Would you like to continue doing that work in the future?. Which do you think is more important, the work you are doing or the people you work with?. Would you say it's a good place for
1 Your Work or Your Studies
Do you work or are you a student?
Your Work
What work do you do?
Why did you choose to do that type of work ?
What points attracted to that work ?
What do you do in that job?
What are your responsibilities at work?
Is your work the same as what you imagined it would be before you started this job?
Is your work the same as what you imagined it would be when you chose this type of job?
Is that a popular job in your country?
What would you say is the most interesting part of your work?
How do you do your work?
What do you do in a typical day at work?
Is your work difficult?
Is your work easy to do?
Do you enjoy your work?
What's the most enjoyable part of your work?
Do you prefer to work alone or work in a group ?
Do you prefer to work in the mornings or in the afternoons?
When do you think you work more efficiently, in the mornings or in the afternoons?
Do you plan to continue doing that work in the future?
Would you like to continue doing that work in the future?
Would you prefer to continue doing the same job, or would you prefer to change your job?
Do you feel your work is interesting?
Do you think your work is important?
What would you say is the most important part of your job?
Do you think your work will be more important in the future?
Do you see any changes in your job in the future?
Do you think there will be future changes in your field of work?
Do you think your way of working or work culture will change in future?
Do you think your work pattern will change in the future?
Do you think your job will still be relevant in the future?
Trang 2Do you like the people you work with?
Does your job pay well?
Would you recommend it to others?
Which do you think is more important, the work you are doing or the people you work with?
Which do you enjoy more, the work you are doing or people you work with?
Do you feel your co-workers have confidence in you?
Do you feel comfortable in your job?
1b) Your Studies
What subject are you studying?
What subjects are you studying?
Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those
What points attracted you to that subject?
What have you learned from that subject?
Do you like XXX ?
What's the most enjoyable part of your studies?
What's your favourite subject?
What subject that you are studying is the most enjoyable for you?
What's the most interesting thing about your subject?
Is your subject the same as what you imagined it would be before you started studying it?
Is your subject the same as what you imagined it would be when you chose it?
Is it very difficult to study that?
Do you find them difficult to study?
Is that a very popular subject for university students in your country?
How do you study that subject?
What work are you planning to do after you finish your studies?
Do you have any future plans involving your subject ?
What work do you plan to do after you finish your education?
What are your future career plans?
What kind of work are you planning to do in the future?
Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
Do you study better in the mornings or in the afternoons?
Do you prefer to study in the daytime or in the evenings?
Do you prefer to study in a group, or study alone?
Do you attend classes every day?
What are the differences between liberal arts students and science students?
Trang 3What other subjects do you study?
Where are you studying?
When did you start studying ?
Which do you think is more important in the education process , the teacher or the students?
Which is more important for you at school, the teachers or the other students? Who gives you more help, your teachers or your classmates?
For you, where is the best place to study?
Do you get annoyed when people disturb your study?
2 Your Hometown
Where did you grow up?
Is that a big place or a small place?
Do you like your hometown?
What do you like most about your hometown?
Would you say your hometown is a good place to grow up?
Would you like to return to your hometown when you retire?
Would you like to live in the countryside?
Would you like to live in the countryside when you retire?
Would you like to live in the countryside when you are old?
Where are you living at the moment?
Where do your parents live?
Do you like living in _ ?
What are the good points and the bad points about living here/there?
Is there anything you dislike about it?
Has it changed much since you were a child?
Can you suggest how it could be improved?
Would you say it has good facilities?
Does it have good educational facilities?
Is the public transport system in your hometown convenient to use?
Would you say it's a good place for children to live?
Would you say it's a suitable place for young people to live?
Do you have many neighbours?
Do you know your neighbours very well?
Would you like to change the place where you live?
Where would you take a visitor to your hometown?
What would you show a visitor to your hometown?
What would you recommend a visitor to your hometown see and do?
Trang 43 Your Home
Do you live in a house, or a flat ?
Could you describe it a little?
What do you think are the advantages of living in a ?
Who do you live with?
Do you like your home?
Would you say your home is a comfortable place to live?
Which part of your home do you like best?
Which is your favourite room?
Would you like to change where you live?
Would you like to make any changes to your home?
