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Giáo án Anh 8  Giáo án Anh 8 . Preparing date:/ 12 ./11 / 2005 UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB . LESSON 3: LISEN +LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Period: 34. A. Objectives: I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete the song, listen for details. II.Skills: listening, speaking and writing. III.Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbook, and posters . B.Procedures: I. Class-organization: check-attendance(1m) II .Checking-up: Asking for favors and responding to favors. Asking for assistance and responding assistance(5ms) III.New- lesson: Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities 10ms 15ms Warm - up: Listen to the song. Let Ss listen to the song A. Presentation: I. Pre - teach vocabulary: -to unite /ju'nait/ :đoàn kết. -peace /pi:s/(n) : hoà bình. Peacemaker :người đem lại hoà bình, sứ giả hoà bình. -peace time # war time -T reads first and then ask Ss to repeat. II.Checking vocabulary: R.O.R III. Guessing: -Asking Ss to guess the missing words. B. While - listening: -Let Ss lisen to the tape three times and fill in the gaps. T listens and corrects. Ss listen to the song for fun. Ss copy down newwords Ss repeat after T in chorus and then in dividually. Ss guess and share with their partner. Ss lisen to the tape and fill in. + Possible answers: The content of the song. Children of our land unite. Let's sing for peace. Let's sing for right. Let's sing for the love between north and south. Oh, children of our land, unite. Trần Nữ Nhân - 1 - Giáo án Anh 8  Giáo án Anh 8 5ms 5ms C. Post - listening: -Asking Ss to sing the song. D. Language focus 1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Y and Y Spring activity program. T does the example. a) When do they collect and empty garbage? -On January 9. b) Where do they collect and empty garbage ? -At Dong Xuan Market. c) What time do they start and finish work ? -They start at 8 am and finish at 5pm. T corrects Children of the world hold hands. Let's show our love from place to place. Let's shout out loud. Let's make a stand. Oh, children of the world, hold hands. ( Adapted from "Children of the World unite". Words by Margarete Music and tune by Robin Cameron). Ss sing the song. Ss listen the requirement and work in pairs. activity place date Time -Collect and empty garbage. -Plant and water trees along the streets -Help the elderly and street children. -Have big gathering to support cultural- sport programs Dong Xuan Market City center streets City rest home and orphane Central stadium Jan.9 Feb.2 Mar. 26 Apr.1 5 8a.m -5p.m 7a.m - 10am 7am 4pm 5pm 9pm IV. Consolidation(2ms) -Asking Ss to read newwords and listen to the song again. V.Recommendation:(2ms) -Learning newwords by heart. -Doing language focus 1 in your note book. -Doing exercise 1,2 and 3 in workbook. Trần Nữ Nhân - 2 - Giáo án Anh 8  Giáo án Anh 8 Trần Nữ Nhân - 3 - . UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB . LESSON 3: LISEN +LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Period: 34. A. Objectives: I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to

Ngày đăng: 29/06/2013, 01:27

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