
Tài liệu Activity 5.1: Risks of Skipping Logical Design docx

Tài liệu Activity 5.1: Risks of Skipping Logical Design docx

... 28 Activity 5. 1: Risks of Skipping Logical Design Exercise 1: Identifying Potential Risks of Not Doing Logical Design ! Identify potential risks of not doing logical design Consider...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

2 334 0


... text content of the document a set of formatting codes the description of the logical structure of a document Click on your answer Formats for electronic documents and images - Types of mark-up: ... a document that is not content Types of Mark-up There are three types of mark-up codes that can be used in an electronic document: Procedural mark-up consists of codes that contain information ... and semantics of a document, usually in a way that can be interpreted by many different software applications Now, let’s have a look at the different characteristics of each kind of mark-up… Formats...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

13 343 0
Lab 5.1.6 Hub and NIC Purchase

Lab 5.1.6 Hub and NIC Purchase

... features or factors that were compared, such as number of ports, features, price, performance, and so on 2-2 CCNA 1: Networking Basics v 3.0 - Lab 5. 1 .6 Copyright  2003, Cisco Systems, Inc ... Step Compile one page summary of the results Use Microsoft Excel, Word, or any comparable products to compile a one page summary of the results A comparison table should show...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:15

2 357 0
E 6 Unit 5 - 1

E 6 Unit 5 - 1

... activities I Lead- in: - Leads in the lesson by the - Listen to her answers of the student + You get up at + You have breakfast at 11 .30 -Today, we will continue with some activities in a day - Introduces ... understanding of the new words: “ slap the board” III While - Practice -Plays the tape A1 and asks the Ss to repeat - Directs the Ss to practise speaking the model sentences in pairs - Reminds the Ss of ... repeat - Directs the Ss to practise speaking the model sentences in pairs - Reminds the Ss of the 15 ms structures: + what you do… ? + I / we / they + V + what does Ba / she do? + he / she + Vs/es...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 20:11

3 320 0
Tài liệu Activity 6.1: Risks of Skipping Physical Design ppt

Tài liệu Activity 6.1: Risks of Skipping Physical Design ppt

... 40 Activity 6. 1: Risks of Skipping Physical Design Exercise 1: Identifying Potential Risks of Not Doing Physical Design ! Identify the risks of skipping the physical design...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

2 332 0


... thought of death, had much ado to persuade myself that he had gone out of his way to meet it The matter passed, however, and my father entered into possession of the estate, and of some 14 ,000 ... in America Some of them were of the war time and showed that he had done his duty well and had borne the repute of a brave soldier Others were of a date during the reconstruction of the Southern ... which was full of forebodings "On the third day after the coming of the letter my father went from home to visit an old friend of his, Major Freebody, who is in command of one of the forts upon...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 14:15

13 425 4
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: 2,5-diamino-6-ribitylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5¢-phosphate synthases of fungi and archaea docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: 2,5-diamino-6-ribitylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5¢-phosphate synthases of fungi and archaea docx

... JCC 15 1 .6 43.0 39 .1 (2¢) JCP INADEQUATE 13 C-TOCSY 2¢ 2¢,3¢,4¢ ,5 71. 2 40 .5 (1 ,3¢) 1 72.7 41 .6 (2¢,4¢) 71. 7 41 .6 (3¢) 5. 1 5 40.2 (5 ) 65 .0 40 .6 (4¢) 4 .5 4¢ 1 ,3¢,4¢ ,5 1 ,2¢,4¢ ,5 1 ,2¢,3¢ ,5 ... Reznikoff WS, FEBS Journal 2 75 (2008) 4403–4 414 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS W Romisch-Margl et al ¨ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Riley M, Schaecter M & Umbarger HE, eds), pp 65 7– ... 13 C-NMR signals A mixture of [1 -13 C1]-3a and [1 -13 C1]-3b was generated by incubation of a solution containing mM [1 -13 C1]GTP, 10 0 mM Tris ⁄ HCl pH 8.2, 10 mM MgCl2, 10 mM dithiothreitol, 10 %...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 18:20

12 550 0
Tài liệu Improving Fourth Grade Students’ Writing Skills With 6+1 Traits of Writing and Writer’s Workshop ppt

Tài liệu Improving Fourth Grade Students’ Writing Skills With 6+1 Traits of Writing and Writer’s Workshop ppt

... PER WORD H1 0.09 0 .12 H2 0. 16 0. 15 H3 0 .14 0 .11 H4 0 .11 0.04 H5 0. 05 0.03 H6 0.07 0. 06 M1 0. 16 0. 05 M2 0 .14 0 .10 M3 0.07 0 .14 M4 0.23 0. 05 M5 0.09 0.04 M6 0 .17 0 .18 L1 0.30 0. 16 L2 0 .10 0.09 24 ... Percentage of Descriptive Words Middle A Middle B Middle C Middle D Middle E Middle F Pre-Intervention 1. 80% 13 .50 % 6. 70% 16 . 20% 2 .10 % 2.30% Post-Intervention 8.00% 15 .60 % 15 . 50% 13 .80% 18 .10 % 13 .50 % ... Workshop 6+ 1 Traits of Writing Just the Right Mix 9 10 12 13 METHODS Participants Data Collection Methods of Data Analysis Intervention 14 14 14 14 15 RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSIS 20 CONCLUSIONS 25 FUTURE...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

