Write the words.niffeet 1 5 hiegeetn.veleen Colour number twelve brown.. The long ruler is --fuers--The big bog is ---The white jocket is The greg jocket is The cteon shoes ore The shor
Trang 1@Wrire. I ' m S i m o n
@ ffi
She's -.Sf-e[[9. - He's
Helto I'm Grondmo
Trang 2ffi W colour the stors.
Five ond three is
Seven ond two is
S i x o n d fo u r is
Three and four is
Trang 3flFB X r u t r " f f i @@Listen ond colour.
Trang 4W @ Match ond colour.
sreu Lr
nbrown { 7
Trang 5T T T
Trang 6i':' .-H- *5: n5ry.;" {" q.
My pieture dietionoru r , J!riii,;iit,.r I
ti: i:l
i i!:'
_ , " i i ,.,!,:i ,,r;;1.:!l
Ticl< - (/) or cross (X).
I con count to ten I
Trang 7WW Find ond write the words.
Trang 8W W Look ot the numbers Write the words.
1 5
Colour number twelve brown
Colour number nineteen pink
Colour number fourteen green
Colour number seventeen b[ue
Colour number sixteen oronge
Trang 9Q fnere ore three teachers in the clossroom Na
There's a door next to the cupboord
-, -Y-sL -There's a boord on the wott
There's o cupboord under the boord
There are thirteen bogs in the clossroom
There ore nineteen fish on the boord
-There ore eighteen books in the bookcose
-There's o ruler under the desk
There's o jccket on the choir
There's on oronge on the tobte
Trang 10offiffiffi
rite the sentences.
There's the toble
burgers are there?
opples ore there?
oronges sre there?
cokes are there?
ice creams ore there?
There are-slx-banonos ore there?
Trang 11qu ito r
-€ig€e tish his in bird pictu re
Plnk kitchen ice cream six
swim skjrt
ffi @W Find \ D r v ^ rhe words.
How mong colours
oreWhot cre theg?
Trang 12I con toU< obout mU classroom I
I con scu the numbers 11-20 I
Trang 13@@ Reod Circte the tou words Write.
ond o lorrg Lenng's got c troin ond q monster.
Meero's got on oronge comero ond o cor Stello's got o computer gome Alex hos got o big gellow
Trang 14W Comptete the sentences and colour
-rr-q!r-O rtri.s is a red
pjane -O fA*se- ore purpte
-wstches O cre blue (O . - is o brown - f,) cre green
Trang 15WW Listen ond colour.
O Wnose is the green kite?
O Wfrose is the purpl.e kite?
O Wtrose is the gellow kite?
@ Wfrose is the black kite?
O Wnose is the oronge kite?
@ Wt'tose is the pink kite?
W Write the questions.
-W"ir * s-e - i s- -Lhe- { p-nr-r*?-
Trang 17ryEh" &- e
mB 9sffi
e c
Listen ond join the dots.
Trang 18mww@
W r r e
e e
@ Tick (/) or cross (X) the box.
Listen ond join the dots.
Trang 19I con tctk obout mg fcvourite tog n
I can write 'tog' words
Trang 20WW Listen ond drow lines.
Trang 21WW Listen ond drow lines.
Trang 22Write the n u m b e r s
r*.' -'
@ fnirteen ond three is -s-ixfec,& = m
@ twelve ond two is - - t
O Fifteen ond five is - - p
O Fourteen and five is - f
@ twelve ond three is - = o
@ Nine ond three is
@ Six cnd eleven is
@ Six ond rwelve is
@ ten and three is
Now write the words ond drow.
Four chi[dren con sit on it.
It's smot[ lt's got numbers You can to[k to gour friend on
@ One chil.d can sir on it.
Trang 23@ Write 'Uours' or 'mine'.'
WW Listen and cotour.
Trang 24The long ruler is
fuers The big bog is
-The white jocket is
The greg jocket is
The cteon shoes ore
The short ruter is
The dirtg shoes ore
The sma[[ bcg is
Trang 25@k-fip$ @@ Reod 'ffi' cnd draw tines +r+
WWrite the words.
This Shr€+ These Those These Thct
Trang 26I con talk obout mg house I
I con scg whot's mine f
Trang 27Our wor*d
O Shari's from Engl.ond.
O In Shori's house there ore two bedrooms.
