They are: • the omission of high-pressure Class D in order to conform to European practice; • the highlighting of information to be provided by the designer; • the end-sealing of ducts a
Trang 2Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork
Low, medium and high
pressure/velocity air systems
Copyright © 1998 by the Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association All rights reserved
ISBN 0-903783-27-4
Further copies of this publication are available from:
Publications Unit
Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association
Old Mansion House Eamont Bridge Penrith Cumbria CA10 2BX Tel: 01768 860405 Fax: 01768 860401 e-mail:
Ken Parslow
Chairman Executive Committee Ductwork Group 1996-98
For more than a decade-and-a-half, the DW/142 Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork
published by the Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association has gained nationaland international recognition as the industry standard against which the quality ofductwork manufacture and installation can be judged
In recent years, however, it has become increasingly evident to the members of theHVCA Ductwork Group that the developments in technology and working practiceswhich have taken place since the drafting of DW/142 have rendered obsolete significantparts of the document
It was an acknowledgement of this state of affairs which led the Technical Committee of the Ductwork Group, ably chaired by Edgar Poppleton, to undertake thetask of producing a radically revised specification which would promote best practiceand quality standards well into the next Millennium
Sub-This new publication - designated DW/144 - represents the direct result of thatinitiative
The new specification recognises the computer age - with special reference toCAD/CAM procedures and techniques - and the international performance standardsestablished by the Committee for European Normalisation (CEN), as well as the need toupdate and consolidate much of the information contained in the original DW/142
publication and its Addendum A companion volume.
During the drafting process, the Technical Sub-Committee has consulted widely withindividuals and organisations throughout the building services and construction sectors
in order to ensure that the new specification fully reflected the current the art" in terms both of technical expertise and industry best practice
"state-of-the-I firmly believe that this process has resulted in a publication which clearlydemonstrates the high level of professionalism which exists within the ductworkcommunity - and I take this opportunity of thanking all those who have contributed toits production
In particular, my thanks go to Edgar Poppleton and his colleagues on the Technical
Sub-Committee, to Keith Elphick for the provision of invaluable technical consultancy,and to Ductwork Group secretary Gareth Keller for overseeing the project as a whole
Like most industries, the ductwork sector must
be prepared continually to innovate in order to
survive and prosper
A key element in that innovation process is
the timely review and updating of quality
standards to ensure that they continue to offer
realistic benchmarks to which all professional
individuals and organisations can perform
The development of this new Specification for
Sheet Metal Ductwork - designated DW/144 - has
been carried out with that objective in mind
In the 16 years since the publication of its
predecessor, DW/142 - and in the ten years since
the supplementary volume Addendum A appeared
-many technical advances, changes in working
practices and regulatory introductions and
amendments have taken place
The common performance standards for
duct-work being developed by the Committee for
European Normalisation (CEN), for example,
had to be taken fully into account during the
drafting process Similarly, notice had to be
given to the provisions of the Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and
Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations, neither of which had been issued
when DW/142 was published
It is not possible - nor, I think, desirable - to
include in this foreword an exhaustive catalogue
of the points of difference between this
specification and its predecessor These will
clearly emerge from a detailed reading of the
I should, however, like to take the
opportunity to highlight a few topics which I
believe to be of particular significance They are:
• the omission of high-pressure Class D (in
order to conform to European practice);
• the highlighting of information to be
provided by the designer;
• the end-sealing of ducts and explosion risks;
• the removal of standard sizes of rectangular
• the omission of cleated joints;
• the acceptance of proprietary flanges
certificated to DW/TM I no longer illustrated
in detail;
• the consolidation into the document of
coverage of hangers and supports;
• the addition of a note on linings, along with
their cleaning considerations;
• the consolidated graphical representation of
Class A, B and C air leakage characteristics,mandatory testing Class C only;
• updated appendices on galvanising aftermanufacture, stainless steel, pre-coated steel,aluminium, Eurovent and galvanised material,plus a bibliography;
• transport, handling, storage and interface with
DW/TM2 Guide to Good Practice – Internal Cleanliness of New Ductwork Installations;
