99 cue card for IELTS speaking IELTS fighter
Trang 2Lời nĩi đầu:
Các em thân mến, để giúp các em cĩ thể luyện thi IELTS tốt hĄn
mà trong thąi gian qua các têp thể giáo viên cûa IELTS Fighter dành rçt nhiều thąi gian để biên sộn các bộ tài liệu căc hay và chia sê
Và bộ tài liệu tổng hợp 99 Cue Card này là một trong số đị
Bộ tài liệu này së đþợc biên sộn gồm các nội dung:
1 Ląi khuyên dành việc học IELTS – tiếng Anh hiệu quâ
2 Tổng hợp 99 Cue Card cho phỉn thi Speaking part 2
Nhþng thăc să, cơ (cơ Trà My – ngþąi biên sộn) rçt tiếc là đåy chỵ là một tài liệu text đĄn thuỉn nhþng läi läi là tài liệu dành cho Speaking Và điều đáng tiếc nĂa là nĩ khơng dành cho tçt câ các bän Nhþng bän band thçp (< 6.5 IELTS) thì học khơng hiệu quâ Nhþng các em đÿng buồn
Cơ së cĩ phiên bân 2 (cơ täm gọi bân này là phiên bân 1 nhé) Nĩ
së rçt đỉy đû, bao gồm:
1 Ląi khuyên – lộ trình vơ cùng chi tiết giúp học tốt tiếng Anh - chinh phýc 8.0 IELTS (cơ së dành thąi gian về học tiếng Anh trþĆc, IELTS sau nhé, khi giĩi tiếng Anh thì IELTS là Ok mà)
2 Tổng hợp 99 Cue Card đỉy đû - chi tiết phân theo level
3 File thu âm dành cho tÿng Cue Card – giọng bân ngĂ - chuèn IELTS – Native
Và nĩ sẽ sớm ra mắt Các em đĩn xem tại fanpage nhé!
Form cơ Trà My with love <3
Trang 3Lời khuyên học tiếng Anh hiệu quả
Nhþ đã nòi ć trên, trong phiên bân tiếp theo Cô së chia sê đæy đû về phþĄng pháp học tốt tiếng Anh – chinh phýc 8.0 IELTS đæy đû Nhþng
hôm nay cô së chia sê về THAY ĐỔI THÓI QUEN HỌC TIẾNG ANH
Phần 1: Rèn luyện thói quen học tiếng Anh hằng ngày
- Täi sao các em dành nhiều thąi gian học tiếng Anh nhþng vén không hiệu quâ?
- Täi sao các em thþąng chán nân khi học tiếng Anh?
Làm thế nào để khắc phục được điều đó?
Để làm đþợc nhĂng điều này, các em hãy bít đæu bìng việc hän chế facebook, Zalo “chat chit”„ đã, đọc tiếp nhé!
Đæu tiên, cô muốn phân tích một tí về 4 kï nëng học tiếng Anh bao
gồm Nghe – Nói – Đọc – Viết Trong đò, cò 2 kï nëng mà cô gọi là Kĩ
năng vào đò chính là Nghe và Đọc, 2 kï nëng cñn läi đþợc gọi là kĩ năng ra Nói và Viết
Kĩ năng vào: Nghe và Đọc vs Kĩ năng ra: Nói và Viết
Sć dï, nò đþợc gọi là kï nëng vào đĄn giân đò là cách mà chúng ta së tiếp thu, không chî tiếng Anh mà các kiến thĀc khác đều nhþ vêy câ
Trang 4Nghe – đọc là cách tiếp nhên thông tin Và khi cò lþợng thông tin nhçt đðnh thì chúng ta mĆi “ra” đþợc Đò chính là Nòi và Viết
Nói một cách đĄn giân, chúng ta phâi cò lþợng tþ văng – ngĂ pháp„ thì chúng ta mĆi có thể Nói và Viết đþợc Và để có 2 các kiến thĀc đò thì chúng ta phâi Nghe và Đọc đúng không nào?
Tçt nhiên là 4 kï nëng nò së xuyên suốt vĆi nhau rồi và đặc biệt là để học têp tốt thì không thể ngoài 2 chĂ Luyện têp – luyện têp và luyện têp rồi
Nhþng hôm nay, trong phæn này cô së nòi đến việc đæu tiên – quan
trọng nhçt – và theo suốt tên sau này Đò chính là thay đổi thói quen
Nghe thì có vê là “biết rồi – khổ lím – nòi mãi” nhþng nò läi là một trong nhĂng nguyên nhân chính làm các em không thể học đþợc tiếng Anh đò chính là không cò một thói quen học tiếng Anh mỗi ngày
và một nguyên nhån khác mà cô cüng muốn đề cêp trong này đò chính là một môi trþąng học tiếng Anh tốt nĂa
Nguyên nhån, phån tích kï thì chíc dài Nhþng quan trong hĄn đò là:
Làm sao để khắc phục được điều đó?
Đầu tiên, sẽ NGHE:
- Hãy nghe tiếng Anh mọi lúc, mọi nĄi
- Thay đổi thòi quen “nghe tiếng Việt” trć thành “nghe tiếng Anh”
Trong nghe, cò 2 kï nëng chính đò chính là Nghe Chủ Động và Nghe
Thụ Động – đò cüng là 2 kï nëng mà cô së hþĆng dén và đề cêp các
em trong chia sê này
Nghe chủ động:
Trang 5Đò chính là việc các em dành thąi gian học nghe bìng các bài nghe nhçt đðnh Có rçt nhiều bài nghe mà các em có thể luyện nghe chû động cüng nhþ các phþĄng pháp luyện nghe khác nhau
Tuy nhiên, đã nghe chû động thì phâi kết hợp vĆi việc học (nói và viết)
đi kèm mĆi hiệu quâ Khi đò, các em cæn phâi đi kèm vĆi să nghiêm túc nĂa
Đối vĆi cách Nghe chû động thì cô khuyên các em là có thể dành thąi gian luyện nghe vĆi IELTS luôn và có rçt nhiều tài liệu để luyện nghe phæn này
Tài liệu: Các em có thể luyện têp vĆi các bộ tài liệu Listening for IELTS (Collins), Listening Strategies for IELTS, Basic IELTS Listening„
Trang 6Ý cơ phỉn này là: Mỗi ngày, lơi một vài bài trong các cuốn sách ra
và học, ngày nào cüng vêy thì nĩ së täo thành thịi quen (nhþ các
em học cçp 3 – luyện thi Đäi Học vén chëm chỵ çy)
chuyển các sć thích – thĩi quen cûa mình nị “Tåy” hĄn mà thơi
Thay vì xem Giọng Hát Việt sao các em khơng xem The Voice England, sao các em khơng xem American idol thay cho Việt Nam idol„?
