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Mạch điện là một tập hợp các phần tử hay linh kiện điện được kết nối với nhau bởi dây dẫn, tạo thành một thiết bị hay mạng điện, thực hiện những chức năng công tác xác định nào đó 1. Mạch điện nói chung được chia ra ba loại: Mạch điện tử, là mạch trong các thiết bị điện tử, đặc trưng bởi chứa nhiều phần tử hay linh kiện điện tử. Mạch điện công nghiệp, là mạch trong các thiết bị điện cơ, nhà xưởng, cầu đường, tàu bè,... thực hiện truyền năng lượng đến các thiết bị công tác như mô tơ, đèn chiếu sáng, tạo nhiệt,... Cùng với mạch năng lượng có thể có mạch tín hiệu điều khiển để đóng cắt việc cấp năng lượng. Mạch điện truyền dẫn năng lượng, thành phần trong lưới điện quốc gia, truyền năng lượng theo nhánh nào đó, ví dụ mạch 1 và mạch 2 trong đường dây 500 kV Bắc Nam. Mạch truyền dẫn năng lượng là khái niệm ít nói đến trong thực tế. Giữa mạch điện tử và điện công nghiệp thì có vùng chồng lấn, do các thiết bị điện tử được sử dụng vào thiết bị phục vụ hoạt động công nghiệp hay dân dụng ngày một nhiều. Ví dụ mạch điện của ti vi, máy tính được coi là mạch điện tử thuần túy, nhưng mạch của lò vi sóng, của ô tô có mắt thần kiểm soát dịch chuyển đỗ xe,... là dạng lai. Mạch điện trong nhà máy điện nói chung là mạch điện công nghiệp, và thường có nhiều bộ phận đo đạc và điều khiển là mạch điện tử.

FOR1–0582c100–00–00p01–02r1–UK FOR1–0582c100–00–00p01–02r1–UK Mondeo Wiring Diagrams Table of Contents Group – General Information General Information Table of Contents Systems Overview Index Introduction Symbols Connector Repair Procedures Wiring Harness Overview 100-00-00-1 100-00-01-1 100-00-02-1 100-00-03-1 100-00-04-1 100-00-05-1 100-00-06-1 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,5 l 303-14B-00-1 Electronic Engine Controls – 3,0 l 303-14B-00-25 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 90 HP 303-14C-00-1 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 115 HP 303-14D-00-1 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 130 HP 303-14E-00-1 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle 307-01-00-1 Vehicle Speed Control 310-03-00-1 Group – Electrical Group – Chassis Brake System Anti–Lock Control 206-09A-00-1 Anti–Lock Control – Traction Control 206-09B-00-1 Anti–Lock Control – Traction Control and Stability Assist 206-09C-00-1 Group – Powertrain Engine Engine Cooling – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303-03A-00-1 Engine Cooling – 2,5 l 303-03B-00-1 Engine Cooling – 3,0 l 303-03B-00-2 Engine Cooling – 2,0 l Diesel 303-03C-00-1 Fuel Charging and Controls – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303-04A-00-1 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,5 l 303-04B-00-1 Fuel Charging and Controls – 3,0 l 303-04B-00-5 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 90 HP 303-04C-00-1 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 115 HP 303-04D-00-1 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 130 HP 303-04E-00-1 Starting System 303-06-00-1 Engine Ignition – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303-07A-00-1 Engine Ignition – 2,5 l, 3,0 l 303-07B-00-1 Glow Plug System – 2,0 l Diesel 303-07C-00-1 Electronic Engine Controls – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303-14A-00-1 11/2001 Climate Control System Auxiliary Heating 412-02B-00-1 Air Conditioning 412-03-00-1 Instrumentation and Warning System Instrument Cluster and Panel Illumination Instrument Cluster Horn Clock Warning Devices Parking Aid Generator and Regulator 413-00-00-1 413-01-00-1 413-06-00-1 413-07-00-1 413-09-00-1 413-13-00-1 414-02-00-1 Audio Systems Entertainment System – General Information 415-00-00-1 Speakers 415-03-00-1 Video System 415-07-00-1 Lighting Systems Exterior Lighting – Headlamps 417-01-00-1 Exterior Lighting – Headlamp Levelling 417-01-00-6 Exterior Lighting – Turn Signal and Hazard Lamps 417-01-00-8 Exterior Lighting – Parking Lamps 417-01-00-12 Exterior Lighting – Stop Lamps 417-01-00-14 Exterior Lighting – Licence plate lamps 417-01-00-16 Exterior Lighting – Reversing Lamps 417-01-00-17 Exterior Lighting – Fog lamps 417-01-00-19 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–00p01–02r1–UK FOR1–0582c100–00–00p01–02r1–UK 100-00-00 Table of Contents 100-00-00 -2 Interior Lighting 417-02-00-1 Daytime Running Lamps 417-04-00-1 Electrical Distribution Module Communications Network, Diagnostic 418-00B-00-1 Electronic Feature Group