Grade Contents Unit Unit Week Key Vocabulary Function Words and Phrases Basic Words .11 Week Key Vocabulary 13 Function Words and Phrases 19 Basic Words 23 Week Key Vocabulary 25 Function Words and Phrases 31 Basic Words 35 Week Key Vocabulary 37 Function Words and Phrases 43 Basic Words 47 Week Key Vocabulary 49 Function Words and Phrases 55 Basic Words 59 Week Key Vocabulary 179 Function Words and Phrases 185 Basic Words 189 Week Key Vocabulary 191 Function Words and Phrases 197 Basic Words 201 Week Key Vocabulary 203 Function Words and Phrases 209 Basic Words 213 Week Key Vocabulary 215 Function Words and Phrases 221 Basic Words 225 Week Key Vocabulary 227 Function Words and Phrases 233 Basic Words 237 Unit Unit Week Key Vocabulary 61 Function Words and Phrases 67 Basic Words 71 Week Key Vocabulary 73 Function Words and Phrases 79 Basic Words 83 Week Key Vocabulary 85 Function Words and Phrases 91 Basic Words 95 Week Key Vocabulary 97 Function Words and Phrases 103 Basic Words 107 Week Key Vocabulary 109 Function Words and Phrases 115 Basic Words 119 Week Key Vocabulary 239 Function Words and Phrases 245 Basic Words 249 Week Key Vocabulary 251 Function Words and Phrases 257 Basic Words 261 Week Key Vocabulary 263 Function Words and Phrases 269 Basic Words 273 Week Key Vocabulary 275 Function Words and Phrases 281 Basic Words 285 Week Key Vocabulary 287 Function Words and Phrases 293 Basic Words 297 Unit Unit Week Key Vocabulary 121 Function Words and Phrases 127 Basic Words 131 Week Key Vocabulary 133 Function Words and Phrases 139 Basic Words 143 Week Key Vocabulary 145 Function Words and Phrases 149 Basic Words 153 Week Key Vocabulary 155 Function Words and Phrases 161 Basic Words 165 Week Key Vocabulary 167 Function Words and Phrases 173 Basic Words 177 Week Key Vocabulary 299 Function Words and Phrases 305 Basic Words 309 Week Key Vocabulary 311 Function Words and Phrases 317 Basic Words 321 Week Key Vocabulary 323 Function Words and Phrases 329 Basic Words 333 Week Key Vocabulary 335 Function Words and Phrases 341 Basic Words 345 Week Key Vocabulary 347 Function Words and Phrases 353 Basic Words 357 English Language Development Vocabulary 358A How to Use this Book Visual Vocabulary Resources—A New Classroom Resource Purpose and Use The Visual Vocabulary Resources book provides teachers using the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill California Treasures reading program photo-word cards that visually introduce specific vocabulary from the program The photos are intended to preteach vocabulary to English learners and Approaching Level students, as well as offer additional, meaningful language and concept support to these students The photo-word cards are designed to interrelate with the English Learners and Approaching Small Groups lessons and the English Learner Resource lessons, all of which are designed to support the EL and struggling reader population The Visual Vocabulary Resources book is referenced specifically in those lessons Key Unit Vocabulary Words Vocab Wee ulary k Fig hting the Fir e In the first half of the book, the photo-word cards support three categories of vocabulary in the core reading program: Key Vocabulary These are the Key Words as introduced to the entire class in the core vocabulary lesson and core selection Students of all levels of language acquisition are taught these words: Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, and Early Advanced Function Words and Phrases These are idioms, adverbs, two-word verbs, and other words and phrases of particular use to English learners Function Words and Phrases are also drawn from the core selection, but will not be taught to the whole group as part of the core lesson Students of all levels of language acquisition are taught these words: Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, and Early Advanced Basic Words These words are chosen from the core selection, to fit a specific thematic category that will help EL learners increase their depth of vocabulary These words are not singled out for instruction to the whole group Only students at the Beginning and Early Intermediate levels of language acquisition are taught these words Wor d1 backpack, fish tank, glasses, chalkboard, snack, trashcan Basic Words Unit Week David’s New Friends A2V VR _C A_U 2W 3_R D 10_K ey.indd d2 flam es 85 backpack chalkboard The second half of the book supports the vocabulary presented in the English Language Development component of the California Treasures reading program The ELD Vocabulary presented is selected from the weekly Skill-Based English Learners Practice Reader In the place of the Basic Words categories, there are Content Words drawn from ELD Content Book selections Wor ROUTINE fish tank glasses snack trashcan Function Words and Phrases Word years from now Unit Week