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Research about deviant behaviors at vinacafe (vietnam)

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MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM  RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) RESEARCH ABOUT DEVIANT BEHAVIORS AT VINACAFE (VIETNAM) STUDENT’S FULL NAME : VO THI THANH TAM STUDENT ID : CGS00019371 INTAKE : MARCH 2015 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : DR KHAI NGUYEN Ho Chi Minh City, July 2016 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT ADVISOR’S SIGNATURE (July 2016) NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) Page Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABSTRACT PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Introduction VINACAFE The formation and development of the Corporation Vietnam Coffee Enterprises participating in supply - Export Capacity Analysis coffee export business of VINACAFE 10 Organization structure and corporate culture 11 Mix organizational structure 11 Corporate culture 11 Research problem statement 13 Research objectives 13 Research scope 14 Significance of research 14 PART TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 15 Definition of Constructs 15 Deviant Behaviors 15 Job Overload 16 Frustration With Work 17 Role Conflict and Ambiguity 20 Work - Family Conflict 21 Hypotheses 24 PART THREE: METHODS 26 Data collection 26 Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Design template scale 26 Data collection progress 37 Data analysis 37 PART FOUR: RESULTS 38 Cronbach’s Alpha 38 Cronbach’s Alpha standard applied 38 Cronbach’s Alpha of constructs 38 Statistics information 40 Descriptive statistics 40 Correlation statistics 40 Hypotheses testing 41 Hypothesis proposed (H1) 42 Hypothesis proposed (H2) 42 Hypothesis proposed (H3) 43 Hypothesis proposed (H4) 43 PART FIVE: CONCLUSIONS 44 REFERENCES 46 SURVEY 49 PRESENTATION 54 Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS LIST OF TABLE (Figure 1: Chart of the orgnization of VINACAFE) 11 (Figure Research model) 25 (Table 1: Deviant Behaviors) 28 (Table 2: Job Overload) 30 (Table 3: Frustratio With Work) 31 (Table 4: Rolr Conflict and Ambiguity) 34 (Table 5: Work-Family Conflict) 36 (Table 6: Time table for data collection progress) 37 (Table 7: Cronbach’s Alpha - Internal Consistency) 38 (Table 8: Cronbach’s Alpha of Deviant Behaviors) 38 (Table 9: Cronbach’s Alpha of Job Overload) 39 (Table 10: Cronbach’s Alpha of Frustration With Work) 39 (Table 11: Cronbach’s Alpha of Role Conflict and Ambiguity) 39 (Table 12: Cronbach’s Alpha of Work-Family Conflict) 40 (Table 13: Descriptive statistics) 40 (Table 14: Correlation statistics) 41 (Table 15: Model Summary) 42 (Table 16: Coefficients) 42 Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by my lecturer is Mr Khai Nguyen who offers many valid comments Thank you so much to employees of VINACAFE, they are offer valid information help me to complete this study And the last, I am grateful to my family, colleagues, and my friends who stand side by side and supported me a lot Vo Thi Thanh Tam student Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS ABSTRACT This purpose of this research is way to find the factors influence to Deviant Behaviors of employees working at VINACAFE This research project will use Business Research Methods to determine Deviant Behaviors and what other main factors that it influence job satisfaction And this research also was conducted by quantitative method with source data is surveys that it issued by offline to 500 employees of VINACAFE to collect the ideas and comments of employees about deviant behaviors Next, the result of these surveys shall be statistically analyzed by software SPSS version 22 (copyright of IBM) Hypotheses used this research includes five constructs: one dependent construct (Deviant Behaviors) and four independent constructs (Job Overload, Frustration With Work, Role Conflict and Ambiguity, Work-Family Conflict ) I hope results of this research will help the CEO; managers of VINACAFE have some reference angle in human resource management to improve and increase our quality resource based on deviant behaviors of employees as well as you should have perception clearly that deviant behaviors of employees will impact to working effective, ability of competitiveness of the company on real market Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Introduction VINACAFE The formation and development of the Corporation Vietnam Coffee Coffee Corporation Vietnam international transaction name is VIETNAM NATIONAL COFFEE CORPORATION (abbreviated as VINACAFE) was established under Decision No 251 / TTg dated 29/04/1995 of the Prime Minister and operates on the the regulations issued with Decision No 44-CP dated 15/07/1995 of the Prime Minister VINACAFE predecessor of the Union of Vietnam coffee factory, founded on 10.13.1982 by Decision 174 / HĐBT of President of the Council