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Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 ðỀ THI SỐ 08 Giáo viên: ðẶNG VĂN MẠNH I Find the word with the different stress in each sentence A document B fountain C maintain A memorial B memorable C memoir A delicious B dynamic C emphatic A dismal B presented C contents A occasional B industrial C automatic D access D memorize D electrician D decent D exaggerate II Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence Bill just doesn’t fit in here; he’s like…………… A a bird in the hand B a fish out of water C a fly in the ointment D water on the duck’s back Mr Smith - “Can I try on these pants, please?” Salesgirl – “ -“ A That’s right, sir B Why don’t you try C Why not D By all means, sir It is vital………….the importance of foreign language in the integration time A that everyone must know B that everyone know C that everyone knows C that everyone knew ………… he might, he couldn’t lift the case A However strong B As try C Try as D No matter 10 She confessed ……… all the cookies A to eating B to eat C eating D eat 11 I be there at p.m for the meeting, but my car won’t start Could you please give me a lift in your car? A will B may C supposed to D have got to 12 The chair may be the oldest type of furniture, its importance has varied from time to time and from country to country A but when B until then C in spite of D although 13 Up………… , and the people cheered A went the balloon B did the balloon go C does the balloon go D goes the balloon 14 Ancient nations have used on their emblems and flags thousands of years A the same symbols as B the same symbols C symbols the same as D symbols as the same 15 Patrick plenary, born in 1736, by his father, who had advanced training in mechanics A had taught B has been taught C taught D was taught 16 A meteor burns brightly through the earth's atmosphere A whether it descends B as descending C as it descends D when descends 17 Automatic fire alarm smoke detector, are installed in almost all public buildings A such as the ubiquitous B so ubiquitous Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 C such is the ubiquitous D so as the ubiquitous 18 Last Sunday, Maria had nothing to but all day long A listen to the radio B listened to the radio C listens to the radio D Listened radio 19 I won’t pay $60 for the coat; it’s not worth……… A that much all B that all much C all that much D much all that 20 The witness's account was not .with the facts A matched B reliable C consistent D confirmed 21 As a prime minister, his views are reacted with respect when he is interviewed A prior B previous C late D former 22 The party starts at o'clock so I'll at 7.45 A look for you B pick you up C pick up you D fetch you 23 He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth A come off B came between C went out D came out 24 …………….lost in the market, the staff of the shop will help him A Were the little boy to get B The little boy get C The little boy should make D Should the little boy get 25 ………….on kissing goodbye everyone, We would have caught the plane A Were it not for her insistence B Hadn’t it been for her insistence C Had it not been for her insistence D Weren’t it for her insistence 26 It is a……………………… A black, small, shiny leather handbag B small, black, shiny leather handbag C small , shiny, black leather handbag D shiny, small, black leather handbag 27 Would you mind if he…………here for a moment? A sit B sits C sat D sitting 28 Bill: “Wow! What a nice coat you are wearing!” Ketherine: “ “ A Certainly Do you like it, too? B I like you to say that C Yes, of course It’s expensive D Thanks My mother bought it for me 29 I know you didn’t want to upset me but I would sooner you………me the whole truth yesterday A tell B told C have told D had told 30 “The inflation rate in Greece is five times………….Europe,” they said A as high as that in B as much as C as many as that in D more than III From the four underlined words or phrases (A, B, C, or D), identify the one that is not correct 31 Chilren enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night A B C D 32 At the rate the clerks were processing the applications, Harry figured that it will take four hours A B for his to be reviewed C D 33 Danny spent such enjoyable vacation in Europe this summer that he plans to return as soon as he A B C saves enough money D Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 34 Paul did so well in his speech today that he should have rehearsed it many times this past week A B C D 35 Spanish professor would like us spending more time in the laboratory practising our pronunciation A B C D IV Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you not (36)… understand Sometimes you (37)… .the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (38) of accuracy you require and the time (39) your disposal If you are the sort of person who tends to (40)…… to the dictionary frequently, it is (41) remembering that every dictionary has its limitations Each definition is only an (42) and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (43) of contexts It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that (44) from English into your native language and vice versa If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (45) an English-English dictionary In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary (46) .you are allowed to use one, it is very time-consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited You are, therefore, forced to guess the meaning of (47) words When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic However, if you develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will (48) a number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first thought likely Two strategies which may help you to guess the meaning of a word are: Using contextual clues, both (49) the sentence and outside, and making use of clues (50) from the formation of the word 36 A fully B totally C completely D wholly 37 A inspect B examine C control D check 38 A range B degree C level D extent 39 A by B on C at D for 40 A turn B switch C get D aim 41 A valuable B vital C essential D worth 42 A speculation B.approximation C estimate D guesswork 43 A multiple B.variation C diversity D variety 44 A interpret B transfer C translate D transform 45 A survey B consult C refer D inquire 46 A Even if B In case C Provided D Although 47 A unacquainted B alien C queer D unfamiliar 48 A surpass B get over C overcome D overtake 49 A within B between C inside D among 50 A coming B derived C originated D extracted V Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that you think fits best: A pilot cannot fly a plane by sight alone In many conditions, such as flying at night and landing in dense fog, a pilot must use radar, an alternative way of navigating Because human eyes are not very good Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 at determining speeds of approaching objects, radar can show a pilot how fast nearby planes are moving The basic principle of radar is exemplified by what happens when one shouts in a cave The echo of the sounds against the walls helps a person determine the size of the cave With radar, however, the waves are radio waves instead of sound waves Radio waves travel at the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in one second A radar set sends out a short burst of radio waves Then it receives the echoes produced when the waves bounce off objects By determining the time it takes for the echoes to return to the radar set, a trained technician can determine the distance between the radar set and other objects The word "radar", in fact, gets its name from the term "radio detection and ranging" "Ranging" is the term of detection of the distance between an object and the radar set Besides being of critical importance to pilots, radar is essential