Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)Ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố cá nhân, tâm lý và marketingmix đến hành vi mua các sản phẩm fastfood thương hiệu nước ngoài của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội, Việt Nam (LA tiến sĩ)
Trang 1
Socialist Republic of Vietnam Republic of Philippines
Date of Birth : 02-12-1976
To having completed this thesis within period of time had had tried my best, the first, I have would like to express our most sincere thanks to the Management Board of the Southern Luzon State University, Thai Nguyen University, teachers of the universities have helped me facilitate the learning process throughout
The second, I have would like to express sincere gratitude and profound Dr
Alice T Valerio, enthusiastic teacher who have dedicated guidance, encouragement,
spending time and exchange orientation for me during this research
The third, I have would like to thank Mr Ngo Anh Cuong (English name: Smile) in this class who helped me to support statistics professional SPSS, thank my best friends who have helped and encouraged me to complete this thesis
Finally, I sincerely thank Management Board of Hanoi community college (HCC), colleagues in HCC, (where I work) helped and left conditions for me to complete the research
I, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen (English name: Tulip), hereby submit my thesis for oral examination, entitled “Influeneces of personality and psycholofy factors and marketing mix on the consumption of foreign fast food brands in Hanoi, Vietnam”, truthfully declare that the said paper is a product of my original research investigation
DBA Candidate
Trang 41 Review of related literature
1.1 Litreratures of personal factor influence on customer’s decision
Purchasing ÍasE:ÍOO0i:isszcosssssngitinetigdtllYSG30000GA155G414E519141391515435308140595 22 1.2 Litreratures of pshychology factor influence on customer’s decision purchasing aS( ÍOOLC - 6 + 111k ST vn TT ngàn ngàn như 24 1.3 Litreratures of marketing-mix factor influence on customer’s purchasing TANÍ TÔ :‹xscsccssseinsgbsrngthgstdnekdlntitrcDskobspEEESESA14Đ4413i3800296905105630056988.0i130006Đ3886//58400043138 28
5, Research inSITHTTETESGssssissxssx00350015006050048515 0311S90SSRXEIASROSEEOESSEISEL433xEORof 45
1 Scale value test
2 Hypothesis test
2.1 To identify some variables of demographic characteristics (personal) to be relative with some variables of psychology factors that encourage consumers’ decision buying fast-food in restaurants (H1 — Objective No l) 50
Trang 52.2 To describe some variables of demographic characteristics (personal) to
be relative with some variables of marketing-mix influencing consumers’ purchasing fast-food (H2 — Objective No 2) cccceeseeseessseeeseeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 58
2.3 To describe the relationship some variables of psychology factors with
marketing-mix influencing consumers’ purchasing fast-food ( H3 — Objective
2.4 To describe some variables of marketing-mix influencing directively on consumer’s decision to purchase fast food (H4 — Objective No4)
4, RECOMMENG AU ON gus sesvorssarscsvasssseomsreseeresors enemas arene masse 86
The fast food outlets continuous development with brands like Lotteria, KFC,
BBQ, Pizza Hut and there are many predictions about the presence of the following
brands such as McDonald's in Vietnam Brand Lotteria — Korean, strength of fried
chicken owning over 60% market share, while 60-70% Lotteria hamburger and the
rest divided among brand pizza, spaghetti No other names less competitive, Jollibee (fast food brand famous Philippines) also recently opened the 20th outlet in Vietnam Fast food and accelerating investment accounts positions "strategy" in the city So far, Lotteria has 50 outlets across the country In addition to capital for investment in strategic positions, they also focus on training human resources management,
business, sales
It is confirmed that the consumption trend in the supermarket, convenience
store, fast food restaurant has created a vibrant and fast growth of the markets in
processed foods and in Vietnam today and future Food supply, food safety quite effectively this will gradually replace the habit of using the street food of the majority
of the urban population However, there are also concerns the use of fast foods will increase the weight as much protein, fat, low-fiber meals in family tradition as both the lack of the same is customary accustomed to fast food restaurants But in modern society, consumer culture, the growing balance of values in life will not be too difficult for everyone
The intense competition among foreign fast food brands in Vietnam economic context recession will make them expand outlets in the locations be goodwill, but high rents in many years
Trang 7What are factors influences on consumer’s behavior purchasing fast food? Are there marketing solutions for brands to reduce losses and improve its not only imagine
but also position?
