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Bài ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 7, 8 có đáp án

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Bài ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 7, 8 có đáp án tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về...

Thi thu TOT NGHIEP I. Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence: 1. Mrs.Edward is at the market. Right now she (look) ……… at the apples. They (look)……… fresh. a. look / look b. has been looking / looked c. is looking / are looking d. is looking/ look 2. I cannot forgive ……… myseft ……… not seeing Tom before he left……… Japan. a. to / for / 0 b. 0 / for / for c. with / to / to d. at / about / 0 3. Look! The bus ……… . a. leaves b. is leaving c. left d. had left 4. “Would you mind if I smoke?” – “ ……… ”. a. Never mind b. Yes, please don’t c. Not at all d. Yes, please do 5. Don’t worry. By the time we ……… cooking, they……… their homework. a. finished / will have done b. have finished/will have done c.finish/will be doing d. are finished/will do 6. Who is responsible for mowing the ……… ? a. grass b. garden c. lawn d. trees 7. We are having a ……… party next week. Would you like to join us? a. house moving b. housewarming c. homecoming d. new housing 8. ……… economics is the study of ……… management. a. House/home b. Home/house c. Home/household d. Housing/homehold 9. She apologized ……… me ……… her lateness. a. 0/ about b. with / of c. to / for d. 0 / for 10. It is essential that household chores should be divied ……… family members. a. among b. up among c. into d. for 11. When their first child ……… , they ……… married for three years. a. had been born/were b.was born/had been c. was born/were d. had been born/had been 12. This story reminds me ……… anovel……… Mark Twain. a. of / of b. about / by c. of /by d. about / of 13. He isn’t independent ……… any means. He depends……… his father……… everything. a. by / on / out b.for / on / at c. of / in / for d. on / in / with 14. “Shall we start now?” – “…………” a. Yes, we are b. Yes, let’s c. Of course not d. No, no 15. “Don’t forget to come to my party tomorrow.” – “…………” a. I don’t b. I won’t c. I can’t d. I haven’t 16. The local authorities all agreed to close some……… factories. a. economic b. uneconomic c. economical d. uneconomical 17. I am well……… with the problems encountered in strarting a business. a. aware b. informed c. acquainted d. knowledgeable 18. It would be best to have a ……… friend to ……… . a. close / share secrets b. nearby / tell stories c. best / chat d. close / confide in 19. The people next door are furious ……… us……… making so much noise last night. a. at / with b. with / for c. for / to d. about / in 20. he may be quick ……… understanding but he isn’t capable……… remembering anything. a. in / of b. on / at c. at / of d. of / at 21. I often get up early. a. I am used to get up early b. I can get up early c. I am used to getting up early d. I like to get up early 22. It’s ages since I last saw a Hollywood film. a. I haven’t seen any Hollywood film before. b. I haven’t seen a Hollywood film for a long time. c. I saw a last Hollywood film since ages ago d. It’s ages because I last saw a Hollywood film. 23. Getting a good job doesn’t interest him. a. He is only interested in getting a good job b. He isn’t good at getting a good job. c. He isn’t interested in getting a good job d. Even a good job isn’t suitable to him. 24. “Don’t be so disappointed, Bill. You can take the driving test again,”said helen. a. Helen told Bill to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again. b. Helen said Bill not to be disappointed because of the driving test again. c. Helen told Bill not to be disappointed and not to take the driving test again. d. Helen encouraged Bill to take the driving test again. 