Ý cơ là vêy đị, các em hãy xem các chþĄng trình nþĆc ngồi, nghe các bài hát bìng tiếng Anh„ mỗi ngày thay cho việc xem các
chþĄng trình mà các em yêu thích bìng tiếng Việt Nĩ së thay đổi kï nëng nghe cûa các em khûng khiếp sau một thąi gian đçy!
Tçt nhiên, XEM KHƠNG SUB nhé Xem cĩ phý đề nĩ chỵ câi thiện kï nëng đọc thơi!
Cịn một phỉn nĂa đị là nghe Radio, Podcast thì cơ së đề cêp trong một bài viết chi tiết khác cho các em nhé!
Thay đổi thĩi quen đọc:
Cüng giống Nghe, đọc cơ cüng chia thành 2 lội đị chính là Đọc thý động và Đọc chû động
Trang 7Về phæn Đọc thý động thì các em có thể làm bài Reading hoặc
chuyển sang đọc bài méu Writing cüng đþợc nhé Mỗi ngày cüng tối thiểu 30 phút là së thành công
Còn về phæn đọc chû động thì sao?
Đò chính là báo chí, tài liệu„ chuyên ngành các em cæn nghiên cĀu„
Thăc ra, nò cüng giống vĆi kï nëng nghe thôi Các em nghiên cĀu së tă hiểu ra vçn đề và quan trong là các em cæn LÀM NÓ MỖI NGÀY để täo thành NHƯ MỘT THÓI QUEN thì së rçt tuyệt vąi Tiếng Anh së “tëng nhþ vü bão” các em nhé!
Điều cuối cùng mà cô muốn nói đó chính là:
Tiếng Anh không chî có một kï nëng, tiếng Anh là một thể thống
nhất Chính vì vêy nên đÿng học mỗi kï nëng một læn mà hãy học
têp đồng thąi nó së hiệu quâ hĄn rçt nhiều
Ví dý, khi học Nghe thì các em hãy Repeat theo để luyện phát âm
và thā ghi läi ra giçy xem thā mình nghe cò đúng – viết cò đúng
Học đọc cüng vêy, hãy đọc xem phát âm có chuèn không và chép läi xem mình nhĆ chính xác không chĀ đÿng “đọc bìng mít” nhþ
các thòi quen thþąng ngày cûa các em!
Thay đổi thói quen – thay đổi thành công!
P/s: Nghe nhþ đa cçp nhî ^^
Trang 8Và…
Cho dù làm gì cüng vêy, thành công nào cüng trâi qua chông gai
câ Nỗ lăc thì së thành tài, học chëm thì së giói
Và để vþợt trội thì tiếng Anh – IELTS là điều mà các em cæn phâi có trong thąi đäi hiện nay Nò cüng së mć ra cho các em một cánh cāa cuộc sống mĆi – một să khám phá mĆi trong cuộc sống đò!
Trang 9#1: Topic: A Course You Like To Study
“Describe a course you would like to study (or, do)”
You should say:
- What course it is (or, would be)
- Where you would do it
- What you would learn in that course
- And explain why you would like to do this course
Band 9.0 Sample:
Well, speaking of the course I‟d like to do, I would say that it‟s an English course Today, English is considered to be the most important language in the world That‟s why it became one of the compulsory subjects and we now have to study English from elementary onwards
I‟d like to get admitted to the Foreign Trade University which offers a professional course in Business English They have a good reputation for teaching this course effectively to a high standard As I have other classes in the morning, I would like
to enroll in the afternoon course Also, the course fee is both cheap and convenient for me to pay using my bank account
There are so many reasons why I‟d like to enroll in an English course First of all, English is an international language, hence, having a knowledge of English can help people around the world to communicate better Second, it also gives us countless opportunities to become more acquainted with other cultures We depend
on English to keep up to date with the latest news from all over the world, since almost all the books and magazines are written in this language Finally, learning English can really help us in our careers and enhance our CVs, as these days, many firms need good office employees to conduct international business
1) compulsory: [adjective] that must be done because of a rule or law
Example: In some countries, it is compulsory to attend school until the age of 16
2) onwards: [adverb] continuing from a particular time
Example: I will be in my office from 8:00 am onwards, until I leave at 6:00 in the
3) reputation: [noun] the opinion that people have about someone/something is
like, based on what has happened in the past
Example: The restaurant enjoys an international reputation for the best Thai
4) countless: [adjective] very many; too many to be counted or mentioned
Example: The teacher has warned him countless times to pay attention in class
5) acquainted: [adjective] familiar with something having seen, heard or read it
Example: The students are already acquainted with the history of our country,
having studied it at elementary level
6) keep up to date with: [expression] be informed about the latest information
Example: I watch the news on TV every day, in order to keep up to date with the
political situation
7) CVs: [noun] short descriptions of your education and qualifications, which you
give to an employer when you go for an interview
Example: Students should make sure that they write good CVs, to help them when
they apply for a job
8) firm: [noun] company
Example: She works for a firm of lawyers in Paris
9) conduct: [verb] organize or do a particular activity
Example: The school has decided to conduct all its classes in English
Trang 11#2: Topic: Exciting Sport
“Describe an exciting sport you know”
You should say:
- What sport it is
- How you know about it
- How difficult you think it is
- And explain why you think it is exciting
Band 9.0 Sample:
Of all the different types of sports, I am interested in figure skating the most
I first learned about figure skating when I watched an Olympic competition in
2012 I found this sport very interesting I don‟t think that figure skating is a sport for everybody since it requires great balancing skills In addition, the person has to
be very flexible and courageous when doing this sport
Coming from a tropical country, I don‟t get to experience ice and snow, thus, figure skating was new to me Watching the athlete‟s elegant performance on ice amazed
me I couldn‟t imagine how people could do such things since just walking with ice skates is so difficult These athletes danced on ice without even tripping They must have spent a great deal of time practicing and preparing for their performances Also, I found it very beautiful, as their costumes were so elegant I even enjoyed the background music they used during the performances In comparison to other
sports, figure skating is an amazing feast for both the eyes and the ears
to be interested in – to like or to enjoy “She is interested in figure skating and he
is interested in soccer.”