Objectives: To determine fast food patterns; identify personality, psychology and marketing-mix factors effect on foreign fast food; find out the influence of marketing-
mix on utilizing fast food enterprises in Hanoi, Vietnam
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was taken, using validated questionnaire
to elicit the characteristics of the study population in 4 center districts in Hanoi, Vietnam
In this thesis, Chi-square was most used in the processing of statistical data to determine the relationship between two variables Sometime Kendall’s tau_b was used as tool supporting for test two variables being tightly bound or loose, Gamma was used to support for test two variables being positive or negative (Kendall’s tau_b and Gamma were suitable with ranked questions only) Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test reasonable and logical scale of ranked questions
With 31,8% participants in 4 districts is often use fast food with 2-3
times/month; 33% with at least 4 times/month; 27% with less than 2 times/month and
8,2% 8-12times/month The higher average monthly income, the more female ready
to pay higher amount of money spent on fast food
Female with 250$-350$/month income (32,8% + n= 59) and 350$-500$/month
income (34,0% + n=37) spent $20-$30 for buying fast food per month The most
participants were 30,6% (n=118) to be worried with percentage of fat, the second was nutrient 25,9% (n=100) The most participants worried about overweight (52% +
Trang 8Consumers have known foreign brands fast food in Vietnam: the first rank was
KFC (23,7% + n=94), the second rank was Lotteria (19,4%% + n=77), the third was
BBQ (17,6% + n=70), the fourth was Pizza Hut (14,9 % + n=59), Al Fresco (12,6% +
n=50) ranked fifth, after was Pepperonis (11,4% + n=44)
The first rank reason people bought fast food has been time limitations (26% + n=103), the second rank was taste (23,8% + n=95), the third rank was can’t cook (20,2% + n=81), the fourth rank was convenience (14,0% + n=56) But there was no significant different between 4 ranks in the top first
The first rank item of fast food was fried chicken, the second was pasta and
the third was concluded: drilled chicken, pizza and burger because of having been near about the same percentage
There was not different age period (n=390), not different education level (n=328), not different lifestyle (n=390) with above 30% participants (n=310 about age; n= 301 about education; n=310 about lifestyle) to select “strong agree” with decorated outlets, quality of food and outlets located in streets which factors have influence on buying fast food
There was 91,8% participants to buy fast food coursed of quality fast food improving in future; 80% participants to be influenced by quality service which is improving better in the future; 79,5% participants to be influenced by reducing price
in the future; 71% participants to be influenced by massage media changing
There was relationship between personality and psychology factors:
determined frequency of fast food consumption; their amount of money spent on fast
food per month; their attitudes towards heath
Trang 9There was relationship between personality and marketing-mix factors: determined consumers’ reasons for frequency of fast food consumption; their awareness of foreign brands fast food
There was relationship between personality and marketing-mix factors:
determined consumer’s specific item fast food choices; their positive behavior on quality food and quality service, located outlets, price and adverts
Finally, marketing mix factors (quality, price and message media) influenced
on consumers’ purchasing fast food
Trang 10Table list
Table 1: S/4fisfics on populafion in 4 center đistricts in [Hanoi - «<s«<+ 4I Table 2: Summary of the number of fast food outlets in 4 center districts in Hanoi .43 Table 3: L/kerts Scale with ranÄ€dÏ q€SfÏOII cv SeSsEeseEekekeeereretere 45 Table 4: Layout of the qQH€SfÏÍOHHÏFC 5à St EEEkStESEkkErkskerkrekrerkervre 45 Table 5: Ówer view oƒ common sfqfisfiCAdÏ EF€(fIHI€HIE se S+ + £veereeeeeserse 46 Table 6: Cronbach's Alpha was tested 7 questions in paFf ÏÏÌ ‹ss«<s<<s<+x++ 48 Table 7: Cronbach's Alpha was tested 4 ranked questions in part ÏV 49 Table 8: Demographic variables and frequency 0ƒ ƒast food intaKe - ‹ + 51 Table 9: Personality variables, frequency of fast food intake and money spent on fast food per month
Table 10: Demographic factors and attitude towards heqÏthh - «<«<<s<sx>+ 57 Table 11: Mean of C17_quality of food, C18_quality service, C19_outlets in the ShODDIH IHIÏÏS E111 111k TT TT TH TT HH nh TH HT Hàn 58 Table 12: Both quality of food and service, outlets located and frequency of fast food THẲA ỄktuicnnitdL11112011180138111001161301315E01823031613838013V185581153139X000538501350315180160168485045E5501555010 59 Table 13: Outlets located, rebate period and adverts impacted on awareness of ƒoreign ƒast ƒood brandls H1 VÏ€fHIGIH c5 1E %E*E*ESEEvEEEetEeEeeEereereeeereerrk 63 Table 14: Reasons for buying ƒast food and 2 items oƒpsychology ƒactors 65 Table 15: Demographic (age, education, lifestyle) with decorated fast food outlets and QUALity Of FOO c.eceecsecescesceceseeseesesseseeseeecseeseneseeseeeesecsecaseaesesseeaeseeseeaeeacseeaeeaeeesaeeaeeaseeeaees 71 Table 16: Qualify of fast food relates to qualifty will be improvedl - 73 Table 17: Qualify oƒ service relates to quality service will be improved 74 Table following shows result of test 2 loose or tight variables related with Kendal”II tau_b and 2 positive or negative variables related with Gamma -‹ 75 Table 18: Debate oƒ period relates to price will be redluCedÏ -.- «5s «<s<+++x++ 76
Table 19: Adverts influence on consumers ` purchasing ƒast ƒOod - -5c«<e5<<++ 77
Trang 11Figure list
Figure 1: Factors influence on decision process of consumers DUYING .- 36 Figure 2: Overall Framework: Effects of personality, psychology and marketing-mix on the consumers’ buying behavior in fast ÍOOd 5+ SE kEvEsEEeEeketererekrkrererre 37 Figure 3: Specific Framework: Effects of personality, psychology and marketing-mix on the consumers’ buying behavior in ƒ(4S† ƒOO d 5-5 << << kg 38 Figure 4: Research design
Trang 12Illustration List
Illustration 1: Demographic fators and 4 types of COMMON đỉs€(S€ - «+ <s‹ 56 Illustration 2: Demographic fators and 4 nutrition ingredients in fast food 56 Illustration 3: Relationship between agreed levels from the highest to the lowest level about frequency Of fast JOOd intake tácsaed nai và 06515114 n5 145541151 10033161 655846616301616,148 60 Illustration 4: Foreign brands of fast food ranked in Vi€fHIH1 5-5 <++ 62 Illustration 5: Place and price factors impacted on areweness International brans of fast food in Vietnam rANKed eccceccecccscceccessesceeseesetseeeseesecseenseseeeeeeseceeseeeeeeneesaeeeeseaeeaeeaee 64 IIustration 6: ®easons for buying ƒ@4$f ƒOOđ + + 6-5 S+ + EsE+£eEeEeterereeeerrrerse 66 Illustration 7: Item fast food choices with 3 features of personality factor
(demogrdphiC ƒ(ICÍOIF)) - c- c1 1E 119k vn TH HT TH nh nh ng ng 67 Illustration 8: /f1s ؃ driHk ChỌC€S 5c St 9k về nh ngàn rry 68 Illustration 9: Scale of demogaraphic (age, education, and lifestyle) with decorated outlets, quality food and located oulets in the SÍY€€ÍS -e- 5< 55+ + £++++£eeesrserse 72
According to the Euro monitor 2011 exam has 146 outlets Lotteria, KFC 134
stores, this are the 2 leading foreign brands fast food in Vietnam Tuyen Nguyen, reporter of VietQ.vn, mentioned that: revenue of fast food in Vietnam 2009 year was about 25,000,000$, it was about 43.450.000$ in 2011 year