25. “No, I didn’t steal anything from her,” said Tom. a. Henry confirmed that he had stolen things from her. b. Henry refused to steal things from her. c. Henry denied stealing things from her d. Henry said no to stealing things from her. 26. “I’ll certainly help you tomorrow,” said Martin to Mary. a. Martin told Mary to help him the day after b. Martin asked if Mary wanted him to help her the day after c. Martin promised to help Mary the day after d. Martin VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 7, Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a machine b change c children d lunch a reply b safely c quickly d yearly a follow b show c allow d slow a noisy b Brazil c lazy d pizza a grown b own c known d down Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one He analyzed our country's economic problems profoundly He must be a/an _ a fiction writer b expert c messenger d scientist We can take our photographs with a _ a labor-saving device b computer c camera d screen Economic _ are very necessary in a certain time to help develop a country a reforms b transformations c changes d conversion _ refers to books and stories about imaginary people and events, rather than books about real people or events a Science b Fiction c Reference d Dictionary 10 He _ of being a famous journalist, but he is not really keen on learning a daydreams b prepares c chooses d needs 11 I did not have enough lexical knowledge to _ that article from Vietnamese into English a translate b convert c transmit d reform 12 He fixed his eyes to the computer _ without paying attention to what happened around a slide b curtain c layer d screen 13 Those books are necessary for your thesis They are really _ a inform b information c informer d informative 14 The Japanese are _ at lowering manufacturing costs a expert b expertise c expertly d expertises 15 After a nature disaster, there is always an need for food and water a urgent b urge c urgently d urgency VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 16 I am still not accustomed _ the weather in London Except _ weather, I like everything there a up/ over b on/ with c to/ for d with/ from 17 I'll be ready to leave _ about twenty minutes Please come and pick me to the station a away/ toward b in/ up c for/ on d at/ out 18 Computers have had a great effect _ our lives since its appearance a on b at c for d to 19 Don't keep shouting _ me I hate it a in b for c with d at 20 What's the matter _ you? You look pale and tired? a on b with c for d upon 21 We are tired _ doing the same work day after day a of b up c for d over 22 _ the plane took off late, we still reached our destination on time a Though b In spite c Despite d As though 23 He had a terrible cold _ he insisted on going swimming a despite b although c in spite of d but 24 _ I became a millionaire, I would carryon working a Even though b Despite of c In spite d Although that 25 _, he managed to complete the race a In spite he was severely hurt b Despite he was severely hurt c Even though being severely hurt d Despite being severely hurt 26 In spite _, we understood most of what he was saying a of he was lisping b his lisp c of his lisp d he was lisping 27 Mary is independent woman with wise and enthusiasm a an/ Ø/ Ø b a/ the/ the c the/ a/ an d Ø/ a/ the 28 One of _ students said, " _ professor is late today." a the/ A b the/ The c Ø/ A d a/ Ø 29 Peter, likes to play volleyball, but he is not _ good player a the/ b Ø/ a c the/ the d a/ the VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 30 My daughter is learning to play _ violin at _ school a the/ a b a/ the c the/ Ø d Ø/ the Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 31 Optimists believe that life will be far better than it is today a Optimists cannot tell any differences between today life and future life b It is believed by optimists that