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Bộ đoán đề speaking IELTS part 3 winter 2016

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BỘ ĐỀ IELTS SPEAKING PART WINTER 2016 Tổng hợp Mysheo Everyday Decisions ● ● What are some of the typical, everyday decisions that people have to make? Besides your example from Part 2, what other difficult decisions are many people faced with at times in their lives? How to Make a Decision ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you prefer to shop at many different shops or just a few? Do you prefer to shop in big shops or in small ones? How you (or, people) decide which one to shop at? ? When buying clothes, you prefer to go to a shop with a wide selection of choices, or to a shop that has a small number of choices? How you (or, people) decide what clothes to wear? Can you explain what makes a decision a "difficult" decision? In general, you think it's easier to make a decision when you have few choices, or many choices? Do you think teachers should help students make decisions? What (sorts of) factors people consider when they make decisions? How​ can one choose what is the most important factor when making a decision? Can you suggest why people sometimes make a quick decision? (Unreported but possible question) How can someone know that they have made the right decision? * In the future, you think people will find it easier to make decisions than they today, or will they find it harder? Decisions Throughout Life What you think are the most important decisions that people have to make in their lifetimes? ● Do you think children and adults usually have the same decisions to make? ● (Similar to above) Do you think children and adults have the same choices in life? ● Who you think has a harder time making decisions, children or adults? ● (Similar to above) Do you think the decisions that children make are more difficult (for them) than the decisions that adults have to make? ● Do you think children should make their own decisions, or should they follow the advice of adults? ● (Similar to above) Do you think parents should make decisions for their children? ● What sorts of decisions young people have to make? ● Do you think parents can help young people decide what subject to study at university? ● What decisions about the future people have to make? ● What skills are necessary when making decisions? How can people improve their decision-making skills? How you think computers will change the way people make decisions? Do parents in your country allow their children to make important decisions about the future? Do you think that parents should make important decisions for the children? How can older people help young people make their own decisions wisely? What you think of the qualities of a good leader or a good decision-maker? Do you think it is important for parents to encourage the development of leadership abilities in their children? In what ways can parents encourage their children develop leadership abilities? Pollution in Your Country ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Besides your example from Part 2, what other examples of pollution are there in your hometown (or your country/ or around where you live)? What are the reasons for (or the sources of) these kinds of pollution? How suggest this problem should be tackled? In general, would you say there is more (rubbish and) pollution today than several decades ago? Do you think pollution near or alongside waterways is very important? Can you suggest why some people things such as throw rubbish into a lake? What can we to reduce pollution? Do you think we should start by educating the locals about protecting the environment? What should the government do? (Similar to above) How much you think government is responsible for doing something about pollution, and how much you think it is an individual responsibility for everyone? What would you say are the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the environment? What you think is the relationship between pollution and the economy? Is there any pollution problem (or, environmental problem) that is world-wide? Do you think the pollution situation in your country will change in the future? Do you think the pollution situation will get worse in the future, or better? Perceptions about Pollution ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In general, would you say that people in your country are concerned about the environment? Do you think different people have different perceptions about (or, of) pollution? (Similar to above) Do you think different people have a different understanding of the word, "pollution"? Can you explain why some people are concerned about pollution while others are not? Can you suggest why some people are not interested in (the topic of) protecting the environment? Why some people think they can nothing to protect the environment? Would you say that children and young people today are more aware of pollution than the older generations? Shopping ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you like shopping? (If you the test away from your home country) Is there much difference between shopping in your home country and in this country? What are some of the various ways that people buy things? Do you like shopping in shopping malls? Do you prefer to go shopping in shopping malls or in small shops around your home? Can you explain why so many people choose to their shopping in big shops such as big supermarkets and department stores? How does that compare with the ways people bought things in the past? How (or, where) most people in your country buy things? What would you say are the major differences between online shopping and shopping in typical shops? Can you explain why online shopping is so popular today? Why are goods online generally cheaper than those in typical shops? What would you if you were disappointed with something you had bought on the internet? What effect you think this is having (or, will have) on the typical shops that people used before the internet age? Do you think online shopping tends to make people lazy? Do you think online shopping will (eventually) replace shopping in real shops? How often people in your country go shopping? When people usually go shopping? Do you think people spend too much time on shopping? Would you say that, in general, people like shopping? Who usually enjoys shopping more, males or females? Who usually does more shopping, men or women? Do you know anyone who could be described as a "shopaholic"? Have you ever had a bad shopping experience? What you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using a credit card when buying things, as opposed to paying cash? The Quality and Price of Products ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Which is more important to you, the price of a product, or the quality? Do you think there is a relationship between the brand of a product and the quality of that product? Do you think expensive products are always high in quality? What makes a product a "high quality" product? Do you agree that companies have a responsibility to advise customers on the quality of the products they sell? How you (or, how can a person) compare prices? In your country, is bargaining very common when shopping? Why (or, when) some people bargain? Can you suggest why most Westerners don't like to bargain? ● ● ● ● Can you explain why some places have cheaper prices than other places? * How can (or, how do) people find out the lowest prices for goods (products)? (Similar to above) How can (or, how do) people ​buy​ the cheapest-priced goods (products)? Do people in your country ever buy second-hand good? (If yes, what?) Marketing ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Nowadays some people buy things they don’t need Can you suggest why that is? Why are some shopping centres in your country crowded? Why some people like to buy expensive things (= luxury products)? What you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of buying luxury products? Do you