of Ministers (now the Prime Minister) VINACAFE has about 37,000 hectares of land in the Central Highlands coffee growers Of the 57 members, there are 40 units VINACAFE agricultural production, with units of large import-export business, processing factories high quality coffee beans processing plant and instant coffee Large best of Vietnam - VINACAFE 'Bien Hoa Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Enterprises participating in supply - Export Most of the units in operation in the field VINACAFE coffee are coffee suppliers Either grow supply or collected from other growers to supply on the market or supply to the units in VINACAFE The wholesale purchase and export coffee VINACAFE: - Vinacafé Bien Hoa Joint Stock Co - THE HANDS NGUYEN COFFEE INVESTMENT IMPORT - EXPORT JOINT STOCK - Company Material Supply Coffee Processing Export (Macopex) - Coffee Company Iasao Lines of business Vinacafe include: Investments, investment management and direct production, sales in the lines, key areas are: - Cultivation, production and business Coffee, cocoa, rubber, pepper, cashew, sugarcane, tea, food plants and other industrial plants; forestry, mining and forestry, forest products and related services; rearing, fishing, marine and related services - Investment in the industrial processing of agricultural products: Coffee, tea, rubber, cocoa, pepper, sugar, honey - Production and trading of fertilizers and materials, consumer goods for production and daily life - Animal breeding, production and processing of animal feed, food processing - Construction of traffic works, irrigation, reclamation, management, use and exploitation of irrigation and hydropower - Training and technology transfer related to the cultivation, production and processing of coffee and other agricultural goods, forestry and aquatic products; consultancy, providing labor exports Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS - Investments in equity of subsidiaries, joint-stock companies, limited liability companies and other companies operating under the provisions of law Purpose, mission and strategy Enhancing the standards of food safety Hold 1st place in Vietnam in the coffee industry and successful participation in the new sectors Vinacafe brand will be widely available in key markets abroad as the US, ASEAN, North-East Asia, China and Eastern Europe The main task of the Corporation VINACAFE is nuclear ensure agricultural production, mainly on seeds Capacity Analysis coffee export business of VINACAFE Human Resources Total workforce: 21,900 people, including: - Public employee social insurance contributions: 15 160 people - Workers venture, links social insurance contributions: 4,040 people - Workers seasonal labor contracts: 2,700 - Workers contracted orchards contract: 15 714 people - Ethnic Labor (workers and seasonal contracts): 2,900 people Overall, industry forces abundant number of experienced, skilled, love the industry, working interest In particular, the direct business staff is experienced, enthusiastic and high professional level However the number of skilled workers is still very low, so this is not a favorable thing for VINACAFE Manage Despite the many changes in the organization Each time the management level is raised, staff rejuvenation Especially since the decision to establish operations VINACAFE its charter was issued However, before the period of Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 10 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS PART FIVE: CONCLUSIONS This research conducted to analyze the levels of the relationship and influence to Deviant Behavior by four hypotheses: Job Overload, Frustration With Work, Role Conflict and Ambiguity, Work - Family Conflict of employees at VINACAFE We can see four hypotheses on the factors have a positive relationship to the deviant behavior workplace The impact of environmental and working conditions in the workplace have a significant impact on the perception, the psychology of the employee The condition of facilities and equipment, such as office always daily direct impact to public servants If the physical conditions is not guaranteed, to overtime and work overload, the officials just hard to complete the task, has formed depression, less enthusiasm, affecting religion moral duty Democracy, transparency and publicity in activity at work also have an impact directly and deeply to public service ethics of civil servants If the agencies, all activities are not public, transparency, democracy is not respected, it will create conditions for frustrated employees to work and lose confidence in the organization Level of consciousness roles and responsibilities in work decisions attitudes and behavior of a person in the workplace If an employee is ambiguous about his role in the organization they will easily make mistakes or the behaviors damaging to the organization Family is where renewable energy for civil servants workers after work at the agency