there will be no changes for life in the future c Optimists believe that today's life is not as good as it will be d Optimists believe that we will have a worse life in the future 32 In spite of his poverty, he led a devoted life to the revolutionary cause a He could not devote his life to the revolutionary cause because of his poverty b If he had not been so poor, he could have devoted his life to the revolutionary cause c Poor as he was, he leg a devoted life to the revolutionary cause d He led a devoted life to the revolutionary cause, but he was so poor 33 They did not let me in because I was not a member of the club a They invited me although I was not a member of the club b They did not allow me to enter because I was not a member of the club c They invited me to the clubs as if I had been a member d They asked me to get out of the club because I was not a member 34 Can you account for your strange behavior? a Does your strange behavior make anybody surprised? b Can you please stop behaving strangely? c Can you give a good explanation for your strange behavior?' d Is your strange behavior only for me? 35 Most bosses cannot put up with irresponsibility a Irresponsibility is what most bosses are trying to find b Most bosses cannot tolerate irresponsibility c Irresponsibility is a must to please most ...Qu¶ng TiÕn   !"#$  !" #$% $   &'$%()*+ ,-./0"1,2234, #-5'/0" #6789-$/0232%,:  ;<=/>'57  :=/>  89-$532%,:  /03?/0$@A(@A($2B A%3/C'/0"$/03?'/0 3? D,(  % %& %'()2%EF,:E/02E# G #H(-=I-J/02$6,'5,:3I ,( G ;E#F#)K%L#)M% %'(* a) ; NO KP Q RO− + b) ;6%*. N Sx − 5T %'(+ G;  U SN N NV Q QG Q+ − G; NO KP Q SR VN− + + G;6%* ( ) N N S Qx − = %'(,2., S  S S S x x x x A x x     + − = + −  ÷  ÷  ÷  ÷ + −     G ;6%,-*'.,E G WX7E G ;6%3=Y 'E %'(-2., * S * N * S E * S * S − + + = + − + Y * O* S≥ ≠ GWX7.,E G;6%*.E53!Z %'(. : 2., N N S S a a a a P a a    + − = + −  ÷ ÷  ÷ ÷ + −    G ;6%,-*'[ G WX7.,[ c) \Y3$2'6[53! N S S N − +  %'(/ 2.,[) GSUQ KN R x xx xx −+ ++ − Y* ≥ O G WX7.,[ b) ;6%3,(I@/C'*..,]) P P −S N 3,(I %'(0 2.,[U*G) N S  S S S x x x x x x   − + + +  ÷  ÷ − +   Y* ≥ O$* ≠ S G WX7.,[U*G G ;6%*.N* N +[U*G ≤ O %'( 2$%()N*+Q G \^&'$%3I G _7E$F=$2.%'&Y3`79;@-%aEFUYa=$ 79$C3I3`79=$b%bG G ;52c/0"()N*+QY3`a* %'()12$% Sy x= + $ Qy x= − + G \^&$%3I4-3`29a*( G F!&*292.%E'/0"3I c) ;6%3'%./0" U SGy mx m= + − &d,Y/0"3I %'())2$%()UKeNG*+QeUSG G;6%3'.$%USG& G;6%.&'$%USG22Y/0"()*eN G\^&'$%USG)S %'()*\D/C36'/0!U@G5-5!V$d,.%8UNLSG %'()+2$%()U%eNG*+N%+S234 G \Y3$2'%6$%& G ;6%%.&$%UfG22Y/0"()N*eS %'(), G;3I4-3`79^&'$%, U@ S G()*+N$U@ N G()eN*+P G;6%792.%E'U@ S G$U@ N G!DgD G;52c/0"U@ S GY3`a* %'()-2%EF,:E/02E#F M L SNAB cm AC cm= =  a) ;25FU=$%3?9G$9@$F# G _7hLi=$6,'#3IEFLE%EhEF)EiE %'().2j/03?UaG/0EF)NW\^/03?A%k/0aF Gl/03?UaG$UkGD*X, G\^@A(Fm'/03?UaGUFm/0G@A(Fm1/03 ĐỀ ÔN LÝ THUYẾT MÔN HÓA Câu 1: Phát biểu sau đúng? A Thành phần supephotphat kép gồm hai muối Ca(H2PO4)2 CaSO4 B Urê có công thức (NH2)2CO C Supephotphat đơn có Ca(H2PO4)2 D Phân lân cung cấp nitơ cho trồng Câu 2: Hoá chất dùng để nhận biết lọ nhãn chứa riêng biệt đồng phân mạch hở, công thức phân tử C2H4O2 A Dung dịch NaOH dung dịch AgNO3/NH3 B Quỳ tím kim loại kiềm C Dung dịch NaOH quỳ tím D Quỳ tím dung dịch AgNO3/NH3 Câu 3: Thủy phân mol este X cần mol KOH Hỗn hợp sản phẩm thu gồm glixerol, kali axetat kali propionat Có công thức cấu tạo thỏa mãn với X?A B C D 12 Câu 4: Cacbon phản ứng với tất chất dãy sau ? A CO, Al2O3, HNO3 (đặc), H2SO4 (đặc) B Fe2O3, Al2O3, CO2,HNO3 C Fe2O3, CO2, H2, HNO3 (đặc) D CO, Al2O3, K2O, Ca Câu 5: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng: A Saccarozơ gọi đường khử B Phân tử khối aminoaxit có nhóm amino nhóm cacboxyl số lẻ C Tinh bột xenlulozơ đồng phân D Tơ polieste thuộc loại tơ poliamit bền với axít bazơ Câu 6: Cho chất sau : 1.CH 3CH(NH2)COOH HOOC- CH 2-CH2-COOH HO-CH2-COOH HCHO và C6H5OH 5.HO-CH2-CH2-OH