think marketing is important? How does marketing help? What types of marketing are there? Do you think all products need to be marketed (need marketing)? Generational Differences ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In your view, what is "an old person"? How you know when you are looking at an old person? For example, all old people have white hair? Do you think there an increasing proportion of old people in the population today, compared to the past, or a decreasing proportion? What would you say are the main differences between "young people" and "old people"? Do you think the media today is more focused on young people, or on old people? Do you think young people would have difficulty living with old people? Do you think young people and old people have difficulty communicating with each other? Do you think there is such a thing as, "the generation gap"? How is this generation gap formed? In what ways is the thinking of young people and that of old people different? Which group you think spends more money shopping, old people or young people? What sources of income old people in your country have? In general young people in your country respect old people? Do you think the young people and older people (or, old people) can learn anything (or, learn much) from each other? Do most old people know how to use modern electronic products? Can you suggest why many elderly people are not interested in learning how to use modern technology such as using the internet? What you think young people ​can learn from older people (or, old people)? What you think young people ​should learn from older people (or, old people)? Why young people sometimes ask older people about the past? Can you explain why young people ask older people for advice? The Lives of Elderly People Today ● ● ● What sorts of things old people like to with their time? (Similar to above) What sorts of ​leisure activities​ old people like to do? Do elderly men and elderly women like to the same things? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you think old people today different activities than old people did in the past? If you were an old person, what would you with your time? Do old people like to go on long trips? What sorts of outdoor activities old people like to do? Do they like to outdoor exercise (or sports)? Do they use any particular exercise equipment? Do they prefer to watch films at home, or in a cinema? How would you compare the lives of old people in your country with the lives of old people in other countries? Would you say that old people today have better lives (e.g better living conditions; happier lives) than old people had in the past? Do you think old people in the past were more optimistic than old people are today? In what ways you think the lives of old people today could be improved? How you think young people could help old people? In many parts of the world, people are living longer than they did in the past Can you suggest why that is happening? Would you say modern technology has improved the lives of old people, compared to the past? Do you think old people need to know how to use modern technology? In your country, how are the medical costs of old people paid? In your country, is there much media coverage of elderly people? In general, what is the attitude towards old people expressed in the media? Do you think there are benefits for some old people to delay retirement? Many old people talk about the "good old days" What you think they mean? * Do you think old people only remember the good things from their past? (Similar to above) Many old people feel their life was better when they were younger Why you think they feel that way? (Similar to above) Why you think (old) people tend to remember the good things from the past and tend to forget what was not so good? When old people talk about their past to their grandchildren, you think they always speak accurately? Television in General​ (in your country) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● How often you watch TV? Do you think you will be watching more TV in the future than you now, or less? Do you think people watch too much TV? * What kinds of TV programs are popular in your country? Have people's preferences in TV programs changed much in the past few decades? Can you suggest (or, explain) why people like to watch television? Can you suggest why some people choose not to watch TV? Can you think of anything about (watching) television that's not good? Do people generally watch TV alone, or with others? What effects you think television has on family relations? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● How important you think it is for a family to watch TV together? How does that benefit a family? Do you think a family watching television together leads to stronger family ties? Which is better for a family to watch together, TV on the internet, or TV on a traditional TV set?, What about watching a debate on TV? Do you think that always promotes harmony in a family? Do you think it's good for a family to watch TV while they are having a meal together? What people generally at home when they are not watching TV? What did people in families before the age of television? Do young people today spend more time watching TV, or using the internet? Please compare watching television on a device such as a smart-phone and watching it on a traditional TV set In the future, you think television will continue to exist as it is now, or will we see some changes? Television and Education ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Which you think is more ​fun​, watching TV or reading? (Most likely the question above is really this) Which you think is more ​interesting​, watching TV or reading? Which you think has more ​educational value​, watching TV or reading? Which you think has more educational value for children, using a computer, or watching TV? Do school children learn about (or, learn to use) computers in school? What relationship you think television and education have with each other? * Do you think school children should watch TV in the classroom (or, at school)? Do you think TV could be used as an educational tool? * Do teachers in your country ever use television in the classroom? Which you think is better as an educational tool in a classroom, a television, or a computer (+ projection screen)? In the future, what role you think multimedia (including television) will play in education? Do you think these multimedia will one day replace the books that are used for education today (i.e., textbooks)? Television and Children ● ● ● ● ● What types of TV programs children like to watch? In your opinion, children get more benefits than harm from watching TV, (or more harm than good)? Do you think it's good for school children to watch TV at home? What influence you think (watching) TV has on a child's education? Do you think children watch too much TV? Friendship in General ● ● ● ● ● How people in your country make friends these days? Do you think you can trust friends who you make on the internet? Do you think it's easy to become friends with someone? Can you suggest why some people find it hard to maintain (or, keep) friendships? Would you say some people have more ability to make friends than other people? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What kinds of personality people have who can make friends easily? Which you think is better, to have many friends or just one to two close friends? Which is more important (to you), friends or family? What you think are the differences between a friendship and a family relationship? Which you think is more important, (a friendship with) your neighbours or (with) your relatives? How people choose who to be friends with? Which you think is more important (or, better), a friend who is useful to you, or a friend who you simply enjoy being with? Would you prefer to make friends with someone who is similar to you, or someone who is quite different to you? What you think are the advantages of having a close friend (a good friend)? What are the advantages for students, or for working people, in having friends at their study places or at work? What would you say are the qualities (or characteristics) of a good friend? Do you think co-operation is important in a friendship? Do you think it's important for mothers of babies or young children to have friends? In what ways you think having an outgoing personality helps people in their studies, or at work? In general, how you think a person could get along with someone who they don't like, for example, in the workplace? Friendship and Gender ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you think friendships between males are generally the same as friendships between females? (Similar to above) would you say there is much difference between men’s friendships and that of women? Which group, males or females, tend to have longer-lasting friendships? Do males generally make friends with other males the same way that females make friends with other females? What you think are the differences between a male friend and a female friend? What you think are the differences between a non-romantic friendship with a member of the opposite sex, and a romantic relationship? Friendships Between Unequals ● ● ● ● Do you think it's necessary (or, important) for people to become friends with the people they work with? Do you think it's possible for an employee and his or her supervisor (or, manager or boss) at work to become friends? Do you think it's possible for a student and his or her teacher to become friends? Do you think such friendships could have both negative and positive results? Friendships Between Nations ● Do you think modern methods of communication are influencing international relations? ● ● ● How you think sporting and cultural relations between countries can promote friendship between these countries? What are the benefits for nations from holding or attending an event such as the Olympic Games? (Similar to above)​ ​What affects international events such as the Olympic Games have on people? Families in Your Country ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What you understand the word, "family" to mean? (Similar to above) What does the word, "family" mean? In your country, what family members typically live together in one home? Is it common for an extended family to live under one roof in your country? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? In your country, most people usually live in the same city as their family members? In your country, what is the traditional model of a family? In your country, what people most commonly live together as a family today? Do you think the number of children in a family should be limited, for example, limited to two children? In your country, who is usually the most important member of a family? Who is usually the head (the leader) of the family? Do you think this will stay the same in the future? Would you say that, in most families, there is gender equality between the mother and father (or, wife and husband)? Would you say the status of men in your country today is different to the way it was in the past? In a traditional family in your country, does every family member have an equal right to speak? (Similar to above) In a traditional family in your country, is the opinion of every family member given equal weight? Do you think this will change in the future? What you think are the advantages (and possible disadvantages) of having close family ties? Do you think the popular media has changed the way people think about family? In what way digital devices influence family relationships? Grandparents ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What role grandparents traditionally have in families? In your country, most children grow up with their grandparents living in the same house? (Similar to above) Do grandparents usually live with their grandchildren? Are grandparents today considered to be important family members in your country? What role grandparents play in family life in your country? Are grandparents (or, old people) today given the same respect (or, enjoy the same status) as they used to be given, or has it changed? What are the advantages (and possible disadvantages) of grandparents living with the family? Can (or, do) grandparents help with bringing up their grandchildren? Parents ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In your country, what are the roles of the mother and the father in a family? (Similar to above) In your country, what are the different responsibilities of the mother and the father in a family? Would you say that most parents in your country are good parents? What makes a good parent? (Similar to above) What personal qualities parents need to have? How can a person learn to become a good parent ? Do you think it's easier today to raise children than it was in the past? Would you say that parents in your country have different attitudes towards their sons, and towards their daughters? What you suggest parents should (or, could) in order to avoid having their child grow up to be selfish (or spoiled)? Sport and Exercise in Your Country What sports are most popular in your country? ● (Similar to above) What sport is most popular in your country? ● Do you think media plays an important role in the popularity of sports? ● (For Chinese candidates) Can you explain why table tennis (or, ping pong) is so popular in China? ● Is there any sports in your country that was the most popular years ago but isn't the most popular today? ● Do boys and girls like the same sports? ● Who plays these sports? ● Can you explain why some people like to play a sport? ● Would you say sport is important? ● Which you think is better , as a spectator, to attend an outdoor sports match or to attend a match held in an indoor stadium (or a gym)? ● Do you like to go to sports matches that have very large crowds of spectators? ● Which you think is better , to play a sport outdoors or to play a sport in an indoor stadium (or gym)? ● Which you think is more important, study or sport? ● What you think are the benefits of playing a sport? ● What you think are the differences (or advantages and disadvantages) of team sports as opposed to individual sports? ● What you think are the differences (or advantages and disadvantages) of competitive sports as opposed to non-competitive sports? ● What you think are the benefits of doing exercise? ● Do you think exercise is important for good health? ● What forms of exercise you think are best for losing weight? ● Do you much exercise? ● Which you think is better , to exercise outdoors or to exercise in a gym? ● Is it expensive to use a gym? ● Do you think elderly people also need to regular exercise? ● Do you think governments (local and ​/​ or national) should invest more in sports? ● Can you suggest why some people spend a lot of money on sport? ● Children and Sport ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Did you (or, play) any sports when you were a child? Did you enjoy it? Do you think children today enough exercise? (Similar to above) Do you think children should play more sport than they now? (Similar to above) Do you think school students today spend enough time on sport and exercise? Are there any significant benefits to playing sports? (Possibly) Do you think children need to play sport, or would it be good enough for them just to exercise? * Can you suggest how students could be encouraged to play more sport? Do you think children should be taught sports in schools? Do you think ​small​ children should play sport? Which you think is better for children, individual sports or team sports? Which sports are the best for children, indoor or outdoor ones? If you had children, what sport would you like your them to do? Do you think children should be encouraged to be competitive? Do you think that a child who is a member of a sports team that never wins can be negatively affected by that? ********************************************************** 694 ​A Photograph of You​ ​(Jan 2016) Describe a photo of yourself