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Transportation ThenandNow JamesStyring Readand discoverall abouttransportatlon in the past and today What were the first planesmadeof? How fast can solar cars travel? Readanddiscovermoreaboutthe worldl provides Thisseriesof non-fiction readers interesting andeducationaI content,wlth activitiesandprojectwork SeriesEditor:HazeIGeatches @RudioCDPackavaitabte / a nl8ou*?*',', Coverphotograph: RobertHardingWortdlmagery(Tranrrrrblrilrerl||xrlton fft|ldtr ThenandNow JamesStyring lntroduction ThenandNow BoatsandShips Buses, Trains, andTruckst2 16 Bicycles andMotorcycles 20 Cars 24 Aircraft 28 Around theWorld 32 ln the Future 36 Activities 52 Projects 54 Glossary AboutReadand Discover 56 OXTORD I ' N I V B R S I TY PRESS oxF()t{t) t Nl\'tl(\tI) t,ltliss (;r eill (;li[(,n(l()| Stn.(.1.Oxli)r(l ()x2 6Dr Oxli)r(l I lllversity l)rcss is it (leparlnrenl ot th(, University o l Ox li rr(l ll lirl llcrs l he t lrriv(rs ity s ()bje(1ive ()l cx(Tllcltc(, irr rrserK h schrl:rrshil), rn(l c(lU(ation by pul)lishing worlclwick'in Oxlor(l N('w Vlrk Au(khn(l (.rPr'lbwtr l)rresSllililtr] HongKong Karrchi Kttrlir l.unrprrr N4rdri(l Mclbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewI)elhi Sh;rrghai liriPei Toronto Wit h olliccs in ,\r!('ntina Ausrilr llrazil Chilc CzcchRepublic lialtce (;ree(e Crrrlcutill;r Hungrry Italy Japan Polan(l Poilugil Sing.rporc Soulh Korca Switzerland lhailald Turkey Ilkr.rir)c \riclnill {)\l {)tt) itn(l ()xt,()RD I'NGt.tsH aue registered tfadc milrks ol ( )\li)r(l [,nivcrsity Prcss in the UK iud in certain orher ( ( ) |nl ric\ t) O\l{)t(l []triversily Press 2o1o I hf Dr{)rrl fights ol the author ltave bectr ilsscrted I).rl.rl).rscriglrt Oxlord tJtrivcrsity llcss (Daker) ljrst l)ul)lislre(l 2oIo 2()r-1 lot.l 2()12 2oll l0()117654:]2 No rilrarrtlrorized 201o A(;(NOWLtit)(;tiM tN I S lllustrdfir)rJ/a,:Williitntl)iln{)ll{)(.1)l){,(rjl.Ik(,t),,)(slltl)sl: Rebcccr Hnll\/l he ()rrirnisirli()n l)l):) (, ([]itl)1 I L lll: Kt,lly Kcnnedy pP 19.2:l: l.rr l\4(x)res(;rirl)hi( \ l)l) 2.1.l(,,.1.1.,1(,: Dusan Pavli( pP 36 :J8,.llt 'jltciltiriishorutlrlirris{)likr'lr)lirrrlIll,1111lnrrrrt/lrthcirkilrl ldtriliJsion lr, ,1lrrr!il.f /rri'l,qrrrlrr\ rlrri rilir.r I r)l,u-irhl rkttctidl: Action I)lus Sl)orls lnlirgos p l8 (Stcve l}Ir(lenshccutubent bikc): AhDry pl) 1(S IlX.Kl()l.lo (D).5 (.lohn White Photos) l0lllob llen|y), l"l ((; l' llowirrcr), I5(Nitrowlnlilges) 20 (lhe I'rint (irlk.ttor) l:l (l\4oloritu l)i(1ure Library/Peel P50),2tl {o lllyrn & (:lr('r'r'yAlexiln(ler l,hotography).29 (lSI' l'horogr'.rl)lry),:|0 (l,el(.r Ihrrirt) 3l (Carsten Leuzinger/ inrirg(l)r{)k( r/(l(}g), l5 lSinlon Holdcroft/jet pack): Corbis pl) I lllIr(r' l](.le(licl/IR NSIOcK/Bugatti], 33 (Kimimasa M.ryiilDir)i (;(.lrv lnrrges pp (KeystoncJStringer/Hulton Ar(llivc/Kr)n l iki) I I (AfP) l2 (Hulton Archive) l3 (Chung Sung lur)) l6 (lllllton Archive), 19 (Gettylutages), 27 (AIP/ Yv('s Rossyl: l\,liLrrten LIdema Photogrrphy p (caDoe):NASA lDr.rg(.sl)l) 27 (l)ile(hlusl,34; Oxford l,icture LibEly p 3t ((.hri\ An(lr('ws/l)uIt itrg): Oxfi)rd Universiry Press pp 3, 7, 9, 17 ll{ {lll\,lX).24.25.42: PA I'hotos p 35 (Segway); Skysails (;nrbl | & (i) K(; All rights rcseNed p 32: 'lbpForo p I (The (;r.rnr(.r (irllc( tionl is the movementof peopleor goods Transportation from one placeto another.We cantransportthingsin the water,in the air,or overland.We canuseanimals, vehicles,or just our feet.Sometimeswe travelfor for vacationor just for fun work,andsometimes Whattransportation canyouseehere? haveyouused? Whattransportation Whatothertransportation youknow? photocopying All rirhts rcscrvccl No l)arl ol this p[blication may be ft.prrrlrrr rtl, storc(l i n r retri('vill system, or transmitted, rr ilny lolrD ()r l)y iny nrearrs without the prior permission in wrir ing r)l ( )xlirr(l tlniversity Il css, or as expressly pcrrtitted by h!v, ()r lln(ler leInrs