Succeed in Cambridge English Preliminary Preliminary English Test (PET) | Practice Tests Key Features B 10 complete Cambridge English: Preliminary Practice Tests ® Ful-colour SPEAKING section
@ Self-study Edition; a comprehensive guide including:
« 2 Writing Supplement with model Compositions
marked according to Cambridge ESOL guidelines « detailed JUSTIFICATION of the Answers for alk
Trang 2
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Trang 3
© holidays
acorrect, and aro ree
nd the city of Norwich in England Read the text below to decide mark A If it is incorrect, mark B
11 There are only a lot of tourists in Norwich in the summer
12 You dont 70 pay a lot of mon to st Norwich | 13 All your meals are included in the cost of a room at the Beeches Hot 14 ltis cheaper to stay at the Beeches Hotel in the winter
15 “The Cathedral” is the name of a theatre in Norwich 16 Anyone can go to the “Fire from Heaven” show,
17 The Sainsbury Centre has art from all over the world a] el [el] ua 18 If you don’t eat meat, you shouldn't eat in the Sainsbury Centre canteen 19 You can save a lot ofn money at the factory shoe shops 20 The Broads are not rea - AE y suitable for a family holiday “Holidays in Norwich”
in building at the University of East Anglia designed by
Sir Norman Foster This is well worth a visit and there is
a lovely canteen with on excellent selection of hot and cold snacks tt also specializes in vegetarian food Norwich is the capital of East Anglic, an area on the east
coast of Englond which is fomous for its natural beauty
and impressive arc re, Norwich is o wonderful city
to explore and is popular with tourists aff year round
The city has a new professional theatre, the Playhouse, on the River Wensum The city’s annual internotional arts festivel is from 10-20 October Not on the classic tourist agenda bu well worth a visil are the factory shoe shops
in Norwich {for men, women and children) Here you con
? buy shoes for less than half the shop price
Norwich is not ư cify of luxurious hotels out it has a good selection of resonably priced places to siey in, both in the city centre and further out The Beeches Hotel, for example, next to the cathedral, has a beautiful Victorian ger den and has just over twenty double
rioble accommodation costs £65 for two fost per person; weekend breaks from October to May cost £59 per person Norwich is famaus for iis magnificent cathedral The cothedral has
sausi¢ ond events which is
Finally, if you fancy ¢ complete break from the stresses of everyday fife, you could hire a boc! and spend a few
days cruising along the rivers of the famous Norfolk
Broads The Broads have changed for the better in re- cent years In our environmentally friendly age, the em- phasis has moved lowards the quiet enjoyment of nature and wiidlife You can hire « boat, big or small, for
two This makes Ht ages
Ø Summi
open te prograrame of general public One event, “Fire from Heaven",
rac and musical performance with fireworks, a ¡ show and a carnival with local people dressed in colourful costumes
‘an hour or iwo or even up to 6 week aperfect day out or holiday for peopie
also home to the Scinsbury Centre For The
ction of international ert Nerwi Visual Arts, a world-class colle: read the text and questions below Far cách question, mark the letter n to the cor A,B, Cor Ð, “Mandy Jones - Holiday Company Manager”
pring in from outside such as entertainment organisers The
aim is to develap an ting idea inte a realistic and wark- ible proje
{ did a business administration degree at Bristol University
and then worked for a credit card company for eight years
ing this time, Twas assistant marketing manager I gaine
ful experience doing job, but in 1997, I decided
that I needed a change I moved to Thomson Holidays where
[have worked as a manager ever since, My main job is to
think up new and interesting ideas for holidays Jace a month 1 ble resorts mes ecking possi- ih reps to devolop their roles and
lẻ tơ the customer T
When I'm working from my office in the UK, F arrive at
m First | answer my ¢-mails, then plan the My rote
ig to investigate new projects for Thomson Holidays in our Mediterranean resorts | am responsible for thinking up ideas, developing them and evaluating their succe! ones are how cxisting
have to be very open-minded because ideas come from
anywhere I love my job because ] get to travel and Tam working on projects that really excite me
We have lots of meetings in the office which involve the
marketing department holiday reps and people that we
2i, What is the writer's main purpose in writing the text? AK To explain the best way to choose a holiday B To advise people on holiday resorts C To explain what her job involves D To show how stressful her job is
22 What do we learn about the writer in the first paragraph? A She learned a lot from her first job
B She disliked her first job C She lost her first job
D She worked in the adruinistration department of Bristol Un!
23 The writer has to A send e-mails all day
B find out if new ideas could actually work C entertain the holiday reps
D spend all of her time having meetings in the office 24, What does she say about her job?
A She never knows where or how a new idea might come to her B ltmakes her very popular with lots of people
CG She spends too much time in bars and clubs
D She has a few problems with local people at the resorts 25 Which of the following is the best description of the writer?
