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Ebook Chiral separation techniques Part 1

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(BQ) Part 1 book Chiral separation techniques has contents: Techniques in preparative chiral separations; method development and optimization of enantiomeric separations using macrocyclic glycopeptide chiral stationary phases; method development and optimization of enantiomeric separations using macrocyclic glycopeptide chiral stationary phases;...and other contents.

Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach, Second, completely revised and updated edition Edited by G Subramanian Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ISBNs: 3-527-29875-4 (Hardcover); 3-527-60036-1 (Electronic) Chiral Separation Techniques Edited by G Subramanian Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach, Second, completely revised and updated edition Edited by G Subramanian Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ISBNs: 3-527-29875-4 (Hardcover); 3-527-60036-1 (Electronic) Chiral Separation Techniques A Practical Approach Second, completely revised and updated edition Edited by G Subramanian Weinheim · Chichester · New York · Toronto · Brisbane · Singapore Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach, Second, completely revised and updated edition Edited by G Subramanian Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ISBNs: 3-527-29875-4 (Hardcover); 3-527-60036-1 (Electronic) Dr Ganapathy Subramanian 60B Jubilee Road Littlebourne Canterbury Kent CT3 1TP, UK This book was carefully produced Nevertheless, authors, editor, and publisher not warrant the information contained therein to be free of errors Readers are advised to keep in mind that statements, data, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertently be inaccurate Library of Congress Card No applied for A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Die Deutsche Bibliothek – CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die Deutsche Bibliothek © WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim (Federal Republic of Germany), 2001 ISBN 3-527-29875-4 Printed on acid-free paper All rights reserved (including those of translation in other languages) No part of this book may be reproduced in any form – by photoprinting, microfilm, or any other means – nor transmitted or translated into machine language without written permission from the publishers Registered names, trademarks, etc used in this book, even when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law Composition: TypoDesign Hecker GmbH, D-69181 Leimen Printing: Strauss Offsetdruck, D-69509 Mörlenbach Bookbinding: Osswald & Co., D-67433 Neustadt (Weinstraße) Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach, Second, completely revised and updated edition Edited by G Subramanian Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ISBNs: 3-527-29875-4 (Hardcover); 3-527-60036-1 (Electronic) Preface During the past two decades there has been intense interest in the development and application of chiral chromatographic methods, particularly in the pharmaceutical industries This is driven both by desire to develop and exploit “good science” and by the increasing pressure by regulatory authorities over the past ten years against the marketing of racemic mixtures The regulation of chiral drug provides a good demonstration of the mutual relationship between progress in scientific methodology and regulatory guidelines It has also provided a common platform in establishing good understanding between international regulatory authorities and pharamceutical industries, leading to a consensus in recognition of the global nature of pharmaceutical development This has provided a great challenge for the industries to seek techniques that are efficient, economical and easy to apply, in the manufacture of enantiopure products The versatility of chiral stationary phases and its effecitve application in both analytical and large-scale enantioseparation has been discussed in the earlier book ‘A Practical Approach to Chiral Separation by Liquid Chromatography’ (Ed G Subramanian, VCH 1994) This book aims to bring to the forefront the current development and sucessful application chiral separation techniques, thereby providing an insight to researchers, analytical and industrial chemists, allowing a choice of methodology from the entire spectrum of available techniques I am indebted to the leading international group of contributors, who have agreed to share their knowlegde and experience Each chapter represents an overview of its chosen topic Chapter provider an overview of techniques in preparative chiral separation, while Chapter provides an account on method development and optimisation of enantiomer separation using macrocyclic glycopeptide chiral stationary phase Combinatorial approach and chirabase applications are discussed in Chapters and Chapter details the development of membranes for chiral separation, while Chapter gives an overview of implanting techniques for enantiopurification Non chromatographic solid-phase purification of enantiomers is explained in Chapter 7, and Chapter discusses modeling and simulation of SMB and its application in enantioseparation A perspective on cGMP compliance for preparative chiral chromatography in discussed