irgrecd with the appropriate rcl)rognrl)ltics riglrts organizrlion linquiries concerning rePr(xllr(1ir)n outsi(lc tlre s(r)pe ol the above should be sent to the LLl Righls I)('Pirrln)cnt Oxli)r'(l Univcrsity Press, lt the ilddrcss rl)ove You must ltot circrrlilte this l)o{)k in iny other binding or cover and you nust imPose this santc conclition rn nDv acquirer Atry websites refbrcd to iD this publi(iltion rre irr the public domrin and their addresscs are prcvided by Oxlbr(l [Jniversity Press for inlbn]ntion only Oxfbr(l University Prcss disclaims any rcsponsibility for thr, (r)utent IstsN: 978 o 19 464499 o Air Audio CD Prck containing this book and a CI) is illso rvilihl)lc IsBN:971t o 19 464539 l ht'(ll) lr:rs.r (hoitc ol Arncricln irn t;l( -\" - \r / { t A '\ som es uper tank er s ar eas lo ngas the tal tes t KnockNevis skyscrapers is 458 meter s[ong Saitor sus ebi c y c testo tr aveIalongthe s hi p! G o t o p a g e s3 - f o r a c t i v i t i e s Transportation becamemuchfasterafterthe inventionof engines We usebusesto transport peopleandgoods,trucksto transportfreight,and trainsto transportpeopleandfreight In 1804, Richard Trevithick built the first train in \Walesin the United I{ingdom fts steam engine used coal to heat water.The hot water made steam, and the steam powered the engine.The train moved along two metal tracks called a railroad In 1825, the world's first railroad systemopened in the United I(ngdom Soon, railroads with steam trains were common all around the world By 1930, steam trains could travel at about 150 kilometersper hour :,,,,.,:r:r"r,,.':,ii,':,,:.: ,,: ln 1862 the first underground train systemopened in London in the United ICngdom Today, more than 160 cities around the world have underground trains Modern trains have electric motors or diesel engines Some long-distancetrains have restaurants,and sleepercars with beds for passengersto sleepin Trains are good becausethey use lessfuel per passengerthan cars,buses,or planes.Some high-speedtrains can travel at more than 300 kilometers per hour ffi ".lQJ rhe tongesttrain =-**{tt': Moscow journeyin thewortd The is 9,288kilometers Trans-Si berianExpress takessixdaysto travel from acrossRussia, Moscowto Vladivostok I*\ \-/ \ d Vladivostok Hnrses pulled the first buses 200 yearsago.Buses becamepopular as citiesbecamebigger,because people traveled on busesto get to work Modern buses have diesel enginesor electric motors Most busescan carry more than 40 passengers,and some very long, articulatedbusescan carry 120 people.In many countries, specialbusestake children to school In placeswith no trains, busescarry passengerslong distancesbetweencities In some countries, busescarry a lot of passengersand goods.\il7herethe hills are very big, people use trucks instead of busesbecausethey are more powerful 'frains can only go on railroads,but trucks can go anyr;vherewhere there are roads.Trucks can carry many different things.Tanker trucks carry gasolineor milk Refrigeratortrucks keep food cold In mining areas,people use huge trucks to carry coal and rocks Long trucks often have a cab for the driver and a separatetrailer for the freight.The cab with a separate trailer helps long trucks to turn Some cabs have a bed, so the driver can drive a long distanceand then stop and sleep Goto pages40-41for activities 6'mfd _ i3i &., In busycities,bicyclesand motorcycles are usefu[ Theyare narrowso they cango pastcarsand buses in trafficjams.Canyou rlde a bicycte? HowBieyc{es \'Vmrk The cyclist sits on the saddle and turns the pedals The pedals move the chain, and the chain powers the back wheel Gears help the bicycle to go faster, or to go up hills The cyclist stops the bicycle with the brakes.It's good for cycliststo wear a helmet and gloves.These protect their head and hands in a fall or a crash ffila'p'e les The first bicycleswere made of wood Then after 1850 they were made of metal Early bicycles,called high-wheel bicycles,were uncomfortable becausethey had no tires The front wheel was very big, and there were no gears or brakes Cyclists often crashed b k e Modern bicycles are saferbecause they have brakes and their wheels are both the same size.They also have rubber tires so they are comfortable People cycle to work or school, and for fun and sport Bicycles are good becausethey don'r produce pollution Thereare1,000mitlionbicyclesin the world,andonly600mittioncars f ro n twhe e { b a c kw h e e l \' t i tl I j , i,,flii \o,t{:.