4 Control Setting Screen Layout 4 5 User Management Screen 5 6 Segregation Name Settings 7 7 Device/Remote Unit Status Monitoring 8 14 Forced Graphic Display 22 15 High/Low Limit Monitor
Trang 1Building Management System
System Configuration Drawings
and Software Specifications
This document is composed of system configuration drawings and software specifications for savic-net FX
Please select drawings and specifications needed, and organize those for your project requirement
If the specification details differs from that of this manual due to client requirement or specific reasons, please make sure to receive production approval based on factory approved drawings
Contents are subject to change without notice
Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free from inaccuracies and omissions However, if you should find an error or omission, please contact Yamatake Corporation
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries
Adobe® Reader® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries
savic-net FX is a trademark of Yamatake Corporation
©2006 Yamatake Corporation All Rights Reserved
Trang 3Safety Precautions
1 This product shoud be used carefully after going through the Installation Manual and the
Basic User Guide attached to the product
2 As a safety precaution, touching the inside of main unit should be restricted to the
concerned persons alone, after savic-net FX main unit is switched on
3 Operation, maintenance and inspection inside the main unit should be done only by a
trained person Failing to do so might lead to an electric shock
4 Do not remodel savic-net FX Product quality and warranty for safety becomes impossible
Trang 4Approved by
Drawings (Design Details)
Trang 5
Part 1 System Configuration Drawings
Trang 6Customer Name :
Project Name :
Number of Units :
Job Number :
1 System Configuration (Client PC: 1, SCS: 1)
2 System Configuration (Client PC: 1, SCS: 2)
3 System Configuration (Client PC: 1, SCS: 3)
4 System Configuration (Client PC: 2, SCS: 1)
5 System Configuration (Client PC: 2, SCS: 2)
6 System Configuration (Client PC: 2, SCS: 3)
Checked by:
Approved by:
Drawing No Rev No
Drawings (System Configurations)
Trang 7
BACnet IP Network
: Client PCClient PC
: IntercomINT
: System Core ServerSCS
Trang 8
LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
: Client PC Client PC
HDD : Hard Disk Drive
CD-ROM : : CD-ROM Drive
CLP : Color Laser Printer
: Intercom INT
: System Core Server SCS
SMS : System Management Server
DSS : Data Storage Server
BACnet IP Network
Trang 9
LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
: Client PC Client PC
HDD : Hard Disk Drive
CD-ROM : : CD-ROM Drive
CLP : Color Laser Printer
: Intercom INT
: System Core Server SCS
SMS : System Management Server
DSS : Data Storage Server
BACnet IP Network
Trang 10
CD-ROMClient PC 2
: System Core ServerSCS
CD-ROMClient PC 1
BACnet IP Network
Trang 11
CD-ROMClient PC 2
: System Core ServerSCS
CD-ROMClient PC 1
BACnet IP Network
Trang 12
CD-ROM Client PC 2
HDD : Hard Disk Drive
: System Core Server SCS
RS DDC SMS : System Management Server
CD-ROM Client PC 1
BACnet IP Network
Trang 13
Part 2 Software Specifications
Trang 144 Control Setting Screen Layout 4
5 User Management Screen 5
6 Segregation Name Settings 7
7 Device/Remote Unit Status Monitoring 8
14 Forced Graphic Display 22
15 High/Low Limit Monitoring of Measured Value 23
16 Deviation Monitoring of Measured Value 25
17 Multi-windows/Scroll 27
21 List of Points in "Alarm" 31
22 List of Points in "Run" 32
23 List of Points in "Stop" 33
24 List of Points in "Maintenance" 34
25 List of Points in "Trouble" 35
28 Point Operation Screen Display 39
31 Infilex (IP Type) Point List Screen Display 44
40 Seasonal Changeover Control 56
41 Setpoint Schedule Control 57
42 Optimum Start/Stop Control 58
43 Chiller Optimum Start/Stop Control 60
45 Process during Power Failure/Generator Power Supply/Power Restoration
47 Generator Load Distribution Control 66
49 Power Demand History Display (Reference) 71
50 Power Factor Improvement Control (Reference) 72
52 Runtime/On-Off Cycle Count Totalization 74
53 Runtime Monitoring/On-Off Counting 75
60 Overtime Running Management 91
Checked by:
Approved by:
Drawing No Rev No
Drawings (Software Specifications)
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Screen configuration of this system is set as a hierarchical configuration (Hierarchical structure)
Hierarchical screen transition is given as shown below Screen transition settings from graphic to control screens, etc are possible
TITLE savic-net FX
Screen Hierarchy Functional Specifications
- Up to two screen of each one can be displayed If Graphic forced display is included it is possible to
display up to three screens
- The basic screen closes by logging out
Remote Unit, Data Point (Point) list screen
Device monitoringscreen
System Configuration Equipment status list screen
Data Point (Point) Operation screen
Schedule system Screen
Equipment Management screen
Tenant Management screen
Fire control/Power failure control screen