Chapter 9, and Chapter 10 provides an account of electrophoretically driven preparative chiral separation and sub- and supercritical fluid VI Preface chromatography for enentioseparation is explained in Chapter 11 An insight into International Regulation of chiral drugs is provided in Chapter 12 It is hoped that the book will be of value to chemists and chemical engineers who are engaged in the manufacture of enantiopure products, and that they will sucessfully apply some of the techniques described In this way, an avenue will be provided for further progess to be made in this important field I wish to express my sincere thanks to Steffen Pauly and his colleagues for their enthusiasm and understanding in the production this book Canterbury, Kent, UK April, 2000 G Subramanian Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach, Second, completely revised and updated edition Edited by G Subramanian Copyright © 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH ISBNs: 3-527-29875-4 (Hardcover); 3-527-60036-1 (Electronic) Contents Techniques in Preparative Chiral Separations Ganapathy Subramanian 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 Introduction Crystallization Techniques Chromatographic Techniques Liquid Chromatography High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC/MPLC) Flash Chromatography Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) Closed-loop Recycling with Periodic Intra-profile Injection (CLRPIPI) Countercurrent Chromatography (CCC/CPC) Subcritical and Supercritical Fluid Chromatography 12 Gas Chromatography 13 Enantioselective Membranes 13 Other Methods 15 Chiral Extractions 15 Preparative Gel Electrophoresis and Thin-Layer Chromatography 16 Enantioselective Distillations and Foam Flotation 17 Global Considerations 18 References 19 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.6 Method Development and Optimization of Enantiomeric Separations Using Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Chiral Stationary Phases 25 Thomas E Beesley, J T Lee, Andy X Wang 2.1 2.2 Introduction 25 Characteristics of Macrocyclic Glycopeptide CSPs 26 VIII 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 Contents Chiral Recognition Mechanisms 26 Multi-modal CSPs 28 Predictability of Enantioselectivity 30 Complementary Separations 30 Method Development with Glycopeptide CSPs 38 Method Development Protocols 38 Column Coupling Technique 39 Optimization 44 Effect of Flow Rate and Temperature on Enantiomeric Separations 44 Optimization of Enantiomeric Separations in the New Polar Organic Mode 46 Optimization of Enantiomeric Separations in Reversed Phase 48 Effect of Organic Modifier on Enantiomeric Separations 48 Effect of Aqueous Buffer on Chiral Separations 51 Optimization of Enantiomeric Separations in Normal Phase 53 Concluding Remarks 53 References 54 Combinatorial Approaches to Recognition of Chirality: Preparation and the Use of Materials for the Separation of Enantiomers 57 Frantisek Svec, Dirk Wulff, Jean M J Fréchet 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.6 Introduction 57 Engineering of a Chrial Separation Medium 58 Chiral Selectors 59 Design of New Chiral Selectors 61 In Pursuit of High Selectivity 62 Acceleration of the Discovery Process 63 Reciprocal Approach 63 Combinatorial Chemistry 64 Library of Cyclic Oligopeptides as Additives to Background Electrolyte for Chiral Capillary Electrophoresis 64 Library of Chiral Cyclophanes 68 Modular Synthesis of a Mixed One-Bead – One-Selector Library 70 Combinatorial Libraries of Selectors for HPLC 73 On-Bead Solid-Phase Synthesis of Chiral Dipeptides 73 Reciprocal Screening of Parallel Library 80 Reciprocal Screening of Mixed Libraries 85 Library-On-Bead 87 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 Contents IX 3.8 Conclusion 92 References 93 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications Using Molecular Similarity, Decision Tree and 3D "Enantiophore" Search 97 Christian Roussel, Johanna Pierrot-Sanders, Ingolf Heitmann, Patrick Piras 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.7 4.8 Introduction 97 Database Status, Content and Structure 99 Data Registration 101 Searching the System 103 The Query Menu 104 The Automatic Search Tool 105 3D Structure Database Searches 108 Queries Based on CSP Receptor 108 Queries Based on Sample Ligand 112 Dealing with Molecular Similarity 115 Comparison of Sample Similarities within a Molecule Dataset 116 Comparison of Molecule Dataset Similarities between Two CSPs 118 Decision Tree using Application of Machine Learning 121 Conclusion 124 References 125 Membranes in Chiral.Separations M F Kernmere, J T F Keurentjes 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 Introduction 129 Chiral Membranes 130 Liquid Membranes 130 Emulsion Liquid Membranes 131 Supported Liquid Membranes 132 Bulk Liquid Membranes 132 Polymer Membranes 134 Molecular Imprinted Polymers 136 Cascades of Enantioselective Membranes 139 Membrane-Assisted Chiral Separations 140 Liquid-Liquid Extraction 141 Liquid-Membrane Fractionation 143 Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration 147 Concluding remarks 149 References 150 129 X Contents Enantiomer Separations using Designed Imprinted Chiral Phases 153 Börje Sellergren 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4 6.5 Introduction 153 Molecular