I found this sport to be very interesting – I thought this sport was very interesting
“He found the work to be too easy for him.”
Trang 12It requires – something that needs to be done In this sentence it means that
figure skating can only be done by people who have good balance, and not
It‟s something necessary to have to do well at figure skating “This job requires you
to work 60 hours per week.”
Flexible – in this context it means that the person can do many things with
his/her body, like putting your foot above your head while you are skating “Yoga teachers are very flexible and can get themselves into all kinds of crazy positions.”
Courageous – brave In this case you have to be brave to be a figure skater because
itcan be dangerous “The mountaineers are courageous for climbing so high.”
Elegant performance – describing the performance as elegant means that you
thought it was very beautiful or gorgeous; it was pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner “The dancers gave an elegant performance this evening.”
Amazed me – surprised or shocked me In this case it was incredible to see the
skaters do such things “It amazed me that he received a 9 on his first IELTS exam.”
To trip – to fall down while you are walking or running or doing something else
like dancing or skating “She tripped and hit her head on the table Ouch!”
A feast for the eyes and ears – something pleasant to watch and listen to “The
Taylor Swift concert was a feast for the eyes and ears It was incredible to watch the show and I love her music.”
Trang 13#3: Topic: Things You Want To Buy In The Future
“Describe something you really want to buy (in the future)”
You should say:
- What it is
- When you would like to (= want to / hope to) buy it
- How long you have wanted to buy this
- Explain why you would like to buy this
Band 9.0 Sample Answer
We all have a never-ending wish list of things that we want to buy, so do I One item that has been on my wish list for a long time is a one-bedroom apartment of
my own
I hope to cross this item off my list by the time I turn 30 I know it sounds impossible but it‟d be cool if I could do it And the most important thing is that I have a longterm goal to pursue Since I am an independent person, I have always wanted to move out of my parents‟ house As soon as I graduated college, I wanted
to buy a small apartment where you would like to buy it *: I‟m currently looking for a condo a little further away from the city centre Despite the fact that it will take longer for me to travel to work, the price will be more reasonable and I will be able to afford it and
Having a flat of my own means a lot to me for several reasons Firstly, I can decorate the house according to my own tastes and personality Secondly, I can do whatever I want without interfering in my parents‟ lives I can invite my friends over for the weekend and I can throw a party anytime I want Most importantly, I want to show my parents that I am a grown-up woman and that I can take good care
of myself
Trang 14never-ending – used to describe something that seems to never end or have an ending “She had a never-ending list of complaints about her last company.”
to cross an item off your list – to mark it as finished or completed When you
have a list of things you want to do, and then you do one, you cross it off your list
so that you know it has been finished and you don‟t have to think about it anymore
“Today she was able to cross five things off of her very long to-do list.”
it would be cool if… – another way to say… it would be nice if or it would be
great if – you are talking about a hypothetical situation “It would be cool if you could come visit me while I am in Japan.”
to purse a goal – to go after something that you want to accomplish or achieve
“She spent the last five years pursuing her goal of becoming a doctor.”
an independent person – someone who likes to do things on their own “Her
brother is a very independent person; he moved out of the house when he was only
20 and spent the next five years traveling around the world by himself.”
to move out of – to leave the place where you are living now “He will be moving
out of his apartment at the end of the month.”
condo – short for condominium, a form of housing where a person owns the unit
and then can either live in it or rent it out to others It is different than an apartment, which is usually owned by a person or company that owns all the apartments in a building “The price for condos these days has really gone up.”
despite the fact that – even though “Despite the fact that he has already graduated
from college, he still has no idea what he wants to do with his life.”
to be more reasonable – related to price, it means that you will have an easier time
affording it or paying for it with the money you have If a price is unreasonable, it means that it is too expensive for you and you won‟t buy it at that price “The housing prices are becoming more reasonable these days than they were 3 years
means a lot to me – to talk about something being meaningful or important to you
“It means a lot to me that you came to dinner with me on my birthday.”
Trang 15to decorate – to put up decorations such as paintings, curtains, wall-hangings, art
and other things in a home or apartment or office “People decorate their spaces with things they like.”
according to – in agreement or accord with – in this case, she will decorate her
apartment based on her own tastes (what she likes) and her personality (with stuff that represents her) “He will do his job according to his manager‟s instructions.”
to interfere with – to get in the way of, to be in the middle of something or others
“He doesn‟t like it when his father interferes with his work by telling him what to do.”
to throw a party – to give or host a party, to be the person who invites others to
the party and provides drinks and food “She is throwing a big party for her 50th birthday this Saturday.”
a grown-up woman – a mature or adult woman, not a kid Used to express that
you can be responsible and take care of yourself “She wanted to prove that she was
a grown-up woman by purchasing a new condo all by herself
#4: Topic: A Place Full Of Colo
“Describe a place you went to that was full of colour.”