that you took You should say: when you took this photo how this photograph was taken where the photo was taken and explain how you feel (or felt) about this photo * Part Personal Photography ● ● Do you like to take photos? Do people in your country like taking photos? ● ● ● Are there any magazines that you think are not good for children to read? * Are there any magazines that some parents don't allow their children to read (or see)? * Do you think children are mature enough to make judgments about the contents of magazines? * Skills Today​ Or, ​"Practical" and "Academic" Skills In general, how people get (learn) new skills? ● What skills you think are most useful in everyday life today? ​FQ ● Do mean and women generally have (or need) the same skills? ● What skills you think are most useful in the workplace? ● What roles you think different skills play in people's lives? ● Do you think everyone is able to communicate well? ● Do you think a person's communication skills are mainly innate, or mainly learned? ​FQx2 ● Would you say it's a skill that one can learn? ● Do you think a person's skills are more innate, or more learned? ​FQ ● What are some examples of (everyday) skills that many people learn today but which were not common a few decades ago? ​FQ ● Do you think there are any skills that people used to have that are not very useful in the modern world? ● Do you think the elderly ​should​ learn some new skills? ● Do you think the government should provide help for elderly people to learn these skills? ● Which you think are more important, academic skills or practical skills? ​FQx2 ● What skills you think students need to have? ​FQ ​See ​Note ● How important would you say computer skills are today? ● How important would you say it is for students to learn how to learn? * ● Which you think are more important ​in the workplace​, academic skills or practical skills? ​FQ ● How important you think language skills are? (not necessarily foreign language skills) ● How are the skills that people learn today different to what they used to learn in the past? ● How important you think it is for people to learn to use new technologies? ● What (new) skills you imagine will be most important for people to learn in the future? Skills that Children ​(and young people)​ Need to Learn Possibly the wording, "young people" (people aged 13 to 25) is used for some of these questions ● What (essential) skills you think children need to learn? ​FQx2 ● (Similar to above) What (essential) ​practical​ skills (or, "life skills") you think children need to learn? ​FQx2 ● (Similar to above) Do you think it's necessary for children to learn skills such as cooking? ​FQx2 ● How could (or, how do) children learn these essential skills? ● What skills you think are most likely to help a child achieve success in later years? ● Do schools in your country place much importance on teaching practical skills, or they focus only on academic skills? ● What skills children learn in primary school? ● Are the skills that children learn at school today the same as the skills that children learned at school in the past? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do children need to learn the same skills that adults learn? What are the differences between the skills that females (or, girls) learn and those that males (or, boys) learn? Do you think boys and girls should both learn the same skills? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) Do you think schools should have classes that teach the same skills to both boys and girls? ​FQ Do you think junior high school students should have cooking classes at school? Do you think people should learn the skills they need for work while they at high school? Are there any differences between the skills that school children learn today, and those that they learned in the past? ​FQx2 Are there any differences between the skills that school children learn today ​at school​, and the skills that they learned in the past? ​FQx2 Which you think are more important, the skills that children learn at school or the skills they learn at home?​ FQ Do you think academic skills are more important for children to learn than social skills? Work Skills ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Which you think is more important in the workplace, one's educational qualifications or one's work skills? What skills are necessary to be a good employee? ​FQ (Similar to above) What work skills you think working people need to have? ​FQ What kinds of work skills are most valuable in your country at the moment? Do you think schools should give information to their students about useful work skills? (Not exactly the same as above) Do you think schools should teach their students useful work skills? Do you think men and women (or, males and females) should both learn the same work skills? FQ Do you think vocational high schools should be given more importance than what they have now? * Do you think there should be more vocational high schools in your country? What kinds of skills people need when they participate in group work? How important you think teamwork is in the workplace? Childhood Happiness ● ● How important would you say it is for people to have a happy childhood? * Do you think parents really understand what makes a child happy? Recalling Personal Memories ● ● ● ● ● ● Can you explain why people sometimes recall memories from their childhood? What sorts of memories people recall? Do you think these memories are always accurate? Can you suggest why some people forget things from their childhood? Can you still remember some of the toys that you happily played with in your childhood? What can help (or what helps) people keep happy childhood events in their memory? ​FQ ● ● ● ● Do people in your country usually keep things from their childhood? ​FQ Do you think recalling memories of one's past is (or can be) useful? Should (old) people be encouraged to recall their memories of the past? ​FQ How could they be encouraged to that? Preserving One's Culture and History ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you think it is important to preserve one's traditions and cultural (or, historical) heritage? ​FQ (Similar to above) How important you think it is for people to preserve their culture? ​FQ Do you think it's important for children to be taught the history (& culture) of their country (or, their people)? ​FQ Can you suggest why some people seem to reject old, traditional objects and their traditional culture? What traditional festivals you have in your country? How important you think it is for people to celebrate traditional events in their culture? Can you suggest why some people don't bother about celebrating these traditional events? Why you think many young people pay little attention to traditions? What can be done to help preserve one's culture ​/​ traditions? Who you think should be responsible keeping traditions alive? Do you think we should preserve our traditions without any changes? Enjoying Places with Water ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In general, why you think people like going to places that have water? ​FQ Do you think more people than before are moving to live in places that are near water? Do you think there is anything unique about the air at the beach? How people in your country pass the time when they have a holiday? Do people in your country like to go to the beach for recreation? ​FQ (Similar to above) Are holidays (vacations) to places with lots of water very popular in your country? ​FQ Can you explain why people enjoy spending leisure time at a place such as a beach or river? FQx2 Do you think spending time near water can help relieve the pressure of modern life? What activities (or can) people on (or, in) the water at these places? ​FQx2 Do children and adults generally the same things when they visit these places? Why children like to dig in the sand at a beach and build sand castles? What ​water sports​ they in these places? ​FQx2 Is boating a very popular activity in your country? Do you think