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Trêng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt - «n thi tèt nghiÖp GV: Lª Anh Th TOPIC 6. ADVERBIAL CLAUSES. ( MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷.) I) Grammar. 1. Adverbial clause of time. * Conjunctions. + when, whenever, while, since, before, after, until, till, as, as long as, as soon as, once, .……… * Usage: It is used as an adverb of time. EX: - You may begin at 7 a.m. = You may begin whenever you are ready. => at 7 a.m: adverb of time : whenever you are ready : Adverbial clause of time + You may keep my book as long as you need it. + Once she makes up her mind, she never changes it. 2. Adverbial clause of place. * Conjunctions. + where, wherever, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere, …………… * Usage: It is used as an adverb of place. Example: - They sat down wherever they could find empty seats. - He goes everywhere she goes. 3. Adverbial clause of manner. * Conjunctions. + As if, as though, as (nh lµ, nh thÓ) * Example: - They treat him as if he were a king. - She always does as her husband tells her. - He left the room as though he were angry. 4. Adverbial clause of cause. * Conjunctions. + because, since, as, whereas, as/ so long as. * Example: - They had to move because their building was to be torn down. - As long as you are here, let’s have dinner. 5. Adverbial clause of purpose. * Conjunctions. + in order that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, ………… * Examples: - I shall explain it once more that ( so that, ) you may understand it well.… - They are working night and day in the hope that they can finish the building at the scheduled time. 6. Adverbial clause of result. * so + adj/adv + that = such + adj + uncount or plural count nouns + that such + a/ an + adj + singular count noun + that. * Example. - He gave me such good advice that I passed the test easily. - This is such an ugly chair that I am going to give it away. - The exercise is so difficult that I can’t do it. 7. Advebial clause of concession. * Conjunctions. + although, though, eventhough, even if, however, ………… * Example. - However hard he tries, he can’t do it. - She won’t marry him though she likes him. Page 1 of 5 Trêng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt - «n thi tèt nghiÖp GV: Lª Anh Th - Even though she disliked the movies, she went with her husband to please him. 8. Adverbial clause of comparison. * Conjunctions. + as, than, less, ……………… * Example. - He speaks English better than she does. - The new machine is less expensive than the old one.( was) 9. Adverbial clause of condition. * Conjunctions. + if, even if, unless, whatever, …………… * Example. - Whatever you say I shall not change my mind. - You won’t pass the exam unless you work harder. II) Exercises. Page 2 of 5 Trờng THPT Nguyễn Thiện Thuật - ôn thi tốt nghiệp GV: Lê Anh Th Exercises Exercise1. Điền vào chỗ trống bằng những từ nối thích hợp. 1. I will come and see you I leave for Moscow. 2. He will tell you .you get home. 3. I cant express my opinion I know the fact. 4. I shall speak to her I get a change. 5. we started very early we should miss the train. 6. I shall not help you you can easily do it yourshelf. 7. He is not such a good player I thought. 8. They ran as fast their legs could carry them. 9. He will stay here .you come. 10. he tried hard, he was not successful. 11. He worked late lastnight he might be free to go away tomorrow. 12. They climbed higher they might get a better view. 13. I will not make any noise I should disturb you. 14. hard he tries, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 15. We shall come and see you we have a holiday. 16. Put those books back immediately they belong. 17. You can count on him to do the job exactly .you want it done. 18. We couldnt play the match it rained hard. 19. .it rained hard we played the match. 20. This room is small we cant all get in. 21. you had left earlier you would have caught the train. 22. The road seems longer I thought. 23. He was so stupid he could not pass his examination. 24. I shant go he asks me. Exercise 2. hoàn thành các câu sau dùng: although, in spite of, because, because of. 1. She went to bed early .she was feeling tired. 2. They went to school the next day they were still feeling tired. 3. They only accepted the job the high salary. 4. She accepted the job the low salary. 5. The old woman managed to get to sleep there was a lot of noise. 6. The old woman couldnt get to sleep the noise. Exercise 3. Gạch chân cụm từ đúng. 1. Her new blouse is still dirty even though/ even if she has washed it ten times. 2. She drinks water from the rice paddy field even though/ even if she knows it is dirty. 3. They will go ahead with their project even though/ even if their partners pull out. 4. Her friend enjoys going to disco even though/ even if he dousnt like dancing. 5. Even though/ Even if the house was in perfect condition, it would still be impossible to use it. Exercise 4. Viết lại các câu sau với nghĩa không đổi. Sử dụng từ đã cho trong ngoặc. 1. He couldnt sleep although he was very tired. ( in spite of) 2. Although hes got a Vietnamese name, hes in fact a Cambodia.( despite) 3. In spite of her injured feet, she managed to get home before dark. ( although) 4. He decided to get the job although the salary was low. ( in spite of) 5. In spite of not having eaten for three days, he didnt feel hungry. ( even though) 6. They lost the match, although they were a better team. ( despite) 11 - 24. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence. 11. The organization . food to the earthquake victims. A. supplied B. distributed C. delivered D. All are correct. Page 3 of 5 Trêng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt - «n thi tèt nghiÖp GV: Lª Anh Th 12. He took up the work . enthusiasm: A. in B. with. C. about D. on 13. Because his argument was so confusing……………. people understood it. A. many B. clever C. less D. few 14. . interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it. A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. If I am 15. She's : at making cheap but stylish clothes. A. expert B. good C. clever D. All are correct. 16. They are all expert …………….this field. A. in B. over C. at D. into 17. They made . to the bus service. A. progress B. improvements C. effort D. trial 18. If I…………… the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as you have. A. have B. would have C. had had D. should have 19. I .: . you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital. A. would have visited. B. visited C. had visited D. visit 20. more help, I could call my neighbor. A. Needed B. Should I need C. I have needed D. I should need 21. lf I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Mexico. A. would spend B. would have spent C. had spent D. wills spend 22. It would have been a much move serious accident . fast at the time. A. had she been driving B. was she diving C. she had driven D. she drove 23. "Can I borrow your car for this evening?" "Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she ………… it back in time, you’re welcome to borrow.” A. brought B. would bring C. will bring D. brings 24. I didn’t get home until well after midnight last night. Otherwise, I…………… your call A. returned B. had returned . C. would D. would have returned 26 – 29. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 26. The house painted more than three years ago, but I’m not going to have it done again for a while. A B C D 27. If the question were not so difficult. I will be able to answer it. A B C D 28. If I were you, I didn’t buy that old building A B C D 29. I get a bad mark. I wish I did my homework last night. A B C D Page 4 of 5 Trêng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt - «n thi tèt nghiÖp GV: Lª Anh Th Page 5 of 5

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2013, 01:26

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