{ 't ', Mostplacesin the worldhavevehicleslike cars andbicycles,but someplaceshavespeciaItypes of transportation Whatdo youthinktheseare? It's very cold in Nunavut in the north of Canada.Some Inuit people use dogs to pull their sledsover rhe ice and snow.Today, many people also travel by snowmobilea small, motorized vehicle In Mongolia, roads and railroads go between cities, but in the I(hangai mountains there aren't many vehicles Farmers use a donkey or an ox to pull their carts Traders use camels to transport goods over mountains and across deserts People also travel long distances on horses There aren't any cars' buses,trucks, or evenbicycles inVenice.This is becausethere are no roads.The city was built on a lot of small islands and there are bridgesbetweenthem Peoplewalk on small roads called paths, and over bridges, but most iourneys in Venice are by boat People take water busesto work and to school, and water taxis to the airport and to the train station' Ambulancesand fire enginesare boats,too!The people of Venice have traveledby gondola for hundreds of years.A gondolier standsat the back and powers the gondola with an oar.Today, most gondolas are for the tourists Delhi is a busy city, and the traffic is slow Most people travel on buses,trains, or underground trains Bicycles and rickshawsare also popular A rickshaw is a cart for goods or passengers A rickshaw has two wheels and a person pulls it A cycle rickshaw has three wheels.The front is like a bicycle and the driver pedals the rickshaw.An auto rickshaw has a small engine It's the fastesttype of rickshaw,but it,s noisv and it makes a lot of pollution Oxford is a small city and there aren't many hills, so bicycles are popular Also, bicycles are cheap and people enjoy cycling in the fresh air Many of the city's streetsare small and old, so it's much quicker to travel by bicycle than by car or bus Some cyclistscarry their shopping and even their dogs in basketsor bicycle trailers People enjoy punting on the river in Oxford A punt is a wooden river boat To move the punt, You push on the bottom of the river with a long wooden or metal pole 'ifu -! i -, [nffieffiq@ffie Theworld needsto producelesspo[lution.Electricmotors producelesspottutionthandieselandgasolineengines Wilt att vehicleshaveelectricmotorsone day?Whatwitt transportation be tike in the future? Cars Some modern cars use biodiesel.Biodiesel comes from plants, and it's a clean fuel We can also produce clean energy from the sun and the wind Machines can put this energy into batteries that power electric motors In the future, most cars will have electric motors or thev will use biodiesel Ships After 100 years of ships with engines, sailswill be important again for ships in the future Sailswill help to power ships, so they uselessfuel Solar Vehicles In some countries where it's very sunny, there are solar cars.They use energy from the sun Most solar cars are racing cars.The fastest solar cars travel up to 90 kilometers per hour Peoplehave made some solar planes,too Solar planes are very light and they can't carry much Maybe more vehicles in the future will use solar energJ Trains Maglev trains use magnets to float in the air above the track They are much faster than usual trains tVill maglev trains be common in the future? ,*i' fr,Xr-sgfi WhmtNew&? Passengerplanes with scramjet engineswill fly faster than 5,000 kilometers per hour A scramjetplane will fly from NewYork in the USA to Hong I(ong in China in 90 minutes.This journey takes l4 hours in an airliner The only problem with going fast is that it usesa lot of fuel, which produces more pollution What transportation will You use in the future?