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AS 1851 6 supp 1 1997 maintenance of fire protection equipme

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Title AS 1851.6 Supp 1-1997 Maintenance of fire protection equipment - Management procedures for maintaining the fire and smoke control features of air-handling systems - Typical maintenance schedule (Supplement to AS 1851.6-1997) Licensee Licensed to LUU MINH LUAN on 25 Feb 2002 Conditions of use This is a licensed electronic copy of a document where copyright is owned or managed by Standards Australia International Your licence is a single user licence and the document may not be stored, transferred or otherwise distributed on a network You may also make one paper copy of this document if required Web Check-up Licensed to LUU MINH LUAN on 25 Feb 2002 Single user licence only Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited SHEET A S 1851.6 Supp Tabulated version of maintenance schedule of A S 1851.6—1997 MAINT EN AN CE OF FIRE PROT EC TION EQUIPMENT PAR T 6: MAN AGEMENT PRO CE DU RE S FOR MAINT AINING THE FIRE AN D SMOKE CON TR OL FEAT UR ES OF AIR-HAN DL ING SYSTE MS—TYPICAL MAINTE NA NC E SCHE DU LE (SUPPLEMENT TO AS 1851.6—1997) ITEM DESCRIPTION MONTHLY HALF-YEARLY YEARLY TWO-YEARLY FIVE-YEARLY As requir ed, or when unable to perf orm duty, or if inspection indicates necessity L evel L evel L evel L evel (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) SUPPLY AN D RETU RN AI R QUARTERLY (c) (d) (e) C heck beari ngs for noise and overheati ng C heck fans for exce ssive vibration C heck guards a nd other safe ty featu res for sati sfac tory c ondition C heck fan belts for wea r C heck flexi ble co nnec tions, w here fitted , for l eaks , t eari ng or fraying FANS (b) (c) (d) (b) (c) C heck pulle y whee ls for a lignment C heck c ouplings for a lignment V erify t hat fan output meet s desig n requi reme nts (a) (a) (d) (e) (c) (f) L evel (c) (b) (d) (e) L evel (b) SMOK E-SPILL A ND A IR PRESSURIZ ATION C heck l ubricati on of bea rings and a pply as ne cess ary C heck fan belts for correct t ensi on C heck c ouplings for t ightness O n fan e nergizat ion, operati on a nd de-ener giza tion, che ck t hat t he flexi ble connect ions are not overstressed owing to fan movement C heck beari ngs for noise and overheati ng C heck fans for exce ssive vibration C heck guards a nd other safe ty featu res for sati sfac tory conditi on C heck fan belts for wea r C heck flexi ble co nnec tions, wher e fitte d, for le aks, tea ring or fraying (b) (c) (d) (g) (h) (i) C heck l ubricati on of bea rings a nd apply as ne cess ary C heck fan belts for correct t ensi on C heck c ouplings for t ightness O n fan e nergizat ion, operati on a nd de-ener giza tion, che ck t hat t he flexi ble connect ions are not overstressed owing to fan movement C heck c asin g an d i mpel ler for c orrosion and treat as nec essa ry C heck balan ce of impe ller if work c arried out on it C heck l ubricati on of bea rings and a pply as ne cess ary C heck fan belts if a pplicabl e C heck reass embl ed unit for e xces sive vibration C heck t hat guards an d other safet y featu res are satis fact ory C heck for co rrect rotati on Measu re a nd rec ord fan output R epai r or replac e flexible c onnectio ns as nece ssary L evel (a) (b) (c) L evel L evel L evel L evel (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) (a) C heck for noisy running C heck for ex cess ive vibration C heck for ex cess ive he atin g (b) C heck t hat ex ternal vent ilat ion a irwa ys are clea r A pply lubricat ion if nece ssary FANS DRI VES , FREQ UE NT U SE (b) (c) MOTO RS, IN DUC TION FAN DR IVE S, TEST AN D EMERGE NCY U SE O