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01BasicListening 1 17

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Basic Listening Lesson #01 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What movie these people plan on watching? Matrix Revolution The Two Towers Lord of the Rings The Last Samurai When they plan on watching the movie? On the Weekend Tomorrow Later in the evening today Next Friday Where they plan on meeting? At the subway entrance In front of the movie theater At starbucks next to the theater At home What time they plan on meeting? At 7:30pm after dinner At noontime At one o'clock At 3:45pm Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Lord of the Rings Tomorrow At the subway entrance At one o'clock If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "What are you doing tomorrow?" B: "Nothing really." A: "Let's watch a movie or something." B: "What's on these days?" A: "I think they're playing Lord of the Rings" B: "That sounds pretty good Let's watch that." A: "Where should we meet?" B: "How about at the subway entrance." A: "Aright I'll meet you there at one o'clock." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #02 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What day are they planning on seeing a movie? Friday Saturday Sunday Wednesday When is the new movie supposed to come out? Friday Saturday Sunday Wednesday What they plan on doing before the movie? Nothing Eat Dinner Play pool Eat Lunch Where they plan on meeting? In front of the movie theater In front of McDonalds In front of Tower Records In front of the subway entrance Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Saturday Friday Eat Lunch In front of Tower Records If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "What should we this Saturday?" B: "Rocky six is supposed to come out this Friday." A: "Yeah, but I don't know if it is going to be any good." B: "The only reason I want to see it is because I have seen the previous five." A: "True Ok Let's see it this Saturday." B: "How about we hook up for lunch at 12:00, and then go see the movie afterwards." A: "Sounds like a plan Let's meet in front of Tower Records at 12:00." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #03 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What types of movies does this person like? Action and drama Drama and science fiction Suspense and horror Western and horror Choose one type of movie this person dislkes? Suspence Comedy Western Action Why does this person not like horror movies? Too scary Too boring Stupid and childish Predictable and obvious How does the person asking the questions think about horror movies? Entertaining Funny Scary Suspenseful Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Drama and science fiction Western Stupid and childish Entertaining If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "What type of movies you like?" B: "I like all sorts of movies, primarily drama and science fiction." A: "That's an interesting combination How about western movies?" B: "Western and horror are the two types of movies I don't care for." A: "Why don't you like horror? They're entertaining." B: "Some are entertaining, but I find most of them stupid and childish For example, I don't understand why a person always goes into the house alone when something is suspicious." A: "Ha I know what you mean But it's just a movie They need for the characters to that." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #04 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What movies was first suggested? Titanic Rocky V Last man standing Legally Blonde Why did they not accept the first suggested movie? He already seen it He doesn't like that type of movie He needs to watch it with his girlfriend He doesn't like horror movies What type of movie did they end up choosing? A scary movie An action packed movie An exciting movie A dramatic movie When are they going to see the movie? On the weekend after lunch Next week after the final exams On Friday after class Tomorrow after class Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Legally Blonde He needs to watch it with his girlfriend A scary movie Tomorrow after class If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Hey, you wanna see a movie tomorrow?" B: "Sounds like a good plan What you want to see?" A: "How about Legally Blonde." B: "Ah, my girlfriend wanted to see that movie I have to take her later so I don't want to watch it ahead of time How about The Cube?" A: "Isn't that a scary movie?" B: "How scary can it be? Come on, it'll be fun." A: "Ok I'll give it a try." B: "That's the spirit I'll see you tomorrow after class." A: "Ok See you tomorrow." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #05 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What is the topic of discussion? Classes Movies Work Sports What class did he really like? Economy 101 Poli-sci English Calculus What was his favorite class? Biology Chemistry Business communication Philosophy What word did he use to describe his favorite class? Amazing Terrific Educational Interesting Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Classes Poli-Sci Business communication Terrific If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Hey Jack How were your classes this semester?" B: "They were not too bad I really liked my poli-sci class." A: "Would you consider it your favorite class?" B: "I don't know if I would call it my favorite, but it ranks up there." A: "What class was your favorite then?" B: "I took a business communication class last year and it was terrific." A: "I never took that yet If that was your favorite, I think I will check it out." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Exercise 2 months ago 45 minutes Bicycle for 30 minutes If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "What you besides work and watching TV?" B: "When I have some time, I like to exercise." A: "Do you go jogging or you go to a health club?" B: "I joined Samsung Health Club a couple of months ago." A: "How you exercise?" B: "I usually spend 30 minutes on the bicycle for the cardio, and then I lift weight for about 45 minutes." A: "How often you go?" B: "I want to go four times a week, but I'm too lazy Last week, I only went to workout once." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #11 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What does Jimmy's friend want to later? Workout Eat lunch Sleep Play basketball What time that plan on meeting? After dinner At 3:30 Ten in the morning After lunch at 1:00 What did he earlier that caused soreness in his legs? Lifted weights Skiing with friends Played soccer all day Played basketball Where are they going to meet? At Jimmy's house At the coffee shop down the street By the bus stop At the gym Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Workout At 3:30 Played basketball At the gym If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Hey Jimmy Let's go workout later today." B: "Sure What time you want to go?" A: "How about at 3:30." B: "That sounds good Today we work on Legs and forearm." A: "Hey I just played basketball earlier, so my legs are a little sore Let's work out on arms and stomach today." B: "I'm on a weekly schedule You're messing everything up." A: "C'mon We're only switching two days You can legs on Friday." B: "Aright I'll meet you at the gym at 3:30 then." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #12 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz How would you describe Scott? Very tall and skinny Slender with broad shoulders Big and muscular Short and fat How long has it been since these two last saw each other? months ago 10 months ago A year and a half ago Two years ago How often does Scott go to the gym? Never Once a month Every day for an hour Every other day for hours Why does Scott work out so much? To get noticeable results Because he will be bored To enter a competition To train for a marathon Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Big and muscular Two years ago Every other day for hours To get noticeable results If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Damn Scott You got big." B: "Yeah, I've been working out a lot." A: "How long have you been lifting weights?" B: "For a year and a half." A: "Yeah Last time I saw you, it was like years ago." B: "Has it been that long?" A: "How often you go to the gym?" B: "I usually go every other day for about hours." A: "That's a lot." B: "Yeah, I used to work out for an hour a day times a week, and I saw no results This is what you have to to get noticeable results." A: "I don't think I have the discipline for that." B: "Just think of it as a hobby Then it's actually fun." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #13 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What topic are they talking about? Weather and rain Shopping at the mall Comedy movies at the theater Sports and activities If they get bored at the mall, what will they do? Watch a movie Buy a game to play Go home and watch TV Go to the gym What word is used to describe the weather? Amazing Depressing Great Terrible What was mentioned in the weather report? It will stop raining in three days It will stop raining in eight days It will stop raining on Friday I will be sunny over the weekend Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Weather and rain Watch a movie Terrible It will stop raining in eight days If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "The weather is terrible." B: "Yeah It's been raining a lot these days." A: "I have been watching a lot of videos at home because of the constant rain." B: "Have you heard when it's supposed to get better?" A: "I saw the weather report, and it's going to rain for the next eight days." B: "That sucks so much What are we going to do?" A: "I'm getting pretty bored We should something despite the rain." B: "I'm with you What you have in mind?" A: "I haven't been to the Mall in a long time Let's go there." B: "That sounds good They have a movie theatre there, so if we get bored, we can watch a movie." A: "Great I'll stop by your place now." B: "Ok Don't forget to bring your umbrella The rain can start up again anytime." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #14 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What university class are they talking about? Biology Chemistry History Geography How did the student describe the professor? Smart and fun Easy and boring Demanding but an easy grader Easy but a hard grader How did one student get an A- grade but all his scores were lower than that? The professor liked the student The professor graded on a curve The student did extra assignments The student talked to the professor How did one student feel after hearing about the professor from the other student? The student felt worried The student felt relieved The student felt like crying The student felt angry Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers History Demanding but an easy grader The professor graded on a curve The student felt relieved If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Did you ever take History 231?" B: "Yeah Last semester." A: "Who was the professor?" B: "It was Professor Johnson." A: "I have him this semester What you think about him?" B: "He's a terrible instructor and demands a lot, but fortunately, he's an easy grader." A: "What did you end up getting?" B: "I got an A- Sounds good, but none of my test scores were that high, so I don't know how I got a decent grade." A: "That's probably because he grades on a curve." B: "Are you enjoying the class so far?" A: "I hate it and I was about to withdrawal But after hearing your experience, I think I will tough it out." B: "Yes Definitely stay in the class You will get a better grade than your test scores He does that deliberately to make all the students study a lot." A: "Thanks for letting me know I feel relieved now." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #15 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz There are several topics in this short discussion, what is the main topic? Exercising Eating Sleeping Health How many hours is one person recommending to sleep? hours hours 10 hours 12 hours Why did mike start exercising? To burn off fat A girl he likes joined the local gym Because he was bored To improve his health When you get old, Mike recommends that you want to be what? Handsome and tall Smart and successful Healthy and active Rich and independent Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Health hours To improve his health Healthy and active If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Hi Mike What have you been up to?" B: "Not much I started exercising." A: "Trying to get in shape?" B: "Yeah, and I need to start improving my health." A: "Me too What are you doing besides exercising?" B: "That's about all." A: "I think if you eat better, it will help tremendously." B: "Sleep is good too I heard people who sleep an average of eight hours a day have less health problems." A: "Looks like there are a lot of things to to stay healthy." B: "True But I think it is worth it When you get old, you want to be healthy and active." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #16 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz Who are these two people talking about? A mutual friend Person A One person's father One person's brother Why is that person always feeling weak? He is sick with a virus He didn't take care of himself when he was young He got food poisoning He never exercised How long has it been since one person met his friend's father? months months years years What did the doctor say about the father's condition? He has cancer He has a fever but will get better His depression is making him tired Couldn't find anything specific Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers One person's father He didn't take care of himself when he was young years Couldn't find anything specific If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "I haven't seen your father in like years How is he doing?" B: "He's not doing too well." A: "Why? What's wrong?" B: "About a year ago, he started feeling weak all the time." A: "Is it due to old age or is he sick." B: "Maybe a little of both The doctor's can't point out anything specifically I think it is because he didn't take care of himself during his youth." A: "That makes sense It's important to take care of your health early in life." B: "That's what my father tells me almost everyday." A: "Well, I hope he starts feeling better Say hi to him for me." B: "Thanks I'll let him know." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #17 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills Step 2: Quiz What does limping mean? To crawl To cringe due to pain Walk that is unbalanced from injury or pain Walk that is faster than normal Why was Sarah limping? She was running late for class and was in a hurry She went snowboarding and had body aches She was looking for her contacts that fell to the ground She was practicing a martial arts move What would happen in the past when Matt walked too fast? He would trip and fall His leg would cramp He would start running He looked goofy walking fast What is Sarah's impression on snowboarding? Loves it and wants to go again Loves it but it is too expensive Not sure yet so she will try again Hates it and doesn't want to think about it Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers Walk that is unbalanced from injury or pain She went snowboarding and had body aches His leg would cramp Hates it and doesn't want to think about it If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did Step 3: Review Conversation Dialog A: "Hey Sarah Why are you limping?" B: "Oh Hi Matt I went snowboarding yesterday and my whole body aches." A: "Was it your first time?" B: "Yeah And I never want to go again." A: "I remember the first time I went My back was sore, I couldn't sit down because it hurt my butt, and my legs would cramp if I walked too fast." B: "That's exactly how I feel now." A: "It's only like that the first couple of times." B: "Ha There won't be a next time." A: "You gotta give it a chance It's fun after awhile." B: "I'll think about it after I start feeling better Right now, I don't even want to hear the word snowboarding." You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions Copyright © 2012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal ... conversation taking place? am 10 am pm 10 pm Copyright © 2 012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Answers A friend called Joanne Watching TV Hobbies 10 am If you are uncertain... answering all the questions Copyright © 2 012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #11 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions... answering all the questions Copyright © 2 012 TALKENGLISH.COM | Copying or Redistribution of this material is illegal Basic Listening Lesson #10 Step 1: Listen to Dialog Do not view the questions

Ngày đăng: 18/05/2017, 13:53

Xem thêm: 01BasicListening 1 17



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