In Sheet Forming window, click open the Blank page; 14.. Back in Blank Generator window, click Exit to finish... In Material Library window, select the material type DQ 36; click OK to c
March, 2015
Trang 22
Engineering Technology Associates, Inc (ETA)
Ø Established in 1983
Ø Engineering Offices
§ Headquarters: Troy, Michigan USA
Ø Global offices and network of
distributors in 4 Continents
Ø Primary Business – CAE
§ Software Development and Distribution
Trang 3Brief History of DYNAFORM
Ø 1986 Coded C-Form for Chrysler
Ø 1993 Started the development of DYNAFORM
Ø 1996 Released first version to OEMs and Material Suppliers
Ø 1999 Released Windows/PC to Tool & Die Industry
Ø 2001 Unified Windows/Unix/Linux platforms
Ø 2003 Release BSE (Blank Size Engineering) module and MSTEP
Ø 2004 Delivered Die Structure Analysis (DSA)
Ø 2005 Delivered Springback Compensation (SCP) Module
Ø 2006 Released 5 th Generation of DYNAFORM with AutoSetup
Ø 2008 Released DYNAFORM 5.5 and 5.6
Ø 2009 Released DYANFORM 5.7
Ø April 2010 Released DYNAFORM 5.7.3
Ø January 2011 Released DYNAFORM 5.8
Trang 44
DYNAFORM Worldwide User Profile
NA Steel & Aluminum Industry
Tool & Die Industry
Toyota Nissan Suzuki
Tool & Die Industry
Ford Cologne Porsche Thyssen Opel
Land Rover Jaguar China ChangAn, TQM,
Wuling, Brilliance, BaoSteel, PoaSteel, NanJing, PuSie, Luo Yang Trucks
Toole & Die Industry
Kapco, National Auto Rad (NARMCO),
Canadian Eng., Russel, Electromac,
Woodbine, Walker Tool and Die, Digital
Forming Technology, Vollrath Company
LLC, QMC Die Technology, Fleetwood
Metal Industries, Fab-All
Manufacturing, Veltri Metal Products,
General Tool & Die (formerly SKD),
Superior Cam, Christy Ind., Wolverine
Tool and Die, Experi-Metal Inc.,
Cameron Tool, Diescan, Canadian Prog
Tool, D.R Tool and Design, On The Go
Die Design, Ascent Tool, Paulstra CRC,
Bes Tool & Die, Sabre Machine & Tool,
Wolverine Tool and Die, & Others
OEM Supplier
Trang 5DYNAFORM’s Major OEM Users
Ø Ford Global
§ Ford North America, Ford Brazil, Ford Germany
§ Has been using DYNAFORM/LS-DYNA solution for 15+ years
§ Has been a Technology Development Partner since ’90
§ GM North America, GM Brazil, GM Shanghai, GM Germany
Ø Japan - Nissan, Honda, Suzuki,
Ø Korea – Daewoo, KIA, Hyundai, SsangYong, POSCO,
Trang 66
DYNAFORM Capabilities
Ø BSE (Blank Size Engineering with MSTEP One-Step Solution)
§ Blanking, Nesting, Material Cost Estimation
§ One-Step Formability Simulations
Ø D-Eval (Die-face Evaluation)
§ INC Solver based fast incremental forming simulation
§ Quick setup with CAD die-face
§ Full capability drawbead setup
Ø Formability (LS-DYNA-based forming simulation solution)
§ Accurate Solution, versatile tooling setup
§ Strength in Springback and Springback Compensation
§ Formability/Blank Outline/Trim Line Optimization capabilities
§ Hydro-forming, Hot forming, Tube bending, Roller hemming
Ø DSA (LS-DYNA based Die System Analysis)
§ Die Structure Strength and Durability
§ Sheet Metal Handling and Transfer
§ Scrap Shedding/Removal
Trang 88
Inverted Draw (Single-Action)
Lower Ring
Lower Die Upper Die
Trang 9Toggle Draw (Double-Action)
Upper Ring
Upper Die
Lower Die
Trang 1010
Four-Piece Draw
Trang 11
DYNAFORM 5.9.2 Components
DYNAFORM Pre-processor
Trang 1212
eta/DYNAFORM database file name: filename.df
eta/DYNAFORM geometry data file name: filename.lin
IGES geometry data file name: filename.igs, or filename.iges
VDA surfaces data file name: filename.vda, or filename.vdas
AutoCAD Data Exchange file name: filename.dxf
Stereo lithography file name: filename.stl
ACIS file name: filename.sat
CATIA4 database file name: filename.model
CATIA5 database file name: filename.CATPart
