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Exercises for unit 12. chi ha

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  • English test for Unit 11 – Paper 2

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Exercises for unit 12- To- infinitive I Match the sentences in the appropriate way and then write two sentences as one using to- infinitive Trees were planted along a He wants to look smart the streets b This was done to reduce the traffic I swept the broken glass off noise the path c She wants to finance her studies He bought a truck d I wanted to hear the football results Laura went to the bank e I wanted to report that my car had The staff are working at been stolen weekend f They want complete the project in Tom turned on the radio time Just this one Mike is going g We wanted to buy some fruit to wear a suit h He did this to carry out his business Jessica is borrowing some i She wanted to cash a cheque money j I wanted to prevent an accident We went to the market 10 I phoned to the police station II Complete the sentence with a suitable verb in the list ,using to-infinitive or in order / so as (not) + to –infinitive: admire, reduce, cut, find, remember, listen, lose, make, miss, take, protect, wake up, complete, be, avoid I am going on a diet……………weight The President has a team of bodyguard……………him Mike hid behind the tree…………by his friends We took off our boots…… the floor dirty We wrote Betty’s name on the calendar…… her birthday The government took these measures……… crime The staff are working at weekends….the project in time She gave up her job……………care of her mother I shut the door quietly…….the baby 10 He turned on the radio……… to the news 11 She took a bus ………….late 12 After dinner we drove to the top of a hill outside the city……the sunset 13 leave early… the bus 14 I carried the knife carefully…….myself 15 We wet to the countryside ….being disturbed by the noise of the city III Choose the correct alternative The school boys are in a hurry not to/ in order to not miss their school bus They were talking in whispers so that/ so as nobody could hear them My mother needs a tin opener to open/ for opening the bottles Advice is given in order that/ in order to students can choose the best course You may put your money in a small coin bank so that/ in order to keep it safe We wrote Kate’s name on the calendar so as not to/ so that not forget her birthday She stayed at work late in order to / so that she could complete the report I need some new clothes I haven’t got anything nice to wear/ in order to wear The new paint is excellent to cover/ for covering walls with cracks in 10 Trees are being planted by the roadside so as to reduce / in order that reducing traffic noise IV Make question s for underlined words / phrases in the following sentences Jackson will captain the team if Nick isn’t available My sister is a pianist I often listen to classical music to relax my mind The Bach concert lasted four hours We prefer pop music to classical music There were about 90 to 100 people at the concert last night I passed Mark’s house early in the morning The concert last night was great My English teacher is very tall and blond 10 My favorite musician is Trinh Cong Son 11 The opera was first performed in 1992 12 Music can help relax and feel rejuvenated 13 we take a holiday once a year 14 The concert are usually held at the university 15 I like classical music IV Phonetics A Choose the word that has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the other 1.a plays b reads c listens d stops 2.a music b classical c famous d slow 3.a because b busy c compose d measure 4.a city b ocean c musician d special 5.a sea b singer c sugar d said 6.a zone b waltz c zoo d frozen B Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others 1.a serious b music c relax d energy 2.a violin b serene c express d emotion 3.a favorite b exciting c solemn d wonderful 4.a composer b language c anthem d powerful 5.a imagine b communicate c joyfulness d delightful V Vocabulary and grammar … is traditional music from a particular country, region, or community a Blues b Classical music c Folk music d Jazz As a nurse I learned to control my… a hopes b emotions c abilities d thoughts He’s really delighted with his new CD player a pleased b angry c entertained d annoyed he usually had a smile on her face, but now she looks …… a cheerful b joyful c solemn d delightful We haven’t had any… with him for several years a communication b expression c excitement d entertainment When you are stressed out at work ,you should listen to something serene and relaxing a restful b quiet c gentle d sweet Vietnamese folk song are sweet , gentle and very lyrical a high quality b tuneful c prosaic d emotional The staff working at weekend … delay the project any further a so that too not b not to c so as not to d for not The soft background music made her….sleepy a feel b to feel c feeling d feels 10 ‘let’s go to the Riverton this weekend.” “ Sounds like fun … from here? a How far is b How far it isc It’s how far d How far is it 11 ‘ Did the teacher explain how… this problem?” a we solve b can we solve c to solve d solve 12 That book is bout a famous anthropologist It’s about the people in Samoa… for two years a that she lived b that she lived among them c among whom she lived d where she lived among them 13 Would you please remember away all the tapes when you’re finished listening to them? a putting b put c to putd be put 14 I was enjoying my book, but I stopped…a program on TV a reading to watch b to read to watch c to read for watching d reading fro watching 15 ….to music is a great way to relax a To listen b listening c listen d listened 16 I’ll post the card today… thee on my mother’s birthday a., to get it b in order to get it c so as it gets d so that it gets 17 Maria is going to stop…dinner so she may be late a eating b to eat c for eating d eat 18 This heater is….the plants warm in winter a keeping b for keeping c keep d in order keep 19 Do you know ….? I myself have no idea a how many years the earth is b how old the earth is c how long is the earth d how much time has been the earth 20 I bought this new software………Chinese a to learn b for learning c learn d learned 21 Money is also used….value a to count b to pay c to measure d to add 22 I am writing …….about the service I got at your hotel a to speak b to explain c to think d to complain 23 About… were you talking when I met you yesterday?