AA Aworking woman who very much enjoys what she does for a living B The travel agent who is trying to get a promotion
C A woman who spends a lot of time on holiday and has an easy Hfe D A woman who makes a lot of money by going to clubs and bars
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ord ayay pauren Ajysty e uous
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Trang 5
a tick () in the box velov
correct picture and pl
Example: Where did the woman leave her hat? there are seven questions in this part For each question there are three pictures and & recording, Choose the H1“ ir ainswer, er ONE of the foll ig Questions (7 or 8) write about 100 words, Put the question number Question 7 This is part of a letter you receive from an English pen friend, 2 What time does the film start? ce
te your letter in about 100 words, etter to your pen friend 19.00 Question 8 nmơ
đ@ Your English i er has asked you to write a story
ur story Must begin with
is sentence:
3 What does the man eat? I was worried about the journey
@ write your story in about 700 words
Trang 6
dod dda Han ooo woe ooo aun ut (A) yan 0 ind ‘wensanb yona 404°? SAWHAWOS 31D] peQ 0 0ỗ 0| Á034O S,lt “2 “eSDaSp UỊD1Q S@S002 đ9|S JO 3201 “8 đIÕU ØIÐỊ Ð 2ADU 20A8U pỊtOUS nGÁ"g SÁOS 20120p 9U1 '£L
iIDIS RỐ TDU“A SIUI Oj ÁN '2 9iq;ssod s0 Ápj2Inb so utuiÁ2a2A2 0p*8 {Say Soi uDj2Ođon 00V
“IOiiDU/10/0| pnjasa ÁUD ©AIÕ 1,UÐIO "2 Siinsa) Õ024S SADU (,UÐIO '8
i0@ fỐ SØiG0I2Ư2A JØ [JAOUUĐ ØU| 9§08/90J “D
“SeIQoiaBaA ¡oe Áo 8
991102 DUO Dơ| 92001 NUUD "ý pinoys POA poow AnoÁ øAoAduil GL “O1
“j|aSnỐ ty ÁJƯMD 94 ^2
“y noas aanoBeu 6q a: fou Aula
wWAB Sy! BADaly
Pinoys noÁ sD q2nU S0 2SI219X9 O1 eBpupui +,uop nỐ 3| *ĩ
Trang 7You will hear @ tour guide giving i i hear @ tour guide giving information about an old British house For each question, filt in i iti
information in the numbered space the missing
the (14) dees nun i
don the hous:
@ servants had rooms in the (16)
The ort collection is in the (17} nold wos ø (18) George’s brother diad ino (19) accident
Look at the six sentences for thi
M nana Hồ it henna li irs part You will hear @ conversation between a boy, Simon, and a girl, Tina, about some |
propiems Tina Is having at school Decide if each sentence is corr i nụ itis put k
bo; fine enc ect or incorrect If it is correct, put a tick (4} in th
box under A for YES if it is not correct, put a tick (V) in the box under B for NO {Pa a EK (Y) ie the
YES NO 20 Simon thinks Tina should tolk obout her problems Lt 21 Simon agrees that the teachers are unfair
Ting doesn’! concentrate in class
23 Tina is ill
24 Simon feels sorry for Tina
25 Tina realises her mistake took at the text in each questi Example:
(hạt does it say? Mark the let
A You may nat sit on tt 8 Be careful not to dam ter next to the correct explanation A, Bor C
the & vie playing ball
enon the grass Example answer: [OTC] MESSAGE the bookshop phoned (o say
2 got the hook you ordered keep it eantil Friday and then it will go out on the shelves
eee cen
-> Customer Notice
i 'The store will close ar 4pm on | iWedesday for a stock check | ENormal opening houas of 9-7
iwll resume on Thursday ae
‘ease return all Dooks oy the
pack date, There will be o fi
overdue books Books may be renewed ihat they have not been reserved by i Ỷ 4 si | over the telephone on the condition f another borrower Ỳ « Please leave any parcels with
number 24, Monday to Friday |
No junk mail please
To: Mick From: Sharon Re: leciure notes
Hi Mick, can you e-mail me the history notes from Monday afternoon's lecture
the weather and missed i † was und See you at the theatre Friday, Sharon w A, The store w on a
The store usually closes at 4pm
On Wednesday the store will close an hour earlier The shop will have Tony's book by Friday, Tony needs to collect the book by Friday The book ts being dekvered on Friday
open later than normal on Wednesday
than usual,
Ali books must be renewed by telephone All books must be reserved by borrowers Books musi be returned on time
All post should be taken to number 24, Junk mait should not be posted here No mail is accepted at weekends
Sharon wes too ill to go to the lecture
Trang 8
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Trang 9Read the text and low For eact estion, choose the correct letter A, B, C or D questions st, How Tuna mailers so Dut isa ay the Kenyan above our £
Phere can be some
tired from an overnight flight into the bright Afri
pitot who whi
to a waiting plane life suddenly seems a whole Hot better When you are on a short break every bour
and heading off to the bush in time for breakfast ‘The fight north from Nairobi lasts less than an hour ‘ascinating safa Tlow over the patchwork fields and dark red roads of Mount Keny swooped breathtakingly low over the trees pointing out the elephants,
cattered beneath us The tiny shadow of the plane fol-
lowed us across the dry tì
ing neally on the dirt airstrip
ng brutal about cmerging pale an Loisaba Wilderne: a 150sq km, priv wildlife conservaney It is la and a haven for more than 2 icly managed can
ger than many of Kenya's
game par 50 species of
bird and 50 species of mammal - elephants buffalocs he wildlife kere, unlike in che game parks, is still wild are met by a smiling, tanned sand on to the when vd you through Custom and so, far more exciting to sce than bored liens short-cutting the quoues at Customs { sprawled in front of a crowd of touris n jeeps The lodge perches high on a ridge From each of the seven rooms guests can walk out on to their private ter- in itself It took us out of the city 3 race to marvel at the wildly dramatic view - 61,000 acres
of acacia savannah and rocky outcrops tic beneath you iculiural heardand until we reached
uddenly the view changes The pilot }
Her A thousand feet str
tering hole constantly drawing in animals for a drink;
ght down the escarpment is a w:
ivaffes, gazclies and even rhinos as they shimmering in the far distance swathed in cloud sil the
sted foothills of Mount Kenya It
knock you out, to savour, to return to again and again a view to darkly for d land We circled high before land- tả naton, Loisaba Lodh 21 22 23 24 25 Why has the writer written this piece?