Calendar/Time program screen
General program screen
HVAC control system screen
Electric Power Control system
System Menu
User settings screen
Management settings screen
System information
System operation Screen
User Menu
User operation Registration screen
Monitoring menu
List of Points in Maintenance/
Alarm status system screen
Alarm Dashboard screen
Historical Data Management screen
Report/User Data processing screen Login Login page
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(2) Basic Operation Patterns
1) Open Monitoring screen
Start Microsoft® Internet Explorer to display the monitoring screen
Select URL and click the [Start] button Then, the Password Input screen appears
Enter the user name and password then click [OK]
2) Select screen
In every function, hierarchical screen configuration is set Screen selection is done
by selecting the desired menu
3) Select item and operate/change settings
By selecting the desired item with the mouse, operation/settings change is
possible on the screen Operation/settings change can be done either by selecting
input option with the mouse or by entering an input with the keyboard
4) Select with the mouse
The cursor on the screen moves as the mouse is moved Point the cursor to the
item you want to select and click the left button of the mouse once
(Click: Press the button with a finger and then release it.)
5) Input with the keyboard
Enter alphanumeric characters by using the keyboard
<Select screen>
Select the system menu, and then select the desired screen from the displayed dialog box
<Display targeted screen>
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Basic Screen Layout
The basic screen contains the screen display areas in which screens and dialog boxes*1
are displayed
Each display area of the basic screen is described below
Display Area Display Details
It has function buttons to perform common operations irrespective of the screen being displayed
Monitoring Displays the function menu related to monitoring of Group List,
Graphic, various lists, etc in a dialog box
Displays each screen based on the selection of menu displayed
Management Displays the function menu*2 related to building management
such as Alarm Dashboard and Historical Data Management in a dialog box
Displays each screen based on the selection of menu displayed
Control Displays the function menu*2 related to various control
programs such as Schedule Control, HVAC Control, and Electric Power Control in a dialog box
Displays each screen based on the selection of menu displayed
System Displays the function menu*2
related to system management such as User Settings and Historical Data Settings in a dialog box
Displays each screen based on the selection of menu displayed
(1) System menu bar
display area
User Menu Displays frequently used function menu*2
Each user can be registered a desired function menu individually
(2) New Alarm display
When an alarm occurs, displays the latest alarm here
Double-click opens Alarm Dashboard
System Time Displays current year, month, date, day of the week, and time
Displays sound status of the buzzer When an alarm occurs and the buzzer is sounding, "MUTE" indicator lights on The buzzer stops when this button is selected and the display changes to
"BUZZER" and the buzzer indicator goes out
(3) System Indicator
display area
Indicator Displays system information necessary to the user like
Active/Inactive of "Alarm", "Alarm unacknowledged by the user"
and "Maintenance registration point"
Displays the relevant screen when the indicator is clicked
(4) Login User Name
display area
Select during login and logout User name and "Logout" appear during login When logging out and then closing, Microsoft® Internet Explorer closes and monitoring is complete
(5) Screen display area Displays Graph screen, List screen and various program screens
(6) System Message
display area
Displays the operation status of the system for screen display operation
*1 Dialog box is a small window that appears when the operator is requested to perform operation or set a
(5) Screen display area
(6) System Message display area
(2) New Alarm display area
(1) System menu bar display area
(3) System Indicator display area
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Control Setting Screen Layout
All the control setting screens have a common screen layout The screen is divided
function wise as shown below
Display Area Display Details
(1) Title bar Displays the screen name
(2) Select Program button Displays the Select Program dialog box
(3) Program Name display area Displays the program name And, on clicking the [Set] button, the Name
Change dialog box will be displayed
(4) Tab setting area Changes over the main display area according to the tab selection
(5) Main display area Displays screens for each function
<Screen example>
(1) Title bar(2) Program selection button
(4) Tab setting area
(5) Main display area(3) Program Name display area
TITLE savic-net FX
Control Setting Screen Layout Functional Specifications