- My new teacher a which b what c whom d who 24 … pen is so colorful? It’s mine a Who b Whose c Whom d What 25 Music can express one’s anger, love, hate and…… a friends b friendness c friendships d friendship VI Reading comprehension A Choose the best option to fill in the blank Everyone loves music, it seems And there’s little reason to wonder why There is so much music (1) from which to choose , and there is a category of music to appeal to every (2) The major group of music are divided broadly (3) classical, popular, and jazz Within these broad groups are many other subcategories For example, (4) disparate types of music as movie sound tracks, rhythm and blue, rock, and rap all fit within category of popular music Another reason that music is so (5) is the variety of settings in which one can enjoy his or her (6) kind of music You can go to the church to hear great religious music, or to the concert hall to hear a well- known classical (7) On another right, you might go to the small club to listen to an up- and-coming jazz group (8) you enjoy a drink A few nights later, you might go with some friends to join thousands of other people in a (9) to hear your favorite rock band play in your city on a world tour And, back at your house or apartment, you can (10) while you put in a tape or CD and listen to your favorite artists again and again in your own house 1.a convenient b available c accessible d required 2.a want b desire c interest d taste 3.a on b in c into d up 4.a so b some c any d such 5.a familiar b popular c famous d cheerful 6.a favorite b best c ideal d selected 7.a music b symphony c ballad d category 8.a during b where c while d which 9.a stadium b theater c stage d discotheque 10a prefer b appeal c relax d interest B Lovers of music who are a little rusty when it comes to history shouldn’t miss forthcoming issues of this magazine In our most ambitious series of articles (1) date, we aim to span the history of western music in (2) entirely Obviously, (3) the lack of space at our disposal , we can not be totally comprehensive (4) we feel we have a (5) than adequate overview of the socio-cultural context If you are already feeling (6) off by the prospect of a rather dry history lesson, then I must stress how unlike a lesson these articles will be (7) the extent to which you might be familiar (8) the historical background, you must read these articles for the insight they give (9) the music itself In (10) to this, the series will represent a guide for readers whose aim is to build an essential music collection 1.a with b to c at d on 2.a her b his c it’s d it’s 3.a giving b getting c offering d receiving 4.a when b if c but d or 5.a more b less c least d most 6.a get b set c give d put 7.a Although b Despite c Even d But 8a to b toward c with d of 9a up b off c into d on 10a case b according c spite d addition C Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer Music is a very important of our lives Music is for dancing, drinking, eating, loving and thinking Some songs remind us of our childhood or youth Others remind us of the people we love Many important occasions , like weddings and funerals have special music Every nation has a national song like the American “ The Star- Spangled Banner” In the U.S, high school and colleges have school songs , too Music is a part of the history of America It expresses the problems and feelings of its people As the years pass, the music grows and changes Modern science has also changed music Inventions like records, radio, movies, electric instruments, tape recorders and video have changed the way we play and listen to music They have helped to make music an important form of international communication American music, from the earliest folk songs to modern “ pop” , is known around the world Music is one of America’s most important exports It brings the people of the world together Even when people can not understand the same language, they can share the same music Many people learn and practice English by singing songs Understanding American music can help you understand American people, their history and culture What is true about “ The Star- Spangled Banner”? a it is played in weddings b it is liked by every nation c it is the US national song d it is one of the American school songs 2.a According to the passage, music is changed thanks to the invention of the following EXCEPT……………… a videos b electric instruments c tape recorders d international communication The word exports in the last paragraph is nearest in meaning to…… a things that can be bought b things that can be sold c things that can be enjoyedd things that can be changed What is the earliest form of music in America? a school music b national music c folk music d pop music What can be the best title for this article? a An introduction to American music b the development of American music c the history of American music d the future of American music VII Writing A Identify mistakes 1I often switch off the heating for saving money 2We gave Nick a map so that he will be able to find the way all right 3.Scott Joplin, a well-known African American piano player, was born in 1868 and had died in 1917 4.The caves of Altamira, which was discovered in northern Spain , contain interesting paintings by early cave dwellers In order to not miss her bus, Mellani was hurrying Insurance rates are not the same for different people because they are not likely have the same risk The government has had the ethnic minority settling down and provided them with land Many people have stopped to smoke because they are afraid that it may be bad for their health These trees need to water They look withered because of the lack of water 10 - Let's go out for a drink - I suggest staving at home and watch television 11 I never approve of work for a foreign boss 12 We would love to have an opportunity of meet you again 13 People