Music of the Stone Age Display the card Define each word in English, referring to the photograph Incorporate actions where appropriate Have children say the word three times Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word 11 © MacMillan McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (tl) © Stockdisc/PunchStock (tc) © Francisco Cruz/SuperStock (tr) © CMCD/Getty Images (bl) © Photodisc/Getty Images Alex Cao/Digital Vision/Getty Images (bm) © Kevin Sanchez/Cole Group/Getty Images (br) © Stockbyte/PunchStock Structure of Book The Key Vocabulary and Function Words and Phrases sections both have two photos on each right-hand page Each photo represents one vocabulary word The teacher script is located on the back of each card directly behind its accompanying photo The Basic Words section shows six photos per page, followed by a teacher routine The ELD Content Words section mimics this format with to words per page Teacher Scripts The lessons found on the Key Vocabulary, Function Words and Phrases, and ELD Vocabulary sections are interactive in approach They define the vocabulary words in English and Spanish, point out cognates (where appropriate), and provide strategies to get students talking and using the new language as much as possible; for example students: • • • • • chorally pronounce the word to focus on articulation partner talk with structured sentence frames to use the word in oral speech role-play to make the word come to life and use in everyday situations connect the word to known words and phrases through sentence replacement activities engage in movement activities to experience the word’s meaning The techniques make instruction engaging and memorable for students These low-risk ways to practice speaking help students make connections and develop understanding as they acquire vocabulary iv Word of today safe Key Vocabulary Word groan Unit Week David’s New Friends Word excited Key Vocabulary Word groan Unit Week David’s New Friend Point to the Word image on the opposite side One word in the selection is groan Say it with me: groan To groan means “to make an unhappy sound.” A groan sounds like this: (make a groaning sound) You might groan when you are hurt or when you have to something that you don’t like to En español, to groan quiere decir “hacer un sonido de dolor o disgusto, gemir o gruñir.” Uno gime cuando está herido o lesionado Uno gruñe cuando tiene que hacer algo que no quiere Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word groan (Point to the girl’s ankle.) This girl hurt her ankle Her mother is putting a bandage on it, but it still hurts She groans because her ankle hurts Key Vocabulary TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is excited Say it with me: excited Excited means “very happy about something.” You feel excited when something good happens You might feel excited when you win a game or when you get a present En español, excited quiere decir “estar emocionado o muy contento por algo.” Uno se emociona cuando algo bueno ocurre, como cuando gana un partido o recibe un regalo Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word excited (Point to the two boys running.) These boys are playing baseball They are very excited They are each going to score a run © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © Russell Illig/Photodisc/Getty Images (b) © Comstock Images/PunchStock MOVEMENT Let’s groan together (Make a groaning sound.) Let’s groan again Let’s pretend that something hurts, like this: (Put one hand on your head, make a groaning sound and say, “My head hurts.”) Say and it with me (Continue with other body parts.) Now let’s say groan together three more times: groan, groan, groan Word excited PARTNER TALK Talk about the picture with your partner How you know the two boys are excited? (They look very happy They are smiling.) Tell your partner about a time you felt excited Use the sentence frame: I felt excited when Now let’s say excited together three more times: excited, excited, excited © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill TEACHER TALK Key Vocabulary Word whisper Unit Week David’s New Friends Word carefully Key Vocabulary Word whisper Unit Week David’s New Friend Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is whisper Say it with me: whisper To whisper means “to talk very softly.” A whisper sounds like this (Whisper the word whisper.) You might whisper when you tell a secret You might whisper when you don’t want to make noise En español, to whisper quiere decir “susurrar o decir en voz baja.” Uno susurra cuando quiere decir un secreto o cuando no quiere hacer ruido Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word whisper (Point to the whispering girl.) This girl is telling the boy something She is whispering it Maybe she’s telling a secret Maybe she doesn’t