Less than 10% of Vietnam's population has a habit of using fast food (fast food) - still a modest figure, but with the growth of the economy and increasing
consumer demand for modern life, fast food market Vietnam is really fertile land,
great potential for investors The target customers, who fast food enterprises have aimed, are 17 — 29 years old and family has children Those products have been consumed by pupils and students 78% people with income of 100$ per month have been being used fast food
It can be seen fast-food outlets usually located in city centers, supermarkets, large commercial centers
It is common to encounter familiar images of families shopping, entertainment
and dining at fast food outlets A serving of Coca cola water, a sandwich, fries, salad,
fried chicken with the average price of 10$-20$ to become the favorite of not only children but also parents Or instant coffee in paper cups, cold meat loaf sandwiches
are common dishes in the staff office Simple meals, while maintaining compact
power supply for working days, to help office workers have more time relaxing instead of noisy crowded restaurant popular in the streets
Trang 14Besides the convenience of fast food such as saving time, enough energy, it also became the choice of cuisine menu for a fairly obvious reason: Fast food is a maximum limit poisoning hazard food poisoning
Solutions in fast-food aspects of social life that is growing, the economic potential of many Vietnamese families, especially in big cities allows them to have
the opportunity to choose and satisfy demand personal preference but fret not attempt
to cost more It is not merely a diet guaranteed life that has been raised to the culinary arts and enjoy Therefore, the fast-food outlets are regularly modern, spacious and quite luxurious even
Hanoi has been 17 BBQ outlets (kinhdoanh.vnexpress, 2013), 7 outlets KFC,
16 outlets Lotteria (vuimoingay.com, 2013), 27 outlets Pizza’s Hut (Gafin.com, 2013) Hanoi has been potentional market for international bands of fast food to expand business and other investors in to this place
Vietnam has taken part into international links as the WTO, ASEAN
Businesses have more opportunities to develop production and business Pressure on
as much work as the social development, women in the family does not have much time for cooking from fresh food every day Fast-food is also one of the options of the housewives
Food items imported from abroad into Vietnam as well a lot This is an opportunity to change consumer food habits The young are ready to explore new tastes with new experience
The household median income rather, who lives in the apartment, tends to engage in entertainment venues, shopping malls, supermarkets on the weekend or holiday
Trang 15I assume that there are two main groups of factors affecting consumer’s behavior (personality and psychological) and the fast-food company's business
overseas can use Marketing tools to promote change consumption habits of the
For success of the business goal is to introduce products into existing markets
or new markets, manufactures always are awareness of the important role of understanding factors which influencing on customer’s behavior After that, producers will design Marketing campaign to reach to customer’s aspiration
Consumer behavior is the act of individuals in obtaining and using goods & services Consumer purchases are likely to be influenced by physiological, psychological & sociological factors (Joshi, 1993) Function that links the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information, which used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problem (Kotler, 1994) To catch efficiently competitive market, manufactures have to produce goods based on customer needs
(Tafley, 2004) Factors of awareness, knowledge, education, personality, motivation,
life style influence on customer’s behavior (Kotler, 2004) An organization can continue to survive if it understands a comprehensive consumer needs and demands (Hawkins et al, 2006) Consumers' level of awareness and information towards the studied certification systems is rather low especially for the system of integrated management products (Botonaki, 2006) An organization can deeper understand
customer’s purchasing, provides information about consumer behavior (Nesai, 2009)
Food buying behaviors checked up as part of a “cultural ideology,” that can be
prejudiced by material and social requirements, dependent more on history, routine, disinterest, and an visual sensibility to form consumption patterns (Anand, 2011) Not
Trang 16having fun on occasions like birthdays, results and even get together parties Fast foods taste good to those youngsters, which make them believe that fast food is quick, easy and satisfying as fast food centers had been making “value” meals for children that are increased in portion sizes and becoming a fashion, as customers are not only eating but enjoying the environment Goyal and Singh (2007) have culminated that the young consumers visit fast food channels for fun and change
Cross-cultural and economic cooperation between the countries have made consumers much greater access to new products Fast-food restaurants are more popular because of its price, quick services, convenient, entertainment and promotion that can influence customer’s perceptions The emerging market in Vietnam but fast-food was quick to change their habits and tastes of consumers Besides fast food brand has operated overseas for many years, the fast-food market in Vietnam is quite exciting start with the emergence of fast food brands as well as domestic investors other than preparing to enter the Vietnam market
The rate of growth in consumer expenditures on fast food has led most other segments of the food-away-from home market for much of the last two decades, since
1982 (D Jekanowski, 1999) The United Nations Economic and Social commission for Asia predicted that by 2020 fifty percent of total population would be urban; half
of that population would be from Asia So fast food organization had been taking it as
an opportunity to serve Asian developing countries like Viet Nam that had considered
as an attractive segment of market “Food in a globalized world” has concluded that food is a means of life but it has become meaningful investment for business
(Ragavan, 2003) There are some famous foreign brands, such as: Kentucky Fired Chicken (KFC), MC Donald’s (McD), Subway, Pizza Hut, Get Stuff’s and more
Trang 17The customer’s motivation can be change if they are higher in knowledge,
education, living conditions; sensitive to new social trends marketers should
consider theirs’ customer requests, intakes and buying behaviors (Kotler, 2009) Behavioral and psychosocial factors impact on fast-food restaurants choice (French
SA, 2001)
The more economy develops, the more customer consider carefully about the
health, the hygiene and safety food Physical risk pertains to perceived threats the product poses to the health of the consumer, while psychological risk refers to perceived worries or concerns of the consumer regarding the safety of a product Performance risk relates to the risk associated with the product not reaching
consumer expectations in terms of taste, nutrition or value for money (Mahon D,
2004) But in an unhealthy way, as there is a potential link between fast food intake
and weight gain (Sigman-Grant M, 2003; Maddock J., 2004; Bowman SA, 2004;