want to conserve the environment, but they cannot help pollute it 14 The -veil from where we get water is nearly empty because of drought 15 It is very difficult for us to preventing forest fires during the drought 16 It is driving on the left what causes visitors to England the most trouble 17 It is very difficult for human beings fighting pollution 18 There are many people visit the Pyramids in Egypt every day 19 A football match begins with the ball being kicked forwards a spot in a centre of the field English test for Unit 11 – Paper I/ Give the correct verb forms 1/ I didn’t go into business with Sam If I …… , I successful ( do, become ) 2/ We got to the station just in time to catch the train If we it, we late for the meeting ( miss, be ) I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad It .quickest if I ( be, walk) It’s good that you’ve reminded me about Ann’s birthday I if you me ( forget, not remind) The view was wonderful I ( take) some photos if I ( bring) the camera Unfortunately, I didn’t have my address book with me when I was in New York I …… you a post card If I your address ( send, have ) Without your information, I at the airport for hours, yesterday ( be) The accident was your fault If you more carefully, I ( drive, happen) 10 If you me you needed money, I you ( tell, help) 11 I can’t understand what he sees in her ! I .angry if anyone me like that ( be, treat) 12 Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing And If he .a fish, he .it back ( catch/ throw) 13 I the money back, next week if you lend me ( pay, lend) 14 Something wrong with the engine again I ………it ages ago if I … you ( sell, be) 15 Everything to an end if the earth .moving( come, stop) 16 As a child he .( think) diamond was a glass 17 When I to work, this morning I by a boy( come, meet) 18 When I came , all the injured away ( take) 19 The sun when I up and by 10, it behind the clouds ( shine, get, disappear) 20.He …… a month ago and nothing …… from him sine then ( leave, hear) 21 Everyday , thousands of hectares for wood ( destroy) 22 Yesterday after dinner, John .to the movie In other words, he dinner by the time he .to the movie 23 Without TV, there …… ( be) no TVs, no radios 24 He …… to the job but it …… now ( promise, not finish) 25 You can’t believe a word he says He .lies ( always tell) III/ Sentence rewriting : 1, I didn’t have an umbrella with me so I got lost / If I didn’t come to see her because I didn’t know she was sick / If We didn’t go to the concert last night because of our business/ If We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money / If The foreigner spoke too fast for us to understand / If He runs too slowly to win the medal Without your help , I couldn’t have finished the report on time / If you You wouldn’t speak English well if you didn’t have more practice / Unless In the snowy weather we don’t go to school by bus/ If 10 You press the button to stop the machine / If you 11 They are building several school in the town / Several 12 No one has opened the boxes for hundreds of years/ The box 13 they were pulling down the old houses 14 Our house is being painted by a local firm / A local firm 15 You’d better not take the bus at the rush hour “ He told me / He said “ If 16.They will have to repair these shoes/ These shoes 17.He isn’t tall enough to join the army / If he ……………… VI Reading : A Cuc Phuong, the 1st national park in Viet nam, was 1…….opened in 1960 It 2…….60 kms south west of Hanoi spanning Ninh Binh Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa .Cuc Phuong National Park over 200 square kms of rainforest It attracts …… 5… tourists and scientists In 2002, nearly 100,000 visitors…….6 their way to Cuc Phuong Tourists come there to study butter flies, visits caves, hike mountains and look at the … 7… tree Many come to see the work… … to protect… 9… species According to the scientists, there are about 2,000 different species of 10 and 450 species of fauna in the park 1/ recently / probably/ specially/ officially 2/ locates/ located/ is located/ is locating 3/ provinces/ towns/ districts/ cities 4/ covers/ contains/ abandons / controls 5/ neither / either/ both/ every 6/ had/ made/ got/ lost 71,000 year –old/ 1,000 years old/ 1,000 old year / 1,000 years 8/ done / to be done / been done / being done 9/ dangerous/ wild/ rare/ endangered 10/ trees/ flora/ vegetation/ flowers B These days it is -1 to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are -2 -to the environment The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad What can each of us ? We cannot (3) our polluted rivers and seas overnight Nor can we (4) the disappearance of plants and animals But we can stop adding (5) the problem while scientists search for answers, andlaws are (6) -in nature's defense It may not be easy to change your lifestyle completely, but some steps are easy to (7) -: cut down the amount of driving you or use as little plastic as possible It is also easy to save energy (8) also reduces household b i l l s We must all (9) -personal decision to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better (10) -for our grandchildren A impossible B unable C unnecessary D unlikely A making B having C Doing D taking A clean up B clean out C clean from D clean down A put an end to B stop C eliminate D abandon A up B to C on D and A laid B given C put D passed A mind B have C make D take A this B that C which D it A come B arrive C make D give 10 A world B region C area D land ... nearest in meaning to…… a things that can be bought b things that can be sold c things that can be enjoyedd things that can be changed What is the earliest form of music in America? a school... and changes Modern science has also changed music Inventions like records, radio, movies, electric instruments, tape recorders and video have changed the way we play and listen to music They have... not the same for different people because they are not likely have the same risk The government has had the ethnic minority settling down and provided them with land Many people have stopped

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2016, 13:05


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