You should say:
- What place it was
- Why you went there
- What you did there
- And explain why you think it was full of colour
Describe a garden or park you visited and liked.
You should say:
- Where it was
- What it looked like
- What you did (or, were doing) there [or, what people were doing there
- And explain why you liked it
I would like to share with you my impressions of a garden that I visited last summer, which was full of colour and interest: Claude Monet‟s house and garden
in Giverny, France
As a big fan of Monet‟s paintings, especially the famous „Water Lilies‟, I had always dreamed of seeing he scene in real life So, when some friends suggested a visit last year, I jumped at the chance After a journey of about an hour by train from our hotel, we arrived at Giverny The garden was exactly as he had painted it – it was a riot of colour, from the peaceful white of the water lilies to the striking reds and oranges which filled some of the flowerbeds The two parts of the garden complemented each other perfectly We first admired the array of bright flowers and fruit trees in the Clos Normand, but my favourite part was the water garden, and we enjoyed a leisurely stroll, taking in all the colours, perfumes and bird songs Monet avidly collected prints of Japanese gardens, and these inspired the Japanese bridges covered with wisterias, the water lilies in the pond, and the bamboo and weeping willows which he planted
For me, it was like a wonderland of colours and a dream come true after so many years
impression: feeling or feelings (in the plural) about the garden (impressions) “His
impression of the meeting was that it didn‟t go very well.”
fan: although the word is often used in the context of football nowadays, here it
means a person who admires [ Monet‟s paintings] “She is a huge fan of Maroon
jumped at the chance: I enthusiastically accepted the opportunity to visit the
garden “He jumped at the chance to go to Las Vegas with his boss.”
Trang 17a riot of colour: a collection of many different colours “Sandra‟s rose garden is a
riot of colour.”
striking: very attractive and unusual “The woman he was with was wearing a
striking outfit last night.”
flowerbeds: a piece of a garden or park in which flowers are grown “He loves
digging in his flowerbeds.”
complemented each other: each part of the garden added something different to the
other part, so that the garden as a whole became more attractive “The wine and the fish complemented each other to form a perfect meal.”
the array of bright flowers: the large and impressive collection of flowers “The
array of bright flowers in her garden surprised everybody They didn‟t realize she had planted so many varieties.”
a leisurely stroll: a slow, relaxing walk “We went for a leisurely stroll along the
beach this morning.”
taking in all the colours: our eyes noticed all the colours and features of the
garden “We were taking in all the colours of his garden, when all of a sudden we heard a large crash outside the garden gate Two cars had just bumped into each other.”
avidly: Monet collected prints of Japanese gardens enthusiastically “He studied
English avidly, from morning until late in the evening.”
prints: copies of original drawings or paintings “The artist offered her prints for
$100 each.”
wisterias: white or purple flowers which cover walls, bridges or trees “The
wisterias in the garden were in full bloom.”
pond: a small area of still water, usually in a garden “There are many beautiful fish
in the pond.”
bamboo: tall tropical plants which have hollow „stems‟ [the long, thin part of the
plant] used for building or furniture “Pandas love to eat bamboo.”
Trang 18weeping willows: trees which grow near water and have „branches‟ which hang
downwards “There are two weeping willows on the property, but we should cut one down.”
wonderland: an imaginary place in children‟s stories “The amusement park was a
wonderland for both children and adults
#5: Topic: Ambition You Have Not Yet Achieved
Describe an ambition that you have not yet achieved
You should say:
- What your ambition is
- When you first had this ambition (or, how long you have had this ambition)
- How you plan to achieve it
(possibly) what you have done towards achieving this ambition
- And explain why you have not achieved it yet
Band 9.0 Sample Answer:
One of my ambitions that I have not yet achieved is to be able to communicate in Japanese
I just thought about this idea a year ago because I realized that nowadays, knowing more foreign languages is an advantage not only in our daily lives but also in work environments
In order to achieve this, I registered for a Japanese class for beginners, twice a week I also downloaded an application on my iPhone which helps people study foreign languages named Duolingo, so that I can study on my own at home For the first two months, I did not skip any classes, and spent at least 30 minutes every night studying Japanese on Duolingo at home
Unfortunately, I could not keep up with the schedule for long since I was working full time, not to mention that I had many other social activities that distracted me
Trang 19from studying There were days when I was so busy that I had to work overtime to finish my job As a result, I wasn‟t able to go to class and I definitely didn‟t have any time to study at home Moreover, my friends complained that I had been ignoring them, so I needed to arrange time to hang out with them Just like that, I gradually lost my ambition to study Japanese and until now, I can only remember one alphabet table, even though Japanese uses three types of alphabets
ambition – a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring
determination and hard work “Her ambition to become CEO of the company amazes her boyfriend.”
not yet achieved – to not yet reach a goal or to succeed in doing something that
you really want to do “He has not yet achieved his goal of getting an 8 on the IELTS writing exam.”
to realize that – to become aware of something, to know or come to understand
something for the first time “His mom didn‟t realize that she wouldn‟t be able to visit him while he was studying in Germany.”
to be an advantage – something that offers you a better opportunity at something
is an advantage or benefit to you “As an employee, it is an advantage to be fluent
in English these days.”
to register for – to sign up for something like a class or workshop; to put your
name on the list and pay your money “He has only five days left to register for the conference.”
to skip classes – to miss a class or not go to a class for some reason “His teacher
said that if he skipped any more classes, he wouldn‟t receive any credit for the course.”
to keep up with – to be able to perform at a certain level or to be able to continue
to do something as planned “She had a difficult time keeping up with all of the homework that her English professor gave her.”
not to mention that – used to add additional information when you are explaining
why something did or didn‟t happen, used to introduce an additional fact or point that reinforces the point being made “She can‟t go to the meeting on Friday
Trang 20because she is ill, not to mention that she has already put in twice as much time as everybody else has this week.”