Schréder H, 2007) Understanding consumer perception of risk and impact on purchase behavior is a key issue for the mutual benefit of both consumers and food industry (Yeung, 2001)
To meet the consumer’s changed needs, what do manufactures can do? Producers have to find out what the strongest, the deepest factors influence on consumer’s purchasing Agent of the marketing mix system is not only the factors impact on customer, but also is important tool for enterprises perform strategic plan and long-term adjustment to suit the needs of consumers (Kotler, 2009) Influence of
perceived fast-food quality of intrinsic attributes (e.g colour, flavour, smell,
appearance) and extrinsic attributes (e.g brand, denomination of origin, and image of traditional product) on consumer satisfaction, loyalty and purchasing intention
Trang 18condition will encourage consumption about fast-food (Botonaki, 2006) Price serves
as a powerful indicator of quality and leading brands; there is the relationship
between pack size, price and purchasing behavior (Gabor, 1979) Customer will have
motivations in impulse buying behavior, if they are provided hedonic rewards (Hausman, 2000) Labeling and value size pricing at fast-food restaurants can
encourage consumer perspective (O’Dougherty M, 2006) A key factor of consumer
loyalty and buying intention is food protected designation of origin (Espejel, 2008) Consumer’s purchasing fast-food is more influenced by internet advertisement, commercial advertisement and print advertisement (Ahasanul, 2009) Manufactures can use marketing instrument to attractive youth consumption fast-food (L Harris,
2010) Three dimensions (service and delivery dimension, product dimension, and
quality dimension) are identified based on factor affecting the choice of fast food outlets by young consumers (Goyal, A., 2007)
There is a lot of traditional fast-food products present in Hanoi Hanoi consumers focused on taste, they come with fast food is mainly due to good food,
suitable to the taste Fast food market is becoming bloated and filled with fertile, but
the market share of the Vietnamese brand too little The fast-food brand is continuing international penetrate the mass market Viet Nam stores were opened in a short time, the government no longer around Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City which spread to the provinces The two "giants" large fast food industry is available in Viet Nam is KFC and Lotteria just completed the opening of 100th store When commenting on these
figures, representatives of KFC and Lotteria acknowledge "everything seemed faster
than expected." Mr Il Sik Rho, general manager Lotteria Southeast Asia, said in the original plan units only expected 79-80 outlets, the outlet 100th birth before the end of
2011 were very optimistic that the market offices The Lotteria has built in chain
Trang 19outlets across the province from Hai Phong, Hanoi, Da Nang , has been present in many locations in the commercial center, entertainment Price serves as a powerful
indicator of quality and leading brands; there is the relationship between pack size,
price and purchasing behavior (Gabor, 1979) Customer will have motivations in impulse buying behavior, if they are provided hedonic rewards (Hausman, 2000)
Other than feeling "luxury" 10 years ago, to today's youth Vietnam entered a
fast food restaurant like KFC, Lotteria, have become familiar with, not strangers
Getting involved in Vietnam market in 1997 with its first restaurant in the heart of downtown Saigon Super Bowl] Trade Center in Ho Chi Minh City, the current KFC (U.S.) has been present in 19 provinces across countries, with more than 100 outlets fast food at the end of 2011
Under the plan, will open 116 KFC restaurants in Vietnam by the end of 2012 and increase the number of fast food restaurants KFC on the number 200 in 2015
Lotteria, a Korean fast food brand appeared in Vietnam in 2004, and was able
to get 140 fast food restaurants In 2011, Lotteria has had 100 restaurants in Vietnam
for 6 years and did not conceal ambitions raise the number to 200 in the next 5 years
Also in Vietnam early in 1997, currently at Jollibee Foods (Philippines), also
has dozens of restaurants in Vietnam In 2009, Jollibee has 14 restaurants after only 2
years and has ambitions to open more restaurants in Vietnam anymore
Baskin Robbins (U.S.) in Vietnam early in 1994 but then stopped trading due
to import tariffs rising raw material and decided to come back early 2012 In the next
5 years, Baskin Robbins will open 32-50 restaurants in Vietnam
Trang 20Pizza Hut in Vietnam in 2005 and after a period of exploration, they opened
the first restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City in 2007 and as of late 2011, Pizza Hut has 19
restaurants and will not stop that number
Subway also is striving to open 10 restaurants in 2013 BBQ Chicken (South
Korea) in Vietnam in late 2006, now it has 15 restaurants in Hanoi next year and is
expected to open 8-10 restaurants
McDonald's and Burger King (USA) is preparing to Vietnam The number of restaurants will be opened in Vietnam were not disclosed, but Burger King is planning
to open 1| outlet/160.000 the population and if this is true, the Burger King fast food restaurants in Vietnam will be terrible "Our goal is to open as many stores as quickly
as possible," said Elias Diaz Sese, president of Berger King Asia Pacific reply Vietnam newspapers recently
Thus, if briefly, Vietnam will have tens of thousands of fast food restaurants
across the country, mainly in the big cities like Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Hai Phong in the next few years With this density, the prospect of 2015, the Vietnam experience into the streets, fast food is not ambiguous However fast food companies will not easily make their plans in the context of difficult economic and consumer psychology of Vietnam (Nguyen Hung, 2012)
Although if people use much fast food, it will be bad for health, even causing
a directive cause of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular But there is a significant trend
that is easy to recognize the younger generation preferred fast food as a way to show a
new style, youthful and dynamic Whereas in the U.S and other western countries, the
major reason due to use of fast food is convenience when carried away by the public transportations or cars In addition, Vietnam's economy has been in a recession according to the implications of the global economy This makes more difficult for
Trang 21many enterprises, the average income of consumers being declined; consumers will consider cautiously in spending not only for everything in the family but also for food
choices Vietnam consumers’ habits fast food has formed not for long time Why
foreign brands can be confident to investment in expanding more fast food outlets in Vietnam so much (even those investments can loss profit)? The reply is stiff
competition between famous brands to redistribution of share market in Vietnam
The foreign fast food brands can reduce losses and still be profitable to compete, so are there marketing solutions that can help them? To reply for this
question, I want study factors influence on consumer’s behavior, and investigate how
the relatiionship importance of that factors influence on consumer from buying fast- food Can businesses to provide fast-food after the pioneering brand which join in Hanoi potential market through agents of the marketing mix system?