\0fhat about an electric bicycle?It has a small electric motor that makes it easierto pedal quickly' An electric bicycle is great for going up hills Or you want to try a Personal transporter?It has two wheels and an electric motor.You lean forward to go forward, and to the left or the right to turn It can travel at 20 kilometers Per hour t;r.,'11p Y'AV*| Do you dream of being an astronaut?Perhapsyour dream will come true! Soon, tourists will be able to travel a long way aboveEarth in spaceplanes.Space tourists will seeEarth from space.It won't be cheap, but it will be an amazing experience A jet Packhas one or two iet engines,but it doesn't have anY wings It can flY anYwhere!Do You want to try a jet Pack? Where will You flY? 50-51foractivities' '' Goto pages ThenandNow Findthe words.Thencompletethe chart e- - - " c r s u\buu.4 ,outt" 'uon'',,, t.lil:].el " r ,,r ,o* \t' _.,Qr (*- :ij Readpages4-7 Ia& f u e t\r ou'u\ Writethe words d%od l"' s,\\"t "'^r, k camel eatt ship sled spaceshiptrailer Gt;il.q\1 ',4- r:St-i Answerthe questions Howdidpeopte travelbefore therewerevehicles? qamt'F:#*$ t?r"mtyt# *s" th+*, Whyweresledsusefu[? Doesit havewheets?Write yesor no inventions in history? Whatwasoneof the mostimportant a sled a motorcycle Whydid peoptestartto travel10,000yearsago? a raft a ca r Howlongis the SitkRoad? a cart an e n g in e @ Titotravelto the International Station? Howdid Dennis Space m I * FoatsarrdShips Readpages8-11 I Writethe words paddte compassoar propettersait steam engine ffi Match sailed ThorHeyerdahl from Peru the AtlanticOcean saitorssaitedon Egyptian Denmark, Sweden, andNorway Sea the Mediterranean TheAncientGreeks sailedaround TheVikingslivedin TheVikingssailedacross sailedbetween Traders Japan,Korea,China, the RiverNite Asia andSoutheast i \ to an istandin the Pacific Ocean Answerthe questions shipsfast? Greek WhyweretheAncient Write true or false Thefirstcanoes weremadefromtreetrunks Peoptepowered canoes with steamengines Chinese shipshadtriangutar sai[s TheAncientGreeks saitedto Canada & Numberthe vehictesin order.1 = earliest,5 tatest r"l tflr r?i'[ ff supertankers f*-l saitins ships sailorshaveabout500yearsago? did European Whatprobtems Whatfuelsdo modernshipsuse? Pirates stolegotdandsitver A cruiseshipis a passenger ship r-r i I canoes to saiIin? knowwhichdirection Howdo sailors Whatshipsdo touristsusewhentheygo on vacation? Howdo sailorstravelalongKnockNevis? [Tl rafts d * Trains, Buses, andTruck* Readpagest2-t5 Writethe words Numberthe vehiclesin order.1 = earliest,4 : latest I i dieseltrains high-speed trains i trains : r underground steamtrains Completethe sentences tankertruck refrigerator truck bus high-speed train steamtrain articulated bus coat steam coaI engine steam water engine water Steamengines usecoat lt's the fastesttypeof train The lts engineusescoalandwater Thehot lt's verylongandit carriespeopleon roads The powersthe gasotine lt carries or mitk The movesthe trainalongthe tracks lt carrieschitdren to school heats makes Answerthe questions lt keepsfoodcold Wheredidpeopte buitdthefirsttrain? Write the numbers 150 160 200 300 9,288 Whatusesthe mostfuel perpassenger, a trainor a car? By 1930,steamtrainscouldtravelat l5O kitometers perhour Modernhigh-speed trainscantravelat perhour kilometers The[ongesttrainjourneyis ki[ometers Thereareunderground trainsin morethan citiesaroundthe wortd puttedthe firstbuses Horses yearsago Express to travel Howlongdoesit takethe Trans-Siberian acrossRussia? trainsystem? Wherewasthe world'sfirstunderground Whydid busesbecomepoputar? d T Bieycles andMotorcyles Readpages16-19 + I Writethe words Circlethe correctwords