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advanced 10 cae practice tests study guide

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good is recreotion ond sPort if you ore too unwellto porticipate?'- para 3'An increosingly oged Population ising o heavy burden on healthcore,' para 4, and the strong conclusion, voicing

Trang 1

o Audioscripts & Key

Writing Supplement including sample responses

with examiner comments

Detailed JUSTIFICATION of the Answers for all key parts

of each practice test

Trang 2

Sample Responses for the Writing sections written by CAE candidates

followed by detailed justification of the marks awarded.


You can download All the Sample Answers for All the Writing tasks for Practice Tests 1-10 from our website: www.globalelt.co.uk/Cambridge-exams-CAE.html

Assessment scales

The scales which are used for marking the answers to the

Writing questions consist of the following four subscales:

l Content:

Candidates are assessed based on how well they have fulfilled the task, and whether they have addressed

all the content points stated in the questions

2 Communicative Achievement:

It focuses on the appropriateness of register and format for the task Candidates are expected to show

command of the conventions of the communicative task and communicate their ideas in an effective and

convincing way, holding the target reader's attention and fulfilling all communicative purposes

3 Organisation:

lnformation and ideas should be adequately organised with the correct use of cohesive devices

4 Language:

It focuses on the range of structures and vocabulary and how accurately they are used

Candidates' responses are marked on each subscale from 0 to 5

Guidelines on Length

The number of words required for each writing task is 220-260 words and it is

clearly stated in the questions Answers which might be too short, usually, do not

have an adequate range of language and do not include all the information that is

required for the specific task On the other hand, very long answers, very often,

contain irrelevant information and may confuse the reader ln both cases, candidates'marks on the relevant subscales are affected in a negative way


US and other versions of spelling are accepted if used consistently

Paper 2 - Writing Part I - Essay

The Part I question, which is the compulsory task, is always an Essay Some notes on the topic, in the form of three bullet points, areprovided and candidates are required to select two of the bullet points and wn'te their essay They should not refer to more than two ofthe points, as this will lead to the essay being less developed than required Candidates should state which ofthe two points is

more important and justiry their opinions

They will also be provlded with three short opinions related to the bullet points to which they can refer in order to get information

to helP them develop their essay Candidates should try and use their own words as far as possible and not cop), from the texts given

An Essay is usuallywritGn for an academic tutor or as a follow up ofa discussion, panel discussion or a documentary etc lt should be

well organised, with an introduction, clear paragraphs and final conclusion and should present an opinion giving reasons to support it.Candidates need to practise using different ways to express opinions and agree or disagree using formal language Correct use of

appropriate linking words, as well as opening and concluding paragraphs, is essential in essay writing.

Trang 3


Everywhere we turn, nowodcys we see chsrities beseeching the public for money Whether in the mony '6egging ters' thot pop unsolicited though our moilboxes daily, or in the televised oppeals for charities, heoded by celebrities trying to tug at our heort-sfrings but the guestion is, which chorities deserve to be funded cnd which should be given priority in government funding? Are sporis ond recreotion charities more northy o couse for exomple, thon

let-heslfh chorities? This is o mojor dilemmo that is by no means o cleor-cut issue

Let's toke sports ond recreation chorities compared to heolth chorifies Gs o cose in point The formen hove o volid cloim io government funding 5porf ond recreotion halp reduce stress, ond keep people fit, positive ond heolthy fn

oddition, sports ond recreotion centres olso provida a community focol point, enriching fhe lives of mony

However, whot good is recreotion ond sporf if you are too unwell to porticipote? There is o much stronger orgument, that heolth is sf greoter prioriiy thon sport ond recreation.

Furthermore, an increasingly oged population is becoming a heavy burden on healthcare, necessitating greoter

fund-ing for charities as the prevalence of Alzheimer's ond cancer increose proportionolly with on ogeing populction Mony

now sre relisnt on support from heolth chorities We hove on obligotion to fund these chorities, in return.

I believe thot the funding of health chorities is the greoter priority After all, whot good ore heolth ond recreotion

centnes if we don't have enough hospitols for people who ore suffering? Without doubt, government funding musf be directed first and foremost to health chanities.

given charities and the validity of their claim to government funding in the subsequent paragraphs

The reader is left in no doubt as to the writer's belief, as to which charity is the more deserving of governmentfunding, due to the clear analysis of why health charities are the more deserving cause, in paragraphs 3 and 4, '

good is recreotion ond sPort if you ore too unwellto porticipate?'- (para 3)'An increosingly oged Population ising o heavy burden on healthcore,' (para 4), and the strong conclusion, voicing a personal opinion

'l believe thot the funding of heolth chorities is the greoter priority.'



personal opinions are voiced, the register is appropriately formal throughout and the arguments for cific funding of certain charities are being presented in a neutral tone: e.g 'Ihis is o mojor dilemmo thot is by no meonscleor-cut issue (paragraph l) ' 'There is o much stronger orgument, ' (paragraph 3)

spe-The use of rhetorical questions, also engages the reader, helping them follow the writer's line of argument: e.g

(paragraph l)

The writer's belief in health charities being more wofthy of government funding, compared to sport and recreationcharities, is clearly laid out in paragraph 3: ' whot good is recreotion ond sport if you ore too unwell to porticipote?' andparagraph 4:' on increosingly oged populotion is becoming o heovy burden on healthcore, necessitating greoter funding

chorities,' and reinforced in the conclusion: '/ believe thot the funding of heolth charities is the greoter priority.'

The essential dilemma of government funding of various charities is clearly stated in the introduction: ' thequestion is, which charities deserve to be funded ond which should be given priority in government funding?' beforeproceeding to analyse the relative merits of two charities for government funding: 'Let's toke sports ond recre-

otion chorities compored to heolth chorities os o cose in point.'The merits of funding sport and recreation charities are then analysed in paragraph 2 before the writer

launches into their opinion in the following paragraph as to why health charities are more deserving of funding,developing the argument in the subsequent paragraph Arguments are clearly marked with signposts such as

'however furthermore ' guiding the reader through the writer's viewpoint The conclusion clearly states the

writer's opinion, 'l believe thot the funding of heolth chorities is the greater p.riority,' ond proposes oppropriote

ac-tion,' Without doubt, government funding must be directed first and foremost to health charities


ere is ample evidence throughout of a sophisticated level of vocabulary: e.g 'beseeching' and 'unso/icited' as

ll as in phrases used, e.g 'tug ot our heart-strings' The use of rhetorical questions to engage the reader showsadvanced command of language: e.g' what good is recreotion ond sport if you ore too unwellto porticipate?'(paragraph 3) Overall, the language is formal and neutral in tone, but the writer also offers their personalopinion 'l believe that 'and uses informal devices, e g 'Let's take sports and recreation charities ', so the essay

is lively and engaging


Trang 4


There are mony chorities oround Some are deserving more of government funding fhan other ones This essay will discuss whether sport and recreotion charities or heolth chorities should io get the money

fn my oPinion, there is no guestion thot sport ond recreotion charities are of lesser importoht to health charities There are mony peopla who don't do sport so ii is stupid to be giving money to them-why be wostihg money thot musf to be spent on more imporfsnt causes?

On the other hond, everyone at soma level in their lives is wanting heolthcore Few people spend thier lives wiihout visiting to the hospitol Whot's more, as people get older they are needing more heip fron heolth charities, such os

concer chorities ond those concerned with ogeing-reloted illnesses You know, this is going io be more of a problem

os the populsfion gets oldet This is why we need more noney from the government being spend on haalth chorities.

50, in conclusion it con be seen thot sports ond tec?eation chorities do not deserve to be given so much honey os

health charities I ihink thot it is not just unuseful; it is octuoly wrong fo be giving money to sport and recreotion chorities I think you must to agree wiih me

Examiner comments:

Content 3

Whilst the government dilemma of which charities should be funded, is clearly set out in the introduction,

as well as which charities will be addressed in the discussion, e.g.'Ihis essoy willdiscuss whether sport ondrecreotion charities or heolth chorities should to get the money.', the writer fails to develop their argument as

to why sport and recreation charities are of lesser importance than health charities

The author merely gives one reason why sport charities should not be funded but makes no reference to

why recreation is not as important, compared to health The conclusion voices a personal opinion 'l thinkthot it is not just unuseful, it is octuoly wrong to ' as well as offering a general viewpoint on the issue: ' inconclusion it con be seen thot sports ond recreotion chorities do not deserye to be given so much money os heolth



Achievement 3

The introduction includes a clear definition of the essay topic and what is to be discussed, followed by a

coherent development of ideas in paragraphs 2 and 3, debating respectively the relative worthiness of sportand recreation charities vs health charities The essay allows the reader to easily follow the writer's train of

thought, which is clearly summed up in the conclusion

The use of a rhetorical question:' why be wasting money thot must to be spent on more importont couses?'

(paragraph 2), actively engages the reader in the debate as does the writer's device of directly addressingthe reader:'You know, this is going to be more of o problem os the populotion gets o/der.'

The register, is however, a bit too informal, here The often, incorrect use of grammar, whilst not impedingunderstanding does not aid clarity

Organisation 4

The essay is clearly organised into an introduction, raising the issue of government funding to charities and

the dilemma it presents, as well as setting out the main issues to be discussed: 'fhis essoy will discuss '

The issue of whether sports and recreation charities should be funded is first addressed, but not fully oped, in paragraph 2, followed by an adequately developed discussion in the subsequent paragraph as to

devel-why health charities should be given the priority in government spending

A strongly-defined conclusion: 'So, in conclusion it con be seen .' draws the essay together, as well as voicingthe author's own opinion on the issue: 'l thinkthot it is not just unuseful, it is octuoly wrongto be giving money

to sport and recreotion chorities.'

Language 3

There are frequent grammar mistakes throughout the essay, with the present continuous form being used

instead of the present simple 'Some are deserving ' 'it is stupid to be giving' and the wrong constructions of

modal forms,'should to get the money 'Money that must to be spent,' You must to agree,' as well as rect grammatical structures ' are of lesser importance to '

incor-Phrases are also misused, the phrase 'On the other hond' being used to draw the reader's attention to an

opposing argument, without having first qualified it with the preceeding phrase, 'On the one hond '.ln tion there is quite a considerable number of misspelled words 'thier,' 'actuoly,'and incorrect preposition use

addi-visitlng to the

Trang 5


Sport and recneotion chqrities and health charifies are both too importonce So we hove fo be choosing one,

fhe govetnmenl must to decide ond the problem is which, fhen?

5o let's think about sPorts ond recreation charities first Well f'm doing a lof of sport ond recreotion ond f

reckon it's o good thing But do you think the government should pcy for these chorities? OK, I'm doing o lot of

sPort but not everyone is like me Thera's loads of people who think therefore that the government shouldn't

spend money on this kind of chcrity.