Psychological, emotional, behavior of each member of the family has always had a profound impact on ethics and the implementation of the official duties In the family, the members have a sense of responsibility, there is an attitude of respect, love and help each other, it will give the public employees are members of the family that a clear moral, foundation solidity of public service ethics Besides, the family is also the birthplace and training the workforce should offer society Therefore, if the family grew up in a decent, civilized lifestyle with Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 44 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS the public servants who will inherit a healthy lifestyle, goals, are the foundation for the formation and strengthening of the civil service ethics themselves Family is where renewable labor for employees after work at the agency An employee must complete the job just has to take full responsibility of a family member is not an easy task If we can not fit in the role in two places that are very negative thoughts can lead to making inappropriate behavior ethical standards Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 45 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS REFERENCES Alexandros-Stamatios G A., 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(ID19371) Page 48 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS SURVEY Dear Mr / Ms, My name is Vo Thị Thanh Tam I’m a student of MBA Collaboration Program at Open University Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology I am conducting the research for my thesis My research thesis is about: DEVIANT BEHAVIOR AT VINACAFE Hope you take a few moments to answer the following questions All your information will be kept strictly confidential If you need any information related to this questionnaire, would you please call me at my mobile number 84.976014545 or contact with me through my email at sjk8590@gmail.com Thank you very much! Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 49 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS I : JOB OVERLOAD Below there are five levels 1-5 respectively Please or circle corresponding to your level = Rarely, = Occasionally, = Sometime, = Fairly often, = Very often QUESTION 1.How often does your job require you to work very fast How often does your job require you to work very hard How often does your job leave you with little time to get things done How much slowdown in the workload you experience 5 How much time you have to think and contemplate How much workload you have What quantity of work others expect you to How much time you have to your work How many projects, assignments, or tasks you have 10 How many lulls between heavy workload periods you have II : FRUSTRATION WITH WORK Below there are five levels 1-5 respectively Please circle corresponding to your level = Strongly disagree and = Strongly agree Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 50 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS QUESTION Trying to get this job done was a very frustrating experience 5 Being frustrated comes with this job Overall, I wasn't experienced very little frustration on this job III : ROLE CONFLICT AND AMBIUITY Below there are five levels 1-5 respectively Please circle corresponding to your level = Strongly disagree and = Strongly agree QUESTION Role ambiguity items My authority not matches the responsibilities assigned to me I don’t know what is expected of me My responsibilities aren’t clearly defined I don’t feel certain about how much authority I have 5 I don’t know what my responsibilities are I haven’t clear planned goals and objectives for my job The planned goals and objectives are not clear I don’t know how I will be evaluated for a raise or promotion I don’t know what is expected of me 10 Explanations aren’t clear of what has to be done 11 My boss don’t makes it clear how he will evaluate my performance Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 51 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS IV : WORK – FAMILY CONFLICT Below there are five levels 1-5 respectively Please circle corresponding to your level = Strongly disagree and = Strongly agree QUESTION 5 After work, I come home too tired to some of the 5 5 5 5 My work schedule often conflict with my family life things I’d like to On the job, I have so much work that it take away from my other interests My family dislike low often I am preoccupied with my work while I’m at home Because my work is demanding at times I am irritable at home The demands of my job make it difficult to be relaxed all the time at home My work take up time that I’d like to spend with my family My job makes it difficult to be the kind of spouse or parent that I’d like to be V : DEVIENT BIHAVIOR Below there are five levels 1-5 respectively Please circle corresponding to your level = Never, = One to three times, = Four to ten times, = Eleven to twenty