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Before performing monitoring/operation, it is necessary to get the user authentication
(login) by accessing through Web browser (Microsoft® Internet Explorer) There are
the following 2 methods to log in
- Display the login screen and get the user authentication by entering the registered
user ID and password
- To get the user authentication (login) by accessing through the client PC in which a
registered IP address is already set In this case, you can omit entering the user ID
and password
In the User Management screen, it is possible to set the access rights (Display
possible/not possible, operation possible/not possible) for each function screen and
the point operation level (Display possible/not possible, operation possible/not
possible), etc according to user ID
(2) Specifications
User ID registration Maximum 200
User ID authentication type There are 2 methods in user authentication
The user is called "Normal user" or "IP address user", with respect to the method the user is authenticated with
Normal user User authentication can be performed by entering user ID and password
IP address user User authentication can be performed by accessing through the client PC in
which the IP address is already registered User ID is determined by the client
PC accessed
It is possible to set a maximum of 4 client PCs for 1 user ID
User ID Set within 36 numeric characters
User name Set within 50 characters
Password Set within 36 alphanumeric characters
User can change the password anytime
Screen access rights setting It is possible to set user-wise display (Possible/Not possible) and operation
(Possible/Not possible) for each function screen
Settings for segregation The following settings are possible for every user ID and segregation For
details refer to "Segregation Name Settings, Functional Specifications"
Operation level It is possible to set point information display (Possible/Not possible), graphic
display [Possible/Not possible] and operation for point [Possible/Not possible]
for corresponding segregation
Alarm For every alarm level, it is possible to set whether to change the New Alarm
display and the indicator blinking way (blinks or does not blink) at the time of alarm occurrence in the corresponding segregation
Buzzer For every alarm level, it is possible to set the buzzer sound at the time of alarm
occurrence in the corresponding segregation It is also possible to set the buzzer in silence mode for every alarm level
(3) Screen display
User Management screen Displays the registered user ID/Status (Valid/Invalid) as a list
User Settings dialog box Set user ID/User name/Status (Valid/Invalid)
It is possible to login by validating new user ID settings and login through it After logging in with the user ID, password settings can be done by the respective users
Segregation and Access Rights Settings screen
Perform access rights settings and segregation settings for every screen
IP Address User Settings screen
It is possible to set maximum of 4 IP addresses which enable login as the selected user ID
<Screen example>
TITLE savic-net FX
User Management Screen (1/2) Functional Specifications
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It is possible to restrict the graphic*1 and the points to be monitored/operated for every
user ID In other words, restriction is possible by dividing the points and graphic up to
32 segregations and by performing the following settings for each segregation as per
respective user IDs according to the requirements
- Display of point status and graphic "Possible/Not possible"
- Operation of the point and graphic "Possible/Not possible"
- Alarm notification "Notify/Do not notify"
- Buzzer "Sound/Do not sound" when an alarm occurs
Settings of every user ID is possible by displaying the Segregation and Access Rights
Settings dialog box*2 from the User Management screen
*1 Displays only the optional function(s) selected by the customer
*2 Refer to "User Management screen, Functional Specifications"
(2) Specifications
Segregation 32
Segregation name Maximum 30 characters
Targeted segregation division Point, Fire alarm, Power Failure alarm, Power Demand alarm, Equipment
(3) Screen display
Segregation Name Setup
Displays the set segregation names as a list
Name change is possible by clicking the [Set] button
<Screen example>
TITLE savic-net FX
Segregation Name Settings Functional Specifications
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Based on the device/remote unit status monitoring function, the status of device,
remote unit, and sub remote unit is constantly monitored Whenever a trouble is found,
and alarm is notified with the buzzer sound, etc
Current status can be verified with the Device Monitoring screen, Remote Unit Status
Monitoring screen, and Sub Remote Unit Status Monitoring screen
(2) Specifications
Monitoring Object
Type of Unit Relevant Controller (Abbreviation)
Device Data Storage Server (DSS)
System Core Server (SCS) Infilex AHU Controller (Infilex AC) Infilex General purposed Controller (Infilex GC) Intelligent Digital Control (IDC)