Let's now look ot heslth chorities, then f think thot fhese should be given lots of more honey thdn sport and

recreotion chorities There ore too morry old folk todoy in the populafion so they arc needing o lot of heolthccre

ond so on Ihey ore depending on health choriiies I reckon this is going to get worsi ss the populotion is

getling older- And that's another thing with so mony oldar folks oround whose going to wont sports focilities

-5o thot's a woste olso spending money on sport qnd recreotion chorities.

Then there's the foct thot everyone gets ill sometime-don't they? 5o people like you and me ore going to be

wonting io use focilities fundad by heolth charities There are loads of illnesses being coused by ageing so when

we too get old we will need help.

fn conclusion, I belief thot money should be spent on health charities Sporfs ond recreotion just ore not so

importont ora thay?

Examiner comments:



The content is relevant to the task but the writer's ideas are not expressed in an organised way

The dilemma of government funding with regard to two of the given charities, is addressed in the tion, although the overall dilemma of charity funding, is not The discussion is then developed in the follow-

introduc-ing paragraphs, referrintroduc-ing first to sport and recreational charities in paragraph2 and then developing an

argument favouring the funding of health charities in the following 2 paragraphs However, the validity of

funding sport and recreation is only being briefly touched upon and then only with regard to sport and notrecreation, in itself Paragraph 4 abruptly reintroduces another argument against sport and recreation fund-ing, repeating some of the ideas of the previous paragraph

conventions of essay writing are not used well and the arguments used are limited The writer of the

essay doesn't manage to hold the target reader's attention


Despite the clear paragraphing, the essay is not well organised and coherent The introduction clearly

intro-duces the types of organisation that are to be discussed, with reference to government funding, however

ar-ts are not clearly or logically developed, such as the writer's belief that sport and recreation charitiesare not as deserving of government funding .as are health charities The writer gives a personal example to il-Iustrate this belief without clearly relating the issue to the general public: 'OK, l'm doing o lot of sport but not

everyone is /ike me Ihere's loods of people who think therefore that the government shouldn't spend money on

this kind of chority.'


There is a frequent misuse of the present continuous tense throughout-the present continuous form beingused in place of the present simple: 'So, we have to be choosing one ' 'l'm doing a lot of sport ' Vocabulary isextremely limited and simplistic; the writer referring to'/oods of people,'and 'o/d folks'instead of using moreformal, advanced vocabulary such as 'the vost mojority' or'older people'respectively Vocabulary and phrases

are also incorrectly used, e.g'lots of more money.'The major problem though, is the inappropriate use of an informal tone throughout, the writer frequentlyaddressing the reader: 'So /et's think obout , Now, /et's look dt ' as well as too often use of informal phrasese.g 'l reckon this '

Trang 6


Deor sir or Modqm,

I qm wriling in resPonse io ihe odvert I sqw in ihe newspqper s eeking for people to work os tour guides I think f wouldmoke o very good tour guide ond f wish to opply for the job.

fhere ore s number of reosons thot I think I would mqke on ideal zmployee for you I am nineteen yeors old ond hove just

cohplefed my first yeor studying orchceology at the universiiy Alfhough f did not grow up in lhis city, I reolly love it here

ond have eqjoyed getting to know the city Now, I know it like the bqck of my hond, but I still hove the ehthusiosm of o

visifor For this rcoson f think f would be very good ot showing other visitors oround I hove olwoys been o socioble ond

like meeting and ialking with people; for exomple when I storted university f joined five diffenenf clubs! Thoi wos a bit

much, so now I choose my three fovourite which f'm still octive with.

I believe the highlight of our orea is the hisfory ft is o very greoi history ond it is known exfensively There are very

mony crchoeologicol sites, which ore well known for people to see ond visit ond undersfsnd Not many cities hqve such on

opportunity io educote visitors so much qbout the post.

f oPPreciote your attention to my letfer cnd I hope you will consider my opplicotion If you need any more infonhoiion

please leel free to contqct me I hope to hear from you soon

Yours foithfully,

The LETTER must include the following information: r Organisation;

Age ofthe applicant Clearly organised into paragraphs with appropriate linking

Whether hdshe has knowledge ofthe area (include a devices

' Applicant's character, his/her interests and whether Language ofdescription, explanation and comparison

he/she tets on well with people

Examiner comments:

Content 4

Allthe points covered and expanded The candidate has provided all the information required:

'l am nineteen yeors old and hove just completed my frrst year studying 'and ' the highlight of our oreo isthe history.'

The ideas are presented in clear paragraphs in a logical manner The target reader would be informed, and

would consider the applicant

The ideas are clearly introduced, although in the second paragraph the 'number of reasons' are not tioned very clearly in the sentences that follow; 'There ore o number of reosons thot I think I would '

Trang 7


Deqr Sir or Mqdqm,

I wonl to opply for the job of tour guide f hope you will like my opplicotion I know my locol areo very well becouse f grew

up here and I om interested in lecrning oll obout oll ihe interesting things here There are o lof of sites to see ond good

hotels qnd restquronts to visii.

I gel on wzll wifh people ond I comrnunicote very well with theh I om friends with everybody I do not fight or argue wiih

people ond I om polite with lhem I om funny ond I like to go to lhe cinemo with my friends and fhen moybe to cof6 to tolk

with fhem qbout things We give eoch other qdvice I also like to reod nany book ond f like sometimes to moke poiniings.

I would like very much to hove lhe opportunity to be o tour guide ond moke friendships with more people f would moke ogood lour guide becsuse f om friendly to oll the people and I arn polite with them I would help them to be comfortoble ond

to hove nice times.

f would scy the highlight of the oreo is oll the good seofood restouronts ond the seofront ploces to wqlk qnd sit in cqfes

ond eoi These ore o perfecl ploce to toke o holiday ond to relox The food is very good ond if is unique The tourists cqn

sit outside by the seo ond they con enjoy themselves.

Thonk you very much for reoding my letter qnd I hope you will think qbout tqking me for the job of tour guide

Yours foithfully,

A Letter of Application is always formal in

style unless the question explicitly states

oth-erwise lts purpose is to propose a candidate,and outline his suitability, for a particular posi-

tion Description (of a person's character andstrengths), explanation and justification areimportant functions in a Letter of Application.

Organised into paragraphs, but lacking cohesion Linking words such as: 'therefore, moreover, on the one

hond etc.'are not used: 'l would moke o good tour guide becouse I om friendly to oll the people ond I am politewith them I would help them .'

Language 2

Range of vocabulary and structure is limited: 'l om friendly to all the people.'Vocabulary not adequate to effectively accomplish the task

Basic structures generally accurate, but no attempt made at anything but very basic expressions: '

The food is very good ond it is unique The tourists con sit outside by the seo ond they can enjoy themse/ves.'


Trang 8


Film Review - Roheo ond Juliet

This new film of Romeo and Juliet is o very successful sdoptotion of Shokaspaore's fomous ploy and it does a greot job of engaging the oudience with the story af oll times.

The story begins with a lorge fighl between the capulets ond the Montogues, two prestigious fomilies in Verons, Itoly Tha two protagonists of the story, Romeo and Juliet, who come from these two fomilies fcll in love, but they loter neolise thot fheir fomilies are enemies They are devostated, but they decide to morry ond finolly Romeo ond Juliet mcrry by Frior Lawrence Juliet's mother wonts to make Juliet to morry o mon nomed Poris but Juliet, refuses to comply Fr lawrence gives her o poiion which will moke her oppeor deod ond he pnomisas to tell Romeo

She drinks the potion and evarybody thinks she is deod Frior Lowrence's letter foils find Romeo, so he ossumes

thot his wife is deod ond commits suicide Lorer, when Juliet wokes she finds Romeo deod ond kills herself.

5o the film doesn't hove o hoppy end like mony Hollywood movies, but still the oudience loves itl

f would wholeheortedly recommend this film to onyone who like Shokespecne and romontic love stonies ft is o

clossic siory ihot still oppeols to everybody even io younger oudiences.

r Content

The REVIEW must:

' Describe the plot and the characters

Say for whom the film is suitable

Mention any special effects or other important

characteristics of the film

Say why you would recommend that film to somebody

r Register: Formal language

r Organisation:

Clearly organised into paragraphs with appropriate linkingdevices

r Language:

Language of description, explanation and opinion.

Vocabulaqy related to description of plot and recommendation

of a film.

Examiner comments:

Content 4

All points covered and expanded (Describe the plot and the characters etc): 'The two protagonists oFthe

story, Romeo ond Juliet '

The target reader would be informed and interested


Achievement 3

The conventions of the task (review) are used effectively, holding the target reader's attention

The language is appropriate for the task - formal language since the review is addressed to the editor of a

Adequate range of vocabulary:'l would wholeheortedly recommend '

A range of simple and some more complex grammatical structures is used: 'Fr Lowrence giyes her a potionwhich will moke her '(the simple present tense is used to describe the plot)

A number of non-impeding errors and awkward phrases: ' hoye been fighting with marry by ''moke to'.


Trang 9


We all hove some zxperience in our lives thct we wish we could just forget Have you evet though obout whof would hoppen if the wish could come truez The novie "The Eternal Sunshine of o Spotless Mind" oddresses just

memories to moke them frighten Will they moke the some mistokes ogoin, or might if work if ihey try ogoin?

It is o very clever movie, ond o fun movie ond I would highly recommend you to woich it if you get o chonce.

A Review is usually written for a magazine or paper lts aim is to describe and express the writer's opinion about a film, a book, etc

news-Description, explanation and recommendation are

important functions in a review

Examiner comments:

Content 2 Too much space devoted to describing plot and not enough

suggesting who the film is suitable for and why.Characters not described adequately The target reader would be partially informed

Not very well organised Paragraphs present but very uneven in size

Linking words such as: 'therefore, moreover, on the one hand etc' could have been added

Language 2

There is a range of relevant vocabulary but this is not always used correctly:' end up hote each other The language is generally accurate but there are a few errors:

'the doctors find and erosing', 'process hos completed' however they do not prevent the reader

from understanding the writer's intention


Trang 10


The oim of this proPosol is to outline what should 6e oflered by our new coreer service ond how it should be run

Opening times

First of oll, I think it is imPortont to choose which hours would be open corefully ff it is open when people connot

use it this is not helpful for onyone The students who use it will 6e free to visit ot the lunchtima hours ond also

sfter classes in the evening These times it should be open

Whot it shoqld offer

It should offer certoin things to help the students inform fnformction must be provided on higher educotion Portunities Also ii should inform obout psrt fime ond temporory work opportunities This is inportont becouse nof sll the people wont the some thing.

op-Secondly, we should hove seminors by peopla who ore following differenl coreers so thot they con tell students whot this is like This will help students to moke their decision.

Finally, we should olso provide o job notice boqrd whera componies con cdvertise obouf their jobs This will help

the students ond the componies both to find whot they look for.

I think if you follow these suggestions it will be o vzry helpful coreer service.