government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports (or, recreational activities on the water)? Children Learning to Swim ● ● ● Can you explain why children enjoy playing in water? How children benefit from activities in or on the water? Do you think it's important that children know (or learn) how to swim? ​FQx2 ​ (See also the Jan-Apr 2015 Part questions) ● Do you think they should learn how to swim at school? ​FQx2 Water Usage / Water Conservation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In what ways people use water? (Similar to above) In what ways is water used in society? (Similar to above) Besides using water in the home, in what other ways is water used in society? Do you think the way people in your country use water today has changed, compared to the past? FQx2 Do you think people today are using more water, or less water than they used to? What measures should governments, and individual take in order to conserve water? ​FQ (Similar to above) Can you suggest any water saving measures? In your opinion, should the personal use of water be controlled (or, restricted)? What causes water shortages in some places? What are some ways that water is wasted (= not used or not used for good reasons) Do you think raising the price of water would encourage people not to waste it? What are the causes of water pollution? How can (or, how are) water resources protected? ​FQ Can you suggest how waste water should be treated? Personal Holidays (Vacations) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Besides traveling, what people in your country like to when they have a holiday (vacation) from work or study? Would you agree that different types of people choose different holiday activities? Which you think is better, to spend a holiday at home or to travel during the holiday? Do people generally spend holidays with their family, or with their friends? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) Do ​you​ generally spend holidays with your family, or with your friends? ​FQx2 (Similar to above)​ ​Do ​young​ people generally prefer to spend holidays with their family, or with their friends? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) What you think are the differences between spending a holiday with family and spending it with friends? ​FQx2 Would you like to spend a holiday with your boss? What are the differences between holidays (or, having a holiday) at different times of the year? FQ (Similar to above) What are the differences between having a holiday in winter and having a holiday in summer? What holiday is most popular in your country? What students during their Summer and Winter holidays? ​FQ​ What you think are the benefits of having a holiday (a vacation)? ​FQ Can you think of any advantages in having short holidays? ​FQx2 And can you think of any disadvantages in having long holidays?? ​FQx2 Which you think are better, several short holidays or just a few long holidays (vacations) during the year? ​FQx2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● (Similar to above) Which you prefer, several short holidays or just a few long holidays (vacations) during the year? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) Which people in your country prefer, several short holidays or just a few long holidays (vacations) during the year? ​FQx2 Do you think there are both advantages and disadvantages for students to have long holidays? What people usually during short holidays? Can you explain how people benefit from having a holiday from work or study? ​FQ Is it easy for working people in your country to take a holiday? ​FQ (Similar to above) Is it easy for working people in your country to take time off from work? ​FQ Do many people in your country receive paid leave from their employer? Do you think people ​should​ be paid when they take a holiday (= take leave)? * Travelling During a Vacation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do people in your country like to travel away from home when they have a holiday (vacation)? FQ Can you explain why some people like to travel away from home? Why some people not travel away from home when they have a holiday (vacation)? At what time of the year are people most likely to go traveling (for pleasure, not on business)? Which you think is better, to spend a holiday at home or to travel during the holiday? Is it easy for young people to travel in their holidays? Are there any differences between traveling at different times of the year? Do people tend to go to different places for a holiday in different seasons? ​FQ Why many people choose to travel to a warm place in winter? Do you think people will ever be taking holidays in outer space? How you think space travel might affect the environment here on earth? Working ● ● ● ● ● ● Can you explain why people go to work? Do you think people today are working more (hours per week) than people did in the past? (For candidates from non-Western countries) Would you say that people in your country work more than people in Western countries? Do you think an increase in people's leisure time might improve their working efficiency? In general., who you think spends more time working, men or women? * a question about "workaholics" Living in Cities and Towns ● ● ● ● ● ● What's the (regional) environment like around your home? Would you (or, you) prefer to live in an urban area, or a rural area? ​FQ (Similar to above) What are the differences between living in an urban area and living in a rural area? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an urban area, compared to in a rural area? ​FQx2 Where would you like to live? Why many people move from rural areas to urban areas? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● And why some people move from an urban area to live in a rural area? Which you think is a better place for elderly people to live, an urban area or a rural area? Why many people choose to live in the suburbs (or, on the outskirts of a city) rather than in the city centre? Why many people ​like to drive​ from their homes on the outskirts of a city to their work in the city? In the future, you think more people will be moving from rural areas to city areas, or will they be moving in the opposite direction? Do you think it's better to have living and working areas separated, or have them mixed together? What are some typical public places that exist in cities and towns in your country? Is there much difference between public places in cities and in rural environments, such as in villages? What you think are the differences between shopping in urban areas, compared to rural areas? What you think are the differences between recreational facilities in urban areas as opposed to rural areas? Do you think public facilities such as parks should be free (free of cost) for people to use? Why you think the government charges fees for entry to public swimming pools and other public places? In your country, you think there should be more open space for sports and other outdoor activities (than there is at the moment)? ​FQ Are there places in your country where the development of recreational activities is especially encouraged? Public Places, including Public Buildings ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In general, how you think people should behave in public places (and not behave)? Should there be rules for people's behaviour in public places? Would you say people generally prefer to go to a noisy public place, or to a quiet place? What measures should be taken when there is too much noise in a public place? Can you explain what the purpose of having public places (or, buildings) is? Do you think some public buildings are a waste of money? (Or, Do you think there are some cases of too much money being spent on a public building?) What you think would happen if a city or town had no public places? Leisure Time Activities ● ● What people in your country (like to) in their free time? Are there any particular places that people like to visit in their free time, such as on weekends? Weddings ● ● ● Do people in your country like attending weddings and other celebrations? Are there any differences between weddings in your country and in Western countries? Do people in your country prefer to have big wedding celebrations, or small ones? What sorts of wedding gifts people in your country give to the newly married couple? ​FQx2 Marriage ● ● ● ● ● ● What people in your country have to in order to become legally married? What is the (minimum) legal marriage age in your country? ​FQx2 Have those always been the legal ages for marriage in your country? Do you think that age is a suitable (minimum) age for marriage? What you think is the ideal age to get married? Do you think more women nowadays (compared to the past) are choosing to remain single? (Similar to above) In general, you think women today are choosing to wait longer before getting married than they did in the past? Diet ● ● ● ● ● In your country, what are the most common (or, popular) foods that people eat? ​FQx2 Do you think elderly people and young people have the same attitudes towards food? ​FQ (Similar to above) Do you think adults and children have the same attitudes towards food? ​FQx2 Do you think the food we see presented on TV influences what we eat? Do you think it's important for adults to teach (or set an example for) children concerning the food we eat? Eating New Foods ● ● ● ● In general, would you say people in your country are willing to try new foods? ​FQ Who you think is more willing to try a new food, children or adults? ​FQ What would you say are the differences between the food in your country and foreign food? What kinds of ​foreign​ food are most common (or, most popular) in your country? Eating Out ● ● Do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home or eat in restaurants? Is it expensive to eat in restaurants? Smartphone Apps ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you have any apps on your cellphone (or, smartphone)? (If yes, to the above question) What kinds of apps you have? Do you think there are any drawbacks from using apps? How much time you spend using these apps? Do you often look for new apps, or are you content to use the ones that you already have? Do you prefer free apps, or ones that you have to pay for? Would you say there is much difference between the app usage of young people, and that of old(er) people? Would you say the privacy of app users is protected? Do you think parents should control the amount of time their children spend on the internet? Keeping Things ● ● ● ● ● Do you like to keep things for a long time? In your country, are people concerned about spending money to buy new things? Do you think this is good? In general, which you think are better, old things or new things? What sorts of things people in your country like to keep for a long time? ​FQx2 ● ● ● ● What is the value (or, the importance, the significance) of keeping some things in a family for a long time? Most people keep old photographs Do you think photos can help people strengthen their family ties? What sorts of things people like to pass down from generation to generation? Do you think young people and older people keep the same sorts of things? ​FQ History ● Do you think it's important to recall the past (or, to not forget history)? Museums ● ● ● ● ● What you think is the purpose of keeping old things in museums? (Possible question) What you think is the value (or, importance) of keeping old things in museums? * Do you think there should be more museums? Do you think we will see more museums in the future and, if so, what forces will be driving this trend? How you think museums in the future will be different to those of today? Making Mistakes, in General ● ● ● ● Would you say that people generally learn from their mistakes? Do you think the mistakes that people make can help them become successful? What can someone to help avoid making mistakes? When someone makes a mistake, you think others should tell that person that he or she has made a mistake? Children Making Mistakes ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Would you say that children often make mistakes? What are some examples of mistakes that children make? ​FQ Should children be punished for their mistakes? How you think parents should treat their children when the children make a mistake? What sorts of mistakes school children make at school? Do you think teachers should treat the children harshly when they make these mistakes? What you think teachers should when their students make mistakes? Do you think using a calculator in mathematics class can help students make fewer mistakes? ​FQ Mistakes at Work ● ● ● What sorts of mistakes people make at work? How should the manager deal with these mistakes? Would you agree that some mistakes in the workplace are much more important than others? * Big and Small Companies ● ● ● ● Are there many big companies in your country? ​FQ What types of companies are they? What are some well-known big companies in your country? ​FQ What industries (or activities) big and small companies tend to concentrate on? * ● ● ● ● Which you think provides better services and products, big companies or small ones? How can (or, how does) a small company become a big company? What does a company have to pay attention to, in order to be successful? What are the advantages and the disadvantages of working in a big company, compared to working in a small one? ​FQ Big Companies as Part of Society ● ● Do you think big companies have a social responsibility to donate money to worthy causes in society, for example, donating money to charity? Do you think big companies are punished enough when they break the law? Foreign Investment in Your Country ● ● Is there much foreign investment in companies in your country? * What you think are the advantages and disadvantages of foreign investment in your country? * Sharing in Society ● ● ● ● ● ● Besides your example from Part 2, what are some other things that people commonly share? Do you prefer to share public transport with others, or you prefer to use private transport? (Similar to above) Do people in your country generally prefer to share public transport with others, or they prefer to use private transport? Do you think it's good to share a dorm room with others? (Similar to above) Do people in your country generally prefer to live alone, or they prefer to share accommodation with others (non-family members)? Would you ever share your food with someone? Children and Sharing Should parents teach their children to share? ● How can parents and teachers teach young children to share? ​FQ ● (Similar to above) How can parents and teachers teach young children not to be selfish? ​FQ Internet Privacy​ ​(Unconfirmed sub-topic) ● Have you ever shared personal information on the internet? ● What you know about data privacy? ● Do you think sharing information on the internet is a good idea? ● Why researchers share information online? ● Creative People ● ● ● ● ● Besides your example from Part 2, in what other ways are people creative? * What you think are the characteristics (or, the qualities) of creative people? * Why some people prefer to copy the ideas (or creations) of other people (rather than generate their own ideas or creations)? Do you think creative people are born that way or did they develop their creativity in childhood? * Do you think engaging in artistic activities can make a person more creative? Creativity in Childhood ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What's the most creative thing that you have ever done or made? Would you say you were more creative when you were a child than you are now? Can you suggest some ways in which creativity can be developed in a child? * What can schools in order to nurture (or, encourage) the development of creativity in children? Do you think it helps a child's creativity for him or her to engage in art, such as painting and drawing? Do you think it helps a child's creativity for him or her to engage in science, such as doing experiments with insects or plants? Do you think learning to play a musical instrument can help a child develop creativity? ​FQ Would you say that developing one's powers of analysis can increase one's creativity? Would you say ​using a compute​r can help a child's develop creativity? Would you say ​playing computer games ​can help a child's develop creativity, or not? University Courses ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What are the most popular university degree courses that students in your country choose to study?