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Cấu trúc

  • Procedure

  • Procedure

  • T asks the Ss if they like parties and have they ever been to a party ? If Ss say yes ,T asks follow- up questions like:

  • Task 1

  • Procedure

  • T devide the class into groups of 6 and introduces the game: the groups should generate as many words related to birthday and birthday parties as possible in five minutes.

  • Suggested words: cake, candle, cards, candy, flowers. . . .

  • T gets Ss to close their books and shows them the pictures which in thebook, then asks them to guess what they are going to listen about. T gives feedback and gets them to open their books.

  • T gets ss to work in pairs to answer the questions on page 36.

  • T calls some Ss to answer the questions and explain their reasons.

  • T checks with the class.

  • Pre- teaching vocabulary:

  • T guige ss to pronouce the words on page 36 correctly. T play the tape or model first and then asks Ss to repeat after the tape or after the teacher in chorus and individually.

  • T presents or elicits the meanings of these words from the class.

  • Task 1:

  • Instruction: You are going to listen to a girl telling about a birthday party that she has been to. Listen and put a tick True or False in the appropriate box.

  • Before Ss listen and do the task, T gets them to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words. For example, the keywords in the first statement are “ at home”, and “ evening”.

  • T checks with the whole class and asks them to guess what the party might have been like (there was a birthday cake,the party lasted some hours. . .)

  • Procedure

  • Competition game

  • I. Pronounciation.

  • TASK 2:

    • Period 26th Unit 5: ILLITERACY

      • Period 27th : Unit 5: ILLITERACY

      • IV. Procedure

        • Date:26/10/09

        • Period 28th : Unit 5: ILLITERACY

      • IV. Procedure

  • TASK 1

    • TASK 3:

      • IV. Procedure

        • Procedure

  • Interaction

    • Jumbled words

  • Individual

    • Period 31st Unit 6: Competitions

    • Period 32nd Unit 6: Competitions

    • C : Listening

    • ......................................................................................................................................................

    • Period 33rd Unit 6: Competitions

  • Interaction

    • ...........................................................................................................................................................................

    • Period 34th Unit 6: Competitions

    • Interaction

      • Period 63rd Unit 10: nature in danger

        • IV. Procedure

          • Procedure

    • Interaction

      • Jumbled words

    • Individual

  • _ students to work in pairs to make new conversation.

