nice, or (41) A friend will tell you when he or she thinks you are full (42) considerateness Only your best friend can (43) your silent pain and will (44) your hand till you (45) strong again For example, I have a friend (46) _ name is Bodie She has been a friend of (47) for about a decade She could act as a perfect mirror At that time I was fussing over a beautiful young girl that I was in love with, but only a few months later, she said goodbye to me I was almost (48) Bodie was often with me She gave me some advice, went out with me, and even was willing (49) my unlucky in love In (50) end I survived perfectly without the far-away sweetheart But the lesson of true friendship has stayed with me, vividly
- -TEST 3
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence;-substitutes the underlined part; or has
a close meaning to the original one.
6 I sometimes think my schooldays when I felt the happiest
7 Mary did not approve their ideas She had no sympathy their point of view
8 Man is engaged in a struggle with Nature
9 Mary is often willing to help everybody She is the of kindness
Trang 10a essence b essential c essentially d essentiality
10.Those villagers are very to visitors
a hospitable b hospitably c hospitability d hospitabilities
11. friendship is two-side affair
12.Their friendship was based on respect, trust and understanding
13.Whispers can never influence good friends
a have effect on b get acquainted with c show a sympathy d be mutual trust
14.We were obviously wrong to put our in her She is not reliable
15.A is a conversation about other people’s private lives which might be unkind or not true
16.I do not have much time for leisure these days
17.The children they cannot keep silent
a seem to be so excited that b seem being so excited that
c seem to be very excited that d seem being very excited that
18 The policeman did not permit them through the military zone He forced them another way
a going / to go b to go / to go c to go / going d go / go
19.He is a helpful friend He often helps me my work
20.John, I have something interesting you, but you have to promise it secret
a for telling / keeping b to tell / keep c to tell / to keep d told / keep
21.The water was so polluted that the explorers could not drink it
a The water was too polluted for the explorers to drink
b The water was polluted enough for the explorers to drink
c The water was too polluted for the explorers drinking
d The water was polluted enough for the explorers drinking
22.His doctor advised him , but he found it impossible his habit,
a stopped smoking / quit b to stop to smoke / quitting
c stopping smoking / for quitting d to stop smoking / to quit
23.The guards were watching a shoplifter along the shop windows
24.Their company was made 100,000 USD in taxes
25.The health authorities now know bird flu
a to deal with b deal with c dealing with d how to deal with
26.The Pikes has a painter all the windows of their house
27.They did not let us the lecture because we had not got a member card
28 The teacher recommended us those books because they have some knowledge that is necessary for us
a reading / get b to read / get c to read / to get d read / getting
29.He had spent that he was broke
a such much money b such many money c so much money d so many money
30.We did not have the essay so we asked the teacher for a delay
a time enough for writing b time enough to write
c enough time for writing d enough time to write
Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31.Peter / sincere / easy-going / man / a sense of humour
a Peter is the sincere and easy-going man whose has a sense of humour