Anti–Theft – Active 419-01A-00-1 Anti–Theft – Passive 419-01B-00-1 Telematics 419-05-00-1 Vehicle Route Guidance/Navigation – Travel Pilot 419-07A-00-1 Vehicle Route Guidance/Navigation – 9000 Vehicle Navigation Radio (VNR) 419-07B-00-1 Vehicle Route Guidance/Navigation – Traffic Pro 419-07C-00-1 Cellular Phone 419-08-00-1 Multifunction Electronic Control Modules 419-10-00-1 Group – General Wiring Information Fuse and Relay Information Power Distribution Fuse Details Ground Distribution Component Location Charts Component Location Views Connector Views Component Testing 700-01-00-1 700-02-00-1 700-03-00-1 700-04-00-1 700-05-00-1 700-06-00-1 700-07-00-1 700-09-00-1 Group – Body and Paint Chassis Rear View Mirrors 501-09-00-1 Seating 501-10-00-1 Glass, Frames and Mechanisms 501-11-00-1 Instrument Panel and Console 501-12-00-1 Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems 501-14-00-1 Wipers and Washers 501-16-00-1 Roof Opening Panel 501-17-00-1 Occupant Restraints – Active 501-20A-00-1 Occupant Restraints – Passive 501-20B-00-1 The illustrations, technical information, data and descriptive text in this issue, to the best of our knowledge, were correct at the time of going to print The right to make changes at any time, without notice, is reserved as part of Ford’s policy of continuous development and improvement No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, translating or by other means without prior written permission of Ford Motor Company Ltd/Ford Werke AG  Ford Motor Company Ltd/Ford Werke AG 2001 No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions in this publication, although every possible care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible Printed by Reiner Winters GmbH, Wiesenstraße 11, D–57537 Wissen/Germany Published by Ford Motor Company Ltd/Ford Werke AG Order code: CG1660en (Please quote when re–ordering) This publication is printed on totally chlorine free (TCF) paper i e., material that has been bleached without the use of chlorine gas or chlorine based chemicals 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–01p001–UK 100-00-01 Systems Overview 100-00-01 -1 Auxiliary Heating 412–02B–00 Air Conditioning 412–03–00 Fuel Charging and Controls – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–04A–00 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,5 l 303–04B–00–1 Fuel Charging and Controls – 3,0 l 303–04B–00–5 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 90 HP 303–04C–00 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 115 HP 303–04D–00 Fuel Charging and Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 130 HP 303–04E–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 90 HP 303–14C–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 115 HP 303–14D–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 130 HP 303–14E–00 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle 307–01–00 Vehicle Speed Control 310–03–00 Starting System 303–06–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–14A–00 Glow Plug System – 2,0 l Diesel 303–07C–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,5 l 303–14B–00–1 Module Communications Network, Diagnostic 418–00B–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 3,0 l 303–14B–00–25 Multifunction Electronic Control Modules 419–10–00 Vehicle Route Guidance/Navigation – 9000 Vehicle Navigation Radio (VNR) 419–07B–00 Instrument Cluster 413–01–00 Vehicle Route Guidance/Navigation – Traffic Pro 419–07C–00 Horn 413–06–00 Cellular Phone 419–08–00 Clock/Timekeeping 413–07–01 Instrument Panel and Console 501–12–00 Warning Devices 413–09–00 Entertainment System – General Information 415–00–00 Speakers 415–03–00 Engine Ignition – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–07A–00 Engine Ignition – 2,5 l, 3,0 l 303–07B–00 Instrument Cluster and Panel Illumination 413–00–00 Vehicle Route Guidance/Navigation – Travel Pilot 419–07A–00 Video System 415–07–00 Anti–Theft – Active 419–01A–00 Anti–Theft – Passive 419–01B–00 Rear View Mirrors 501–09–00 Telematics 419–05–00 Interior Lighting 417–02–00 Roof Opening Panel 501–17–00 Wipers and Washers 501–16–00 Exterior Lighting – Licence plate lamps 417–01–00–16 Exterior Lighting – Headlamps 417–01–00–1 Exterior Lighting – Stop Lamps 417–01–00–14 Exterior Lighting – Turn Signal and Hazard Lamps 417–01–00–8 Exterior Lighting – Parking Lamps 417–01–00–12 Exterior Lighting – Fog lamps 417–01–00–19 Exterior Lighting – Headlamp levelling 417–01–00–6 Daytime Running Lamps 417–04–00 Seating 501–10–00 Engine Cooling – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–03A–00 Engine Cooling – 2,5 l 303–03B–00–1 Engine Cooling – 3,0 l 303–03B–00–2 Engine Cooling – 2,0 l Diesel 303–03C–00 Exterior Lighting – Reversing Lamps 417–01–00–17 Parking Aid 413–13–00 Anti–Lock Control 206–09A–00 Anti–Lock Control – Traction Control 206–09B–00 Anti–Lock Control – Traction Control and Stability Assist 206–09C–00 Glass, Frames and Mechanisms 501–11–00 Occupant Restraints – Active 501–20A–00 Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems 501–14–00 Occupant Restraints – Passive 501–20B–00 Generator and Regulator 414–02–00 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -1 A/C Clutch solenoid, Y31 303–14A–00–16 A/C Clutch solenoid, Y31 303–14B–00–20 A/C Clutch solenoid, Y31 303–14B–00–34 A/C Clutch solenoid, Y31 412–03–00–1 A/C Clutch solenoid, Y31 412–03–00–2 A/C Compressor clutch diode, V7 303–14A–00–16 A/C Compressor clutch diode, V7 303–14B–00–20 A/C Compressor clutch diode, V7 303–14B–00–34 A/C Compressor clutch diode, V7 412–03–00–1 A/C Compressor clutch diode, V7 412–03–00–2 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 303–14A–00–16 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 303–14B–00–20 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 303–14B–00–34 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 303–14C–00–11 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 303–14D–00–12 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 303–14E–00–12 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 412–03–00–1 A/C compressor cycling switch, N75 412–03–00–2 A/C Wide Open Throttle (WOT) relay, K32 303–14A–00–16 A/C Wide Open Throttle (WOT) relay, K32 303–14B–00–20 A/C Wide Open Throttle (WOT) relay, K32 303–14B–00–34 A/C Wide Open Throttle (WOT) relay, K32 412–03–00–1 A/C Wide Open Throttle (WOT) relay, K32 412–03–00–2 ABS control module, A7 206–09A–00–1 ABS control module, A7 206–09B–00–1 Accelerator pedal position sensor, B129 303–14C–00–6 Accelerator pedal position sensor, B129 303–14D–00–7 Accelerator pedal position sensor, B129 303–14E–00–6 Air Conditioning 412–03–00 Air temperature mode actuator, M249 412–03–00–12 Air temperature mode actuator, M249 412–03–00–8 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14A–00–3 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14A–00–4 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14B–00–28 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14B–00–7 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14C–00–8 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14D–00–9 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14E–00–7 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 303–14E–00–8 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 413–09–00–10 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 413–09–00–7 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 413–09–00–8 Ambient air temperature sensor, B203 413–09–00–9 Antenna, A151 415–00–00–2 Antenna, A151 415–00–00–5 Antenna, A151 415–00–00–6 Antenna, A151 419–07C–00–2 Antenna, triplex, A260 419–05–00–2 Antenna, triplex, A260 419–05–00–3 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -2 Antenna, triplex, A260 419–05–00–4 Antenna, triplex, A260 419–05–00–5 Antenna, triplex, A260 419–07B–00–3 Antenna, triplex, A260 419–07B–00–4 Anti–Lock Control 206–09A–00 Anti–Lock Control – Traction Control 206–09B–00 Anti–Lock Control – Traction Control and Stability Assist 206–09C–00 Anti–Theft – Active 419–01A–00 Anti–Theft – Passive 419–01B–00 Anti–theft horn, H5 419–01A–00–2 Anti–theft horn, H5 419–10–00–9 Anti–theft interior scan sensor, front, B102 419–01A–00–2 Audio/navigation control unit, A157 419–07A–00–1 Audio/navigation control unit, A157 419–07B–00–1 Audio/navigation control unit, A157 419–07C–00–1 Auto–dimming interior mirror unit, A222 501–09–00–3 Automatic transmission module, A120 307–01–00–10 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle 307–01–00 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 1, K168 303–03C–00–3 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 1, K168 303–14C–00–5 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 1, K168 303–14D–00–6 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 1, K168 303–14E–00–5 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 1, K168 