distracted me from – used to talk about when you go off task or stop working on
something because your attention goes elsewhere “Her funny jokes distracted me from getting my homework done.”
they complained – to complain means to tell someone that you don‟t like
something for some reason His friends didn‟t like that he wasn‟t spending time with them, so they complained to him “His wife complained that he was working too many hours.”
to ignore someone – you ignore someone when you don‟t respond to their phone
calls, messages, emails, etc., you don‟t pay attention to them “He thought I was ignoring him because I didn‟t answer his text, but I was just in a meeting and couldn‟t text him back.”
to arrange – to organize or to schedule something “She needed to arrange a time
to meet with the accountant.”
to hang out with – to spend time with someone “They liked to hang out with their
friends on weekends
#6: Topic: A Child Made You Laugh
Describe situation when a child made you laugh
You should say:
- Who the child was
- (when and) where it happened
- What he or she did to make you laugh
- And explain why you laughed
One of my best friends has a 3-year-old baby girl; so every time we went out, she
would take her with us
Her little girl is such a witty kid, and she is always full of energy As she begins to
be aware of the outside world, she asks a lot of questions just to satisfy her
It happened one day when we went out shopping While her mother and I took turns trying clothes on, she was sitting quietly on the bench Then she looked at me and her mother and started to express her opinions on our clothes
The way she talked was so funny that we couldnt stop laughing She was so used to playing with her Barbie doll that she suggested we should dress like one of her dolls
She even taught us how to walk like models because she thought that was pretty
All the customers who walked in the store noticed her, even the store owner couldn‟t stop laughing at her since she was still a baby girl, but she talked and acted like a grown-up
That was probably the best part of the shopping trip that I will never forget
witty: [adjective] able to say clever and funny things
Example: Everybody laughed during the lesson, because the teacher was so witty
satisfy her curiosity: [verb phrase] to have an answer to a strong wish to know
about something
Example: My answer did not satisfy his curiosity, so he asked me for more
details about what had happened
trying clothes on: [verb phrase] to put on clothes to see if they fit and if they look
Trang 22Example: Try these clothes on before you buy them to make sure that they are the
correct size
models: [noun] people whose job it is to wear and show new styles of clothes
Example: The dream of many young people is to become fashion models and
appear in magazines
grown-up: [adjective] typical of an adult
Example: The child was used to being treated in a grown-up way by his parents
#7: Topic: An Electronic Equipment
Describe an item of electronic equipment that you would like to have
You should say:
- What it is where you would get (buy) it from
- What features it would have (or, special features you would like it to
- And explain why you would like to have it
Since I was very small, I have had a special interest in cooking So, it is no surprise that, now that I have grown up, I dream of having an oven with rings for cooking on top, which is in very popular use overseas In my country, this kind of
oven is only sold at big electronic and appliance centers
Different from the normal oven, this one provides more stable and exact temperatures, which is one of the critical factors in baking Besides, it has four oven top elements, which is highly convenient because it allows you to cook and bake at the same time It also saves a lot of space in your kitchen because it
is free-standing Another feature that I would like the oven to have is a cleaning system If you cook frequently, you will definitely appreciate this facility It is inevitable that when you cook, your oven/cooker will get dirty As a result, with the self-cleaning feature, it is much easier for us to clean
Trang 23grow up: [phrasal verb] to develop into an adult Example: The children have
all grown upand left home now
appliances: [noun] a machine which is designed to do a particular job in the home,
such as cleaning or preparing food Example: The store sells a range of household appliances, including microwave ovens and washing machines
baking: [noun] the process of cooking something in the oven using dry heat
Example: My mother loves baking – she makes bread and cakes every week in her
free-standing: [adjective] not a part of or attached to something else Example:
The cupboard was free-standing, so it was easy to move it away from the wall
self-cleaning: [adjective] able to be cleaned without a person having to clean it
Example: Her new oven was self-cleaning; when it was dirty it cleaned itself
facility: [noun] a special feature of a machine that enables it to do something extra
Example: My computer has a facility for checking spelling
#8: A Gift You Gave That Took A Long Time To Choose
“Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to choose.”
You should say:
- What it was
- Who you gave it to
- How you chose it
- And explain why you spent a long time choosing it or explain how the
receiver of the gift reacted
- When you gave it to him or her
Trang 24Band 8.0 Sample Answer:
Choosing a gift for someone is usually a very difficult task, because you want to make sure that the person who receives it will like it For that reason, I always
spend a lot of time picking gifts for my relatives and friends Today, I am going to
share with you the time when I had to choose a gift for my little sister’s birthday
It was her 5th birthday and I wanted to give her something memorable and special I decided to go to a “Build-a-bear workshop” to buy her a stuffed bear
At this shop, you actually spend time picking materials to build your furry friend, from the cotton inside to the clothes outside You also got to give this teddy bear a heart and a voice recorder, so that when you squeezed it, it would say whatever
you recorded before After finishing building the stuffed toy, the store would give
him or her a birth certificate with a name and birthday
My little sister was so happy when she received the bear Well, kids always love a furry friend anyway However, what was special was that as she grew up, she
understood how much love I had put in the bear when building it for her at the
store, so she came to appreciate the gift even more
pick: [verb] to choose something from a group of things Example: The man picked
a blue tie from the collection in the shop
memorable: [adjective] something special, good or unusual and therefore easy to
remember Example: I will never forget the memorable holiday that I had in Japan