Bicycles have6-e@ anengine The Tourde Franceis a famousmotorcycle/ bicyclerace Thefirst bicyclesweremadeof metal/ wood backwheel brake chain frame frontwheel gears hetmet pedat gtove sadd[e tire Motorcyctes areslower/ lasterthanbicycles Write true or false Motorcycles havechains andbicyctes lt's goodfor cycliststo weara helmet in the worldthancars Therearemorebicyctes Mountainbikesandmotorcyctes have strongframes MarkBeaumont cycted29,440kilometers on hisbackwheel Bicycles thanmotorcycles areheavier 10 Answerthe questions 11 Whywerethefirstbicycles uncomfortable? Completethe sentences comfortable light popular sma[] strong thick Whydo peoplecycte? Racingbikesare BMXbicycles are Howdoesa cycliststopthe bicycle? Recumbent bicycles are Mountain bikesarethe most Theirtiresare typeof bicycle Whydo racingmotorcyclists leannearto the ground? andtheirframesare rlr Completethe chart weredrivinglargecars Fordopened tffi 15 mi[[ionModetTswere Rotls-Royce ThePeetP50 cars wasfirstmade Readpages20-23 Writethe words brake engine frontwheel gears pedals backwheel seatbelt steering wheel 1885 Daimler andBenzmadellie firsi *ar 190s startedto make 1913 the mode[T factory t927 1950 on the road Americans 1963 200s wasfirstmade TheBugattiVeyron Write true ot false Answerthe questions Thefirstcarhadfourwheets Whatwasthefirstcar[ike? TheFordModelTwasexpensive to produce Rotls-Royce sotd15 mittioncarsbetween 19 3a n dL buylargecars? WhydidAmericans Smatlcarsaregoodin city traffic Whatdoesa driverneedto starta car? Carsusuatty havesixgears A car'ssteering wheelturnsthe frontwheels Whattwo thingsprotectthe driverandpassengers? Otdcarshavethe biggest airbags TheBugattiVeyronis 134centimeters long Whyaresportscars[ow? Fil Findandwritethe aircraft ffi Aircraft s p a c e s h u t t Readpages24-27 Completethe words \ \ L L \ 1ta rI w_ng 2l ,11 f _ng_n_ cb n c_ckp_t t o o n e s h Howdo planesstayin the air? 10 p_1_ sit? Wheredo passengers Match Concorde stoppedftying t793 perhour) an airship's speed(kilometers 90 perhour) Concorde's speed(kilometers 1903 the firsthot-airba[]oon for passengers 2003 the first ptaneftew 850 the passengers thatan AirbusA380cancarry 2,140 d 2b e t c o p t e r 5h a s t r d e r t s P e n a s t r e r e 7s Whatis insideairships? NS I d u I e w r s o a 3r t n e r t o c I 4a p e c s h e p k n goup? Whydoballoons J wh_ _t I Answerthe questions f1-p F h t b a m g h p a I r t e I s a t r h n e r e t I p I e d t airliner Whatpowersthe Daedalus? useful? Whyarehelicopters Whataircrafthaveyoutraveledin? AroundtheWorld CanadaUnitedKingdom lndia ltaly Mongolia Readpages28-31 Writethe countries Thenwritethe typesof transportation Khangai Writethe words Dethi snowmobilegondolapunt cyclerickshawsted autorickshaw Oxford Nunavut Venice Answerthe questions In Nunavut,howdo peopletravel? Whatanimalsdo peoplein Mongoliausefor transportation? Whyarethereno trucksin Venice? Whatis a gondola? Complete the sentences cyclerickshawgondotierox sled travetsquicklyoversnowandice A Mongolian farmer canusean Whatis the difference betweena rickshawanda cycterickshaw? to putlhiscart A hasthreewheels,but no engine A worksin Venice transport shopping or dogs? Howdosomepeoplein Oxford In the Futurw produce morepollution than Diesel engines electricmotors Readpages32-35 * Write trueor false Biodiesel is a cleanfuet Completethe puzzle intobatteries We canput gasotine Biodiesel is madefromthem lt usesenergyfromthe sun lt's a specialhigh-speed engine lt hastwo wheets,but it t isn'ta bicycle It hasjet engines, but no wings Theywitt helpto power modernships It usesmagnets to float above the track Youcantravela longwayabove Earthin this +t planeswi][ uselessfuelthan Scramjet today'sairliners Solarcarsarefasterthanpersonal transporters Answerthe questions Howwittshipsuselessfue[? Whatdo we useto makebiodieset? Wherecanwe get c[eanenergyfrom? goodfor goingup hitts? Whyareelectricbicycles youusenow?Whatwilt you