Infilex General purposed DGP (Infilex GD) Intelligent Data Gathering Panel (IDGP) Infilex Zone Master (Infilex ZM) Building Multi-Room AC System Interface (BMIF), Lighting interface (RUL)
Remote Unit
Data Gathering Panel Interface (DIF) Infilex FCU Controller (Infilex FC) Intelligent FCU Controller (IFC) Infilex VAV Controller (Infilex VC) Intelligent VAV Controller (IVC) Sub Remote Unit
Neo Terminal
* Configuration of remote unit and sub remote unit may vary with buildings
(3) Screen display
Device Monitoring screen Displays Device ID/Device name/Status/Fire status/Power failure
status/Equipment status/Point information as a list
Device Details screen Device ID: Instance No of device identifier
Device name: Name allotted in device Vendor name: Name of the vendor (maker) who manufactures
the device Fire status: Fire status of the device (Normal/Fire/Waiting for
fire alarm cancellation) Power failure status: Power failure status of the device (Normal/Power
failure/Waiting for power restoration command) Alarm: Presence of alarm occurrence in point Trouble: Trouble present in point
Register maintenance: Presence of data point being registered for
maintenance Equipment alarm: Normal/Abnormal of remote unit/sub remote unit
managed by the device Remote Unit Status Monitoring
Client PC Data Storage
System Management Server
System Core Server
System Core Server
Sub Remote Units
Line No 1 Line No 2 Line No 3 Line No 4
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For all the points, it is possible to register them as the maintenance-registered points
during their periodical inspection/maintenance
This point is removed from control and schedule targets, and, even when an alarm
occurs in that point, it is not treated as alarm
When the maintenance-registered point exists, the Under maintenance indicator of
the system indicator display area lights in red
While verifying the points list under maintenance, it is possible to perform
maintenance-registration cancellation in the list screen
(2) Specifications
Target data point All points
Registration method With the Point Operation screen of the point to be registered displayed, click
the [Maintenance changeover] button, select [Register], and then click the [Enter] button
Cancel method With the Point Operation screen of the point to be deleted displayed, click the
[Maintenance changeover] button, select [Delete], and then click the [Enter]
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Alarm notification is the function to notify the alarm that occurs in savic-net FX
system to the PC or mobile terminal of building administrator through E-mail or Short
Message Service Alarm notification supports alarm confirmation operation in places
far away from the client PC
System administrator is able to set send mail address (up to 4 addresses), time slot,
(always/specify), alarm type (alarm/recovered), and alarm level
(Low/Middle/High/Urgent) per each registered user And also set notification format
(for PC mailer /for mobile mailer), and point guidance URL per each mail address
(2) Specifications
1) Common Items for System
Supported mail server Provide the mail server*1 that supports SMTP protocol
Any address can be set as transmission source of alarm E-mail
DNS server Used/not used can be set
* When DNS server is used, DNS server IP address and mail server domain setup is required
Alarms for notificaion Any address can be set as transmission source of alarm E-mail
Notification details Notified items are selected from the below items based on the notification format (refer
to (3) notification format)
• Date, Alarm/Alarm Recovered:
• Alarm Level: low/middle/high/urgent
• Point ID
• Point Name
• Alarm: normal/abnormal
• Status: current value (with unit)/current status (BI/BV/BO)/trouble
• Point Guidance URL*2
* Separate the network between BMS system, mail server, and DNS server through router
*1 Mail server and DNS server or receiving e-mail software are not included in our system
*2 Only displays optional functions selected by customer
2) Settings and Operations per User
Send Mail Address Up to 4 addresses per a user
Specify auto notification time slot
Set auto notification time slot when alarm occurred (always notify/notify on specified time slot) Auto notification
confirmation E-mail
Set whether send the mail to notify start or end of auto notification
Communication confirmation setting
3) Setting Items per Send Mail Address
Notification Format Selectable from 2 types for PC mailers, 3 types for Mobile mailers
Point Guidance URL output
Settable whether notify the point guidance URL*2 set for alarm points
4) Notification Action/Error Action
Normal operation of mail server
Alarm E-mail is sent when alarm occurs and, if set, when alarm recovers
In case of mail server error
In case of any trouble in mail server, “Mail Server Error” is displayed and recorded in Alarm Dashboard
In case of mail server recovered
After the trouble in mail server is recovered, “Mail Server Recovered” is displayed and recorded in Alarm Dashboard
