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Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 7: The Mass Media

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Unit 7 - THE MASS MEDIA Write the vowel sound tell, /eI /, or /aI/ for each of the words below. 1. rain /eI/ 11. die ________ 2. mind _______ 12. boy ________ 3. height _______ 13. afraid ________ 4. neighbour _______ 14. obey ________ 5. enjoy _______ 15. play ________ 6. buy _______ 16. kite ________ 7. stay _______ 17. weight ________ 8. decide _______ 18. spoil ________ 9. choice _______ 19. train ________ 8. destroy _______ 20. try ________ Read the conversation below. Choose the correct word to use in each blank 1. David: Are there any good ___________ on television tonight? , a. showings b. channels c. programs d. performances 2. Linda: Yes, there's a very interesting __________ about life in the Arctic. a. comedy b. documentary c. news d. entertainment 3. David: That's a ___________, isn't it? I think I saw it about a fortnight ago. a. repeat b. second c. copy d. return 4. Linda: That's right. It's part of a _____________ on livening strange place. a. set b. collection c. series d. group 5. David: Do you watch a lot of_____________ films? a. sightseeing b. journey c. tour d. travel 6. Linda: Not really. I prefer television a. acts b. dramas c. screens d. comments 7. David: What about_________ programs? a. playing b. gaming c. sports d. match 8. Linda: I like to see 'Match of the Day' on Saturday. That's my__________ a. favorite b. popular c. preferable d. likeable 9. David: Is Cliff Lion still the_________? a. reporter b. talker c. actor d. presenter 10. Linda: Yes, he is. He usually discusses the matches with two or three footballers in the_________ a. stage b. theater c. studio d. floor Choose the right alternative. 1. I washed / have washed my hands so that I can help you with the cooking. 2. She arrived/ has arrived at Kennedy Airport at 2 o'clock this morning. 3. The Pharaohs ruled/ has ruled Egypt for thousands of years. 4. I found/ have found the letter you looked/ were looking for. Here it is. 5. They grew/ have grown such a lot since we last saw/ has seen them. 6. We recently started/ have recently started to walk to work instead of taking the bus. 7. When I was younger I played/ had played badminton for my local team. 8. I have had am having the pains for three weeks now. 9. So far it was/ has been so cold that we staved/ have staved in the house all day 10. The last time I went/ have gone to Brighton is/ was in August. 11. Don't disturb Amy. She just went/ has just gone to sleep. 12. Bill phones/ is phoning his girlfriend again. That's the third time he phone has phoned her this evening. 13. Since the eruption started / has started, all the villages on the slopes of the volcano have evacuated/ have been evacuated. 14. The prices of houses increased/ has increased dramatically in recent years. 15. Jim decided/ has decided to continue the course, even though it is proved/ was proving very difficult. Here are some parts of a newspaper article. Study the underlined verbs. Correct them if necessary, or put a tick if it is right. CYCLE ROUTE SUCCESS IN BIRMINGHAM New. cycle routes (1) have b een built in and around the center of Birmingham and speed limits (2) have been reduced on selected roads The scheme (3) was now in operation for a year and (4) has been hailed as a great success. Since the new speed (5) were introduced. the number of accidents in the area (6) fell dramatically It (7) has taken only six months to draw up the plans and mark the routes. This (8) has been done in consultation with groups representing city cyclists Jane Wills. a keen cyclist who works in the city center, told us: 'When the new routes (9) have been introduced I (10) have sold my car and I (11) bought a bike. I (12) cycled to work ever since. It's the best thing the council (13) did for cyclists and pedestrian in the time I've been living in Birmingham.' The success of the scheme (14) has led to proposals for similar schemes in other cities. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 7: The Mass Media A Cách sử dụng because because of tiếng anh Because Because of gì? Cả “Because” “because of” từ dùng muốn nói nguyên nhân Các bạn hiểu ngắn gọn, từ có nghĩa “tại vì” Cấu trúc Because Because of tiếng anh Because + S + V Because of + pro (noun)/ noun phrase Cách dùng because because of tiếng anh  “Because” đứng trước câu hoàn chỉnh Ví dụ 1: I cannot go out because It’s rain (Tôi trời mưa) Ví dụ 2: I love you because you are intelligent (Tôi yêu em em thông minh) Các bạn thấy không? Sau “because” nguyên mệnh đề hoàn chỉnh “trời mưa”, “em thông minh”  “Because of” đứng trước danh từ hay cụm danh từ (Rút gọn cho mệnh đề) Ví dụ 3: I cannot go out because of rain (Tôi mưa) Sau “because of” danh từ “mưa” Tức “mưa” nên “tôi ngoài” Ví dụ 4: I love you because of your intelligence (Tôi yêu em thông minh em) Sau “because of” danh từ “sự thông minh em” Tức “cái thông minh” nên “tôi yêu em” Trong ví dụ 3, 4, sử dụng ý nghĩa ví dụ để bạn dễ so sánh Các bạn hiểu chưa? Bài tập có đáp án cách sử dụng because because of We stopped playing tennis …… the rain It was all …… her that we got into trouble We had to hurry indoors …… it was raining I am late …… the traffic We didn’t arrive until seven o’clock …… the traffic was terrible She found the exam easy …… she had worked hard during the course He can’t drive …… his illness VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí The restaurant closed down …… the recession He found working in Japan very difficult ……… the language problem 10 He’s very difficult to understand ……… his accent 11 They moved to Liverpool ……… her job 12 There have been a lot of problems in Britain …… mad cow disease 13 They came to London …… he got a job there 14 He crashed his car …… he was driving too fast 15 He lost his driving licence ……… he was convicted of drinking and driving 16 She could only eat a salad in the restaurant …… she is a vegetarian 17 The newspaper was prosecuted …… an article about the Government Đáp án: We stopped playing tennis because of the rain It was all because of her that we got into trouble We had to hurry indoors because it was raining I am late because of the traffic We didn’t arrive until seven o’clock because the traffic was terrible She found the exam easy because she had worked hard during the course He can’t drive because of his illness The restaurant closed down because of the recession He found working in Japan very difficult because of the language problem 10 He’s very difficult to understand because of his accent 11 They moved to Liverpool because of her job 12 There have been a lot of problems in Britain because of mad cow disease 13 They came to London because he got a job there VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 14 He crashed his car because he was driving too fast 15 He lost his driving licence because he was convicted of drinking and driving 16 She could only eat a salad in the restaurant because she is a vegetarian 17 The newspaper was prosecuted because of an article about the Government B Thì hoàn thành (Present perfect tense) I - CẤU TRÚC THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH Khẳng định: S + have/ has + VpII Trong đó: S (subject): chủ ngữ Have/ has: trợ động từ VpII: Động từ phân từ II CHÚ Ý: - S = I/ We/ You/ They + have - S = He/ She/ It + has Ví dụ: - I have graduated from my university since 2012 (Tôi tốt nghiệp đại học từ năm 2012.) - She has lived here for one year (Cô sống năm rồi.) Phủ định: S + haven’t / hasn’t + VpII Câu phủ định hoàn thành ta cần thêm “not” vào sau “have/ has” CHÚ Ý: - haven’t = have not - hasn’t = has not Ví dụ: VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - We haven’t met each other for a long time (Chúng không gặp thời gian dài rồi.) - He hasn’t come back his hometown since 1991 (Anh không quay trở lại quê hương từ năm 1991.) Câu hỏi: Have/ Has + S + VpII ? Trả lời: Yes, I/ we/ you/ they + have -Yes, he/ she/ it + has No, I/ we/ you/ they + haven't - No, he/ she/ it + hasn't Câu hỏi hoàn thành ta cần đảo trợ động từ “have/ has” lên trước chủ ngữ, động từ theo sau dạng phân từ II Ví dụ: - Have you ever travelled to America? (Bạn du lịch tới Mỹ chưa?) Yes, I have./ No, I haven't - Has she arrived London yet? (Cô tới