• an overview of fire-rated ductwork;
• a new appendix on inspection, servicing andcleaning access openings (the default inclusion
of Level 1 should be noted);
• a new section on standard component drawings
- incorporating a framework of nomenclature,and a description of drawing symbols,abbreviations and rules - which is intended toreduce ambiguity and promote commonunderstanding;
• a rewritten description of all forms of dampers,for which I am indebted to Bill Clark and JohnMawdsley of the HEVAC Association
I take this opportunity to acknowledge the mission granted by the Sheet Metal and AirConditioning Contractors' National Association(SMACNA) of the USA for the use of its tie rodspecification (designer approval required)
per-And I also include a plea on behalf of ductworkconstructors to be allowed to make the final choice
of components and techniques within the ters set by the designer, and allowed within thisspecification to satisfy performance characteristics
parame-It will, of course, be clear to anyone who hasever taken on such a task that the production ofthis specification has involved a colossal input interms of industry consultation and from a widevariety of individuals, a number of whom I shouldlike to identify for special mention
They are: former Technical Sub-Committeemembers Keith Waldron and the late KeithAngood; current members Chris Collins, StuartHoward, Brian James and - last but by no meansleast - Jim Murray; technical consultant KeithElphick; and Ductwork Group secretary GarethKeller
Finally, may I remind readers of the crucialimportance of ensuring that all ductwork is manu-factured and installed in a manner which is safe,efficient, effective and free of risk
The publication of DW/144 is intended to assistsignificantly in the achievement of this objective
Trang 7Technical Consultant:
Keith Elphick
Ductwork Group Secretary:
Gareth Keller
Trang 98 Ductwork Construction and Joint Sealing 14
Part Three - Rectangular Ducts
9 Rectangular Duct Sizes 15
Part Five - Flat Oval Ducts
15 Standard Sizes and Sheet Thicknesses 35
16 Construction (Spirally wound) 35
28 Connections to Building Openings 53
33 Standard Component Drawings
Part Eight - Appendices
Appendix A Air Leakage from
Appendix B Identification of
Appendix C Guidance Notes for the
Transport, Handling and
Appendix K Summary of BS.EN10142:
1991 Continuously Hot-DipZinc Coated Mild Steel Stripand Sheet for Cold Forming 92Appendix L `Design Notes for Ductwork'
(CIBSE Technical
Appendix M Guidance Notes For Inspection,
Servicing and Cleaning AccessOpenings 94
Trang 10List of Tables
Part Two - Standards
1 Ductwork Classification and Air
Part Five - Flat Oval Ducts
11 Standard sizes and sheet thicknesses 36
Part Six - Hangers and Supports
15 Supports for horizontal ducts - rectangular,
Part Seven - General
Part Eight - Appendices
18 Recommended duct identification colours 80
19 Examples of further identification symbols 81
20 Ductwork galvanized after manufacture
21 Compositions of the commonly used
22 Rectangular aluminium ducts
-low pressure constructional requirements 90
23 Circular aluminium ducts
-low pressure constructional requirements 91
25 Access requirements for inspection,
List of Illustrations
Part Three - Rectangular Ducts
9 Illustrations of panel stiffening 20
13-17 Socket and spigot cross joints 22
Part Four - Circular Ducts
32-38 Cross joints spirally wound ducts 30-3139-45 Cross joints straight seamed ducts 32-33
Part Five - Flat Oval Ducts
53-58 Cross joints spirally wound ducts 39-4059-63 Cross joints straight seamed ducts 41-42
Part Six - Hangers and Supports
64-75 Horizontal ducts
Part Seven - General
78-79 Fire barrier/Fire damper expansion 50
81-124 Standard component drawings
Part Eight - Appendices
178 Permitted leakage at various
179 Example of duct identification symbol 81
Trang 11In this document:
(1) Even where a ductwork job specification calls for the system to be wholly in accordance with DW/144, it will still be necessary for the designer, in addition to providing drawings showing details and dimensions of the ductwork, to identify specific requirements, par- ticular to his or her design.
The technical information to be provided by the designer is therefore set out in detail on page 11.
(2) All dimensions quoted in this specification refer to the nominal sizes, which are subject to the normal relevant commercial and published tolerances.
(3) Manufacturing techniques are continually subject to change and improvements and in respect of proprietary methods and devices this specification does not preclude their use if they can be demonstrated
to the designer to be equally satisfactory Where there is divergence between the requirements of DW/144 and the manufacturer's recommendations for proprietary methods and devices, the latter shall take precedence.
(4) The expressions `low-pressure,' 'medium-pressure' and 'highpressure' relate to the pressure/velocity classes set out in Table 1.
(5) `Mean air velocity' means the design volume flow rate related to the cross-sectional area.
(6) Reference to the air distribution system pressure relate to the static pressure of the relevant part of the ductwork system and not to the fan static pressure.
(7) The symbol for litres is ‘L’: 1000 litres per second is equivalent to 1 cubic metre per second.
