1 c::::::::J Atomic Number: Number of protons [:=:J ALKALI METALS ALKALINE EARTH METALS Atomic Weight: Weighted average of atomic masses of natural isotopes ••" - mass number of the most stable isotope for each radioactive element W C frf)e d~wn1ad,s & 01 titles at qUlc s uuy.com nun re ISBN-13 : 978-157222542-8 ISBN-10: 157222542-4 911~iI11Ill~~IIIJIJIIIIIJlillllrlllllillillll All rllI " h rtRrnd No 1);111 of this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z IIICC ~':~~lt.l:~I\~:,~:;~~~;:~(~;:t:~~~l~~e~lC~h~'~l)~ J k~1 IIldIlJ IIl.jj ph01OCOP} ",conl in!! or "n, II\fo l1113110n ,'or:tll c ~rld r~lm'\~1 '}~kll1 \\IIhoUI \\I1"~n p.:nni'~lh~w· Z 9Woo W REFERENCE: CRC Handbook of Chemislry Z and Physics' 81s1 edition 2000·200t _ CONTENT ADVISOR : Mark Jackson PhD ~ Chemistry Professor· Florida Atlantic University DESIGN I LAYOUT: John Ford CEO a:W I-=;==:ri.=::-t.t:=~='i~=:-I;:;~~=r~== t:t=:",:::::r;==-I===~=::- CJ oo 1-:-:- ,-7 ". +-~""""-::-:~~f.: ,-~-+"'=~-+~~+-~~+~~~=:;~+-:-7-:: ... waW1.r Physica I Properties - NATURAL FORM H2 go LI Be "'" Mg Na h" boc D solid - for solid, most stable crystal form Dliquid Dgas he, "'" Sr Rb Ic