Is there anything you would like to change about your home?
Do you feel your home could be improved in any way?
Would you like to move to a different home?
What sort of home would you like to live in, in the future?
Would you prefer to live in a big house or a small one?
What is the living environment like around your home?
Do you get along well with your neighbours?
What types of shops are available in your area?
Did you live in a house / flat when you were a child?
What type of place did you live in when you were a child?
Did you like the place you lived in as a child?
What are the differences between the place you live in now and the one you lived in as
a child?
Who do you live with?
Do you live with your family ?
Do you think it's good to live with one's family?
Do you enjoy living there?
What's the most enjoyable part of living there?
What are the differences between the place you live now and where you lived before? Did you like the place you lived in as a child?
Are there many shops near your home?
In the future, what type of home would you like to live in?
How long have you lived there?
Has your family always lived there?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
4 Bicycles
Do you know how to ride a bicycle?
Trang 5Do you like riding bicycles?
How often do you ride a bicycle?
What are the advantages of riding bicycles?
Is it convenient to ride a bike in your country?
Would you say it's safe to ride bicycles in your hometown?
Would you say it's safe for children to ride bicycles in your hometown?
Where are the safe places to ride a bicycle in your hometown?
Did you ride a bicycle when you were a child?
Do you think children should be taught cycling at school as an extra-curriculum subject?
In your country, are bicycles used more today than there were in the past?
Do you think it's important for children to learn how to ride a bicycle ?
What benefits do you think children get from riding a bicycle?
5 Computers and The Internet
How often do you use a computer?
What do you usually do on a computer?
In what ways do people use computers in your country?
Which websites do you most often visit?
How 'computer literate' are you?
Do you think it's important to learn to use a computer?
How much have computers changed your life?
Do you like using computers?
Would you like to learn more computer skills?
Is there any particular computer skill that you would like to learn?
Do you think there are any disadvantages computers?
6 Dancing
Do you like to dance?
Have you ever learned to dance?
Did you learn to dance when you were a child?
Would you have liked to attend dance classes when you were a child?
Why didn't you attend dance classes when you were a child?
When was the last time you danced?
What kind of dancing do people in your country like ?
When do people in your country dance?
Do people in your country dance during traditional festivals?
Do you think there are any benefits for young people to go dancing?
Do you appreciate dancing when other people do it?
Do you like watching other people dancing?
Trang 6Would you like to take dancing classes in the future?
7 Science
Do you like science?
Does / did your high school offer any science-related classes?
What science do you learn at school?
Did you enjoy your science classes at school?
What do you find most interesting about science?
What scientific fields are most popular in your country?
Is there anything about science that you don't like?
Do you like watching television programs about science?
Can you suggest why people like to watch science fiction programs? Are science museums very popular in your country?
Do people in your country often visit science museums?
Have you ever visited a science museum?
What future scientific developments do you think we will see?
Do you think science is important?
Is there any scientific topic that you would like to learn more about?
8 Parks
Do you like parks?
Are there many parks or public gardens near where you live?
Do people in your hometown like to go to a park?
Do you often go to a park?
How often do you go to a park?
What do you do when you go to a park ?
Do you do the same things in parks that you did when you were a child? Did you go to parks when you were a child more often than you do now? Will you continue to go to parks in the future?
What types of people go to parks?
Do you think parks and public gardens are important in a city?
What do you think are the advantages of walking in a park?
Does your home have a garden?
9 Your First School
What can you remember about your first school?
Can you describe your primary school?
Can you describe the first school you attended?
Did you like it?
Was it far from your home?
Trang 7How did you go to your primary school?
Do you remember the first day at your primary school?
Do you think that your primary school is special?
Would you say it was a good school?
If you could, how would you change your primary school?
If you could, what's one thing you would change about your primary school?
10 Shopping
When do you usually go shopping?
Where do you usually go shopping?
When did you last go shopping?
Do you ever buy things you see on television?
What time of day do you prefer to go shopping?
Do you prefer to buy things in big shops, or in small shops?
Is there any kind of shopping that you don’t like?
Do you prefer to go shopping alone, or with friends?
11 Hand-Made Things
In your country, what sorts of things are made by hand?
Are these things very popular?
