HIS Operation IM 33M05D10-40E IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition Introduction This operation manual is written for plant operators who use the CENTUM VP to perform operation and monitoring This manual comprises the following chapters Listed below are their brief explanations: • Starting up HIS This chapter explains HIS windows structure and how to start up HIS • Calling the Graphic Views This chapter explains how to use the buttons to call the graphic views • Useful Features of HIS This chapter explains the easy and efficient functions to use HIS • Operating the Instrument Faceplate This chapter explains how to operate the instrument faceplate • When a Message is Generated This chapter explains the measures that should be taken when a message is generated while operating/monitoring the plant and how to find messages generated in the past • Reading the Data collected from Plant This chapter explains how to use the trend view to read data acquired from the plant • Outputting Screen Images This chapter explains how to output the screen images • When a System Error Occurred This chapter explains the measures that should be taken when a system error occurred Media No IM 33M05D10-40E (DVD) 1st Edition : Mar 2008 (YK) All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2008, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 ii CENTUM VP Document Map Engineering CENTUM VP Engineering Guidance Engineering Test Guide IM 33M10D20-40E Engineering Tutorial IM 33M10D10-40E Reference IM 33M01A30-40E CENTUM Data Access Library IM 33M05F10-40E Fieldbus Documentation APCS Documentation Operation and Monitoring Hardware Operating Messages IM 33M05D20-40E HIS Operation IM 33M05D10-40E Peripherals IM 33M50C10-40E Input & Output Modules IM 33M50G10-40E Migrated-FCS (FIO) IM 33M50W10-40E Communication Devices IM 33M50D10-40E Field Control Stations IM 33M50E40-40E Vnet/IP IM 33L01A10-40E Turbomachinery I/O Modules IM 33M10U10-40E User's manual Installation CENTUM VP Installation IM 33M01A20-40E Only available in electronic document Relationship between manuals that must be read in order Relationship to a referred manual Reference manual IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 iii Safety Precautions n Safety, Protection, and Modification of the Product • In order to protect the system controlled by the product and the product itself and ensure safe operation, observe the safety precautions described in this user’s manual We assume no liability for safety if users fail to observe these instructions when operating the product • If this instrument is used in a manner not specified in this user’s manual, the protection provided by this instrument may be impaired • If any protection or safety circuit is required for the system controlled by the product or for the product itself, prepare it separately • Be sure to use the spare parts approved by Yokogawa Electric Corporation (hereafter simply referred to as YOKOGAWA) when replacing parts or consumables • Modification of the product is strictly prohibited • The following symbols are used in the product and user’s manual to indicate that there are precautions for safety: Indicates that caution is required for operation This symbol is placed on the product to refer the user to the user’s manual in order to protect the operator and the equipment In the user’s manuals you will find precautions to avoid physical injury or death of the operator, including electrical shocks Identifies a protective grounding terminal Before using the product, ground the terminal Identifies a functional grounding terminal Before using the product, ground the terminal Indicates an AC supply Indicates a DC supply Indicates that the main switch is ON Indicates that the main switch is OFF IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 iv n Notes on Handling User’s Manuals • Please hand over the user’s manuals to your end users so that they can keep the user’s manuals on hand for convenient reference • Please read the information thoroughly before using the product • The purpose of these user’s manuals is not to warrant that the product is well suited to any particular purpose but rather to describe the functional details of the product • YOKOGAWA reserves the right to make improvements in the user’s manuals and product at any time, without notice or obligation • If you have any questions, or you find mistakes or omissions in the user’s manuals, please contact our sales representative or your local distributor n Warning and Disclaimer The product is provided on an “as is” basis YOKOGAWA shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from using the product or any defect of the product that YOKOGAWA can not predict in advance n Notes on Software • YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the software’s merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose, except as specified in the terms of warranty • This product may be used on a machine only If you need to use the product on another machine, you must purchase another product • It is strictly prohibited to reproduce the product except for the purpose of backup • Store the DVD-ROM (the original medium) in a safe place • It is strictly prohibited to perform any reverse-engineering operation, such