STEP file name: filename.stp
NX database file name: filename.prt
Pro/E database file name: filename.prt or filename.asm
Inventor database file name: filename.ipt
Parasolid database file name: filename.x_t
SolidWorks database file name: filename.sldprt, or filename.sldasm
NASTRAN input file name: filename.nas or filename.dat
LS-DYNA input file name: filename.dyn
LS-DYNA model file name: filename.mod
LS-DYNA input file name: filename.k
LS-DYNA input file name: filename.dynain
ABAQUS input file name: filename.inp
Trang 13LS-DYNA Output Files
§ D3plot, d3plot01, d3plot02
§ D3plotaa, d3plotab, d3plotac For adaptive mesh
§ History files: rcforc, glstat, matsum, sleout, rbdout
§ D3hsp
§ D3dump
Sense switch (Ctrl + C)
• SW1: stop the simulation
• SW2: refresh screen display
• SW3: write out d3dump file
• SW4: write out d3plot file
Trang 15DYNAFORM Mouse Button Operation
Rotation Translation Zoom
Trang 1616
Training Contents
Ø Workshop #1: Toggle Draw Simulation
Ø Workshop #2: Inverted Draw Simulation
Ø Workshop #3: Multi-Stage Simulation
Ø Workshop #4: Springback Simulation
Ø Workshop #6: Blank Size Engineering
Ø On site project
Trang 17Workshop #1: Toggle Draw (Double-Action)
Trang 1818
3 4
1. Start up eta/DYNAFORM Click File/Import;
2. Select file WS1_Blank.igs in WorkShop1_Double_action folder
and click Import;
3. Change the file type to NASTRAN (*.dat;*.nas) and select file
4. Click OK to import the file Save the project in a separate
directory with a preferred name
Import Geometries
Trang 195. Click Parts/Edit;
6. Select the blank part and rename it to BLANK;
7. Click the Modify to execute the change; click OK to exit the Edit Part window;
8. Click Turn parts on/off and display only part BLANK Click OK to finish
Edit Parts – Change Part Names
Trang 2020
9. Select AutoSetup/Sheet Forming;
10. Select the Process Type: Double action;
11. Select Lower as the Original tool geometry;
12. Click OK to open Sheet Forming window
Start a New Simulation - AutoSetup
Trang 2113. In Sheet Forming window, click open the Blank page;
14. Click Define Geometry;
15. Click Add Part in the Blank Generator window;
16. Select the part BLANK from the part list;
17. Click OK to exit the Select Part window
Define the Blank
Trang 2222
18. Back in Blank Generator window, click Blank mesh…;
19. In Blank Mesh window, set the Element Size to 8;
20. Click OK to execute meshing process and exit Blank Mesh window;
21. Back in Blank Generator window, click Exit to finish
Create the Blank Mesh
Trang 23Define the Blank Material
22. Back in Blank page, click <None> under Material to define the blank material;
23. In Material window, click Material Library ;
24. In Material Library window, select the material type DQ (36); click OK to confirm;
25. Back in Material window, click OK to finish
Trang 2424
26. Click Part on/off and display only part DIE; click OK to confirm;
27. Click open the Tools page;
28. Start with too Punch, click Define geometry
Define the Tool Punch
Trang 2529. Click open the Mesh page;
30. Click Copy elements icon;
31. In Copy Elements window, click Select;
32. In Select Elements window, click Displayed
Define the Tool Punch
Trang 2626
33. Toggle on the Exclude option
34. Select the Spread function with 2º spread angle, then Mouse_pick the elements on the binder area;
35. Click OK to confirm selection;
36. Back in Copy Elements window, click Apply to copy
the highlighted elements to tool Punch, a new part with name PUNCH is generated;
Trang 2738. Select tool Die to work on;
39. Click Define tool icon;
40. In Select Part window, select par DIE and click OK to confirm selection;
41. Back in Define Tool window, click Exit to finish
Define the Tool Die