Luân Đôn chưa?) Yes, she has./ No, she hasn't II - CÁCH SỬ DỤNG CỦA THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH Diễn tả hành động xảy khứ, kéo dài đến tiếp tục xảy tương lai Ví dụ: - I have worked for this company since 2010 (Tôi làm việc cho công ty từ năm 2010) Ta thấy việc “làm việc cho công ty này” năm 2010 thời gian khứ kéo dài đến (đến làm việc đây) tiếp tục tương lai - She has taught English for years (Cô dạy tiếng Anh năm rồi.) Ta thấy việc “dạy tiếng Anh” bắt đầu cách năm, tiếp tục đến tiếp tục tương lai VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Diễn tả hành động xảy khứ không xác định, muốn nhấn mạnh vào kết Ví dụ: - I have met her several times (Tôi gặp cô vài lần rồi.) Ta xác định việc ...UNIT 7:WORLD POPULATION ☺ VOCABULARY A.D. (Anno Domini)(n) sau công nguyên awareness (n) ý thức B.C. (Before Christ)(n) trước công nguyên billionaire (n) nhà tỉ phú birth-control method (n) phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ carry out (v) tiến hành claim (n,v) (sự) đòi hỏi cranky (a) hay gắt gỏng, quạu creature (n) sinh vật death rate (n) tỉ lệ tử vong developing country (n) nước đang phát triển exercise (v) sử dụng expert (n) chuyên gia explosion (n) sự bùng nổ family planning (n) kế hoạch hóa gia đình fresh water (n) nước ngọt generation (n) thế hệ glean (v) mót, nhặt (lúa) government (n) chính phủ growth (n) tăng trưởng implement (v) thực hiện improvement (n) sự cải thiện injury (n) chấn thương insurance (n) sự bảo hiểm iron (n) sắt journalism (n) báo chí lack (n) sự thiếu hụt limit (n) giới hạn limit (v) hạn chế limited (a) có giới hạn living condition (n)điều kện sống living standard (n) mức sống metal (n) kim loại organisation (n) tổ chức overpopulated (a) quá đông dân petroleum (n) dầu mỏ, dầu hỏa policy (n) chính sách population (n) dân số punishment (n) phạt quarrel (n,v) (sự) cãi nhau raise (v) nuôi rank (v) xếp hạng religion (n) tôn giáo resource (n) tài nguyên reward (n) thưởng ☺ GRAMMAR salt water (n) nước mặn silver (n) bạc solution (n) giải pháp step (v) bước, giậm lên the Third World (n) thế giới thứ ba (những nước nghèo hoặc đang phát triển ở châu Phi, châu Á, châu Mỹ la tinh) United Nations (n) Liên hiệp quốc 1.Conditional types 1, 2 and 3: (Câu điều kiện loại 1, 2 và 3) 1.1Loại một: Diễn tả điều kiện CÓ THỂ XẢY RA ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Ex: If it rains heavily, I will stay at home. (Nếu trời mưa lớn thì tôi sẽ ở nhà.) 1.2Loại hai: Diễn tả điều kiện KHÔNG THỂ XẢY RA ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Ex1: If I had enough money, I would buy a new bicycle. (Nếu tôi có đủ tiền thì tôi sẽ mua một chiếc xe đạp mới) (Hiện tại tôi không có đủ tiền.) Ex2: If I were a bird, I would fly everywhere. (Nếu tôi là chim, tôi sẽ bay khắp nơi.) (Tôi không thể là chim.) 1.3Loại ba: Diễn tả điều kiện KHÔNG THỂ XẢY RA ở quá khứ. Ex: If John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed his exam. (Nếu John học chăm chỉ hơn, anh ta đã không thi rớt.) (Sự thật là John đã không chăm chỉ và đã thi rớt.) Tóm tắt công thức: Loại 1 2 3 IF CLAUSE V1(s/es) V2/ed/WER E had +V3/ed MAIN CLAUSE will/can/may… + V would/could/should… + V would/could/should…+ have + V3/ed 2.Conditional in reported speech: (Câu điều kiện trong lời nói gián tiếp) 2.1Câu điều kiện loại 1 chuyển sang loại 2: Ex: He said, “If it rains heavily, I will stay at home.” > He said (that) if it rained heavily, he would stay at home. 2.2Câu điều kiện loại 2 và 3: không đổi động từ Ex1: She said, “If I had enough money, I would buy a new bicycle.” > She said (that) if she had enough money, she would buy a new bicycle. Ex2: The teacher said, “If John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed his exam.” > The teacher said (that) if John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed his exam. * LƯU Ý: Khi chuyển một câu hỏi từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp, các em cần chú ý (1) vị trí của chủ từ và động từ và (2) không còn dấu chấm hỏi. Ex: She asked me, “What would he do if he were a king?” > She asked me what he would do if he were a king. UNIT 8:CELEBRATIONS ☺ VOCABULARY agrarian (a) (thuộc) nghề nông apricot blossom (n) hoa