The pROpOSAL must: Cleady organised into par€raphs, possibly with headings

State what service this new career office could offer r Language:

How it could be run Language of description, recommendation and persuasion

the target reader should be informed

r Registen Formal language

Examiner comments:

Content 3

All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed: 'l think it is importont to choose

which hours would be open carefully' 'lnformotion must be provided on higher educotion opportunities'

Uses a range of vocabulary and simple and complex grammatical forms correctly

There are a few non-impeding errors, e.g " to help the students inform "

Trang 11


Deor Jcckie Sondown,

We have received funding to sef up o new coreers service My proposol is os to whqt the service could offer and how it could be run The opening hour should be lunchtime ond fill 8 pm because this is when fhe students arefree

to visit the new office.

It should provide for the students mony higher education informotion ond olso port-time ond temporary work

oPPortunities These ore oll very good opportunities for students ond they will be veny interested in the information.

It will slso be very good for them lo see seminors ond tolks obout people in dilferznt coreers Thay will leorn about

Ihe diflerent coreers snd have on interesting time learning obout thot In oddition, if would be odvontogeous for us

to moke job notice boards ihot companies con be used fo adveriise on obout the jobs they wcnf someone to do

Student con come ond reod this ond be helped to find o good job while the companies are helped becouse they find the studenfs.

fn conclusion I think you will have avery nice careers service The students will be helped so much by this service and thay will oppreciote it so much You should follow my proposol and everyone will be very glod.

I hope to heor from you very soon


The target reader(s) for a Proposal is (are) usually an employer/superior,

college principal or a specific group of people (work colleagues etc.)

The aim of the proposal is to present some suggestions and support them

with facts, in order to persuade the reader to do something and it should

be clearly organised with headings Candidates are expected to make

rec-ommendations and suggestions using formal language

Examiner comments:

Content 2 All points addressed, but target reader would be informed, there is little however there expansion There would is be considerable borrowing a rather negative effect.from the prompt The


Achievement 2

Ioo informal; requires formal register: ' You should follow my proposol and everyone will be very glod.'

Organisation 3

Some cohesive devices used, but the first paragraph is too long and it contains different ideas

Letter form is not correct for a proposal

Language 2

A rather limited range with notable repetition

There are a number grammatical and syntactical errors:

'My proposal is os to ' 'They should work both for' ' componies con be used to advertise' .


Trang 12

TEST 3 - PART 2 euEsrtoN 2 - REpoRr MARK: 3


The purpose of this report is to evoluate the eftect of the shopping centte on the environment ond community.

Positive Points

Oversll, there seem fo be hony positive points for the community The shopping cenl?e is well monaged ond in good

condition It providas voluoble employment ond troining for locol people In oddition it looks sttroctive with good londscoped grounds Finolly, becouse ex'frs trees were plonted it impnoved the locol environmenf.

Negative Points

On the other hond, there ore some negalive eflects of the moll There is o lot of litter that ie coming from the shopping centre ond it's very hord to find ponking spoce in the oreo since there ore a loi of people visiting the shops ond the restourqnts of the mall Thera is olso o lot of noise lote ct night, which is bothering the residants, and mokes il difficult to get some sleep Other negctives is thot smoll shops ond restouronts might lose their customers

who will probably decide to gotothe new shops thot cre in the shopping centre.


There ore sone chonges that would benefit all There should be noise limits ofier 10pm, ond perhops the complex should hire people to cleon the orea orounf'fhe centre The grounds should ba lit at night, fo improve sofety, and also a car pork should be built in the ares,


Overoll, this complex hos been o positive addition to the community, in spite of some problems If these problems

with noise porking ond litier ore addressed, things will be much better.

r Content

The REPORT must:

state both the positive and the negative aspects

of the shopping centre

state what effect the shopping centre might have

on the local environment and the community

make some suggestions as to how the more

negative aspects could be improved

r Register: Formal language

r Organisation:

Clearly organised into paragraphs with appropriate

linking devices Headings should be included

r Language: Language of description and recommendation.

The register is consistently formal appropriate for the task:

'Overall, there seem to be many positive points for the community.'

Organisation 4

The text is well organised and coherent, and uses a variety of cohesive devices paragraPh headings:

'On the other hond, there ore '

Language 3

Acceptable, though rather limited range of structures Generally accurate, with some awkwardness of

language: ' good londscoped grounds' 'mokes it difficult to get some s/eep'

Trang 13

TEST3.PART2 euEsrroN 2 - REPoRT MARK: 2

The shopping cenfre hos mdny effecis on ihe environmenf ond cohmunity The purpose of this report is to tell

the positive points cnd lhe negative points of the shopping centre.

Ihere ore a number of positive points The cen'lre is in good condifion, ond the londscope hos been node very

well Mony extta frees hove plcnted to irnprove the environhent If is like o beautiful pork oround the buildings.

ft provides employment ond fraining for local people ond this is a greot deol beneficial There ore no problems

with management as it is very well monogad.

The following ore the negolive points There is litter oround the buildings The shopping centre is noisy lote ot

night and this is dnnoying all the people On the other hond it geis very crowded.

There should be a ploce for cors Theys should olso increose the sofety issue If you do these things, it will be

o better shopping centre lor fhe environmant ond the community.

The target reader(s) for a Report is (are) usually an employer/superior,

a college principal or a specific group of people (work colleagues etc.)

The purpose of the report is to assess the present situation objectively looking at both the good and bad points, and make some suggestions on

how to improve the situation Candidates are expected to use formal

language and follow the writing conventions of a report, with the use ofheadi ngs where appropriate.

Examiner comments:

Content 3

Most points addressed, but the meaning is not very clear

The target reader would be partially informed


Achievement 2

The register is consistently formal but the there is lack of linking words that confuses the target reader

Organisation 2

The text is organised into paragraphs, but there are no headings and cohesive devices, There are a lot of

short sentences with very basic grammar structures:

'There should be a ploce for cars Theys should also increase the sofety issue.'

Language 2

Simple basic structures There are a number of errors:

'trees have planted' ,'o greot deal beneficial'


Trang 14

Part 3

Verbs Nouns

L7 vary variety



Reading and Use of English Justifications

Part 2

9 Both each and every are used with singular nouns, where it is implied

that an action will happen more than 0nce 0r be repeated "Each breath you

take" - because you take repeated breaths

10 in lact/ in short : linking words used in orderto illustrate/

sum-marise a point

11 exactly/ precisely : adverbs ol manner; usually their position is after

the verb or after the verb + object

13 gelling / doing : preSeflt parliciples that replace a first -conditional

sentence (if we do it right )

14 we use some with countable plural nouns in the affirmative [whereas

any is also used with countable plural nouns but in interrogative 0r

nega-tive clausesl

15 actually lreally: adverbs used as linking words to express reality

16 miss out on (idiom) : to lose the chance to do somethingi get

some-thing i achieve something e.g missed out on the promotion

Fart 5 ,

31 The correct answer is C Paragraph2 "some people may not knowtheir

accounts have been raided" ldentity theft is " far ahead of mugging" s0 it's

not A, lt cost tl.7bn in the UK but how serious it is compared to the US is

not stated so B is not right D is wrong because it's in order "to keep theircrime profile l0w" that thieves do not empty an account

32 The correct answer is D Paragraph 3 Glen Hastings says it's easy, you

only need to be able to read and write lt's not A because computer skillshelp butthey are not'essential' Banks lend to people with "excellent credit

records" so B is wrong D is wrong because he never repaid the m0ney,

33 The correct answer rs B Paragraph 3 he re-morlgaged "the properly {or

f210,000, which he then took out of the country" lt's notA because rent

was paid in advance" Re-moftgaging a propefty means getting a loan,

using the property as collateral so C is wrong D is wrong because he

34 The correct answer is A Paragraph 6 because "she felt'stunned',

upset and violated" and not angry 0r ill so it can't be B or C As an actress

she takes 'other people's identities' but she wasn't play-acting and "burst

into tears" so it's not D.

35 The correct answer is D Paragraph 6 'concealed gadgetry' was used to

"steal her pin and clone her card" lt's not A as her card was copied lt's

not B because they used it to test the limit and waited until after midnight touse it again The building society cancelled her card but we don't know if all

the money was taken so it's not C.

36 The correct answer is B Paragraph B, the credit card company wasvigilant by checking the use of her card lt's not D because the financec0mpany can 'detect' not 'solve ' these cases A is obviously wrong and

the factthat people themselves can detect card fraud makes C incorrect,

Part 6

37 The correct answer is B Reviewer A says, 'Then I looked at the painting

colour, with stupendous results.' Reviewer C says, ' t0 create the colourJul

and seemingly insouciant paintings ' 'Today it seerns clearer than ever thatMatisse was, first and foremost, a supreme colourist His use of pinks andpurples, clarets, 0ranges and crimsons, is more surprising and electric 'Reviewer D says, 'Ravishing c0l0urs '

38 The correct answer is A ' which also showed Matisse's inherent ity to depict form and colour, with stupendous results,'

abil-39 The correct answer is D ' he revisited the same sublects over and

over, and he often used completed canvases as models for later ones.' 'He

used photographs of his own paintings to judge whether he was makingpr0gress '

40 The correct answer is C 'Even when you c0mpare him to that other2Oth-century giant Picasso, Matisse wins the colour wars hands down(even Picasso admitted it, once).'

Parl 7

41 The correct choice is F, a general paragraph, which introduces the maray Rail Tunnel Project, the 'audacious engineering project' referred to in

Mar-the last sentence of Mar-the previous paragraph Paragraph F also discusses the

associated potential earthquake problem and, as the {ollowing paragraph does

not referto geological problems, this rules out paragraphs A, C, E, and G.

42 The correct choice is B lstanbul is divided between Europe and Asia by

the Bosphorus Strait and Paragraph B refers to two road bridges crossing the

strait Paragraph B also refers to the Sultan's suggestion, and in the followingparagraph the dream is becoming a reality

43 The correct answer is D as the last sentence in the previous paragraph

refersto'traffic hell'and in paragraph D we read about "braving gridlock'and'two overcrowded road bridges' The last sentence of paragraph D talks about

an 'upgraded rail service' and the first sentence of the next paragraph continues

Adj ect ives











measure measurement



believe be lief



measurable measurably

Part 4

25 in the habit ol (expression) : if you are in the habit of doing

some-thing, you do it regularly or often

26 have a good chance of (expression) : there is strong likelihood /

pos-sibility of doing something or of something happening

27 it goes without saying (expression) : something is so obvious that it

need not be said

28 something slrikes somebody as : has an emotional or cognitive

im-pact upon them e.g "This behavior struck me as odd".

29 slruggle + lull infinitive Let alone : much less, not to mention

30 such + verb to be + noun + that clause : inverled clause of result,

used for emphasis

Trang 15

this theme, also ruling out paragraphs A, C, E and G : side pubs, plus suogested routes and specilic points 0l interest."

44 The correct choice is G, as the previous paragraph describes the process : 12 "We're keen to encourage both experienced and inexperienced anglers

of building the tunnel and paragraph G explains that although it (building the ionto the well-stocked canal network and reseru0il$.''

tunnel) 'might sound straightforward', there is a problem with a geological i 13 "Rod licences are obligatory, and can be obtained lrom your local postfaultline kn0wn as the NAF The lollowing paragraph describes the NAF so this ioffice."

consid-45 The correct answer is A because we read lhat "earthquakes along the i elate to other users."