NLY C heck pulle y whee ls for a lignment C heck c ouplings for a lignment V erify t hat fan output meet s desig n requi reme nts Measu re a nd rec ord i nsulatio n resis tanc e of stato r wind ings N OTE: Manufactu rer’s c auti onary notes should be observed espe cial ly whe re solid state devi ces are use d Measu re a nd rec ord running c urrent C heck start er, protect ion setti ngs, contact s and t erminals w here ap propriat e (b) (c) (d) L evel L evel L evel (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) C heck for noisy running C heck for ex cess ive vibration C heck for ex cess ive he atin g (b) C heck t hat ex ternal vent ilat ion a irwa ys are clea r A pply lubricat ion if nece ssary (b) (c) BATT ERIES FOR FIRE/ SMOKE CO NT ROL SERV ICES Measu re a nd rec ord i nsulatio n resis tanc e of stato r wind ings N OTE: Manufactu rer’s caut iona ry notes should be observe d e spec iall y wher e solid sta te devic es are used Measu re a nd rec ord running c urrent C heck start er, protect ion se ttin gs, c onta cts an d te rminals wher e a ppropriate V ENT ED CELLS C arry out maint enan ce in acco rdance with the provisions of AS 2676.1 or NZS 4512 a s a pplicabl e SEAL ED CELLS C arry out maint enan ce in acco rdance with the provisions of AS 2676.2 or NZS 4512 a s a pplicabl e O verhaul or replace with ex chan ge unit Measu re a nd rec ord t hermistor resis tanc es wher e fitte d Test run Measu re a nd rec ord i nsulatio n resis tanc e of stato r wind ings Licensed to LUU MINH LUAN on 25 Feb 2002 Single user licence only Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited L evel L evel (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) FIRE DAMPERS (INCLUDING INTUM ESCENT D AMPIERS) Inspect for obstructi ons C onfirm positio n c orrect N OTE: Inspect 20% of the tota l so t hat al l fire da mpers ve been c overed at the end of the fifth i nspectio n (d) (e) L evel L evel L evel (a) (b) (a) R epla ce as a ppropriate Inspect for obstructi ons Ensure drive force is ava ilab le from t he motors (b) (c) FIRE MO DE AIR D AMPERS FOR SMOKE SPILL, FRESH AI R AND RECYC LE A IR, COMPLETE WITH THE IR AU TO MAT IC CONT RO L G EAR (d) (e) (f) (g) A UTO MA TIC SMO KE DET ECT OR S FOR FIRE /SMOK E CONT ROL SERV ICE S AIR FILTERS Ensure da mper(s) moves t o its fire mode position upon removal of pow er source C heck t hat there is no ex cess ive l eaka ge past dam pers when in the c lose d position C heck a nd ad just a ll motor drive l inka ges and en sure no ‘slippage’ or exc essi ve hysteres is i s occur ring C heck l inka ge and da mper beari ngs a nd l ubricate as neces sary Ensure that a ny damper positio n i ndic ators are operati onal and c orrectly positione d wh ere fitted If motors are pneumatic , c heck for air l eaks in the air l ines and c onnectio ns If co ntrol system is pneumat ic, c heck for c orrect operati on of a ir c ompresso rs, filters, dryers and pressure reducing systems C arry out maint enan ce in acco rdance with the provisions of AS 1851.8 or NZS 4512 a s a pplicabl e L evel L evel L evel (a) (a) (a) (b) Inspect upstream and downstream of the filter an d remove any la rge i tems obstructin g the r flow C heck filte r inte grity (filter seali ng) and any signs of filte r deter ioration (b) C heck t he pressure differential a cross the filter aga inst t he filter manufactu rer’s instruction C heck t hat an y adhesiv e liquid or c oati ng be ing used has been supplied i n a cont aine r indicati ng a c erti fied flashpoint not les s than 160°C L evel (a) (b) ELECTRIC DUCT HE ATE RS (b) L evel C heck t he outside surface of the (a) heate r casi ng for disc olourati on or any indicat ion that overhea ting (b) has take