(8) The pascal (Pa) is the internationally agreed unit of pressure The relationship of the pascal to other units of pressure is: 500 pascals =
500 Newtons per square metre = 5 millibars = approximately 2 inches water gauge.
Trang 12Part One - Technical information to be provided by the designer to the ductwork contractor
The selection of constructional methods is the decision
of the Manufacturer to conform with the performance
requirements of the specified ductwork classification
Sections 2-4 below define the information that is to be
provided by the Designer
2.1 Pressure classification ( Table 1 )
2.2 Leakage classification (Table 1)
2.3 Positive and Negative pressures (Table 1)
Number and location of all panels and covers for
inspection and/or servicing access other than those
covered in Section 20 and summarised as Level 1
requirements in table 25 of Appendix M Number
and location of test holes, instrument connections
and hinged doors as defined in Section 20
3.2 Cleaning access
( Section 20.8 and Appendix M )
Designers shall stipulate their requirements for
periodic internal cleaning of ductwork and for the
consequent need for adequate access for specialist
cleaning equipment
3.3 Regulating dampers ( Section 21 ) Specification,
location and mode of operation of all regulating
3.4 Fire dampers ( Section 22 )
Specification and location of all fire dampers to
meet the requirements of the Authority directly
concerned with fire protection
3.5 Smoke dampers ( Section 23)/Combination
smoke and fire dampers ( Section 24 )
Specification and location of all smoke dampers to
meet the requirements of the Authority directly
concerned with fire protection
3.6 Flexible ducts ( Section 25 )
Specification and location of any flexible ductwork
3.7 Flexible joint connections ( Section 26 )
Specification and location of any flexible
con-nections eg plant or building expansion joints
4.1 Air leakage testing (Section 6 and Appendix A)
The extent of any air leakage testing While it shall
be mandatory for high-pressure ductwork (as
defined in this specification) to be tested for air
leakage in accordance with the procedure set out in
DW/143, A practical guide to Ductwork Leakage
Testing, no such testing of low- or medium-pressure
4.2 Protective finishes ( Section 27 )
Details and specification of any protective finishes
4.3 Fire rated and smoke extract ductwork
4.5 External thermal/acoustic insulation
( Section 30 )
The extent and thickness of insulation to be provided
by others should be stated
4.6 Special supports ( Section 19 )
Details of any spanning steel or special supportrequirements not covered by Section 19
4.7 Attachment to building structure ( Section 28 )
Specific requirements for the junction of ductworkand associated components to openings should bedetailed and specified and the limits of responsibilitydefined
The provision of penetrations and associatedframings are outside the scope of this specification
4.8 Air terminal units
Detail and specifications of all Air Terminal Units It
is expected that all Air Terminal Units and theirPlenums (See Figures 120 to 124) will be supported
by the Ceiling Grids unless the designer indicates anindependent method of support
4.9 Ductwork layout drawings
Details of any special requirements relating to CAD,scales, etc It is common practice and cost effectivefor ductwork manufacturers to utilise their approvedductwork layout drawings as a basis of theirmanufacturing/installation information by adding thenecessary details to the same drawing Scales of 1:50
or smaller may preclude this practice, therefore,larger scales might be more appropriate The finalchoice of manufacturing/installation scales shall beleft to the ductwork contractor
4.10 Other requirements
Details of any requirements for the ductwork not inaccordance with the provisions of this specification,including any modified construction required toconform with any requirements concerning externalductwork (See 5.3) or to meet the regulations of alocal authority or other controlling body
Trang 134.11 Reference to the designer
In consideration of the foregoing, reference is alsomade to the designer in the following clauses:
5.3 13
10.5.2 1611.1 1614.1 2916.3.1 35
Trang 14Part Two - Standards
5.1 This specification sets out minimum requirements
for the manufacture and installation of ductwork for
commercial and industrial air distribution systems,
made from any of the materials listed in Section 7 and
being within the limits of size and/or metal
thicknesses specified in the relevant tables Normal
operating temperatures are assumed within the
pressure/velocity limits and the limits of air leakage
for the various pressure classes prescribed in Table 1
5.2 This specification is not intended to apply to
ductwork handling air which is polluted or is
other-wise exceptional in respect of temperature or
humidity (including saturated air); nor is it suitable
for ductwork exposed to a hostile environment, e.g
contaminated air, off-shore oil rigs, etc The design,
construction, installation, supports and finishes in
such cases should be given special consideration in
relation to the circumstances of each case