for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms 51 What is the main topic of this passage? A The nature of radar B Types of ranging C Alternatives to radar D History of radar 52.The word "shouts' in line is most similar in meaning to which of the following? A eavesdrops B yells C confesses D whispers 53 Which of the following words best describes the tone of this passage? A Argumentative B Imaginative C Explanatory D Humorous 54.The phrase "a short burst" in line is closest in meaning in which o the following? A An attachment B A discharge C A stream D A ray 55.The word "it" in line refers to which of the following? A A radar set B A short burst C A radio wave D light 56.Which of the following could best replace the word "bounce" in line ? A overturn B groove C extend D rebound 57 Which type of waves does radar use? A sound B heat C radio D ocean 58 The word "tracking" in line 13 is closest in meaning to which of the following? A repairing B searching for C glancing at D fighting 59 Which of the following would most likely be the topic of the next paragraph? A Other uses of radar B Uses of sonar technology C Other technology used by pilots D history of flying 60 What might be inferred about radar? A It takes the place of a radio B It gave birth to the invention of the airplane C.It developed from a study of sound waves D It has improved navigational safety VI Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one 61 They installed a new pump to supply water for the town A To supply water for the town was installed a new pump B To supply water a new pump was installed to the town C A new pump was installed to supply water for the town D A new pump to supply water for the town was installed 62 In England, as in Turkey, many surnames are derived from the skills and professions of ancestors A Most sons in England, as in Turkey, are named after their father’s profession B Surnames in England can often be traced back to the skills and professions of ancestors, as is also the case in Turkey Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 C Surnames in most countries, including England and Turkey, are based on the names of former skills and professions D Many skills or professions in both England and Turkey are named after the surnames of the ancestors who carried them out 63 “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean,” said her mother A Jean’s mother complimented her on the lovely new dress B Jean’s mother said she liked her dress C Jean’s mother wanted to buy a lovely new dress D Jean’s mother told her to buy that lovely new dress 64 May I suggest Monday for our trip to Dalat? A We must go to Dalat on Monday B We would be allowed to go to Dalat on Monday C Monday is the only day we can manage for the trip D Monday would be a good day for us to go to Dalat 65 Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture A Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held so late B Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture C The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend D Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement VII Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that you think fits best: Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge For many thousands of years it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants (L5) and their properties must be extremely ancient This is logical Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not (L10) even recognized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered that (L15) certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild - and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away 66 Which of the following assumptions about early humans is expressed in the passage? A They probably had extensive knowledge of plants Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 B They divided knowledge into well-defined fields C They did not enjoy the study of botany D They placed great importance on ownership of property 67 The word “peculiar” in line is closest in meaning to…… A clear B large C unusual D important 68 What does the comment “This is logical” in line mean? A There is no clear way to determine the extent of our ancestors’ knowledge of plants B It is not surprising that early humans had a detailed knowledge of plants C It is reasonable to assume that our ancestors behaved very much like people in preindustrial societies D Human knowledge of plants is well organized and very detailed 69 The phrase “properties of each” in line 10 refers to each……… A tribe B hundred C plant D purpose 70 According to the passage, why has general knowledge of botany declined? A People no longer value plants as a useful resource B Botany is not recognized as a special branch of science C Research is unable to keep up with the increasing number of plants D Direct contact with a variety of plants has decreased 71 In line 15, what is the author’s purpose in mentioning “a rose, an apple, or an orchid”? A To make the passage more poetic B To cite examples of plants that are attractive C To give botanical examples that most readers will recognize D To illustrate the diversity of botanical life 72 According to the passage, what was the first great step toward the practice of agriculture? A The invention of agricultural implements and machinery B The development of a system of names for plants C The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted D The changing diets of early humans 73 The word “controlled” in line 18 is closest in meaning to……… A abundant B managed C required D advanced 74 The relationship between botany and agriculture is similar to the relations between zoology (the study of animal) and……… A deer hunting B bird watching C sheep raising D horseback riding 75 Where in the passage does the author describe the benefits people derive from plants? A Line B Lines 5-7 C Lines 09-11 D Lines 12-15 VIII Mark the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is the best way to have a complete sentence with the words given 76 police’s warnings / people/ refuse/ helmets/ A Because of the police’s warnings, many people refuse wearing helmets B Thanks to the police’s warnings, many people still refuse of wearing helmets C Despite the police’s warnings, many people still refuse to wear helmets Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện giải ñề thi môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề thi số 08 D Even though the police’s warnings, many people refuse not to wear helmets 77 return/ home/ find/ house/ break/ A When returning home, he found his house to be broken into B As he returned home, and he found his house broken into C No sooner had he returned home when he found someone broke into his house D On returning home, he found his house had been broken in 78 what / dislike / clean / party A What does she dislike about cleaning up after the party B What she dislikes the most having to clean up after the party C What she dislikes the most is cleaning up after the party D What makes she dislike is to clean up after a party 79 too/ experienced /coach / mind / critics / say A He’s too experienced a coach to mind what the critics say B He’s too experienced coach to mind what the critics say C He’s so experienced a coach that minding what the critics say D He’s such an experienced coach that he minds the critics say 80 annoy / unwillingness / / share/ work A She was annoyed for his unwillingness in doing his share of work B She was annoyed by his unwillingness to his share of work C What made her annoy was his unwillingness about doing his share of work D What annoyed her was his unwillingness of doing his share in work The end Giáo viên : ðặng Văn Mạnh Nguồn Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 : Hocmai.vn - Trang | -

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2016, 09:02