n plac e C heck for an y l oose exte rnal c onnectio ns an d fitti ngs (c) (d) (e) C heck for an y l oose inte rnal t hermal i nsulatio n C heck t he ele ment s for obstructi ons and a ccum ulat ion of foreign matt er C heck t hat the heat er sw itch es off upon sw itch ing off the fan C heck opera tion of rflow sensi ng device by simulat ing l oss of airflow C heck opera tion of overt empe rature cu tout by simulatin g overheati ng of t he heate r bank R epla ce filter s a s per manufactu rer’s instructions R enew any liquid and recoa t a ny coa ting using an adhesiv e w ith a cert ifie d flashpoint not l ess than 160°C Re plac e any fabric w ith correct type or was h a s appropriate L evel R epai r or replac e as nec essa ry L evel L evel L evel (a) (a) C lean grease- arresting filters N OTE: O wing to t he wi de varia tion i n usa ge, the frequenc y of this routine is subject to the requi reme nts of t he regulato ry a uthority This is a ca se whe re a Level routine may be more frequent than a Level in some c ircumsta nces (b) K ITC HE N EXH AUS T SYSTEMS (c) NOTE : Fire protection or suppressi on systems installed within kitchen exhaust systems may have special requirements L evel C heck for co rrosion R epla ce as a ppropriate C heck t hat mounting is sound C heck t hat integrity of fire w all i s not impa ired wher e ap plic able C heck c orrect operati on (excl uding intumesc ent fire dampe rs) R esto re t o c orrect position (excl uding intumesc ent fire dampe rs) (d) C heck greas e-arresting filters for e xces sive greas e a ccum ulat ion C heck hood a nd its exha ust plenu m for exc essi ve greas e a ccum ulat ion C heck t hat grease -arresti ng filte rs a re secur ed i n position a nd free of dam age C heck greas e gutter s for an y e xces sive greas e a ccum ulat ion (b) (c) C lean hood and i ts ex haust plenu m C heck for ex cess ive r l eaks a t greas e-arresting filte rs C heck duct for accu mula ted greas e and clea n it L evel R epla ce an y damag ed grease -arresti ng filte rs Licensed to LUU MINH LUAN on 25 Feb 2002 Single user licence only Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited SHEET A S 1851.6 Supp Tabulated version of maintenance schedule of A S 1851.6—1997 MAINT EN AN CE OF FIRE PROT EC TION EQUIPMENT PAR T 6: MAN AGEMEN T PRO CE DU RE S FOR MAINT AINING THE FIRE AN D SMOKE CONTR OL FEAT UR ES OF AIR-HAN DL ING SYSTE MS—TYPICAL MAINTE NA NC E SCHE DU LE (SUPPLE MENT TO AS 1851.6—1997) ITEM DESCRIPTION MONTHLY QUARTERLY L evel (a) (b) (c) A IR- HA NDL ING CHAN GE OVE R UN DE R FIRE /SMOKE COND ITION S N OTES: These routines a re to en sure sati sfac tory c hangeove r and opera tion of t he air-handling install atio n The maint enan ce of t he e quipment such as fans, motors, fire dam pers and si mila r a re c overed under the routines for t he individual ite ms A rrangeme nts should be made for the Fire Brigad e t o be notified w hene ver a n auto mati c a ctiv atio n tes t is to be c onducted t o advise that the al arm wil l sound and t o advi se t hat the system may be inoperat ive for a cert ain ti me S imulate fire/sm oke situa tion (for each system whe n sepa rate ) t o e ffect cha ngeover or shutdown a s appropriate N OTE: The purpose of a simulated tes ting routine i s t o c heck the functi oning of the rhandl ing chan geover system c omplete wi th it s asso ciat ed dedic ated smoke detec tor circuit s a nd not the dete ctors themse lves It is not recom mended practi ce in t his ca se t o si mula te the fire/ smoke situa tion by bringing a heat, flame or smoke source up to t he detec tors S witc h system back to ‘normal’ a nd che ck that a ll e quipment i s i n t he c orrect desig nate d mode C heck