412–02B–00–1 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 2, K169 303–03C–00–3 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 2, K169 303–14C–00–5 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 2, K169 303–14D–00–6 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 2, K169 303–14E–00–5 Auxiliary electric coolant heater relay 2, K169 412–02B–00–1 Auxiliary Heating 412–02B–00 Auxiliary trailer socket, D46 417–01–00–21 Barometric Absolute Pressure (BAP) sensor, B70 303–14D–00–8 Battery backup sounder, A196 419–01A–00–2 Battery Junction Box (BJB), P93 700–02–00–1 Battery Junction Box (BJB), P93 700–02–00–2 Battery saver relay, K115 417–02–00–1 Battery saver relay, K115 700–02–00–4 Battery, O1 700–02–00–1 Battery, O1 700–02–00–2 Booster heater, R50 412–02B–00–2 Brake fluid level switch, N1 413–01–00–5 Brake pedal position switch, N82 303–14B–00–24 Brake pedal position switch, N82 303–14B–00–37 Brake pedal position switch, N82 303–14C–00–9 Brake pedal position switch, N82 303–14D–00–10 Brake pedal position switch, N82 303–14E–00–9 Brake pedal position switch, N82 310–03–00–10 Brake pedal position switch, N82 310–03–00–2 Brake pressure switch, N249 307–01–00–11 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–07A–00–1 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -3 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–07B–00–1 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14A–00–10 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14A–00–11 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14A–00–12 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14A–00–9 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14B–00–13 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14B–00–14 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14B–00–30 Camshaft position sensor, B41 303–14E–00–15 Canister purge solenoid valve, Y1 303–14A–00–1 Canister purge solenoid valve, Y1 303–14B–00–1 Canister purge solenoid valve, Y1 303–14B–00–2 Canister purge solenoid valve, Y1 303–14B–00–25 Canister purge solenoid valve, Y1 303–14B–00–3 Cargo space lamp, E87 417–02–00–1 CD changer, A144 419–07A–00–3 CD changer, A144 419–07B–00–5 Cellular Phone 419–08–00 Cellular phone antenna, B219 419–08–00–1 Central Junction Box (CJB), P91 700–02–00–1 Central Junction Box (CJB), P91 700–02–00–2 Cigar lighter, front, R42 501–12–00–1 Clock 413–07–00 Clock spring, P13 310–03–00–1 Clock spring, P13 310–03–00–9 Clock spring, P13 413–06–00–1 Clock, A39 413–07–00–1 Clock, A39 413–07–00–2 Clutch pedal position switch, N81 303–14A–00–6 Clutch pedal position switch, N81 303–14B–00–28 Clutch pedal position switch, N81 303–14B–00–7 Clutch pedal position switch, N81 303–14C–00–7 Clutch pedal position switch, N81 303–14D–00–8 Clutch pedal position switch, N81 303–14E–00–7 Component Location Charts 700–05–00 Component Location Views 700–06–00 Component Testing 700–09–00 Connector Views 700–07–00 Coolant supplement heater, R79 303–03C–00–3 Coolant supplement heater, R79 303–14C–00–5 Coolant supplement heater, R79 303–14D–00–6 Coolant supplement heater, R79 303–14E–00–5 Coolant supplement heater, R79 412–02B–00–1 Coolant supplement heater, R80 303–03C–00–3 Coolant supplement heater, R80 303–14C–00–5 Coolant supplement heater, R80 303–14D–00–6 Coolant supplement heater, R80 303–14E–00–5 Coolant supplement heater, R80 412–02B–00–1 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–07A–00–1 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -4 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–07B–00–1 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14A–00–10 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14A–00–11 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14A–00–12 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14A–00–9 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14B–00–13 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14B–00–14 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14B–00–30 Crankshaft position sensor, B43 303–14E–00–15 Crash sensor, B177 501–20B–00–1 Crash sensor, B177 501–20B–00–2 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–03C–00–1 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–03C–00–2 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–03C–00–3 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–14C–00–8 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–14D–00–9 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–14E–00–7 