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Helping and voice behaviors at glaxosmithline vietnam

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MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM  RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) HELPING AND VOICE BEHAVIOR AT GLAXOSMITHLINE VIETNAM STUDENT’S FULL NAME : THAN THI VAN THI STUDENT ID : CGS00019384 INTAKE : MARCH 2015 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) JULY 2016 ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT ADVISOR’S SIGNATURE NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) Page /50 Business Research Methods ACKNOWLEDMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to lecturer NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) not only for the immense knowledge but also for his never ending passion of teaching, sharing and developing students I would also greatly appreciate the way he plays strictly teacher role in class which keep us always in fully concentrate and more responsibility with our study time, push his students at high level of effort to complete the thesis with quality Besides my advisor, I would like to thank the thesis tutor group: Ms Truc, Mr Hoanh, Ms Hang who spent their value weekend time to train us the technique of data analysis (SPSS), and sharing experience on common questions during conduct research My sincere thanks to Ms To – Class monitor – who is always keep us be reminded on timing, logistic arrangement, materials sharing Special thanks to my classmate, my close friend – Thai Nguyen – who shared the details notes for my absent class, and patience to explain all the magic of mathematics theories Student: Than Thi Van Thi Business Research Methods Page /50 Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to family for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis This accomplishment would not have been possible without them Thank you so much, Than Thi Van Thi Student: Than Thi Van Thi Page /50 Business Research Methods TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT GSK’s INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: OVERALL 14 1.1 Research objectives 1.2 Research scope 1.3 Research questions CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Relevancy Theories, related previous researches 15 2.3 Hypotheses 19 2.4 Research model 19 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Data collection 20 3.2 Progress of data collection 21 3.3 Data analysis processing flow 21 3.4 Designing template 22 Student: Than Thi Van Thi Business Research Methods 3.5 Page /50 Definition of constructs 3.5.1 Helping and Voice behavior 23 3.5.2 Organization Commitment (OC) 24 3.5.3 Supervisory Support (SS) 25 3.5.4 Empowerment at Work (EW) 26 3.5.5 Career Satisfaction (CS) 27 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS 4.1 Descriptive statistics 28 4.2 Reliability test - Cronbach’s Alpha 29 4.3 Correlation analysis 31 4.4 Hypothesis testing 33 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Study conclusions 35 5.2 Study limitations 36 5.4 Recommendations 37 REFERENCES & APPENDIX References 38 Student: Than Thi Van Thi Business Research Methods Page /50 Questionnaire 39 Presentation 45 Student: Than Thi Van Thi Business Research Methods Page /50 ABSTRACT consecutive years in top five of World Most Admired company by Fortune Magazine with less than 4% employee turnover – GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) pharmaceutical company shows its great and inspiring working environment where well appreciated with corporation, team work and helping and voice behavior among associate This research is designed to find the factors influence to the Helping and Voice Behavior at GSK Representative office Vietnam It will use Business Research Methods – applied the quantitative method with source data is from 510 employees of GSK representative VN office and dedicated distributors associates to collect the ideas and comments of employees about Helping and Voice behavior The survey’s result was collected and statistically analyzed from 270 qualified survey completed by software SPSS version 20 (copyright of IBM) Hypotheses used this research includes five constructs: one dependent construct is Helping and Voice behavior and four independent constructs including: Organization Commitment, Supervisory Support, Empowerment at Work at Career Satisfaction After examining all hypotheses through correlation and regression analysis, the research concluded that H1, H2, H3 are supported while H4 is not supported In other words, it means these independent factors: Organization Commitment, Supervisory Support, Empowerment at Work have positive effects on Helping and Voice Behavior at GSK representative office (VN) Student: Than Thi Van Thi Business Research Methods Page /50 GSK’S INSTRODUCTION Who we are? GSK is a science-led global healthcare company that aims to deliver growth and improving returns to shareholders through the development of innovative pharmaceutical, vaccine and consumer healthcare products Our History: GlaxoSmithKline started operations on January 2001 following the merger of GlaxoWellcome plc and SmithKline Beecham plc, but our combined histories go back much further than that Student: Than Thi Van Thi Page /50 Business Research Methods 1830 JOHN K SMITH OPENS HIS FIRST DRUGSTORE 1830 JOHN K SMITH OPENS HIS FIRST DRUGSTORE IN P HILADELPHIA JOHN' S YOUNGER BROTHER , GEORGE, JOINS HIM IN 1841 TO FORM JOHN K SMITH & CO 1842 BEECHAM ’S P ILLS BRAND LAUNCHES (1942) THOMAS BEECHAM LAUNCHES THE BEECHAM 'S P ILLS BUSINESS IN ENGLAND THE LAXATIVE IS TO BECOME WIDELY SUCCESSFUL 1906 ‘GLAXO’ TRADEMARK IS REGISTERED 1963 – 1981 SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED NEW VACCINES , MEDICINES : BETNOVATE IN 1963(STEROID SKIN DISEASE TREATMENTS ), VENTOLIN IN 1969 (ASTHMA TREATMENT ); AMOXYCILLIN IN 1972 (ANTIBIOTIC); AUGMENTIN -1981 2000 P LANNED MERGER OF GLAXO WELLCOME AND SMITHKLINE BEECHAM IS ANNOUNCED ( TO G LAXOSMITHK LINE – GSK) 2009 STIEFEL ACQUIRED - VII V HEALTHCARE LAUNCHED GSK BECOMES A LEADER IN SKINCARE WITH THE ACQUISITION OF STIEFEL GSK AND P FIZER LAUNCH VII V HEALTHCARE, A COMPANY FOCUSED ON DELIVERING ADVANCES IN TREATMENT AND CARE FOR HIV COMMUNITIES 2012 We are an official supplier to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, providing laboratory services for official anti-doping measures Student: Than Thi Van Thi Page 37 /50 Business Research Methods H4: Career Satisfaction