​ FQ Do you think some university courses are more useful than others? Do you think what people learn in university courses and what they actually after they graduate are the same? Do you think people choose these course more because they want to work in that area, or more because they are interested in learning about those subjects? Which you think is more important, the studies that a person does (e.g., at university), or their work experience? In your country, young people themselves choose what to study at university, or their parents usually make that choice? Can you suggest why some people choose to study to become a maths teacher instead of a physical education teacher? What university courses you think will be most useful in the future? High School Subjects (classes) ● ● ● ● ● ● What would you say are the most popular high school subjects (or, high school classes) in your country? Can you suggest why some students dislike studying (= learning) at school? Can you explain why schools have such theoretical subjects as history and mathematics? What school subjects you think are best (or, most beneficial) for school students? Do you think high schools should have more practical subjects than they now? Do you think schools should teach both science-based subjects as well as non-science subjects (the humanities)? Do you think schools should also teach forms of art? Spending Time with Others ● ● ● ● How you usually spend your free time? Do you prefer to spend time with your family, or with your friends? What you when you are with your friends? Can you explain why many young people dislike spending time with (or living with) old people? Communication ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What are the various ways that people communicate with others? * Who they usually communicate with? What are the benefits of communicating with others? Do you think people ​spend enough time communicating​ with others? (Possibly the question above is this) Do you think people today ​have enough time to communicate​ with others? Do you think people need to spend time on maintaining their friendships? Would you say that mobile phones help people ​to maintain their friendships​, or they tend to the opposite? ​FQ (Different question to above!) Would you say that mobile phones help people ​to communicate​, or they tend to the opposite? ​FQ Teamwork ● ● What you think are the benefits and the downsides of studying in a group? What you think are the benefits and the downsides of teamwork in the workplace? Mood / Anger ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Can you suggest why some people get angry more easily than other people? What factors influence people's moods? Do you think it's good to hide one's mood (or, feelings)? Do you think it's important to be calm? What would you suggest angry people in order to manage their anger? How you control your anger? What would you if you had made someone angry at you? Expressing Emotions ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Would you say that people in your country ? How people express their emotions? Do you think it is right to express anger? Do people in your country (or, you) think it is appropriate to express your emotions in a public place? Is there any difference between expressing emotions in public and in private, such as in the family home? (Different to above) Do people (in your country) express their emotions in the same way to both their family members, and to people who are not part of their family? Do you think that viewing foreigners, such as Americans, in films or TV programs has influenced the way people in your country think about expressing emotions? Do you think men and women express their feelings differently? Some people say that women are better at "reading the minds" of other people than men What you think? Good News ● What are some examples of good news that people receive? ● ● What are some examples of good news that people ​most like​ receiving? Besides what you just described (in Part 2), what other kinds of good news have you received in your life? News ● ● ● ● ● Who publishes the news in your country? How they publish it? What about advertisements? Which you think is better for presenting (good) news in the media, text or pictures? Do you think organizations should tell the public about what they (the organizations) are doing? Communication ● ● ● In general, how people share or communicate (good) news with others? Which you think is better for communicating (good) news, telling someone face-to-face or telling them on the telephone? How has modern technology affected the way people share information with others? Saving Money ● ● What ways people use to save money? Do you think it's easy for people to save money? Consumption ● What kinds of things people (like to) buy in your country? Children & Teenagers Managing Their Money ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you think it's important for children to save money? What can parents to teach their children to save money? What can parents to teach their children to spend their money wisely (= to manage their money)? How parents give pocket money to their children in your country? Do you think young people, such as teenagers, tend to waste money? Can you suggest why young people tend to waste money? Do you think it's important for teenagers to learn to manage money? Do schools in your country teach anything about managing money? Changes in Society ● ● Have there been many changes in your country over the past few decades? Do you think the pace of life has increased? Technological Change ● ● ● What technological changes have we seen in the past few years? What can smartphones be used for​? What impact you think technological change will have on people, (in the future)? Changes to Work ● In what ways you think the way people work has changed in the past several decades? In general, you think young people today work he same way that their parents did at the same age? ● If someone has not finished their work at the end of the workday, they usually take the work home with them? ● How has modern technology changed the ways people work? ​FQ ● Do you think there will be many more changes to the way people work in the future as a result of changes in technology? ● Since many people use computers in their work, can you explain why they can't this work at home? ​Robots ● How you think we should treat the topic of robots taking the place of workers, for example, in factories? ● Do you think the usage of robots in the future will be widespread? ● Traditional Festivals ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In addition to the festival that you just spoke about, what other traditional festivals you have in your country? ​FQ In addition to the tradition that you just spoke about, what other interesting customs or traditions you have in your country? F ​ Q What is the importance of (or, value of) traditional festivals? ​FQ Have there been any changes in recent years to the ways that traditional festivals are celebrated in your country? ​FQ Do people today in your country still have the same attitudes towards traditional festivals that they had in the past? (Similar to above) Do you think people's attitudes towards traditional festivals have changed? Are traditional festivals important to you? Traditions in General ● ● ● ● ● What are some examples of the most important traditions in your country (or culture)? Can you think of any traditions that have disappeared from your society? Do you think it's important to protect (or, to maintain) traditions? What