workshop: [noun] a place where you can do a practical activity to create
something Example: As a student, I attended drama workshops, because I had always loved acting
stuffed bear: [noun] a toy in the shape of a bear, filled with cloth and made of
some soft material Example: When I was a child, I had a stuffed bear, which I used
to keep in my bedroom
Trang 25furry: [adjective] covered with fur – a soft thick mass of hair that grows on the
body of some animals Example: People love pandas because they are so furry, with thick black and white fur all over their body
get to (+ infinitive): [phrasal verb] to be allowed to do something Example: When
we visited the football stadium, we got to meet some of the famous players
teddy bear: [noun] this is just another name for a stuffed toy bear
squeeze: [verb] to press something firmly, especially with your fingers Example:
Every time you clean your teeth, you squeeze the tube of toothpaste
appreciate: [verb] to recognise the good qualities in something or somebody
Example: At school, I appreciated the help that I received from my teachers
#9: An Occasion When You Got Up Very Early
Describe an occasion when you got up very early
You should say:
- When it happened
- Why you got up early
- Who you were with
- And explain how you felt about getting up early
Describe a long car journey you went on
You should say:
- Where you went
- Why you went there
- Who you travelled with
- What you saw on the trip (on the way)
- And explain why you went by car
Like many other young people, I don‟t have the habit of waking up early every day, only for special occasions Last weekend, I and a group of my friends decided to go
on a trip to the mountainous area of my country called [……… ] We had to leave very early in the morning so that we did not get stuck in the traffic In addition, we would have more time to spend there
It wasn‟t easy to get up early in the morning, because I had been so excited about the trip that I had barely slept that night I had never been to this place before It is located in the northern part of my country so I knew that we faced a long drive ahead We had decided to go by car since, that way, all 5 of us could travel together Moreover, everyone reckoned that it would be safer than going by motorbike Waking up early did not feel that bad at all, even though it was the first time I had done so for many months To begin with, I felt a bit sleepy, but then the pure morning air freshened me completely
After 5 hours driving, we arrived at our destination We were amazed to see a vast land filled with the yellow color of terraced rice fields, ready to be harvested Under the sunlight, these rice fields sparkled like gold We stayed for one night with a local host and helped the family with their regular tasks before setting out for home the next day It was such an amazing trip, and it helped us to learn more about the countryside and the way of life of those who live there I‟d love to make more trips like that in the future
get stuck: [verb phrase] to be in an unpleasant situation that you can‟t escape from
Example: I left work early, because I didn‟t want to get stuck in traffic on my way
barely: [adverb] something that can be achieved, but only with difficulty
Example: We barely had time to catch the train, so we ran all the way to the station
faced a long drive ahead: [verb phrase] a long car journey
Example: My advice is to sleep well if you face a long drive ahead the next day
Trang 27reckon: [verb] to think or have an opinion about something
Example: If I want to lose weight, I reckon that I will have to eat less bread
freshen: [verb] to make something cooler and more pleasant
Example: The rain freshened the air
vast: [adjective] very big
Example: The Amazon is a vast rainforest
harvest: [verb] to cut and collect a crop, such as rice
Example: Every year, bananas are harvested from the trees on my uncle‟s farm
sparkle: [verb] to shine brightly
Example: The sky sparkled with thousands of stars
setting out: [phrasal verb] leaving a place and beginning a journey
Example: I finished my breakfast and set out for the train station
#10: An Indoor Game
Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child
Describe an indoor game that you played when you were a child
You should say:
- What the game was
- Who you played it with
- How you played it where you played it
- And explain why you liked playing that game
An indoor game that I liked to play when I was a child was badminton It started when I was in 6th grade At that time, I was living near my uncle‟s house Every
Trang 28morning, he would wake me and my cousins up early and drive us to the sport center near our house
It was actually a badminton class, so we had teachers and other students too We practiced badminton here for an hour During the summer holiday, we even stayed there for another half an hour Just like tennis, you can play badminton as a singles match or doubles match The rules are pretty much the same as tennis The only difference is that the badminton shuttlecock is lighter than the tennis ball, thus, it requires less strength
Due to my short-sightedness, I was not very good at playing this game but
I enjoyed itanyway Firstly, it helped keep me fit In addition, I could train my eyes to look further and faster, and it quickened my reflexes Last but not least, it helped me a lot in improving my teamwork skills
badminton: [noun] an indoor game Players hit a small light ball, with feathers
round it, across a high net, using a racket, like tennis
Example: A net in badminton is much higher than in tennis, and the ball and rackets are smaller and not as heavy
singles match: [noun] a game in which one player plays against one opponent
doubles match: [noun] a game in which two players play against two opponents
Example: She won the women‟s singles gold medal in tennis in the Olympic
Games Then, playing with her friend, they won the women‟s doubles gold
medal by defeating two American opponents
shuttlecock: [noun] badminton uses a shuttlecock, not a tennis ball It is very light
and it has feathers round the edge
Example: Players hit the shuttlecock across the net in badminton
short-sightedness: [noun] a person who can only see things if they are very close,
is short-sighted
Example: I need glasses for reading, because of my short-sightedness
Trang 29train my eyes: [verb phrase] I developed my ability to see things quickly and
Example: The detective trained his eyes to look for small but important details at
the scene of the crime
quickened my reflexes: playing badminton improved my ability to move and think
quickly when I played the game
Example: Many people say that video games quicken your reflexes and you
become more expert
#11: A Paid Job You/A Friend Enjoyed Doing
“Describe some paid work (or, a paid job) that you or a friend enjoyed doing.”