Imprinting Approaches 155 Structure-Binding Relationships 159 High Selectivity 160 Low Selectivity 163 Studies of the Monomer-Template Solution Structures 163 Adsorption Isotherms and Site Distribution 164 Adsorption-Desorption Kinetics and Chromatographic Band Broadening 167 Factors to Consider in the Synthesis of MICSPs 168 Factors Related to the Monomer-Template Assemblies 169 Influence of the Number of Template Interaction Sites 175 Thermodynamic Factors 176 Factors Related to Polymer Structure and Morphology 177 Methods for Combinatorial Synthesis and Screening of Large Number of MIPs 178 New Polymerization Techniques 180 Other Separation Formats 181 Conclusions 183 References 184 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Chiral Derivatization Chromatography Michael Schulte 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 Introduction 187 Different Approaches for Derivatization Chromatography 188 Type I: Covalent Derivatization with a Unichiral Derivatizing Agent 189 Types of Modifications for Different Groups 190 Separation of Amino Acid Enantiomers after Derivatization with Ortho-Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) and a Unichiral Thiol Compound 193 Type II: Selective Derivatization of One Compound 198 Type III: Increase in Selectivity 200 Type IV: Derivative with best Selectivity 201 Type V: Reactive Separation 202 Conclusions 203 References 204 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.3 187 4.5 3D Structure Database Searches 111 In order to enhance our ligand-based query hypothesis, the structural fragments of the initial query were generalized but linked with the same distance constraints A search of this final query (see Fig 4-10) in the same list yielded 690 hits and a statistically significant correlation of the presence of this enantiophore and the enantioselectivity of the compounds was found (94 % of those are well resolved on Chiralcel OD) Note that out of the 4203 compounds of the Chiralcel OD domain search, a 2D search found 1900 structures that contain the substructural features of the generalized query Fig 4-10 Chiralcel OD ligand-based queries In Fig 4-11, two different samples are displayed in their original conformations and conformations fitted to the query as they are highlighted by the CFS search process The CFS process rotates single bonds between two atoms to find the maximum and minimum difference possible with the distance and angle constraints Then, using a torsional fitter, it attempts to minimize in those conformations the deviations between measured values of 3D constraints and the values that are specified in the 3D-search query We have seen here that these simple methods which only rely upon the optimal use of molecular graphics tools can address highly specific receptor-ligand interactions These first-created enantiophores are rudimentary, but may serve as useful guidelines for a further design of more sophisticated and efficient search queries in consideration of possible alternative modes of binding and conformational changes in the CSP receptor structure Undoubtedly, this query optimization will soon take advantage of the backgrounds of our new 3D-database project called CHIRSOURCE CHIRSOURCE aims to explore the use of chiral chromatography for combinatorial chemistry approaches Combinatorial chemistry, as well as parallel synthesis, 112 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications using … requires the availability of both enantiomers to address the configurational diversity issues The availability of both enantiomers is not so common as far as the sources come from the « chiral pool » or implies two separated asymmetric synthesis or resolution, which often require further enantiomeric purification Preparative (or semipreparative) chiral liquid chromatography is the method of choice for the availability of both enantiomers in high enantiomeric purity in a single shot Simulated moving bed technology is available for larger-scale separations Designed from CHIRBASE-3D, CHIRSOURCE provides 30 000 structures in terms of configurational diversity, most of them easily available by semipreparative scale on corporate installation or in dedicated companies with minor further optimization We are today persuaded that CHIRSOURCE can help to reduce the costs and means that are required to launch a new chiral drug to market CHIRSOURCE will include molecular attributes (dipole, lipophilicity, surface area and volume, HOMOLUMO, Verloop parameters, molar refractivity) and molecular indices (describing connectivity, shape, topology and electrotopology, atom, ring and group counts) Such 3D molecular descriptors are often used in cluster analysis to identify dissimilar compounds for combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening applications 3D structures in database 3D structures fitted to the query Fig 4-11 Examples of structure fitting the generalized Chiralcel OD ligand-based query 4.6 Dealing with Molecular Similarity 113 4.6 Dealing with Molecular Similarity Besides 3D structure database searches, molecular similarity is also widely used for drug design by the pharmaceutical industry, as demonstrated by two recent reviews [23, 24] More particularly, 2D fingerprints used to calculate the 2D topological similarity of molecules were found valid to quantify molecular