as reverse compilation or reverse assembling on the product • No part of the product may be transferred, converted or sublet for use by any third party, without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 Documentation Conventions n Typographical Conventions The following typographical conventions are used throughout the user’s manuals: l Commonly used conventions throughout user’s manuals: Character string to be entered: The characters that must be entered are shown in monospace font as follows: Example: FIC100.SV=50.0 “▼” Mark This symbol indicates the description for an item for which you should make a setting in the product’s engineering window While operating an engineering window, the help information for the selected item can be accessed from “Builder Definition Items” in the Help menu Listing more than one definition item after this symbol implies that the paragraph on the page describes more than one definition item Example: ▼ Tag Name, Station Name “Δ” Mark Indicates a space between character strings that must be entered Example: ALΔPIC010Δ-SC Character string enclosed by brackets ({ }): Indicates an option that can be omitted Example: PRΔTAG{Δ.sheet name} IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 vi l Conventions used to show key or button operations: Characters enclosed by brackets ([ ]): Characters enclosed by brackets within any description on a key or button operation, indicate either a key on the HIS (Human Interface Station) keyboard, a key on the operation keyboard, a button name on a window, or an item displayed on a window Example: To alter the function, press the [ESC] key l Conventions used in command syntax or program statements: The following conventions are used within a command syntax or program statement format: Characters enclosed by angle-brackets: Indicate character strings that user can specify freely according to certain guidelines Example: #define “ ” Mark Indicates that the previous command or argument may be repeated Example: Imax (arg1, arg2, ) Characters enclosed by brackets ([ ]): Indicate those character strings that can be omitted Example: sysalarm format_string [output_value ] Characters enclosed by separators (| |): Indicate those character strings that can be selected from more than one option Example: opeguide [, ] OG, IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 vii n Symbol Marks Throughout this user’s manual, you will find several different types of symbols are used to identify different sections of text This section describes these icons CAUTION Identifies instructions that must be observed in order to avoid physical injury and electric shock or death of the operator WARNING Identifies instructions that must be observed in order to prevent the software or hardware from being damaged or the system from becoming faulty IMPORTANT Identifies important information required to understand operations or functions TIP Identifies additional information SEE ALSO Identifies a source to be referred to Clicking a reference displayed in green can call up its source, while clicking a reference displayed in black cannot n Drawing Conventions Some drawings may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted, for the convenience of description Some screen images depicted in the user’s manual may have different display positions or character types (e.g., the upper / lower case) Also note that some of the images contained in this user’s manual are display examples IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 viii Copyright and Trademark Notices n All Rights Reserved The copyright of the programs and online manuals contained in the DVD-ROM or CD-ROM shall remain in Yokogawa You are allowed to print out the required pages of the online manuals for using the product, however, you are not allowed to print out the entire document You can purchase the printed manual from Yokogawa Except as stated above, no part of the online manual may be reproduced, either in electronic or written form, registered, recorded, transferred, sold or distributed (in any manner including without limitation, in the forms of paper documents, electronic media, films or transmission via the network) n Trademark Acknowledgments • CENTUM and Vnet/IP are registered trademarks of YOKOGAWA • Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Visual Studio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries • Adobe, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries • Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation • Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems,Inc • MELSEC is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation • Modicon and Modbus are registered trademarks of Schneider Electric SA • Memocon-SC is a registered trademark of Yaskawa Electric Corporation • PLC is a registered trademark of Rockwell Automation, Inc • SYSMAC is a registered trademark of OMRON Corporation • SIEMENS and SIMATIC are registered trademarks of Siemens Industrial Automation Ltd • “FOUNDATION” in “FOUNDATION fieldbus” is a registered trademark of Fieldbus Foundation • SmartPlant is a registered trademark of Intergraph Corporation • “HART” is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation • All other company and product names mentioned