Statement of the problem
I What are relationship between personal factors and psychological factors influence on customer's decision buying fast food?
2 What are relationship between personal factors and marketing-mix factors to influence on consumers’ purchasing fast-food?
3 What are relationship between psychological factors and marketing-mix factors influence on customer’s decision buying fast food?
4 Do some variables of marketing-mix factors influencing on consumer’s decision
to purchase fast food?
Objectives of study
1 To identify some variables of demographic characteristics (personal) to be relative with some variables of psychology factors that encourage consumers’
Trang 222 To describe some variables of demographic characteristics (personal) to be relative with some variables of marketing-mix influencing consumers’ purchasing
Hypotheses of the study
Consumers’ behavior about purchasing fast food is a latent variable It cannot
be measured directly but it can be determined by the following components: personality, psychology, marketing-mix
To serve purposive research, the thesis has given some hypothesis:
H1: To test personality factors relate to psychology factors influence consumers’ behavior purchasing fast food in Hanoi, Vietnam
H1.1: Frequency of fast food (with demographic variables)
H1.2: Money spent fast food per month (with demographic variables, frequency
of fast food intake)
H1.3: Attitude toward health (with demographic variables)
H2: To test psychology factors relate to marketing-mix factors influence consumers’ behavior purchasing fast food in Hanoi, Vietnam
H2.1: Quality food and quality service relate to Frequency of fast food intake H2.2: Awareness of Foreign brands fast food (with price, adverts and located outlets)
H2.3: Reasons for buying fast food (person often come to with and about of money spent per month)
Trang 23H3: To test personality factors relate to marketing-mix factors influence consumers’ behavior purchasing fast food in Hanoi, Vietnam
H3.1: 4 sectors of marketing-mix with demographic variables
H3.2: Items choices with demographic variables
H4: To test Marketing-mix influence directly on purchasing fast food in Hanoi, Vietnam
4.1; Quality of fast food influences on consumers’ purchasing
4.2: Quality service influences on consumers’ purchasing fast food
H4.3: Price of fast food influences on consumers’ purchasing
H4.4; Adverts, massage media influence on consumers’ purchasing fast food This problem research has not previously been investigated in Vietnam, content research includes:
+ The first, beginning with a review of previous studies and related studies (chapter 1)
+ The second, developing a theoretical model for this study (chapter 2)
+ The third, this is closed by an exploratory study conduct generate consumer insight and explore additional factors influence on fast-food consumption; and find out Marketing opportunities for suppliers fast-food in Hanoi
+ Finally, a quantitative survey will be conducted to empirical test and confirm conceptualized model (chapter 4 & 5)
Significance of the study
The research helps managers to implementing marketing plan in effectives
in case fast-food restaurants Managers can use these studies as path to create marketing plan by viewing what target markets to reach, what features and how to
Trang 24instruments are suitable with marketing for Hanoi customers Students or marketing researchers can also receive benefits from this research by viewing the results The
overall purpose of this her knowledge in marketing and her ability to engage in a
- To the researcher: this paper is test of her knowledge in marketing and her ability
to engage in a research work
Scope and delimitation of the study
Due to the nature of this research, a number of delimitations of scope had
to be set for the study This research was delimited to the first, Hanoi consumer (in
4 districts of center), and current 400 female participants, who came in outlets
and supermarkets, shopping malls Although maybe adults and teenagers were potentional customers interested in using fast food, but I selected female housework
in family to interview in this research Because they are consumers to be not only powerful capacity to pay for fast food, but also be convinced to buy or not fast food since healthy
The previous empirical studies on fast-food purchase intention have been
Trang 25conducted in developed countries such as the United States (French SA, 2001; Paeratakul S, 2003; Satia JA, 2004; Schmidt M, 2005; Schréder H, 2007; Beydoun
MA, 2008); Spanish (Sacramento, 2011); South Africa (Van Zyl MK, 2010), British
(Bogue, 2005), Malaysia (Ahasanul Haque, 2011); Taiwan (Chao-Yu Chou, 1999); India (Goyal, A., 2007); Sri Lanka (Senauer, B., 1986); Bhilai (Rayeen, 2009);
Pakistan (Baig, 2012) Nonetheless, no empirical investigations of this topic have
been set in Viet Nam
In United States, most studies focused on factors affecting consumer behavior
in fast-food product: nutritious elements of food, the impact on health knowledge, a space convenient to consumers, habit of using fast-food for the youth Because of these products has appeared a long tradition in developing countries The Middle East researches focus on the trend of consumers fast-food choices are: health
knowledge fascination for eating out, socialization, urbanization, taste for college and university students, convenience for dual-income families (Baig, 2012)
There are a lot of the traditional fast-food meals in the Asian countries
(Malaysia, Taiwan, and India), housewives are cooking at home The traditional fast-
food restaurants of Asia are generally not large-scale investment, is not the industry
of fast food, which is very small shops like family size The brand famous fast food had the opportunity to get into different markets, including the Asian potential market
The Asian researches focus on the most important factors affecting buying behavior international fast-food; the factors in the marketing-mix system to develop
the restaurant chain to famous brand (Chao-Yu Chou, 1999; Ahasanul Haque, 2011)
Because of the convenience of an entertainment space, has preferred innovation is the
Trang 26Although studies have warned about the bad effects of fast-food consumer health
(Schlosser E., 2001; Yeung, 2001; Sigman-Grant M, 2003; Jonge, 2004; Bowman
SA, 2004; Botonaki, 2006), but the Asian market in general and Vietnam in particular is a potential market for commercial foreign brands of fast-food What are opportunities for them?