@ ffrere's o kitchen, but there isn't o hal.l,.
@ fnere's o sofo in the Living room.
() Shori con wotch TV in the Living room
@ fnere's c big toble in Shori's bedroom '
@ fnere ore two cupboords in Shori's bedroom.
O Shori's grcndfother ccn moke houses with snow.
ond write the number.
Trang 28@Write the questions Answer the questions.
3 t s sma[t comero monu ore c h o i r
Gl +, 3o 4e 3c @ 1 o 3 o 4 d 4 e 3 f
Trang 29WW Reod ond write the nomes.
This is Lenng ond his
fomilg He's with his
brother Som, his sister
Mog, ond his cousin
Fronk tenng's brother hos
got o big nose Lenng hos
got smoll eges Lenng's
cousin is goung He's o
bobg Lenng's sister hos
got long hoir.
W Write the words.
p h o n e
Trang 30WW Reod Write the nome.'Colour.
HeLLo This is mg fomilU, MU mummg's got Long purple hoir,
smoll green eors ond five gellow teeth Her ncme's Trudg,
Mg dcddg's ncme's Tom, He's got short red hcir ond c dirtg
green nose, He's got eight brown teeth Mg brother Tong's
got Long brown hoir, big red eges cnd one white tooth.
Mg sister's ncme is Tricio She's verg clecn! Shels got big
eors, short blue hcir, oronge eues ond six green teeth.
Trang 31W @Write the tetters'
What ore Uou doing, Mum? tr
Whot ore Uou drowing, Grondmo?
Whose shoes ore Uou cleoning, Gro
Whose kite ore Uou flging, Simon?
Whot ore Uou eoting, Dod? I
Which word cre gou speLLing, Ste[[o? I
I'm eoting chocolote ice cream
I'm drawing Stel,l,o I
I'm ftging Uour kite, Suzg
I'm moking o cake I
I'm spelting 'beoutifu[' tr
I'm cleoning Simon's shoes l ]
Trang 32ffi @Write the tetters'
What are Uou doing, Mum?
Whot ore Uou drowing, Gro
Whose shoes cre Uou clecning, Gro
Whose kite ore Uou ftging, Simon?
What ore Uou eoting, Dad? I
Which word are Uou spelling, Ste[La? I'm eoting chocolate ice creom n
I'm drowing Stel.to I
I'm ftging Uour kite, Suzg.
I'm making o coke I
I'm spelting 'beautifuf n
T q
Trang 33Down g
He's ecting on
Trang 34W@ Colour the poirs.
@ Write the letters.
He's kickingTheg're cleoningHe's cleoningShe's sleepingWe're singingI'm plcgingShe's drivingTheg're reoding
tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr
b r o Y
Trang 35I con tal.k obout mg fcmil.g f
I con tol.k obout octions I
Trang 36W @ Reod the lists ond find the food.
Draw tines with o pencil Drow lines with c pen
breadccrrotsJishoronge jgicechips 'chicken[emonsmeqt
l| Shopping tist
Trang 37WW Find ond colour.
Cotour the chicken brown
Cotour the meot red {Colour the lemons geltow
@W Draw ond write obout Uour favourite food Ask and cnswer.
Jlt g Java u rite Jo o-d" -Ls
Trang 38ffi ffi@ Listen ond tick (/)or cross (X) the box.
Here Uou ore
Con I have some juice,
/ - \ - - I
uronge Jutce, Ptease
Which juice - oronge juice
Here Uou ore
Can I hove some fruit,plecse?
A peor, pleose
tr tr
Trang 39@ Choose Tick V) the box
Tick (/) the boxes.
He's eoting burger cnd eggs.
Whot's he drinkinc? He's drinking milk,
Trang 40ffi P@ Find the different sbund.
co rrotthei r
c o rfriendwhatgisterwhoselrousers
c h i p steocher
c h o i rthot
W Write the words and the letters.
Trang 41ntrypt&dff ifiction$rs
rl*ltl"' ';ig*"
Tick (/) or cross (X).
I con write 'food'words I
I con tol.k obout mg fovourite meo[ I
I con osk obout food I
- -bresd
Trang 42WW Find ond write the words.
# f f i M
ffiM ffiW
This is the Stor zoo The birds ore next to the snokes The fish ore under
the birds The lizords cre between the fish ond the monkegs The gellow ond brown animols next to the monkegs ore giroffes The big oronge qnd block cots under the crocodiles ore tigers.
