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LESSON PLAN. UNIT NINE: THE POST OFFICE. PART B : SPEAKING(45 minutes). Aims : - Students can take part in acting out a dialogue about using the services of the Post Office. Lexical items: install, registration, Teaching aids : - the picture in the text book, some extra boards, textbook. Procedure : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Warm up: 3’ _ Have you ever gone to the post-office to send a letter ? _ Have you ever used the services of the Post Office? Free answer. * Pre-speaking : 10’ - Explains the new words : - install (v), installation (n) , registration (n) - Encourages the Ss to give English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words. Task 1. _ T asks Sts to close their text books. - T shows a board with the dialogue of Task 1 written on it but in jumbled order. T asks Sts to rearrange the sentences to have a correct dialogue. - T asks some Sts to read the dialogue. _ Ask Sts to answer the question :What service is the customer using in the dialogue? Key: The service the customer using is the fax service. - Take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible. _ Sts close their text books. _ Sts rearrange the sentences to have a correct dialogue. - Pair work. * While speaking : 20’ Task 2 _ T uses a board to give the cues for doing Task 2. A. Good morning. Can / help / you? B. Yes, I / like / have / telephone line/ installed / home . A. Well. Can/ have/ address,/ please ? B. 03 Phan Dang Luu Street. When/ it/ done ? A. installation/ take / week / your registration. B. Well, Can / come /Friday,/ please? / A. Yes, / fine. / you /got /a telephone /yet? B. Oh, yes. /I’ve /one / already And, how much / the installation fee / monthly fee ? A. Well / installation fee / three hundred thousand / the monthly fee /twenty seven thousand /. Fill / this form, /please. - T asks Sts to make a conversation from the suggestion in Task 2. - T asks some pairs of Sts to act out the conversation. - Key: A. Good morning. Can I help you? B. Yes, I’d like to have a telephone line installed at home . A. Well, Can I have your address, please ? B. 03 Phan Dang Luu Street. When can it be done ? A. The installation will take place about one week after your registration. B. Well, Can you come on Friday, please? A. Yes, that’s fine. Have you got a telephone yet? B. Oh, yes. I’ve got one already. And, how much is the installation fee and monthly fee ? A. Well, The installation fee is three hundred thousand dongs and the monthly fee is twenty seven thousand dong. Fill in this form, please. * Post - speaking : 10’ Task 3 - Asks the Ss to use the dialogue in Task 1 to make a new dialogue for the following situation : - Your best friend’s birthday is on May 05. You want to send her / him a greeting card and a bunch of red roses on his / her birthday by using the Flower Telegram Service of the Post Office. Key: A. Excuse me! B. Yes? What can I do for you? A. Could you help me to send a greeting card and a bunch of red roses to my friend on May 05? Group work: - Pair work Group work. B. Certainly. What’s your friend’s address, please? A. It’s 24 Le quang Dinh Street, Binh Thanh District. B. OK. It’ll be sent on that day. A. Thank you. Oh. How much is that? B. It’s six thousand dong. You can see the rates on the table. A. Yeah. I see. Here you are. Thank you. B. You’re welcome. * Homework : 2’ _ Asks Sts to prepare for the next period_ Writing.

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2013, 01:26

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