5.3 This specification is not suitable for ductwork
exposed to external atmosphere and the Designer will
need to give specific details of any special
finishes/construction (See Section 27)
6.1 Classification and air leakage limits Ductwork
classification and air leakage limits are set out in
Table 1
6.2 Compatibility with CEN
The leakage factors used in Table 1 for Classes A, B
and C are the same as those for the classes similarly
designated in the CEN Document Pr EN 12237/Pr EN
6.3 Leakage at various pressures; and other relationships
Applying the limits specified in Table 1, Appendix A
(Table 17) sets out the permitted leakage at each of aseries of pressures up to a maximum for each class.Included in that appendix is a graphical presentation
of the pressure/leakage relationship
DW/143 A practical guide to Ductwork LeakageTesting, also gives details of the basis for the leakagelimits specified in Table 1
6.4 Air leakage testing
Air leakage testing of low and medium pressureductwork is not mandatory under this specification.Air leakage testing of high pressure ductwork ismandatory under the specification and for details oftesting procedure refer to DW/143 A practical guide
to Ductwork Leakage Testing
7 MATERIALS 7.1 Application
This specification applies to ductwork constructedfrom materials as defined below, or equal Minimumsteel thickness is to be taken as a nominal thicknesswithin the tolerances to BS.EN10143:1993 (See
Appendix K)
7.2 Zinc-coated steel
Ductwork will normally be constructed from dip galvanized steel to BS.EN10142:1991, GradeDX51 D+Z, coating type Z275
Trang 15hot-7.3 Mild steel
Where mild steel is specified, it shall be cold-reduced
steel to BS.EN10130:1991, Grade FEP 01A
7.4 Stainless steel
Where stainless steel is specified it will be the
responsibility of the designer to indicate the type most
suitable for the conditions to which the ductwork will
be exposed In doing so, it is recommended that the
factors set out in Appendix F should be taken into
account In this connection, reference must be made to
BS 1449: Part 2, which includes stainless steel.
7.5 Pre-coated steel
Pre-coated steel may be specified for aesthetic or
other reasons The designer must then consider the
availability of suitable materials and the restriction on
fabrication methods Guidance notes are available in
Appendix G
7.6 Aluminium
Where aluminium is specified, it will be the
responsibility of the designer to define the type most
suitable for the conditions to which the ductwork will
be exposed Reference must be made to BS.EN485,
BS.EN515 and BS.EN573 for aluminium sheet and
BS.EN755 Parts 3-6 for aluminium section
(Constructional requirements for ductwork made from
aluminium sheet and general notes on the material are
set out in Appendix H.)
8.1 Ductwork construction
The selection of longitudinal, cross joint and stiffener
types within the criteria laid down in the tables should
be the responsibility of the manufacturer
8.2 Joint sealing and sealants
8.2.1 General
The integrity of the ductwork depends on the
successful application of the correct sealant,
gaskets or tape The materials used should be
suitable for the purpose intended and satisfy the
specified pressure classification
Illustrations indicating sealant locations will be
found in the following sections dealing with the
construction of rectangular, circular and flat oval
duct sections
8.2.2 Liquid and mastic sealants
These are typically applied to a longitudinal seamformed between two sheets of metal, a socket andspigot, cleated or flanged cross joints Particularcare is needed when sealing of "corner pieces" on
the proprietary 'slide-on' type flange and
reference should be made to the manufacturer'sassembly and sealing instructions
8.2.3 Gaskets
These can be of various materials in the form of apreformed roll, sheet or strip, applied betweenopposing faces of flanged cross joints In the case
of proprietary 'slide-on' type flanges, it is
advisable to use the gasket strip recommended bythe manufacturer
Factory-fitted proprietary synthetic rubber '0'ringtype gaskets are also acceptable for socket andspigot joints on circular duct systems
8.2.4 Tapes The application of tapes - Best suited,
but not limited, to cross joints on circular or flatoval ductwork Where chemical reaction tape,heat shrinkable tape or other approved material
is used on flat oval ductwork care should betaken to maintain close contact between thematerial and the flat sides of the duct until thejoint is completed Chemical reaction tape - An
impregnated woven fibre tape and a resin typeactivator/adhesive On application of theactivator/adhesive the tape becomes pliable andcan then be applied to any surface shape Theliquid reacts with the tape, causing the 2partsystem to `set' Heat shrinkable band/tape - A
ther-moplastic material, coated on the inside withhot metal adhesive The band (or an appropriatelength of tape) is cut from the roll and wrappedaround the joint When heated the tape shrinkstightly around the joint thus providing a seal Self adhesive tape - Manufactured