Cylinder–head temperature sensor, B135 303–14E–00–8 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–1 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–2 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–3 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–4 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–5 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–6 Data Link Connector (DLC), D20 418–00B–00–7 Daytime Running Lamps 417–04–00 Defrost mode actuator, M210 412–03–00–11 Defrost mode actuator, M210 412–03–00–7 Diesel pump unit, A74 303–04C–00–1 Diesel pump unit, A74 303–04D–00–1 Diesel pump unit, A74 303–14C–00–4 Diesel pump unit, A74 303–14D–00–4 Diode, V33 303–03A–00–1 Diode, V33 303–03B–00–1 Diode, V33 303–03B–00–2 Diode, V33 303–03C–00–1 Diode, V33 303–03C–00–2 Diode, V33 303–14A–00–1 Diode, V33 303–14B–00–1 Diode, V33 303–14B–00–2 Diode, V33 303–14B–00–25 Diode, V33 303–14B–00–3 Direction indicator lamp, LH side front, E3 417–01–00–9 Direction indicator lamp, RH side front, E8 417–01–00–9 Direction indicator switch, N90 417–01–00–8 Discharge temperature sensor, floor, B246 412–03–00–10 Discharge temperature sensor, floor, B246 412–03–00–5 Discharge temperature sensor, floor, B246 412–03–00–6 Display assembly, park position system, A146 413–13–00–3 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -5 Diversity antenna, A198 415–00–00–5 Diversity antenna, A198 415–00–00–6 Diversity antenna, A198 419–05–00–2 Diversity antenna, A198 419–05–00–3 Door ajar switch, LH front, N84 413–09–00–3 Door ajar switch, LH front, N84 413–09–00–4 Door ajar switch, LH front, N84 417–02–00–4 Door ajar switch, LH front, N84 419–01A–00–1 Door ajar switch, LH front, N84 419–10–00–9 Door ajar switch, LH front, N84 501–14–00–1 Door ajar switch, LH rear, N86 413–09–00–3 Door ajar switch, LH rear, N86 413–09–00–4 Door ajar switch, LH rear, N86 417–02–00–4 Door ajar switch, LH rear, N86 419–01A–00–1 Door ajar switch, LH rear, N86 419–10–00–9 Door ajar switch, LH rear, N86 501–14–00–1 Door ajar switch, RH front, N85 413–09–00–3 Door ajar switch, RH front, N85 413–09–00–4 Door ajar switch, RH front, N85 417–02–00–4 Door ajar switch, RH front, N85 419–01A–00–1 Door ajar switch, RH front, N85 419–10–00–9 Door ajar switch, RH front, N85 501–14–00–1 Door ajar switch, RH rear, N87 413–09–00–3 Door ajar switch, RH rear, N87 413–09–00–4 Door ajar switch, RH rear, N87 417–02–00–4 Door ajar switch, RH rear, N87 419–01A–00–1 Door ajar switch, RH rear, N87 419–10–00–9 Door ajar switch, RH rear, N87 501–14–00–1 Door lock unit, driver side front, A172 501–14–00–3 Door lock unit, left rear, A275 501–14–00–2 Door lock unit, passenger side front, A173 501–14–00–3 Door lock unit, right rear, A276 501–14–00–2 Driver air bag unit, A42 501–20B–00–3 Driver safety belt retractor pretensioner, A225 501–20A–00–4 Driver seat backrest motor, M230 501–10–00–2 Driver seat front height motor, M229 501–10–00–2 Driver seat horizontal motor, M227 501–10–00–2 Driver seat rear height motor, M228 501–10–00–2 Dual pressure switch, N76 303–14A–00–16 Dual pressure switch, N76 303–14B–00–20 Dual pressure switch, N76 303–14B–00–34 Dual pressure switch, N76 303–14C–00–11 Dual pressure switch, N76 303–14D–00–12 Dual pressure switch, N76 303–14E–00–12 Dual pressure switch, N76 412–03–00–1 Dual pressure switch, N76 412–03–00–2 EEC Diode, V13 303–04A–00–1 EEC Diode, V13 303–14A–00–1 EEC Diode, V13 303–14B–00–1 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -6 EEC Diode, V13 303–14B–00–2 EEC Diode, V13 303–14B–00–25 EEC Diode, V13 303–14B–00–3 EEC Diode, V13 700–02–00–5 EEC Diode, V13 700–02–00–6 EGR stepper motor, M251 303–14A–00–8 EGR valve actuator, M254 303–14C–00–2 EGR valve actuator, M254 303–14C–00–3 EGR valve actuator, M254 303–14D–00–2 EGR valve actuator, M254 303–14D–00–3 EGR valve actuator, M254 303–14E–00–2 EGR valve actuator, M254 303–14E–00–3 EGR valve position sensor, B49 303–14C–00–7 EGR valve position sensor, B49 303–14E–00–8 Electr Vacuum Regulator (EVR) solenoid valve, Y33 303–14B–00–1 Electr Vacuum Regulator (EVR) solenoid valve, Y33 303–14B–00–2 Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC) module, A205 412–03–00–9 Electronic Engine Controls – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–14A–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 115 HP 303–14D–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 130 HP 