€nekes 6,@Eedi{es fish Lizcrds birds gircffes tigers monl<egs
Trang 43W Choose and circle the animcls.
Trang 44@W Write the words Listen and check.
4ovs I So do I Love Lizcrds don't
Whot's Uour fovourite onimcl?
Trang 45WW Find the words.
p Now write the words.
How manu onimols or" th"rue
Whot ore theg?
b e d
Trang 46Q fnit is smolt ond @ fnis form onimol hos got o big white bodg
O w" con get eggs @ fnis big form onimot is brown ond white or
@ fnis farm onimol
hos got o big
bodg ond o smo[[
n r,,8
w t r r@
o lot of hoir
@ fftis onimol is green or brown lt's got o
Trang 47I con write 'onimo['words I
I con tol.k obout things | [ove f
Trang 48W W
ffi W Morch Write rhe
Trang 49W W Spot the differences.
i&- & fhe re'-s - a ne- -c mr- -b-u-t in & tke re - crr e -t w-o - cfi,{
W Write the words.
Mb p€@F €lq@H* dsg* coconut crmchcir tcble bike cpplecomputer game Lizcrd pinecpple cct trcin ccr LemonLorrg fish mouse pcinting clock orange bird cupbocrd
Trang 50W WW / \ + + Listen ond cotour th'e stcrs.
L t - r^.r
You're Tom You're sitting in front of Jil.L
You're Ann You're sitting between Tom and Nick
You're Bil.l You're sitting behind Nick
You're Sue You're sitting between Jil.L ond Bil,l
ft ft ft
Trang 51€ry ff@v@ffi
in on next to between in front of behind
BW Now ask cnd drow.
a a , , j l : r € e - \ 4 F t r : r E : F - R
4 4 l - - < t : , - e c r : & H e
Trang 52W Drow c citg Write about it.
The pet shop
The tog shop -
Trang 53Y_W* * wr 'i'oi 1il,.$ .,'''i*'' ,
Mg proEress €
Tick (/) or cross (X).
n n r l r
- - - - _ - i € s L l L _
Trang 54&ww wapsrKd
Q foAd's from Ausrrolio
-Y-e$ -@ foad's house is in c citg.
@ foad's mum ond dod hove got o pet shop
@ foad's fomilg hove got o lot of cows
@ fnere ore 12 dogs on their form
@ fne dogs run ond get the sheep
@ foad con't go to schoot
@ foad con tol.k to his teocher on the computer.
@ fnere's o big hospitot next to Todd's house
@ n doctor can flg to Todd's house in o smotl ptcne.
Trang 55WW Read ond draw lines.
The bobg is behind the door.
The mother is between the
bed ond the desk.
The clock is on the bookcose,
between the books.
The lomp is on the desk.
The goot is on the desk, in
front of the lomp.
There's o spider under the bed.
Trang 56W W Listen ond join the dots.
shoes frog T-shirt ice creom skirt
ccke sheep goct spider
h c n d b c g
How mong clothes ore there?
Write the 'onimof words
Write the 'food' words
Trang 57W Write the words ond colour the picture.
Trang 60ffi @@ Reod ond draw tineS ov+
ffi @?Cross out five obiecrs.
w 'Ask gour friend.
h o n d b o gshoe
Trang 61f f i W" * W f f & * *-'"'"' - : : i ; : : I
Mg'pieture dictionorg
Tick (/) or cross (X).
I con totk obout mg clothes
I con totk obout things I hove got I
Trang 62=drgss @ Write the words ond the
Trang 63W Write the words. Down O
Theg're -pLsU-inS
Trang 65W Choose Tick V) or cross (X) the boxes.
Trang 66ffi F-ts> Wlisten ond rick (/)or cross (X) rhe box
Hetlo I'm Tom Now I'm ot
-sclr*-*i - I'm p[oging
I'm wecring
long btue
I tike doing sport
For lunch todog I've got
| like hovinglunch ot school
g o m e
n u m b e rdoor[orrgb[ue
n n
r f f i r
Trang 67I con write port' a n d ' h o words I
I can tolk obout mg likes I
Trang 68W Write the letters ond the words.
ffi WW Find rhe differenr word.
o r m c h o i rorongebasketbo[[
b u sschooIkitchenmirror
Trang 69W@ Listen ond drow.