p-C6H4(COOH)2 H2N[CH2]6NH2 HOOC[CH2]4COOH Các trường hợp tham gia phản ứng trùng ngưng A 1, ,4, 5,6 B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C 1, ,5 ,6 D 1, Câu 7: Số đồng phân cấu tạo C4H11N amin tác dụng với dung dịch hỗn hợp HCl NaNO2 cho khí A B C D Câu 8: Trong số chất : chất béo, tinh bột, protein, glucozơ, tơ tằm, đường kính xenlulozơ axetat có chất polime ? A B C D Câu 9: Cho sơ đồ biến hoá NaCl → HCl → Cl2 → KClO3 → KCl → Cl2 → CaOCl2 Có phản ứng sơ đồ biến hoá thuộc phản ứng oxi hoá khử ?A B C D Câu 10: Điều khẳng định sau không ? A Khi đun bình nước có chứa 0,01 mol Na +; 0,02 mol Ca2+; 0,005 mol Mg2+; 0,05 mol HCO3- ion Cl- đến phản ứng hoàn toàn thu nước mềm B Thạch cao khan dùng để bó bột, đúc khuôn C Clorua vôi tác dụng với dung dịch HCl sinh khí tác dụng với nước vôi dư thu hỗn hợp hai muối D Nước cứng không làm hao tổn chất giặt rửa tổng hợp Câu 11: Cho dãy phản ứng sau: CO2 → (C6H10O5)n → C12H22O11 → C6H12O6 → C2H5OH Số giai đoạn cần dùng xúc tác axit là:A B C D ˆ ˆˆ †ˆ N2O4(khí) ∆H < Câu 12: Cho cân : 2NO2( khí) ‡ ( màu nâu ) ( không màu) Nhúng bình đựng hỗn hợp NO N2O4 vào bình đựng nước đá hỗn hợp: A Chuyển sang màu xanh B Giữ nguyên màu ban đầu C Có màu nâu đậm dần D Có màu nâu nhạt dần Câu 13: Cho chất sau: phenylamoni clorua, natri phenolat, p-crezol, vinyl clorua, ancol benzylic, phenyl benzoat tơ nilon-6,6 Số chất tác dụng với dung dịch NaOH đun nóng A B C D Câu 14: Hiện tượng hóa học sau mô tả không đúng? A Nhỏ vài giọt dung dịch HNO3 đặc vào dung dịch lòng trắng trứng thấy có kết tủa màu vàng xuất B Đưa đũa thủy tinh vừa nhúng vào dung dịch HCl đậm đặc lên miệng lọ đựng dung dịch CH 3NH2 đậm đặc xung quanh đũa thủy tinh bay lên khói trắng C Cho dung dịch NaNO2 vào dung dịch glyxin, sau thêm vài giọt dung dịch axit axetic vào thấy có bọt khí không màu bay lên D Cho từ từ đến dư dung dịch CH3NH2 vào dung dịch FeCl3 lúc đầu có kết tủa nâu đỏ xuất hiện, sau kết tủa tan dần đến hết Câu 15: Cho hợp chất: anilin, isopropylamin, phenol, natri phenolat, phenylamoni clorua chất ký hiệu Ala, Val, Glu Tổng số chất làm quỳ tím ẩm đổi màu A B C D Câu 16: Cho chất: C2H5OH, CH3COOH, C6H5OH, C2H5ONa,CH3COONa, C6H5ONa Trong chất đó, số cặp chất phản ứng với A B C D Câu 17: Chất X có công thức phân tử C 3H5O2Cl có khả tác dụng với dung dịch NaOH dư, đun nóng thu sản phẩm gồm muối (của axit cacboxylic đơn chức), anđehit, NaCl H2O Công thức cấu tạo X A HCOOCH2CH2Cl B CH3OOCCH2Cl C CH3COOCH2Cl D CH3CH(Cl)COOH + AgNO3 / NH + Cl2 ,ánh sáng,1:1 + NaOH + CuO Câu 18: Cho sơ đồ sau: Toluen → X → Y  → Z  → T Công thức cấu tạo T là:A C6H5OH B CH3C6H4COONH4 C C6H5COONH4 D p-HOOC – C6H4Cl Câu 19: Tiến hành thí nghiệm sau : - Thí nghiệm 1: Cho nước qua ống đựng bột sắt nung nóng - Thí nghiệm 2: Cho đinh sắt nguyên chất vào dung dịch H2SO4 loãng có nhỏ thêm vài giọt dung dịch CuSO4 - Thí nghiệm 3: Cho giọt dung dịch Fe(NO3)2 vào dung dịch AgNO3 - Thí nghiệm 4: Để thép ( hợp kim sắt với cacbon) không khí ẩm - Thí Bµi tËp cñng cè –Ch ¬ng tr×nh líp 10(Unit 1-3) I-Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: 1-A-pedal B-develop C-semester D-expense 2-A-peace B-repeat C-threaten D-easing 3-A-basket B-examine C-practise D-programme 4-A-sudden B-buffalo C-interrupt D-occupy 5-A-sixteen B-career C-receive D-equal 6-A-bench B-attend C-educate D-subject 7A-romantic B-mature C-mathematics D-humanity 8-A-says B-said C-saint D-salad 9-A-breath B-breakfast C-already D-dream 10-A-married B-many C-caculate D-Japan II-Choose the best answer for each of the following sentence: 1-The government has sent ……aid to the refugees. A-human B-humane C-humanitarian D-humanity 2-“Are you singer or married?” is to ask about one’s……. A-occupation B-marital status C-address D-nationality 3-When he graduated from university he got his ……. A-diploma B-certificate C-degree D-bachelor 4-“…….do you borrow