from various materials including cloth based,PVC and aluminium foil Typically appliedexternally to socket and spigot cross joints.However, it is difficult to provide the dry, dustand grease free surface that is required for asuccessful application and this method istherefore not recommended as a primary source
of sealant
NB! Risk of explosions
Where ductwork is blanked off prior to leakagetesting or to prevent the ingress of contamination,care should be taken to ensure that all joint sealingsolvent vapours are dispersed from the ductworksystems
Trang 16Part Three - Rectangular Ducts
This specification covers duct sizes up to a maximum
longer side of 3,000 mm Duct sizes with an aspect
ratio greater than 4:1 are not recommended Although
they offer no problems of construction, they increase
frictional resistance and the possibility of noise
10.1 General
The minimum constructional requirements for
rectangular ductwork depend upon the pressure
classification as set out in Tables 2 to 4 The ductwork
construction and joint sealing standards are set out in
section 8
10.2 Steel thicknesses
Minimum steel thicknesses related to duct longer side
to pressure classification are given in Tables 2 to 4
10.3 Longitudinal Seams
Longitudinal seams are illustrated in Figs 1 to 8 The
limits of use, if any, are given with the individual
10.3.1 Sealing of Longitudinal Seams Sealant
will be applied using one of the following
a) As an edge sealant on the external seam surface
b) As an edge sealant on the internal seam surface
c) Internal to the joint seam itself
The most appropriate method will be determined
by the manufacturer relative to their product and
will be associated with either traditional
fabrication/assembly methods, factory or site
based, and/or proprietary methods The ultimate
proof of a seal is that the ductwork system meets
the pressure classification specified For details of
sealant see section 8
10.3.2 Welded seams
A welded seam is acceptable without sealant,
provided that the welding is continuous
10.4 Cross joints
10.4.1 Cross joint ratings
For cross joints, a system of rating has been used
to define the limits of use The rating for each
cross joint is given with its drawing, and the limits
applying to that rating, in terms of
duct size longer side and maximum spacing, aregiven in Tables 2 to 4 Other limits on use aregiven with the individual drawings
Note: Proprietary products used in the tion of cross joints should be approved by anindependent test house following tests defined inDW/TM1 "Acceptance scheme for new products
construc Rectangular cross joint classification." FiguresNos 10 and 13 to 17 illustrate non proprietaryjoints that have an established rating
10.4.2 Sealant in cross joints
Sealant shall be used between sheet and section
in all cross joint assemblies (see section 8)
With socket and spigot joints made on site,
sealant shall be applied during or after assembly
of the joint It is permissible to use reaction tape or heat-shrink strip as alternativemethods of sealing, provided that close contact ismaintained over the whole perimeter of the jointuntil the joint is completed
chemical-With all flanged joints, the sealant between
sheet and section should preferably be rated during construction at works, but siteapplied sealant is acceptable The joint betweensections of ductwork is then made, usingapproved type of sealant or gasket Withproprietary flanging systems particular attentionshould be paid to the sealing of corner pieces andflanges, reference should be made to themanufacturer's assembly and sealing instructions
incorpo-10.4.3 Adjustabletslip joints
In order to accommodate manufacturing/buildingtolerances, site modifications etc, it is acceptedpractice to use an adjustable joint as illustrated in
Fig 14
10.5 Stiffeners 10.5.1 External stiffeners
The sections (including proprietary flanges)
suitable for use as single stiffeners have been
given a rating from S1 to S6 in terms of duct sizelonger side and maximum spacing The ratingsare specified with the illustrations of thestiffeners, Figs 18 to 23, and the limits of use aregiven in Tables 2 to 4 The stiffeners for socketand spigot joints covered in Figs 15, 16 and 17
are also applicable to stiffeners in general
Trang 1710.5.2 Internal stiffeners
Tie bars connecting the flanges of cross joints
illustrated in Figs 11 and 12, are the only form of
internal stiffening for rectangular ductwork
recognised by this specification and reference should
be made to HVCA publication DW/TM 1
Alternative methods for the attachment of tie bars
are shown in Figs 25 to 28
The use of tie bars or other forms of internal
stiffening or bracing shall be acceptable if proved to
the designer to be equally satisfactory
SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractors' National Association), which is the
American equivalent to the HVCA Ductwork Group,
have produced an Addendum No l (November
1997) to their publication "HVAC Duct
Construction Standards, Second Edition - 1995"
The addendum contains the extensive technical
information and data on the subject of mid panel tie
rods and SMACNA have given their kind
permission for this specification to make reference
to this fact Designers and manufacturers who wish