W WWrite the words.
me Uou her it us th,eptu
Look at -ths_m- Con I pLcg with
Come ond ptou with Toke o photo of _-
Trang 70fu-ffi ffiffi
ffi @@ Read and write the informction.
{ffi# ffi {.ffi:} ffi
{eeil* {*C,ffil} ffiffi
O fuf"g would like to eot chicken
ond chips ond she'd like to drink
oronge iuice.
@ e.r, would like to eot burgers ond
O One bog would like to eot sousoges
and tomotoes, ond he'd like to
@ One girl would like to eot corrots ond rice It's her birthdog todog.
Trang 72WW FoU.ow the sound.
jump put
run guttcr
Happg birthdag, Simon
It's gour gorden portg
Trang 73Mfi-pl&u"" dietio
PffiffiEffibi @ iriir,,, _i#wti
Tick (/) or cross (X).
I con osk for food and drink I
I can toLk obout portu food I
h t r r n a r
_ _ _ v _ w _ y L ! * r _ _ _
Trang 74W W Listen ond tick (/) the word.
o o
o o o
a n i m o [ sphoneho[idog
she [|
sun t
hand I
she I mouth n tree n
flowers ll big I opples I fish I todog I
Trang 75W WW Look ot the picture Write the words.
scnd , shells sec mountcins Likes e,di'de,y swimming
doesn't becch
He[[o Mg nome's Nick I'm on -]a*lid## I'm ot the
with mg fomitg lt's grect
Todcg, I'm ploging in the - with mg
Mg sister doesn't like swimming
wolking on the gellow and picking up
-Mg mum ond dod like the beoch, but mg grondfother
tike holidogs in the sun He tikes wolking in the
He loves looking ot the birds, the onimals ond the green trees
brother We Iove
S h e
_ F
Trang 76o
What does Nick wont
to do?
What does Morg wcnt
to have for lunch?
Whot does Peter
wont for his birthdcg?
What does Susan
Does Daniet wcnt c new bike? -
Y-ss-.-he-ds-s-s. Does Daniet wont a short ruler?
Does Daniel wont o smotl kite?
Does Doniel wcnt o greu robot?
Does Daniet wont a smo[[ comero?
Does Doniel wont some chocolote ice creom?
t:l::,ii;rli!:r '"'
Doniefs birthdog list
A new bike A big kite
A greg robot A long ruler
A sma[[ comero A chocolote coke
Trang 77WWrite the words.
red g"@U,sud- socl<s bed box
I wont gello-lu
And gou wont
She wants on ormchair
Theg wont o jocketAnd we wont someShe wonts c bcg
How mong people ore there?- lfu e rs -arc- $cur pe n-ple
What's the mon drinking?
Whot's the womon doing?
ls the dog wclking?
Where's the bog swimming?
Whot's the girl picking up?
How mang birds ore there?
Trang 78run freg
n u m b e r[crrg
o n eiocket
O ls gour kitchen big or -sms{l - ?
O ls gour citg beoutifut or - ?
ugLU old new short €pn€{t dirtg
O ls gour street long or ?
A I I - l - - - t - - - 1
, , r 2
|Et rs uour Deoroom cleon or _
f,) ls gour bed new or
@ ls gour school otd or ?
Trang 79-s-ffi.rudg -s My pieture dietionorg
i , l:l::'r i r I i:l iil i, , r : i i ::1.': 1.rt:;r: ,.,, 'i:il:,r:
- ' : ; i ' ; " '
; ' ' '
ll ll.l,iii:-i;liil'
Tick (/) or cross (X).
I con tol.k obout mg hol.idogs I
I con sog whot I wont I
Trang 80Whot's J il.l cteoning?
Can the birds swim?
What does Jit[ want? -
ls Sue o doctor?
Where's Sue?
Whot's Sue doing?
Where are the children?
Whot are the children doing?
How o[d's JuLie?
Whot's Jul.ie doing?
- - -$jeei s- -e lesnin q - f h e -h-e s c h
Trang 81ffi W Write the words in ctphcbeticol order.
Trang 82t Hello oEoin poge 7
Trang 84ft At the form pose 45
* Our clothes pose 5e
Trang 854 Our hobbies pose 65 I
ftMv birthdou! pose 71