Did you make anything by hand when you were a child?
Did that have any influence on your future?
Do you think schools should teach handicrafts to school children?
What benefits do you think children gain from making things by hand?
What are the advantages of doing handicrafts?
in the future?
Is there anything that you would like to learn to make by hand?
12 Transportation
What forms of transport are there in your hometown ?
Is transport convenient near you home?
Which do you prefer to use , a bus or a taxi?
Which is more convenient to use where you live, a bus or a taxi?
How often do you take a bus?
Are buses convenient to use where you live?
Do you think it's important to have public transport available?
What form of transport do you prefer for long-distance trips?
Have you ever taken a long bus trip?
13 Evenings
Trang 8What do you usually do in the evenings?
Do you often go out with your friends in the evening?
Do you prefer to go out, or stay at home in your spare time?
Is there anything you don't like to do in the evenings?
What do you usually do before you go to bed?
Do you usually do the same things on week nights and on weekend evenings?
What do you usually do on Saturday night?
What did you generally do in the evenings when you were a child?
14 Your Country
Do you like your country?
Please describe your country a little
Which part of your country do most people live in?
What part of your country are you from?
What do you like the most about your part of the country?
Have you visited other parts of your country?
What's your favourite part of your country?
How much do you feel that these places have changed over the past few decades? How much do you think your country will change in the future?
15 Music
What kinds of music do you like?
What kind of music did you like most when you were a child?
Is the music that you listen to now different to the music you listened to when you were
a child?
16 Your Family
Which is more important to you, your friends or your family?
Is the amount of time you spend with your family now the same as it was before?
17 Birthdays
Do you think birthdays are important?
How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Do you prefer to spend your birthday with your friends, or with your parents?
What did you do on your birthdays when you were a child?
What do kids in your country generally do on their birthdays?
18 Films
Do you like watching films?
What kind of films do you like the most?
Trang 9Do you like going to a cinema?
How often do you go to the cinema?
Do you like to watch adventure films?
Do you think children nowadays watch different films compared to the past? How do you think films might change in the future?
19 Outdoor Games
What was your favourite outdoor game when you were a child?
Did you play any outdoor games at school?
Would you like your child to play outdoor games?
outdoor games would you like your children to play?
20 Singing
Do you like singing?
Have you ever attended a singing class?
Have you learned to sing?
What songs did you sing when you were a child?
Would you say people in your country like to sing?
Do you have a favourite singer?
21 Flowers
Do you like flowers?
What kinds of flowers do you like the most?
When do people in your country normally give flowers to others?
When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
Are there any flowers that have special meaning to people in your country? Have you ever grown any flowers?
22 Sunny Days
Do you like sunny days?
Do you prefer sunny days or cloudy days?
Do you like going outside on sunny days?
What do you like to do on sunny days ?
What benefits can people get from sunshine?
What benefits can we get from the sun?
from sunshine? *
Would you like to go, as a tourist, to a place that has little sunshine?
Would you ever go, as a tourist, to a place that has little sunshine?
What do you do on sunny days at school?
Trang 1023 Newspapers & Magazines
Do you like reading magazines and newspapers?
Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?
What kinds of do you usually read?
What kinds of news do you find most interesting?
What parts of a newspaper do you prefer to read?
What parts of a newspaper do you read first?
What kinds of articles do you like to read?
Have you ever read a foreign newspaper ?
Do you ever read any newspapers or magazines in a foreign language?
Do you think reading magazines and newspapers in a foreign language is useful?
Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language?
24 Walking
Do you like walking?
Where do you usually walk?
Do / did you go to school or work on foot?
What do you think is the most suitable place for walking?
What would you say are the benefits of walking?
What do you think are the differences between young people walking, and elderly people?
25 Art
Do you like art?
What forms of art do you like?
Would you like to study art, or work in the arts?
Do you ever look at art in books?
26 Gifts
Do you often give gifts to people?
Do you prefer giving gifts or receiving gifts?
How do you choose what gifts to give?
On what occasions do people give gifts to others in your country?
Do you think that parents should give gifts to their children as a reward?
27 Hats
Do you often wear a hat?
What kinds of hats do you like to wear?
Are there any types of hats that you dislike wearing?