303–14E–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,0 l Diesel, 90 HP 303–14C–00 Electronic Engine Controls – 2,5 l 303–14B–00–1 Electronic Engine Controls – 3,0 l V6 303–14B–00–25 Electronic Stability Program (ESP) module, A176 206–09C–00–1 Electronic thermostat, B248 303–14A–00–13 Engine compartment switch, N21 419–01A–00–2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–03A–00–1 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–03B–00–1 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–03B–00–2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–14A–00–5 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–14B–00–10 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–14B–00–29 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, B10 303–14B–00–9 Engine Cooling – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–03A–00 Engine Cooling – 2,0 l Diesel 303–03C–00 Engine Cooling – 2,5 l 303–03B–00–1 Engine Cooling – 3,0 l V6 303–03B–00–2 Engine cooling fan motor, M37 303–03A–00–1 Engine cooling fan motor, M37 303–03B–00–1 Engine cooling fan motor, M37 303–03B–00–2 Engine cooling fan motor, M37 303–03C–00–1 Engine cooling fan motor, M37 303–03C–00–2 Engine cooling fan relay, K45 303–03A–00–1 Engine cooling fan relay, K45 303–03B–00–1 Engine cooling fan relay, K45 303–03B–00–2 Engine cooling fan relay, K45 303–03C–00–1 Engine cooling fan relay, K45 303–03C–00–2 Engine cooling fan resistor, R27 303–03A–00–1 Engine cooling fan resistor, R27 303–03B–00–1 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0582c100–00–02–p01–30r1–UK 100-00-02 Index 100-00-02 -7 Engine cooling fan resistor, R27 303–03B–00–2 Engine cooling fan resistor, R27 303–03C–00–1 Engine Ignition – 1,8 l and 2,0 l 303–07A–00 Engine Ignition – 2,5 l, 3,0 l V6 303–07B–00 Engine RPM sensor, B251 303–14C–00–8 Engine RPM sensor, B251 303–14D–00–9 Entertainment System – General Information 415–00–00 Exhaust Pressure Transducer (EPT) sensor, B40 303–14B–00–9 Exterior Lighting – Fog lamps 417–01–00–19 Exterior Lighting – Headlamp Levelling 417–01–00–6 Exterior Lighting – Headlamps 417–01–00–1 Exterior Lighting – Licence plate lamps 417–01–00–16 Exterior Lighting – Parking Lamps 417–01–00–12 Exterior Lighting – Reversing Lamps 417–01–00–17 Exterior Lighting – Stop Lamps 417–01–00–14 Exterior Lighting – Turn Signal and Hazard Lamps 417–01–00–8 F1 700–02–00–1 F1 700–02–00–2 F1 700–03–00–1 F2 700–02–00–1 F2 700–02–00–2 F2 700–02–00–19 F2 700–02–00–20 F2 700–03–00–1 F3 700–02–00–3 F3 700–03–00–2 F4 700–02–00–3 F4 700–03–00–3 F5 700–02–00–3 F6 700–02–00–3 F6 700–03–00–3 F7 700–02–00–4 F7 700–03–00–4 F8 700–02–00–5 F8 700–02–00–6 F8 700–02–00–7 F8 700–03–00–5 F8 700–03–00–6 F9 700–02–00–5 F9 700–02–00–6 F9 700–02–00–7 F9 700–03–00–7 F10 700–02–00–5 F10 700–02–00–6 F10 700–03–00–8 F11 700–02–00–9 F11 700–03–00–9 F13 700–02–00–9 F13 700–03–00–9 11/2001 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p15r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -15 Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) Component testing procedure To test Left rear window circuit Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals 13 and 13 and and and 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Off Up LH rear window one–touch up Off Down LH rear window one–touch down Off Up LH rear window one–touch up Off Down LH rear window one–touch down Off Up LH rear window one–touch up Off Down LH rear window one–touch down Off Up LH rear window one–touch up Off Down LH rear window one–touch down A good switch will indicate Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p16r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -16 Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) Component testing procedure To test Right rear window circuit Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals 13 and 11 13 and 10 11 and 10 and 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Off Up RH rear window one–touch up Off Down RH rear window one–touch down Off Up RH rear window one–touch up Off Down RH rear window one–touch down Off Up RH rear window one–touch up Off Down RH rear window one–touch down Off Up RH rear window one–touch up Off Down RH rear window one–touch down A good switch will indicate Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p17r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -17 Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) Schematic Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) 