In case of frequent Alarms
To protect mail server, when stand by e-mails exceeds the maximum (100) due to the frequent alarms, delete accumulated e-mails, then record the occurrence of frequent alarms and deletion of accumulated e-mails
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (1/4) Functional Specifications
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Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (2/4)
(3) Notification Format (Alarm notification e-mail)
1) PC mailer 1
Subject: Alarm level, Date, Alarm status High 2006/02/26 12:47 Alarm
Point Guidance URL:
Date and Time: 2006/02/26 12:47 Alarm Alarm Priority: High
Point ID: 0000001.BI.0000021 Point Name: Building A 5th floor room temperature Alarm: Abnormal
Status: 50°C (AI/TT) Point Guidance URL: http://xxxxxx/html
2) PC mailer 2
Subject: Alarm level, Date, Alarm status High 2006/02/26 12:47 Alarm
Point ID Point Name Date, Alarm/Alarm Recovered:
Alarm Level:
Point Guidance URL:
Point ID: 0000001.BI.0000021 Point Name: Building A 5th floor room temperature Date and Time: 2006/02/26 12:47 Alarm Alarm Priority: High
Alarm: Abnormal Status: 50°C (AI/TT) Point Guidance URL: http://xxxxxx/html
3) Mobile mailer 1
Subject: Alarm level, Date, Alarm status High Alarm
Point Guidance URL:
Date and Time: 2006/02/26 12:47 Alarm Alarm Level: High
Point ID: 0000001.BI.0000021 Point Name: Building A 5th floor room temperature Alarm: Abnormal
Status: 50°C (AI/TT) Point Guidance URL: http://xxxxxx/html
4) Mobile mailer 2
Subject: Alarm level, Alarm status High Alarm Message
Point ID Point Name Date and Time, Alarm/Alarm Recovered:
Alarm Level:
Point Guidance URL:
Point ID: 0000001.BI.0000021 Point Name: Building A 5th floor room temperature Date and Time: 2006/02/26 12:47 Alarm Alarm Priority: High
Alarm: Abnormal Status: 50°C (AI/TT) Point Guidance URL: http://xxxxxx/html
5) Mobile mailer 3
Subject: Alarm level, Alarm status High Alarm Message
Point ID Point Name Date and Time:
Point Guidance URL:
Point ID: 0000001.BI.0000021 Point Name: Building A 5th floor room temperature Date and Time: 2006/02/26 12:47
Alarm: Abnormal Status: 50°C (AI/TT) Point Guidance URL: http://xxxxxx/html
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (2/4) Functional Specifications
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (1/4) Functional Specifications
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Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (3/4)
(4) Notification Format (Miscs.)
1) Auto notification start
2) Auto notification complete
<Screen example>
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (3/4) Functional Specifications
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (1/4) Functional Specifications
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Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (4/4)
(5) Components required to construct the alarm notification system
To construct the Alarm Notification system, some components has to be provided by
customer except those to be provided by Yamatake such as, SMS, SCS, and DSS
Switching Hub
DSS*1 SMS*2 Router
E-mail Server
E-mail - SMS Alert Gateway
Scope of Yamatake work
Customer provides the rest of all
*1 DSS: Data Storage Server
*2 SMS: System Management Server
*3 SCS: System Core Server
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Notification via E-mail/Short Message Service (4/4) Functional Specifications
Switching Hub DSS SMS Router
E-mail Server (Built-in E-mail-SMS Alert Gateway)
GSM Modem
Scope of Yamatake work
Customer provides the rest of all
Short Message Service
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The equipment, measured value, etc to be monitored or controlled are called as
"point" It is necessary to specify the object type to the point
With this specification, it becomes possible to notify the status change and also to set
ON/OFF ON/OFF + Status display + Status mismatch monitoring (Two-position control)
BV (Binary Value):
ON/OFF, Status, Alarm status
ON/OFF Schedule change Runtime/count resetting Point attribute information setting
MO (Multi-state Output):
ON/OFF, Status mismatch
ON/OFF + Status display + Auto run changeover + Status mismatch monitoring (Two-position control) High speed/Low speed/"ON/OFF"
changeover + Status display + Status mismatch monitoring (Three-position control)
BI (Binary Input):
Status, Alarm status
Status display Alarm monitoring
Runtime/count resetting Point attribute information settings
Targeted value settings
Targeted value point
Accumulated totalized value Resetting of accumulated
totalized value Point attribute information settings
* Status mismatch monitoring includes 2 types of monitoring, namely "COS Monitoring" and "ON/OFF
Timeout Monitoring"
2) Point ID of point:
Displayed with device instance No., object type, object instance No
- Device instance no (7 characters: Decimal notation)
- Object type (2 characters: AI/AO/AV/BI/BO/BV/MI/MO/MV/TT)
- Object instance No (7 characters: Decimal notation Add 0 when less than 7 digits.)