in this user’s manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies • We not use TM or ® mark to indicate those trademarks or registered trademarks in this user’s manual IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 SAI143 has 16 channels with collective Isolation Each channel has a built-in current limiting function as a protection from short circuit or overload Any fault detected in the analogue module shall be limited to a particular affected channel only It does not affect the other channels residing in the same module nor affects the other modules This module can be set to dual redundant The SAI143 can be utilized for both IS and Non IS Analogue Input devices, however suitable barriers or isolators shall be applied for IS application Signal Cable Interface is applied for the connection to the Analogue Barrier Board “MB-RS-S-AI16KS-192311” for Analogue Inputs via system cable KS1 Hence, protects the plant operation and equipment Figure 3-1 : External View of SAI-143 Figure 3-2 : Setting Pins of SAI-143 YOKOGAWA Page of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number 2.4.2 : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 SDV 144 (Digital inputs) The Digital Input Module is used for Digital Input signals It accepts a potential free contact signal from the field SDV144 has 16 channels with collective Isolation Any fault detected on the Digital module shall be limited to the particular affected channel only It does not affect the other channels residing in the same module nor affects the other modules This module can be made dual redundant The SDV144 can be used for both IS and Non IS Digital Input devices, however suitable barriers or isolators shall be applied for IS application Signal Cable Interface is applied for the connection to the Digital Terminal Board “TB-RS-DI-16-AKB185847” for Digital Inputs via system cable AKB331 Figure 3-4: External View of SDV-144 2.4.3 SDV 531 (Digital Output) The Digital Output Module is used for Digital Outputs signals When the channel in the SDV 531 is activated, 24VDC via interface board is enabled for the DO point If a dry contact output is required, an external interposing relay shall be employed In this case, if the related dry contact output is identified as a signal of Safety Instrumented Function (SIF), the interposing relay shall be safety rated SDV 531 has a limitation of 0.6 A per channel, additional relay is required for the high current outputs SDV 531 itself is able to perform the Line Monitoring detection for normally energized and normally de-energized contact without the installation of extra devices Short circuit shall be detected if the total resistance including the field cable is less than 40 ohms and more than 680 ohm for open circuit detection The Digital output module having a selection either to “enable” or “disable” the output shutoff switch in the IO parameter builder Enable the Output Shutoff in any of the channels shall set other channels YOKOGAWA Page 10 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 which reside in the same module in OFF position if any dangerous failure such as short circuits in ON status occurs on that particular channel When short-circuit occurs on the field side, the output of output channel corresponding to that field device becomes OFF When the short-circuit error is resolved, the output channel can be resolved by performing the Output Enable Operation Recovered channel will output the application logic values Without performing the Output Enable Operation, this channel will output the fail-safe value In PVTEX, the setting for the output shutoff switch shall be configured to “Disable” for all the outputs The Shutoff Output shall be “enable” only if it is defined as critical signals The action of any fault detected in the output module shall be limited to the particular affected channel only Signal Cable Interface is applied for the connection to the Digital Terminal Board, TB-RS-DO08-AKB185849 for Non-I.S Digital Outputs via system cable AKB331 A dedicated locking pin comes with the cable to avoid fault insertion into other IO module Hence, protects the plant operation and equipment Figure 3-6 : External View of SDV-531 2.4.4 SDV 541 (Digital Output) The Digital Output Module is used for Digital Outputs signals When the channel in the SDV 541 is activated, 24VDC via interface board is enabled for the DO point If a dry contact output is required, an external interposing relay shall be employed In this case, if the related dry contact output is identified as a signal of Safety Instrumented Function (SIF), the interposing relay shall be safety rated SDV 541 has a limitation of 0.2 A per channel, additional relay is required for the high current outputs SDV 541 itself is able to perform the Line Monitoring detection for normally energized and normally de-energized contact without the installation of extra devices Short circuit shall be detected if the total resistance including the field cable is less than 40 ohms and more than 680 ohm for open circuit detection YOKOGAWA Page 11 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 The Digital output module having a selection either to “enable” or “disable” the output shutoff switch in the IO parameter builder Enable the Output Shutoff