Trang 2828
42. Select the tool Binder to work on and click Copy elements
43. In Copy Elements window, click Select;
44. In Select Elements window, select Spread function and set 2º
spread angle, then mouse-pick the elements on the binder
area Click OK to confirm selection;
Back in Copy Elements window, Click Apply followed by Exit;
Back in Tool Preparation window, click Exit to finish
Define the Binder
Trang 2945. Back in Sheet Forming window, Tools page, select Positioning;
46. In Positioning window, select On lowers Click OK to confirm
Position the Tools
Trang 3030
47. Click open Process page;
48. Accept the default parameters for
Trang 3151. Click the Drawing process;
52. Accept the default process parameters;
53. Check on Fully match in Duration
Define the Process - Drawing
Trang 3232
Preview – Tooling Animation
54. Select Preview/Animation ;
55. Click Play to start the tooling motion animation The sliding bar can be
used to alter animation speed;
56. Click Stop to stop automated animation;
57. Check on Individual Frames to enable manual-controlled animation Use
the four arrow buttons to either bring tools forward/backward one step
per mouse-click, or to take the tools to the starting/ending positions;
Checking off Individual Frames will go back to automated animation; clicking
Stop while in manual mode exits Animation window
55 56
Trang 3358. Back in Sheet Forming window, click open Control page;
59. Click button shown to adjust the adaptive frequency based on tool travel
60. Click OK to accept the calculated result;
61. Click Setup and Save the database
Set Adaptive Mesh Control
Trang 3434
Submit Job
62. Click Job and select Job Submitter ;
63. In the Job Options window, update No of CPU information click OK to submit the job
Trang 3564. Click open Drawbeads page;
65. Click Import and select file drawbead.igs;
66. Select Define;
67. In Curve Editor window, click Select Line then mouse-pick one line on the screen;
68. In Select Line window, click OK to confirm;
69. Back in Curve Editor window, click OK to finish
Trang 3636
70. Select Die as the tool the drawead will be attached to, and click Apply;
71. Key in 30 to assign the drawbead 30% of full-lock force, press Enter key
Define Drawbeads
Trang 3772. Click New to define another drawbead;
73. Repeat steps 64 through 71 to define the
Drwabd2, using the other line;
When finished, save the project with a
different name, submit the job, and
compare the result with the previous one
Define Drawbeads
Trang 3838
Use ETA/Post-Processor
74. Double-click the shortcut icon from your desktop will start ETA/Post-Processor;
75. Or, from DYNAFORM top menu, click PostProcessor and select eta/Post;
76. From the top menu of ETA/Post-Processor, click File/Open With the default file type, d3plot, select the result files of the preferred project ;
77. Or, from Job Submitter, highlight a project, no matter it is finished, aborted or
running, and click icon ETA/Post-Processor will start and read in the existing result files of the selected project
Trang 3978. Uses one of the keys in this group to play, pause or stop the automated animation;
79. After the automated animation is paused, use one of the keys in this group to
manually perform animation;
80. Switch to the Single Frame option and select the last frame from the list;
81. FLD, Thinning/Thickness, Major/Minor Strain, etc., can be conveniently displayed
by using the icons on the top of the side menu;
82. Select the Contour key to display more stress/strain contents
Trang 4040
Plot Forming Limit Diagram
Trang 41Without drawbeads With drawbeads
Plot Thinning
Trang 4242
Plot Plastic Strain
Trang 43Workshop #2: Inverted Draw (Single-Action)