NAF are common" and the next paragraph continues the theme, referfng to

: part 3

earthquakes 'along the NAF as setting up a larger one : :::

46 The correct ch0ice is c oecause it reters to an earttrquare strir<ing rstanout i ]5 D - "All of the people I admire in showbiz are very' very sma 0uite a

and the to owino paragrapn otscusses rne prrJoiri }, riiilr n.pprr]rg i lot ol them have been t0 university and benelited from it "

" i 10 A - "Doing my BA is really helping me to structure my thoughts lt's iust

Part 8

47.D "Get into the festival spirit by trying out kayaking, water polo and

a variety of other water sports for free"

48 A "The festival kicks off on May Day in Sydney Street with the

"Children's Classics" parade of 4,000 children"

49 E "The images all illustrate life in the city of London"

50 C "there will also be a "proms in the park" an open air cinema"

51 D "there will also be unarmed combat displays by the Royal Marines"

52 A "it's a good chance to pick up a potential masterpiece"

53 F "a concerl given by Mercury music Prize 2000 nominee Nitin

, Sawhney"

54 B "special storytelling afternoons for children by some of Britain's

leading authors"

55 E "a performance by Ladysmith black Mombazo al St Paul's Cathedral"

56 B "with human mannequin window displays at Jarrod's department store"

Listening Justif ications

Part I


1 C - He was ill but didn't die Jane says the writer had been seriously ill

Bill agrees; " it was touch and go for a while" This means he almost

didn't survive

2 B - "l've seen quite few of his plays and this one was completely

differ-ent " and "He really seems to be a different characterto when he first

stafied to write"


3 B - Pablo says stores of the same group seemed to attract each other,

while stores from different groups repelled each other,

4 C - Pablo goes 0n to say that during a two-year period they tested his

theory and it was found to be correct The Lyon Chamber of Commerce is even


5 C - Costa de la Cruz has been nicknamed 'the Spanish Algarve' as it's in

close proximity to Portugal

6 B - " more homes will be built soon" however "the government is being

Part 2

7 "The majority of the canal system was built without the benefits of

mod-ern technology or public finance."

8 "From 1790 to 1929 a large number of competing, independently owned

canals were constructed, their waterways not uniform in size and often

9 "Through a series of takeovers, the various companies eventually

amal-gamated and created a 'union' of canals which could form a conlinuous

link between Birmingham, London and other important industrial areas,"

10 "Natural habitats are numerous as a result of cleaner waters and the

declining industrial traffic The hedgerows and canal banks have proved an

ideal location for a number of diverse species to thrive in this tranquil and

often unique environment "

11 "Each waterway office can supply information on circular walks,

itZ A - " if we can make people laugh in between it softens the blow and

i cushions the effect of the harder stuff we show."

itg 0 - " a drip of water can erode a rock and lthink Comic Relief is

be-i coming a strong and mighty drip We've got to keep going until the rock

dis-i solves and dis-it will dissolve but it's going to take a long time, so people have

ito stay committed."

:19 C - "1 wentto a place called Debre Zeitwhere lwatched this wonderful

i care worker called Fanti visiting various people who were suffering from

i HlV Even though these people were in immense pain, there was a lot of

dig-i ndig-ity dig-involved."

: 20 A - "l'd like to write something 0n my own that I feel was [is] a good

i piece of work, and the only way I'm going to do that is if I have confidence

i and faith in my own ability."

i Part 4

i Task One

i21.D - "other institutions" - indicates it is a big organization and not a vet

i "We are protecting different species for future generations to enjoy", and

ithis is the work of a zoo,

i22 C - Speaker 2 now lives in "sheltered housing" which provides help for

iold or disabled people "l'd be tempted notto leave the house at all some

i days " means that the speaker does not work "He keeps me young at

iheart " indicates the speaker is not physically young Could also be G, but

Ittris is not the best choice because no mention is made of the dog guiding

ithe man

i Za e - the speaker's "life would be totally different" without the animal and

i "We couldn't do without each other" indicate the person is dependent on the

i animal in some way "She's doing a j0b" indicates that the animal is

proba-i nty a guide dog, and the speaker blind

iZ4, n- "l have one patientthat is seriously allergic to her d09 " indicates

i the speaker is a doctor

: 25 B - The speaker says " Some people may not approve of what I do or

ithey may wonder how I can be so brave" and we also learn that the speaker

i is involved in "a show" A circus is the only show there to choose, and

i could indeed be controversial and dangerous

iTask Two

i *r urc linked up with satellites and with other institutions worldwide to keep

i track of certain species The value of this work cannot be underestimated."i.zt.H - "1'd betempted notto leavethe house atall some days" and "0nithe whole, I prefer my own company"

i Zg e - "What we could do without is people on the street coming up to us

i and causing a distracti0n" and "people don't stop to think" Choice A is not

i correct because it is too strong; the speaker "can understand why it happens".: 29 F - "l have one patient who is seriously allergic to her dog but she in-

i sists on keeping it Now that to me doesn't make any sense at all."

i gO g - "lt's to do with years of training and experience and knowing what

i you are doing There's no ro0m for error in this job."

Trang 16

10" those refers to a plural noun [one to which reference has already been i

madel, in this case to the nurses who had just graduated


11 blame sb / sth for sth else (prepositional word) - say that sb / sth is :

the cause of an outcome When someone is apportioned blame [given :

blame] for something the preposition 'for' always follows Lots of people :

were "blaming recruitment freezes for their difficulties" ln other words;


the people believed recruitment freezes caused their difficulties :

12 because / as / since are all linking words which express cause so they i

15 unless : (if not) zero conditional if + simple present - simple present

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs :

L7 fail failure infallible infallibly :

18 convince conviction convincible convincedly :


convincement unconvincing unconvincingly


19 enthuse enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically :

enthusiast unenthusiastic unenthusiastically

23 end end endless endlessly i

ending unending unendingly :

24 suspect suspect suspicious suspiciously

25 have an / (no) intention of doing something (expression) : plan on :

26 The verb congratulate has the following syntax: congratulate someone :

on doing slh

28 The verb apologise is followed by the preposition lor, and the latter by a i

gerund lt could also be followed by a perfect gerund (having turned) ln i

both cases we apologise lor somelhing lhat has already happened belore i

29 in case + third person singular + past simple 'want' + inlinitive 'to :

buy' (conditional without if) "ln case" basically means "if it should happen

that / in the event that"

30 idiomatic expressions: make no dillerence to sb = doesn't have an

ef-fect on or matter to them, keep in touch : t0 c0mmunicate with someoneregularly

Part 5

31 The correct answer is B paragraph 1 "He's still scarred and the dent had a lasting impact 0n me" D is clearly wr0ng lt's not C because

inci-she knew inci-she "had to fetch a bucket 0f water" but shock prevented it lt's

not A because she blames herself for doing nothing, not for 'causing the


32 The correct answer is C Paragraph 1 "l stafted studying medicine but I

never really got into it" lt's not A or D because she had given up the

course before she decided to get married B is incorrect because, while the

course wasn't what she expected, we don't know if it was demanding

33, The correct answer is D" Paragraph 4 "but backthen, nature also ported us 0n a practical level" C is wrong, as she cried because she could-

sup-n't cope B is incorrect (Paragraph 3) because we only know she was "on

her own" as a single parent A is incorrect because she had to bring up

three young children "with very little money"

34 The correct answer is B Paragraph 5 "l had faith in it because my

par-ents had used it" Her parents used it ratherthan 'had a homeopathy clinic',which means C is incorrect D is wrong because, although "homeopathy

wasn't so widely accepted" it doesn't say how people felt about it A iswrong because we don't know what the career prospects were

35 The correct answer is A ParagraphT "l was totally out of my depth in

the beginning", which also rules out B lt's not C as she lacked businessskills and had to teach herself 'the basics' We know she received a huge

rates bill but we don't know i{ she could afford it or not so D is incorrect

36, The correctansweris C paragraph 9 "l've learned you haveto acceptthe

negative things in life and use them to move on" This means she is not'insecure

idea how to run a business back then" Paragraph 7, means A is not correct

Part 6

fussy social mores of the late 30s A film that will play and play A prequel to The

0ueen.' Reviewer C states that the themes of the King's Speech, are 'the subjects

states that 'King George V1 (Colin Fifth) found his own Dr Strangelove in Lionel

38, The conect answer is B 'Where lies its success? Let's stafi with the script, by

words are exquisitely measured, his insight as deep as it is softly spoken.'

40 The conect answer is A 'History and film buffs will delight in Seidler's the

Part 7

41 The correct choice is Paragraph G because the last sentence of the

pre-vious paragraph talks about accountability of airport staff and areas of controland in Paragraph G, 'we put our lives' in the hands of airline staff, pafiicularlypilots Paragraph B, which refers to'delays at check-in', might be consideredbecause the first paragraph refers to'recent security changes'; however, we

realise someone is speaking, "l appreciate that", and nobody was introduced

Trang 17

in lhe first paragraph Paragraphs D and E can be excluded for the same reason : Pa rt 2

as B i7 "lvly background is from a family ol six children from a council

42 The correct choice is Paragraph F, which introduces Kate Nodh who says : estate."

flying is "not all terrifying" refening to the previous paragraph, the theme ot :8 "l was interested in probation work but having lelt school with litfle

which is pilob and security The lollowing paragraph begins with "North lrom : in the way of qualifications, I never thought I could do it.',

Cambridge", she's a pilol with KLI\4 and we know her lirst name lrom Para- ! 9 "l was a volunteer for the St John's Ambutance Service, the

pro-graph F ibation Service and at a residential children's school."

43 The c0rrect choice is Paragraph D lt describes how North became a pilot i 19 "Time management is the most important skill, especially the need

with KLM and in the previous paragraph she explains how it became her am- ito prioritise deadlines "

bition ln the next paragraph she discusses the advantages and disadvantages ! 11 "There is a lot ol oneto-one work with offenders and this requires you

of being a pilol, which rules out paragraph E, which is about cabin crew i to work throuoh both y0ur own and their emotional barliels."

44 The correct choice is Paragraph A because the topic is the cost of pilot i 12 "0f a working week, about three days are spent in the oflice with the training and the following paragraph continues the theme that competition for j rn2;ndsr split between prison and being ln cou ."

re-places in llight school is 'fierce' - "despite the cost ol training" : 13 "The worst thing is that the iob is generally very Flessured and there are

45 The c0rrect choice is Paragraph C, which discusses the various courses ;times when you have to engage with people that have committed crimes

ln the previous paragraph, RAF training and undergraduate pay are discussed ithat involve domeslic violence."

and in Paragraph C, we read about various world-recognised flight training ; 14 "l liaise with the courts which is basically providing guidance on thecourses in Brunel ljniversity and oxford Aviation Training School : best sentence for people to be given."