According to the synthesis of many studies on factors affecting the buying
process of consumers, it has included: cultural, social, personal, psychological [1]
Under the concept of marketing, buyers purchasing decision depends on the
number of factors: macro (economic, technological, political, cultural), the agent
marketing-mix (product, price, place, promotion), characteristics of the buyer (cultural, social, personality, psychology), the decision process of buyers (cognitive
problems, find information, reviews, decisions and buying behavior) (Kotler, 2004; Khosla, 2010)
In Vietnam, there are not many foreigners residing and living long, not many international ethnic and religious Besides, Vietnam is considered as a country with stable politics So that factors of “cultural” and “social” are not mentioned in this study Provider’s fast-food products should have a clear understanding of the individual factors and the psychology of the customer to set the appropriate marketing-mix strategy for their business activities in the future
Trang 27Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or
do not buy a product It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process,
both individually and in groups It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people's
wants It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family,
friends, reference groups, and society in general (Foxall, G., 2005)
Personality is the sum total of an individual’s enduring internal psychological
traits that make him or her unique Self-confidence, dominance, autonomy,
sociability, defensiveness, adaptability, and emotional stability are selected personality traits (Hitesh Bhasin, 2010)
Age and Life cycle Stage: Like the social class the human life cycle can have
a significant impact on consumer behavior The life cycle is an orderly series of stages in which consumer attitude and behavioral tendencies evolve and occur because of developing maturity, experience, income, and status Marketers often define their target market in terms of the consumer’s present lifecycle stage
Occupation and Income:a regular activity performed for payment that occupies one's time, a vocation founded upon specialized training Income is usually paid by occupation in society Today people are very concerned about their image and the status in the society which is a direct outcome of their material prosperity
The profession or the occupation a person is in again has an impact on the products
they consume The status of a person is projected through various symbols like the
dress, accessories and possessions
Trang 28Life Style: Our life styles are reflected in our personalities and self-concepts, same is the case with any consumer We need to know what a life-style is made of It
is a person’s mode of living as identified by his or her activities, interest and opinions There is a method of measuring a consumer’s lifestyle This method is called as the psychographics-which is the analysis technique used to measure
consumer lifestyles- peoples activities, interests and opinions Then based upon the
combinations of these dimensions, consumers are classified Unlike personality typologies, which are difficult to describe measure lifestyle analysis has proven valuable in segmenting and targeting consumers according to their lifestyle classification
Personality is the sum total of an individual’s enduring internal psychological
traits that make him or her unique Self-confidence, dominance, autonomy,
sociability, defensiveness, adaptability, and emotional stability are selected personality traits
Psychology [3]
Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors
Motivations: is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action
toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors For instance: An individual has not eaten, he or she feels hungry, and as a
response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger There are many approaches
to motivation: physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social
Motivations conclude many variables in researches, in this study it I focus on variables “reasons” of consumer to selection some product or service
Trang 29The motivation is the drive that leads the consumer towards buying a product
or service If the motivation is high, meaning the need or perception of need is high;
the individual will actively seek to satisfy that need This results in the consumer
deciding to buy the product or service This factor is directly related to "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" (Maslow, 1954), which states that every individual will actively
seek to satisfy physiological needs first, followed by safety, social, esteem and
finally, self-actualization needs Businesses that successfully leverage these needs will motivate consumers to buy their products
Perceptions: are the organizations, identifications, and interpretations of
sensory information in order to fabricate a mental representation through the process
of transduction, which sensors in the body transform signals from the environment into encoded neural signals
MBA Notes World defines perception as, "The processes by which people select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world." Consumers make all manner of associations from their prior knowledge and experiences It is difficult for a company that positions itself as a low cost retail store, to sell expensive clothing once it has established its market positioning The consumer perception is that everything that comes from that store is cheaper and subconsciously, lower quality
Perceptions conclude many variables in researches, in this study it I focus on
variables of “frequency” of fast food intake, “money spent” on fast food per month
Learning: is acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information
Trang 30Consumers are products of their experiences They catalog each experience as good or bad for later use when a similar situation arises These experiences influence
the consumer buying behavior by changing the way they react to products similar to
those they already have experience with For example, many consumers choose to buy Toyota cars because they have had good experiences with their previous Toyota
models Companies that focus on the consumer experience often gain repeat business
because the consumer does not feel the need to look anywhere else to fulfill that particular need This often outweighs the fact that the competition may be cheaper or even better in some cases
In this study, I mention about knowledge of consumer: “Foreign brands”,
“items” of fast food, “items” of drink
Beliefs and Attitudes: Beliefs and attitudes greatly influence consumer buying behavior Beliefs are the way people think about a particular subject or product An attitude is the individual's consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluation, tendency
or feeling about a particular subject These beliefs and attitudes shape the consumer's perception of the product These factors may be difficult to change because they stem from the individual's personality and lifestyle Consumers often block information that conflicts with their beliefs and attitudes They tend to selectively retain information or even distort the information to make it consistent with their previous perception of the product
In this study I mention about “attitude toward health”
Agent of Marketing — mix system
The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing products The marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brand's unique selling point (the unique quality that differentiates a product from its competitors), and is
Trang 31often synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place (Kotler,
2004) In recent times, however, the four Ps have been expanded to the seven Ps
added: people, processes, physical evidence (Brian Tracy, 2004)
Product is your core offering In marketing, a product is anything that can be
offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need This is “the thing” that will
fulfill the needs of your customer If your product is faulty, every thing else fails The attributes of the product, vis-a-vis the attributes offered by competing products and substitutes, are important in estimating the competitive scenario for the marketing strategy formulation
Price has a lot of impact on the service buyer’s satisfaction level Price is the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods or services [4]
Often, paying a higher price makes a customer more satisfied Price is often considered a proxy for quality and vice-versa What is important to note that services being all the more intangible, the price become an important factor for the actual service consumption to happen, after service awareness and service acknowledgement?