in any of the channels shall set other channels which reside in the same module in OFF position if any dangerous failure such as short circuits in ON status occurs on that particular channel In PVTEX, the setting for the output shutoff switch shall be configured to “Disable” for all the outputs The Shutoff Output shall be “enable” only if it is defined as critical signals The action of any fault detected in the output module shall be limited to the particular affected channel only At the point of time this document is generated, all the Digital Output signals are Non-IS signals, hence, no additional barriers or isolator is required SDV541 transfer volt-free contact through the interposing relay to MCC Signal Cable Interface is applied for the connection to the Digital Terminal Board via system cable AKB331 A dedicated locking pin comes with the cable to avoid fault insertion into other IO module Hence, protects the plant operation and equipment Figure 3-5 : External View of SDV-541 YOKOGAWA Page 12 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 Operator interfaces The system provides the operator with the following interfaces: Auxiliary Console DCS interface (via redundant Vnet/IP communication) Maintenance and Test Facilities Sequence of Event Recorder (SOER) 3.1.1 Auxiliary Console The Auxiliary Console is located in the Main Control Room Emergency Shutdown Switch Annunciator window for trip indication 3.1.2 DCS Interface Digital inputs, alarm statuses, analogue input signals and digital outputs and interlock point from ESD is sent to DCS and indicate at HIS via redundant Vnet/IP non critical application communication 3.1.3 Maintenance and Test Facilities To minimise the time for maintenance the following maintenance and test tools will be provided in the system: Power failure monitoring (through contact from MCB) Fan fault System cabinet temperature high YOKOGAWA Page 13 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 System Power Up The power supplies that have to be available for the system are: Redundant UPS power supply (from End-User) c/w feeder of each 100% capacity: 220-240VAC, 50Hz ±5% The utility power supply will be used to feed the following equipment per cabinet: Light Service socket The ProSafe-RS Control Unit and Node Unit have dual redundant of power supply module to power up the I/O Modules, ESB Modules and Controller sit on them The power supply units are 220-240VAC type and transfer the input power to 24VDC This 24VDC is then supply to the I/O cards sit on that control or node unit and utility Meanwhile, the power supply for the field I/O is fully isolated from the ProSafe-RS bus supply Power supplies will be coupled in parallel in case of power expansion In this case, the power supply will be protected by a pair of coupled diode from backflow damage Each unit will have one MCB for the protection of the 24 Vdc supply to the inputs/outputs The utilities of the system and marshalling cabinet will be powered by Feeder and Feeder In order to create the redundancy function of the utilities supply The following procedures indicate the sequences of power-up the ESD cabinet Switch step by step the main switches ON in accordance with the electrical drawings Verify the output voltage of each AC/DC power supply Verify the correct functioning of fans, light and thermostats Switch step by step the 24VDC MCB’s ON in accordance with the electrical drawings Verify that the system is powered up The main function as implemented according to the functional description will be executed without interference or help from the operator A manual reset must be given after system shutdown The operator has the possibility to reset the trip This is only possible when the trip conditions are healthy again YOKOGAWA Page 14 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Maintenance 5.1 General Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 For the maintenance activities in general, a distinction is made between Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Preventive Maintenance involves testing the various parts of the system in order to detect any dormant defects, which may cause nuisance trips, malfunctioning of the system etc Within Preventive Maintenance one can distinguish the actions that can be done without disturbing the process and the actions that will certainly disturb the process or bear a great risk to so These will be discussed separately Corrective Maintenance implies the replacement of the defective part, which failed and/or caused a nuisance trip Due to the unpredictable nature of this type of maintenance this document does not cover this in great depth, but to aid with Corrective Maintenance a section Troubleshooting has been introduced 5.2 Prerequisites Test equipment, required for maintenance: Clamp-on current probe Multimeter Hand tools Personal computer and connection cables Note: All measurements have to be performed with calibrated tools 5.3 Owner Actions As indicated in the Safety Validation Plan Yokogawa prefers an approach to safety based on the standards IEC 61508 and 61511 Part of these standards is the concept of a safety lifecycle This is a concept in which all activities which are relevant for the safety during the lifetime of the installation (hence during