3001.AI.0000001 3001.BI.0000001
TITLE savic-net FX
Point Data Process (1/2) Functional Specifications
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Point Data Process (2/2)
4) Point attribute information
The specific information for every point is as follows
Point ID Number set to identify the point
Device instance No (7 characters), Object type (2 characters), Object instance No (7 characters)
Manages display, operation, and storing
Point name Pont name It is possible to change it individually
Maximum 45 characters Display symbol Digital object: Character string that indicates the status (e.g ON/OFF)
Analog object: Engineering unit (e.g °C) Alarm level Selects the priority level when the alarm occurs (Alarm level: 4 types)
Alarm acknowledgement
Specifies whether Alarm Dashboard needs to record alarm acknowledgement
or not, when the unacknowledged alarm is verified
Registration destination
graphic/Forced display level
Selects the graphic ID to be automatically displayed forcibly at the time of alarm occurrence, and its priority order (Display level: 4 types)
Guidance ID/Forced Guidance
Specifies the point guidance ID No to which detailed information (e.g
Process method and contact address during alarming) relevant to point is registered Also specifies whether to display the guidance forced or not at the time of alarm occurrence
Alarm Voice Message ID* Specifies the alarm voice message No when voice notification is used instead
of buzzer, at the time of alarm occurrence
Segregation* Specifies the segregation (1 to 32) for the point
Determine the way how to display on the LCD and to operate the buzzer, for every segregation (1 to 32) set here,
Status change record Specifies whether Alarm Dashboard needs to record the status change or not
Operation record Specifies whether Alarm Dashboard needs to record ON/OFF operation and
settings-change operation result or not
Operation confirmation
message ID*
Specifies the Confirmation Message ID No displayed in the dialog box during ON/OFF operation/settings change operation
Physical address Displays the physical position of the remote unit
Device No., Line No., Controller No., Sub Controller No., Point No
Power rating Specifies the power rating of point
* Displays only the optional function(s) selected by the customer
TITLE savic-net FX
Point Data Process (2/2) Functional Specifications
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All the points are regularly monitored It is possible for the user to monitor the status of
all points by using the monitoring screen after starting and logging in the web browser
(Microsoft® Internet Explorer) installed in the client PC
(2) Screen display
Graphic screen * Displays the point status on the graphic (plan type) of section view, floor plan, and
schematic diagram etc (Refer to "Graphic, Functional Specifications" for details) Point status update is performed in 60 seconds cycle for measured point/totalization point For command point, status point, alarm point, and setpoint, it is performed whenever the status changes
It is possible to display the Point Operation dialog box by clicking dynamic element
Here, point operation and various settings for point are possible
Group List screen Displays point status for every point group ID in list format (For details refer to "Group
List, Functional Specifications".) Point status update is performed in 60 seconds cycle for measured point/totalization point For command point, status point, alarm point, and setpoint, it is performed whenever the status changes
It is possible to display the Point Operation dialog box, Point Guidance* and graphic by clicking the [Select] button
It is possible to operate multiple points, command (Command point), settings (Setpoint),
as a batch by selecting the batch setting tab
* Displays only the optional function(s) selected by the customer
<Screen example>
TITLE savic-net FX
Status Monitoring Functional Specifications
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When an alarm occurs in logged-in status, the alarm is notified by the buzzer sound,
updated New Alarm display, and indicator blinking based on the alarm Also, alarm
occurrence and recovery will be recorded in Alarm Dashboard* irrespective of login
Indicator display: The system indicator blinks, based on the alarm
occurred It is possible to display the related screen by clicking the Indicator
Alarm Dashboard*: Records alarm occurrence
It is possible to search the alarms with the date and time Comment can be added for individual alarms It is also possible to display the related graphic* and Point Guidance*
Forced Graphic display*: It is possible to display the specified graphic when
an alarm occurs in the point (For details, refer to
"Forced Graphic Display, Functional Specifications")
Forced Guidance display*: It is possible to display the Point Guidance
previously set when an alarm occurs in the point
(For details, refer to "Point Guidance, Functional Specifications")
Alarm Voice message*: It is possible to notify the alarm voice message
instead of buzzer sound, that is previously registered in the point being alarming (For details, refer to "Alarm Voice message, Functional Specifications")
Alarm acknowledgement When alarm without carrying out the verification operation exists, the
Unacknowledged alarm indicator blinks in the system Indicator display area
It is possible to verify the alarms individually or all the alarms in the screen as
a batch in Alarm Dashboard (For details, refer to "Alarm Dashboard Display/Print, Functional Specifications")
(2/2) Operation when alarm is
Alarm Indicator display: Turns off if there is no alarm