  • Task 2

Nội dung

Period 1: revision and introduction I.objectives: by the end of the lesson ss will be able to: -revise the language of english book 10 -know the form of english book 11 II.materials:English book 10,11 III:anticipated problems: Ss may forget the knowledges of english book 10 IV.procedure: Stage/Time Presentation Revision Procedure Interaction Wholeclass Call some Ss to tell about the grammar of English 10 -Tenses 22 Individual -To-infinitive -Gerund -Reported speech -passive voice Let Ss to give out some examples Wholeclass feedback and recall them Presentation Introduction Ask Ss some question about the English book 10 to introduce the English book 11 20 -How many units are there….? Individual -How many lessons are there in a unit? work -How many periods are there in a unit? -Do you Test your self at home or at class? -How many topics are there in … ? Introduce the English book 11 –new version -There are 16 units -some units last periods -test your self :do at home -there are 16 topics Wholeclass Wrapping Summarise the main points Assign homework Period 2: unit 1: friendship A reading I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas,skimming for general information,and guessing meaning in context -use the information they have read to discuss the topic II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts III anticipated problems: Ss may need help with the discussion task,so T sdould be ready to help them IV.Procedure: Stage/Time Warm-up Procedure Competition game –network Interaction Groupwork T prepare a handout with a network of the word Friendship Divides the class into groups and give each group a Nghi Léc Upper secondery school handout and ask them to complete Pre-reading Dicussing the picture and poem Pair work -T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions: + what are the girls and the boys doing? +how they feel? 10 +what does the picture tell you? -T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the poem Pre-teaching vocabulary Whole class -provide some new words on the board -Explain the meaning -Guide Ss to read While- Setting the scene reading You are going to read the passage about the qualities of a Whole class lasting friendship.While you are reading ,do the tasks in the book Individual Task work and pair Fill each blank with one of the words in the box work -T writes these words on the board: -Then T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings -T asks Ss to work individually to the task -asks Ss to exchange their answers with others -asks Ss for their answers and feed back Task Decide which of the choices A,B,C or D most adequately Whole class sum up the ideas of the whole passage Individual Nghi Léc Upper secondery school -T gets Ss the task individually and then find a peer to work and pair compare their answer work -T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks other to say whether they agree or disagree -Feedback and gives correct answer Task Answer the six questions in the book -T asks Ss how to this task -asks Ss to the task individually,then discuss the answer with their friends -Calls on some Ss to answer -Feedback Intruction:you are required to work in pairs to discuss the Pair work Post-reading question in the book Group work -When the time run out,calls every two pairs to share ideas 10 -Feedback -Summarise the main points Whole class -Assign homework Wrapping Period 3: unit 1: friendship Nghi Léc Upper secondery school Lesson b: speaking I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends,using appropriate adjectives II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts III anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic,so T should be ready to provide help IV.Procedure: Stage/Time Warm up Procedure Competition game-Word search Interaction -T divides the class into small groups.Then distributes the Group work following puzzle handout for Ss to in their own groups.which group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner H O U N I E U S S A H R U M T N T O U H E A R T A L L U O O N G U N D E E I O M A N S N I N C T E R U N H B T E D I H O L A N D R D R N A A R T Present F G D G D O G E I N B G S M I B N T G Nghi Léc Upper secondery school S H S I N C F S M O U M G R I M F E I E A E M 10 C U N H M A S A L U Whole class E R O A A R D R Practice N E D I U S O U L E Pair work N S A R U E U 12 E M O U H H U L R B N S E A N T E D M S Find out:beautiful,tall,sincere.generuos,humorous, Caring,understanding,handsome Whole class Group work Task Instruction:you are going to look at the picture of four people on page 15 and describe them in pairs -Before letting Ss to the task,asks them to read Useful language on page 16 -Teaches some words -T asks Ss to work in pairs to describe the people in the Product picture,and then calls on some Ss to present their answers -feedback Whole class Pair work Task Instruction:you are going to discuss and number the 13 personalities in order of important in friendship and then report the results Nghi Léc Upper secondery school -Before Ss the task,T asks Ss to look at the list of adjectives provided in the book -T can elicit or explain some adjectives quickly -Divides the class into group fo with a group leader.They discuss and the leader will take notes of the Wrapping ideas and then one represent the result to the whole class Whole class -Feedback Task Instruction:Imagine that you have a friend who