diversity and thus manage the global diversity of structure databases [25] In this section, we describe the application of similarity measures, in order to determine some relationships between CSPs by production of a molecular similarity matrix displayed as a dot plot More precisely, the molecular similarity calculations applied to CHIRBASE provides a way of comparing the samples within a dataset, as well as comparing different datasets using the two following methodologies: Select a set of compounds resolved on a given CSP, calculate the similarity indices between all possible molecule pairs, and then use these indices to build a similarity matrix containing relevant information about the structural diversity within the set of samples separated on this CSP Select two sets of compounds resolved on two different CSPs, calculate the similarity indices between all possible molecule pairs of these two sets, and then use these indices to build a similarity matrix containing relevant information about the structural affinities of these two CSPs The similarity matrices are constructed by one in-house program developed inside CHIRBASE using the application development kit of ISIS They contain the similarity coefficients as expressed by the Tanimoto method In ISIS, the Tanimoto coefficients are calculated from a set of binary descriptors or molecular keys coding the structural fragments of the molecules These structural key descriptors incorporate a remarkable amount of pertinent molecular arrangements covering each type of interaction involved in ligand-receptor bindings [26] Since every structure in a database is represented by one or more of the 960 key codes available in ISIS, suppose that two molecules include respectively A and B key codes, then the Tanimoto coefficient is given by: AIB [A U B] − [A I B] In ISIS, the similarity value is ranging between and 100 A similarity value of means that the two molecules are totally dissimilar, whereas a value of 100 will be obtained when the two molecules are 100 % identical The matrices are called similarity matrix by convention, as larger numbers indicate more similarity between items Dot plots of the matrix are produced by another in-house application developed with Visual Basic using the InovaGIS object library [27] The pixels in the map are color-coded by similarity coefficients, providing a visual representation of similitudes among one or two sets of molecules Such a representation is a simple but very powerful means for quickly visualizing and finding trends in very large data 114 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications using … sets (up to 250 000 points) The present work is preliminary, and it is intended to illustrate one interesting issue that can be addressed with CHIRBASE 4.6.1 Comparison of Sample Similarities within a Molecule Dataset In these first studies, similarity measures were investigated to survey the molecular diversity of a set of molecules resolved on a given CSP in order to compare the extent of their application range Three types of CSPs were compared: ● ● ● Polysaccharide-based CSPs [28]: – Chiralcel OD: Cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate coated on aminopropyl silica – Chiralpak AD: Amylose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) coated on aminopropyl silica Pirkle-like CSPs [29]: – Whelk-O 1: (3R,4S)-4-(3,5-Dinitrobenzamido)-3-[3-(dimethylsilyloxy)pro pyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophenanthrene) – Pirkle DNPG: (R)-N-3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl-phenylglycine covalently bonded to aminopropyl silica Inclusion-based CSPs [28]: – Crownpak CR(+): (S)-18-crown-6 ether coated on silica In the first category, we have chosen two cellulose- and amylose-based CSPs which provide today a considerable application range in CHIRBASE In the second category, we have chosen to evaluate the behavior of the Whelk-O CSP because of its well-recognized ability to resolve a broader range of samples than standard Pirkle-like CSPs In the last category, Crownpak CR is a good example of a CSP offering a limited field of application with a large proportion of amino acids in our molecule library Today, such qualitative trends can be revealed to the analyst from the published literature, or by manual examination of the structures in CHIRBASE through a time-consuming and biased procedure, but have not yet been clearly determined through a rational and systematic manner A set of about 500 molecules was used for each CSP Figure 4-12 illustrates some results of dot plots The similarity measures are displayed here according to a gray value gradient (white for to black for 100) As the way the data points are presented to the application is dependent upon the organization of the molecules in CHIRBASE, dots are put in the maps at random positions by the algorithm in order to provide a good statistical repartition, and thus facilitate the ability to distinguish visually the global diversity of samples For each of these images, a mean value of the luminance can then be measured directly using a standard photo-editor software As shown in Table 4-4, the image luminance values are found to be in good agreement with the calculated mean similarity values of the molecule sets Therefore, the level of similarity of the molecule set can be