Trang 4444
1. Open a new database file by selecting File/New, and Save the current project;
2. Click File/Import In the directory WorkShop2_Single_action, select the file
WS2_Single_action.igs, and click OK;
3. Click File/Save as…and save the new database file in a separate directory with
a preferred name
Geometry Preparation
2 3
Trang 454. From DYNAFORM top menu, click Parts / Edit;
5. Select the part with tool contents from the list;
6. Change the name to UPRTOOL;
7. Click Modify to confirm;
8. Follow similar steps and change the name of the part with blank content
to BLANK Click OK to exit
Edit Parts – Change Part Names
Trang 4646
9. Click AutoSetup and select Sheet Forming;
10. Key in 1.2 for the blank thickness;
11. Select Single action;
12. Select Upper for the Original tool geometry;
Trang 47Define the Blank
14. In Sheet Forming window, click open Blank page;
15. Select Define Geometry;
16. In Blank generator window, open Outline page and click Select Line;
17. In Select Line window, select Chain Line mode and mouse-pick the blank outline from screen; click OK to confirm
Trang 4848
18. Back in Blank Generator window, click Blank mesh
19. In Blank Mesh window, set the Element Size to 10;
20. Click OK to proceed meshing the blank and generating
the BLK part Click OK to finish
Define the Blank – Create Blank Mesh
Trang 4921. Back in Blank page, click <None> to define the blank material;
22. In Material window, select Material Library;
23. In Material Library window, select DQSK (37); click OK to confirm;
24. Back in Material window, click OK to finish
Define the Blank Material
Trang 5050
25. Back in Blank page, click Define in the Symmetry type field;
26. In Symmetry Plane window, select Symmetry icon;
27. Select VW-Plane; the symmetry condition is establish on the blank mesh;
28. Click Exit to confirm and finish
Define the Blank – Symmetry Condition
Trang 5129. Click open Tools page and select tool Die;
30. Click Define Geometry;
31. In Tool Preparation window, select Define tool
icon and pick UPRTOOL from part list;
32. In Define Tools window, click Exit;
33. Back in Tool Preparation window, select Turn
Parts on/off icon and display UPRTOOL only
Define the Tools
Trang 5252
34. Click open Mesh page;
35. Select Surface mesh icon;
36. In Surface Mesh window, change Max.Size to
37. Select Apply;
38. Select Yes to accept meshing result; click Exit to
finish defining the tool Die
Define the Tools - Create Tool Mesh
Trang 5339. Back in Tool Preparation window, select tool Punch to work on;
40. Select Copy elements icon;
41. In Copy Elements window, click Select;
42. Select X-Y view from top menu;
43. Toggle off Surfaces display from the display menu at lower-right corner
Trang 5454
44. In Select Elements window, click Displayed;
45. Check on Exclude;
46. Select Spread function and set Angle to 3 Mouse-pick the
elements in binder area;
47. Switch to Drag window method to de-select the remain
highlighted elements in the binder area;
48. Click OK to confirm and exit
Define the Tool Punch
Trang 5549. Back in Copy Elements window, click Apply to copy the selected
elements to tool Punch;
50. Click Exit to finish defining tool Punch
49 50
Define the Tool Punch
Trang 5656
51. Back in the Tool Preparation window, select Binder to work on;
52. Select Copy Elements icon;
53. In Copy Elements window, click Select;
Define the Tool Binder
Trang 5754. In Select Elements window, select Spread function,
set Angle to 3 and mouse-pick the elements in the binder area;
55. Switch to Drag window function and select the remain
elements in the binder area;
56. Click OK to confirm element selection
Define the Binder