Place often offers a different side of value (utility) to the customer Place is retailer There are 2 kinds of distribution: manufactures sell their product directly and product is more merchants indirectly in distribution chain [5]
Who would want to travel 10 miles to have a regular dinner, even if that is
priced very competitively and has a super quality? Services are often chosen for their
place utility Closer to the customer means higher probability of purchase Place utility is important to evaluate
Trang 32Promotion plays a role in the perception the possible target audience may have about your service There has to be a fit between the promotion and the positioning Promotion leads to service (brand) recognition and further establishes a proxy to evaluate quality of services based by potential customers
People are crucial in service delivery The best food may not seem equally palatable if the waitress is in a sour mood A smile always helps Intensive training for your human resources on how to handle customers and how to deal with contingencies is crucial for your success
Processes are important to deliver a quality service It is the material part of a service Services being intangible, processes become all the more crucial to ensure standards are met with Process mapping ensures that your service is perceived as being dependable by your target segment
Physical evidence affects the customer’s satisfaction Often, services being intangible, customers depend on other cues to judge the offering This is where physical evidence plays a part Would you like eating at a joint where the table is greasy or the waitresses and cooks look untidy and wear a stained apron? Surely you would evaluate the quality of your experience through proxies such as these
In this study I have mentioned traditional marketing-mix concluded:
- Product: “quality of product” and “quality of service”
- Price: “rebate period” and “sets of fast food”
- Place: commercial centers, supermarkets, outlets in major streets or
- Promotion: “Type of media” known by consumer, “decorated restaurants”
fast food and “advertisement”
Trang 33“Fast food” was defined as cooked or ready-prepared foods bought at take- away restaurants (Van Zyl MK, 2010) & [6]
Traditionally, fast foods were meant to be consumed by those who are
constantly on the go, always trying to beat the clock Unlike your regular food, you don't have to wait for your order to be cooked Your food will be served moments after your order has been placed
The concept of fast food offers the food industry a more competitive edge With food being served at a very fast pace, the output can be optimized and maximized at the same time Though the operating hours of different eateries may vary, eateries would be most pack during lunch and dinner hours (Harry Tan, 2009) Fast-food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in arestaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-
out/take-away (Akle, John, 1999) The term "fast food" was recognized in a
dictionary by Merriam—Webster in 1951
Some international items of fast-food (Olivia Putnal, 2010) & [7] fried
chicken, pizza, burger, donuts, cake, spaghetti pasta, French fries, fish and chips, deep fried calamari, many types of sushi, salad, sandwich, snack, beverage, soft
drink, dessert and shake, café with many different flavors and materials
1 Review of related literature
1.1 Litreratures of personal factor influence on customer’s decision purchasing fast food
Personal factors include mainly the demographic characteristics such as: age,
occupation, education, average monthly income, lifestyle, emotion
Lifestyle, living situation, income are variables to affect on purchasing decisions of consumers Impulse buying is a common method of product selection,
one way to encourage consumer’s motivations, in part, because the shopping act and
impulsive product selection provide hedonic rewards Further information-processing overload confounds product selection, reinforcing the rewards to be obtained from alternative section heuristics, like impulse buying (Hausman, 2000) Factors have
impacted on consumers food choices are: fascination for eating out, socialization, urbanization, taste for college and university students, convenience for dual-income
families in Pakistan, and many other Factors having impact on consumers food
choices are: fascination for eating out, socialization, urbanization, taste for college and university students, convenience for dual-income families in Pakistan, and many
other (Louviere, 1984)
Living conditions has been changed, along with other impacts of macroeconomic factors such as the price of the whole economy changes, this will be the factors affecting changes in consumer’s behavior buying There is an overview of
changing food consumption patterns in Taiwan and China between the periods 1959-
61 and 1989-91, while per capita rice consumption declined by one-half In mainland China, consumption of non-staple foods such as meat rose 10 percent These changes
Trang 35in diet resulted from income and price effects and from structural factors such as
urbanization (Huang, J., 1996)
Women's current high levels of participation in the labor force have focused
attention on changing life-styles and consumption patterns This study uses life-style variables as predictors of food shopping behavior A set of intervening variables
reflecting women's attitudes toward food preparation explains their food shopping
behavior better than either a working/nonworking classification or general role orientations (Roberts,1979) The link between fast food restaurants and black and low-income neighborhoods may contribute to the understanding of environmental causes of the obesity epidemic in these populations (Jason P Block, 2004) A new national study of eating out and income shows that fast-food dining becomes more common as earnings increase from low to middle incomes, weakening the popular notion that fast food should be blamed for higher rates of obesity among the poor There is a correlation between obesity and lower income, but it cannot be solely attributed to restaurant choice UC Davis study shows that fast food dining is most popular for those with middles incomes, rather than those with lowest in come
(Sacramento, 2011)
Countries expand cooperation in economic exchange effecting lead to the consumption habits of some items will change These include the fastest spread is about eating habits Though created by a handful of mavericks, the fast food industry has triggered the homogenization of our society Fast food has hastened the mulling of
our landscape, widened the chasm between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of
obesity, and propelled the juggernaut of American cultural imperialism abroad
(Schlosser, E.,2001)
Trang 36The Indian food and grocery retail sector is in the transformation mode for various reasons like strong macro-economic fundamentals and the changing socio- economic scene are driving what were once traditional and small scale retail outlets into organised retail formats aimed at catering to the evolving tastes and needs of the discerning consumers But the very fast changing trends in food and eating habits of consumers have contributed immensely to the growth of ‘Western’ format typologies such as convenience stores, departmental stores, supermarkets, specialty stores and hypermarkets This has happened for various conspicuous reasons namely demand and supply, socio-cultural, demographic, psychographic, economic and technology advancements like a large segment of young population, a rapidly expanding middle class, rising income levels, growing literacy, increasing number of working women and nuclear family structures which in turn have created an enormous demand for consumer goods and paved way for modern retail formats However, little is known about its actual influence and contribution to the organised retailing in food and grocery sector from an empirical analysis (Ch J S PrasadD Raghunatha, 2010) Fast-food purchases may be helpful for busy families, but families need to be