times, = more than twenty times Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 52 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS QUESTION Made an ethic, racial, or religious slur against a co- worker Swore at a co-worker Refused to talk to a co-worker Gossiped about my supervisor 5 Made an obscene comment or gesture at a co-worker Teased a co-worker on front of other employees Personal Information Gender  Male  Female Age  Under 24 years old  From 24 to 36 years old  From 36 to 45 years old  Above 45 years old Academic degree  High school  Colleges Degree  Bachelor Degree  Master Degree  Doctoral Degree Working seniority  Under years  From to years  From to years  Above years Working position  Direct employee  Office staff  Manager  Senior Manager  Supervisor/Team leader Sorry for taking your time Thank you very much! Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 53 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS PRESENTATION MBA COLLABORATION PROGRAM BETWEEN HUTECH AND OUM BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Nguyen The Khai (DBA) DEVIANT BEHAVIORS AT VINACAFE (VIETNAM) Student: Vo Thi Thanh Tam Class: MBAOUM0315-K17C Detailed contents include Research’s name Research model Scale of constructs Cronbach’s Alpha summary Hypotheses testing results Conclusions Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 54 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Coffee Corporation Vietnam international transaction name is VIETNAM NATIONAL COFFEE CORPORATION (abbreviated as VINACAFE) was established under Decision No 251 / TTg dated 29/04/1995 of the Prime Minister VINACAFE has about 37,000 hectares of land in the Central Highlands coffee growers Of the 57 members, there are 40 units VINACAFE agricultural production, with units of large import-export business, processing factories high quality coffee beans processing plant and instant coffee Large best of Vietnam - VINACAFE 'Bien Hoa Enterprises participating in supply – Export Research model Job Overload (+) Frustration with work (+) Role Conflict and Deviant Behaviors Ambiguity (+) Work-Family Conflict (+) Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 55 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Scale of constructs No Type Name Author Years Items Deviant Behaviors Aquino, Lewis, and Brafield 1999 Job Overload Caplan, Cobb, French, Van Harison, and Pinneau 1980 10 Dependent Variable (DV) Independent Variable (IV1) Independent Variable (IV2) Frustration With Work Peters, O’Connor, and Rudolf 1980 Independent Variable (IV3) Role Conflict and Ambiguity House, Schuler, and Levanoni 1983 Independent Variable (IV4) Work-Family conflict Kopelman, Greenhaus, and Connolly 1983 Cronbach’s Alpha summary No Type Variable / Construct Items Cronbach’s Alpha Reliable Deviant Behaviors (DB) 0.873 Good 10 Dependent Variable (DV) Independent Variable (IV1) Job Overload (JO) Independent Variable (IV2) Frustration With Work (FW) Independent Variable (IV3) Role Conflict and Ambiguity (RC) Independent Variable (IV4) Work-Family conflict (FC) Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) 0.890 0.826 0.861 0.900 Good Good Good Very Good Page 56 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Hypotheses testing results No Type Variable / Construct (IV1), (H+) Job Overload (JO) (IV2), (H+) Frustration With Work (FW) (IV3), (H+) Role Conflict and Ambiguity (RC) (IV4), (H+) Work-Family conflict (FC) R square Beta Sig Assessment 587 106 000 Support 587 373 000 Support 587 258 000 Support 587 170 000 Support Conclusions Can see four hypotheses Job Overload, Frustration With Work, Role Conflict and Ambiguity, Work-Family conflict is the factors have a positive relationship to the Deviant Behavior workplace The impact of environmental and working conditions in the workplace that affect cognition, psychology of the employee If the physical conditions is not guaranteed, to overtime and work overload, the employee just hard to complete the task, has formed depression, less enthusiasm, affecting religion moral duty If the organization, all activities are not public, transparency, democracy is not respected, it will create conditions for frustrated employees to work and lose confidence in the organization Level of consciousness roles and responsibilities in work decisions attitudes and behavior of a person in the workplace If an employee is ambiguous about his role in the organization they will easily make mistakes or the behaviors damaging to the organization An employee must complete the job and take full responsibility of a family member is not an easy task If we can not fulfill that role in two places, they conflict with each other, it will make us have negative thoughts can lead to deviant behavior Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 57 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Thank you for your attention! Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 58 [...]