want the other girl to hear Key Vocabulary TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is carefully Say it with me: carefully When you something carefully, you it with care or attention You hold something carefully when you don’t want to break it You something carefully when you don’t want to make a mistake En español, carefully quiere decir “hacer algo cuidado o atención, cuidadosamente.” Uno sostiene un objeto cuidadosamente si no quiere que se parta Haces algo cuidadosamente cuando no quieres cometer un error Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word carefully (Point to the man holding the baby.) This father is carrying his baby very carefully He doesn’t want to hurt the baby He doesn’t want to drop him © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © image100/Jupiterimages (b) © image100/Corbis PARTNER TALK Say, “good morning” to your partner Now whisper it, like this (Whisper “good morning.”) Tell your partner your name Now whisper it Whisper something else to your partner Talk about the picture with your partner What is the girl whispering to the boy? Now let’s say whisper together three more times: whisper, whisper, whisper Word carefully MOVEMENT Let’s pretend we are carrying an egg Hold the egg in your hand carefully You don’t want it to break Let’s walk across the room with our eggs Walk carefully Don’t break the egg! Pretend you are carrying something carefully You don’t want to break it You don’t want to hurt it Show the class how you carry it carefully What are you carrying? We will guess Now let’s say carefully together three more times: carefully, carefully, carefully © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill TEACHER TALK Key Vocabulary Unit Week David’s New Friends Word different Key Vocabulary Word different Unit Week David’s New Friend TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side (Point to a big apple and a small apple.) These two apples are different How are they different? Tell your partner (Continue with the other apples.) Talk to your partner about the picture Point to two apples Say how they are different Use the sentence frame: This apple is and this apple is Now let’s say different together three more times: different, different, different © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Another word in the selection is different Say it with me: different Different means “not the same.” (Hold up two crayons of different colors.) These two crayons are not the same They are different Their colors are different En español, different quiere decir “que no es igual, diferente, distinto.” (Muestre dos creyones de colores distintos.) Estos dos creyones no son iguales Son diferentes Son de colores diferentes Different in English and diferente in Spanish are cognates They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word different (Point to a red apple and a yellow apple in the photo.) These two apples are different This one is red and this one is yellow PARTNER TALK © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © Burke/Triolo/Brand X Pictures/Jupiterimages Function Words and Phrases Word under Unit Week David’s New Friend Word over ELD Vocabulary Words Word covered Unit Week Oil Spills Word layer ELD Vocabulary Words Word covered Unit Week Oil Spills TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side One word in the selection is covered Say it with me: covered Something that has been covered has been spread with something I covered myself with sunscreen before I went to the beach En español, covered quiere decir “con algo encima por protección, tapado u ocultado otra cosa; cubierto.” Me eché bloqueador solar por todo el cuerpo antes de salir a la playa Quedé cubierto de la crema The bird in this picture is covered with oil Its feathers are completely coated with oil ELD Vocabulary Words TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is layer Say it with me: layer A layer is something that is spread on top of something else To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, spread a layer of jelly on one slice of bread and a layer of peanut butter on the other slice En español, layer quiere decir “una cosa que se pone sobre otra para cubrirla, capa.” Para hacer un sándwich de mantequilla de maní mermelada, esparzo una capa de mermelada sobre una de las tajadas de pan y una capa de mantequilla de maní sobre la otra Now, let’s look at a picture that shows the meaning of layer This vegetable lasagna has layers of pasta, vegetables, and cheese 496 © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © Stockbyte/PunchStock (b) © Blue Moon Stock/PunchStock PARTNER TALK Imagine you are making your bed What you use to cover your bed? Draw a picture of your bed and tell your partner what you covered it with Playing can make you very dirty Talk with your