to incorporate this form of internal stiffening into a
ductwork system should contact SMACNA direct to
obtain copies of their publications (See Appendix N,
10.6 Ductwork galvanized after manufacture
Appendix E sets out the recommended sheet thicknesses
and stiffening for ductwork galvanized after
10.7 Fastenings
10.7.1 Permitted types and maximum centres
Table 5 sets out the permitted fastenings and the
maximum spacings for all ductwork classifications
All duct penetrations shall be sealed
10.7.2 Rivets
Manufacturers' recommendations as to use, size and
drill size are to be followed Rivets resulting in an
unsealed aperture shall not be used
10.7.3 Set screws, nuts and lock bolts Materials
shall be of mild steel, protected by
electro-galvanizing, sherardizing, zinc-plating, or other
equal and approved corrosion resistant finish
10.7.4 Self tapping and piercing screws Providing
an adequate seal can be achieved, and the
protrusions into the ductwork are unlikely to cause
injury, then self-tapping or piercing screws may be
10.7.5 Welding of sheet
The suitability of welding for sheet-to-sheet
fastening will be governed by the sheet thickness,
the size and shape of the duct or fitting and the need
to ensure airtighteness Welded joints shall provide a
smooth internal surface and shall be free from
porosity Distortion shall be kept to
a minimum
Areas where the galvanizing has been damaged ordestroyed by welding or brazing shall be suitablyprepared and painted internally and externally withzinc-rich or aluminium paint as defined in Section27.3.2
11 FITTINGS 11.1 Standardisation of fittings
The terminology and descriptions of rectangular ductfittings as set out in Section 33 are recommended foradoption as standard practice to provide commonterms of reference for designers, quantity surveyorsand ductwork contractors, and of those usingcomputers in ductwork design and fabrication
Bends are designated as `hard' or `easy', and theseterms as used herein have the following meanings:
`Hard' signifies rotation in the plane of the longer
side of the cross section
`Easy' signifies rotation in the plane of the shorter
side of the cross section
An example illustrating these terms is given in Fig 29
11.2 Stiffeners
The flat sides of fittings shall be stiffened in dance with the construction Tables 2 to 4 On the flatsides of bends, stiffeners shall be arranged in a radialpattern, with the spacing measured along the centre ofthe bend
accor-11.3 Splitters
If the leading edge of the splitters exceeds 1250 mmfit central tie bars at both ends to support the splitters.Leading and trailing edges of splitters must be edgefolded and flattened and be parallel to the duct axis.Splitters shall be attached to the duct by bolts ormechanically-closed rivets at 100 mm maximumspacing (or by such other fixing as can be shown to beequally satisfactory e.g proprietary sealed splitterpins)
11.4 Turning vanes
Where specified, or shown on drawings, square throatbends with either duct dimension greater than 200 mmshall be fitted with turning vanes which are illustrated
in Figures 30a and 30b
Turning vanes at 60 mm maximum centres shall befixed at both ends either to the duct or compatiblemounting tracks in accordance with manufacturer'sinstructions, the whole bank being fixed inside theduct with bolts or mechanically closed rivets at 150
mm maximum spacing
The maximum length of turning vane between ductwalls or intermediate support shall be 615 mm forsingle skin vanes and 1250 mm for double skin vanes.Typical examples of fitting turning vanes when themaximum permitted vane lengths are exceeded areshown in Fig 30c
Trang 1811.5 Branches
When fitting branch ducts to a main duct, care should
be taken to ensure that the rigidity of the duct panel is
maintained in terms of the stiffening criteria
11.6 Change shapes
Where a change shape is necessary to accommodate
the duct and the cross-sectional area is to be
maintained, the slope shall not exceed 22½° on any
side (See Figs 99 to 103) Where a change in shape
includes a local reduction in duct crosssectional area,
the slope should not exceed 15° on any side and the
reduction in area should not exceed 20 per cent
11.7 Expansions and contractions
Where these are required, an expansion shall be madeupstream of a branch connection and a contractiondownstream of a branch connection The slope of either
an expansion or a contraction should not exceed 22½°
on any side Where this angle is not practicable, theslope may be increased, providing that splitters arepositioned to bisect the angle between any side and thecentre line of the duct (See Figs 99 to 101)
11.8 Sealant
Sealant shall be used in all longitudinal seams and crossjoints of fittings Sealant shall be to the options listed in
Section 8
Trang 19Notes (applicable to Tables 2 to 4)
(1) The joints and stiffeners have been rated in terms of duct longer side and maximum spacing - see 10.4 forjoints and 10.5 for stiffeners
(2) In Col 3:
`PS' = plain sheet
`SS' = stiffened sheet, by means of
(a) beading at 400 mm maximum centres: or (b) cross-breaking within the frame formed by joints and/or
stiffeners: or (c) pleating at 150 mm maximum centres.