has just won the first prize in Mathematics.A journalist is going to interview you about your friend -Before Ss perform the interview in pairs,T gets Ss have a look at their role on page 16 and the suggestions on page 17 -T may elicit the questions they may ask -Asks them to work in pairs to perform the interview -Calls on some pairs to perform the interview -Feedback Summarise the main points Assign homework Period 4: unit 1: friendship c listening I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and Nghi Léc Upper secondery school taking notes while listening II.Mareials: Textbook,cassette tapes,handouts III anticipated problems: Ss may not be familiar with the note-taking task,so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task IV.Procedure: Stage/Time Warm up Procedure Competition game-crossword Interaction Group work -the aim of this activity is to help Ss revise the vocabulary items Ss learnt in the previous lesson -T divides the class into small groups.Then T distributes the following crossword handout for Ss to in their own groups.Which group finish first and has all the correct answers will be the winner Pre-listening Talking about your best friend -T asks Ss to discuss the question on page 17 in pairs Whole class -Call some Ss to give their answers and comments on the 10 answers Vocabulary Pre-teaching -Before Pre-teaching the new words,T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book -Elicit some new words Whilelistening Task Instruction:you are going to listen to Lan and Long talk about their best friends.Listen and decide whether the Individual statements are true or false work Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 10 -T plays the tape once for Ss to the task Group work -Asks for Ss’answers and writes them on the board Whole class -Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answer -Feedback and give the correct answers Task Instruction:you are going to listen to the tape again and fill the table in the book with notes Individual -Before Ss listen to the tape again,T may ask them to try work to fill the table with the things they remember from the Pair work previous times for listening Whole class -T play the tape again for Ss to compete their notes -Get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers -Call on some Ss to give the answers -Feedback and give correct answers Post-listening -T gets Ss to work in pairs to talk about how Ha has been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best Whole class friend Pair work -Call on some pairs to present their answers -Elicit feedback from the class and give final comment Summarise the main points Wrapping Whole class Assign homework Nghi Léc Upper secondery school Period 5: unit 1: friendship d writing I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Write about a friend,real or imaginary, using the words and expression that they have learnt in previous lesson II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts III anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic,so T should be ready to assist them IV.Procedure: Stage/Time Warm up Guessing game Procedure Interaction Group work -T introduces the game:one student goes to the board and T gives him/her a piece of paper with the name of a student in the class.Other Ss have to ask Yes/No questions to find out who the student is.Ss should ask about the appearance,personalities,or clothes… -Ss may ask questions such as: +Is the person a girl? +Is she tall? Present T sets the sence:you are going to write about a friend,real or imaginary,using … T gets Ss to read the task and guidelines silently and work out what athey are required to write about.In general,Ss’ Whole class writing should include three parts:general information abuot their friend,his/her physical characteristics and Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 10 10’ - astrays: -give the meaning - mugs: - listen - toast racks: - repeat -reads and asks Ss to repeat the words -read the passage -gives the meanings - read the statements carefully -asks Ss to read the words and corrects - decide T or F -asks Ss to read the passage carefully - check the answer with a partner and decide T or F - give answers -asks Ss to work in pairs and check -listen the answer -take notes - asks Ss to give answers and explains - corrects the mistakes III GRAMMAR -look at the sentences Complete the following sentences - work in pairs and read the with Who or That sentences carefully - asks Ss to work in pairs and read the - complete to it by using Who or sentences That - asks ss to compete by using Who or - give answers That - listen to explain - asks Ss to give answers and explain - take notes - corrects the mistakes - read the sentences and complete it - work in pairs and check the 10’ answers - give answer - listen IV WRITING - take notes - asks Ss to write a paraghaph of 120 Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 206 words about one of your hobbies, following these guidelines from the - work in groups of and write the book letter - asks Ss to work in groups of and - exchange the letter write to it - write on the board - goes round to help Ss if necessary -listen - asks Ss to write on the board -take notes - corrects the mistakes HOME WORK - Asks Ss to learn the lesson - Prepare the English test - listen - take notes Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 207 Period 92 UNIT15: SPACE CONQUEST