immediately judged based on the aver- 4.6 Dealing with Molecular Similarity 115 Similarity Scale Fig 4-12 Similarity maps of Crownpak CR, Whelk-O and Chiralcel OD L: luminance value of the image age luminance of the full image: the smaller similarity between molecules, the higher luminance in the picture will be found As the luminance values depend on the initial choice of molecules, other experiments were repeated with different populations of molecule The results obtained with these additional molecule sets showed very little variation of map patterns To demonstrate the excellent correlation (r2 = 0.99) between the luminance of the images and molecular diversity, we plotted the luminance values of the map versus the mean similarity values of data sets (Fig 4-13) From this plot, a scoring scheme for the classification of CSPs from specific to broad application range can be well established: Crownpak CR > Pirkle DNBPG > Whelk > Chiralpak AD > Chiralcel OD Table 4-4 Map luminance and mean similarity values of CSP datasets Whelk Chiralcel OD Chiralpak AD Pirkle DNBPG Crownpak CR Mean similarity Luminance 21.34 16.62 18.20 24.89 26.30 201 212 209 192 188 116 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications using … Fig 4-13 Plot of map luminance versus mean similarity of molecule sets The results obtained are in accordance with our previous observations: ● ● ● Chiralcel OD and Chiralpak AD are associated with the largest mean values of molecular diversity Whelk-O and Pirkle DNBPG have appreciable differences in terms of application range This is not surprising since Pirkle DNBPG often requires a prior derivatization of solutes to achieve a separation This also confirms the atypical character of Whelk-O compared to other Pirkle-like CSPs Crownpak CR(+) exhibits the lowest diversity of structural features For comparative purposes, Chiralcel OD and Crownpak CR could be used as an extreme case to delineate the basis of a molecular diversity scale 4.6.2 Comparison of Molecule Dataset Similarities between two CSPs In the following studies, the same computational steps have been used in a straightforward manner as before to compare pairs of CSP The molecule datasets employed in these studies are the same as that used above In addition, two protein-based CSP were also compared: ● ● Chiral-AGP: alpha-acid glycoprotein bonded to silica Ultron ES-OVM: ovomucoid-conjugated bonded to aminopropyl-silica 4.6 Dealing with Molecular Similarity 117 A quick inspection of similarity maps in Fig 4-14, allows one to see at once that Chiralcel OD and Whelk-O molecule sets contain notable structural differences, whereas AGP and OVM data sets contain much more structurally related molecules Caution must be emphasized here that this simple method which aims to measure the molecular diversity between two CSP classes does not provide an absolute scale However, a relative analysis of luminance values (Table 4-5) can show how potentially different are the application range of two CSPs and can also help to select a subset of CSPs that represent the largest scope of applications Table 4-5 Map luminance of pairs of CSP datasets Luminance OD-Whelk AD-Whelk AD-OD Whelk–Pirkle DNBPG AD-Pirkle OD-Pirkle AGP-OVM 213 209 214 202 206 210 197 Fig 4-14 Similarity maps comparing molecular diversity between two couples of CSP A data plot, as displayed in Fig 4-15, may then constitute a useful support for the simple selection of candidate CSPs that should be available in a laboratory For purposes of comparison, luminance data were scaled by normalizing the data in the range [0,100] by means of the following equation: Di = [100 (Li – Lmin)/(Lmax– Lmin)] 118 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications using … where Di is the scaled value, Li is the original luminance, and Lmin and Lmax are the minimum and maximum values of luminance As we have already indicated, the diversity value of molecule sets combining two CSPs is difficult to interpret on an absolute scale Only the relative position of each set can be useful to compare, and also the arrangement of the points in regard to the molecular diversity inherent to each individual molecule set of CSP On this basis, the AD-OD combined set appears to be the most diverse, and its score establishes a practical larger bound It is interesting to note that this combined set has a larger diversity than each original AD and OD set This increase of diversity is also observed for the combined OD-Whelk set This may explain why these CSPs are often good candidates in CSP screening strategies Comparison of WhelkPirkle set reveals no reduction of diversity of the original Whelk set This result suggests that more specific Pirkle-like CSPs contribute well to augment the diversity space defined by the Whelk-O CSP Fig 4-15 Plot of pairs of CSP according to a scaled value of map luminance More surprising is the loss of diversity shown by the AGP-OVM combined set; this result seems to confirm the significant “overlap” of AGP and OVM solutes found in earlier works [30] As a first conclusion, this work shows that similarity coefficients, which code molecules in terms of chemical substructures, are useful to assess the efficiency of CSPs The purpose of this work was not to propose a new method for solving the 4.7 Decision Tree using Application of Machine Learning 