A to warn people about the dangers of a trip to Africa B to inform people about a short break in Africa C to discuss endangered species in Africa
D io make people more aware of animal conservation
Why was the writer so pleased to be met by the pilot? A Because he wanted to make the most of his time on holiday B Because he thought the pilot might not meet him
C Because he expected the pilot to be unftiendly
D Because the pilot showed him how to push up in the queue
‘ithout being noticed
What does the writer say about the flight from Nairobi? A, Itis far to0 short,
B The pilot flew in a dangerous way € They were followed by a smaller plane D ht offers many impressive views
What does the writer suggest about Loisaba? & It is still a safe and natural environment for animals B Tourists are spoiling it
C Many of the animals are being hunted D The wild animais often attack people
Which of the following would be the best title for this text? A “Wiid animals in danger”
B “A taste of natural Africa” C “A day trip to the 200”
D “Tourists are taking over beautiful Africa” jon, choose the correct letter A, 8, C read the text below and choose the correc each space For each gu: or D Example: | @ A B c if you had asked Ann a few years (0) ago what she would be doing in five years’ (26) when she told her
she wouldn’t have believed you if you had suggested she would be cabin crew, Likewise
friends that she had (27) for a job, most of them laughed (28) and embarking after successfully completing her four week cabin crew training (29) (30) many cabin crew, Ann has had to make some changes in (32 anew career, the only person laughing now is Ann! (31) to meet the demands of her new career She is expected to work at any time of the day on any day of the year, and sometimes op-
erates up to six flights per day The days can be long and the work tiring, but Ann is enjoying the unique and
(33) lifestyle that being cabin crew brings
In return for her hard work, Ann can enjoy a (34) of up to 17,000 pounds (or
20,000 pounds far a senior cabin crew member), staff travel concessions and 36 days annual leave Easy jet cabin crew also have the privilege of working on some of the newest aircraft in Europe and can experience fast track promotions
in Anns footsteps, and be considered as cabin crew at
If you would like to (3!
London Luton, London Gatwick or London Stansted, please visit our website for more information and to complete an online application form
0 B since € later D.age
26 A time B later D future
27 A.appealed B applied D requested
28, A Moreover B Despite C However D Because
29 Av route B sequence C course D track
30 Avon B for Cat
31 AL Like B With C Also D Plus
32 A deed B order © need particular
33 A disturbing B challenging € reforn D unreliable
A fee B compensation © bill
Trang 10
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2UR AMO ayaa SPIOM STITT IĐũÄY 8#1ứï 6l BBSR '3%41] 21) S0 20105 201 ị laut ® ì “pưang nod pynous nof "0403 AnOẤ uỊ (00811) anOẤ 0ì pA02 0 814
saaumuins ayy ur nod yaar Avis pun awo3 or sunod Jo 21A] ysybuz 0 231A04 03 100/1 HOA}
Trang 11PART 1` Questions 1-7 There are seven questions in this part For each que!
Trang 14each sentence is correct or incorrect Look ut sentence! about ‘Richardson's pubs’ Read the text to decide if it is correct, mark A, if it is not correct, mark B 11 Richardson's pubs were renovated and improved not very long ago 12 Many of the pubs have their own tales and legends 13 The pubs do not serve both food and drink 14 Service is not very important at Richardson's pubs 15 The people who work at Richardson's pubs are pleased to take care of you + 16 You shouldn't ask the staff if need anything IZ At Richardson's pubs you can eat or drink whenever you'd like to 18 These pubs are quieter than most bars usually are
alfa] falfalfal fal [al [al [=