the engineering and construction phase, but also during commissioning and operation, including maintenance and testing) are planned in advance and performed according to these plans Also the activities should be recorded, so that they are traceable During the engineering and construction phases of the project Yokogawa strictly adheres to these standards and therefore Yokogawa advises to follow the same approach during the operational life of the system On top of that it is required that a proof test is performed at the intervals as specified in the reliability calculations in the Safety Validation Plan in order to maintain the required level for the safety loops A feasible approach could be the following The appointment of a system custodian on sites to co-ordinate all activities and gathers all facts and reports with respect to the system The installation of a system binder which contains all data (like reports of the executed maintenance and proof tests) with respect to the system This binder typically resides with the custodian YOKOGAWA Page 15 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number 5.4 : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 A maintenance planning to plan ahead for the maintenance activities over the year Since some activities are likely to disturb the process these should be scheduled together with a scheduled shutdown of the process The planning of the proof tests can be combined with the maintenance planning It is essential to log any system anomalies into a system logbook This logbook typically resides close to the system or with the operators Before executing the scheduled maintenance the logbook must be studied to see if there are any follow-up actions (A copy of) The system documentation (mechanical drawings, electrical drawings, functional logic diagrams, loop drawings, cable termination etc.) must be stored in the vicinity of the system for quick access Care must be taken that every modification to the system is marked up in the site master copy of the system documentation Any mark-ups on system drawings must be processed into revised "as built" drawings As a minimum the drawings must be inspected on a yearly basis to verify whether updates are required Sufficient maintenance spares must be stored on site Security of the installation In all work on the system it is important that the system is in a secure mode after the work has been finished This prevents uncontrolled configuration changes 5.5 Safety precautions In all of the activities regarding the pressure transmitters, the manifolds, the shutdown valves or the solenoids extreme care has to be applied because of the high pressures involved They could be lethally dangerous Beware of touching the system without wearing the provided wristband This could damage the system cards 5.6 Preventive Maintenance 5.6.1 Schedule Yokogawa Korea recommends the following intervals for the Preventive Maintenance to ensure an operational system : System cabinet Valves and solenoids Pressure transmitters and manifolds Once per year see respective manual see respective manual Peripherals like printers, DCS-interfaces, event recording and alarm devices need some regular attention to ensure their lifetime and prevent failures Refer to their respective manuals for details 5.6.2 Timing / planning Within Preventive Maintenance one can distinguish the actions that may be done without disturbing the process and the actions that will certainly disturb the process or bear a great risk to so In order to perform the latter it is essential to start the preparations for these actions timely, in advance YOKOGAWA Page 16 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 of a scheduled shutdown Depending on the size of the system the total time for activities is approximately day 5.6.3 Actions without restrictions System cabinet The ProSafe-RS system is inherently self-testing, due to the fail-safe nature of the cards, i.e that a failure at any point of the system will cause a trip and thus the operator is warned The purpose of preventive maintenance PM is to detect defects in the systems, which are not detected during normal operation By the inherently fail-safe nature of the ProSafe-RS system these undetected defects can only be non-safety related, they may however have a degrading effect on the system availability due to an increase in nuisance actions The following necessary actions will not disturb the process : Lamp test On the Auxiliary Console all LED’s per ESD are tested by means of operating the lamp test pushbutton Lamp test Once per month Temperatures Measure the cabinet temperature in the top of the cabinet with the doors closed Value should be less than 45 degrees Celsius at normal Control Room temperatures 5.6.4 Actions in combination with shutdown System cabinet System status First check the system status on the Auxiliary Console and the DCS system Investigate and correct any failures e.g fuse failure, line fault, MCB fault etc Cleaning Cleaning may be done with a soft brush to remove dust etc Visual / mechanical inspection Make sure that all elements are inspected (terminals, annunciator and switch connections on Auxiliary Console, wiring and cables, door hinges and locks, cabinet light) Open the swing frame and check for