119 complex task of CSP classification Indeed, the aim was basically to compare CSP applications through simple and easily interpretable similarity maps for simplifying the analysis of large data matrices From a practical point of view, it is impossible to test all the existing CSPs The comparison of maps allows a direct classification of whether a given CSP presents a broad variety of applications or not For screening purposes, a CSP choice made throughout such studies should be much better than a random selection of CSPs Furthermore, this approach can also supply a straightforward procedure to predict the potentialities of newly designed CSPs Also, similarity maps can serve to depict resemblance between CSPs when there is no information available regarding the structural requirements for interaction with CSP Compared to other methods such as hierarchical clustering approaches using structure-based fingerprints, our approach requires much less CPU time (less than h to build a map of 250 000 dots) Thus, this rapid diversity analysis process may be proven useful in other areas, such as aiding in investigating diversity in databases of high-throughput screening results 4.7 Decision Tree using Application of Machine Learning Machine learning provides the easiest approach to data mining, and also provides solutions in many fields of chemistry: quality control in analytical chemistry [31], interpretation of mass spectra [32], as well prediction of pharmaceutical properties [33, 34] or drug design [35] Utilization of intelligent systems in chiral chromatography starts with an original project called “CHIRULE” developed by Stauffer and Dessy [36], who combined similarity searching and an expert system application for CSP prediction This issue has recently been reconsidered by Bryant and co-workers with the first development of an expert system for the choice of Pirkle-type CSPs [37] Machine learning can analyze a large dataset and determine what information is most pertinent Such generalized information can then be converted into knowledge through the generation of rule sets that will enable faster and more relevant decisions A decision tree is constituted of two types of nodes: parent and leaves Each parent node corresponds to a question or an attribute; each leaf node designates a single class The branches connected to a parent node correspond to a split of the population node according to the answers to the question or the value of the attribute Each subset of the population is split again, recursively, using different questions or attributes until a subset belong to a single class In this case, the branch of the tree stops with a leaf node labeled with a single class A tree is read from root to leaves We begin at the root of the tree which contains all the population Then, following the relevant branches according to the question asked at each branch node, we finally reach a leaf node The label on that leaf node provides the class which is the resulting conclusion induced from the tree 120 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications using … The first tree induction algorithm is called ID3 (Iterative Dichotomizer version 3) and was developed by Quinlan [38] Subsequent improved versions of ID3 are C4.5 and C5 In our study, we used MC4 decision tree algorithm which is available in the MLC++ package [39] MC4 and C4.5 use the same algorithm with different default parameter settings The purpose of this study is only intended to illustrate and evaluate the decision tree approach for CSP prediction using as attributes the 166 molecular keys publicly available in ISIS This assay was carried out a CHIRBASE file of 3000 molecular structures corresponding to a list of samples resolved with an α value superior to 1.8 For each solute, we have picked in CHIRBASE the traded CSP providing the highest enantioselectivity This procedure leads to a total selection of 18 CSPs commercially available under the following names: Chiralpak AD [28], Chiral-AGP [40], Chiralpak AS [28], Resolvosil BSA-7 [41], Chiral-CBH [40], CTA-I (microcrystalline cellulose triacetate) [42], Chirobiotic T [43], Crownpak CR(+) [28], Cyclobond I [43], DNB-Leucine covalent [29], DNB-Phenylglycine covalent [29], Chiralcel OB [28], Chiralcel OD [28], Chiralcel OJ [28], Chiralpak OT(+) [28], Ultron-ES-OVM [44], Whelk-O [29], (R,R)-β-Gem [29] After importing the data file into MLC++ and selecting “gain-ratio” as splitting method, the program builds the full tree shown in Fig 4-16 The tree has 631 nodes, 316 leaves and 107 attributes Attributes are molecular key features and leaves are CSPs Fig 4-16 Decision tree built by MLC++ from the analysis of 3000 solutes resolved on 18 commercially available CSPs The magnifying glass shows the region zoomed in Fig 4-17 4.7 Decision Tree using Application of Machine Learning 121 As the entire tree is complex and cannot be clearly displayed in one screen, we report in Fig 4-17 an expanded (zoomed) fraction of the “nonaromatic” population set of the tree Fig 4-17 Zoomed picture of the decision tree in the “nonaromatic” region (0) indicates “no”; (1) indicates “yes” (A) for any atom except hydrogen ($) indicates that the bond is part of a ring, and (!) bond is part of a chain CC(C)(C)A for tBu Since this current study is restricted to the best enantioseparations (α > 