usein Whattransportation the future? Doesit fty?Write yesot no maglevtrain scramjetptane electriccar etectricbike solarplane jet pack @ ATransportation Poster Findor drawpicturesof two vehicles Write notesaboutthe vehicles ttItttttttttttd.tttttttttttttt Tlpoof transportation: survey ATransportation $ @ Writethe namesof five frie;rdsor peoplefrom your familyat the top of the survey Askquestionsandcompleteyoursu:veywith / or l ffi(6 w Tlpoof transportation: Names What'sit madeof? What'sit madeof? plane heticopter Wheredossit comefrom? * \rlhersdoseii Lorno from? sled camel rickshaw \rlhoinvontedit? \rlhen? I Whoinventadit? \rlhan? bicycte motorcycle truck bus Writeaboutthevehiclesandmakea poster yourposter Disptay @ canoe yourresutts Writeaboutthe results.Display i ^-d Llr So & , .#4d| * *cf,r h {,# $ Pr,fS t 6t F y a Here are some words used in this book, and you can check whattheymean.Usea dictionary to checkothernewwords aircraft (plural aircralt) a vehiclethat canfly ambulancea vehictethat takesverysick peopleto hospital of yearsin the past ancient fromthousands part place area of a attack to fight with someoneor something become to changeinto;to startto be bottom the oppositeof top brave not scared cab wherea truckdriversits canoe a sma[[boatpoweredwith a paddte carry to takesomethingto anotherplace change to becomedifferent;to make somethingdifferent cheap not expensive float to move stowlyon water or in the air freight goodsthat ships,planes,andtrains transport freighter(or cargo ship) a shipthat carriesfreight fresh cleanand cool (forair) fuel somethingthat we useto produce heator energy funny unusual or amusing gas nota solidor liquid;likeair (orpetrot)a liquidthatburnsand gasoline powersan engine yellowmetal gold an expensive goods thingsthat we buy andsetl ground the landthat we standon heat to makesomethinghot chitd(pluralchitdren)a veryyoungperson huge verybig situation imagineto thinkof a possible coal oldwoodthatyouburnto makefire new niceto be in,forexample, soft inventto makeor design something comfortable bedsor chairs commercia[aboutbuyingandsetling common usuat;seenin manyplaces company a groupof peoplethat makes moneyby producingor sellingthings cross to movefrom onesideto another diesel a type of gasoline; a liquidthat burnsand powersan engine direction the positionsomeoneor somethingmovestoward distance the spacebetweentwo ptaces, for example,meters,kilometers donkey an animallike a smallhorse double-decker a vehictewith two ftoors electric usingetectricity(a type of energy) energy we needenergyto moveand grow; machinesneedenergyto work invention a new ideaor thing island tandwith wateraroundit lake a big areaof water land to fty a ptanefromthe air ontothe land leather the skinof an animal;we useit to makeshoesandjackets lie down to rest in a comfortabteptace,for example,whenwe sleep low not high metal somethinghardand madefrom energy to enginea machine thatproduces narrowthin movea vehicle famous knownby manypeopte peopte ferry a shipthat transports and goods noisy makinga loudsound oit a fue[;it's a btack[iquidusedto makegasotine ox(pluraloxen) an animallike a cow minerats mining findingmineralsunderthe ground modern not from the past motor an engine,oftensmallor electric motorized with a motor move to go fromone placeto another pair two thingsthe same passenger someonetravelingin, for example,a bus,train,plane,or ship peda[ to pushwith yourfeet on a pedal pirate someoneon a shipwho attacksand stealsthingsfromotherships plastic a man-madematerial po[[ution somethingthat makesair, [and, or water dirty popular tiked by manypeople power to makesomethingmoveor work powerfu[ havinggreatpower;beingstrong prefer to like better probtem somethingthat is not easy produce to growor makesomething propeller a machinethat turnsquicklyto powera shipor aircraft protect to keepsafefromdanger push to makesomethingmoveaway;the oppositeof putl river water