41 639 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Purification of three aminotransferases from Hydrogenobacter thermophilusTK-6 – novel types of alanine or glycine aminotransferase Enzymes and catalysis pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Purification of three aminotransferases from Hydrogenobacter thermophilusTK-6 – novel types of alanine or glycine aminotransferase Enzymes and catalysis pot

... Superose 63 6 2 45 74 61 2 75 65 31 15 10 12 9 14 5. 4 2 .1 2.9 1. 2 66 0 13 1. 3 0. 26 927 24 3.0 0.3 0 .13 18 11 71 3.7 0.42 0. 36 0. 063 0. 96 19 59 239 0.30 2.7 10 51 79 0.0 71 0 .19 1. 4 5. 0 8.0 19 20 61 248 35 17 1 ... ± 280 ± 240 ± 11 0 ± 11 0 ± 11 ± 13 ± 64 ± 70 ± ND >50 17 ± 18 ± 23 ± 24 ± GGT AT2 GGT GPT PSOT AT3 AGT 0. 05 0.3 0.04 0.2 0.8 0 .1 1.8 0.07 0.3 0 .1 0.08 10 10 10 10 1 a The estimate of the Km value ... (YP_ 010 112 ), Halorhodospira halophila (YP_0 010 017 22), human (NP_87 260 3), Hydrogenivirga sp 12 8 -5- R1 -1 (ZP_0 21 769 74), Hydrogenobaculum sp Y04AAS1 (YP_00 212 1232), Nitrococcus mobilis (ZP_ 011 2 7 65 8),...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 09:20

10 385 0
Báo cáo Y học: Myristyl and palmityl acylation of pI 5.1 carboxylesterase from porcine intestine and liver Tissue and subcellular distribution potx

Báo cáo Y học: Myristyl and palmityl acylation of pI 5.1 carboxylesterase from porcine intestine and liver Tissue and subcellular distribution potx

... Butyrylcholine Activity determination pH F4 F3 F1 8.0 6. 5 8.0 8.0 8.0 10 0 40 42 10 3 15 30 40 74 12 3 60 10 0 27 .5 85 17 0 52 Â 11 14 S Smialowski-Fleter et al (Eur J Biochem 269 ) Ó FEBS 2002 Table N-terminal amino-acid ... supplemented with 5% (v/v) fetal bovine serum, prednisolone (5 lmoláLA1), glucagon (0. 014 lgámLA1), insulin (0. 16 UámLA1), penicillin (200 UámLA1), streptomycin (200 lgámLA1) and 63 lCiámLA1 of [9 ,10 (n)-3H]myristic ... content of PICE molecular forms Fatty acid content Molecular forms N-Terminal sequence Majorc Minord F4 F3 F1 NH2-GQPASPPVVa NH2-GQPASPPVVb Blocked C14:0 ; C 16 : 0 C 16 : 0 C14:0 ; C 16 : 0 C18:0 ; C18 :1 ;...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:21

9 358 0
Hướng dẫn chi tiết sử dụng EViews 5.1 (EViews 6.0 tương tự)

Hướng dẫn chi tiết sử dụng EViews 5.1 (EViews 6.0 tương tự)

... M1 Sample 1 952 Q1 19 96Q4 Observations 18 0 30 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std Dev Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Probability 20 10 200 400 60 0 800 10 00 4 45. 0 064 298.3990 12 19.420 1 26. 53 70 344.83 15 ... mối quan hệ biến đồ thị CHƯƠNG 2: HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG EVIEWS 12 16 0 0 2000 12 00 15 0 0 800 10 00 400 50 0 55 60 65 70 75 GDP 80 85 90 95 M1 • Thống kê mô tả Ta đồng thời tạo bảng thống kê mô tả nhiều ... biến số 11 Hướng dẫn sử dụng Eviews 5. 1 Phùng Thanh Bình Kernel Density (Epanechnikov, h = 242 .53 ) 0020 00 16 0 012 0008 0004 0000 200 400 60 0 800 10 00 12 00 14 00 M1 Trình bày liệu nhóm biến1 • Mở...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 13:49

42 621 7
Bashardoust Tajali et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:1 pdf

Bashardoust Tajali et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:1 pdf

... E 18 80 ± 10 80 * C 13 40 ± 54 0 * N/A E 16 3 0 ± 10 20 * E 1 750 ± 1 060 ** C 11 90 ± 57 0 ** C 2330 ± 1 050 ** Joules/day N/A N/A E 2480 ± 11 40* C 15 1 0 ± 820 * C 2000 ± 68 0 * N/A N/A E 11 10 ± 65 0 * E 67 0 ... Control group Effect Size PEDro /10 Jadad /5 QATRS/20 a) 16 3 0 (10 20) 13 40 (54 0) (1) 0. 36 12 a) 11 20 (900) 11 90 (57 0) (2) -0.09 b) 11 10 ( 65 0) 15 1 0 (820) (1) -0.30 b) 67 0 (68 0) 10 20 (890) (2) -0.40 Luger ... (Mid portion) 25 25 74.4 (43 .1) 46. 5 (20.2) (1) 0.82 17 Tajali et al Tibia (4 cm below tibial tubercle) 30 30 36. 82 (7.42) 27.79 (6. 14 ) (2) 1. 34 15 Teng et al Radius 16 * N/A N/A – 13 * samples...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