t hat ap propriat e indica ting l ights si gnify normal opera tion HALF-YEARLY YEARLY C heck t he followi ng during au toma tic a ctiv atio n of fire/ smoke conditi ons L evel (a) (b) (c) (d) Each it em of e quipment a nd any a ssoc iate d indicat ors ve opera ted correct ly a nd t hat fans a re running or are shut down in a ccor danc e wit h the correct opera tional seque nce for the airhandl ing system(s) c once rned Motorized outside -air, recyc lea ir, air-cont rol and spill-air dampe rs and thei r asso ciat ed motors are operati ng correct ly O pera tion of the ma nual sw itch provided for fire brigade personnel de -ene rgizes supplya ir fans The system pe rformanc e criter ia of zone smoke c ontrol systems should be verified bet ween ea ch z one N OTES: W here t here have been no c hanges to the building structure, interna l l ayout and a ir-handl ing system in t he period sinc e the last te st, a pproval may be given t o t esti ng l ess than al l zones W here a pproval is given to t esti ng a proportion of z ones a repre sent ativ e number of z ones should be te sted Test z ones should be se lect ed a t t he e xtremes of the syste m performance criter ia W hen te sting i s c arried out on a proportional number of z ones basis it i s recom mended t hat the sam e z ones be sele cted an d test ed e ach t ime The purpose of an aut omat ic t esti ng routine is to ch eck the funct ioning of the airhandl ing chan geover system by the ac tiva tion of a fiel d devic e It is reco mmended pract ice in this c ase to bring a heat, flame or smoke source t o t he dete ctor or t o flow w ater a nd reduce pressure to operate flow/ pressure sw itch es S ome buildings may have stand by pow er generat ion provisions w hich a re required t o opera te fire a nd smoke c ontrol eq uipment and c ontrols in t he e vent of a normal powe r failu re Level routine main tena nce should the refore a lso incl ude t esti ng under st andby power t o verify fire mode performance TWO-YEARLY FIVE-YEARLY As requir ed, or when unable to perf orm duty, or if inspection indicates necessity L evel (a) (b) A djust or repair as neces sary C arry out t he Level routines L evel L evel (a) (a) Licensed to LUU MINH LUAN on 25 Feb 2002 Single user licence only Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (b) (c) S imulate initiat ion of opera tion of a ll system s W hile al l air-pressurizat ion syste ms a re operatin g, ch eck t he following for each system: (i) Exces sive noise (Refer A S 1668.1.) (ii) Ease of opening doors (iii) Movement of r from each pressurized are a t hrough a selec ted open door N OTES: In order to as sess the performance of t he system, i t is recom mended that the same door be used e very t ime The use of an elem enta ry sensi ng device, e g ribbon, i s sufficient S witc h al l systems ba ck to normal (b) FIRE -ISOL ATE D ESCAPE ROUT ES PRO TEC TED BY A IR- PRESSURI ZA TIO N SYSTEMS (c) (d) A UTO MA TIC SMO KE/ HEA T V ENT IN G SYST EMS S imulate act ivat ion of all airpressurizatio n an d othe r systems requi red to operate in the fire mode W hen operatin g simultane ously, mea sure a nd recor d the following for e very door: (i) A mbie nt noise lev el (ii) D oor opening force (iii) A ir velo city through door N OTES: W here t here have been no c hanges to the building structure, interna l l ayout a nd air-handling system in t he period sinc e the l ast tes t, a pproval may be given t o t esti ng l ess than al l doors W here a pproval is given to t esti ng a proportion of doors a repre sent ativ e number of doors should be t este d Test doors should be selec ted at t he e xtremes of the syste m performance criter ia i.e high noise lev el, high openi ng