could governments in order to protect (or maintain) traditions? Do you think it's important to teach traditions to children? Traditional Lifestyles ● ● ● ● Can you explain what the differences are between traditions, and new (or, modern) ideas? In your country, is the lifestyle today the same as the traditional lifestyle? ​FQx2 Which lifestyle you think is better (or which would you prefer to live), a traditional lifestyle or a modern lifestyle? ​FQx2 What caused people's attitudes towards traditional lifestyles to change? Learning Skills ● What are some differences between the skills that children learn and the skills that adults learn? ● ● ● ● What you think are some of the differences between an adult learning a new skill and a child learning a new skill? Who you think learns new skills faster, children or adults? Which age you think is better for learning a new skill, or 20 years old? Is there an age when it is difficult to learn a new skill? The Education of Children ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Who you think has (or should have) the responsibility for the education of a child, the parents or the teachers? Who you think is most suitable for teaching a new skill to a child, the child's parents, the child's teachers or the child's friends? Do you think it's important for someone teaching a child to show enthusiasm for (or interest in) what they are teaching? Do you think it's important to allow (or encourage) children to take the initiative in their own learning (to allow children to explore, to follow their curiosity or their interest)? What you think is the difference between a child learning a skill because he or she has to, rather than learning a skill because they are interested in learning it? Do you think language learning is important for children? Do many young people in your country live away from their parents? In your country, at what age most young people move out of their parents' home? What you think are the advantages and disadvantages of ​living separate from one's parents​? FQ What you think are the advantages and disadvantages of l​iving alone​? ​FQ What you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having a roommate​ / ​housemate? How you think parents can help teach (or, help) their kids to live independently? Do you think young adults should live alone? Would you prefer to live with someone your own age or someone older? What advantage are there from living with an older person? Which you think is better for children, to be brought up by their parents, or to be brought up by their grandparents? What you think young people need to learn in order to be good futures parents? Personality ● ● ● ● ● What kinds of personality are most common in society? What sort of personality should a school teacher have? Which you think is better, to marry someone with a similar personality, or someone with an opposite (or, complementary) personality? ​FQ Would you like to change any aspect of your own personality? Do you think someone's personality is determined by the personality of their parents? Getting Up Early ● ● ● Why some people get up early? Can you suggest why some people dislike getting up early? ​FQ Do you like to get up late on weekends? Punctuality ● ● ● ● ● Would you say punctuality is important? Can you suggest why some people think it's not so important? What are the benefits of knowing in advance if someone else is going to be late? What are the benefits of being early for an appointment? Are there any occasions when it is not suitable to be early? Deadlines ● ● Do you think deadlines serve a useful purpose? What are some examples of occasions when (not losing) time is very important? [...]... children eat influence them (their development)? Do you think the food is an important part of the culture of a country? Can you explain why people eating together is usually an important part of celebrating a special event? Do people (in your country) usually eat any special or different foods when they have a party or celebration? Do people in your country eat certain foods during traditional holidays?... "Climate Change" ● Do you think your government needs to do more about "climate change"? (See Note 6 on Page 133 ) The Weather and the Seasons in Your Country ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What's the weather usually like in your hometown? Is the weather generally the same in the north and the south (or, in different parts) of your country? ​FQ How do you think weather influences people's lifestyles? Do people generally... what career to have)? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) Many people think money is the most important reason for choosing a particular job (or career) What's your opinion? ​FQx2 Besides the need to get money, what other reasons are there for people choosing to do a particular job (or, choosing a particular career)? ​FQ What do you think are the differences between a good co-worker and a bad co-worker? In your... what career to have)? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) Many people think money is the most important reason for choosing a particular job (or career) What's your opinion? ​FQx2 Besides the need to get money, what other reasons are there for people choosing to do a particular job (or, choosing a particular career)? ​FQ What do you think are the differences between a good co-worker and a bad co-worker? In your... were 20 or 30 years ago, or fewer of these groups? Would you say people in local communities today are closer to each other than before, or not? FQx2 (Similar to above) Would you say local communities today are stronger than before, or not? ​FQ Would you say that the use of mobile phones tends to cause people to be estranged from each other? Can you suggest why some people want to be a part of a community,... eat together? (Similar to above) Are family meals important to you? What do you think are the benefits of having three generations of a family eating together? If your child was with you at the dinner party, do you think he/she would bother you? What do you think are the benefits of having different types of people eating together? Why do some people not always eat with their family? (Similar to above)... certain jobs? ​FQx2 (Similar to above) What are some types of work in which workers especially pay attention to (changes in) the weather? ​FQx2 Goals / Dreams ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● (Referring to your Part 2 answer) Do you think people in others countries also have that goal? Do you think it's important for people to have dreams​/​goals​?​ ​FQ (Similar to above) Do you think ​young​ people ​should have... problems are involved with having a pet? How should a person keep a pet? Do you think it's suitable to have a pet if you live in a big city? Do you think it's suitable to have a pet if you live in an apartment? Do you think cities are suitable places for having a large pet? Which would you prefer to have, an electronic pet or a real pet? Who People Eat With ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Do you eat with... under "International Languages" (or similar) for other likely questions in this sub-topic, e.g., "In the future, which language do you think will be the dominant language in the world?" ● In the English -speaking countries, most people never learn a foreign language Do you think that's a bad thing? ● Do you think promoting the study of foreign languages is important in international relations? ● What do... wearing a uniform at work? ​FQx2 Would you like to wear a uniform at work? Do you think wearing overalls at work is a good idea? * What kinds of workers wear overalls? * See ​Note 4 Clothes in Different Parts of the World / Traditional Clothes ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why do people in different countries sometimes wear distinctive types of clothing?​ FQx2 (Similar to above) Can you suggest why people in

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2016, 13:46

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