partner about what you might be covered with after you did the following activities: playing in puddles finger painting going to the beach making a snowman Now let’s say covered together three more times: covered, covered, covered Word layer PARTNER TALK Draw a four layer cake you would like to eat Tell your partner what each layer is made of Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich Explain how you layer the ingredients Now let’s say layer together three more times: layer, layer, layer ELD Content Words Unit Week How We Use Natural Resources natural resources, cotton, wood, salt natural resources cotton wood salt ROUTINE Display the card Define each word in English, referring to the photograph Incorporate actions where appropriate Have children say the word three times Explain how these four words fit into a group, or category During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word Point out the following cognates: recursos naturales, sal © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (tl) © Photodisc/Siede Preis/Getty Images (tr) © AGStockUSA, Inc./Alamy Images (bl) © Miguel Salmeron/Image Bank/Getty Images (br) © Evelyn Jo Hebert/McGraw-Hill Companies 497 ELD Vocabulary Words Word wild Unit Week A Wild Picnic Word missing ELD Vocabulary Words Word wild Unit Week A Wild Picnic TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side One word in the selection is wild Say it with me: wild Something that is wild is strong, violent, and usually out of control The wild tornado caused a lot of damage as it spun through the fields En español, wild quiere decir algo “algo fuerte, violento y fuera de control.” El violento tornado causó mucho daño al atravesar el campo This picture shows a hurricane A hurricane is a storm with wild winds It is hard to predict what path the hurricane will take because of its wild winds ELD Vocabulary Words TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is missing Say it with me: missing Something that is missing is gone You can’t complete a jigsaw puzzle if a piece is missing En español, missing quiere decir “que hace falta, que se perdido.” No puedes completar un rompecabezas si le hace falta una pieza Now let’s look at a picture that shows the meaning of missing The girl is missing some front teeth A few teeth are gone, but new teeth will soon grow in 500 © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © Warren Faidley/Corbis (b) © Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images MOVEMENT Let’s pretend we are palm trees blowing in a wild wind (Lead children in bending and swaying as if they are being blown in a wild wind.) Now pretend you are riding a wild roller coaster Shake and move in your seat as you go on a wild ride Now let’s say wild together three more times: wild, wild, wild Word missing PARTNER TALK Draw a shirt with a missing button Exchange drawings with a partner Have your partner add the missing button to your drawing Think about something you are missing Tell a partner what you have lost and why you would like to find it Now let’s say missing together three more times: missing, missing, missing ELD Content Words Unit Week What Are Rocks Made Of? rock, granite, mineral, quartz rock granite mineral quartz ROUTINE Display the card Define each word in English, referring to the photograph Incorporate actions where appropriate Have children say the word three times Explain how these four words fit into a group, or category During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word Point out the following cognates: roca, granito, mineral, cuarzo © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (tl) © John Wang/Photodisc/Getty Images (tr) © Ken Cavanagh/McGraw-Hill Companies (bl) © Digital Vision/PunchStock (br) © Photodisc/Siede Preis/Getty Images 501 ELD Vocabulary Words Word full Unit Week A Sky Story Word greedy ELD Vocabulary Words Word full Unit Week A Sky Story TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side One word in the selection is full Say it with me: full When you are full, you have eaten until you are no longer hungry I feel full after a big lunch En español, full quiere decir “que ya saciado su hambre, lleno.” Me siento muy lleno después de un almuerzo grande This picture shows a woman who feels full She has eaten a large dinner and does not have room in her stomach for one more bite MOVEMENT Let’s pretend we just had a pizza party Rub your stomach and show me with your face that you are full If you are full, you cannot eat another bite I’m going to offer you another piece of pizza Shake your head, pat your stomach, and say “No, thank you I’m full.” (Pretend to offer each child another slice of pizza.) Now let’s say full together three more times: full, full, full ELD Vocabulary Words Word TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is