You should say:
- What the work was
- Where you did this work
- Who you worked with
- And explain why you or your friend enjoyed doing this work
I remembered working as an IT helpdesk assistant while I was in college and
I really enjoyed doing it – Although I was a business major at that time, I still applied for a position at the IT helpdesk because it was the best- paid job on
campus As an IT assistant, I helped other students sort out problems with their
personal laptops Besides, I assisted professors and faculties to set up projectors,
to fix printers and copy machines on campus, and anything related to technical matters in general – There were 5 other students who were in the same position as
me We usually registered work hours based on our own personal schedule, as long as the total working hours met the job requirement For one shift, there were usually two assistants, so that we could help each other out if necessary – I loved working at the IT helpdesk for many reasons First of all, I learned a lot about computers and other machines Secondly, I got a chance to talk withmany people
Trang 30around campus and it felt great when you were able to help somebody with their
helpdesk: [noun] a service in a company or college that gives people information
and help, especially with computer problems
Example: My university library has a helpdesk, which is very popular with students
who don‟t have much knowledge about using computers
business major: [noun] I was studying business as the main part of my course
Example: As she hopes to live in France, my friend is a French major at college
IT assistant: [noun] a person with a knowledge of information technology, who
uses that knowledge to help others
Example: As an IT assistant, my job is to help students become more expert at
using their computers
sort out: [phrasal verb] to deal with your own, or someone else‟s, problems
Example: My car would not start, but the mechanic sorted out the problem when he
schedule: [noun] timetable, in this case the number of hours that we were required
to work each week
Example: Chinese will be on the school schedule next year
shift: [noun] a period of time worked by someone or a group of workers, who start
work as soon as another person or group finishes
Example: My shift begins at 8:00 am, when the assistant who works during the
night goes home
help each other out: [verb phrase] to help somebody, especially in a difficult
Example: A lot of customers come into the store at lunch hour, but there is always
an extra assistant, so we help each other out
Trang 31#12: A Family Member You Spend The Most Time
“Describe the member of your family who you spend the most time with.”
You should say:
- Who it is
- When you are usually together
- What you do together
- And explain why you spend the most time with this member of your family
Today, I am going to share with you a family member who I spend most of my time with That is my / father / mother / older sister/brother/cousin…
My father / mother / older sister / brother /cousin… is a
very considerate and thoughtful person When I was small, he/she usually took good care of me; taught me good lessons and never let me out of his/her sight Even now, whenever I have a bad day, he/she has always been there for me, and helps me get through it
As I have got older, my father/mother/older sister/brother/cousin… has become my best friend I can share my interests, my career plans or even things about my love
life with them – in fact, anything at all Especially when I am down, he/she gives
me the encouragement that I need to move on To me, he/she is a role model whom I always look up to/admire/and follow in his/her footsteps He/she constantly reminds me that I have to try my best in everything I choose to pursue
so that I can achieve my goal in this life Thanks to his/her advice, I have made
significant progress in my personal life in general Although, of course, I love all
my family, because he/she is so special to me, I think that we will always keep in touch, just as we do now almost every day
Trang 32considerate: [adjective] always thinking of the wishes and feelings of other people
Example: My mother is very considerate when guests come to visit our house and
she always offers some food or something to drink
thoughtful: [adjective] showing that you think about other people and care about
Example: A good teacher should be kind and thoughtful
take care of: [verb] to provide the things which you need for your protection and
Example: A lot of patience is necessary when you take care of very young or very
old people
let me out of his sight: [expression] he/she always kept me where they could see
me – they protected me all the time
Example: She never lets her daughter out of her sight
be there for: [expression] to be available if somebody wants to talk to you or needs
your help Example: If I was in trouble, my parents were always there for me
get through: [expression] to successfully deal with a problem or overcome a
Example: I would find it hard to get through the day if I had no friends to talk to
down: [adjective] sad, unhappy
move on: [verb] to make progress by starting something new
Example: After I pass the exam, I want to move on to the next step in my career
role model: [noun] a person that you admire and try to copy
Example: Parents are a child’s most important role models
follow in the footsteps of: to do the same job or to have the same style of life
Example: She works as a journalist, following in her father’s footsteps
try my best: [expression] to do as much as possible to achieve something
Example: I will try my best to achieve my goal
Thanks to: [expression] As a result of/with the help of their advice, I made
progress in my studies and my career
Trang 33keep in touch: [expression] to maintain contact with somebody so that I know what
Describe a person you know who dresses well
You should say:
- who this person is
- what kind of clothes this person likes to wear (or, wears)
- how you know this person
- and explain why you think this person dresses well
Describe a person you know who speaks a second (or foreign) language well
You should say:
- who this person is
- how you know this person
- what language this person speaks
- how often they speak it
- and explain why you say they speak it “well”
Describe a person (you know) who travels a lot by plane
You should say:
- who this person is
- you know this person
Trang 34- where this person travels to
- and explain why they (= he or she) choose to travel by plane
Today, I am going to share with you a person I know/ who dresses well/speaks a second (foreign) language well/ travels a lot by plane/ That person is my friend/boss/…
As a typical saleswoman for a multinational company, my friend/my boss has to meet many people from all over the world That‟s why she speaks English as fluently as Vietnamese In addition, she also dresses well because appearance is very important in the sales market She is tall and thin, thus she always chooses to wear blouses with pencil skirts or midi dresses because such smart clothes not only complement her figure, but also give her a formal look suitable for business meetings Every time she appears in public, she draws everyone‟s attention; people look at her with admiration I think that‟s one of the reasons why she is such an
Due to the characteristics of her job, she has to travel to […… ]/uses English quite often because our company has a large customer internationally As a result, travelling by plane is the only choice There are months when she has to go there once a week to prepare for a client meeting or provide training to new employees/ Being competent in English helps her a lot in closing the deal with international clients, since nowadays English is considered to be the most common language in the business world She speaks English so well that one of our clients complimented her on sounding exactly like a native speaker
typical: [adjective] having all the usual qualities or features that we expect A
woman whose job is to sell products will usually have to meet a lot of people, and sometimes these may be international customers My friend/my boss is no different – she is a typical saleswoman
Trang 35Example: A typical street in the centre of London has crowds of shoppers, and the
roads are full of cars, taxis and buses
dresses well: [verb+adverb] she wears a particular style or type of clothes and
these give her a good appearance
Example: In England, people dress formally when they go for a job interview
appearance: [noun] the way that somebody looks If you are selling products,
your ppearance must be tidy and professional
Example: Photographers always follow famous people, so those people pay a lot
of attention to their appearance – they want to look good !