13 11 11 10 10 0 13 13 12 12 6 15 14 14 15 RHD N300 Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) 0) Off 1) Up 2) Down 3) Illumination 5) Driver side front switch 6) Passenger side front switch 10) Driver window one–touch down 11) Driver window one–touch up 12) Passenger window one–touch down 13) Passenger window one–touch up Terminal locations C709 06/2000 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p18r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -18 Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) Component testing procedure To test Driver front window circuit Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals LHD 13 and RHD 13 and 14 LHD 13 and RHD 13 and 15 LHD and RHD 14 and LHD and RHD 15 and 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Off Up Driver window one–touch up Off Down Driver window one–touch down Off Up Driver window one–touch up Off Down Driver window one–touch down Off Up Driver window one–touch up Off Down Driver window one–touch down Off Up Driver window one–touch up Off Down Driver window one–touch down A good switch will indicate Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p19r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -19 Window operating switch, driver side front (multiple) Component testing procedure To test Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals Move switch to these positions Passenger front window circuit LHD 13 and 15 Off Up Passenger window one–touch up Off Down Passenger window one–touch down Off Up Passenger window one–touch up Off Down Passenger window one–touch down Off Up Passenger window one–touch up Off Down Passenger window one–touch down Off Up Passenger window one–touch up Off Down Passenger window one–touch down RHD 13 and LHD 13 and 14 RHD 13 and LHD 15 and RHD and LHD 14 and RHD and 06/2000 A good switch will indicate Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p20r2–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -20 Power window switches Schematic Power window switches 5 2 N297 Window operating switch, passenger side front 0) Off 1) Up 2) Down 3) Illumination 4) Passenger window one–touch down 5) Passenger window one–touch up N298 Window operating switch, LH side rear 0) Off 1) Up 2) Down 3) Illumination 4) One–touch down 5) One–touch up N299 Window operating switch, RH side rear 0) Off 1) Up 2) Down 3) Illumination 4) One–touch down 5) One–touch up Terminal locations C710 N297 F06022 C711 N298 C712 N299 06/2000 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p21r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -21 Power window switches Component testing procedure To test Window regulator circuit Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals and and and and 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Off Up One–touch up Off Down One–touch down Off Up One–touch up Off Down One–touch down Off Up One–touch up Off Down One–touch down Off Up One–touch up Off Down One–touch down A good switch will indicate Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p22r2–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -22 Power mirror adjust switch Schematic Power mirror adjust switch 9 5 N70 Power mirror adjust switch 0) Rest 1) Up 2) Down 3) Left 4) Right 8) Mirror motor, passenger side 9) Mirror motor, driver side RHD Terminal locations C733 F08013 06/2000 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p23r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -23 Power mirror adjust switch Component testing procedure To test Power mirror, driver’s Up/down Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals LHD and RHD and LHD and RHD and Power mirror, passenger’s Up/down LHD and RHD and LHD and RHD and Power mirror, driver’s Left/right LHD and RHD and LHD and RHD and Power mirror, passenger’s Left/right LHD and RHD and LHD and RHD and Up/down and 3 and Left/right and 3 and 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Rest Up Down Rest Up Down Rest Up Down Rest Up Down Rest Left Right Rest Left Right Rest Left Right Rest Left Right Rest Up Down Rest Up Down Rest Left Right Rest Left Right A good switch will indicate Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p24r2–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -24 Power seat switch, driver, 8–way power seat Schematic Power seat switch, driver C60g 10 11 C60g 10 12 8 6 C467 2 C463 N242 Power seat switch, driver 0) Rest 1) Backrest forward 