Alarm Dashboard: Alarm recovered display/record Alarm level It is possible to specify 4 levels (Urgent/High/Middle/Low) for each alarm-
monitoring targeted point
Indicator display Alarm: Blinks when alarm input, command mismatch,
measured value high/low limit alarm occurs in the point
Trouble: Blinks when trouble occurs in the point Equipment alarm: Blinks when equipment alarm occurs
Unacknowledged alarm: Blinks when there is an alarm in which
confirmation operation is not carried out
(3) Screen display
Points in “Alarm” screen* Displays the list of points in alarm (Refer to "List of Points in Alarm Status,
Functional Specifications" for details)
It will be displayed when the alarm indicator of the system indicator display area is selected
Device Monitoring Displays the list of Device ID, Device Name, Status (communication status
normal/abnormal), Fire status, Power failure status, and Point status
It will be displayed when the equipment alarm indicator of the system indicator display area is selected
Points in “Trouble” * Displays the list of points in trouble status
It will be displayed when the trouble-occurring indicator of the system indicator display area is selected
* Displays only the optional function(s) selected by the customer
(4) Alarm Dashboard
Alarm record At the time of alarm occurrence, it records and displays the alarming time
(Year/Month/Day/Hour(s)/Minute(s)/Second(s)) and alarming information Alarm recovered record At the time of alarm restoration, it registers and displays the restoration
time (Year/Month/Day/Hour(s)/Minute(s)/Second(s)) and information of alarm restored
Unacknowledged alarm list Displays the list of alarms in which verification operation is not carried out
It will be displayed when the Unacknowledged alarm indicator of the system indicator display area is selected
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Process (1/2) Functional Specifications
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Alarm Voice Message is a message that gives an appropriate voice announcement
when an alarm occurs This function is used to handle the trouble
(2) Specifications
Targeted data point Alarm point
(However, it does not include alarm controls of fire, power failure and generator load, and also system equipment alarm)
Message length 8 seconds
Number of messages 90 types
Message specification method Specifies the message to be used for each Point
Sets the alarm voice message No in the Point Operation screen
Message output method Output from the speaker of the client PC
Alarm voice message Refer to Table 1 on the next page
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Alarm Voice Message (2/2)
1 Power Incoming Transfer Trouble 35 Drainage Water Level Trouble 69 Foam Fire Extinguisher Activated
2 Generator Trouble 36 Recycling Water Tank Level Trouble 70 Halon Fire Extinguisher Activated
3 Battery Trouble 37 Elevated Water Tank Level Trouble 71 Halon Control Panel Door Opened
4 Substation Trouble 38 Rain Water Level Trouble 72 Halon Emission Button Pressed
5 HVAC Facility Trouble 39 Priming Water Tank Level Trouble 73 Halon Gas Emitted
6 Utility Trouble 40 Water Level Trouble 74 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Device Activated
7 Supply/Exhaust Fan Trouble 41 Drainage Pump Trouble 75 Carbon Dioxide Control Panel Door Opened
8 Chiller Plant Facility Trouble 42 Feeding Pump Trouble 76 Carbon Dioxide Emission Button Pressed
10 Fire Extinguishing System Trouble 44 Turbo Chiller Trouble 78 Fire Pump Trouble
11 Security Facility Trouble 45 Absorption Chiller Trouble 79 Makeup Water Equipment Trouble
12 Lighting Facility Trouble 46 Chiller Trouble 80 Emergency Telephone Emergency Transmission
13 Elevator Facility Trouble 47 Primary Pump Trouble 81 Emergency Phone Call
16 Middle Alarm 50 Cooling Tower Trouble 84 Intruder Alert Check the Site immediately
17 High Alarm 51 Thermal Storage Tank Trouble 85 Security System Intruder Alert
21 Under-Voltage 55 Fire Warning Check the Site condition immediately 89 Security System Door Released Alarm
22 Grounding Fault 56 Fire Alarm 90 Security System Break Open Alarm Occurred
24 58 Fire Alarm Fire Alarm Check the Site Condition immediately 92 Controller Trouble
25 AHU Command Failure 59 Gas Leakage
26 AHU Failure 60 Gas Leakage Gas Leakage Check the Site Condition immediately
27 Typical Floor AHU Failure 61 Emergency Gas Shut Off Valve Activated
28 Public Space AHU Failure 62 Fire Door Activated
29 Filter Alarm 63 Fire Shutter Activated
30 Fan-Coil Unit Failure 64 Fire Damper Activated
31 Room Temperature Trouble 65 Smoke Vent Activated
32 Temperature Trouble 66 Smoke Barrier Activated
33 Humidity Trouble 67 Sprinkler Activated
TITLE savic-net FX
Alarm Voice Message (2/2) Functional Specifications
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When a point alarm occurs, previously specified graphic is forcibly displayed As a
result, user can verify the equipment status immediately Graphic to be forcibly
displayed is set for each point
(2) Specifications
Forced Graphic display When a point alarm, trouble and measured value high/low limit alarm occur
Forced graphic display settings Can set 1 graphic for 1 point
The Forced Graphic display level and graphic ID to be forcibly displayed in the Point Operation dialog box are set
Forced graphic display level 0 (Do not display forcibly), 1 (Low priority) to 4 (High priority)
Single graphic is displayed in forced graphic display When multiple alarms occur at the same time, the graphic with high priority alarm is forcibly displayed
(In case of alarms with the same level, priority will be given to the alarm that occurred first.)