skirt: [noun] a piece of clothing for a girl or woman which goes from the waist
and covers part of the legs
pencil skirts: [adjective+noun] a skirt which is narrow and straight
Example: Pencil skirts are often worn by professional women, such as secretaries
or executives
midi dresses: [noun] dresses which cover the legs to below the knees
smart: [adjective] looking clean, new and attractive
Example: I have to be smart for work
complement: [verb] to add something in a way that makes it look more attractive
or improves it
Example: His smart tie complemented his formal suit
figure: [noun] the shape of the body
look: [noun] this is another word for appearance – the way that somebody looks
Example: My friend has a very professional look when she is at work
draw attention: [verb+noun] my boss/my friend attracts the interest of everyone
Example: In the world of men‟s fashion, David Beckham draws the attention of
the world media
customer base: [noun combination] all the people who buy or use a particular
product or service
Example: We need to appeal to a wider customer base
Trang 36closing the deal: [verb+noun] making an agreement with a customer or supplier
Example: As a professional saleswoman, my friend usually closes the deal and
makes a sale to her clients
compliment: [verb] to say something which expresses praise or admiration for a
Example: My boss complimented me on the work which I completed last week
#14: An Experience You Had As A Team Member
“Describe a person you were friendly to, although you did not really like them (him or her)/Describe an experience you had as a member of a team.”
Describe a person you were friendly to, although you did not really like them (him or her)
You should say:
- Who this person was
- When and where it happened
- What the situation was
- Why you didn‟t like this person
- And explain why you were (or had to be) friendly to this person
- And explain what the results were after you were friendly to this person
Describe an experience you had as a member of a team
You should say:
- Where it was
- Who were the members of the team
- What you did together in this team
- And explain why you became a member of this team or explain what the purpose of the team was
Trang 37I would like to describe a person who I had to be friendly to, although I did not really like her I think this situation is quite common in our lives, especially when
we have to act as part of a team
A couple of months ago, I was assigned to a team at my workplace in order to tackle a big project As part of the team, I had to cooperate closely with this person However, we had never really liked each other for several reasons Firstly, she is
much older than I am, so she always thinks she is right and disregards the opinions
of others I would describe her as both bossyand officious, although she did not
have a more senior position than I did in the company Secondly, I considered
her irresponsible because she did not appear to me to pay serious attention to the project So, although it was supposedly a group project, I ended up working all on
my own as much as possible in order to see the task through
As the work was vital for our company, we had to be successful I therefore had no choice except to collaborate with her in order to finish the job I would rather have done all the work alone, but if I had refused to work with her as part of the team,
then the evaluation of my job performance would have been affected at the end
of the year So, knowing her personality as I did, I swallowed my pride and tried to
be patient Despite our many arguments, we completed the task on time I learned that sometimes people can work together, even though they don‟t get on with each other It just needs a little bit of time and patience to work things out, and each person has to compromise to achieve a common goal
disregard = to pay no attention to something or someone
bossy = a bossy person is someone who is always telling other people what to do
officious = an officious person is someone who uses their authority or position to
give orders to others – another word would be domineering
irresponsible = an irresponsible person has no feeling of responsibility for
supposedly = according to what most people think
end up = to find yourself in a situation that you did not expect to be in
Trang 38on my own = alone
see… through = if we see something through, we do not give up until it is
collaborate = to work together with others to achieve something
swallowed my pride = to hide my feelings, even though I wanted to express what I
#15: Describe A Place Where You Often Go To Relax
“Describe a place where you read and write (not your home) / Describe a café restaurant that you like (to go to)./Describe a place where you (usually / often) go to relax (Not your home)”
Describe a place where you read and write (not your home)
You should say:
- Where it is
- How often you go there *
- What you read and write there / who else goes there
- And explain why you read and write at this place
Describe a café/restaurant that you like (to go to)
You should say:
- Where it is
- How often you go there
- What types of food it has
- And explain why you like it
Trang 39Describe a place where you (usually / often) go to relax (Not your home)
You should say:
- Where this place is
- When you go there
- What you do there
- Who is usually there with you
- And explain why you choose to go to this place to relax
Band 8.5 Sample Answer:
Today, I‟m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my
company/my house named “ABC”
As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore, the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends I always try to make time for my little trip to “ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday
The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes me feel like I‟m sitting in a garden of my own
Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me
to sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work I can concentrate on a personal project such as reading or writing in my journal without being interrupted
to share with you: in this context, to share with someone means to tell someone
about something, you are going to share some information or a story with another person; in another context you could share an actual thing with someone, like share
a meal with another person or share something that you have, like some fireworks, with another; “I”d like to share a story with you about my grandmother when she was a young girl.” “He doesn‟t want to share the fish he caught with us.”
hang out with my friends: to spend time with friends, talking, relaxing, visiting;
“He likes to hang out with his friends at the pizza place after school.”
therefore: used when you want to give more information or explain the reason for
something; consequently; for that reason; “I am going to be in New York next week; therefore, I‟d like to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
on weekends: use the preposition on when talking about things you do on Saturday
and Sunday, the weekend; in this case we use the plural because you are talking about weekends in general, rather than a specific weekend; “He likes to play golf
on weekends.” British English prefers to say at the weekend or at weekends
to make time for: to prioritize things so that you have time to do a certain thing
that you want; you have to make time for something in order to ensure that you do
it, if you don‟t make time for something, you won‟t do it; “He wants his father to make more time for him on weekends.”
located on a quiet street: when we are talking about the location of something we
use the preposition on, something is located on the corner, on the right or left side,
on a hill, on a mountain; you can also use in for things located in another area, like the office is located in the building on the left side of the street or the video store is located in the mall, as in inside the mall; “Our new restaurant is located on one of the busiest streets in San Francisco.”
Additionally: used to give more information; “Additionally, the scientists found
that there were two more species in the area that had never been discovered.”
hanging gardens: plants and flowers that are hanging in pots from the ceiling;
“The hanging gardens in the train station made the place feel very warm and welcoming, unlike most train stations.”