(3) Stiffened panels may limit the choice of insulation materials
(4) For ductwork galvanized after manufacture, see 10.6 and Appendix E (5) For aluminium ductwork, seeAppendix H
(6) For constructional constraints of stainless steel ductwork see Appendix F
(7) Although not covered in this specification, due to their relatively infrequent use, cleated cross joints are anaccepted constructional practice and the HVCA Ductwork Group should be contacted if details of theirratings and limitations are required
(8) Intermediate stiffeners using rolled sheet angle profiles, illustrated in Figs 19 to 23 of the appropriaterating may also be utilised ensuring that rigid corners are achieved
Trang 22NOTE: The above illustrations are typical examples of cross joint profiles that are in common use for connecting rectangular sheet metal ducts.
There are no set dimensions for these profiles shown in Figs 1 1 and 12 provided they are certified under the HVCA testing scheme DW/TM1 "Acceptance Scheme for new products - Rectangular cross joint classification" and are appropriate to the duct application The manufacturer's technical data should be followed with respect to:
Connections to duct wall Corner treatment Addition of cleats Application of sealants Strength ratings Application of tie bars
A list of manufacturers and profiles that are covered by current DW/TMI certificate is available from the Ductwork Group Secretary at HVCA.
Trang 25(1) A minimum of 2 fixings per side, with a maximum distance from the corner to the first fixing of 50 mm(2) Except when pierced dimpling is used, one of the other types of fastening must be used at each end inaddition to dimpling
(3) In addition to dimpling, one of the other types of fastening must be used at 450 mm centres, and in all
cases not less than 1 per side
(4) Where manufacturers have specific recommendations, then these shall take precedence over the centres inthe Table above
(5) Mechanically closed rivets are not recommended for fixing external stiffeners to ductwork exceeding500pa negative
Trang 28Part Four - Circular Ducts
Spirally-wound ducts and straight seamed ducts
The minimum constructional requirements set out in
Table 7 and 8 are common to the full range of
pressures covered in this specification
The ductwork construction and joint sealing
stan-dards are set out in section 8
Spirally wound duct with thinner than traditional
wall thickness and with one or more corrugations
(ribs) formed between the lock seams are now
available As design and installation experience with
these are gained and more functional performance
criteria are identified it is anticipated that such forms
may be added to later updates Designers
and contractors in the meantime are invited to evaluatethem based on information currently available
13.1 Longitudinal seams 13.1.1 Spirally-wound ducts
The seam used in spirally-wound circular ducts,provided it is tightly formed to produce a rigid duct,
is accepted as airtight to the requirements of all thepressure classifications covered in this specification,without sealant in the seam
13.1.2 Straight-seamed ducts
The longitudinal seam for straight-seamed circularducts shall be either the grooved seam continued tothe extreme end of the duct and sealed, or acontinuous butt lap weld or spot/stitch weld andsealed lap joint (at 30 mm centres) provided thisgives a smooth internal finish (see Fig 31)
13.2 Cross joints 13.2.1 General
Cross joints for circular ducts, both spirallywoundand straight-seamed, are illustrated in Figs.32 to 45.They include several proprietary types and the limits
of use in terms of diameter and pressure classes arenoted against each
13.2.2 Sealant
All circular cross joints shall be sealed (see section
8)The use of chemical-reaction tape or heatshrinkableband shall be regarded as an effective sealant inrespect of the socket and spigot joints illustrated
13.2.3 Welded joints
The limitations for welded joints are given in 13.3.5
13.3 Fastenings 13.3.1 Permitted types and maximum centres
Table 9 sets out the permitted fastenings andmaximum spacings for low-, medium- and high-pressure ducts All duct penetrations shall be sealed
13.3.2 Rivets
Manufacturers' recommendations as to use, size anddrill size are to be followed Rivets resulting in anunsealed aperature shall not be used
13.3.3 Set screws, nuts and lock bolts
Materials shall be of mild steel, protected by galvanizing, sherardizing, zinc plating or other equaland approved finish
electro-13.3.4 Self tapping and piercing screws
Providing an adequate seal can be achieved, and theprotrusions into the ductwork are unlikely to causeinjury, then self-tapping or piercing screws may beused
Trang 2913.3.5 Welding of sheet
The suitability of continuous welding or spot welding for
sheet to sheet fastening will be governed by the sheet
thickness, the size and shape of the duct or fitting and the
need to ensure airtightness Welded joints shall provide a