10 478 0
Cách kết nối Loa 5.1 (6-Chanel) docx

Cách kết nối Loa 5.1 (6-Chanel) docx

... mua Mainboard hỗ trợ cổng Rear out, Center/subwoofer out bạn nên mua hẳn Card Sound rời hỗ trợ 6- chanel Máy tính hỗ trợ 8-chanel (định dạng 7 .1) có cổng cắm khác loa (Middle speakers) (cắm thường ... hệ thống loa 6- chanel, trình bày có cách cắm dây: - Cách 1:    Front cable (Xanh lá) cắm Jack vào cổng Line Out Rear cable (Xanh dương đen) cắm Jack vào cổng Line In Center/Subwoofer cable (Cam ... màu xanh) Center/Subwoofer cable (Cam vàng hồng) cắm Jack vào cổng Center/subwoofer out (màu cam vàng) Sau thực tất kết nối vật lý, bạn vào cấu hình máy PC bạn để sử dụng âm 6- cahnel Điều thực cách...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 21:20

14 513 0
English Language Proficiency Tests-Advanced Level''''sarchiveReal Life: Types of Criminals (1) ppt

English Language Proficiency Tests-Advanced Level''''sarchiveReal Life: Types of Criminals (1) ppt

... 18 -years-old and often subject to more lenient laws because of his/her age However, sometimes they are charged as adults depending on the severity of the crimes novice offender orphan tutor 10 .A ... commit this crime more often than women vandal rapist typist screenprinter 4.A is someone who steals money and property from someone else renter violinist officer robber 5. A is someone who steals ... retail shop or store shoplifter tramp hitchhiker practitioner 6. A is someone who inflicts terror onto others and uses various means of intimidation and fear tactics in order to cause or impose...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 11:21

9 334 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The interaction between different types of activated RAW 264.7 cells and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The interaction between different types of activated RAW 264.7 cells and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha" potx

... 2003, 79: 15 9 - 16 7 doi :10 .11 86/ 17 48- 717 X -6- 86 Cite this article as: He et al.: The interaction between different types of activated RAW 264 .7 cells and macrophage inflammatory protein -1 alpha Radiation ... http://www.ro-journal.com/content /6/ 1/ 86 incubation at 37ºC for 60 The reaction was stopped with 800 μL of H2SO4 ( 96% )/H3PO4 ( 85% )/H2O (1/ 3/7, v/v/v) Urea concentration was measured at 55 0 nm after addition of 50 μL of 9% ... 10 at 56 C Arginine hydrolysis to urea was conducted by addition of 50 μL of 0 .5 mol/L L-arginine (pH 9.7) to 50 μL of the activated lysate, followed by He et al Radiation Oncology 2 011 , 6: 86...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20

7 380 0


... following range, %: СаО- 63 66 MgO- 0 .5 SiO2- 22 24 SO3- 0.3 Al2O3- Na2O+K2O- 0.4 Fe2O 3- TiO 2+Cr2O3- 0.2 0 .5 Fig 1. 2 Crystals of alite Fig 1. 3 Crystals of belite 26 Compressive strength, МPа ... Age of hardening, days Fig 1. 4 Rate of cement paste hardening under using cements with different grain sizes: 1

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

19 218 0


... for determination of concrete shrinkage (εshr) Formula ε shr 10 = 0 .12 5W W , Author (5. 12 ) E.Sherbakov W- quantity of water, liters per cubic meter 5W / C (66 7 + C), (5. 13 ) 1+ m W/C – water – ... Age of loading Fig 5 .6 Kinds of time-dependent deformations of concrete at action of continuous loading 96 Some calculating formulas for determination of creep (Cm(28)) of normal-weight concrete ... result of spontaneous formation of growing cracks For description of cement stone and concrete deformation under loading a number of rheological models are offered Fig 5. 1 The idealized chart of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

17 198 0


... the concrete 11 1 The equation of the compensatory factor can be modified as follows: Fk = 10 Vair + 0, 06 C W − 0 .5 C + 10 00 (1 − К c.f ) , (6. 3) where Кc.f – compacting factor of concrete; C, W- ... water freezes at -6, 40C; 0, 15 mm at -14 ,60 C; 0, 06 mm at -18 0C In capillaries less than 0,0 01 mm in diameter water almost does not freeze 1 06 The air voids received by adding in concrete mix an ... decrease of strength of concrete specimens - 25 % instead of % Air content, % Fig .6. 3 Effect of entrained air on frost resistance of concrete: – from laboratory tests (PCA data); – from formula (6. 1) ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

22 307 0
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