force and low air veloc ity W hen te sting i s c arried out on a proportional number of doors bas is it is recom mended t hat the sam e doors be selec ted a nd te sted e ach t ime W ith all air-pressurizat ion and other system s operat ing simultane ously, che ck that any speci fic a ir relie f is fully opera tional a nd enab les the requi red airflow from pressurized a reas to be sustain ed C arry out maint enan ce in acco rdance with the provisions of AS 1851.5 L evel (a) O UTD OO R AI R IN TAK ES (b) (c) INDIC ATES MAN DATO RY MINIMUM FREQ UENC Y L evel (a) C heck t hat the fans of all airpressurizatio n system s start under a utomatic act ivat ion w hen— (i) t he building fire ala rm is a ctua ted by the auto mati c fire sprinkle r system of the building, or by an y smoke or the rmal alar m group forming pa rt of t he building auto mati c fire detec tion system; (ii) a ny rec ycle -air sens or group, or a ny supply-air sensor group is ac tuat ed; a nd (iii) a ny rec ycle -air sens or group and a ny supply-air sensor group are a ctua ted W ith all air-pressurizat ion and other system s, requi red to opera te in the fire mode, opera ting simulta neously, measu re an d recor d for eac h airpressurizatio n system — (i) t he a vera ge flowra te t hrough a sele cted open door, w hen t he doors l eadi ng from ev ery stair way t o two sele cted succe ssive storeys a nd the main dischar ge doors a re fully open simultan eously; N OTE: In order to asse ss (b) t he performance of the syste m, it i s recom mended t hat the sam e door and the same meas uring tec hnique be used eve ry time (ii) t he force required t o open e ach door; (iii) t he t ime take n for c onditions found in Items (i) a nd (ii) above to be resto red afte r opening an d reclo sing up to three doors; an d (iv) t he noise leve l at doorways i dent ifie d as subjec t to the highe st noise le vel, at t he relev ant points of e ntry i nto fire-isolated es cape route s, with the a ssoc iate d door open C heck t hat wh en the smoke sensor group of any a irpressurizatio n system is a utomatic ally act uate d, the a ssoc iate d pressurizat ion fan is shut down N OTE: A ny fan sta rting and stopping che cks under Items (a) a nd (b) above should be carried out in such a ma nner as will a void overhea ting of motors due t o e xces sive ly frequent st arts C heck t hat operat ion of the manua l swit ch provided for fire brigade personnel de-ener gize s fans supplying air t o the pressurized fire-isolat ed esca pe route s R emove any com bustible mater ial from t he vicin ity of t he i ntak es C heck i ntak e louvres for c orrosion and da mage C heck a nd cl ean insect scree ns, repla ce if da mage d L evel R epai r or replac e any item s not capa ble of bei ng ad justed for sat isfactory performance ... SHEET A S 1851.6 Supp Tabulated version of maintenance schedule of A S 1851.6 1997 MAINT EN AN CE OF FIRE PROT EC TION EQUIPMENT PAR T 6: MAN AGEMENT PRO CE DU RE S FOR MAINT AINING THE FIRE AN... SHEET A S 1851.6 Supp Tabulated version of maintenance schedule of A S 1851.6 1997 MAINT EN AN CE OF FIRE PROT EC TION EQUIPMENT PAR T 6: MAN AGEMEN T PRO CE DU RE S FOR MAINT AINING THE FIRE AN... ulat ion of foreign matt er C heck t hat the heat er sw itch es off upon sw itch ing off the fan C heck opera tion of rflow sensi ng device by simulat ing l oss of airflow C heck opera tion of overt

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Mục lục

    AS 1851.6 Supp1-1997 Maintenance of fire protection equipment - Management procedures for maintaining the fire and smoke control features of air-handling systems-Typical maintenence schedule



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