46 The correct choice is Paragraph E as the previous paragraph introduces I

Zoe Goldspink and describes hertraining and iob as cabin crew lt's not B be- : Part 3

within three vears of sraduatins women are stirl

47.C "Andthenyou reallyfeel old as their children come along" !16 A - "Th, gourrnrent's response in schoots is being praised by most,

48 E "sometimes they are a bit resentful We are trained to deal with such i 2n6 iny6lyg5 introducing new schemes to give young girls [a] better

49 F "l think that you get what you give and i'f I give people a cheery g00d : room lor improvement."

mornino they are going to respond in a positive way towards me" ; 17 D - "This policy will only reduce the available 'woman-power' in these

50 B "Exam results time, now that's an emotional one' i lower paid iobs What we have to do is revalue the kind 0t work that women

51 A "Now she tries to claim commission on the royalties ol every book I j 3rc 6s1ng su.h as cleaning, catering and caring for others - we've got to

52 D "l sometimes wonder if l've missed out on the traditional way of lifb" i 19 g -'[4others who returned to their previous jobs as part-timers quickly

53 B "l've had a {ew close encounlers with a canine jaw or two but no i fell behind their male colleaoues financially, and those that entered new jobs

actual bites"

54 C "lt's not a job for the fainthearted that's for sure"

55 A "l don't remember a time I didn't write but I never had aspirations to

earn a living from it"

56 F "others have a thing about buses and feel obliged to overtake them

at all costs and in any situation, whether it is safe 0r not"

Listeni ng Justif ications

Part L

1 B - His colleague's complaints have created avery negative atmosphere

The man's tried to speak to his colleague about it but now his colleague just

thinks he's trying to be the boss' favourite

2 A - She says "l do suspect you've gone about trying to solve it in a way

that cast y0u ,., as a bit of a self-important bore Why don't two or three of

you put your complaints to your boss in a fair and constructive way?"


3 C - Janet says "l'm glad you persuaded me to go to the recruitment fair

'lt was nothing like I thought it would be"

4 B - One ol the employees Paul spoke to there passed on his CV to the

marketing and business development manager and a week later he was

in-vited for an interview


5 C " it's a career where you can achieve prom0ti0n very quickly"

6 A - The woman says "yor.r've got to be out of your mind to want to work

with dangerous people like that, plus I wouldn't have the courage to face

vi-olent criminals"


: on a part{ime basis did even worse."

119 A - "Currently many companies still conform to'stuffed shirt' policies

ithat have no openings for parttime workers in senior positions This is

forc-i forc-ing a large workforce of highly skilled and qualified women with young

chil-i dren out of the boardroom, because they cannot delchil-iver a 4O-plus-hour

i week, and into jobs below their capabilities."

; ZO C - "The whole system still needs further reform if women are to have


i Part 4 iTask One:21.F - "We are the people that actually organise and lay out all the facts and

i figures coherently They wouldn't even remember half of what was said if we

i didn't record it for them." These are secretarial duties

i22.8 - The speaker is "the new person", "kind of on the lowest rung on the

i ladder" and is not yet qualified, which would describe an apprentice

i Zg 0 - "l run a tight ship and the secret is not to allow time wasting." This

i statement indicates the speaker is managing others

i24.H - "l still maintain a routine in my life", "The working environment is so

i different from my day" and "l escaped the technological rat-race just in

i time" all indicate that the speaker is no longer working

i ZS n - "l have to deal with everyone in the company to some extent" and

i "Being the first face they see, I try to be cheerful even if l'm not feeling on

i top form" both describe the job of a receptionist who must greet people at

i the door

iTask Two

i ZO O - "l suppose I could earn a small fortune blackmailing the many

i bosses I've had over.the years."

Trang 18

27 G - "One thing l've learned quickly is never offer to make coffee ln :

many businesses there is a ritual where everyone waits hours for the first j

person to say, "Who wants coffee?" That person then finds themselves in i

the kitchen for the rest of the day working as a junior catering manager I i

should know, it happened to me when I first started here Being the new per- i

28 A - "The only reason people have so many meetings is that they are the i

one time you can get away from your work, your phone or your customers." j

29 H - " l believe that the best way to approach work is to write a rist at the :

end of each day of what has to be achieved the next day Then, get the most i

30 C - "People at the bottom are also easily upset, Helping them do their :

job is only going to be appreciated if you are the undisputed master of what i

they are trying to do."

10 such as is used for inlroducing examples (Rome, Venice and Milan) i

11 behind = adverb ol place To lag behind sth / sb is a phrasar verb i

which means to lail lo achieve as much as sth / sb, or to not have pro- i

gressed as quickly and as far as sth / sb :

12 Although / While are linking words expressing contrast i

13 thanks to / due to are linking words expressing cause and therefore, i

they introduce a reason clause

14 the previous sentence mentions the area's "several selling points" This i

sentence goes 0n to describe the first of those selling points i

15 only/iust = adverb (here used to emphasise how small something is -i

in this case the distance between the village of San Donato and the beach) :

16 Few is used with countable nouns, whereas little is used with uncount- i

ables Also, the difference between few and a few is that lew has a negative i

meaning(= not many) while a few has a positive one, meaning some :

Part 3

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

L7 - - spectacle spectacular spectacularly

18, except exception exceptional exceptionally

19 favour favour favourable favourably

favouritism favourite favouringly

favourer favouring


20 forget forgetfulness unforgettable unforgettably


forgetter forgettable forgetfully

2L - reality reat really

realistic realistically

unrealistic unrealistically

22 rely reliance unreliable reliably

reliability reliable unreliably


23, comfort comfort uncomfortable comfortably

discomfort comforting uncomfortably

24 tegatise resarism resar ;';lill'"''u

legality illegal illegallylegacy


Part 4

25 When the verbs believe, consider, expect, know, say, suppose and their

syn0nyms, like the verb repule in this particular case, are used in the

pas-sive lorm, they are then followed by to + inlinitive

26 The change of word class (from verb to noun phrase) is a common

technique to paraphrase a sentence / take sb by surprise : (idiomatic

ex-pression) surprise sb

27 when something is of the utmost importance, it is extremely important

"of the utmost importance" is normally followed by a that-clause and the


28 we use inversion in the beginning of the sentence with pafticular bial expressions such as : under no circumstances, 0n n0 account / oc-

adver-casion, in no way etc lnversion is used for emphasis

29 we use inversion with particular words and expressions such as onry

after, only when, not until etc

30 be in the mood for (doing) sth (idiom) = w?ht to do / experience sth

Part 5

31.The correct answer is D Paragraph i "Hey Tracey, let's climb a

moun-tain" and "the idea was firmly planted" in their minds A and B are

obvi-ously wrong Tracey's domestic circumstances may make the 'idea' sound

'unrealistic' but the 'decision' was impulsive so C is incorrect.

32 The correct answer is B Paragraph 2 "our first hurdle was raising

t3,000 each - organising a ballfor 150 people, going carol singing and

running a school disco" C is clearly wrong Although they went carol

singing, we don't know about joining a choir, so D can't be chosen Tracey

was three stone ovenrueight and hired a personal trainer but we're not toldabout having to be a specific weight so A is incorrect

33 The correct answer is C Paragraph 3 "ln fact, we were the practical

ones" and "Siobhan became like a mother hen" A B and D are not rect as "the age gap didn't matter"

cor-34 The correct answer is B Paragraph 5 "after six hours I passed out I

had altitude sickness really badly and a porter had to lead me back down"and "l was crying because lhadn't made it" This means A can't be right

D is obviously wrong She was 'emotional' as Siobhan came back so C is


35 The correct answer is A Paragraph 5 "Even though I hadn't made it tothe top, I didn'tfeel like I'd failed I realised l'd achieved something", whichmeans C is not correct B is not correct as she wanted to welcome Siob-

36, The correct answer is C Paragraph 6 "lt made me realise you don't

Part 6

37.The correct answer is D 'Minor resemblances between this novel by lan

McEwan and Henry James's What Maisie Knew have already been noticedand are of some interest.'

38.The correct answer is A 'The opening is almost perversely ungripping.lnstead of the expected sharpness of focus, the first 70 or so pages are a

lengthy summary of shifting impressions.'39.The correct answer is D 'McEwan's new novel, which strikes me as

easily his finest ,'

40.The correct answer is B 'As in so many earlier McEwan novels, thisshocking event will expose psychological fault lines running through his

characters' lives and force them to confront a series of moral choices.'

Part 7

41 The correct choice is Paragraph C because the last sentence of the

C continues the description of the same landscape " Above us hang the

purple flowers of jacaranda trees."

Trang 19

42 The correct choice is it comes as an answer t0 the : buying abroad ."

question ofthe previous paragraph: "But what is it that draws people to cities :9 "A bettel climate remains the main reason, with more than half 0f the

43 The correct choice is Paragraph D The last sentence ot the paragraph: i ing overseas."

' the natural harbour that Alexander the Great saw in 331 8.C " reters to the : 10 " while the lof,r intelest rale environment has allowed other prospec

halbour which is also mentioned in the following paragraphi " currents run- jtive property purchasers to take advantage of relatively cheap borrowing."

ning west to east would keep the port navigable ." i11 "Despite the increased interest in eastern European countries, they still

44 The correct choice is Paragraph A The paragraph that comes after para- : remain a target lor a mino ty, with only 7 per cent choosjng such graph A refers to the lighthouse: "ln the 14th century it (the tighthouse) col- ;tions."

destina-lapsed during an earthquake " which is also mentioned in the last part ot : 12 People like Bulgaria because it b0asts the cheapesl property pricesparaoraph A: "Fires, rellected in mirrors on top o{ the lighthouse " i in Errope "

45 The correct choice is Paragraph E The paragraph that comes after para- i 13 "Generally, it tends to work better if you want a holiday home rather thangraph E refers to Alexandria library: "A building was constructed in 3200 B.C : an investment ."

to house a collection of Egyptian papyrus scrolls ." an it is also mentioned : 14 " a lot of people don't realise that tax and inhelitance laws are

dil-in paragraph E: "Also buried here in a site yet t0 be located is the famous jferent abroad."

46 The correct choice is Paragraph G The paragraph that comes belore para- i Part 3

graph G reters to the project of building the new Alexandria library: "The new : 15 B - "l'd already studied skating technique as demonstrated by the library, he says " which is also mentioned in the paragraph G: " are co- ifled-up skaters in the paintinqs 0f Averkamp and Brueghal."

muf-Alexandria library "

operatingwiththeEgyptiangovernmenttofinanceanew2o0-milliondollar:16-D Wellactuallyitwasmoreskidsandtumbles,butwithabjtofprac-Part 8

47 C "people from all walks of life are coming together and forging

some-thing new"

48 E "The landscape is unmarred by human construction"

49 D "appropriate clothing and footwear is essential"

50 A "The area has been largely cleared of land mines but it's probably

best to stick to the main paths"

51 D "this expedition stays in rural villages and homes to get a better

un-derstanding of how modern and traditional lndia strive to co-exist"

52 C "many felt the change to democratic government would spell

de-cline That simply hasn't happened"

54 F, "three masts tower above the handsome tall ship and sails ripple

into action as she sets off"

55 B "the park's stock of large mammals had fallen by 95o/o'

56 E "this is an unusual and rewarding trip to a wilderness in Eur0pe".

Listening Justif ications

Part 1

1 C - Bob Aldridge is aformer British Airways chief executive

2 A - "Air travellers should pay the full environmental costs of their journey

to make the industry sustainable."