Trang 3014 FITTINGS
14.1 Standardisation of fittings
The terminology and descriptions of circular ductfittings as set out in Section 33 are recommended foradoption as standard practice, to provide commonterms of reference for designers, quantity surveyorsand ductwork contractors, and those usingcomputers in ductwork design and fabrication
The requirements for circular duct fittings applythroughout the pressure ranges covered in thisspecification
14.2 Nominal diameters
The nominal diameter (see Table 6) is the size usedfor design and ordering With socket and spigotjoints, care should be taken to ensure that thedimensions of the ducts and fittings are correctlyrelated, so that the joint can be effectively sealed
14.3 Sheet thickness
Sheet thickness for circular duct fittings (determined
by the largest diameter) shall be not less than thosequoted in Table 10
14.4 Sealing of joints
Sealant shall be used in all cross joints and fittings.Such sealant shall be in accordance with therequirements of Section 8
Trang 36Part Five - Flat Oval Ducts
15.1 Table 11 sets out the standard sizes of
spirally-wound oval ducts offered by the manufacturers of ducts
of this section
16.1 General
`Flat oval' is the term used to describe a duct of
cross-section with flat opposed sides and semicircular ends
The duct is formed from a spirallywound circular duct,
using a special former
Apart from stiffening (see Tables 12 and 13), flat oval
ducts have the same constructional requirements
throughout the pressure ranges covered in this
The ductwork construction and joint sealing standards
are set out in Section 8
16.2 Longitudinal seams
Spirally-wound flat oval duct is accepted as airtight to
the requirements of this specification without sealant in
the seams, provided the grooved seam is tightly formed
to produce a rigid duct
16.3 Cross joints
16.3.1 General
Cross joints shall be as Figs 53 to 58 inclusive or such
other joint as can be demonstrated to the designer to
16.4.1 Permitted types and maximum centres Table
14 sets out the permitted fastenings and maximum
spacings for low-, medium- and highpressure ducts
All duct penetrations shall be sealed
16.4.2 Rivets
Manufacturers' recommendations as to use, size and
drill size are to be followed Rivets resulting in an
unsealed aperature shall not be used
16.4.3 Set screws, nuts and lock bolts
Set screws and nuts shall be of mild steel, protected by
electro-galvanizing, sherardizing, zinc plating or other
equal and approved finish
16.4.4 Self tapping and piercing screws Providing
an adequate seal can be achieved, and the protrusions
into the ductwork are unlikely to cause injury, then
self-tapping or piercing screws may be used
16.4.5 Welding of sheet
The suitability of continuous welding or spot welding
for sheet to sheet fastening will be
governed by the sheet thickness, the size and shape ofthe duct or fitting and the need to ensure air-tightness.Welded joints shall provide a smooth internal surfaceand shall be free from porosity Distortion shall bekept to a minimum
Areas where the galvanizing has been damaged ordestroyed by welding or brazing shall be suitablyprepared and painted internally and externally withzinc-rich or aluminium paint
16.5 Stiffening
The larger sizes of flat oval duct are stiffened byswages, as indicated in Table 11 Additionally, tie rods(see Figs 25 to 28) are required, positioned as indicated
in the respective tables and illustrations
In special situations as an alternative to tie rods,stiffening in the form of external angles may be used tomeet the requirements of the corresponding rectangularduct sizes
Flat oval ducts with opposed sides and semi-circularends may also be formed using plain sheet and straightseams Ducts so formed should follow the metalthicknesses and stiffening requirements specified for thecorresponding sizes of rectangular ducts, except thatstiffening is necessary on the flat sides only
Seams and cross joints (see Figs 59 to 63) shall besealed to ensure the necessary degree of airtight-nessthroughout the pressure ranges covered in thisspecification
18 FITTINGS 18.1 General constructional requirements Sheet
thicknesses for flat oval fittings (determined by theperiphery of the larger end) shall be not less than thosegiven in Table 11 for the ducts themselves
With socket and spigot joints, care should be taken toensure that the dimensions of ducts and fittings arecorrectly related
All the seams and joints integral to a fitting shall besealed to the same standard as the duct (See Section 8)
18.2 Standardisation of fittings
The terminology and descriptions of flat oval ductfittings as set out in Section 33 are recommended foradoption as standard practice, to provide common terms
of reference for designers, quantity surveyors andductwork contractors, and those using computers inductwork design and fabrication
The requirements for flat oval duct fittings applythroughout the pressure ranges covered in this