trapped wiring Check for loose connections at signal termination points inside the cabinet Check for loose wires in back plane wiring Check for mechanical damage in general Lamp test On the Auxiliary Console all LED’s per ESD are tested by means of operating the lamp test pushbutton Functional check of inputs Test the inputs by simulating an alarm The actual status will appear on the Auxiliary Console and the DCS YOKOGAWA Page 17 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 Functional check of outputs Outputs can be tested without operating valves or solenoids by removing the related fuse on the respective terminal strips Power supplies Measure the voltage on the 24 Volts DC power supply units Specification for the primary 24 VDC supply: 22.8 – 25.2 Volts DC Measure the voltage on subsystem 24 Volts lines in the cabinet This voltage should not be less than the measured primary voltage minus 0.5 Volts DC Use the Electrical drawings to determine test points Measure the voltage on all modules PS-1A/PS-1B in the system The input voltage – which can be measured over the connection points DC-1-1 (+) and DC-1-1 (-) – must be 24 Volts DC +/- 10% (24.7VDC is recommended) Hardware Exchange of hardware should be carried out during shutdown or when the plant is in tripped condition System spares On a yearly basis the system spares must be inspected on their status, by Purchaser or, under the Maintenance and support agreement, by Yokogawa Inspection will cover whether the packing of the available parts is undamaged It is recommended that parts with damaged packing are returned to Yokogawa for re-test and repacking YOKOGAWA Page 18 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Proof Testing 6.1 General Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 In order to maintain the required safety integrity level for the safety loops, proof tests must be performed at the intervals as specified in the reliability calculations in the Safety Validation Plan The proof test frequency can also be found on the Safety Certificate It is the End User’s responsibility to execute these proof tests and to record the results if they aim to comply with the IEC 61508 / IEC 61511 This proof testing must be performed by a well-trained and skilled engineer Note that the following instruction provides typical system proof test information It can be used by the client to develop their detailed proof testing procedures required to maintain the SIL It should be noted that according to IEC-61508 the entire safety loop must be proof tested, from field sensors up to and including the final elements In analogy with the Maintenance there are tests that can be done without disturbing the process and there are tests that will disturb the process 6.1.1 Tests without restriction Transmitter / manifold inhibit switches and transmitter To test the transmitter manifold inhibits proceed as follows : Apply the inhibition on the manifold Check that the Transmitter test LED working (adjacent to the input status on Matrix), that there is an input into the logic and that the signal is repeated to the DCS Switch the manifold, so that the pressure transmitter is disconnected from the process pressure and apply a pressure generator Pressure up beyond the set point level and check that this does not force an ESD shutdown Check the repeated signals to the DCS Depressurize the pressure transmitter, disconnect the pressure generator and switch the manifold so that the pressure transmitter once again is connected to the process pressure The input is then in its normal state Check the repeated signals to the DCS 6.1.2 Tests in combination with shutdown IMPORTANT Check during the Proof Test that the plant stays in a safe condition Since the outputs will be de-energised during this test it is of vital importance to check this is not causing hazardous situations in the plant! The tests are described as individual tests To minimize the downtime they may be combined into one test ensuring that all aspects are tested YOKOGAWA Page 19 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 Input loop test / logic test / output test To test the input loop and the associated logic functions, proceed as follows for all inputs: Switch the manifold, so that the pressure transmitter is disconnected from the process pressure and apply a pressure generator Pressure up beyond the set point level Check the logic actions via the FLD’s Check that the SOV’s or PST ON-OFF Valve are de-energised Depressurize the pressure transmitter, disconnect the pressure generator and switch the manifold so that the pressure transmitter once again is connected to the process pressure The input is then in its normal state Reset the ESD from the matrix Check that the outputs are energised again Check the repeated signals to DCS SDV fault statuses to DCS To test the logic of the discrepancy alarm proceed as follows : Create a discrepancy between the energised SOV outputs and the position of the SDV Open limit switch Check the “Open Discrepancy” status to the DCS Create a discrepancy between the de-energised SOV outputs and the position of the SDV Closed limit switch Check the “Closed Discrepancy” status to the DCS Create a Partial Stroke Test-I.S failure Check the “Test Fail” status to the DCS Leakage