3 B - 'l was always extremely careful, plus it seems that believing the best

4 B - "l was fascinated by the whole event so I didn't really have time to

freak out."


5 C - "lt's more important to me that I have images to keep that reflect my

own personal experience of the places."

6 A - "lf you just wanted to take snaps you would only need one of the

smaller size digital cameras." and "Yor.r don't need a big bulky film camera

these days to get a professional image."

Part 2

7 "Around 800,000 British households now own a second home abroad,

up by 15 percent since June 2004, according to research published this

i g C - "lf you explore the frozen canals of the Netherlands you'll enter the

i wonderful, romantic world of the authentic, traditional Netherlands - a itry of hidden farmyards, lazy cattle and interesting locals who look as

c0un-ithougn they are from another era."

i tg n - "Never skate alone, 0r away from other skaters, and always stick to

: recognised routes where the ice has been checked for strength Avoid ice

i under bridges, near to factory outflows, under trees or close to locks Fields

iflooded to make outdoor rinks provide the safest place to learn on and for

i goodness' sake keep warm."

: 20 C - Conrad has a lot of knowledge about skating and provides useful

in-i formation for the amateurs or complete novices He seems confident about

i safety, but also realistic

i Part 4

i Task One

i21 F - The speaker has worked at the Sydney Harbour Bridge for many

i years and knows it very well

i22 A - Theirfriend questions whythey have been backto lceland so many

j times, the friend thinks surely the speaker has recorded everything there is

i to know about the place already 0ne could not rule out that the speaker is a

i casual tourist, enthusiastic in the extreme about lceland, but they are

cer-itainly not an adventure tourist; therefore the most suitable option remainingiis A.

i Zg 0 - Speaker 3 is in Columbia, they thought they would just be sipping

i coffee But little did they know they would be whisked along a cable above

i the coffee plantations They didn't go with the intention of seeking out

ad-i venture, but they did find adventure on their holiday; therefore, the speaker

i is an adventure tourist by accident

iZq.H - "l had a few hours in between flying back to the UK and I thought I'd

: pop over to see the joys of Venice My family had flown out for a few days

i and l'd met up with them while I was off duty."

: 25 C - "l could think of nobody better qualified to teach me how to prepare

i this delicacy" and "l had another delicacy to pass on to my customers back

i home" are clues that he is a professional chef


jTask Two

i ZO O - "stomach-churning views of the harbour"

8 "The boom has been fuelled by telsvision programmes about people i 27 C - I do love itthere 0r should I strive to g0 somewhere new every time I

Trang 20

g0 away now s0 that I really broaden my horizons? We'll see.

28 G - " lwondered how safe the clips were They assured me that

everything was fine "

29 H - "As soon as we disembarked, Joe stamped his foot on the

pave-ment and his younger sister looked up at me expectantly "There you 90,

safe as h0uses." I said They seemed reassured ."

30 A - "How c0uld a dog find truffles buried in the ground, especially in

such a dense forest with so much thick vegetation on the ground? 8ut

my doubts were proved to be unfounded Kiki certainly was the canine king

TEST 4 Reading and Use of English Justif ications

Part 2

9 making : presenl parliciple which replaces a relative clause :

10 could have died : past modal which expresses possibility in the past i

11 without : preposition; if you cannot do something without doing some- i

thing else, it means you have to do both things at the same time ln this i

case, when she thinks about her actions, she cringes at the same time i

12 Who : it is a relative pronoun which relers to people i

13 out ol (all) proportion : 0f exaggerated imporlance; of an unrealistic :

impoftance or size compared to something else i

14 ourselves is a rellexive pronoun used afterthe verb torlure for empha- i

sis or in order to show that the subject did something on its own You tor- :

ture sb; in this case the somebody is yourself; therefore, we torture


caused a lot of agony 0r severe agony

16 as il is a conjunction; 'lt's as if' means 'it appearsiseems to be the case i





Part 4

25 make a good (bad) impression on sb (expression) : impress sb (or

[bad] leave them unimpressed with you)

26 be in the mood to do sth (idiom) : having the proper state of mind for

a parlicular situation or for doing something, or simply wanting to do

some-thing / experience something

27.lhe change of word class (from verb to noun phrase) is a common

technique to paraphrase a sentence

28 be subjecl to someone or something (expression) : be affected by

31.The correct answer is D Paragraph 1 "l was really chuffed and quite

taken aback", which means A can't be right She mentions she's been

"showered with accolades" but without any hint of arrogance, s0 B is

in-correct lt's not D as she had to 'explain to people' what it meant

32 The correct answer is D Paragraph 2 "At which he Just presumed I

meant a dress by some top fashion designer" and then when she appears in

the university gown he asks, "Where did you getthatfrom?" C is ously wrong lt's not A as, in her opinion, he merely assumed she wanted

obvi-to change into a dress by a top fashion designer He may have caused fence but there's nothing to suggest it was deliberate so B is not correct

of-33 The correct answer is B Paragraph2 "lt's n0t so much about a

re-gional accent, it's more a class thing" lt's not A or C because the point is

people assume "your dad must have pulled a few strings" if people frorn her

background attend a good university, lt's not D as in her opinion, "You

never know what you might miss out on if you dismiss somebody"

34 The correct answer is B Paragraph 4 "l have received some crackingletters this week 0ne from Africa - an ex-mercenary putting me straight"

We only know the letter "describes the whole history of the mercenaries"

and the reason he wrote was to 'put her straight' so A, C and D can't beright

35 The correct answer is C Paragraph 4 "there's a timelessness aboutthem, where the thoughts hang in space and then you have time to deal withthese thoughts" B is obviously wrong and 'sophistication' is only referred

to when describing the letter from the ex mercenary, so A is not correct D.

is incorrect as her point is that letters give you time to think, "especially in

terms of an argument"

36 The correct answer is A Paragraph 6 "but not as half as big a smile as

the letter lreceived last Friday", which invited herto accept an honorarydoctorate This rules out D lt's not B as the apology relates to her not re-

ceiving a previous letter She's amused because the cat's letter was 'cute'not because of the 'idea' of her cat getting a letter

Part 6

37 The correct choice is A 'lfirst saw Venice in June 1984 lt was a sewer.'

'l also fled the hordes for an 0rient-Express train through the quiet Tyrol.'

38 The correct choice is B ' 1 spent.l2 days in Venice for Christmas and

unfoftunately, so common, back home.'

39 The correct choice is B ' it's the light that seduces you every time and

makes you feel so very alive.'

40 The correct choice is C 'Venice at Christmas is surprisingly lacking the

tourist crowds.'

Part 7

41 The correct choice is G, as the theme of the previ0us paragraph is

'pen-guins'and'laboratory investigations'and this is continued in paragraph G.

"Take part in an experiment on mood you will be shown a video of

pen-guins" Also in paragraph G "laboratory experiments to investigate whatmoods are", points towards an explanation which begins the following para-graph

42.Ihe correct choice is F ln the previous paragraph we learn we have "atendency to notice the negative feelings" Paragraph F re-iterates this point

at the beginning but moves to moods in general to lead into the followingparagraph Paragraph A could be considered because it generally adds tothe point made at the end o{ the previous paragraph about 'feeling good' but

a key point of the previous paragraph is that "we are happier than we tend to

Adjectives Adverbs

apparent apparentlyunapparent

acceptable acceptablyunacceptable

formal formally

informal informally


Trang 21

think" and in A ramifications' don't follow this theme accurately.

43 The correct choice is C ln the previous paragraph we are told that

anxi-ety "narrows our attention span" and in paragraph C we're informed that "it

takes us longerto read a word associated with our anxieties" Also, the

fol-lowing paragraph continues the theme of 'thought processes' referred to at

the end of Paragraph C.

44 The correct choice is A The previous paragraph makes the point that

it's "hard to shake off a bad m00d" and Paragraph A explains 'the

ramifica-tions' of this in terms of job interviewers Paragraph D, might be considered

as it deals with 'anger' which is also in the previous paragraph However,

'fuming with anger' is used as an example to show how moods affect

peo-ple mentally, and this is developed further in Paragraph A, whereas a

physi-cal reaction results from the anger in Paragraph D making it the incorrect


45 The correct choice is E because the previous paragraph begins with a

definition of 'h0pe' and makes the point that hopeful people are 'm0re

suc-cessful' Paragraph E continues on this theme by giving a reason "why

hopeful people succeed"

46 The correct choice is D The previous paragraph describes anger as

beneficial, having a communicative purpose and paragraph D begins with

an added benefit "Also, anger readies our bodies for attack that might

prove essential in a fight"

Part 8

47 F "Some people will try to use words that disguise their true motives"

48 D "You've been cornered into dealing with tedious people"

49 A "too many words can weaken even the strongest argument"

50 D "certainly don't feel you have to provide instant solutions if you're

suddenly offered an ultimatum"

51 B "don't allow anyone to question how much you're spending on yourself"

52 A "focus on a one-to-one relationship that's suffering from neglect"

53 E "to make the most of what's coming your way, you'll have to be

flexi-ble about existing arrangements"

54 C "Y0u'll develop an air of optimism Just rememberto take a reality


55 C "Most people are wary of offers that seem too good to be true"

56 F "you are well overdue a refuelling sessi0n"

Listen i ng Just if ications

Part 1

1 B - " it really suits his character as it's such a serene and isolated place

and yet there's a really warm community spirit"

2 C - "They thought it was hilarious, watching us panting behind them."


3 C - "You always got away with murder because you were the baby of the

family", "l was just better behaved than you" and "blaming stuff on us when

you were about to get caught" are all examples of ways siblings would talk

to each other

4 A - The man jokes with the woman and asks where is her degree il she is

so smart


6 B - Paul says that Jenny needs to look on the bright side

Part 2

7 "Expefts also say over-tutoring does not significantly help."

8 "These schools admit to receiving 0n average, live applications for every

place "

9 Dr Mike Walker, headmaster of a grammar school in Chelmsford said that

"the nature of 11-plus type exams requires accuracy at speed, and with

un-predictable questions "

i 10 The Grammar School Association estimates that 75,000 children

annu-i ally sannu-it the 11-plus for only 20,000 places

i 11 " children from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to go to

i grammar schools than their more affluent peers, even if they are just asiclever."

i12." just 2 percent of pupils attending grammar schools are entitled to

i lree school meals, compared with 12 percent at other secondary schools in

i those areas."