mai cauliflower (n) súp lơ, bông cải comment (n) lời nhận xét crop (n) mùa vụ depend (on) (v) tùy vào do a clean up (exp) dọn dẹp sạch sẽ evil spirit (n) quỷ ma fatty pork (n) mỡ (heo) French fries (n) khoai tây chiên good spirit (n) thần thánh kimono (n) áo kimônô (Nhật) kumquat tree (n) cây quất vàng longevity (n) trường thọ lucky money (n) tiền lì xì lunar calendar (n) âm lịch mask (n) mặt nạ Mid-Autumn Festival (n) tết trung thu National Independence Day (n) ngày Quốc khánh overthrow (v) lật đổ VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 3: People's Background VOCABULARY A READING - ambitious (adj): có tham vọng; đầy tham vọng - atomic (adj): (thuộc) nguyên tử atomic weight (n): trọng lượng nguyên tử - award (v): trao giải thưởng - brilliant (adj): thông minh; sáng - degree (n): văn (do trường ĐH cấp) - determine (v): xác định - ease (v): xoa dịu - founding (n): thành lập - from now /then/ that day on: từ trở đi; từ trở - general (adj): chung; không chuyên sâu general education (n): giáo dục phổ thông - harbour (v): ấp ủ; nuôi dưỡng Ex: She harboured her hope of being a teacher - hard-working (adj): chăm chỉ; cần cù - humane (adj): nhân văn; nhân đạo - humanitarian (adj): nhân đạo - human suffering (n): nỗi đau nhân loại - intelligent (adj): thông minh - live on: sống; tiếp tục tồn VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - mature (adj): trưởng thành; chắn - in spite of = despite (prep): - institute (n): học viện - interrupt (v): gián đoạn - joy (n): niềm vui - obtain (v): đạt - position (n): vị trí - PhD: tiến sĩ - private (adj): riêng tư; cá nhân - professor (n): giáo sư - radium (n) (U): Rađi, nguyên tố kim loại phóng xạ - receive (v): nhận - realize (v): thực hiện/đạt mong muốn realize a goal/dream/ambition: thực hiện/ đạt mục đích/ ước mơ/ tham vọng - research (v): nghiên cứu - scientific (adj): (thuộc) khoa học; có tính khoa học - scientist (n) (C): nhà khoa học - specializations (n) [C/U]: chuyên ngành; chuyên môn - suffering (n) [C/U]: đau đớn; nỗi khổ đau Ex: There is too much suffering in the world (Có nhiều đau khổ cõi đời này) - take up: đảm nhiệm; gánh vác - tutor (n) (C): gia sư - with flying colours: cách vẻ vang; cách xuất sắc VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - strong-willed (adj): có ý chí - tragic (adj): bi thảm; thảm thương B SPEAKING - appearance (n): vẻ bề - background (n) [C/U]: lai lịch - experience (n): kinh nghiệm - interview (v): vấn - journalist (n): phóng viên - primary school (n): trường tiểu học - secondary school (n): trường THCS C LISTENING - champion (n) (C): nhà vô địch - join (v): gia nhập - Olympic (adj): (thuộc) vận hội Olympic - sports teacher (n): giáo viên thể dục D WRITING - attend (v): tham dự - interest (n): sở thích - pass (v): (thi) đậu - tourist guide (n): hướng dẫn viên du lịch - telephonist (n): nhân viên điện thoại - travel agency (n): văn phòng du lịch - work as (v): làm việc E LANGUAGE FOCUS VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - angry (adj): giận - bench (n): ghế dài - carpet (n): thảm - drop (v): làm rớt - dry (adj): khô - expensive (adj): mắc # cheap (adj): rẻ - handbag (n): túi xách; ví xách tay - manage (v): xoay sở - mat (n): chiếu - mess (n): lộn xộn - pan (n): chảo - parrot (n): vẹt - sand (n): cát - shelf (n): giá; kệ - thief (n): tên trộm - torch (n): đèn pin - turn off (v): tắt # turn on (v): mở - vase (n): lọ; chậu - voice (n): giọng nói Grammar Notes (Chu điếm ngữ pháp) The past perfect (Thì khứ hoàn thành) Form: (Dạng) Affirmative VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí S + had + past participle Cấu tạo Past Participle (quá khứ phân từ) a Đối với động từ qui tẳc: V + ed b Đối với động từ bất qui tắc khứ phân từ nằm cột Ex: to see / saw / seen ; to come / came / come Negative S + hadn't + past participle Questions (Wh-word) + had + subject + past participle ? Usage (Cách dùng): Thì khứ hoàn thành: Diễn tả hành động hay việc xảy trước thời điểm cụ thể khử hay trước hành động khác khứ Hành động sau diễn tà khứ đơn Ex: By June 2000 I had graduated from university They had finished their work before they went swimming Thường dùng với liên từ thời gian after, when, as soon