test of the SOV The leakage of the SOV must be tested when this valve is in its closed position by confirming that there is a negligible pressure building up behind the closed valve If this deems to be impossible due to the construction of the plant (for example due to a large volume behind the valve in which pressure build-up can not be detected) other ways have to be investigated to assess the closing capacity of the valve Each valve shall be removed for mechanical inspection at least once every years At this time the valves shall be dismantled for inspection of seals, seats, and moving parts At that time a leakage test shall also be performed YOKOGAWA Page 20 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Trouble Shooting 7.1.1 Trouble shooting facilities Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 The system is provided with the following tools to find a defective part in the system: 7.1.2 System status indication on the DCS Error messages diagnostic shown in SENG Status LED indications on modules Input-override facilities as described in chapter 2.2.4 Test/disconnect terminals General When an output trips to an (apparent) nuisance failure or when it is not possible to get the system healthy after a shutdown, the following actions can be taken to trace and solve the fault: Verify on the SOER display on the SENG or on the DCS which event caused the trip Collect all relevant drawings related to the trip and verify that they reflect the as-built system status Verify that all inputs are in the healthy state Reset the system in a hierarchical way If the fault is still present verify if reset commands are received by checking the appearance on the ProSafe-RS LED and ProSafe-RS Workbench application logic If the system still has not recovered find the malfunctioning card Replace the card malfunctioning by another of the same type 7.1.3 System Status indication on the DCS System window Per ESD the general ESD status is shown on the DCS system window The detailed ESD diagnostic information can be found ProSafe-RS message manual no.IM32502B10-01E 7.1.4 LED indications on modules All ProSafe-RS digital modules’ (DI/DO) channels in the system are provided with LED indications If the system does not receive the input signal from the source, LED might not turn on If the LED is not turned on after the signal is sent from the field, check the continuity (loop is closed or not) at the terminals at the marshalling section Measure the voltage sending out to the field (+24VDC) at the terminals for troubleshooting the ESD DO YOKOGAWA Page 21 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number 7.1.5 : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 Test / disconnect terminals Additional test facilities are provided for disconnecting input/output loops on terminals, to allow for field loop testing Refer to the documents listed below for more detailed information: Logic Diagram Terminal Wiring Drawing (TWD) YOKOGAWA Page 22 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 Project Description YKO Project Nr Client P.O Number : Dihn Vu Polyester Plant PVTEX., JSC : PVTEX-ESD_01 : KCC00011 Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd System modification 8.1 Introduction Document : Instruction Manual Date : 2011.02.22 Revision : 01 In the following paragraphs general instructions on the procedure for modifying the system are given The IEC-61508 states specific requirements for modifications to the safety system These can be found in IEC-61508-chapter 1.7.16 and in chapter 2.7.8 It is the responsibility of the system owner/operator to follow these rules for maintaining the necessary safety levels during and after system modifications TÜV permits on-line changes only under specific conditions Details can be found in TÜV report No.968/EZ 196.00/05 paragraph 4.6.7 These conditions must be followed strictly 8.2 Management of change If it becomes necessary to change the configuration of the ProSafe-RS, each change should follow the appropriate steps A complete analysis of the impact of the change must be made All changes should be documented and properly reviewed Validation tests are recommended for all changes Validation testing should verify that only the intended change is made and that the rest of the system is unaffected The use of a validation checklist is recommended It is recommended that previous versions of configurations developed with ProSafe-RS be archived by using the ProSafe-RS Version Control Tool END OF DOCUMENT YOKOGAWA Page 23 of 23 File Name : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038.doc YKO Doc Code : PVTEX-ESD_01\IOM Client Doc Code : 09035-00-OPM-VD-CI001-038 ... Monitoring System Message Window Navigator Window Windows for System Administration System Status Overview View System Report Dialog Box HIS Report Dialog Box System Alarm View *2 HIS Setup Window System. .. display area on the toolbar of the system message window of HIS TESTUSER SEE ALSO 010002E.ai For the details of System Message Banner, see the following: “1.2, Using System Message Banner” The User-In... System Message Banner System Message Banner shows alarms and provides buttons to call views or windows on the alarms Also buttons for switching users and printing are provided Process Alarm System