I 13 One web-based tutoring service offers a 91-hour course costing f1,365

iwith an additional t2B5 for materials

i 14 "Tutors offer contradictory advice about the suitability of courses as

i preparation for the 1 1 -plus "

i Part 3 itS C "There have been many versions of childhood in fact and fiction, and

i I dare say there'll be many more."

itO O "So those cheeky little scamps I saw challenging each otherto throwitheir school bags on top of a bus-stop must have been a figment of my

i imagination."

i tZ n "Many reach adolescence with poor attention spans and self-control

i and a distinct lack of empathy for the people around them."

i tg C "lnstead many of our children have developed a taste for unhealthy

ifood, a couch-potato lifestyle and have related problems with sleeping."itg n "Moral guidance has suffered as societies have become increasingly

i confused, while children are constantly exposed to manipulative advertising

i and the excesses of celebrity culture."

i ZO A Since parents are terrified by media hysteria about "stranger danger"i ttrey also need information aboutthe real dangers from which children

i should be protected - for instance, TVs and other technological

parapherna-I lia in their bedrooms."

i Part 4

iTask One

iZl.e- The speaker's hours "change depending on what's happening in

ithe world on a particular day" and "l enjoy presenting the facts in an

i honest and unbiased way That involves a lot of research and a lot of

itime out at events and incidents" and these things are characteristic of a


i22 C - "l prided myself on my creativity and the fact that my work

di-i rectly increased the turnover and status of the companies I promoted,"

i Zg H - "stooping down, straining my back, carrying heavy equipmentievery day." And "because lhave billsto pay ldo a manual, boring job"

I The only manual work to choose is that of a cleaner

i24 A - "ln my job there is an element of danger and so there has to be

idiscipline and order ", The police officer's is the only job that would be

i described this way; the others are not at all dangerous

: 25 F - "l'm in the office at the cracl< of dawn until early evening, dealingiwith branches all overthe world" and ", the world of finance never re-

i ally stops for a break" s0 we know the job has to do with money

i Choice G would also have to do with m0ney, but would not be dealing

i with other branches

iTask Two

i 20 0 "And the people who are working too hard are not the poor masses,

i they are the corporate lawyers in air-conditioned offices; the senior people

:27.G "1 did it because lwas passionate about my work, and commanding

i good money, and that's a heady thing to resist."

i ZA n "Maybe a managing director lives to work, but I am working to live lfihe is a workaholic, it is because he loves his job lf he works too much it

i is out of choice; if I work too much it is out of necessity"

i Zg g "l believe we all have a need to be a functioning part of society But

ithere is a line between a committed, contributing and conscientious worker

Trang 22

and somebody who really doesn't know when to put his pen down and go :

30 E "l also find the Brits mix work and socialising to a far greater extent i

than we do in the States Here, you can't get going on a Monday morning i

unless you first ask about people's weekends Americans tend not to en- :

gage in that kind of nicety."

9 other refers to the second of two people or things when the first one :

has already mentioned or implied ln this case, the second leg :

10 whal is used to referto a situation that is unknown or has not been :

specified.ln this case, 'the thing'that he was expecting has not been speci- :

11 awake(n) from latler something : to wake upfrom something, such i

as a dream or a deep sleep awake lrom lalter a nap : wake up after a i

12 as il is a coniunction used here with the meaning; in the same waythat i

13 or is a conjunction used to indicate an alternative, usually only before i

14 somebody / someone are indefinite pronouns referring to a person i

16 make / lind your way (somewhere) (idiom) : to move towards a par- i

ticular place/point - if you have made or found your way somewhere, you

prediction unpredictable unpredictably :

predictability predictive predictively :

23 urbanise urbanisation urban :

24 fragilise fragility fragile i

26 lose no time in doing sth (expression) : do sth as quickly as possible i

27 such + verb + noun (noun phrase) + that clause :

28 we use inversion in the beginning of the sentence with particular adver- i

bial expressions such as: under no circumstances, 0n n0 account / occa- i

sion, in no way etc

29 end up doing something (phrasal verb) : do a thing or get into a state

30 have the tendency to do sth (expression) : have an inclination to do

sth; tend to do sth, do sth more often than not

Part 5

31 The correct answer is D Paragraph 1 We gather from the text that she

has a tolerant approach to the animals, has developed an 'understanding'with them and gets "abuzz in the morning" when gorillas look at her.

32 The correct answer is B paragraph 2 "1 had this unbelievable feeling

l'm in the same country as wild gorillas I was overwhelmed" lt was her

firsttime to visit Cameroon so A is wrong" "ltfelt like coming home" so

she must know what it's like to feel at home making D incorrect Relativesare not mentioned so C is not correct

33 The correct answer is D Paragraph 4 "we're eating our kin As far as

l'm concerned it's cannibalism" A is obviously wrong lt's not B, as "there

is a 0.6% difference in DNA between us and them", Spain proposes

"human rights" for primates so C is incorrect

34 The correct answer is C Paragraph 5 "Food is really basic - we haven'tthe money to buy Iuxuries" D is obviously wrong A is not correct because

she eats leaves 'not as part of her diet' but "t0 show infants how to

sur-vive" lt's modest because they "haven'tthe money" so B is incorrect

35 The correct answer is C Paragraph 6 "The only way to stop thisslaughter is to stop the people atthe top" B is wrong as 'future' is only in-

ferred in relation to stopping 'people at the top' 'Plastering over a problem'

doesn't mean the work is pointless so A is incorrect and as it implies they'renot "eliminating the worst pr0blems" D is incorrect

36 The correct answer is B Paragraph 7 "lt's humbling that humans have

ob-viously wrong As she feels she must be the one to support them, A is correct We don't know why she was crying so D is not correct

in-Part 6

37 The correct choice is D '.,.the finest achievement yet from Muti and the

years ago.'

expectations ' 'The concert provided a terrific exemplar to the world of the

re-markable partnership of Muti and the Chicago musicians, with this riveting and

of Kenya' puts this into context The context is explained in Paragraph D "ln

next paragraph

42.Ihe conect choice is G because in the previous paragraph he "was hoping

he "finds elephants the most interesting animals t0 observe" Paragraph G also

43, The conect choice is F as it continues the previous point that, although

story in that "a century ago they were masters of the land That was then, and

following paragraph points out pressure on elephant land is

Trang 23

in-creasing" and outlines the threats and changes that are taking place which are i Parl 2

must change" and Paragraph A inlroduces a key change as the starting o{ i 8 "Those species most in danger include the turtle, shark, Atlantic salmon

down" i10 "At present, the only region in which all species and their habitats are

! tected marine reserves "

46 The correct choice is E ln the paragraph belore E., we read that "it is i 13 "Not only do we need a network 0f protected areas, we should alsoour privilege" to see the glory ol Kenya 'Iirst hand' and Paragraph E elabo- i rnsnxgs fisheries lrom the perspective ol biodiversity and the health ol the

graph E., it's argued that if you rush around with "a 21'L century rhythm" : so at the policy level, fisheries aren't integrated into the planning process .you won't use lhis privilege to best etfect and the lollowing paragraph logi- ! 14 "We need an overall strategy lor marine spatial management that con-cally follows with the suggestion to spend more time with each animal : siders the impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems not just the stocks.'

group as a way t0 best use this privilege


i Part 3

Part 8 :fS A- " it's a strange experience to attend alox huntthese days

47 B 'Holmes visited nearly every country on the planet" : Strange, because they seem to operate in the same way they did be{ore the

48 C "a man could achieve so much and yet be so little remembered" iban."

49.A "but l have a few niggles lt should really include Arctic plants, fish :16.D-"lattendatleastthreehuntsaweekduringtheseason,butthat'sout

and invertebrates" : of 200 that go out about trivice a week There is no way we can possibly50.F -it's a huge volume that you couldn't take with you on holiday" : know what is going 0n everywhere."

51 E "A careful read reveals factual errors". :17 C - "lt's very difficultforthe police t0 get a successful prosecution

be-52 F "subject matter covered in a manner more akin to the journals oI a i cause you have to pr0ve intent Trail hunting is perfectly legal, where theyVictorian chronicler" i draw the fox by a cover lf the hounds chase, catch and kill a fox, then in

53 D " His simple explanatory captions - taken from his lield notebook - : order to prosecute, the police need not only evidence, but have to prove thal

are a bonus" :the huntsman intended this to happen."

54 C "Their mutual interests were vital to the development of aerial photog- : 18 B - 'But the magistrate lound that Black had failed to shoot the fox as

raphy as an integral part of modern geography" ; soon as possible after it had been flushed, and to keep the hounds under

55 D 'the artists beautilul visual ioumey throuoh the seasons presented in ! s6ntr61."

this book"

56 B "Holmes photographed everything"

Listeni ng Justif ications

Part 1

1 B - He " finds it quite astounding the way that people flock through the

the marvel of the birds there on the Lowlands"

2 A - Both speakers seem to know about and appreciate the starlings


could have been eaten So most likely it was a wild animal


5 C - The woman says that the landfill sites provide food for many species

of bird She also comments that she doesn't know if the council will opt for

incineration instead of creating more tips, but she thinks that the smoke

from the incinerators may cause more pollution than the tips do

6 A - Regarding the plans to build a new landfill site, the man says that he's

carried out

i tg g - "lt was always intended to be a welfare bill" and "Basically the aim

i of the bill was to stop them being killed inhumanely"

i ZO n - "This debate has been going on for many years, and given that there

i are no hard statistics on wounding rates, and that your view on the relative

i humaneness of being torn apart by dogs is bound to be subjective, it's not

i going to be resolved in the near future."

i Part 4

i Task One

:21.D - "We don't deal in anything illegal, as there are plenty of interesting

i creatures that can be purchased without having to break the law" so the

i.24.E - " the large supermarket chains who want to pay us the absolute

i minimum" and "where will they get their dairy products if we are put out of

i business?" indicate that the speaker's trade involves supplying food

prod-I ucts

iZS e - "So I may get caught lwas given a smallfine lasttime and thatiwas it" indicates it is not a legal activity, and "lfeel so strongly aboutthis

icause., I'm preparedto give up all myfreetimeto protectthese

unfortu-i nate creatures" shows that the speaker is trying to help and not kill animals,

i so choice A may be eliminated

3 B - The man says there was a mess "around our rubbish bins" and the : speaker is involved in buying and selling animals

woman says "our bins weren't touched" so we know they must live in dif- i 22 H - "ln my work I try to capture the essence of the animal."

ferent houses, so can not be married or flatmates i 23 B - "l make a living out of wild animals in a way and l'd like to think that

couldn't see anyone She added that luckily her cat wasn't out that night or it i tourists I escort harm the environmenl "

Trang 24

Task Two i Part 4

26 B - "Unfortunately some people still smuggle animals into the country as i 25 lall short 0l something (idiom) = to not reach an amount or standard

many species by doing this doesn't seem to bother them." i

27 F - "ln my work I try to capture the essence of the animal." 1

28 A - "lf every now and then we have to shoot a threatening animar to pro- i

tect our clients - well, that's the law of the jungle as they say - l'm not going i

29 H - "Everything is changing - thanks largely to the huge supermarket i

chains who want to pay us the absolute minimum After expenses there's i

very little money left for us and they are on a huge profit." ;

30 D - "lf it means that I have to be in violent situations, so be it As rong as i

itwakes people up to what is really going on in these places."