effects negatively to Helping and Voice behavior  Unstandardized Coefficient is -0.25: different sign with the hypotheses  P value (Sig.) is 0.000: less than 0.05  Conclusion: Hypothesis H4 is not supported Student: Than Thi Van Thi Page 38 /50 Business Research Methods CHAPTER 5: Conclusions & Recommendations Conclusions The purpose of this research is to find out and analyses the relationship and influence level of four factors: Organization Commitment, Supervisory Support, Empowerment at Work and Career Satisfaction into Helping and Voice Behavior at GSK Vietnam Representative Office After examining the hypothesizes, there are two main conclusions as follows: First: factors including: Organization commitment, Supervisory Support and Empowerment at Work are positive relation and influence to Helping and Voice behavior at GSK Among of these factors, Organization Commitment the strongest effect to Helping and Voice behavior with highest Beta (beta = 320) in total model This results are completely reasonable with reality at GSK pharmaceutical Vietnam as its culture to create the substantial growth as the first and the best FMCH (Fast Moving Consumer Health) company where not only provide the job but also commit a good long run career path for associates Here we provide the good opportunities for all to build capability and develop individual, team with model: 70% from work learning – 20% from line manager coaching -10% from outside training GSK’s associates are not only limit to build career in local but also variety of chance to work in other countries (Exchange talent program, Future leader…….) As a result, from many research from Student: Than Thi Van Thi Page 39 /50 Business Research Methods working employees, the very low level of employee risk retention and turnover rate ([...]... Empowerment at Work and Career Satisfaction into Helping and Voice Behavior at GSK Vietnam Representative office Therefore, I would propose four hypotheses (H) as below:  H1: There is a positive relationship between Organization Commitment and Helping & Voice behavior  H2: There is a positive relationship between Supervisory Support and Helping & Voice Behavior  H3: There is a positive relationship... Helping and Voice behavior at GSK Pharmaceutical Representative office  Design research model and test related factors to check influence between factors to access strong or weak level of each factor in influence to Helping and Voice behavior  Discussing and proposing recommendations to strengthen and replication Helping and Voice behavior in maximize scale to improve the quality of working life and productivity... corporation, team work, helping and voice behavior among associates Although the great feedbacks from employees thanks for open, sharing behaviors at work place and helping attitude – it’s somehow still spontaneous actions only Therefore, Management Board, especially leading team of Human resource would like to study the factors which influence to Helping and Voice behavior in Representative VN office and. .. that I work for What this organization stands for is important to me I work for an organization that is competent and able to accomplish its mission I feel a strong sense of belonging in this organization I feel like "part of family" at this organization The people I work for are caring about what happens to me This organization appreciates my accomplishments on the job This organization does all that... GSK Representative Office Viet Nam Student: Than Thi Van Thi Business Research Methods Page 25 /50 3.5 Definition of Constructs 3.5.1 Helping and Voice behavior : It was developed by Van Dyne and LePine (1998), uses 13 items to describe two job behaviors called helping and voice These two work behaviors are viewed as extra role behaviors in that they are actions that employees may undertake at their own... my assumption of empowerment at work (type of motivation), and supervisory support can have the positive impact to helping and voice behavior Contents The two-factor theory (also known as Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory and dual factor theory) states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction It was developed... employees (direct contract or third party contract from DKSH - dedicated distributor) within Vietnam s territory It was not included under probation maturity leave associates and top level of management managers Contents of this research are only including factors influencing to Helping and Voice behavior at GSK Vietnam Representative office and without any intention of re-structure, or employment movement…... 2: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is present the conceptually and literature review which were related to Helping and Voice behavior, as well as some reference previous researches which provided some conclusions/implications lead to my proposed hypothesis Reference Conclusions/ Implications from related previous Research: No Research Name Author & other Conclusions/Implications (*) 1 Helping and 1 Linn... Organization commitment (OC), Supervisory Support (SS), Empowerment at Work (EW) and Career Satisfaction (CS) on dependent variable Helping and Voice behavior are from 0.191 to 0.487, that indicates these four independent variables have positive relationship to dependent variable Highest correlation is between OC and HV, lowest correlation is between CS and HV Hypotheses testing – Linear Regression Analysis: Model... creative when their coworkers were helpful and supportive 3 Perceived organizational support for creativity also can play a positive role in channeling job dissatisfaction into creativity 4 5 6 Supervisory Power as an Influence in SupervisorSubordinate Relations 1 James M McFillen1 Marginal Mentoring: The Effects Of Type Of Mentor, Quality Of Relationship, And Program Design On Work And Career Attitudes ... which influence to Helping and Voice behavior in Representative VN office and apply the implication of the study to replicate with purpose to create great working place attract and maintain talents,... representative VN office and dedicated distributors associates to collect the ideas and comments of employees about Helping and Voice behavior The survey’s result was collected and statistically... Empowerment at Work and Career Satisfaction into Helping and Voice Behavior at GSK Vietnam Representative office Therefore, I would propose four hypotheses (H) as below:  H1: There is a positive relationship

Ngày đăng: 07/12/2016, 11:30