this science book?” -“To read more about Marie Curie’s life”. A-what B-why C-when D-which 5-She likes her children… to the dentist every six months. A-go B-to go C-going D-to going 6-We were not hungry. We … a big breakfast. A-just had B-have just had C-were just having D-had just had 7-Please don’t … to stamp on the letter I gave you to post. A-remind B-realize C-forget D-remember 8-He will ring up when he …….in Paris. A-arrives B-will arrive C-arrived D-would arrive 9-Your windows need … at least once a year. A-cleaning B-to clean C-being cleaned D-have cleaned 10-I…… much better after I ………the medicine. A-felt/had taken B-felt/took C-had felt/took D-had felt/had taken 11-It was raining hard, so we decided ……… A-not going B-not to go C-to not go D-not go 12-My little daughter…….whenever she ……sad movies. A-is crying/sees B-cried/sees C-cries/sees D-cries/saw 13-I finally finished …….at seven and served dinner. A-cooking B-to cook C-being cooked D-to be cooked 14-By the time he reached the dentist’s ,the pain in his tooth…… A-stops B-was stopping C-had stopped D-has stopped 15-It……him 30 minutes …… to school every morning. A-take/to walk B-took /walked C-takes/walkD-takes/to walk 16-She received………the airport…… exactly 5 o’clock. A-in/at B-at/at C-at/in D-in/in 17-Alice didn’t expect ….to Bill’s party. A-asking B-to ask C-to be asked D-being asking 18-…….times do I have to tell you not to leave your wet shoes on……kitchen floor. A-how much/the B-how many/the C-how many/a D-how long/the 19-They said it was the loveliest city they………. A-ever see B-have ever seen C-ever saw D-had ever seen 20-“I’m thisty”-“…….some beer?”. A-would you like B-do you like C-why don’t you D-let’s III-Identify the underlined word(s) or phrase(s) that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 1-She studied English for the last 2 years and she is doing a six month course now A B C D 2-Three years ago,he had been a student at a university in California. A B C D 3-Mary had prepared a 3-courses dinner when we arrived, so we were able to eat immediately A B C D 4-After Dave is going to break the track record next month,many universities A B will offer him scholarships of $10,000. C D 5-She lived in London for 2 years and then moved to Paris.She now has two A B C 3-room house there. D IV-Choose the word which best fits each of the gap of the passage : It was just before the Second World War.Tom was only 20 at the…(1)and was living with his mother.He was working in a bank and …(2)….to London everyday.One morning,he received a …(3)…letter.It was addressed to “Mr Thomas Parker”.the letter, which was….(4)”A friend”,asked Tom to go to the Crown Inn during his lunch hour.All moring,as he was dealing with…(5)Tom was wondering whether he….(6)do this. At lunch time he decided to go to the inn.It was full of people and Tom couldn’t…(7)anyone.He was wondering if he should leave when a stranger introduced himself and said he…(8)Tom’s father,… (9)had died when Tom was a baby.The stranger explained that Tom’father,Bill,was a secret agent Thi thu TOT NGHIEP I. Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence: 1. Mrs.Edward is at the market. Right now she (look) ……… at the apples. They (look)……… fresh. a. look / look b. has been looking / looked c. is looking / are looking d. is looking/ look 2. I cannot forgive ……… myseft ……… not seeing Tom before he left……… Japan. a. to / for / 0 b. 0 / for / for c. with / to / to d. at / about / 0 3. Look! The bus ……… . a. leaves b. is leaving c. left d. had left 4. “Would you mind if I smoke?” – “ ……… ”. a. Never mind b. Yes, please don’t c. Not at all d. Yes, please do 5. Don’t worry. By the time we ……… cooking, they……… their homework. a. finished / will have done b. have finished/will have done c.finish/will be doing d. are finished/will do 6. Who is responsible for mowing