educated on the effects of fast food for family meals and how to choose healthier,
convenient family meals (Kerri N Boutelle, 2006)
1.2 Litreratures of pshychology factor influence on customer’s decision purchasing fast food
One of studies about psychological factors affecting on consumer’s decision
purchasing fast food, such as health care Numerous studies have shown that using
multiple fast food is the cause of obesity, heart disease, diabetes
Fast food restaurant use is associated with higher energy and fat intake among adolescents Interventions to reduce reliance on fast food restaurants may need to
Trang 37address perceived importance of healthy eating as well as time and convenience
barriers (French SA, 2001) Schlosser unearths a trove of fascinating, unsettling truths
- from the unholy alliance between fast food and Hollywood to the seismic changes the industry has wrought in food production, popular culture, and even real estate He also uncovers the fast food chains' disturbing efforts to reel in the youngest, most
susceptible consumers even while they hone their institutionalized exploitation of
teenagers and minorities (Schlosser, 2001)
One research supports the "all foods can fit" paradigm and validates
recommending lower-fat foods (including snacks, desserts, cheeses, yogurt, and added
table fats) to American consumers to reduce total fat to moderate levels while ensuring adequacy for most micronutrients (Sigman-Grant M, 2003)
Prevalence rates of 300,000 deaths a year in the United States have been
increasing over the past decade The nutrition environment may be contributing to this epidemic This study examined the relationship between fast food restaurants and obesity on a state-wide basis (Maddock J.2004) Fast food consumption was associated with a diet high in energy and energy density and low in essential micronutrient density Frequent fast food consumption may contribute to weight gain (Bowman SA, 2004)
Fast food consumption was associated with higher energy intakes, poor diet quality and higher body mass index The likelihood of not meeting the dietary reference intake for energy, and of being obese, increased with the frequency of fast food consumption (Schréder H, 2007) Food safety has become a major issue of public concern, encouraging the UK Government and the food industry to take steps
to rebuild consumer confidence The relevance of strategies adopted by consumers to
Trang 38reduce risk exposure and the influence on the likelihood of food purchase are also explored, together with the implication for the food industry (Yeung, 2001)
To examine consumer attitudes and behavior towards organic products and
products produced under the system of integrated management and to compare the socioeconomic characteristics and attitudes that affect consumers’ willingness to pay a premium for these two different certification systems Findings suggest that consumers’ level of awareness and information towards the studied certification systems is rather low especially for system of integrated management products (Botonaki, 2006)
Young people must consume less of the calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods
served at fast food restaurants Parents and schools can do more to teach children how
to make healthy choices Above all, fast food restaurants must drastically change their current marketing practices so that children and teens do not receive continuous encouragement to seek out food that will severely damage their health In addition, when young people visit, the restaurants should do more to encourage the purchase of more healthful options (L Harris, 2010)
Based on literature reviews and exploratory surveys, the key determinants impacting consumers food choice are passion for eating out, socialize, ambience and taste for school and college goers and convenience for dual-income families in urban India Findings indicate that fast food companies can no longer rely on convenience as
in India, unless the implications of same on consumer’s health are given equal
importance in the years to come (Anand R., 2011)
The study shows that the opportunity cost of women's time can affect household food consumption patterns in developing countries Demand equations for rice, bread, and the ratio of bread to total cereal consumption are estimated for urban
Trang 39Sri Lankan households The demand specification, which is based on the “New
Household Economics,” includes as explanatory variables the woman's estimated
market wage and the household's “full income,” and alternatively “observed income.”
(Senauer, B., 1986)
Demographic and health lifestyle differences were evident across all 5
importance measures The importance of nutrition and the importance of weight
control were predicted best by subject's membership in a particular health lifestyle cluster When eating behaviors were examined, demographic measures and membership in a health lifestyle cluster predicted consumption of fruits and
vegetables, fast foods, cheese, and breakfast cereal The importance placed on taste,
nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control also predicted types of foods consumed (J Am Diet Assoc 1998)
Other side, psychology studies about awareness of brand and items of fast food Espejel suggested the need to promote and increase the consumer knowledge of brands protected under the protected designation of origin and (PDO) specially the PDO itself (Espejel, 2007) The fast food industry has been increasingly criticized for creating brand loyalty in young consumers Food marketers are well versed in reaching children and youth given the importance of brand loyalty on future food purchasing behavior In addition, food marketers are increasingly targeting the Hispanic population given their growing spending power The fast food industry is among the leaders in reaching youth and ethnic minorities through their marketing efforts Children’s high recognition of fast food restaurant logos may reflect greater exposure to fast food advertisements Families’ socio-demographic characteristics
play a role in children’s recognition of food logos (Elva Arredondo, 2009)
Trang 401.3 Litreratures of marketing-mix factor influence on customer’s purchasing fast food
There has been 4 cored variables in marketing — mix: product (quality, design,
packaging, packaging, decoration, renovation taste ), price (increase / decrease depending on product prices based on time, according to the holidays, the number of purchases, set of products ), place (convenient locations, decoration stores ),
promotion (service, advertisement, decorate, menu, billboard )
Factors having impact on consumers food choices are: fascination for eating
out, socialization, urbanization, taste for college and university students, convenience
for dual-income families in Pakistan, and many other (Baig, 2012) Individual dietary choices are primarily influenced by such considerations as taste, cost, convenience and nutritional value of foods The current obesity epidemic has been linked to excessive consumption of added sugars and fat, as well as to sedentary lifestyles Fat and sugar provide dietary energy at very low cost Food pricing and marketing practices are therefore an essential component of the eating environment Recent studies have applied economic theories to changing dietary behavior Price reduction strategies promote the choice of targeted foods by lowering their cost relative to alternative food choices Two community-based intervention studies used price reductions to promote the increased purchase of targeted foods (Simone A French,
Consumers are more and more concerned about food safety and quality, more
discredit about food supply, desiring more transparency in production and distribution
channel and, for some products, losing their trust in the production process (Rayeen, 2009) The importance of lifestyle loss has been as a separate factor along with health,
financial, time, and product performance loss Risk reducing strategies adopted by