A: READING I.Aims: to get Ss to - hepl Ss to extent reading: matching - understand the passage comprehension II Teaching aids: - Textbook, workbook, pictures, cassette, (colored) chalks III Steps of teaching Greeting+ checking attendance Check up: change a cleft sentence in the passive He described his home town in his novel It was……… New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES BEFORE YOU READ - asks Ss to work in pairs, look at the SS’ ACTIVITIES -look at the picture and answers picture and answer the questions from 5’ the book WHILE YOU READ - write some new words * key words - lift off: bay lên, rời khỏi - bid googbye = say googbye - enormous uncertainty: hoài 10’ nghi - precosely = accurately - a technical failure: trục trặc - listen - repeat - give the meanings of the words - give example kỷ thuật Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 208 - to fullfill= complete TASK1 - asks Ss to read the passage in silence and the task that follow - asks Ss to read the headings to the paraghaph 10’ - asks Ss to work in pairs and match the headings - read the passage in silence - read the headings - work in pairs and match the headings - asks Ss to give answers - give answers - corrects the mistakes TASK - listen and take notes - asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions - asks Ss to read and understand the - read the passage questions - read the questions - asks ss to answers -asks Ss to work in pairs and give - answer the questions - work in pairs and check the answers correct the mistakes answers 10’ - give answers AFTER YOU READ - asks Ss to work in pairs, and complete the summary of the reading passage by - practice - listen and take notes putting the words in the box into the blanks 7’ - asks Ss to read and translate the words from the book - asks Ss to read the passage and - work in pairs and summary - discuss Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 209 complete it - asks Ss to give answers 3’ - corrects the mistakes HOME WORK - asks Ss to learnt by heart the lesson - read the passage again - prepare the next part: SPEAKING listen take notes Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 210 Period 93 UNIT15: SPACE CONQUEST B: SPEAKING I.Aims: to get Ss to - aks and answer question on given information - help Ss to talk about historical events in the space conquest II Teaching aids: - Textbook, workbook, pictures, cassette, (colorer) chalks III Teaching procedures Greeting+ checking attendance Check up: some words: New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES TASK SS’ ACTIVITIES - asks Ss to read the following piece of new then ask and answer qs 15’ * key words: - read and give the meanings - to launch: phóng ( vệ tinh) - read the news - spacecraft: tàu không gian - give the questions and answer them - manned(a): người/ mang theo - check the ask and questions người What is the name of China’s first -to mark: đánh dấu manned spacecraft? - breakthrough(n): bước đột phá, What is the name of the astronaut? bước ngoặc How old was he when he flew into - space Age: kỉ nguyên/ thời đại space? không gian How important is the successful - asks Ss to read and give the meanings flight to China? the words in the book - give answers - asks Ss to read the news - take notes Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 211 - asks Ss to work in pairs then ask and answer the qs about the news - asks Ss to give the answers - asks Ss to practice them -corrects 20’ TASK - asks Ss work in pairs, take turns to talk about the important events in the space conquest - work in pairs and talk about - read the events - take turns - listen and take notes - asks Ss to look at the events and read them carefully - Ss take turns - corrects and gives mark HOMEWORK - listen - write some notes - asks Ss to learnt by heart the lesson - prepare the next part: LISTENING Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 212 Period 94 UNIT15: SPACE CONQUEST C: LISTENING I Aims: to get Ss to - listen for specific information - help student to decide T or F statements - comprehension questions II Teaching aids: - Textbook, workbook, pictures, cassette, (colored) chalks III Teaching procedures Greeting+ checking attendance Check up: talk about your class agreements and disagreements New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES BEFORE YOU LISTEN - asks Ss to work in pairs, match the SS’ ACTIVITIES - work in pairs and match them pictures with the captions * listen and repeat 10’ some words from the book - to orbit: bay theo quỹ đạo - to crew: phi hành đoàn - NASA: quan hàng không không gian hoa kì - pressure: áp suất, áp lực - rock samples: mẫu đá - spacesuit: đồ phi hành - be regarded as :được xem - models the words - write some words - listen -repeat - give the meanings - asks Ss to repeat them Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 213 - asks Ss to give the meanings of the - take notes words and phrases - corrects WHILE YOU LISTEN TASK - asks Ss to read and understand the meanings some in task - asks Ss to listen the tape script and - give the meanings decide T or F - asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answers 10’ - read the statements carefully - asks Ss to give answers - asks Ss to listen again and corrects TASK - asks Ss to read the questions carefully before listening - listen and decide T or F - work k in pairs and check the answers - give answers - listen