... Overload with Deviant Behaviors H2: There is a positive relationship between Frustration With Work with Deviant Behaviors H3: There is a positive relationship between Role Conflict and Ambiguity with Deviant Behaviors H4: There is a positive relationship between Work-Family Conflict with Deviant Behaviors Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 24 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Research model (Figure 2 Research model)... that has negative consequences for an individual or group of individuals within the organization, or the organization itself For human relations, such behaviors have negative consequences and are in some way motivated Our conceptualization of negative deviant behaviors recognizes that there is intention or awareness on the part of the individual exhibiting the behavior as to the potential ramifications... Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 25 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS PART THREE: METHODS Data collection Design template scale Deviant Behaviors Description This measure, developed by Aquino, Lewis, and Bradfield (1999), uses 14 items to describe two categories of deviant employee behaviors The two categories are interpersonal deviance and organizational deviance Interpersonal deviant behaviors inflict harm upon other... deviance correlated positively with organizational deviance and employee negative affect Interpersonal deviance correlated negatively with distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactive justice Organizational deviance also correlated positively with employee negative affect Organizational deviance correlated negatively with interactive justice (Aquino, Lewis, & Bradfield, 1999) Confirmatory factor... of the research was to have insights into the manufacturing firms which particularly faced negative deviant workplace behaviors The purpose of this study was to identify the causes and after effects of deviant workplace behaviors The research highlights the key deviant behaviors such as intentions to quit, dissatisfaction among the employees Aron and Bolin (2001) conducted a study of the relationship... them in relation to ethics in which specific organizations The study was measured by a question which was later circulated in reply The results of this study clearly shows that the deviant behavior makes sense in the organization so that steps must be taken to solve these problems Robinson and Bennett (1995) introduced a typology of deviant workplace behavior including the interpersonal aspect Deviant. .. increased privatization (Lewandowski, 1998; Rosenthal, 2000) managed care (Crotty, 1999; U.S GAO, 1998), and the projected budget problems currently being experienced in governments across the country (Eaton, 2002) Role conflict and ambiguity, that is, lack of clarity as to what is expected, appropriate, or effective behavior, may be brought about by lack of communication about job expectation and roles,... workplace Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 13 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS Find out the appropriate solutions to improve the outstanding issues in order to overcome the deviant behavior Research scope The scope of research is for the entire employees at VINACAFE, includes: General Director, Vice General Directors, managers, subordinate and employees working at VINACAFE; it does not include: Chairman, Board of... can find out what measures and appropriate policies to reduce the stress of employees at work Thereby to enhance the sense of responsibility and loyalty of employees to organize Vo Thi Thanh Tam (ID19371) Page 14 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS PART TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Definition of Constructs Deviant Behaviors Muafi (2003) conducted a research on the causes and effects of deviant workplace behaviors The... behavior between Job overload,Frustration with work,Role conflict and ambiguity, work - family conflict in VINACAFE Research objectives This purpose of this research is to find the way to the deviant behaviors Factors Influence in VINACAFE: To find out the reasons for employees to feel stress and dissatisfaction with work Determining what factors actually affect the deviant behavior of employees in the ... determine Deviant Behaviors and what other main factors that it influence job satisfaction And this research also was conducted by quantitative method with source data is surveys that it issued... Introduction VINACAFE The formation and development of the Corporation Vietnam Coffee Coffee Corporation Vietnam international transaction name is VIETNAM NATIONAL COFFEE CORPORATION (abbreviated as VINACAFE) ... BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS ABSTRACT This purpose of this research is way to find the factors influence to Deviant Behaviors of employees working at VINACAFE This research project will use Business Research

Ngày đăng: 07/12/2016, 11:31