as Ex: When I had done my homework, I watched TV She didn't feel the same after her pet dog had died Tuy nhiên mối Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA A. READING BÀI GIẢNG ĐIỆN TỬ MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 10 Written test During 45 minutes Full name:………………………………….Class 10A…… …….Mark………. I-Pronunciation:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 1.a.mathematic b.tragic c.married d.ask 2.a.head b.ready c.peasants d.realize 3.a.thirsty b.shirt c.dirty d.listen 4.a.health b.speak c.each d.seat II-Reading:read the passage and answer the questions. Galileo was one of the first modern scienists.He was born in Pi Sa,Itali,in 1564.He studied phylosophy,mathematics and astronomy.He was very interested in the way the earth and other planets move around the sun.He was famous for his study of how things fall.Before,people used to think that heavy things always fell faster than light things.He did experiments about this problem and discovered that both heavy things and light things fell at the same speed.Many religious people did not agree with him because his scientific ideas were different from theirs.He even went to prison for a while;but no one could stop him from thinking.He continued to look for scientific answers. 1-Who was Galileo ? ………………………………………………………………… 2-What did he specially show his concern about ? ………………………………………………………………… 3-What did people use to think about falling things ? ………………………………………………………………… 4- Why didn’t many religious people agree with him ? ………………………………………………………………… III-Gramma: Give the correct form tenses of the verbs. 1-Nam often( not do )his homework. 2-He usually (watch ) TV in the morning.But today he (work )in the garden 3-I (invite ) to Hoa’s birthday party last night. 4-We already ( do ) five exercises when he came. 5-You (prepare) your lessons yesterday ? Key 1………….2……………………3… …… …………. 4……………… 5………… IV-Writing:Use the cues to complete the sentences 1-you/like/the library/read books ……………………………………………………………………………… 2-He/want/buy/new pair/shoes/wear/holiday. ……………………………………………………………………………… -Make question for each of the following answer. 1……………………………………………………………………?……. Last night we were at home ……………………………………………………………………?………. 2-Her uncle is a pilot 1 Written test During 45 minutes Full name:………………………………….Class 10A………….Mark………. I-Pronunciation:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 1.a.mother b.love c.office d.one 2.a.family b.start c.ask d.father 3.a.heavy b.headach c.weather d.each 4.a.travelling b.later c.language d.traffic II-Reading:read the passage and answer the questions. Galileo was one of the first modern scienists.He was born in Pi Sa,Itali,in 1564.He studied phylosophy,mathematics and astronomy.He was very interested in the way the earth and other planets move around the sun.He was famous for his study of how things fall.Before,people used to think that heavy things always fell faster than light things.He did experiments about this problem and discovered that both heavy things and light things fell at the same speed.Many religious people did not agree with him because his scientific ideas were different from theirs.He even went to prison for a while;but no one could stop him from thinking.He continued to look for scientific answers. 1-Who was Galileo ? ………………………………………………………………… 2-What did he specially show his concern about ? ………………………………………………………………… 3-What did people use to think about falling things ? ………………………………………………………………… 4-Why didn’t many religious people agree with him ? ………………………………………………………………… III-Gramma: Give the correct form tenses of the verbs 1-He ( not go )to the club yesterday. 2-When ( come )home yesterday,everybody already (go ) out. 3-She usually (watch )TV in the morning.But today she (read ) book in the room. 4-Son often (not do ) his homework. Key 1…………………2……………………… 3………………………….4…………………. IV-Writing:Use the cues to complete the sentences 1-I/like/learn English/best/because/It

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    Cấu trúc Because và Because of trong tiếng anh

    Cách dùng của because và because of trong tiếng an

    Bài tập có đáp án cách sử dụng because và because