9 never (adverb ol time) : at no time in the past :

10 once (adverb ol time) : at one time in the past; formerly i

11 have a go (idiom) : make an attempt at something, ortry something i


12 make a fool of onesell = to do something which makes someone feel i



13 take onesell + adverb = consideroneself (as) sth.'take yourself too :

seriously' = think you are very important, 0r have a serious demeanour and i

14 laugh at sb (phrasal verb) : subject sb to laughter or ridicule; tease :



15 Alter all is a linking phrase which emphasizes something to be consid- i

16 turn up/show up (phrasal verb) : to make an appearance; arrive i

26 we use the structure as +adjective/adverb +as to compare two larl identical persons or things (comparison of equality) Nowhere is used

27 it is a third type conditional which is invefted for emphasis The phrase

had it not been lor can be replaced by the expression but for

28 somebody / stn strikes sb (as being) : have an emotional or cognitiveimpact up0n, e.g "This behavior struck me as odd" ln simplerterms, ifsomething 'strikes me as ', it appears 0r seems to me to be a certainway 'didn't strike me as upset' : didn't seem to me to be upset

29 it is ol no consequence (expression) : it is not important / significant

30 we use matter in expressions such as " a malter of time" when we

emphasize the short period of time within which sth will happen ln thiscase, it is only a matter of time until she loses here temper means she is

bound to lose her temper and it probably won't be long before she does lf it

Part 5

31 The correct answer is B Paragraph 1 "l tryr [3p6 not to be insulted whenpeople ask, after one 0r other of her sporting triumphs, 'where on earth does

she get it from?"' D is not correct as she "tries hard not to be insulted"

when people comment on her daughter She only mentions her daughter'senthusiasm for various sports without expressing her feelings, so A and c

are incorrect

32 The correct answer is C Paragraph 2 "i was reminded just how direschool sport was f0r me", which means A and D can't be correct She vis-

mention the purpose of the visit, so B is incorrect

33 The correct answer is D Paragraph 4 "Girls feel self-conscious ing in front of people" c is obviously wrong sports facilities are not men-tioned so B is not correct The figures tell us how the girls felt but not the

34 The correct answer is D Paragraph 4 "We need to think about ways ofexercising within the school curriculum which makes sure that girls feel

comfortable", which means A can't be right Competition in sports is not

C is incorrect

35 The correct answer is c Paragraph 6 "she was unapologetic about the

lack of sporting facilities 0n offer", which means A can't be right B, is correct because once the girls excelled academically, success at sport 'did-n't matter' The school had some sports but we don't know if the

in-headmistress discouraged sporls so D is not correct

36 The correct answer is B Paragraph 6 Following the speech by the

headmistress the writer says, "My daughter sneered and whispered that shewould never go to a schoolthat didn'ttake sportseriously" She didn't

speak to the headmistress so it's not A she wasn't impressed only becausethe school didn't take spoft seriously so it's not c She wants to leave rightaway because sport was not important, not because she was intimidated so

D is incorrect

Part 6

37 The correct choice is B 'Could Jude Law be as good in the role as

Law is just ahead on points.,.The company has been strangely miscast.'

38 The correct choice is A Reviewer A does not find fault in the production,however, Reviewer B, comments, ' Wyndham's production is not a patch

on the RSG show ' whilst Reviewer c comments that Law and the production

are not up to standard with ' a few off-key notes (more notably, in the duction, itself).' Reviewer D similarly finds fault with the production, stating,' Grandage's speedy production is looking just

pro-Part 3

Verbs Nouns

L7 ' - order



local locallylocatable


picturesque picturesquely

idiosyncratic idiosyncratically

essential essentiallyunessential

perfect perfectly

imperfect imperlectly






Trang 25

39 The correct choice is D 'But we have to give the contest on if

not quite a knockout, to Tennant.'

40 The correct choice is C 'Law making more compelling viewing than

Tennant, in the end.'

Parl 7

41 The correct choice is D, which responds to the question asked in the

previous paragraph about gardens and ar1 by expressing curiosity at the

small number of 'depictions of gardens in British art', despite the British

ob-session with gardens The paragraph ends with a reference to fishing and

DlY, points taken up in the following paragraph

42 The conect choice is G ln the previous paragraph the question "where

are the major aftworks" is posed and Paragraph G follows up with some

examples of 'favourite paintings' The first sentence of the next paragraph

states the exhibition adopts a low-key approach instead otlhe'razzmalazz'

normally associated with prestigious galleries like the Tate

43 The correct choice is B, which expresses the view that gardens are "an

escape from the rational world of work" or somewhere for people to 'play at

being children' These impressions make perfect sense in the context of

44 The correct choice is F, which gives examples of more recent gardens

in contrast to Monet's garden, referred to in the previous paragraph as being

"created so long a90" A might be considered as it begins with a reference

to Monet's garden but, as 'Jarman' is mentioned and the following

para-graph refers to him by his full name, A would not be the correct choice

45 The correct choice is A because the previous paragraph introduces

Monet's Paragraph A ends with a reference to the popularity of 'revolving

toilet seats' with Japanese tourists, and the following paragraph begins with

'But tourist attractions aside", to make the point about what gardens say

about artists

46 The correct choice is C The previous paragraph discusses a minimalist,

approach, how "a single flower can fill a whole canvas" or an

"impression-istic interpretation where shape and form are loose and sketchy"

Para-graph C follows by contrasting this with the 'intricately detailed work' of Sir

Stanley Spencer The next paragraph continues with what can be inferred

about an artist's character, to follow up on the 'messy h0use' and 'untidy

garden' at the end of Paragraph C.

Part 8

4l D "Bury may well live to regret their foolhardy action"

48 F "this is an eclectic mix of treasures"

49 B "Each picture takes weeks and sometimes months"

50 C "The seascapes are haunting and elemental while the landscapes are

more reflective"

51 E "a series of paintings atthe gallery depicting lastyear's previous


52 A "a terrain smarting from the brute force of man's misuse of it"

53 D " auctioned a major painting by LS Lowry so as to cover a f 10

mil-lion shorffall"

54 B "cave paintings and images from Jain temples inspired him"

55 E "Each painting should hang at the very spot from which the image

was taken, enabling the viewer"

56 C "emerged from deep within his psyche and are a highly imaginative

response to a coastal terrain familiar to the artist"

Listening Justif ications

Part 1

1 C - " your unassuming manner and typical professor's appearance

couldn't be further from Harrison Ford's image."

2 - Seracini says that it looks Vasari probably put wall in front of

I preach about to my

Trang 26

pa-24 F - "l'm 0n the go all the time" "no warm van for me 0n my round" A

round is a route where someone makes deliveries, for example the post

round or the milk round

25 A - "lt's a bit like when I decide on the right amount of an ingredient for

a recipe."

Task Two

26.D - "This sport keeps me fit and absolutely doesn't allow me to smoke,

which is something I preach about to my patients all the time but I have

struggled to completely quit myself."

27 A - "Diving can take you to places you never knew existed Like many

people say, 'it's a different world down there' "

28 H - "There are countless challenging verlical ice walls 0ne can choose


29 F - "Beginning [beginner] snowboarders are the ones who normally get

injured This is because they haven't learned how to maintain a stable

stance on the snowboard yet and are thus more likely to lose balance and


30 C - "There are strict guidelines governing jumps and the most important

is the calculation of the length of the cord, its elasticity and the height of the

jump You need to know the impact on the cord from the fall of the person."

TEST 7 Reading and Use of English Justif ications :

9 need to do sth = be obliged to, it is necessary to i

10 especially (adverb ol manner) : in particular; specifically, particularly i

11 the + superlative degree Most has a positive meaning

12 who : relative pron0un refers to people

13 in most cases (expression) : in most situations

14 nothing is used here in orderforthe sentence to have a negative mean- i

ing To have nothing of do with sth = flot to be related to it in any way :

15 more than : comparative is always followed bythe word than :

16 While is used as a conjunction with the meaningatthe same time that, i

2L expense expense

22 resist resistance


23 indulge indulgence


inexpensive expensivelyexpensive


resistant resistibly

resistible resistinglyirresistible

indulgent indulgingly


24 associate association associative associatively

disassociate associate associate

associateship associable

disassociation unassociated


Part 4

25 somebody / stlt strikes sb as (being) = has an emotional or cognitiveimpact on lf somebody or something strikes you as strange, it seems orappears strange to you

26 not so much ?s : comparison of equality

27.lhe expressions it's high time and its about time are always followed

by unreal past for emphasis lf it is high time we started doing something,

28 lor lear of something (idiom) : Out of fear of something happening;

because of the fear of something happening; in case something happens

29 given that : past participle of the verb give used here as an adjective

with the meaning granted as a supposition; acknowledged or assumed

30 we use inversion in the main clause with particular words and

expres-sions such as only by, only after, only when, not until etc

Part 5

31 The correct answer is B Paragraph 1 "trainers are something you wear

to look cool ratherthan run in" A and D are obviously wrong Healthy year-olds and younger people are compared but there's no reference about

60-how healthy older people were in the past compared to now so C is notcorrect

32 The correct answer is D paragraph 3 "parents have a role to play lt

al-ways amazed me how many pupils would come with a note from home

ex-cusing them from PE without good reason" 'Parents' write the notes so it

can't be A There is no reference to parents' spofting skills or sports ties so B and C are not correct

facili-33 The correct answer is A Paragraph 4 "That's why we're looking to port sports such as skateboarding and other street sports, which youngpeople are increasingly interested in" C is obviously wrong B is not cor-rect as, he says, they should not exclusively "promote the old traditional

sup-sp0fts" lt's not D because'street sporls'are not extreme sports

34 The correct answer is A Paragraph 7 "teenagers live for today not

to-morrow so the importance of keeping fit for the future may be lost on them",

wrong Taking part in sport can be "useful for social contact" Paragraph B,

but participation with friends is not mentioned so D is not correct

35 The correct answer is C Paragraph 9 "setting a good example helps

too lt's no good telling your child to get up and be active if you are ing in front of the TV" "lnspiration comes from improved appearance, in-creased muscle mass and social contact," Paragraph B, which means A.

slouch-and B are incorrect D is wrong, as banning TV is not proposed

36 The correct answer is B Paragraph 9 "if they are still adamant it's not for

them try to find an alternative rather than insisting they carry 0n or just give

up" C is obviously wrong A is not correct as you can try a course without

Part 6

37 The correct choice is C 'l think it appealed to Gordon because it's

Lon-don's version of Brooklyn: edgy, but without the West End's gleam and


obese obesely

dependable dependently

dependent independently

independent dependably

Ngày đăng: 11/03/2017, 16:25