on land that goesto the ocean road vehiclestravel on it rock a very hardnatura[material rotor btades,like a propelter,on a helicopter row to movea boatthroughwater with oars rubber a soft materialthat you useto maketires safe not in danger sail to travelin a shipor a boatusingsaits or an engrne sailor someonewho workson a shipor a boat separate not connected;apart shape for example,circle,square,triangle ship a largeboat silver an expensivegraymetal similar like someoneor something sink to fall to the bottom of water size how big or smaltsomeoneor somethingis steepercar whereyou can steepon a train in a bed soccer pitch (orfootbalt pitch) the ptace whereyou ptaysoccer sotar fromthe sun;usingenergyfrom the sun space wherethe moonand starsare spaceship a vehictethat takesastronauts ' into space spaceshuttte a vehictethat takes astronauts into space spacestation a buitdingin spacewhere astronauts live andwork special differentand important spice we use it to give ftavorto food; it comesfrom plants steam the hot gasthat watermakeswhen it boits storm badweather;lots of wind and rain street vehictestravel on it thick not thin tire (ortyre) the thick,soft ringon a wheet, madefrom rubber top speed the fastestthat someoneor somethingcango town a placewith a lot of buildings,[arger thana vittageand smatlerthan a city trade to buy and se[[things traffic vehictesmovingatonga street traffic jam vehictesthat can't move becausetherearetoo manyothervehictes transport to takesomethingor someone fromone placeto anotherin a vehicle tree trunk the thick partof a tree triangular in the shapeof a triangte uncomfortable not comfortable useful that helpssomeoneto something goods vehicle somethingfor transporting or peopte vittage a few housesin the countryside; smallerthana town without not havingsomething; not doing something wooden madeof wood CLILAdviser: SeriesEditor:HazelGeatches JohnC[egg OxfordReadand Discovergradedreaders areat four levets,from for students fromage8 ando[der.Theycovermany to 6, suitable topicswithinthreesubjectareas, andcansupportEnglish across the (CLIL) curriculum, or Content andLanguage Integrated Learning Available for eachreader: Audi oC DPa c k( b oo k& a u d i oC D ) ActivityBook go to ForTeacher's Notes& CLILGuidance p.c www.ou om/ elt/ teacher,/reada nddiscover Subiect \:rea Leve[ \ TheWorld of Science & Technotogy The Natural World HowWe Make Products SoundandMusic 600 SuperStructures headwords YourFiveSenses @ * * r 750 headwords, @ A[[ About Plants Howto StayHealthy Machines Thenand Now Why We Recycle ' r Materialsto Products MedicineThenand Now Transportation Then 900 headwords and Now Wild Weather @ CettsandMicrobes ThenandNow Clothes 1,050 a Incredibte Energy headwordsa YourAmazing Body @ a a a a a a The Wortd of Arts & SocialStudies AmazingMinibeasts Animalsin the Air Life in Rainforests WonderfulWater FestivalsAround the World FreeTimeAround the World At[ About DesertLife All AboutOceanLife Animatsat Night lncredibteEarth r Animalsin Art ' Wondersof the Past Alt Aboutlsl.ands AnimalLifeCycles Exploring OurWorld GreatMigrations u Homes Around theWortd , OurWorldin Art Alt AboutSpace Caringfor OurPtanet EarthThenandNow Wonderful Ecosystems Hetping Around theWortd FoodAround theWortd Foryoungerstudents,DotphinReadersLevetsStarter,t, and2 areavailable ...ThenandNow JamesStyring lntroduction ThenandNow BoatsandShips Buses, Trains, andTruckst2 16 Bicycles andMotorcycles 20 Cars 24 Aircraft 28 Around... We Recycle ' r Materialsto Products MedicineThenand Now Transportation Then 900 headwords and Now Wild Weather @ CettsandMicrobes ThenandNow Clothes 1,050 a Incredibte Energy headwordsa YourAmazing... groups and they didn't travel a lot Then, as villagesand towns became bigger, people had to travel to find food Peopleused animals to carry goods like meat and fur Today Transportation Then about

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