the ……… ? a. grass b. garden c. lawn d. trees 7. We are having a ……… party next week. Would you like to join us? a. house moving b. housewarming c. homecoming d. new housing 8. ……… economics is the study of ……… management. a. House/home b. Home/house c. Home/household d. Housing/homehold 9. She apologized ……… me ……… her lateness. a. 0/ about b. with / of c. to / for d. 0 / for 10. It is essential that household chores should be divied ……… family members. a. among b. up among c. into d. for 11. When their first child ……… , they ……… married for three years. a. had been born/were b.was born/had been c. was born/were d. had been born/had been 12. This story reminds me ……… anovel……… Mark Twain. a. of / of b. about / by c. of /by d. about / of 13. He isn’t independent ……… any means. He depends……… his father……… everything. a. by / on / out b.for / on / at c. of / in / for d. on / in / with 14. “Shall we start now?” – “…………” a. Yes, we are b. Yes, let’s c. Of course not d. No, no 15. “Don’t forget to come to my party tomorrow.” – “…………” a. I don’t b. I won’t c. I can’t d. I haven’t 16. The local authorities all agreed to close some……… factories. a. economic b. uneconomic c. economical d. uneconomical 17. I am well……… with the problems encountered in strarting a business. a. aware b. informed c. acquainted d. knowledgeable 18. It would be best to have a ……… friend to ……… . a. close / share secrets b. nearby / tell stories c. best / chat d. close / confide in 19. The people next door are furious ……… us……… making so much noise last night. a. at / with b. with / for c. for / to d. about / in 20. he may be quick ……… understanding but he isn’t capable……… remembering anything. a. in / of b. on / at c. at / of d. of / at 21. I often get up early. a. I am used to get up early b. I can get up early c. I am used to getting up early d. I like to get up early 22. It’s ages since I last saw a Hollywood film. a. I haven’t seen any Hollywood film before. b. I haven’t seen a Hollywood film for a long time. c. I saw a last Hollywood film since ages ago d. It’s ages because I last saw a Hollywood film. 23. Getting a good job doesn’t interest him. a. He is only interested in getting a good job b. He isn’t good at getting a good job. c. He isn’t interested in getting a good job d. Even a good job isn’t suitable to him. 24. “Don’t be so disappointed, Bill. You can take the driving test again,”said helen. a. Helen told Bill to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again. b. Helen said Bill not to be disappointed because of the driving test again. c. Helen told Bill not to be disappointed and not to take the driving test again. d. Helen encouraged Bill to take the driving test again. 25. “No, I didn’t steal anything from her,” said Tom. a. Henry confirmed that he had stolen things from her. b. Henry refused to steal things from her. c. Henry denied stealing things from her d. Henry said no to stealing things from her. 26. “I’ll certainly help you tomorrow,” said Martin to Mary. a. Martin told Mary to help him the day after b. Martin asked if Mary wanted him to help her the day after c. Martin promised to help Mary the day after d. Martin VnDoc - Tải tài ... twenty minutes Please come and pick me to the station a away/ toward b in/ up c for/ on d at/ out 18 Computers have had a great effect _ our lives since its appearance a on b at c for d to 19 Don't... independent woman with wise and enthusiasm a an/ Ø/ Ø b a/ the/ the c the/ a/ an d Ø/ a/ the 28 One of _ students said, " _ professor is late today." a the/ A b the/ The c Ø/ A d a/ Ø 29... c No information 37 A computer can design and build other ones a True b False c No information 38 Computers will have instincts to fight as human beings VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu

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