again and take notes - asks Ss to listen the passage and answer the questions 10’ -asks Ss to work in pairs and check the - read the questions answers - listen carefully - asks Ss to give answers - reads the passage again and corrects the - check the answers with a partner mistakes from the students - give answers - asks some pairs to practice - listen again and take notes - corrects them AFTER YOU LISTEN - practice - asks ss to work in groups of and discuss the questions from the book Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 214 - goes round to help the Ss - asks some groups to talk about - explains and gives some ideas 10’ HOME WORK - work in groups of and discuss -asks Ss to learnt by heart the lessson - prepare the next part: WRITING - talk about - listen - take notes - listen - take notes Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 215 Period 95 UNIT15: SPACE CONQUEST D WRITING I.Aims: to get Ss to - write about a biography II Teaching aids: - Textbook, workbook, pictures, cassette, (colored) chalks III Teaching procedures Greeting+ checking attendance Check up: some words in part listening New lesson: Time 10’ T’S ACTIVITIES TASK SS’ ACTIVITIES - asks Ss to work in pairs, look at some - work in pairs, look at some information about Neil Amstrong information about Neil Amstrong - asks Ss to read and give the meanings - read and give the meanings the words in the box - read the information and put each of - asks ss to read the information and put the headings in the box in the each of the headings in the box in the appropriate blank appropriate blank - work in pairs and compare the - asks Ss to work in pairs and compare answers the answers - asks Ss to give answers -listen to explain - corrects - take notes TASK 20’ - asks Ss to work in pairs, write a biography of Neil Amstrongfrom the - work in pairs, write a biography of information given in task Neil Amstrongfrom the information Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 216 - helps them if it is necessary given in task - asks Ss to write it - discuss and write to it - Ss check the biography with a partner - exchange to check the answers - asks a student to write the paragraph - write the paragraph on the board on the board - listen - corrects the mistakes - take notes CONSOLIDATION -write a model passage - write HOME WORK - learnt by heart the lesson - prepare the next part: LANGUAGE FOCUS - listen and take notes - write some notes Period 96 UNIT15: SPACE CONQUEST Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 217 E: LANGUAGE FOCUS I.Aims: to get Ss to - help Ss to know some pronounce /nt/; /nd/; ……… - Help students to review: + modal verbs + question tags II Teaching aids: - Textbook, workbook, pictures, cassette, (colored) chalks III Teaching procedures Greeting+ checking attendance Check up: New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES I.PRONUNCIATION SS’ ACTIVITIES /nt/, /nd/, /n/, /ns/ , /nz/ - write some pronunciation listen and repeat - listen - reads the model sounds - listen and repeat - asks Ss to listen and repeat - asks some Ss to repeat 5’ - note the different among practice reading the dialogue these pronounce - reads the models - practice - asks Ss to wo - asks Ss to work in pairs, practice reading the dialogue - take notes - corrects the mistakes II GRAMMAR modal verbs a Can: have the ability or opportunity to st - look at example Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 218 10’ ex: he can speak three languages - example b could: had ability in the past Some verbs : - asks Ss to give the structure see, hear Smell, taste, fell, remember, - listen to explain understand… - write the structure c be able to: have the power, skikk, - write some notes intelligence, meansor opportunity to st * was/ were able to: had the specific ability to st Question Tags S+ KĐ, aux + n’t + S? S + PĐ, aux +S? EXERCISE - asks Ss to read the sentences carefully - asks Ss to complete the sentences using can or (be) able to - asks Ss to work in pairs and complete the sentences - read - work in pairs and complete - asks Ss to check the answers with a partner 10’ - asks Ss to give answers - corrects the mistakes EXERCISE - check the answers - take notes - asks Ss to read the example in the book - explains the examples and asks Ss to exercise - asks Ss to work in pairs and complete the 10’ sentences using could, couldn’t or was/were able to - asks Ss to give answers Nghi Léc Upper secondery school - read the example - listen and exercise 219 - corrects the mistakes - work in pairs and complete CONSOLIDATION - asks Ss to repeat some main points HOME WORK 5’ - learnt by heart the lesson - exercise in workbook - give answers - listen - take notes - prepare the n - prepare the next part: UNIT 16 - repeat - listen - write some notes Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 220 ...Introduce the English book 11 –new version -There are 16 units -some units last periods -test your self :do at home -there... pronounce the two sounds,so T should prepare a lot of practice Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 11 IV.Procedure: Stage/Time Presentation Pronunciation Procedure Interaction Whole class Pronouncing... /people /in sight the man /take off /all closes /swim out Nghi Léc Upper secondery school 24 Period 11 Unit :personal experiences e : language focus I Objective : By the end of the lesson ss will

Ngày đăng: 26/04/2017, 22:36