greedy Say it with me: greedy A greedy person wants or takes more than his or her share of something It is greedy to take all of the markers that are supposed to be shared when we art En español, greedy quiere decir “que quiere o toma más de lo que le corresponde de algo, codicioso.” Si tomas todos los marcadores ue debemos compartir cuando estamos pintando en clase, eres codicioso Now let’s look at a picture that shows the meaning of greedy This boy is being greedy He has taken more cookies than he can possibly eat greedy PARTNER TALK Look again at the picture The boy is being greedy because he has taken too many cookies With your partner, decide how many cookies he could have if he was not being greedy Draw a picture to show the amount Then share it with the class Imagine someone is acting greedy at a class party Talk with your partner about what the person is doing Then decide how the person should act instead For example, a greedy person might take all the balloons A person who is not being greedy would take only one Now let’s say greedy together three more times: greedy, greedy, greedy 504 © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © Oleksiy Maksymenko/Alamy Images (b) © Sean Justice/Corbis Premium RF/Alamy Images ELD Vocabulary Words Word leftovers Unit Week A Sky Story Word wasted ELD Vocabulary Words Word leftovers Unit Week A Sky Story TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side One word in the selection is leftovers Say it with me: leftovers Leftovers are what remain after a meal There are usually leftovers from a large meal, like Thanksgiving dinner En español, leftovers quiere decir “lo que queda despues de una comida, las sobras.” Usualmente hay sobras cuando hacemos cenas grandes, como la que hacemos para el Día de Acción de Gracias This man has a lot of leftovers in his refrigerator He has saved all the leftovers so he can eat tham at a later time Now he is taking some of the leftovers out of the refrigerator so he can eat them for dinner PARTNER TALK Sometimes leftovers can make a delicious breakfast or lunch Tell a partner what leftovers you like to eat Then tell the class Imagine you have leftover meat, bread, and vegetables Work with a partner to create a meal with the leftovers Be creative You might make a salad, soup, stew, or sandwich Tell the class about the meal you made from leftovers Now let’s say leftovers together three more times: leftovers, leftovers, leftovers ELD Vocabulary Words Word TEACHER TALK Point to the Word image on the opposite side Another word in the selection is wasted Say it with me: wasted Something that is wasted is not fully used and ends up being thrown away I wasted glue on my art project when I used too much and had to wipe most of it off En español, to waste quiere decir “no usar por completo antes de desechar, malgastar.” Malgasté la goma cuando usé mucha y tuve que limpiar la mayoría del papel Now, let’s look at a picture that shows the meaning of wasted This pear has been half eaten, so it is wasted food The pear could have been eaten in full, but it is being thrown away instead wasted PARTNER TALK Imagine you have a box with scraps of paper, bits of yarn, broken crayons, and scraps of fabric What would you make with these things so that they are not wasted? Tell a partner Sometimes you are not hungry for all of your lunch What could you so that the food in your lunch is not wasted? Tell a partner (Examples include: wrap it up to eat later; share with a friend; feed it to an animal) Now let’s say wasted together three more times: wasted, wasted, wasted 506 © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (t) © Simon Battensby/Photographer’s Choice/Getty Images (b) © PhotoAlto/PunchStock ELD Content Words Unit Week Rules and Laws congress, law, trial, President congress law trial President ROUTINE Display the card Define each word in English, referring to the photograph Incorporate actions where appropriate Have children say the word three times Explain how these four words fit into a group, or category During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word Point out the following cognates: congreso, Presidente © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • photo credits: (tl) © Charles Smith/Corbis (tr) © Lawrence Manning/Corbis (bl) © Brand X Pictures/PunchStock (br) © Bettmann/Corbis 507 ... 20 3 Function Words and Phrases 20 9 Basic Words 21 3 Week Key Vocabulary 21 5 Function Words and Phrases 22 1 Basic Words 22 5 Week Key Vocabulary 22 7... Key Vocabulary 23 9 Function Words and Phrases 24 5 Basic Words 24 9 Week Key Vocabulary 25 1 Function Words and Phrases 25 7 Basic Words 26 1 Week Key Vocabulary. .. 26 3 Function Words and Phrases 26 9 Basic Words 27 3 Week Key Vocabulary 27 5 Function Words and Phrases 28 1 Basic Words 28 5 Week Key Vocabulary 28 7