Manual graphic display of data
point for which alarm has
It is possible to display the graphic, which is set to the alarm occurred point
as forced graphic display, from the alarm record of Alarm Dashboard*
* Displays only the optional function(s) selected by the customer
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With regards to the measured point, this function generates an alarm or performs
interlock control with the equipment, when the measured value deviates from the
specified range of high/low limit value
Absolute value monitoring is performed to monitor whether the environments targeted
for measurement like cooling temperature are satisfied or not
Every point setting is done in the Point Operation screen
The following diagram shows the timing for the control operation (ON/OFF control by
alarm/alarm recovered and initiate value)
Further, by registering the Interlock point, the alarm output is inhibited when the
interlock point is set to OFF After it is set to ON, alarm judgment will be suspended for
a fixed time
Hunting can be prevented by setting the dead band (0 to 255)
(2) Specifications
Targeted point All measured points
Targeted value Set high/low limit value for initiation and alarm with absolute values
Operation When the measured value exceeds the initiate value range, the operation
according to the registered event program is performed (Registration in event program For details, refer to "Event Program, Functional Specifications")
When the measured value exceeds the high/low limit value range, alarming process is done
Alarm prohibition process When the interlock point is OFF, the alarm output is inhibited by registering
the interlock point
Alarm judgment suspension function
After the interlock point is set to ON, alarm judgment is suspended for a fixed time (0 to 60 minutes: 1 minute unit)
Anti-hunting Set the dead bands from alarming to alarm recovery for high limit value and
low limit value
(0 to 255 (Unit and decimal point are according to the data point settings)) Alarm/Alarm recovered
Notifies high limit alarm, low limit alarm, and alarm recovered
* Settings other than alarm targeted value and dead band cannot be performed for the data point communicated to the third party through BACnet or IEIEJ-P
High limitvalue High limit initiate value
Low limit initiate valueLow limit value
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With regards to the measured point, this function generates an alarm or performs
interlock control with the equipment, when the deviation from the control setpoint
deviates from the specified range of high/low limit value
Deviation monitoring is performed to monitor whether the controllability of the setpoint
targeted for measurement like room temperature is satisfied or not
Every point setting is done in the Point Operation screen
The following diagram shows the timing for the control operation (ON/OFF control by
alarm/alarm recovered and initiate value)
Further, by registering the Interlock point, the alarm output is inhibited when the
interlock point is set to OFF After it is set to ON, alarm judgment will be suspended for
a fixed time
Hunting can be prevented by setting the dead band (0 to 255)
In addition, after changing the setpoint, alarm judgment suspension function is added
for a fixed time
Operation When the measured value exceeds the initiate value range, the operation
according to the registered event program is performed (Registration in event program For details, refer to "Event Program, Functional Specifications")
When the measured value exceeds the high/low limit value range, alarming process is done
Alarm prohibition process When the interlock point is OFF, the alarm output is inhibited by registering
the interlock point
Alarm judgment suspension function
After the interlock point is set to ON, alarm judgment is suspended for a fixed time
After the targeted value settings are changed, alarm judgment is suspended for a fixed time
(0 to 60 minutes: 1 minute unit) Anti-hunting Set the dead bands from alarming to alarm recovery for high limit value and
low limit value
(0 to 255 (Unit and decimal point are according to the data point settings)) Alarm and Alarm recovered
Notifies high limit alarm, low limit alarm, and alarm recovered
* This function cannot be used for the data point communicated to the third party through BACnet or IEIEJ-P
Deviation monitoring
Low Limit Initiate value
High Limit Initiate value High Limit value
Change setting
Dead band
Control OFF Alarm recovered
Control ONSuspension time
T Low Limit value
Control ON
TITLE savic-net FX
Deviation Monitoring of Measured
Value (1/2) Functional Specifications
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