2) Backrest rearward 5) Seat forward 6) Seat rearward 7) Front height up 8) Front height down 9) Rear height up 10) Rear height down Terminal locations C60g C463 F02140 F02007 1 C467 F06029 06/2000 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p25r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -25 Power seat switch, driver, 8–way power seat Component testing procedure To test Backrest circuit Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals (C60g) and (C463) (C60g) and (C463) (C463) and (C60g) (C463) and (C60g) Forward/rearw ard circuit (C60g) and (C467) (C60g) and (C467) (C467) and (C60g) (C467) and (C60g) Front height circuit (C60g) and (C467) (C60g) and (C467) (C467) and (C60g) (C467) and (C60g) Rear height circuit (C60g) and (C467) (C60g) and (C467) (C467) and (C60g) (C467) and (C60g) 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Seat forward Seat rearward Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Backrest forward Backrest rearward Rest Front height up Front height down Rest Front height up Front height down Rest Front height up Front height down Rest Front height up Front height down Rest Rear height up Rear height down Rest Rear height up Rear height down Rest Rear height up Rear height down Rest Rear height up Rear height down A good switch will indicate Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p26r2–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -26 Power seat switch, driver, 2–way power seat Schematic Power seat switch, driver C60g a b 11 12 11 12 c d N242 Power seat switch, driver 0) Rest 11) Up 12) Down Terminal locations C60g F02140 Component testing procedure To test Connect self–powered test light or ohmmeter to terminals Height circuit c and 2(60g) d and 2(60g) c and a d and b 06/2000 Move switch to these positions Rest Up Down Rest Up Down Rest Up Down Rest Up Down A good switch will indicate Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Open circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit Closed circuit 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p27r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -27 Mini ISO Schematic 30 87a 85 87 86 Terminal locations 87 87a 86 85 30 Component testing procedure (no voltage applied) To test Connect ohmmeter to terminals A good relay will indicate Coil 85 and 86 100 – 150Ω Contact 30 and 87a Closed circuit 30 and 87 Open circuit 86 and 30 Open circuit 86 and 87a Open circuit 86 and 87 Open circuit Coil – Contact Component testing procedure (voltage applied) Disconnect the ohmmeter; connect pins 30 and 85 to 12 V DC power and pin 86 to ground Measure voltage between pin 87 and pin 86 If the voltage is 12 V, continue with the test If not, replace the relay Disconnect power from pin 85 and measure voltage between pin 87a and pin 86 If the voltage is 12 V, the relay is okay If not, replace the relay 06/2000 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p28r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -28 Micro ISO Schematic Terminal locations Component testing procedure (no voltage applied) To test Connect ohmmeter to terminals A good relay will indicate Coil and 100 – 150Ω Contact and Closed circuit and Open circuit and Open circuit and Open circuit and Open circuit Coil – Contact Component testing procedure (voltage applied) Disconnect the ohmmeter; connect pins and to 12 V DC power and pin to ground Measure voltage between pin and pin If the voltage is 12 V, continue with the test If not, replace the relay Disconnect power from pin and measure voltage between pin and pin If the voltage is 12 V, the relay is okay If not, replace the relay 06/2000 2001 Mondeo FOR1–0261c700–09–00p29r1–UK 700-09-00 Component Testing 700-09-00 -29 06/2000 2001 Mondeo ... translating or by other means without prior written permission of Ford Motor Company Ltd /Ford Werke AG  Ford Motor Company Ltd /Ford Werke AG 2001 No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies... Printed by Reiner Winters GmbH, Wiesenstraße 11, D–57537 Wissen/Germany Published by Ford Motor Company Ltd /Ford Werke AG Order code: CG1660en (Please quote when re–ordering) This publication... of going to print The right to make changes at any time, without notice, is reserved as part of Ford s policy of continuous development and improvement No part of this publication may be reproduced,

Ngày đăng: 04/05/2017, 20:44



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