1.8), it is quite clear that the tree does not accurately reflect the full information contained in CHIRBASE However, it has provided some interesting results At the top of the tree, the molecule population is first divided according to the presence or absence of the attribute “NH2” (primary amine) If the answer is “yes”, the developed branches (on the right of the tree) mostly leads to the Crownpak CSP The next attribute is “Aromatic” If the answer is “no”, here the predominant CSP is Chiralpak AD Aromatic compounds form the largest part of the tree and as expected the dominant CSP is Chiralcel OD which is disseminated in almost every region of the tree 122 CHIRBASE: Database Current Status and Derived Research Applications using … Some other interesting results are: ● ● ● ● ● The importance of steric and hydrogen bond interactions in chiral separations of nonaromatic samples Chiralpak OT(+) dominates the branches built under the “spiro” and “AROMATIC RING>1” molecular keys CTA-I and Chiralcel OJ are found under the key “AROMATIC” and “8 member ring or larger” If sample also contains one amino group, then the tree leads to Chiralcel OJ Whelk-O well predominates the aromatic samples bearing an axial chirality created by a C–N bond Chiralcel OB is associated with the separation of aromatic and nonaromatic sulfoxides and Chiralcel OD with aromatic alcohols Nonetheless, these results are partial and can be seen only as a test study, and clearly many improvements will be considered For example, the decision at each node should not be restricted to the only use of molecular key attributes, but should also take into account the mobile phase constituents Future works will also extend this approach to the full database and will probably lead to the introduction of knowledge rules in CHIRBASE Knowledge rules will help the users not only in the choice of a wide range of columns but also in the selection of appropriate experimental conditions From these initial results we have seen that this approach has exciting practical issues However, we have also found that it does not match the accuracy of a database structure search, and the latter will certainly continue to be the best approach for CSP prediction for separation of a particular structure 4.8 Conclusions Today, the use of CHIRBASE as a tool in aiding the chemist in the identification of appropriate CSPs has produced impressive and valuable results Although recent developments diminish the need for domain expertise, today the user must possess a certain level of knowledge of analytical chemistry and chiral chromatography Nevertheless, further refinements will notably reduce this required level of expertise Part of this effort will include the design of an expert system which will provide rule sets for each CSP in a given sample search context The expert system will also be able to query the user about the specific requisites for each sample (scale, solubility, etc.) and generate rules which will indicate a ranked list of CSPs as well their most suitable experimental conditions (mobile phase, temperature, pH, etc.) Such an expert system can also be adapted for the evaluation of data in the published literature However, this point raises a number of practical questions A better exploitation of chromatographic data in this field would require an important effort to be made by analysts to constitute standards for quality control and interpretation References 123 of results It is essential that authors report detailed and specific information on the techniques and experimental conditions used for chiral analysis For instance, one simple means of improving the quality of data would be to report the exact value of the temperature and not “room temperature” or “ambient temperature”, as is often found An examination of CHIRBASE data completed by the authors shows that this expression can cover a large range of temperature from 15 °C to 30 °C Reports should always include standardized chromatographic data information (k, α and resolution), as well as, if available, other important measurements such as elution order We have seen that the accumulation of data is now furnishing a variety of hypotheses that could be further verified in the laboratory While predictive techniques can be designed without data, they cannot be evaluated in the absence of such data Clearly, data are essential for study designs aimed at the investigation of CSPsolute chiral interactions We are convinced that it is actually possible to attain a detailed structural knowledge of the mechanisms of chiral separations using statistical analysis techniques such as cluster analysis and other multivariate analysis methods combined with data mining, rather than only via the means of molecular model building None of these concurrent studies can be performed today without the availability of large amounts of experimental data From this perspective, and with a continued lack of models and a better understanding of enantioseparation mechanisms, we can assume that the role of computers in this field will become increasingly determinant References [1] (a) Okamoto, Y., Yashima, E., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., 1998, 37, 1021–1043 (b) Francotte, E., Chem Anal Series, 1997, 142, 633–683 (c) Ahuja, S (ed.) 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